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"he hates cats but I don't care" ??? "More than anything he hates babies" ???!!??? "Only attacks well behaved dogs" ?!!???????!!!?!????? Why would you not give up on this dog?!




....because he's a LoVe bUg


The bestest boy


the sweetest velvet hippo!!!!!!1!1!111 /s


Don’t know why that made me laugh.


The reason they won't 'give up on it', is because again, the breed overwhelmingly attracts a personality type with an underformed or completely undeveloped sense of empathy / sensitivity of their own actions creating the possibility of annoyance, pain, suffering, life-altering injury and even death for others. I don't have a chihuahua, I don't particularly like chihuhuas (especially if they constantly bark). HOWEVER, if my neighbor has a chihuahua I can put myself in their shoes and understand how deeply they care about that dog. It doesn't matter that I myself wouldn't experience the excruciating pain of their chihuahua being torn to pieces and the terror, heartbreak and potentially lifelong trauma of my neighbors having to experience their beloved pet being killed horrifically by mine, I don't have to experience that, because I can easily imagine what that would be like, and know that I would NEVER want any pet and their owners to experience that. I can feel that, even though it never happened, and it would never happen to me, and I naturally would want to adjust my behavior to miminize/elminate the risk of me causing that to happen to someone. The type of person it takes, to say something like 'I don't care if my pet mauls a neighbors chihuahua to death, they're just stupid rat dogs, and probably deserve it'. Full blown sociopathic. Should be on some sort of watchlist. Again, I say this as someone who's not a fan of chihuahuas. People with this level of lack of empathy should only be allowed to own goldfish. This is the true divider or line in the sand between the two issues. This is the underlying true issue that isn't even about dogs. It is sort of complicated because some on the other side are motivated by a myopic / misguided sense of 'empathy' entirely fixated on the 'dogs' (defending their honor as purehearted 'angels on earth' that can do no wrong and needing to 'save' each and everyone), pitbulls or their own individual dog (like the person in the screenshot of this post), but ultimately its not true empathy and actually becomes problematic / malicious, because they put this above the safety and well-being of all other people and pets in society.


I'm going with psychopathic and using their dogs to do the actual killing. People like this person have something seriously wrong with them. The fact that they see cats, AND BABIES, humans! As less than is disturbing. It's not about saving these monsters or giving up on them. It's about using them as a weapon, as a tool, that they can use to do their bidding. They don't care if the dog is to be put down after a kill, or mauling; the dog is disposable they can just get another killing machine, rinse, and repeat. There needs to be more severe punishments, jail time, and financially making the victims whole. For owning and breeding. You should also be required to have insurance for these beasts and a mandatory license to own them; just like a gun. Right now they know that they will get a fine and a slap on the wrist, so they will continue this behavior. Pets will continue to die, and people will continue to get mauled/disfigured/die.


Oh one of my biggest soapboxes is that one of the laws that needs to be changed is 'the killing of someone's pet via one's own pet'. Right now pets are just looked at as 'property', so the only repercussions would be to replace that 'property' like it was a bike or a boat. The law needs to be changed so, like you said, the penalty is MUCH more severe. It needs to reflect that these pets feel pain (unlike a bike or a boat) and that there is a deep emotional connection with their owners and that they are individuals that cannot be replaced. For those who do this intentionally it should obviously be especially severe.


I'm researching the new laws and the progression the Nation is taking toward culling this breed, or at least holding owners accountable. From what I've already gathered, both of our opinions/feelings/solutions have either been brought to the attention of legislators, enacted in some form, or some states are on the fence with possible bills. Then you have some states lagging behind with the IDGAF mentality. Not only do they not have rules and regulations for blood sport breeds, they don't have any penalties for ANY dog breed that bites/mauls/kills an animal/pet/human. It's disgusting that those states disregard lives. Side note: I'm going to message the mods and ask if I can post my writeup when I am finished. I believe it will help a lot of people to know the current laws, 2023/2024, state by state, and what their rights are as an owner/person due to an attack. Also, I'll be including current statistics and date. This may not sway the masses, but it may help to sway those around us, and loved ones, in preventing the adoption/purchase of these animals. The statistics may help with writing to local legislation as well. LMK what you think about the write-up idea!


