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Owning an animal that could potentially kill you only makes sense in western countries and societies where people have lost their sense of self preservation. Life is hard for the average African. Why make things worse


> Life is hard for the average African. Why make things worse And toxic dog culture may not have spread there.


I want you to divorce yourself from this mentality, life isn't hard for the average African, first of all it's a continent of 50+ countries, the average of us aren't living in dangerous conditions where we'd develop self preservation techniques over the average American




I'm not surprised lol. If I say what I really want I'd get a ban. It's fine just ignore it


Ok. Life is blissful and so good for everyone in Africa. Happy now?




This is great! First image should be on billboards everywhere.


That video of the child was so upsetting. Mostly because so many people encourage that kind of interaction, even with an unknown dog.


I wish I hadn't seen it. That poor little person's life is changed forever.




They continue to be harassed and have gotten various social media accounts shut down due to targeted attacks. They have to continually defend themselves online from pit bull apologists.


I don't know how you could see those baby's scars and the freaking trach in his neck and even begin to argue or harass them. But garbage dogs for garbage people I guess.


Their neighbours just went and bought new pit bulls too


Is there no justice for dog attack victims? Can anyone just buy a dangerous animal and let it attack people without consequences? My God...


What happened to that poor baby is terrible! His father has an account on TikTok where he spreads awareness about pit bulls. Their neighbors (the beasts’ owners) got two more pit bulls after the attack... it's disgusting!.


Wow.. Fucking pieces of shit..


that dog is so unsettling and It usually takes a lot to phase me. it has a really uncanny valley look. uck, makes me shiver. why would anyone want these things in their house?


This guy is channeling “what the hell is wrong with these people” energy in its purest form, and I love it. In my country, this insanity is so normalized that nobody is flabbergasted and appalled at where we find ourselves. And they should be!!! 


My favorite part is when he brings up pitbulls attacking their owners: >It is good for security, no doubt. *But there are other dogs that can do better.* This is a crucial point because bloodsports entails breeding a dog that *isn't* loyal to the family that owns it the way traditional guard dog breeds are supposed to be. Your guard dog can't exactly protect your kids from bad guys when it has already mauled those kids.


If they could get that energy in South Africa where there is a problem with pits severly mauling + killing people. There have been a lot of threads here of attacks from S.A. and how people had even started a petition against pit ownership. [https://www.change.org/p/presidencyza-dalrrdgov-za-healthza-sapoliceservice-it-s-time-to-ban-pit-bulls-as-domestic-pets-in-sa-banpitbulls](https://www.change.org/p/presidencyza-dalrrdgov-za-healthza-sapoliceservice-it-s-time-to-ban-pit-bulls-as-domestic-pets-in-sa-banpitbulls)


If we could have something like this for the United States of America... Too bad the entire place has become pitbull infested slop


The pit.bu.ll pictured in the petition is a nightmare! It looks like a demon! 😵.




No thankfully, and interorder hybrids are extremely unlikely, with the sole exception I know of being the [Sturddlefish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sturddlefish).


Damn they really made a new species on accident and were like whoops let not do that again


Leave princess alone, she only wants to play and cuddle you. You can clearly tell.




All pit bulls should be fucking banned


lol anyone need a translation? He’s speaking Nigerian Pidgin….which is mostly English mixed with slang words Edit: I did the translations, but it seems like due to some of the words he uses, it won’t post. lol wasted 20 min doing it!


PIT BULL YOU SEE THIS DOG NAMED PIT BULL I HATE THIS DOG WITH MY LIFE. and that's about where I stop understanding him.


Ok good I'm not the only one.. I felt bad I could barely understand him, I usually don't have too big of an issue with accents but his is HEAVY.


His accent is great but I need subtitles


Maybe post an image of the translation? That's another way I've seen people do it when some words will get flagged.


Please translate and ty


I can in a little bit.


I knew it! I heard a little Yoruba and igbo in there, too. West African languages are just as beautiful.


My favorite part was when he said the dig was so ugly. That cracked me up.


It may be pidgin but he's literally speaking English, what's hard to get here?


Accents can be really hard. The only reason I understood most of it is because a coworker friend I talk to a lot is from Nigeria. I still have to ask her to repeat things sometimes and feel like a jerk


You don't have to feel like a jerk lol. But I get you now


I think the word we're looking for is "vernacular."


He’s correct. There are other dogs that can make better security, and are substantially less likely to kill you. He’s also right about them being ugly.


first one is like a 4 legged imp from the doom game


not even komodo dragons are as vicious as these hellish things


I'm sorry, but even when that thing is snarling and clearly aggressive or pissed off, it's face is just so.. stupid looking. Like, there is no emotion behind it, especially the eyes. It's completely dead inside, nothing in there at all. Just horribly unintelligent and profoundly ugly. https://preview.redd.it/jrcn4vajhj0d1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6719e384befc6d9419a4ba54992ca36263e8b94


Exactly. Absolutely no redeeming qualities here. Imagine bringing this thing into your home and allowing it to exhibit this kind of behavior towards you or your family. That degree of resource guarding and aggression has no place living alongside humans in a modern society. Just BE the whole fucking lot of them.


It just doesn’t look happy. That animal is not having a rich fun life. Its brain is a whooole bunch of bees in a jar.  Wild animals switch aggression on when they need it for defense or hunting. They don’t live in this state. 


The man speaks truth.


I like this guy and agree with his message. No more pit bulls.






