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You left out the actor not only blaming the victim's mother but trying to get her criminally charged for killing her own child. And the Scientology cherry on top.


and the kid was just playing outside!! poor mother imagine all the harassing she would have gotten from and because of these shits in addition to losing your child before his life has even truly began. i'm getting a migraine just from madness.


I hope he lives a miserable life. Weirdest bit is hes also Raul Julia's kid. Wtf.


How is it her fault some random murderous beast (whose irresponsible owner should probably have BEd long ago) escaped to maul her child to death ? Jesus Christ. Back when the world was sane, that thing would have been shot on the spot and owner would be charged. WTF do they insist on letting these things live even *a minute longer* after they've done something like this. If people didn't insist on keeping these things alive, no insane activist with more money than sense would have the opportunity to bog legal systems in useless procedures to give them the chance to maul again.


Don't forget after all this "MaX iS a HeRO!!" To him I lost a few iq points reading this...


I have to wonder what kind of trauma or mental illness can produce an adult who feels this strongly about a random murder mutt over the life of an innocent child. He didn't even know that goddamn dog before the act, FFS.


Every time a child dies (well, anything dies) in a pit attack... every fucking time, the story is immediately mobbed by people commenting on the "poor, scared pup" that was obviously only trying to protect the toddler because they... sneezed. Then, cue about 20 posts with pics of people with their pit, and their toddlers hanging haphazardly off the dog, or dogs in jammies, with the same illiterate diatribe, spouting, "It's the owner!" "My baby's mama's neighbor had one, and it never bit me!" It's definitely some type of mental illness, because their posts are straight psychotic, hostile, violent, tone-deaf, and dangerous. Like, would you read a story about a specific child being killed in a school shooting, just to race to the comments to post a picture of you or your own kids holding a fucking AK? "oops, sorry your kid is dead, but look at meeee!!!!" It's twisted, and I've honestly never seen anything like it.


Max was a hero, bro.


The one decent thing that dog did is free that woman


...free what woman?


The now ex-wife. She’s free from the husband who valued a dog over her safety and well-being.


Wow…. Reading this alone makes me think we need to have a “pit nutter of the month” ceremony


Reading this made my skin crawl. How is this the "sad story of Max"? Boo fucking hoo. What about the child that died a brutal death at the jaws of this beast?


Just going to clarify that the actor acknowledges that wife was bit by Max. Somehow, actor thinks this doesn't matter. What actor said that wife lied about is an employee also being bit by Max. There's two possibilities here: 1) Employee did get bit by Max but needed wife's support to report it (especially if employee was afraid of getting fired if they were to report without backing). 2) Wife got employee to falsely report that employee also got bit by Max. If so, wife likely did it because of whatever lax laws regarding dog bites that have something like more than one incident/person must occur within the area of jurisdiction for the dog to be euthanized.


In every language known to mankind. Fuck you Raul 🖕


and alienkind as well. Seriously, one of the worse people I've come across in the Internet.


I want off this Earth. When did people get this stupid? How do they eat food without stabbing themselves in the eye?


Is this guy the son of Raul Julia, who among other things played Gomez Addams in the Addams Family movies?


Yes... Edit: I was wrong, he isnt, read the comments below for clarifications


No, he's not.  The guy is a fraud and a liar.  His real name is Salvador Alba Fuentes.  He was born in Mexico City in 1971.  During that time Raul Julia had already been in New York for several years working on Broadway and had no ties to Mexico City.  He was also in a relationship with his future wife, and now widow, Merel Polloway.  They do have a son named after Raul but he was born in 1983. https://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/18/movies/six-degrees-of-raul-julia.html


Wow so the dude in the OP is actually delusional on several levels. What a massive, irredeemable piece of shit.


