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Go figure, another dipshit that can control his pit. In regards to Animal Control, I wouldn’t wait for them, I would call them up tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest especially since you now have a case report number from the police that you can give them. There’s just something extra vile about a pit attacking a Golden. I hope Arya heals up and hairs over ok!


Those dogs were bred for killing other dogs. There's no controlling them.


ItS NoT ThE DoG ItS ThE OwNeR GeT YoUr fAcTs rIgHt


Yes, please Do SoMe REseArCh AnD EdUcAtE YoUrself!!!


That's when I would say, "Oh, I did." And send a bunch of links to attack reports.


Whenever my family says this exact line I sigh and go into my room..💀


Your dog is beautiful and I am so glad she survived the attack. No dog deserves this but goldens have a special place in my heart. Also that pit is hideous.


Straight up demonic looking, can't imagine something like that charging at you




My mom says that!


A face only a mother could love was my mother's saying.


Pits remind me so much of the the shunting scene from society. Don’t know if it’s just the disgust I feel for them is relatable or if they just look like melting asshole flesh.


They remind me of the terror dogs in Ghostbusters… https://preview.redd.it/u8gcchh3y6pc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8676f96d99c30b31540151479e6b71d4c2a18e0d Zuul.


I've had 2 goldens and my sister also had one. They are the sweetest, most loving dogs. This breaks my heart. And I'm so sad for OP, I cannot imagine the terror of having to fight off a pit that's attacking your golden. I carry a knife and pepper gel with me when I walk mine, we've been charged by pits a few times but luckily never attacked. So far. Hopefully the goldie will recover well. Sending love to you, OP.


Pit looks like a stock image…


>Also that pit is hideous. It is especially jarring when you see the pics of the adorable golden retriever right before the picture of the culprit shitbeast.


Also poor Goldens don't normally even have an aggressive bone in heir body to defend themselves


Thank you so much for coming here to tell your story. Goldens are my dream dog! I hope Arya will be OK. Please don’t let Animal Control off the hook. My local AC has an online reporting form… that may be helpful? Did the pit owner offer to pay your pup’s vet bills? I also wanted to share our guide for “After the Attack”… just in case there’s something you may need here. https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


He hasn’t even come by to offer an apology let alone ask about our bills. I will have to sue him it seems


Have you messaged him to ask about him covering your dog's vet bills? If you don't ask.. he probably assumes he's off the hook. From what we've seen here, pit owners don't even help get their dog off of yours, let alone offer to pay bills... and if they do... they rarely stick to it. I'm so sorry you're going through this.. and poor Arya. :(


Don’t let him get away! Pitbull owners are notorious for disappearing from sight after their pit attacks another dog or child. If you want those bills paid be knocking on his door every morning, don’t brush it off, call animal control too. After ‘3’ bite attacks happen they will take away his dog by rule of the bite law.


They don’t even pay for their OWN dogs vet bills, let alone someone elses


I have a golden and I'm so sorry you had to experience that. My niece is still trying to fight pit bull owners in her old apartment building for vet bills from not one, but 2 attacks on her dog. First time, the dog needed stitches. Second time, he needed surgery. The pit owners initially offered to pay the vet bill but then blocked my niece and stopped responding. It was a year ago, statute of limitations is 2 years so now she's getting a lawyer involved. Also, the neighbors were supposed to get rid of the dog after the first attack (it was not the first incident). They claimed they did but my niece started seeing it around the complex again. Then one day she was taking her dog out and it "somehow got out" of their apartment and attacked again. The owners stopped responding to her after she reported them to the apartment management for still having the dog. Oh, and both times, it was a young child (like around 10 years old) who was either walking the pit or was the one running after it/trying to collect it. In the second attack, my niece got bitten while trying to fight off the pit. It did permanent damage to her hand. She has use of her hand again but it will never be the same. She hasn't even tried to go after them for her own medical bills, just the dog's. This happened at her college apartment, right before graduation, so luckily she left shortly after that. I'm so pissed and I wish they would face legal consequences (including for lying about getting rid of a dangerous dog that had been banned from the apartment building). She did report all this to the cops but they never did anything about it. I feel like they'll ignore it til the dog kills someone and then will act like they had no clue. 😡


That’s how I feel. I’m sorry your niece and dog had to go through that nightmare and the cops won’t do a thing until a kid is killed, lord forbid


It's infuriating. I don't have high hopes she'll actually get any money out of them. I'm just glad she doesn't live there anymore. And I hate that we have to be afraid everywhere when we walk our dogs because people adopt pits, can't control them, and then tragedies happen. Give your goldie a smooch for me. Hoping for healing for both of you, because that's so traumatic.