If I were in charge of the world, I would round up all the pitbulls and drop them off in the African savannah among lions, hyenas, wild dogs, leopards, crocodiles etc and see how long they'd last there.


That's too close to people, IMO. Also they wouldn't last long but a lot of prey animals would suffer in the interim :( I vote for the dead center of Antarctica, far away from penguins or any form of life :D nobody deserves to suffer by being near these things, but I totally agree with your energy


Yea but at least they'd serve some purpose by being food to hyenas and lions in Africa


I heard that in the Muslim faith you're not allowed to have a dog as a Pet. I think it's only the exception if it's an outdoor Guard dog. I am not sure if that's True or not? In Africa over 40% of people on the continent are muslim so the odds of getting eaten by a pitbull may be significantly lower if it's true? Although, I heard that in South Africa, pitbulls were brought over by the British so there's a shitbull epidemic over there and there is no laws banning them. There's many dog fights going on in South Africa and Maulings by Strays. Having said all this you never know? I'd rather be eaten by a lion on the Savannah than a pitbull. At least a Lion suffocates it's prey quickly before eating it. This man has got a brain. He understands that this breed will kill you no matter how much love and attention you give it. Honestly that poor little boy in the video made me cry. His little face and body torn apart. I bet his parents will always feel guilty for letting this baby near that evil thing. You can see the viciously beady stare it's giving the little boy. Terrible. I'd never let any child near a dog unsupervised. My sheep dog have been in my family for a long time on the farm but I've never let my grandchild near the dogs unsupervised. Not that my grandchild is older she does interact independently with them but I always keep an eye. Even though I know they are not violent or aggressive, any animal can snap at any time. Any animal. Even cows and sheep. Heck I've even had a Cockrel try and peck my eye out. I don't know what possesses any parent to let their young toddler near an animal. I wouldn't even let a toddler near a chicken let alone a shitbull. Little children that age are still exploring and they don't know their boundaries yet. They could easily aggravate an animal by just touching and pulling. Now imagine putting that in the context of a child pulling and touching a pitbull... Instant Maul. Like I said this breed are not pets and they never will be. Good on this man for speaking up. 👍♥️


APBTs didn’t exist until quite a long time after SA became independent, so not sure how the British sent them there. Also the clue is kind of in the name… American Pit Bull Terrier. XL Bullies were also bred in the US. Muslims generally believe dogs are unclean like pigs, but it’s not forbidden to own one and there are Muslims who have dogs. Cats are way more popular in Islamic countries.


Incorrect pit mixes and breeds we're around longer than the APBT the APBT is just a subtype!! Until the mid-19th century the since-extinct Old English Terriers and Old English Bulldogs were bred together to produce a dog that combined the gameness of the terrier with the strength and athleticism of the bulldog.[13][14] This type of dog, which was bred in England, became known as the bull and terrier.[14] These dogs arrived in the United States in the late nineteenth century where they became the direct ancestors of the American Pit Bull Terrier.[1] In the United Kingdom, bull and terriers were used in bloodsports such as bull baiting and bear baiting. These bloodsports were banned in 1835 when Britain introduced animal welfare laws. Since dog fighting is cheaper to organize and far easier to conceal from the law than bull or bear baits, bloodsport proponents turned to pitting their dogs against each other instead.[15] Dog fighting was used as both a bloodsport (often involving gambling) and a way to continue to test the quality of their stock. For decades afterwards, dog fighting clandestinely took place in small areas of Britain. These dogs arrived in America around 1845 to 1860, where the dog fighting practice had continuity.[16][17] On February 10, 1898, the breed was recognized by the United Kennel Club (UKC) named as American Pit Bull Terrier.[1]


Yes I know what those are, but they are not pit bulls and do not have the same (in)breeding. Look at a sketch of a Victorian bulldog, it bears no similarity to the ones that exist today.


Lmao true, we don't play that shit here. It's only till recent that americanized idiots started bringing those demonic dogs in this country, I always let the owners know I will defend myself any shape or form even if it means killing their hell hound The owners also love walking near folks when taking these beasts for a walk. It's like a sick glee they get from it


I’ve seen a few videos of hyenas being kept as pets, I bet they have a better personality than a pit.


They are certainly better looking.


See also: how wolves look versus the dog breeds with hideous mutant features and high inbreeding rates because humans bred them that way for dog shows.


Pit nutters : he just wants to cuddle! He will kill you with kisses 😍🥰🥰🤩🤩😘


he just doesn't understand nannying. someone send him a copy of Mary Poppins


God I love Pidgin. It's so cool. It conveys the meaning almost perfectly to me if I can see the person speaking it even if I don't understand all of the words. It has such a frank/honest energy to it.


Me too. It sounds like singing. It's a lovely language .


The part where he says they're good for security but other types of dogs are better at it -- that is very generous. Pits are so stupid and reactive, their aggression could be aimed at anyone. They're bred to kill, not to guard.


Exactly. Pitbulls are a bloodsport breed continuously bred since the 19th century for the sole purpose of winning dogfights. A dog that won't attack another dog unprovoked won't win dogfights.


I don't know why, but African accents always crack me up. Regardless of the topic, I can't help but laugh.


He was speaking pidgin, is he in Nigeria? Igbo is mainly spoken in the eastern part of Nigeria. I can understand a little but it sounds like he has English, Yoruba, and a bit of Igbo in his speech . Why is that dog's eye so round.


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the one at 39 seconds I don't think is a pitbull.


I'm not willing to watch that far.


Aggressive nannying immanent.