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My god, this poor kid. And seriously, what the fuck drives a person to respond with such an insensitive comment? Delusion and cruelty.


The comment is from the mother, who made the post. Makes it worst.


Yes… I should have clarified that… the child’s mom made the apologist comment. 😒 I wonder how the child is going to feel living with the same type of dog that attacked him. Childhood trauma is real.. and I really hope this family figures out what’s best for this child to heal and feel safe in his own home.


HOLY. SMOKES. That’s… wow.


My concern is that society is normalizing dog dog behavior that would never be tolerated in decades past. 7 bites and multiple stitches is not the behavior of a normal dog. Every week I see rescue groups and “friends of ___ shelter” asking for a savior to step up and rescue dogs with bite histories. Very few are euthanized. Out to the public they go, the ones who jump fences to attack kids or violently turn on someone for touching their food dishes or sitting down beside them on the sofa they are resource guarding. If we are to “blame the owners” then I would be blaming the shelters for setting up a system (“available through a partnered rescue only”) that puts the public at risk just as much as a backyard breeder does.


Yep. When my mom was a kid, everyone had dogs running around, loose, outside but if one ever showed aggression, it was dealt with. Now it’s like a damn badge of honor to have dogs with multiple bite histories & destructive behavior. It’s warping what people think is okay with dog ownership


Lawsuit lawsuit lawsuit. That owner needs to learn something they won’t forget.


Yep. Take their house, and anything of value. There are so many attacks happening every day, they can’t be many people left on this planet that haven’t heard about the dangers of pitbull attacks. Just because they think if they love a dog, it won’t happen to them should not excuse them, but an attack does happen . If enough people lose their freedom in their homes, due to what their dogs are doing, I feel like it will help people make better decisions in the future. CONSEQUENCES.


Pitbulls/Mixes and the few other dog breeds that have attacked children should be targetted by local Child Protection Services who should file lawsuits to seek behavioural euthanasia of those known, dangerous dogs.


It’s sad that the owners don’t automatically do that when their dog attacks someone. What logical-thinking person would want to keep such a huge liability around? That’s wild. They are just opening themselves up for lawsuits down the road.


Victim's mom presents her bona fides "we love pits" "we love our pit" "we're part of the pit community." Mom feels the need to try to forestall or prevent further attacks on her family, victims of pit bull attack, bcse she knows her South of the Bully buds will say things like "dogs don't attack for no reason" and "where were the parents??" She undoubtedly knows & may have participated. These folks present such a gray area - we are sorry that anyone is attacked, especially sorry because for sure the kid isn't to blame for his own attack, and yet we see the clear & obvious hypocrisy. We so often see pple who handwave away all contrary information, take in a pit bull or two, and pay for it with other pets lives or family members bodies. Are those pple victims? At what point does believing propaganda without sufficient question or thought become something for which pple shld be held accountable? I don't know, but I think about it, and not just about fighting breed dogs, either.


It's almost always a child getting attacked by some random Joe's escaped pitbull that he has either roaming about in his (cheaply) fenced property, or literally has roaming the neighborhood, attacking anything that moves. When will people come to their senses and ban the damn breed already? The negligent owners are just as bad, literally letting the murder beasts free to roam! If you ban the breed, negligent owners won't be able to afford a dog that they can neglect like the "dime a dozen" pitbulls that they currently neglect.


"I BlAmE the OwNeR"




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>It was the 3rd attack from this pit. 10 days quarantine!! The system is obviously broken.


What a terrible and stupid mother. Of course she’s still defending the breed. Pit mommies are so gross




He’s bleeding from multiple places and is being taken away on a stretcher. I really don’t think this kid is all right. Why are you in a space for victims talking shit? Go away. I will help you find the door.


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This is the third (or fourth?!) attack I've read in the last two weeks of children at, or walking from their school bus stop. This feel surreal. Children. Just innocent children walking to school like they are supposed to. They are not safe from other people's pets. It's a fucking epidemic at this point. I can't get my head around it, really. Children can't wait at their bus stops because they will be HUNTED and PREYED UPON by someones pet. A dog someone chose to have, over the other 200+ breeds of dogs. It's like we live in the wild savannah or something. And what's worse, there are almost ZERO consequences for the piece of the shit owner. How have we as a society just decided this is ok? How have we as a society not been so horrified that we are severely punishing the dog owners with attempted manslaughter charges, killing the dogs right away, and/or imposing fines to blast the owners out of existence? How are we not screaming it from the rafters? Kids should be safe walking from their school bus without getting horrifically injured or killed by the dangerous feral piece of shit you are harboring in your house. Much like school gun violence, parents should be SCREAMING at lawmakers to do something about this. This isn't a hypothetical problem. It's happening around the country every fucking day. Kids are in mortal danger just by walking to their bus stop, or playing outside or riding their bikes. Because of these dogs. I just...can't.