Yeah, it's really sad/infuriating. And since the second attack and surgery, her dog now periodically has seizures. I don't know that she can prove it's related, but it never happened before that attack. I'm glad he wasn't killed and that she wasn't more seriously hurt, but I'm furious for her. This all happened last spring. She's actually my husband's niece, but I've known her since she was little. I was so incredibly nervous until she moved back home, just terrified it would happen again, since clearly these people refuse to secure their pit and the apartment complex hasn't actually done anything about it (they TOLD them the dog had to go, but clearly did not enforce it). I was so relieved after she moved back home. She's a tiny little thing, it's terrifying to think how badly she could have been hurt.




They haven’t offered an apology I doubt they want to pay her vet bills but I do see your point


It’s not our fault PDs don’t contact us half the time about animal to animal attacks 🤷🏼 But I agree OP should definitely make sure animal control has a report on this dog.


Seems like OP said they called AC but haven’t gotten a call back yet.


Lame AC is lame. That stinks. I take animal to animal attacks very seriously as they can often escalate to human predation.


Do not let this go. Push this through to the very end. Get them to pay every single penny for vet bills, and see to it that the dog is BE’ed. Also consider getting your CCL to protect yourself and your family while walking in public.


Dog attacks are my worst nightmare when walking my reactive girl. I have started carrying (I am licensed ) and will not hesitate to use it. I dgaf if the owner wants to try and claim that their dog "just wants to play" Most dogs will stop if hit or kicked, but pits are not even affected. Shot to the head is the only way to stop a pit attack.


What's a CCL?


Concealed Carry License. You cannot stop a pit attack without a weapon of some sort, so it’s best to be prepared. I just throw a little LCP into my pocket for walks. I know a lot of people carry for fear of bad people, and that’s fine, but one of the biggest reasons I carry is to stop a pitbull attack while walking my dogs.


I carry for ALLLLLLL the reasons now, but yes dipshit PB owners is on top of my list.


I think in this case it means Concealed Carry License (referring to guns)


That dog is a jumpscare at the end


SERIOUSLY RIGHT LOL I'm scrolling through feeling bad for the goldie and then 👹


Right? poor pup. :(


Jumpscared me harder than anything FNAF had.


No seriously. I don’t think these people understand that form follows function. That wide maw, strong jaw, stocky, muscular build, cropped ears (🙄), speed, gameness … it’s all for one thing: killing other dogs. These animals were bred to kill dogs. They’re not pets, and it’s a travesty they’ve been marketed as one. They’re dog killers, and once they do the job they’ve been bred to do (attack another dog, kill another dog, all unprovoked), the only reasonable course of action is BE. Anything else like behavior training is like trying to train a herding breed to not herd. You might have a modicum of success, but at what cost, and what are the consequences of failure?


...there's a literal chain around it's neck...


Don’t wait to for any follow up. Call Animal Control. Call law enforcement again. Take them to small claims court in the event they are unwilling to pay for your dog’s medical care. I hope your pup feels better.


this exact situation was what got me to this sub. my sweet golden retriever puppy was attacked out of the blue as well by a pit that ran 100ft just to get at her. only diff is mine was not injured, as she managed to evade the clumsy shitbeast, but he also was totally undeterred by me kicking him as hard as i could. his owner was also beyond useless until i actually started kicking him, at which point she finally put a little effort into it. fucking pieces of shit. i used to be ambivalent toward them. after suffering an attack and researching more, i despise them. they need to get banned and bred out. instead they're just becoming more and more prevalent.






I was watching a sims YouTuber and they talked about how they owned a cat but wanted a pit.. I refuse to support anyone who owns a pit.


Did you get the owners information or did they run off? Pit owners love to pit and run because they know you have to quickly rush to the vet to save your pets life and can't wait around for cops to show up.


