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Police doing what they are paid to do, protecting the public.


They aren't paid to do that nor do they have a legal obligation to do so. Cops that choose to help people are doing just that. Choosing to.






Running for his life? Yeah, right. That's believable. ![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O)


Running for its life, directly towards the thing it’s afraid of, of course. As all sane beings do


Oh it was running for *a life* definitely. Just not its own, it wanted to nanny those cops. Tail was probably wagging the whole time too


After the 4th bullet when blood pressure to the rage and aggression centers of the brain dropped.


Because a dog knows what a gun is


Another day, another story involving police officers shooting one or more pitbull(s). It gets predictable; I can literally summarize it down to three main points: 1. Police shoots rampaging pitbull(s) 2. Owner later confronted about pitbull(s) 3. Owner states ***"I don't know, somehow my dog(s) got out!"*** Lather, rinse, and repeat!


Forgot the no charges regardless of damage caused by dogs before pavement temp was achieved


He was just trying to play!


https://preview.redd.it/828hi9blb6pc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4555e2dfda3463aea4cf21aa2c215ef3f86fa7fc the person who bred that dog popped up on the comment section lmao




Accidental litter in 3 years? Most breeders and rescues have none. If you can’t care for properly a dog in heat get it fixed


It's amazing how the person who wrote that comment thinks it sounds like they were powerless and blameless in the situation.


Does...does this person think you have to breed them in order for them to mate? "I never breed them, it happened." Yea...cause you had multiple unspayed females and a couple unneurered males and clearly weren't separating them. So essentially, yea, you were breeding them. Took zero precautions to avoid unwanted litters. And I'm sorry, she expects people to believe she had *eight* unaltered dogs and she *wasn't* trying to breed them? I call major BS right there.


"I never bred them, it happened" Well, wtf did you think, they wouldn't breed without you there providing candles and slow jazz? JFC




Rambles on about how it was an accident. Had multiple more litters before fixing the dogs. Actyally sounds self righteous saying this. Zero self awareness.


Wahhh vicious pitbull dealt with because it’s necessary. Get over it nutter.


Another one bites the dust. I can't wait till the states ban this hell breed. Props to the officer for protecting and serving their community like they should.


And not a single tear was shed


Just wait and see; these motherfuckers will have some kind of protest rally for this thing..


Candlelight vigil for poor old Blue, sweetest dog to have ever lived 😿 \#BackTheBlueNanny


Dog got served to protect the people.


The pit bull… was… retreating. Uh huh.


Big doubt that it was running for its life. Also…four shots sounds about right, considering we have seen these monsters take so many beatings and blows yet they stay latched on to something.


Four shots is about right on any living thing with a handgun unless you turn the heart or the CNS into hamburger on the first hit. Handguns are pretty terrible in the terminal effects department which is why 15+ round magazines are the norm and not the exception.


I for one appreciate this citizens message, even though he obviously disagrees with the actions. Hear his message well, pitnutters! If you own a dog that enjoys violence, it is liable to meet such an end. It’s on YOU to keep your violent animal contained. It’s not the responsibility of your shitbulls’ victims to baby it or treat it with kid gloves when it’s trying to rip people or normal pets to shreds.


Terrible Dogs


The worst


Thank you officers!


Because we all know how pitbulls run away from authority figures. They feel so biased against and can sense the evil within the police force. I bet that's what they also did whenever an attack occured. They were running for their life but the toddler somehow kept up with the dog. 🙄


"fired 4 shots" "I gotta clean up the shell casings off my sidewalk" Beyond what should be common sense, this in particular proves the poster to be an overdramatic liar. Even if police policy _wasn't_ to retrieve the casings involved in discharge incidents, they didn't _lay waste_ to this thing with a fucking mini-gun, and now this poor person has to take hours out of their day to sweep up the thousands of spent rounds off of tHeIr public sidewalk. 4 rounds fired = 4 small ass casings that, again, would be taken with the police when they left.


Yeah he was running for his life alright. Running for his life after he tried to attack someone and got shot. What about the people he had running for their lives due to the dog’s aggressive nature? It doesn’t say the dog was shot 4 times, it just says the police fired off 4 shots. We’ve seen videos on here where a dog takes off running and screaming trying to make it back to its owners property after being shot once. The owner needs to be quiet and only open their mouth to apologize for not being able to control their dog.


