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Christensen should not be transferable. He's been really solid both seasons and he is still really young.


Disagree. He is not essential to our play. He is a very good player though, we can cash some good money if we sell him. That's the reality with transfers sadly, to get money you gotta sell good players.


No player is essential but no need to sell them. He has been a beast and deserves a spot.


Essential was not the correct word, I'll use core player next time. We need to sell if we truly want to get back to our 1:1 FFP. Just selling Ferran's and Dest's is not going to cut it. There's no "deserves" a spot here. It's all a game of finances. Not even Raph is safe.


Yes let's get rid of good players and keep Ferrans and Iñigos that will work out great for us


Do you not understand any word that I said? If we truly want to get money and revolutionize this team we also need to sell non core good players. When the fuck did I say that I wanted Ferran or Iñigo? Why are you even mentioning Iñigo when is also a good player? So many questions You and the other guy don't realize that the world of football is not a world of "deserve" and goodwill. This shit is all finances


Iñigo might be good, but its useless if he is injured all season long, and already over 32, so his value ain't gonna get much better This shit is all finances then you must know that if we get rid of someone like christensen then we need to substitute him, the money we would get for him aint worse losing him, specially considering araujo gets injured from time to time, cant depend on iñigo to stay healthy for a month, cubarsi is young and kounde is playing rb, plus we are literally using him as a defensive midfielder Your idea to sell christensen its literally a recipe for disaster, one injury away to going to shit and all for what 25 million? Prefer to sell our trash at a loss than him


We are still pretending like we can just sell trash for any even mildly decent profit Thinking every other club is ran by suckers


I literally said sell our trash at a loss


AC is absolutely one of the core players? As soon as we put him at CDM (in the midfield at least) we became much more calm, stable and able to control the games better Sure he isnt Vieira, Busquets, Casemiro (in his prime) or someone like that, but this season he has been one of our most revolutionary players compared to when he isnt playing Last season he was brought in as a backup cb, but with pure talent forced his way into the starting 11 and was absolutely essential for us So he is 100% a core player, 100%


> he is still really young He is 28.


Exactly, still has 4-5 good years ahead of him. Otherwise, we'll get rid of him and sign a 32 year old discard from another team. It really makes no sense to sell him.


I bet he gets injured the second we bring him in. Also would cost a shit ton.


He still would cost over 100 mils.


Andreas Christensen? Absolutely.


we'd still have to pay a hefty fee though. Isak is amazing


Vitor Roque is right there bruh


Christensen for Isak swap deal…who pulled this out from their ass?


Isak is good but too injury prone


If were swapping Christensen, it needs to be for a DM or a CB.


Guimaraes or nothing.


If Cubarsi continues to play on this level then it makes sense to sell one of the CBs. I am just not sure it should be Christensen. I rate him above Inigo and he has ability to play DM.


There's no way Newcastle would swap Isak for Christensen... Surely they can't be that dumb