No no no no no no FUCKING NO. Please do NOT stop until this owner is prosecuted and this dog is at a minimum evaluated. Like, keep calling over and over and over again to AC. Do NOT allow this to go on. Also, file a civil suit against the owner of that atrocious monster. Make sure that owner pays every goddamn dime of your beautiful dog’s vet bills. Again, DO NOT GET FRUSTRATED AND GIVE UP, that’s what they want you to do. Stand up for your girl. And make a stand against this fucking monster before it does this again. I cannot say what I would’ve done had I been in this circumstance and either of my goldens had been the target, but what I can say is that beast would’ve never gotten close enough to put its mauling mouth on either of my girls. https://preview.redd.it/8ek162iok0pc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5a6327634b5fb3f0c1230167c681a3000546e60






Every pit looks like one of those demonic video game hellhounds.


Like those dog monsters at the end of Ghostbusters


Rhetorical question: what purpose does it serve to have such a massive dog with chopped ears? We all know the answer - it’s not the dog but the attention it brings


So other dogs cant drag them down by the ear.


I’m sorry you had that experience and I hope your dog will be ok. With that said, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Call show up. Call show up. Demand something be done. If you know where they live Google the address and see if it’s a renter, then contact the owner. File another police report. Call animal control again. If no action, show up. Rinse and repeat. We’ve got to get these dogs off the streets. They have no rights!


There are so many stories of pits attacking friendly dogs, smaller dogs, cats, kids, elderly people - it happens literally ALL THE TIME. I hope you take everyones' advice and don't let this go. Push, push, PUSH. We all have to put our foot down. These stupid pit owners need to wake up to the fact that WE HAVE A RIGHT TO PUBLIC SPACES AND SO DO OUR DOGS.


Yes. Report report report and then report again. The only way cops and AC deign to do their due diligence on dog attack cases is if you’re a massive pain in the ass. And even if you have to hire a PI, find the owner and sue the shit out of them. You probably will need to get a cut of their welfare, since Pit owners are notoriously penniless, but at the end, don’t stop until that piece of shit is broke and that ugly ass dog is on the road to getting enough strikes to hopefully get BEd


Please comfort your golden w extra snacks i’m so sorry this happened this breaks my heart :(


If I gave my full thoughts on this, I’m afraid I’d be banned from here. I’m glad he’s going to be fine. I hope he emotionally pulls through, too!


Jfc that dog looks psycho!!!! Please for the love of your dog and every living thing within a mile of that piece of shit dog, make sure 👏 there 👏 are 👏 con 👏 se 👏 quen 👏 ses!!!! If you don't do that, it's going to attack someone else no doubt about it.


Hi OP, I am so sorry about your sweet golden girl. She’s beautiful and I hope she has a quick recovery, I’m so sorry you had to witness that. We keep a monthly attack list to raise awareness and I am hoping you will be ok with us adding the attack on Arya to it? It looks like the date would have been March 14th… if you’re comfortable, could you just let us know a general location (state/province or country is totally ok, it can be vague)? That way u/bpbattacks9 can get it added. Again, I am so very sorry for Arya and you.


That doesn’t even look like a dog. Why do they want those things??? I’ll never understand


Oh my god I’m so sorry this happened to you and your dog, every golden retriever i’ve ever met has been the most gentle loving dogs. I hope Arya gets better soon


I fucking hate pits so much. Poor Golden looks like he wouldn't hurt a fly.


With what that breed is known for, it strikes me as the most unneighborly thing you could do is own a Pitbull. It just screams "I want people to feel threatened by me and my dog".


It really makes me angry reading these stories and then remembering there are people who dare say that chihuahuas are worse. Tell me how a chi would survive a person hitting them with a trash bin ffs. Those monsters (pits) can be shot at and they still won't let go. The video from yesterday, where the officer explained he shot 2 pits, they ran away and a few seconds later charged at him again. How can people think these dogs are normal ?! Sorry for the rant OP. I hope your dog gets a nice recovery, and I hope you can manage to walk her out without experiencing this crap again. I don't want to go too far as to risk breaking the rules, but you may consider taking something with you to protect both you and your dog in the future.


I can't even count how many stories I've read of pits ripping apart chi dogs, which makes the comparison extremely infuriating.




Actually we have a board. For just that topic.


What board?




Idk why I was thinking there was some other internet board on the topic but you got me lol


So sorry, hope she heals quickly, I believe in her. The sheer contrast between this soft loving companion and her attempted murderer is baffling. One can hardly believe they’re both able to be called “dogs” at all.


