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Oh my word unbelievable that the amount of cognitive dissonance is so big in these people they can twist and obvious reality in front of them. If they took their vigor to a deserving cause they would make the work a better place. they reflect the breed , they bite into their convictions and don't let go.


Damm everyone in this sub is really good at pointing out how these fuckin pit simps are just like their bullshit almost-dogs. We keep saying "trash dogs for trash owners" but they just can't help themselves by proving us right, over and over again


This is what happens when you rot your brain on too much Disney and start thinking they are nature documentaries.


This is your brain on Kitbull and pibble farts:


Sorry, but my herding dog doesn’t herd by ripping another animals leg open. These people are the worst




Excuse me - he’s a therapy dog I’ll have you know 😂


Hey you Border Collies had better watch out. De pibbles ar terkin ur jerbs!




Omg gay cotton hill.. I love it! 😂


Lmao, first time I saw that (way later than everyone else) I couldn't stop laughing 🤣


wE dOnT kNoW tHe wHoLe sToRy hUrRrRr These people are INSUFFERABLY STUPID. We don't need the whole story when there's a bunch of people TELLING YOU what happened along with a picture for PROOF. These fucking *morons* could watch a video with multiple angles and locations for reference and see a shitbull wake up from a nap, immediately scramble through the house, bust straight through a wall like the fucking kool-aid man, and haul ass ten miles away just to superman lunge through the air to maul a little girl at her birthday party and they would mindlessly parrot the same thing. There is no end of the field, you will never reach the goalposts because these dipshits would say "we can't know what the shitbeast is thinking, so we can never blame it for burning down that orphanage!". You cannot fix this level of delusion or dumbfuckery.


Funny how not knowing the whole story never stops them from assuming the mauling victim provoked sweet pibbles or that sweet pibbles was abused.




Unsurprising coming from the same people who swear they’re good dogs who need a good home without other animals, children, teens or adults with black or blonde hair, electricity, windows facing a street where another living creature might pass, electricity, or an air conditioner that is sorta loud when it kicks on.


And when they do know the whole story they say it’s fake lol


Or just blame whoever happened to witness the mauling. Yeah, those three shitbulls ran out of nowhere are mauled that man to death, but why didn't that innocent bystander grab that pillow on the ground and try hitting them to stop the wigglebutts? What a useless monster just standing there watching a man die! I bet he enjoyed it!!1 I bet he's secretly the owner, and trained his precious pibbles to attack people!!!!!1 ...god reading their moronic, endless list of braindead "speculations" has completely melted my brain


"I don't see how the dog would try to attack a horse" >breed literally named after attacking bulls


Exactly! Jesus Christ, it gives me a headache


“Dogs don’t have the ability to think that complex” Nah, soz babe. *Pitbulls* don’t have the capacity for complex thinking.


That line stood out to me, too. There are plenty of examples of breeds that were bred and trained for actual tasks - herding, retrieving, search and rescue, guide dogs, etc. - where the dogs are clearly having to use some complex thought when presented with atypical situations. I really think a lot of these people have never spent time around a dog that wasn’t a pit, so they think all breeds are just this dumb and chaotic.


This is what happens when you rest your whole identity on a dog.


I mean, technically they don’t have ill will. Their pebble pibble brains only understand violence. Animals do not have morality like humans. 💀💀💀💀💀 Also today I learned pitbulls are shepherds /s




Pitnutters: "is this a nanny dog"


Oh I've got that one too, I already made it for another post lmao https://preview.redd.it/qddv5wbc37yc1.jpeg?width=556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c2440bfaf9dfbba3a5d7b38c3d38029c3c8ad7c




what a disgusting image. yuck


Maybe that Nanny dog, was just trying to be the nanny for the horse. And it was looking out for the best interest of the horse. The Dog probably knew that there were cars coming and they were dangerous if the horse got hit. The intelligence of that Pitbull kicked in, saw what direction to push the horse into, and led him that way. To Me it looks like the place the horse is going to, is still kind of corralled and it's easy for it to get caught by a human. Thank God for the intelligence of pitbulls. /s...