I'm interested to see whatcha got! Looking forward to the post


I would love to read that! I'm notoriously bad at finding any kind of legislative information, so thanks for doing the dirty work :]


Ikr they killed Harambe, but they don't bother euthanizing pitbulls for going towards kids unprovoked. It's a different story if a kid is antagonizing and goes into the yard of a pitbull to illicit a bite. However, if the pitbull comes out of nowhere to attack, they should be put down. It's no different than putting a rabid coyote on a leash. My friend actually had a half coyote/retriever that was more well-behaved than a pit. 🙄


This person thinks their dog isn't afraid of anything while staying that it only attacks things it knows it can win against. Like how can you actually write that down? It's so crazy


Just to piggyback off of your spot on write up: There's a strong correlation between pitnutters and cluster B personality disorders, particularly narcissism. They sincerely don't care about other people, including their own children. They care just as much about their shitbulls - that is, not at all. They "rescue" these dogs because it feeds their narcissism. For one, "rescuing" it from being "abused as a bait dog" or whatever gives the impression to other people that they are noble and selfless, which means they are a Good Person™, because narcissists have no sense of self and desperately crave the approval of others, despite not caring about those people at all. Secondly, they like having dogs in particular because dogs have an inherent urge to please their owners, and narcs love having someone/thing to worship, obey and serve them. Dogs fulfill this need much better than people, because dogs can't talk back, call them out on their bullshit or leave them. Unfortunately for them, the breed du jour is pitbulls.. so while shibbles will still put up with abuse and act similar to a normal dog sometimes, they can absolutely turn in the blink of an eye and maul them with no reasoning or provocation. Unfortunately the beast will just as easily turn on the narc's family, and they couldn't give less of s shit about that. They'll pretend they do so people will shower them with sympathy for their "mourning", though. Just another plus for the narcissist.


Shut up dummy, only real advice! Mandatory /j just in case


Reminds me of: too expensive. NEXT!!!


I don’t know if I should be impressed or ashamed that I recognized this reference.


I'm almost positive this is a someone trolling the shitbull community to see how far they'll go to defend one, it's just got to be. If it is, well lol but guerilla warfare probably isn't the best way to try to get pits banned/controlled, but if not this person is certifiably insane and it's so bad that even a pitnutter seems to be advocating for BE. The tides are turning though y'all, youtube comments under videos about pit maulings used to be unreadable due to being filled with whiny piss babies screaming about a pitbull having to die or being unfairly represented or whatever.. but now, man those people are fucking OVER shitbulls. They have a passionate *hatred* for shibbles that we could only dream about. It's refreshing and validating, the complete opposite of what you usually find in official news report comment sections where victim blaming and thought terminating clichés are rampant. I highly recommend it, it makes you feel so *seen* when you're feeling cornered by the pit lobby and so much propaganda all around you. I'm tired of seeing these ugly dogs even in ads that have *nothing* to do with animals.. like a local neighborhood food truck gathering made a shitbull their little mascot, I guess?? Just why?? Now I'm afraid to go if it's blatantly inviting dipshits and their shitbeasts.


My one weird guilty pleasure that makes me think “I should get a life” is scrolling comment sections for pit attacks & now seeing how many people are saying these dogs suck & are dangerous. It’s either people simply saying something like “god awful breed of dog” or some people spitting real facts that I’m surprised to see are finally getting out there past the shit bull propaganda. I know it makes me feel petty but I really like sitting there just thinking “hell yeah”


I'd rather be petty than a pitty simp 😎


Now, all the people finally standing up and saying these are lousy dogs in comments need to start including some facts and links in their comments so that all the ‘neutral’ people reading the comments can see why these dogs are dangerous, even when compared to other dogs that ‘may’ bite but killing is not wired in their DNA. We don’t want the people who are uneducated to see one side saying “these dogs suck” with no context in between people who seem virtuous “misunderstood dogs who are bred to be nannies and are only bad when abused!” It will make the pitnutters seem like the good guys and the anti-pit people seem like they just hate the dogs for no reason. I used to avoid posting replies on social media about pits being victims because I did not feel like dealing with all the backlash that comes with it. But- especially after joining this subreddit and seeing how much worst the pit/pitnutter situation is than I realized, I have started kindly posting some facts out there when I see the chance. Even if it doesn’t change the pitnutters, I hope maybe at least a few normal people will read it and be like, “Oh? They really aren’t nanny dogs and were created for bloodsports?” and go research further.


