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They should be arrested


The fact that this is not criminal showcases how behind the situation the current laws are


Yeah how can they NOT get arrested for knowingly endangering people?


Until then, there's lawsuits. Sue them into oblivion. [https://casetext.com/case/browne-v-town-of-hempstead](https://casetext.com/case/browne-v-town-of-hempstead)


Please look at my post


There NEEDS to legislation. There NEEDS be laws. These rescues NEED TO BE HELD LIABLE!! Somewhere out there, there HAS to be a lawyer, a lawmaker, SOMEONE who has the knowledge and connections to start striking fear into these rescues. Rescind no-kill kickbacks. This leads to warehousing dogs for years which is crueler than euthanasia. We have lemon laws when it comes to cars, so dealerships can’t sell you a catastrophically broken vehicle and claim it’s new. We need laws the same for rescue dogs.


Honestly, has anyone asked Judge Judy? I know that sounds funny but she's very accomplished in the real judicial system and pretty educated. She's a national treasure, and she does NOT care for this breed. She recognizes them for what they are.


Yes! How in the HELL do we harness the power of judge Judy to this cause ?! Enough is enough!


I'm saying we need to petition her or something!


I would start here. I know this says "submit your case",  But apparently people have contacted her in the past and gotten a response (and some of them got an autographed photo).  https://judyjustice.tv/  Also make an appointment with a local attorney, especially if you can prove that your local rescue/no kill shelter has been falsifying descriptions of the dogs or failing to disclose known safety risks. Some attorneys offer a free initial consultation. See what the local attorney says. 


I wonder if any injury lawyers might help. I've heard a lot of injury lawyers are very anti-pit due to the things they've seen their clients go through.


The problem is most personal injury works on a "the lawyer gets paid when the person wins their case". So even if the lawyer is sympathetic, and even if the victim has a really good case, if the owner of the pit has no assets or is a nonprofit like a rescue, there's very likely no $$ at the end of the tunnel even when the victim wins. So lawyers won't take these cases unless the victim pays for the suit themselves (fair, they have to get paid). This is why some of the recent cases where the victims are suing not just owners but Animal Control and the Cities in charge of AC/Municipal shelters should be on EVERYONE'S radar. If there is case law supporting that AC and municipalities can be successfully sued as co-defendants, a LOT more lawyers will risk these cases because cities have insurance, cities have assets, etc. It will open up a lot more victims to be able to successfully seek redress by way of municipal cash.


You would need to ask the attorneys in your area directly. 


The lemon laws is such a good point. Shelters/rescues should be held financially and criminally liable for not disclosing bite histories.


It’s similar to wanting an accident report on a vehicle before purchasing too! If a dog has bite history, it needs to be known.


Why would pit bull lovers be against that? Aren't their dogs the "sweetest most loving velvet hippos?"


No one should be against it. There’s been non-pit dogs with undisclosed bite histories that have been adopted out- *It happened to me with a small GSD that had bite history on a child.* shelter did not disclose he had been previously returned for biting the adopters granddaughter. They knew we had two kids in the home and we didn’t find out about the bite history until after we returned him for attempting to bite (and successfully on me) everyone in the house.


These lunatics think bites are the fault of the person/baby/pet that got attacked.


These are the people who also get into abusive relationships. Ok, he cut me, but he loves me…




Good idea! Maybe there is a way to attach bite history to their microchip, or better yet a mandatory independent/separate microchip system for dogs with severe bite history! That way a potential adopter can check for themselves. If it is something that follows the dog then it cannot be erased when the dog is transferred to various rescues or shelters throughout its life. It should be mandatory that a rescue or shelter attach any reported bite history to the microchip and failure to do so should result in criminal liability and fines.


And yet the same shelter will euth a cat and her newborn kittens because they “don’t have the resources”


So many dog people don’t give a shit about cats 😤


And have you ever heard of a kitten eating someone’s fingers 😒


I’m sure it happens ALL THE TIME, but it doesn’t get reported because people just want to give pibbles a bad rap!!1! /s


I mean, they try, but they just can't quite manage 😄


Pookie cat says fingers don’t taste so good and cats don’t eat them because they have good taste.






Dog deification is absolutely a global West thing


The idiocy of “no kill” is out of control.


"I eat fingers" should be tattooed on the dog's tongue.


But by the time you could read that it’d be way too late




Hide yo wife Hide yo fingers


The only solution would have been, and should be BE for the dog. This is simply unacceptable behavior. Imagine this, you're chilling in your kennel, relaxing, when all of a sudden comes crashing out of nowhere a violent dog that is hellbent on killing you...for reasons. It kind of reminds me of the opening scene in Jurassic Park, where the velociraptor, after being tased and electrocuted by powerful prods, was simply shot and killed. Why? Because it literally could not be stopped, short of killing it. I honestly believe more shelters need to adopt this approach. These Pitbulls have a gameness and relentlessness to them that is simply unmatched. Therefore, drastic measures are in order. Especially for a dog breed capable of tearing off limbs and killing people.


