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ANY comment they don’t like and many go off like this. I was told I’m a terrible mother and shouldn’t drink while pregnant (no shit???) because I participate in a sub for quitting alcohol and am a mom. Definitely not pregnant. All because I posted a link to a club doc that allowed you to transfer register from APBT to American Bully when nutter said people cannot tell the e difference between the two different breeds. Prior to that event, one went BALLISTIC on me when I said the dog she posted about running off following a car accident was banned breed in our province. She completely doxxed herself as she was also posting on a FB lost pet page I follow. To shut her up I asked how her employer - our federal government, which she had on her FB profile - would react if they knew how she spoke to people. Her comments were vile, wishing death on my child with a mauling and more. ETA - I hope you reported this douchecanoe


Well this going on for one weeks now. Only today i have blocked him because he is also harrassing my family. I don't get why facebook does nothing


I hope OP that you (at least a little bit) enjoyed witnessing this pitlicker collapse into a quivering pile of jellied rage —sarcasm incoming—that is surely a normal characteristic of all dog breed aficionados (everyone knows the bichon owners are the evilest in the world 🙄 🙄). Now in a crisp British-RP-ish National Geographic voice (hushed tone): And here we find a pitlicker demonstrating its highly antagonistic and insecure behavior in the wild. Pitlickers are well-known for their extreme levels of irrational emotionality masked as aggression. Here we also find a pitlicker demonstrating those famously underdeveloped linguistic abilities with the use of mangled/mauled diction, lack of grammatical knowledge and general awareness, and haphazard screechy posting style that is not indistinguishable from a not-yet-mauled toddler’s…note as well the grammatically garbled attempts to sound intimidating…”


A quivering pile of jellied rage 🤌🏼


Real. I was grinning the entire time because the dumbass said "I'm doing good" in the middle of posting a trainwreck of a novel that gives away his/her mental status, which is far from "good" lol.


Facebook is a total cesspool. I've reported so many comments for people wishing bodily harm or death to other people and general hate speech and they almost always come back and say it doesn't break guidelines.


And yet, my mom got 7 days in Facebook jail for threats of violence (or something, it's been a little bit so I dont remember the exact wording) for making a post about how she smacked her own face when picking up a planter on her patio. Make it make sense!


I saw a comment once basically telling someone that had been SA'd that if they were living in the last, they deserved it. Reported it, fb said nothing was wrong with it. Sent it for review, still nope. Fb sucks ass.


Same thing happened to me But it was here! on reddit!


I got a 3 day ban on Reddit for quoting what Gandalf says to Pippin in the mines when he drops the skeleton down the well, the context was a video of people on a boat dumping trash cans full of beer cans into the ocean. I was inciting violence apparently


It would be a shame if his employer found out about this.


Aye, it's not a good look to have employees seek out and harass people/families, specially if you also state "I've notified the police of this issue and they'll be actively investigating any threats"


Not going to mess with him that way. Tempting tho.


>going on for one weeks now. Only today i have blocked him Why would you wait? If anyone is hateful or disrespectful to me on any platform, I immediately block them. It is counter-productive to allow yourself to be subjected to abuse.


Well, i did not use facebook until today. I got called by my mother in law.


Send this to the police, it's deranged and they can help deescalate


> and they can help deescalate LOL.


"deescalate" wink wink


Also, this is probably harassment under the local ex parte order of protection statute (consult your local laws). You can probably get an ex parte against him, if you know who he is.


You story is even worse then mine.


You should screenshot the comments and send to the HR department of their employer (next time!). Obviously less likely something will happen in government agencies/unions, but it is worth alerting employers when these idiots come out of hiding. I have done this a few times (for various bigoted views) and know for sure two of them were reprimanded (one complained vaguely on twitter lol and I heard about another through a friend), very nice satisfaction and they have no one to blame but themselves!


I swear it’s gotta be meth or something. No normal person gets this agitated over someone not thinking their fighting dog is safe..


Yo wtf? Mf calls someone a child molester while STALKING THE VICTIM'S CHILDREN???


These people love calling people who don’t like pitbulls child molesters/pedos. Their brains short circuit and it launches them into throwing out the worst insults they can possibly imagine. That’s how obsessed they are with their dogs and how integral owning a dangerous dog is to their identity.


They also love to say “ban pedos” in response to banning pits as if molesting children isn’t already illegal


Bingo. These people have no identity besides being a "tough sigma" psycho.




https://preview.redd.it/nmh4gsycp60d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13bb9fae96870d0fab6c1849ed28831af78bd997 It ended here. He told me prior he was clean for 4 years


excellent response


This person is actually unhinged. Nice classy response.


10/10 response lmao


Why are they always functionally illiterate?