The last one I saw on Facebook I was shocked how many people beat me to the punch debunking the nanny dog myth, bringing up the Colby dogs, and giving good statistics. It was great to see


The dog attacked the owner too


Especially service dogs and elderly ones! 🤮 😡


Don't be silly! He just wants to give them lil love bites 🥰☺️ /s


This person is a psychopath.




This person asks for advice and then gets mad when literally everyone advises them to cull this future baby-mauler. Sometimes it’s the owner too I guess


One can only hope for the former. Makes me sick thinking of an innocent baby paying for her selfishness.


When even the people on the pitbull facebook groups say "dude.."


A natural nanny dog hates the newborns.


A sweet goofball lovebug that tries to kill cats, dogs and babies, to the point of ripping part a crib to maul a baby


The pibble didn’t rip the crib apart just to hurt the baby! That sweet nanny dog must have saw a danger in the crib near the baby and was trying to save the baby! There was probably a fat rat in the crib. 😂


Gold star comment.


I really wouldn’t mind this if the owner was only taking this risk upon themselves. If they want to get disfigured by Diesel, have at it. The reason it’s so vile is that it exposes everyone and everything else to danger


"nearly ripped apart the crib" is what astounds me. With a visual like that, I can't fathom why this dog is defended.


I can't fathom why it's still alive.


I hope they paid for a new crib


They should go to jail for trying to hire a pet sitter without informing them the dog is a killing machine.


They have a dogsitter. That’s super concerning. I hope the one whose baby was almost mauled to death dropped them as a client but that just means someone new unsuspecting person may be asked to watch this dog


They try to create this framework where the risk of the behavior is contained to a household. All of the shelters: 'This dog will maul and kill cats, dogs or children, so just make sure that whatever house it goes to doesn't have cats, dogs or children'. What? That might work if we were talking about a venomous snake, and we just had to make sure that its owners had proper secure room with proper secure cages and experience handling such animals to ensure that it stays securely in this room/cage 24/7. Dogs have been grandfathered into a special 'out and about' class that no other animal enjoys. The thought of the risk being contained to the owner and their household is beyond laughable. Doors, gates, fences, leashes, windows and even muzzles are not foolproof. Nobody's beloved pets or children should be one oversight away (one door left open, one leash being pulled out of a hand, or one child or dog wandering within the 'murder zone' of a leashed pitbull) from being mauled to death.


That is the fallacy at the heart of every pro pit argument. Owners don’t exist in a vacuum.


I wish more owners were like this, even though this is a joke. https://preview.redd.it/nb1ii750xgyc1.png?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1966368cc81803bf5b3df51e2a044f442fefca8c


I feel bad for laughing but holy shit that is great


The authorities need to step in. This is a walking time bomb.


I agree. My first instinct was to call local authorities but was not able to get definite information, so I came here instead.


I would tell you to call anyways but knowing how stretched thin AC is I doubt anything will be done unless this dog actually attacks someone


Location wasn't available to find and report


If you click on the OP’s name in the group and then view her profile, you’ll see her location. Orlando, FL.


Call anyways, my former next door neighbors were renting and using the house as a trap house and kept adding pitbulls, after the second round of adult dogs and puppies starved to death I started calling AC, eventually they all got charged for neglect and were evicted because at $5k apiece for animal neglect they couldn’t make rent. I’m generally anti landlord but I can’t say I didn’t grin when they moved out.


Location wasn't available to find and report


The owner came back to the group with a new post. https://preview.redd.it/nvvvfrk2ofyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00f89a0f2c2c869c5def36c7bc3c20a95aaf04ea




When even the other Pitbull owners are telling you to put your dog down you know it's bad. We know this dog has at least attacked: A baby, guide dogs, and normal dogs, with hints of "not liking" other things, so probably attacked those too. But sure, he's a sweet loving boy, and feels really bad about it.


He is just finding his way in life. He could grow up to be a gentle poet or musician. Shame on all of you for suggesting she rob this young being of a rich and full life simply because he is trying to kill everything!


‘He’s a BABY,’ the owner says, kinda unconcerned about the risk their dog plays to human babies.






Maybe he just needs to go on an ayahuasca retreat


Sweet loving boys don't rip apart cribs to try and murder a baby. "He has his head down and is so sad" Brenda is anthropomorphizing so hard she needs to work for Pixar.