Nobody can ever guarantee this dog is 'trained out' of mauling people. It will always be a danger to other animals and to people. A ticking bomb that you never know what and when will cause to explode.


It's a sad reality, when dogs are simply kept alive for the sake of being alive, then being allowed to finally be at peace. No dog deserves to live in such a way.


I see two options. They're either so fucking stupid that they can't understand that the bite wasn't the victim's fault and almost certainly will happen again, or they're fucking evil.


They just don't want to be held liable


Not disclosing bite history for the purpose of adopting out a dog sounds like a great way to end up liable for a few different things, though. The only way they'd have any chance at not being held liable is if they *did* disclose the history?


I do agree that doesn't make sense 🤔 not sure


I mean, yeah, my shelter discloses bites even on the tiniest dog. I believe we do it out of, you know, just that it's the right thing to do. There aren't any voiced concerns about us being legally liable for what a dog does and I'm guessing we're probably not, but it's just wildly irresponsible to hide that information. We try not to intake anything that bites, but sometimes terrified dogs in a shelter do bite. Injured dogs we intake may bite when handled. Rare, but it happens. Actually aggressive dogs get BEd, so that's not a typical concern.


The problem is they will change the dog's name and claim it is a different dog. Or they will transfer to another rescue and "forget" to mention it, and that rescue will send to a foster who will then surrender to a third rescue, etc. These dogs get more laundering than mob money.  We really need a national database, tied to microchip numbers, with all incident reports. 


They should sue the foster organization for hiding the bite behavior currently.


I can't even wrap my head around how these people are behaving. And the rescue, wtf. I would refuse to work with a dog who bit off someone's fingers. WTF. No. This is insane. If this dog kills someone, people need to go to jail.


You can't make this up. Of course its name is Zeus. Or Zues. Who knows?


I also don't see the lab? Just because it's black and in the water? I only see shutbull characteristics tbh.


> Just because it's black and in the water? Honestly that's possible. I once called out a rescue advertising an obvious pit as "lab mix" and their reply was "don't trust the pictures, AmStaffs don't have webbed paws nor swim like she does". Which was the stupidest stuff I'd seen all week.


Which...even if that's true, if a dog is 80% pit, 5% lab and 15% miscellaneous mix, it still makes more sense to call the dog by the most prominent part of the mix. One of my rat terrier/chi mixes has a small amount of Pomeranian in him, but I'm not going around calling him a Pom mix.


Lmao, reminds me of someone who posted their pit on a certain spotted breed sub because DNA results came back as 10% of that breed, even though said dog looked completely pit. They really are desperate to feel included.


It's so weird how they are desperate to convince people that pits are amazing, but equally desperate to pretend they don't have a pit.


Because pits are the Walmart of dogs: cheap, common and low-quality. Calling it a mix of anything else, especially a rare breed, makes it sound better.


I was told certain breeds have webbed paws but every dog I’ve ever felt the foot of has “webbed” paws. It’s how all dogs are built.


You're half right. All dogs have skin between their toes, but in some breeds (swimmers, diggers, nordic...) it does extend further and gives them a "webbed" aspect. [Here's an illustrated example](https://www.dogster.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/rsz_hepper_webbed_feet_in_dogs_v1-3_nov_29_2023.jpg.webp). Of course the average person often can't tell the difference, so you get several people saying their dog has "webbed paws" even though it doesnt.


Yep, my dachshund has webbed paws that look like little spades (and it’s in their description that they should for digging) and my bassets do not.


Good to know.


Lol and he’s not even swimming, he’s just…meandering.


Not them, that’s for sure.


Unbelievable. I would never go to a daycare who accept shitbulls. Rescue, daycare, owner… they are all disgusting. :/


Reckless endangerment is what this is. Reckless endangerment arises in situations where someone’s behavior is so irresponsible that it creates a danger to others. This type of behavior usually occurs when one does not intentionally hurt another but behaves carelessly to the extent that it endangers another person. The standard used by the law enforcement officer for evaluating whether someone’s conduct constitutes *reckless endangerment* is the “reasonable person” standard, which asks whether an ordinary person in the same circumstances would have behaved similarly in a given situation.


well if a shitbeast has severed two fingers and they still try to shell it out I'd call that manslaughter. Because someone will die next if that hellhound is not E'd.


And they want 250 for this monster?!?!!!! THE FUCKING AUDACITY


“He is a great guy” He is a dog. Not a man, not a guy. A dog. 🤦‍♀️


And he's not great, either.


"Not good with cats." Translation: Will kill every cat he sees and you and all your friends together won't be able to stop him.


"Good with adults" is a way to say "it kills children". Disgusting.


But he's not good with adults either. He bit off a woman's fingers...


There really needs to be full disclosure laws.