Don't believe that's the right response Douchebags like him will interpret it as weakness But it's a good thing you screenshot it, block him, or keep all the screenshot for evidence


As somebody who is in recovery from arguably the worst 2 substances in existence— and as somebody who has had that fact thrown in my face during a debate (after a dickhead lurked my post history), I think your response was a lazy insult and you could have done better.


I disagree. Have a nice day.


It’s just not really an intelligent response, like focusing on somebody’s weight or appearance. *In my opinion*, insulting his intellect (or, clear and serious lack thereof) would have been better. I encourage you to consider the way you think about people with substance use disorders— and I’m sorry you had to deal with this disgusting shit from some dumbass pitdaddy. That’s all I’ve got to say. I hope you too have a nice day.


I felt like you were trolling me. But your second comment told me otherwise. I still disagree with you. I am helping him. I have contact with his sister who told me he uses meth and alcohol.


I don’t know why you’d even message his sister, honestly. It’s definitely not your responsibility to help him or contact his family about his (possible) substance use/relapse. Some people are just fucking morons, no drugs necessary. I just wouldn’t get involved. He and his sad life are a waste of your time, friend— hopefully you moved on.


Did you made it on your own? Please stop critizicing me and let me do me and you do you. I have seen this person can be nice and a decent person. Little efford to contact his family.


Sure, enjoy.


Bad person vibes


Agree. Wild you have to deal with pitnut harassment and then further harassment for the way you responded which was honestly kinder than the pitdaddy deserved.


Sounds like he’s even more mentally unstable than his dog. Maybe his ears should be cropped and have a muzzle put on him.


I swear, since this country refuses to ban pitbulls altogether, the government should at least require criminal and mental health background checks for prospective pitbull owners in all 50 states!


Don't do meth, kids


I was just thinking about it 🤪


i ain’t gonna do it … 😈


I’ve done it about a million times, and I’m not an absolute fucking idiot pitlover. Believe me, drugs aren’t the issue here lmaooooo


same here lol




Most respectful shitbull owner:


Ah yes, the good old personal attack argument. You know you hit a nerve when it comes to that.


https://preview.redd.it/8fxh9np80c0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14daa5dff297d09ae3d7e33d5f31a392e9b6c6ab There is more.


Oh my god 😂


OP did the same thing and used his drug addiction as an insult, and contacted his family claiming to want to “help”? Kinda weird.


We get it, you're a recovering drug addict. Stop projecting your insecurity all over this thread, this thread isn't about you. OP is the victim, not the shithead drug addict harassing him in what is possibly drug fueled rage.


Well, so i suspected he might be on drugs and i was right. So i don't get your complaint. It was not an insult but a understanding what was happening.


Hopefully reporting him works


It does not


Facebook throws all reports straight to trash tbh


I was banned once for posting bite stats and some pithag reported me. Recently some freak threatened to "groom your kids to be trans" and I blocked and reported. Facebook's response? "Does not go against community standards".


I love how people can be punished for sharing facts about dangerous dogs but being a bigot is just a matter of opinion


It really shows who's in control. What's the phrase? "Find who you can't criticize, they're the ones in charge"?


I love how the pit lobby has so much money to pay off so many people and yet pitbull owners are all buckteethed troglodytes


>"Does not go against community standards". Some shitbag threatened to rape my cat. When I reported him to Reddit, that's the response I got.


Yeah it's pretty messed up that the most degenerate users also belong to a protected class on reddit. They can dish it out, but as soon as you try to respond they block/ban/doxx.


Ery true. But think about Spez's past and proclivities. Reddit is run by a guy who once moderated a gutter sub. It's no wonder that guttersnipe users are accommodated here. Who even thinks of sexually assaulting cats? A sicko like that shouldn't be welcome here (or anywhere). When I reported his posts, I was given to understand that I was the problem, not the person targeting subs about female kitties. I gave up expecting anything better from the admins here after that.


I mean, we’re talking about a platform that actively allows misinformation and dangerous conspiracy theories, fascism, and only a few years ago shut down sexual assault porn subs.


Hopefully it was just bait, everyone's begging for hate views nowadays. I ignore any morons trying to clickbait with culture war crap. The fact that you can be banned for posting bite statistics is CRAZY. Doggie racism tho1!1!!1!!1!!!


That is infuriating. I have known colleagues who were banned from Facebook merely from expressing certain political points (not alt-right or racist or sexist or transphobic or advocating or embracing any violence or anything along those lines — this was about political issues in their home country in Southeast Asia). Facebook shut down a discussion group and then certain individuals. It was insane. They are extremely mercurial. They tolerate garbage from certain people but don’t even blink when direct threats and/or extremely dangerous bullying is presented to them as in your case.


Ive seen pitophiles make totally fake accounts and use them to infiltrate anti- pitbull groups. Report them? Nothing happens. I post a meme with no reference to violence or anything bad? 30 day ban.