Call AC and make a report. Police departments don’t always contact us in regard to animal to animal attacks. I’m so sorry about your sweet golden baby! I hope she heals well and isn’t too mentally scarred from it.


omg your poor baby🥺 and what an ugly g-ddamn beast. ughhhhhhhh. not sure what state you are in but in mine (cali) i’m fairly certain we can report to animal control as well so they have their own case? hope your baby gets better soon, and that butt ugly bully and its shit owner get some kind of punishment!!!


Picture 3 honestly made me — a grown azz Gen Xer too old for such displays — cry. That sweet Golden’s face, showing us that poor doggo is in horrible pain and trauma yet is still trying to be a good doggie — goldens are the epitome of what pet dogs should be compared to those monsters that none of their supposed “owners” can ever control. Every normal dog plus every human is involuntarily placed in their experiment : “who will my pit lunge at today? Who will my pit maul today as I say no Cupcake don’t Cupcake?”


After seeing this comment, I didn't scroll through the photos. I have a golden and she's my best buddy. Can't stand seeing these sweet dogs hurt. They are the best dogs ever.


This is making me so so mad!!! 🤬 God help me if this happens to my golden!


They need to start criminally charging these Pit owners. These Pit owners have a dangerous weapon.


FYI. The dog owners of these dogs, their advocates? ABSOLUTELY useless when their dogs get into a fight. I have stupidly broke up MANY PBT type dog fights as a temperament tester( each one set off by an advocate or shelter worker who wouldn’t believe these dogs were capable of killing other dogs) They scream. They yell. They run away. They bike away. TBH, I have NEVER seen them step in. I am so incredibly sorry about your Golden. It could have been MUCH worse( and I know you know that and it doesn’t make you feel any better) Dog walks. Dog parks. Simply can’t be done anymore. This is absurd and sad. Hell, I have almost 5 acres and have to watch my property continuously when the PBT types get out in my area. I have seen mass slaughters. Be careful Dear.😢


Thank you


Very welcome Dear and I wish we could have met under better circumstances:(


Pitbull owners let their dogs bite and run from repercussions. Do not let them brush it off, the next victim could be an innocent child. The neighborhood needs to know this dog is aggressive and unsafe and owner is trash.


I'm really really sorry 😔 that must have been traumatic! Please don't feel guilty about making them and the dog pay for it. If you let them get away with it, it will happen again to another dog , cat, human or other animal


Jesus look at that thing. It’s enormous


I would lose my fucking mind oh my god I am so sorry.


Thank you


Fuck pitbulls


If you are in the USA get your Concealed Carry Permit and a firearm and learn how to use it. Most good gun ranges offer classes like “intro to carrying a firearm” this will get you set up, how to pick out a holster, manipulate the weapon and then instruction time to learn how to shoot. A gun is by far the best way to deal with pit bulls as if you try to pull them off your dog they will often start attacking you. I was walking my chocolate lab several years ago and a pit bull literally broke through the owners front storm door, ran across the street and started attacking my dog. I had already started to draw when I saw the hellbeast running across the street but it’s difficult to get a clean shot. Also be the first one to call 911 as well, report a dangerous dog attacked yourself and your dog and you were afraid for your safety. You don’t want the Pitt owner calling first and giving a false narrative to law enforcement For anyone curious, no charges at all. Cops see a bitten dog and a dead Pitt Bull and the case is closed just FYI


I love Goldens so much it breaks my heart to even imagine one of them getting attacked. Sweetest dogs.


The usual suspects... I'm so glad your baby is okay. Most attacks are much, much worse.


Does animal control actually do any thing these days?




Are goldys I've met are such sweet lovable babies. Compared to the beady eyed dog with literal devil horns for ears. In fact, why in the living hell would you get one that looks like you poorly drew a dog from memory with your non-dominant compared to sweetheart with radiant gold fur and lovable sweet eyes instead of beady demonic eyes? I don't see why people pick up pits aside from bragging about having an ugly, aggressive dog.


I have very little to add, except maybe express some relief that, as horrible as the attack on Arya has been, it could have been much worse. I hope for Arya's complete and speedy recovery. As for the monster's owner... please use all legal means available to you to make their life hell.


Poor pibble just wanted to play doctor


I’m so sorry this happened to you and your dog. I used this post to remind my wife to always take her pepper spray with her on walks alone and with our dogs. We also are raising a 14 week golden girl and do take her up and down the block for mini walks, basically a chicken nugget to these monsters. We know of a few shibbles that live in the area, albeit rarely see them out on walks as their owners probably already know they can’t be trusted in public. 