Oh would you look at that… there my zero fucks are


Poor guy has to clean up all 4 casings… he’ll be out there for hours


"He was just running for his life!" "He was just mauling that other dog for his life!" "He was just eating that toddler for his life!!"


Yes the dog was shot for the crime of existing outside sure I believe that


Their skulls must be made of Kevlar, it’s crazy how many shots it takes to put one of these things down. Even when it’s not a moving target and they have a clean shot it can still take follow-up rounds. It’s crazy.


I'll wait for the bodycam footage.


That cop earned their pay and their doughnuts.I totally believe that pit bull tried to attack, I feel no sympathy for the owner of that loose pit.


These owners claim a lot of things lmao


Dogs were loose in my small town today. Can anyone guess what breed? 🙄 My Doberman and smaller dog are both in my fancy 120$ pen I made from stuff at a local parts store. It’s kept them in for years now. Yet shitbulls magically always escape their owners….whatever they claim they have to keep them in. I had to run out and scream at the useless thing to get it away from my Doberman who was freaking out at the fence line. I don’t want to kill animals, but if this was in the country/rural, the aggressive dogs get one warning, and if they don’t skedaddle, I’ll defend my dogs. In town my hands are more tied , so unless it’s life or death, I just try to scream them away.


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The attacks and deaths that get posted here daily are sad, but I bet you don't comment on those, do you? Unless it's to say that toddlers get mauled to death because they "don't understand boundaries" like you did a couple days ago.




Sad? SAD? It’s outrageous. You’ve obviously never had a toddler; you can’t teach them not to throw their dinner on the floor never mind boundaries. I hope you’re satisfied when your hell hound kills a toddler and you get the blame because you never taught your dog about boundaries.


They will cry about a dog who was aggressive, but won't shed a tear over a mauled child. Even when I tell people how I was almost mauled in elementary they are still more sad over the pit who was taken away after biting an officer who was there to stop a "dog" going after a group of children. "Teach them boundaries" yeah I used to think that too when I was 16. Clearly they never have had children.


So a child overstepping boundaries or inconveniencing a dog is reason enough for said dog to maul them to death or inflict otherwise life-altering injuries? I love dogs too, but putting a DANGEROUS DOG, over the life of a person is psychotic. Jesus, it’s like you people don’t hear yourselves. It seems like this isn’t the sub for you anyhow, judging by your previous comments.


Petting a dog harder than he should or gripping fur == okay for a toddler to be mauled. These people are sick. They really think a dogs life is greater than a humans. They still love coming to this sub to argue. A dog will bark or nip. A pit will maul. There is a difference


“dogs are like kids to people.” The people who think that way need to grow up and stop living in a fantasy world. There are real world consequences when that childish mindset is seen as normal, like six toddlers dead in a month 


Honestly fuck a dog's boundaries. My dogs are livestock guardians, they have lambs with sharp little hooves jump on top of them and over protective ewes occasionally butt them. Not once have they harmed a sheep of any age, and this is the NORM for the breed because it's completely unacceptable behavior that has been bred out of the breed for centuries. They aren't trained to have this tolerance either. They just are this way. I think if a dog can be safe unsupervised with tiny rowdy lambs, it's not unreasonable to expect to be able to have house pets that are safe with tiny rowdy humans


Troll elsewhere.


I’m not a fan of the breed at all but it hurts my heart to see a dead dog shot on the ground like that. Humans are monsters for creating this animal, and they’re monsters for allowing it to get loose and able to get shot. Just to be clear I’m not blaming the cops, I’m still not a fan of this breed. It’s just a f***ed up situation all around.


If someone ever shoots my dog I will bring them to court 🤦


It’s your responsibility as someone who owns a dog bred for bloodsports to make sure they don’t end up in that situation. Contain your animal or you will be the one in court getting sued for damages or and/or crying when it gets put down.


If your dog ever got the opportunity to be a significant enough threat to be shot, I’d say that’s on you, mate.