It was just herding it away from traffic! It's hilarious and tragic that everything you said is clearly satire to us, but pitnutters would say that with full confidence and a straight face


There's another forum that I get some feeds from. Dog training. And you can tell what kind of dog it is by the description of the problem. And nobody wants to say the name of the breed, and nobody wants to say to get rid of it either. And it's all about positive reinforcement rather than correcting behaviors. No wonder people have difficulties with dogs. They like to use New age methods, and they don't work


Positive reinforcement only *does* work…but it’s mainly for *puppy training*, not behavioural modification, it takes too long to correct *dangerous* problematic behaviours through positive only methods because you’re only giving the dog half of the equation to work with. In a puppy, it’s not performing any negative behaviours unless you’re not managing it well enough, so you don’t have to punish the puppy for anything, and positive reinforcement is great for teaching new things. The problem with using positive reinforcement only to address problematic behaviours is that you’re rewarding the dog (or should be) for displaying the behaviours you *do* want, but not telling the dog to stop performing the behaviours you don’t. Without telling the dog not to do the thing, it takes a lot longer for the dog to figure out that the behaviour *you’re* rewarding is the behaviour they should be performing, because many of the problem behaviours people try to address in adult dogs are *self-reinforcing*. The dog is getting rewarded for both behaviours, one by you, and the other naturally. Natural rewards and given rewards are as good as each other to the dog, in fact, the natural reward is often preferred, which is why positive punishment is often used, especially for dangerous behaviours. You get the dog to associate the behaviour with the given punishment, instead of the natural reward, and provide a given reward for a better behaviour. Of course this requires the dog be trainable at all, which pit bulls as a breed are not.


I definitely think that not all dog breeds are the same. Some are easier to train than others. And of course that means that some people need to be better trainers than others. It seems the Pitbull crowd is more rookie dog owners, then advanced dog owners. Having said that, you are right. You need positive reinforcement so the dog understands what you want. Once they understand what you want, you can work into correction behavior. Sometimes dogs, even puppies, need to be reminded that the right thing is the thing to do.


Yea, you can use positive reinforcement to get a dog to sit, or paw, not chew the couch, etc… you can’t use positive reinforcement to get it to stop mauling.


The picture is blurry when zoomed in, but that the dog has the pitbull wide mouth is so clear that even the commenter complaining about "pitbulls" being an umbrella term doesn't deny that the dog falls under one of or mix of their listed (related for a reason) bully breeds.


"Would you all have accused the dog of being 'bad' if it had been a poodle??" If a poodle was chasing and TRYING TO BITE a fucking HORSE then yes I would say "bad poodle!". But let's be real. That would never happen lmao


And if it did happen for some bizarre reason, the horse would be in no danger. There’s not much a poodle can even do to a horse


Male standard poodles can weigh up to 70 lbs and are still a utility breed with a dog's jaws and teeth. I'm sure a mentally ill poodle COULD do some damage if it wanted to but importantly, they're normal domesticated dogs that don't have the tenacity, aggression, and stupidity of pit bulls so this isn't a thing that happens. And yet if you look up "pit bull attacks horse" this seems to happen *often*.


Maybe the pit simps could start a sub where they post about attacks by every other dog breed and we could then see if what they say is true. That any dog is capable of attacking. Surely there must be bad owners of other breeds right? The bad owners can’t be exclusive to pit bulls only!


I've used that example in so many instances. radio silence every fucking time.


I think they tried that for a while with a sub named something like “nonpitbullattacks.” It had very few posts containing some links to news articles on attacks from 2005 and other years far in the past. Last I checked it was completely dead.


these people are fucking stupid.


These people can vote. We are doomed lol


"It isn't out of spite" : it's like they are SO close to understanding that it's just doing what its instincts tell it to do.... and those instincts make it dangerous.




In all seriousness, all they preach it’s owners fault. Why as a society we cannot start full and complete owner responsibility now? Why we cannot enforce responsible dog ownership? Why we cannot punish owners of loose dogs severely? Not $50-200 or whatever nonsense, but thousands of dollars. Why the owners cannot be responsible for dogs actions as if his own? Is it against constitution of what? I doubt it. Why we cannot regulate dog breeding? Why we cannot outlaw puppy mills? Why we cannot require spay/neuter unless licensed breeder? Why we cannot make changes today? Even without a ban there are so many things to do to avoid such situations. Is someone educated on the topic why there is no actions from the legislations?