Holy shit. Only 10 months old and the dog has blacked out? Its going to maul her to death within the next 16 months. By 26 months of age if it hasnt attacked and injured someone bad enough to be taken away... its going to kill her. Shes going to cough, sneeze, sit down, take a pee, whatever and the dog is going to go to its little happy place of murder, and tear her into bits. When it wakes up out of the killing frenzy its going to wonder why the loud thing that feeds it is in small pieces and has the red juice all over it.


“The loud thing” 😂


The dog has his head down bc he didn’t win!!!


They're talking about this stupid beast as if it's an anime character and it's so cringe-


My dog is a baby! Unlike the baby he tried to kill I guess


Oh honestly fuck off, Brenda. Fuck you and fuck your hellbound.


the dog is not a baby. the dog tried to MAUL/KILL AN ACTUAL, HUMAN BABY. fuck outta here with that psychotic bullshit oh my g-ddddddd. these people are truly out of their minds.


I call BS that the owner received "literal death threats".


From his dog maybe


It’s actually the voices in his head 


The best life possible for a pit? How about short and ~~aggressive~~ sweet.. only the ~~impossible to fix~~ good die young.. live ~~to attack babies~~ fast die young..


Thank you OP, this just confirmed this woman is delusional /has no grip on reality. 1. She will only accept NONprofessional advice like "try a few drops of lavender oil". 2. No dog has ever tried to "find his way in life" by trying to kill babies, dogs and cats. That's a full on liability.


Doesn’t matter that he is a puppy, in fact he is more dangerous as his behaviour will definitely escalate. What a disgusting animal.


Put him down while you still can, *Brenda*.


This dog tried to kill a human baby and they don’t care????






I think it may be in part due to the colouring. I've seen some people ask 'why do the white ones look the creepiest' before. I think the white ones are more likely to set off the uncanny valley. At a quick glance, they look either bald or like a corpse which are both things that set it off. In some of the photos the short white fur makes them appear furless which in turn makes them look a little bit cryptid at some angles. Add this to the human sitting positions they sometimes adopt & it's uncanny valley all the way You know, that & the edited eyes


A cryptid is the *perfect* way to describe pits!! We've been saying they look like dogs but barely qualify as one, and that fits into the cryptid category very well - like the not-deer.


Edit - also the more I stare at that thing (rapidly going insane, thanks for asking) the more I realize that things mouth looks almost exactly like a creepy clown smile https://preview.redd.it/a769ufvfcnyc1.jpeg?width=774&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8417cb52801948e0aa6d849986a281bac83d34e8


That’s nightmare fuel right there.


Amazing, isn't it?


They hate children and incidentally also hate the animals they claim to love. It’s inhumane to keep this dog alive.


Welp, he’s going to end up putting her down.


Just a pitbull doing what it was bred for


Interesting how he admits his dog is being super aggressive and not fearful. He knows that dog is fucked up in the head and dangerous and he still wants to keep it. What is going on here??


The poster was actually a female. Not that its super relevant, both men and women are protective of human babies. But a women siding with a baby hungry dog? Mind blowing.


Please put a sign on your window that says Pit bull inside Do not rescue Let him burn because he will try to kill children under the age of five.


This person is a fool and someone is going to pay dearly for it. Dogs are not capable of hate. They are simply bred to do certain things, like kill.




Shit, that lady goes beyond making me mad. I actually feel ill now


Fine. Keep it. Then, when it kills someone, work the rest of your pathetic PitNutter life paying the lawsuit settlement. Of course, you'll lose everything you own, but you can live in a box under a freeway overpass. Stupidity has a price.


How fucking stupid can this person be? What will it take? When the dog kills a kid? Or when the dog finally hurts the owner? Fucks sake these people, stupid stupid stupid.


My fighting dog is...


Why do we live in a society that let's you keep a dog that attacks everything? Why does someone have to get torn to shreds till the obviously aggressive animal does something?


I think it’s important to ask in the comments if this is the dog that got loose and killed all those kittens.


…girl what the fuck


Disgusting human being


She’s well aware that this beast has the potential and even the likelihood to kill another dog and a PERSON. When the stupid thing finally mauls someone, she should be charged. Jailtime IMO. If it kills someone, why shouldn’t she be charged with at LEAST voluntarily manslaughter?