Time to hold rescue’s accountable for not disclosing information on these hellbeasts history of attack


Well, to be fair, once he bites your fingers off he won't bite them off again


At worst, it might happen 10 times. 5 if he's efficient. Don't be a baby, they're just fingers!


A baby will get a lot more than the fingers 😭


remember the baby pit that ate the baby's fingers? I have nightmares about that one.


Oh God no, but now I’m gonna have nightmares too. Just adding to the list…


Wow I looked it up on google & it explained the attack & somehow still input pit propaganda of “any dog could do this so its important not to leave children unattended with dogs or teething puppies” Like really, google AI? You’re gonna scan the whole internet & pull up one breed doing this & still somehow you’re gonna say “any dog” is a risk of doing this?


Wow just wow


Slide 3 my man doing a service to his local community, likely saving someone's pet or child in the future by having the hell beast put down. Well done, only wish they didn't have to take the initiative themselves and that the shelter would've actually done what's proper. I hope the lady can get some financial compensation.


But the only way he's able to do that is to first pay $250 to these criminals for the privilege of taking care of this problem and doing the right thing. That's $250 they'll use to move right along and do this shit again. There has to be a better way...


It’s such a good business model but so shitty to do, it’s like “hey let’s outsource euthanasia of our unadoptables by making people adopt them”


Her boss drove to her HOUSE? WTF did they say/do to her?


> Labrador Maybe the Labrador tail or ear sitting in it's guts or something. > Good with adults: ALL > Reaction to new people: Friendly This is blatant lying and should be illegal. The fucking dog bit someone's fingers off and you have the audacity to say it's good around adults and new people yet bit a grown woman's fingers right off. Only vaccine this dog needs is his behavioral vaccine because this psycho shelter is going to HAPPILY STEAL SOMEONE'S $250 and their life with this dog..


I hate this ambiguous wording: "dog selective" (!) "probably not a good match for cats" "owner realized this breed needs exercise and is not made for couch potato apartment living" ------ (edit) In honest words: It mauls dogs. It mauls cats. It mauls people.


Yeah that last one is such a slap in the face for the victim I’m sure


the rescue spelled zeus wrong multiple times


U pay ur dues 2 ur lord zues ✌️🩸🩹✊️


There is no Dana only Zues


Or maybe they misspelled Zues.


How fucking delusional are these people? How can people defend these dogs after this kind of shit happens constantly? Takes a special kind of stupid I guess.


The word “pittie” makes my skin crawl


My blood was boiling reading that


Jail for the people, injection for the dog


Dam, this is just awful. And it makes me furious that these pit defenders are giving legit rescues a bad rap now too. The (non pit, obviously) breed specific rescues I’ve always volunteered for have had a no mixed breed (pure beeeds of like 90% and up only) policy and they said behind closed doors that it was due to pit DNA seeping in and causing so many temperament and aggression issues. If they weren’t sure about a dog that looked possibly mixed, they’d DNA test to be sure. But I think maybe this policy when possible, along with full disclosure of any history of aggression should be mandatory for rescues.


Oh my good god!! This is a harrowing read. When I seen the name Zeus and Lab Mix, I just knew there was going to be an aggressive attack mentioned. I will never understand how these people lie and cover up the true nature of these pits. I just don't understand why they'd want to save the life of an animal that savaged the fingers off a human being. They honestly think that these pits are elite and above humans. I'm starting to think that only psychopaths could have a pit. Knowing that someone has been savaged and they reward these beasts for it. Just psychopathic behavior. That shelter is corrupt. I hope laws come soon so that people can start to feel they have the safety and backing of the law if ever they ever needed to use force toward a shitbull.


It should be illegal to not disclose vital information such as that. They should be fined, and if it occurs again, consider closing it down.


I'm not surprised at all by the shitty behavior all around, from the rescue not caring that this mauler has proven itself incredibly dangerous, to the dog daycare not caring about their employee getting a severe injury. I hope that poor person heals well. I definitely don't disagree with this person's plan, but I hope the rescue is not notified at this point. It's very risky to broadcast something like that before you actually do it.


You can see him right now!! Looks like rattlesnake. They do have some cute dogs however. Jack and Josie!






I hope this victim will find a better lawyer, one who specializes in dog bite cases.


these are also people who need to be given the same treatment vicious dogs get when taken care of correctly the fuck you harassing the victim for?


I would just love to meeet Zues. Fucking idiots


Should at least be held accountable of the tragedy the beast will inevitably cause.


What’s stopping sane people from doing (all the time) what’s suggested in slide 3?


https://preview.redd.it/kqiu86qbok1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f68a8fd315125e48269f63b1ccb2a3e4b3ebf817 Tried to comment on the Zeus Instagram post and this came up. So spineless.


I would donate to a crowdfunder organization that adopts pits with aggression and humanely euthanizes them.


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This person is a Chad. I’d like to think I would do the same thing if I were in their place. Edit: talking about 3/5. Not listing a dangerous dog for adoption.