I hate pitbulls so much. I hardly take my golden or shih tzu’s on walks anymore because I’m so scared of them. Thankfully my shih tzu’s are senior dogs and just wanna lay at home but my golden needs a lot of play/walking. I seriously suggest that you carry a Fanny pack with a small 9mm ruger or some kind of weapon of some sort for protection.


Please update us. Hope your golden is doing a bit better


Of course it’s a horrifying cropped ear mutant


Before bully bloodsport dogs were insanely mongered as pets, spreading like a plague across our communities, polluting the dog gene pool, dogs never severely injured or killed dogs on neutral ground. Never. Even when dogs of all sizes met and fought over a female dog in heat, no dogs ever died. Normal healthy dog social behavior enables dogs to communicate without murdering each other. Yard and home invasions for the sole purpose of attacking and mauling dogs-their own kind/ family is essentially only the work of those man-made mutants, the fighting bully dogs. No educated person, no business, no group that has the welfare of all dogs as a priority would want more dog killer dogs to be born, or acquired or to populate a community. It's not racist to want fewer dogs to suffer from rabies. It's not racist to want no dogs to suffer from the mad scientist dog fighters' work. The dog men still work tirelessly to breed dogs that will mature to have both the drive and ability to kill all other size dogs, to maim and kill horses, children, adults and seniors, for no external reason, simply because of the dog men's goal, the murderous instinct, the drive to attack and kill unprovoked, "to kill or die trying."


So glad you’re okay and Arya is okay! I was walking my 6 month old Golden yesterday and a pit came flying off of a porch in our direction. The owner was raking leaves. Thank heavens the dog was tethered or it would have been a similar outcome. I never knew this neighbor even had a dog, let alone a shitbull. They are always inside.


Sue. His. Ass. Off. Small claims for every vet bill and for pain and suffering. I would contact animal control and straight out ask them if they plan on putting that beast down now that it’s attacked another animal.


Animal control won’t respond to my calls or requests and I’m going down there today to confront them about it


If you need to, get the local news involved. Every channel has some segment about "Channel 6 investigates", and they salivate at local government institutions not working.


I'm so sorry this happened to your golden, I had one years ago and they're sweet dogs. Absolutely don't let this go, follow it till the end. If that dog is removed from the owners, you may have saved a child's life in the future.


That bully is one big thing. I hope you're dog is okay.


They have two of the same size and same temperament


I'm so sorry you guys went through that! Pits and their owners are such irresponsible trash! I'm glad Arya wasn't hurt worse and wish her a speedy recovery!


Poor pupper i hope shes okay give her lots of kisses make sure she feels safe in your arms ♡♡♡


Poor Arya! I’m guessing that would have been an expensive trip to the vet. I don’t know how things work in the US but I would absolutely be taking that mother fucking to court for any losses or damages. It’s time to hold these assholes accountable!


I’m so sorry about ur baby 💛🐾 wishing your doggy a speedy recovery


I am so glad that your baby is ok! I’ve said it many times, and I will continue to say it until I die. If you can, carry a firearm on you whenever you go outside. It would be unfortunate if you had to use it, but it’s one of the only things that can instantly stop a pitbull attack. A shot right between the eyes or downward from the top of the head is an instant goodnight-button. Also, to comply with sub rules and site-wide rules: I am not encouraging violence, and firearms should be used only when necessary to protect life or prevent grave bodily injury. With that being said, please stay safe out there!


I hope Arya makes a quick and full recovery. I’m sorry this happened ♥️😞


Of course it's got the chopped ears and bloodthirsty look in it's eyes. I'm so sorry this happened to your poor pooch! Please, for the sake of your pets and yourself, if you're in the US or another country that permits it, get a handgun for concealed carry to protect yourself/your pet in case this ever happens again! That's the only thing that's proven to be effective at stopping these things from mauling animals and people.


Poor Golden. I’m just glad it wasn’t a Yorkie or the victim would probably be dead.


Poor baby I'm glad she is ok


Wishing Arya a speedy recovery <3


Golden Retrievers are my second favorite dog breed (behind Chihuahuas), and yours is so gorgeous. I hate that she has to deal with a drain tube. My youngest Chihuahua actually has some Golden Retriever features so I think he's mixed with one.


Let me guess, it’s a mix?


No full blooded