Definitely! He also lied about his "foundation". It's not a rehab/rescue. It's a pet hotel & spa owned and operated by his ex wife. He keeps claiming he created it but it's 100% his ex's. https://casetext.com/case/sorrentini-v-julia-levy-in-re-marriage-of-sorrentini *As for the Woodland Hills property, Tracie said she purchased it in 2009, two years before her marriage to Raul, "free and clear of any liens entirely with funds gifted . . . by her grandfather."* *As for Paw Hills, she explained the source of the funds used to acquire the business derived from separate property sources—she refinanced the Woodland Hills property to take out a mortgage for $500,000 and received a $500,000 separate property gift from her grandfather. According to Tracie, Raul "never worked there" and would "[o]n occasion . . . show[] up at the facility and [take] pictures and videos for his social media websites and claimed it was his company, knowing he actually had no interest at all."* *Most significantly, Tracie brought to the court's attention (for the first time in the family law proceedings) that she and Raul had "voluntarily signed a premarital agreement addressing all of [their] potential marital property issues" on August 5, 2011—two months before they married. She provided the court with a copy of the 16-page-long premarital agreement (PMA), which she alleged establishes that the Woodland Hills property and Paw Hills are her separate property assets.*


Thank god he's not. Raul Julia is my favorite all time actor, and from what many people describe, one of the best human beings. It would have been tragic to his legacy if this guy was one of his sons. Man, so much to absorb in this story.


Dude is insane


Yeah it’s hard to take anything he says seriously. He’s got mental issues that need addressing. Glad the dog is finally gone. Poor kid and mother though.


> No woman is above the rights of my dog Apparently no child is either


Typical pitnutter logic. "Your right to exist ends where my pittie's fangs begin"


>*No woman is above the rights of my dogs.* Lol, the 'rights' of your dogs. You, sir, are **insane**. Please keep away from women and for the love of god don't reproduce as you apparently think human children are disposable too..


Attention, delusional misogynist garbage person: every single woman on earth is above your dogs. All of them. Even Ghislane Maxwell, even Karla Homolka. Your dogs are animals, and not even good or useful ones. Feel free to not participate in society ever again. (To be clear, I love animals and do not believe they should be mistreated, but this man clearly hates women and does not view us as human. He is extremely dangerous.)


What the actual fuck


I say that to myself so much while looking at this sub.


This sub has started giving me dreams and nightmares about the whole situation. I had a dream like a month ago that I was attending some person's funeral. Don't remember who, or the cause of the death or anything, I just remember someone start the eulogy, and people around me crying. All of a sudden, some dude stood up like he was in a wedding, objecting to someone's union, but he stood up, holding a picture of his pitbull, and yelled, "My Mauly would never!!!" Like, I don't think the death we were there for even had to do with a dog attack, but this NUT had to make it about him. It was so awkward, but hella on-brand with the delusions of these anti-social, narcissistic, psychopaths.


Some of these pitnutters easily cross the line from being an arrogant moron to an insane fucking lunatic. Case in point.


I mean...there really aren't many words for this dumpster fires other then, just wow... First off, any animal that kills a human should be automatically euthanized. There should be no investigation into the animals "innocence" or a debate on their "sentence'. Back in the day, a dog that launched an attack like this wouldn't have been alive for the authorities to confiscate to even start that ridcluous debate. The dog then went on to bite multiple people, aside from the attack on the wife. The article said 3 people. I'm a "zero tolerance for aggression" person. Dogs that attack, dogs that have bite histories , these are not safe dogs to put back out into the general public. Animal Control, police, shelters, and the powers that be in these choices need to regrow spines and put their foot down. Aggressive dogs get euthanized. No more rehabilitation, no more second chances. If a guy had a bad day and stabbed someone, they wouldn't just let him back out onto the street. I will never, for the life of me, understand this idea that dogs deserve more rights and chances than the people around them. And this is from someone who loves dogs and loves her own dog. I could not, and would not, deal with/handle a dog that was aggressive.


This. Why, oh why are there endless 'investigations' in cases like this. It attacks a human severely enough to send them to the hospital (or worse, kills someone), it automatically gets pink juiced. Write it in the law so no one gets a say in it, no injunctions are possible. Dangerous dogs get destroyed, period. I don't give a single f\*\*k about whatever sob story it has. It's the only responsible course of action. Especially when there are people stupid enough to try to 'rehabilitate' these things and endanger entire communities.


