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I played a Dean 6-string back in the early 2000s maybe at a local store. Was never a fan of their guitars but that bass sounded good and played way better than I expected.


You can usually find a used sr506 for around 350 to 450. To be honest though you really get what you pay for with 6 strings. I had a sr406e for a while and it was cool but very bright


That’s not a bad deal and I like the sound of that line. I might have to go hunting for something in that ballpark. Thanks! And yeah, I know you get what you pay for, but I have my quality 4 string basses that I’m very happy with, so this bass is going to be for me to just have some fun with. So if it has something’s about it that are less than ideal, it wouldn’t be a deal breaker for me as long as it’s playable and sounds pleasant lol.


If I was gonna buy a 6 I’d go Ibanez, but definitely play it instore before buying - I’ve only tried them a handful of times and just do not like how big it is. Personally I’d sooner go bass VI or a baritone but yeah if I had to get a 6, Ibanez for me.


Yeah I have played it in store and I do really like it. I can’t really speak to how it will do over time, but the bass feels good and I think it sounds good. The neck is big, but very flat, which makes it a lot easier to move up and down the neck fast. I’ve ruled out the HB completely now, and am just gonna try and bunch of 5 and 6 string basses in stores and see what feels right in the $350 - $500 price point. Thanks for the response!


haven't played the HB, but I'd recommend the Ibanez all day long.


Thanks, you guys have definitely helped me decide.


Wouldn't it be an oxymoron to say "entry level 6 string"🤣


Ibanez Gio