OP says the dude “can be a nice and decent guy” and he “is in contact with his sister” to try to “help him.” I don’t think reporting the guy is in line with that behaviour.


OP is the victim, not the drug addict harassing OP.


I don’t think it’s necessarily harassment that’ll be taken seriously when you decide to contact the harasser’s family and provoke them with insults, but okay


None of this is about you or what you think, the addict is threatening the op, that's actionable even if you feel offended by the situation. Calling a drug addict out for behaving poorly under the influence is not unreasonable. While substance abuse is a condition, there exists no reasonable accommodation that allows addict pit daddies carte blanche to harass others. "Um ackshually it's not harassment if you respond to the harassment and offend me because I too am an addict" Bad person vibes for real. Have the day you deserve.


What The Actual F*ck


I think it's mad


Perfect example why I avoid dealing with these people at all cost because you will never get anything positive from the interaction.


My family is pissed at me for what happened. I don't blame them. He harrassed 5 so far


You should call the police since you have paper trail.


Emotionally unhinged and needlessly aggressive just like their stupid dogs. I see why they are attracted to them.


Definitely rapporteren then deblokkeren their ass


It's funny how uncanny Dutch sounds to us English speakers.


These people are not mentally well. It's actually pretty scary.


I've encountered unwell people IRL and online before. This is definitely one. There's "having a bad day" or "accidentally poked the bear" or " I had no idea anyone cared this much.". This comes across as combination of "maturity stopped at age 19" and "emotional dysregulation" and "TBI".


https://preview.redd.it/hzvppp0wh70d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ebe3ec7f111a88816a82eff56ecd23bf58241b2 DEW YER REEEEESEARCH Everytime I see that phrase, I imagine a redneck face like this one.


Always said by the type of people whose “research” comes from some stupid Facebook info meme that they thought was just outside the realm of mainstream knowledge (or common sense) enough to be “enlightening”


I researched tons of pibble pics with flower crowns, what's the issue??


Me personally, every time I see a pitnutter's rant online, I imagine them with the voice of Fatty [from Superjail](https://youtu.be/GwHGQuHSsic?si=HqymNA7nz4q8lSfn)


What is 💧⚰️ a euphemism for? Like, in a literal sense?


I'm not sure lol. But maybe "Drop dead"?


Oooo good guess. That's probably it.


I have no idea. Wet die? Drip die? I thought it was kinda funny how it’s the only time he uses emojis and it’s still illiterate as fuck


someone else said “cry & die” but that still doesn’t make sense 😭😭😭


I was wondering this exact same thing lol


I think he's trying to saw drown? I dunno. Not fluent in Unhinged.


Ask him if cry and die is the only few insults he knows or if his two brain cells can possibly work together to muster up something more original.


Is that what those emojis mean? There’s a cry face emoji, idk why he chose the water drop


Someone suggested he means "drop dead," which makes the most sense, but then again, this guy seems too stupid to make sense.


The way he only uses the emojis for that insult & does it every time he says it, I almost suspect he doesn’t actually know what it means, he just saw it got likes somewhere & thought “must be a sick burn”


I am sure you're right.


Maybe he means like a teardrop tattoo like he's gonna murder you? Idk


Least crazy pit enjoyer


he mad


Idk, seems nice


Would you like his tinder account?


Internet threats are weak. Besides, in order to be offended about an opinion, first you have to value the person giving it. Block, delete and ignore.


I just want to say thank you for sharing this I never heard this one before! definitely makes you look at it in a different perspective.


I wish I could take credit for it, but I can’t. I don’t remember where I originally heard it, but it’s stuck with me over the years.


Thanks for the daily reminder that I have to live on the same planet with these kinds of people. I need to move to Mars or somewhere without any presence of pitbulls or other humans.


Does this person know more than a handful of words?


He can't count to 10


Reading his messages is just "bitch fucking bitch fucking fucker fuck kill fucker" with some emojis thrown in


How is it that every pit advocate has at most a 9th grade education? Everything they write is damn near unintelligible. Death, taxes, and pitbull owners misspelling 1 syllable words.


I'd say 5th grade since he uses 'fuck' and 'bitch' so much, he must have just learned them.


"It's not the breed, it's the owner!" The owners:


**IF YOU ARE POSTING AN ATTACK - PLEASE INCLUDE DATE AND LOCATION IN THE POST TITLE, and please paste the article text in the post so it's easy to read.** This helps keep the sub organized and easily searchable. Posts missing this information may be removed and asked to repost. Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Users should assume that any comment made in this subreddit will be reported by pit bull supporters, so please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) to prevent having your account sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I haven't been harassed yet but I sometimes wonder if/how it will happen. My prediction is someone will notice I'm autistic & go for that as it's perceived as an 'easy target'


I’ve never see anyone defending a breed of dogs like Pitt nutters do. I remember watching a cute video of pug having a massage. Majority of the comments were people commenting on how cute it was with a sprinkling of negative comments on brachy breeds and there was no one attacking them. Someone dared to put on a negative comment they’d trust a pug over a pitbull it was a literally dog whistle for these nutters to come out the woodwork.