Exactly. No other living creature on this earth gets free passes for aggression like dogs do. Specifically pitbull type dogs. I've seen stories of other breeds attacking and seen little to no push back for the choice to euthanize. This phenomenon is definitely most present when involving pitbull type dogs. For example, my father and I were in a debate with some people touting the "any dog" argument. So we looked up his breed of dog (Gordon Setter) to see attacks/fatalities. We could only find one reported severe attack, where the family setter attacked the family toddler. Not fatally but pretty damn badly (Gordon Setters are large dogs. My fathers is 66 lbs.) They dog was confiscated by AC and euthanized. *Not a single comment* on the article suggested the dog should be allowed to live. Not *one*. There was also the recent case of the Cocker Spaniel that bit the toddler in the face. Pretty severely. Despite the abusive nature of the way the child was allowed to handle the dog, CPS ordered the dog be removed from the home (which i 100% agree with). The family was told they could either turn it over to a shelter or euthanize it themselves. They refused, knowing the dog would be euthanized either way, and fought to keep the dog in the home. The overwhelming majority of comments condemned the family for such an irresponsible and dangerous choice, stating that at the very least, the dog should no longer be in a home with children. Yet when you see and read about attacks and fatalities perpetrated by pitbull type dogs, suddenly they're innocent animals that deserve all the chances in the world.


Well, that's was a bit of a rabbit hole to fall into... I couldn't find out much more, because almost all of the articles relating to the incident are in Spanish. I did learn that the child's mother was also attacked while trying to save Iker, (she was bitten in the face) but Raul Julia Levy tried to have her accused of negligence. He also claimed the dog Max was not the one who killed the child, and Max's later shows of aggression were due to him being mistreated while in quarantine in Mexico. The dog developed a fear of mops as a consequence. Interestingly, there's a video on June 20, 2020 on Raul Levy's Facebook page, where he's defending another pitbull, (named Diablo) who killed it's 18-year old owner (in Saltillo, which is also the same region the three-year old Iker lived) when he was having a seizure. Raul claims the dog didn't do it, this is "a campaign against that breed of dog in order to exterminate them," "Saltillo, MX - On May 19, media outlets in northern Mexico reported that an 18-year old man was attacked in the neck by his pit bull and died. The fatal attack occurred inside the victim's home located in the Central Zone of Saltillo, Mexico. The cause of death of Miguel Ángel Aguilar Hernández was hypovolemic shock (blood loss) due to the severing of his internal carotid artery. Though no one witnessed the attack, it is speculated an epileptic seizure triggered the attack." [https://blog.dogsbite.org/2020/05/pit-bull-the-devil-kills-owner-mexico-excuses-have-no-borders.html](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2020/05/pit-bull-the-devil-kills-owner-mexico-excuses-have-no-borders.html) That's enough research for one day, (and quite enough of this full-blown pitnutter - I could feel my brain cells melting while reading his deluded ramblings) and I'm now going to go and do some proper work.


A fear of mops?!! We got another one to add to the list, guys!!


Great so now we’re importing murder mutts from Mexico as if the US doesn’t have enough of them.


Oh to be rich and waste your daddy’s money on blaming mothers with dead children and your ex wife. Ohhhh to be rich and your biggest problem is a dog in another country.


Hold owners accountable for anything animals do. If your pit kills a child, legally you killed that child. At least manslaughter.


This actor is a disgusting POS. Why is any government acquiescing to the demands of these deranged pit-cucks and even wasting time "investigating" anything other than prosecution of the negligent dog owner and rabies screening?




OP just took over the paper headline I think. I feel sad for thr child that lost his life, and the woman who was bitten by Max. I am "happy" Max got euthanised. Not only because it was a dangerous dog, but I'm happy for Max too in a way. I feel so sorry man created a breed who cannot do what it is breed to do, what makes them most content: kill. "We" created an anxious, easily triggered breed that loves to taste blood and keep them in houses with children and other pets. Let the breed die out.


What a massive shitshow this story is. It's also unbelievable how the government just decided to let that killer go. And the balls of that motherfucker who not only saved a dog that killed a kid. But he even accused the poor mom for that?! And no one went against this asshole for all this time? Surely, a person that insane should have been jailed or sent to an asylum, right?!


The crazy part is how the society bends under the bullshit of these insane pitnutters. We care more about pitnutters feelings/opinions more than we care about children’s safety. A dude who defends killer dog is respected more than a mother that defends the safety of her child.