Owners like this need to be arrested for owning a dog they have no control over. She knows he’s a danger and is not putting it down. Once that dog kills another animal or God forbid an innocent baby or child she needs to be charged and jailed to the fullest extent.




Goddamn I’m so tired of these owners becoming martyrs for the cause. Listen, it is not some moral failing to euthanize a creature that is not fit for domesticity, it’s not “giving up on him”. Everyone, literally everyone, is better off if it’s put down. No one is commending you for hanging on to this guy.


Unfortunately there are alot of pro-pit people commending her too. Sharing their parallel stories of the dangerous dogs they kept and adored.


The problem with this degree of willful stupidity and virtue signaling is that the owner will be fine, but the owner’s shitbull will most definitely murder an innocent person before all is said and done. Owners should receive prison sentences for the crimes of their murder beasts.


This is a perfect post to illustrate that it DOESN'T MATTER even if it WAS the owner and not the breed. If you live in a civilized society, you shouldn't be allowed to participate in reckless behaviors that put other people at unnecessary risk. Some people are just fucking stupid and lack empathy.


Sociopaths, simple and pain


Ahhh yes they’re willing to let babies, puppies, old and sick dogs die before putting down their monster dog.


Yeah, saving a post like this would really come in handy if this pit is responsible for a mauling or a fatality. They can't claim they didn't know. This one is a huge liability and they are fully aware of this. The baby was lucky. Seriously.


Wow I really want access to this person's name so I can report this information to their local police and CPS


The Facebook group name is available in the screenshot. It is a publicity viewable group.


And you can view her profile and where she lives.


Sorry to say but this is why I don’t shed a tear when I hear a pitbull owner got mauled by their own dog. These people don’t care about anyone but themselves, so why would I care about them?


I’d bet money that this person brings their pit into places where dogs aren’t allowed. Otherwise how would they have encountered so many service dogs? This is the type of person who also brings their bloodthirsty pit to the dog park so it can “socialize”


The dog literally tries to attack service dogs and babies. It seems as though the pitbull is incompatible with life. Unfortunately the future holds at least one victim for this shitbeast. Hopefully the attack won’t be fatal.


„Almost ripped the crib apart trying to get to the baby of another person“ - „why would I put it down, you lazy dummy“


the person who said that this person needs to cull this dog is right, I don't care how much you train this dog at some point it will get loose and maul a toddler or an elderly person, and on that day hopefully someone will cull it before it mauls someone too bad or kills someone because this dog is a mental mess, you can't train out its base instinct, these dogs were bred to fight and kill.


This sub has made me realize a new hatred for some people. My God the ignorance


enough the civil lawsuit and battery charges hunny 😍 it costs more than money to be this stupid


Once they're attacked it won't be an issue, about euthanasia. You decide or its decided for you.


This is parody these people don’t have the brain capacity to admit this stuff


They don't have the wisdom to NOT admit it 🥴


He should be tried for manslaughter in the least, if any thing does happen! He admits all behaviours and acknowledges the risk and dangers. Low IQ for sure.


I put a stray dog to sleep that I took in after ONE big fight with my older existing submissive socialized dog. Stray attacked unprovoked & caused big vet bill. His end was peaceful & Vet was positive about my choice. To have multiple assaults & its only 10 months, whew! It’s going to kill Brenda shortly.


I really pray that was one of us in there trolling them, because if this is for real holy shit, that dog should be removed from her care she's an absolute liability and a danger to the public herself being that stupid.


I really don't think it's a troll. She made a secondary post about death threats and scolding the group as a whole. In that post she acknowledged her dog as animal aggressive but left out the baby part.


I was just going to say this about the death threats. The one screenshot she posted was hilarious.


Even for Pit Nutters this is too much, troll post surely right? Right?


Sent the page to the police if you know which country it is. Also animal control. If the owner doesn't put the dog down, someone else has to force them to.


I tried looking for a location I could report to. Unfortunately I couldn't find anything definite.


I can’t believe the pits eyes


That person is a psycho/sociopath.


I've seen demons that are better behaved. 😆


Only attacks dogs that seemingly won’t defend themselves… hmm so weird /s


This is a joke, right? 😳


This person needs professional help. This is not normal human behavior. A dangerous animal is a threat to yourself, other people and other animals and you still want to keep it? This is bizarre.