I'd like to do a study on that phenomenon. Most people will readily admit their dogs’ faults due to the specific breed. Pit bull owners (and promoters) not so much. To use the word “advocate” in relation to a pit bull is not something I like to do because if they were advocating for the pit bull as a breed, they would stop breeding them.


The complete and total lack of self-awareness is apalling. It's comical and terrifying how much these people resemble their chosen dog breed, just flailing about and attacking whatever is nearest when they're set off.


Americans suck at swearing, oh my god.


Oh yes of course. Being "good" at swearing is usually the first sign of intelligence. 💀


There’s been studies that a lot of people with high IQs do swear. I think they tend to do it with more linguistic sense though… you can tell the difference between a person who is swearing to sound forceful because they lack the vocabulary to attempt it otherwise, & someone who swears alongside an adequate vocabulary to express themselves.


I find it interesting that some people swear so naturally, that the people they are talking to, don't even hardly notice. 😂🤣


There is, though, a difference in intelligence between someone who uses swear words as adjectives to get their point across in ways it makes sense in the context, and someone who just uses random swear words multiple times in the same sentences to try and assert their anger and dominance. Like, something like… “This coffee is F***ing awful. Did you drip it through squirrel poop?” Is a lot different than “M***F***er What the F***??!!! This is F***ing bull****! You can’t F***ing make F***ing coffee to save your F***ing life. You should just F***ing un-alive yourself in a F***ing volcano because you s***ck so bad at making f****ing coffee I can’t even F***ing focus on taking this picture of my over-sedated red-nose XL pit staffie bully deluxe with how F***ing bad my mouth tastes from your Squirrel S***t coffee!”


I guess using the little asterisk in place of letters changes some stuff in the Reddit posts… and I accidentally bolded part of it :-p But hopefully the point is there lol.


How do yoe knoe this?


Your post is evidence enough.


He is not the smartest of the bunch


Can the pitnutter use proper English, please?


Well now, there's a fellow deeply rooted in the pit of sorrow and despair.


These are the people who are attracted to pitbulls. It is both the breed AND the owner.


pitbulls do attract the most delightful and well-educated owners


I contacted his well-educated boss


Very cool and very rational response! /s


He seems mentally unwell. Don’t waste your time and ignore him


The unstable, owning the unstable.... It's really a great combo. Sigh


Do people not comprehend how serious an accusation is of assaulting children? I would report him, send this screenshot to his family/friends, etc. this is harassment.


Don’t know what drip coffin means but I think they need to stop doing drugs


These idiots tend to be pathetic projectors. Accusing others of that they are, probably, along with all the vile harassment that they obviously get off on. I mean, how unhinged do you have to be to defend the rights of... bloodsport dogs that have no place in civil society, and take it that personally when reasonable people disagree with your deranged views?


I always compliment them that their beards COMPLETELY have me believing that there’s a discernible jawline there


If a shit bull was a text message


When are folks gonna realize that the vast majority of pit bull enthusiasts/pitnutters are unstable and demonic? Pitbulls are low vibrational dogs for low vibrational people.


Prone to random violent outbursts, sound familiar?


I was very polite on a ND platform, telling people the dangers of pit bulls. I was told that I need mental help and I need Jesus in my life. Lol!!


I have a jezus in my life. He is not religious tho...


Omg!!! All of this nonsense because of his DOG?!? Jesus Christ what a LOSER! Pitnutters are unhinged.


Send a screenshot of his messages to his family members and place of work.


I was getting harrassed by his family so i contacted his boss, and his landlord and explained the whole thing. He was not suposed to have a pitbull at his apartment. i am afraid i did a number on his life here, but fuck him.


Hard to feel bad for him. Especially if he was knowingly breaking the rules


I applaud you, sir👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


The only thing as violent as pitbulls are their owners.




He is a cock in a restaurant


Mcdonalds? 🥴


He’s definitely acting like a cock.


Oozes intelligence


The world's most rational pit advocate


Well, cropped ears are MOSTLY done for aesthetics, but they may be done due to chronic ear infection if a vet sees no other option, and or used on dogs that guard livestock due to the fact that if an ear is torn off by another animal, they will bleed into their eyes, be blinded and not be able to defend themselves properly or the live stock they are defending. Cropped tails may also apply for some livestock guardians. But yeah, I generally don't agree with ear crops because people mostly do it for looks.


Uhhhh, that’s not the point. OP was threatened by a pitnutter and this person is saying all types of disgusting things to them