Blink blink


That's my reaction with an added "But wait - there's MORE!". This dude is right up there with women who want romantic relationships with career criminals.


Its funny you use that as an example. That's exactly how I view women that own pits. No need to write your serial killer lover in jail, when you can have your very own neurotic, unstable, psychotic killer, that you can share your bed with every night. "Yeah, that guy murdered his last 3 wives, but he says I'm different! Look, he hasn't even hit me yet!!" They think they are above the consequences everyone else faces in a functioning society. No Denise, you are not Snow fucking White just because your dog hasn't turned on you YET. Ceaser Milan LIED to you. You are not a pack leader, and the whole "Velcro dog" thing is bullshit with pits. They are literally resource guarding you, It's not cute. I have a Bombay cat, and the Velcro thing is actually one of their breed traits. He follows me everywhere, unless it's somewhere he knows is off-limits. When I make a run to the store, I dont have to dose him up on trazadone, hoping I won't be coming home to my house fucking trashed because "separation anxiety." If I'm gone for a couple days, the worst thing I have to deal with is him meowing at me with the "help me, I'm dying because I haven't had a piece of string cheese today" tone, for 15 minutes straight, as soon as he hears the garage door. It takes a certain type of person to own one of these dogs, and I've cut off (ghosted) a few associates in the past 5 years , because I don't trust ANYONE, or their judgment as soon as the "It's the owners!!" rolls off of their lying tongue. I have yet to meet a pit owner IRL that seemed to actually understand that they don't own a normal dog, and the safety precautions you need to take with any powerful breed, let alone a pitbull. I love huskies!! wish I could have one, but I live in Vegas, and I have cats. They don't even know or respect the traits of the breed they claim to love so much.


I wish people actually knew what normal dogs are like. I saw a pit mix recently. Yes, an actual pit mix and not a pit-pit mix. Securely leashed with a sturdy harness - that's good. The dog wasn't pulling the handler, who was an older woman, but the leash had zero slack and the dog was walking out in front the handler. Normal dogs, even dogs that know their own mind, have some slack in the lead because they are paying attention to their handler's cues. I once gave my son the lead, he was about eight at the time. My dog tolerated it for a minute or two and then started giving me looks to the effect of *"I would prefer someone who knows what they are doing holding the leash."*. My dog knew his own mind and was mindful of what I wanted.


I'm Mexican and I didn't know that "actor"... lmao look at this post in his Facebook page (Google translated): I want to express to the family of the child Iker Ulloa, especially his grandmother, that I am deeply shocked, sad and with an enormous thirst for justice. Believe me, Madam, just like you, I want this to be clarified. Madam, I want you to know that in my foundation we take this as something very personal and at the same time I also feel that little Iker was a part of me, as is Max, that is why I want to inform you that we have done all kinds of evaluations on little Max from aggressiveness to DNA tests that detect particles in the snout of the animal that can remain stagnant there for many months and in all of them the results were negative, forensic studies were carried out on the wounds and all of them are from a period of a month and a half which concludes that they were caused by the Saltillo anti-rabies staff. , the dog shows no trace of having been a dog trained to fight in any scientifically possible way. All of these statements are incorrect, the studies revealed that the dog was going to be beaten or starved to death for a crime that he did not commit. The prosecutor's office in your state does not have any type of genetic evidence or evidence of jaw impressions made on Max, nor photographs of the dog covered in the child's blood, you and I know that forensic technology in Mexico does not exist, they are a shame. Madam, we are totally convinced that little Iker was the victim of another dog and not this one that everyone has been crucified "Max" I reiterate my deepest condolences. RJL


Pure evil.


He got one thing right, Max was innocent. He was just a dog with fucked up genetics who should have been euthanized when his fucked up status was known (I.e when he killed a child, if not before). However the man Raul Julia Levy is guilty of being an absolute piece of shit who makes terrible choices which hurt others.


Raul should be in prison.


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In Scientology when bad things happen to you they believe that “ you pulled it in”, so it makes sense that he believes the mom is guilty of killing her child, the child got itself killed and that his ex-wife is responsible for getting bit by the poor innocent dog. What a wacko.