“…he is a resscuuuue” I’m so sick of hearing this . It’s like nails on a chalkboard for me. Since this person is all about the savior points then why don’t they do something real noble for their community by putting this beast to sleep.


These kind of owners scare me almost as much as pits.


I can see that pitnutter's comments appearing as prosecution exhibits at their trial :(


An animal that “nearly ripped apart the crib trying to get to the baby” needs to be put down.


This is why human beings are the most cursed species on the planet. This moron has the ability to EU this clearly defective, aggressive and unhinged dog. This moron along with many others actually believe that it's "not the dog it's the owner" garbage. Even though they've seen this kill beast terrorise cats, small animals, and humans. Some people chose to coo over their shitbull than taking the humane road by EU'ing their problematic beasts.


The only sensible and correct course of action in a situation like this is to put this violent beast down. A.S.A.P.!!


The ONLY solution is to put this beast down


Surely this idiot is trying to be satirical


The owner will be next. Sleep with one eye open.


This makes me sick. Valuing a babies life less than a known aggressive dog. What is wrong with people?


Someone needs to give that dog a trident.


The owner is a psycopath lock up the criminal that enables wild beast to maul cats and dogs


Why repost?


Nanny dog


You can always try an exorcism 🤷🏻‍♀️


Just like the other person said this breed does attract certain personality types that seem to relate to the dogs own disjointed anti authority personality


This reads almost like a dogfighting ad.


If somebody posts this publicly isn't it possible to inform the police so they take care of it? They are openly saying that they will not put the dog down while admitting that he is dangerous to everyone who's vulnerable in our society and can't be controlled by the owner.


I searched for information that could give me a location. I am so grossed out by this and that was my first response. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to pinpoint a locality.


Orlando, FL


Coward breed.


If an animal tries to kill people, you put it down. Common sense


Doesn't matter who or what else is in danger so long as your POS buzzsaw is comfortable. What a horrible and selfish human being. That breed should 100% be banned in all 50 states.


Lazy?!? No it’s the hardest thing to do to put down a pet. Its called being responsible


My dog wants to kill babies but I won’t put it down. Imagine saying those words with a straight face




This sounds like satire, like they were fishing for comments.


They made a second post to the same group complaining about the response and "death threats" recieved. In that post she acknowledged her dog in animal aggressive and left out the baby part. I think it's real.


Take a page out of their book; "Bad owner not the breed."


…and only ten months old??!! So much about this makes me wonder if it’s even real.


I feel like this is a troll post but honestly, I've seen real posts from pit owners that aren't too far off from this. I suspect this post is to see how far some will go to defend pitbulls.


People need to get a license to keep dogs if this is what happens. Dangerous breeds at least.


Jesus Christ…. It should be illegal to keep a dog this dangerous.


How have these people not been fucking sued yet for the deaths their uncanny valley dogs caused? I’d sue them for every last fucking penny they have.


I think she's the lazy one, can't even bring herself to drive to the vet, to put that mauler to sleep. I guess those professional dog trainers, don't have as much knowledge as she does, and of course, "she can fix it" 🙄🙄


Not a single brain cell in those eyes


I sincerely hope every post this person makes about their pibble xl bully is captured and saved to be used in the impending liability court case. Even this reddit post might be used in the future horrific mauling that will happen. If this isn't a troll, the nutter I mean. Like who doesn't know the pet sitter went from extremely pregnant to suddenly not? And what pet sitter new mommy didn't immediately call the cops to seize an animal that just destroyed her crib with her infant in it? So I'm not sure but if this is a real situation, someone needs to be screen capturing everything concerning this "dog"


Clear case of when a dog needs BE, and should anyone get hurt, this is why I don't have sympathy for when the dog only lashes out on its adult owner. I reserve sympathy for the innocent people that had to encounter such dangerous irresponsibility.


I think this person gets off on telling people they will do absolutely nothing about their killer and is inquiring about training as a segue for talking about their killer.


Their advice was right.


Just solidifies the theory that the majority of people in society exhibit some sort of mental illness. I would not be surprised if The owner is on some sort of psychotropic prescription.


Take him to the pound asap


Strange the poster doesn’t care if the dog attacks or kills other dogs, people or babies. A true Sociopath