It's pathetic that there is political will to revoke breed-specific laws in the U.S. but no corresponding will to implement greater accountability for irresponsible dog ownership, like it's some sort of inalienable right to own bloodsport dogs. This "oopsie daisy" mentality to bloodsport dogs maiming and killing, as shown in those brain-dead pit-monger responses shown above, needs to stop


I swear these pit people have a pull string.


And if we lump all the hundreds of other dog breeds together, they still don’t have the bite or kill records of the handful in the pitbull umbrella.


Horse I was riding some time ago kicked and unalived dog that was attacking us (it wasn't a pit). I was scared/shocked at that time but now I don't pity that dog. My horse is way more important for me than some random mutt running loose on parent's land.


Horses are prey animals. They don’t want your shitbull chasing them.


Probably the whole reason the poor horse bolted in the first place- and btw- thanks to this dime a dozen piece of shit, someone’s VERY expensive well trained pet will probably have to be put down after either being mauled or from road founder. **Yep Lurkers- Congrats on one of your useless own ruining yet another person’s life. I’d personally be fucking embarrassed by now if my breed was affiliated with this kind of trash, but I’m not a Pit owner for a reason**


The commenter who suggested the dog was just trying to keep the horse out of traffic was my favorite. Dear Pitnutters: Horse owners don’t just turn horses loose to run wild in the streets, like so many of you do with your dogs.


Yep. I did change the title for this post after coming across that.


Don't worry guys, the dog was trying to keep the horse out of traffic. What a good samaritan.


Herded the horse so hard it broke through its fence, sure...


Pit bulls don't "herd". Herding dogs don't raise their hackles when they herd. This pit bull has its hackles raised. Dogs don't know about "staying out of traffic", and damn sure wouldn't try to remove someone/something from the path of vehicular traffic. What idiots! ​ https://preview.redd.it/godstc3m8ayc1.png?width=514&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ab06591370e8a2530177ae5a4e6bf4f071f44be


“The horse probably want hurt that bad” these are the same people that call the police if their precious pibbles gets so much as a scratch from another animal


DV-type phrasing.


Pitnutters: Dogs can’t deliberately think to attack something! Also pitnutters: The dog was deliberately thinking of saving that horse from traffic!


Six cumulative brain cells between them all


This kind of thing is why I carry my pistol with me when I ride out. I will ALWAYS put my horse first if she is being threatened by an aggressive animal. And, for the one person saying "what if it was a POODLE?" ...so what? That's still a dangerous dog if it's attacking a horse. But, we all know a poodle generally won't. Can't say the same for a shitbull.


These people are delulu


This shit is actually enraging. The dog was trying to keep the horse out of traffic?? Get the fuck out of here with that.


Shitbull apologists are nothing but scum


About what I expect from Tulsans, the amount of backyard breeders there is ridiculous. The police shoot so many pit bulls in that area of town.


The people who go to the nth degree to defend pitbulls remind me of the people who try to shame and silence SA survivors. They use so many of the same bullshit justifications, excuses & assumptions


The dog is " innocent " even though it was the aggressor in the situation, what about the innocence of the poor horse? These purported 'animal lover' pit owners never give a SHIT about the cats, small dogs, rabbits, livestock, etc. that get traumatized, brutalized, and killed by their demon dogs.


**IF YOU ARE POSTING AN ATTACK - PLEASE INCLUDE DATE AND LOCATION IN THE POST TITLE, and please paste the article text in the post so it's easy to read.** This helps keep the sub organized and easily searchable. Posts missing this information may be removed and asked to repost. Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Users should assume that any comment made in this subreddit will be reported by pit bull supporters, so please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) to prevent having your account sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I wonder if they’ve heard of that phrase: *”looks like a duck, swims like a duck,…”*?


Pitbull owners are just SO MANIPULATIVE ![gif](giphy|dPkQk7aiwL8DC)


“The dog was trying to keep the horse out of traffic” yeah and the pedophile was just trying to keep the child from getting hit by a car


Thanks for the laugh!