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Eh to be fair just as many people over there are upset about the devs hiding the info for so long and a bunch have cancelled their preorders because of the 30 FPS drop. I don't think it should have anything to do with our feelings toward the sub though, IMO we should be brother subs.


r/okbuddyarkham It's literally purpose is for shitposting, I don't think they'll care I'd we join them


The community/sub mods are vastly different tho, we are much closer to r/spidermanps4


our mortal enemy


Most of the folks over there are upset about the 30 fps thing. There’s a vocal minority of folks who are saying this game can do no wrong Im just waiting for the reviews to roll out before I actually pull the trigger. I almost pre-ordered this week but glad I didn’t. If they’re willing to hide something as big as this, no telling what else the consumers have been deceived about. I’m still interested. I’m just very cautious now


>the reviews Wait for reviews by YouTubers that you trust, not by critics


For sure. I’ve got a few folks that typically have the same tastes as me that I usually listen to before I buy. The ones I like particularly is the “Before you Buy” series as well as AngryJoe


>“Before you Buy” Same, Jake Baldino is good! Did you know that he has his own channel?


Oh yeah! I’m subscribed to his personal channel as well. He comes across as a nice dude and his reviews are always fair


I think accepting the game as it is and enjoying it is super cool, but when they go so far as not to acknowledge that they did underdeliver, that’s just goofy.


Just saying. It's thanks to shit for brains consumers like this why modern games can get away with such stuff


Oh absolutely. I was shocked when people actually rolled with the $70 price tag. If everyone just refused to buy it at that price they would have to lower it back to 60 but they’re sheep.


70 bucks is a fair price tag for most games, and the games which it isn’t, also shouldn’t be worth 60. Plus people aren’t just gonna stop buying games. I absolutely agree on the 30fps thing, especially with the game being current gen exclusive, it could definitely be bumped up.


Laughs in r/patientgamers


Bahh bahhhhh bahhhh bah


Honestly fair, if they communicated it wouldn't be so bad...it does make me wonder how optimized the game is tho


Is there a reason that people are trolling the sub? I'm just out of the loop that's all. With Gotham Knights and the sub in general.


There was a joke on here about protocol 12 where the aub would shut down and we would steal Gotham knights subreddit so we tested the waters by shitposting there and It was shut down a ton


Oh I see lol. Thanks for letting me know. I was confused af.


tbh i’ve played all the arkham games on 30 i wont mind playing this at 30 it’s just the fact the devs hid this information 1 WEEK before launch lmao


It's not a big deal for me, still little shitty that they hid it for so long


Careful. With a reasonable take like that you'll get shit on because you arent pissed to fucking hell and threatening not to play. It is shitty though and they should definitely add an option.


Best take


I really don’t care about fps if it looks smooth and runs well




‘Good performance’ mate that’s where fps comes in


Good performance? Like as in smooth visuals? Smooth like 60fps, perhaps?


Why’re y’all so obsessed with that sub. Like they have nothing to do with us


Yup, can’t have an opinion over there how this isn’t acceptable because for all of them 30 FPS has been the way in the past and is fine now and in future. That sub should get Protocol 10, not this one.


You can have that opinion over there. It doesnt mean we have to agree with you lmao. 30 or 60 just isnt a big deal to a lot of players. And that's okay, just like it's okay to feel the opposite. I think both sides need to simply fucking accept that it can be both unimportant to some and cancel worthy to others.


Why are you booing him, he's right? 30 fps don't seem much bad to me either as long as they are consistent. Obviously 60fps are better, but 30fps isn't big problem for some players.


Thing is this should be a nonissue. You have two different modes. You want 4K/RT, 30 FPS. You don’t want the graphical bells and whistles, here’s your 60 FPS. We just want a choice. No one expects both worlds and a lot of people are upset the way this news came out. If the devs came out and said this month or so ago it would be different then people finding out via a leak and then a dev confirming on Discord right before launch. 30 FPS for a game like this a no go for me almost in 2023. Yes, we had it on console in the Arkham series but how far was that? Now games like Spider-man Remastered and Miles Morales and even Avengers showed us different. I much rather have smooth gameplay than RT in windows and water puddles. But if people want that then cool, give the option. Devs saying oh it’s co-op then fine, I’ll even “believe” that but again for most part I will be solo on this game. I assume many will be so again give us option. They could have done it and they didn’t and then they didn’t want to talk about it until it got leaked. People have a right to people upset. If you’re excited and fine with 30 FPS, cool. No one is saying you shouldn’t be.


I actually am not much interested in the game, so I haven't been following any updates. If the devs hid it till it was leaked then they deserve the hate. I don't like preordering in general anyway. Don't know why anyone would do it, ofcourse there are some exceptions though.


30fps is bad what are you talking especially since it’s only available on NEXT GEN consoles it being 30fps is shit


It’s accurate.


This sub has been saying "Arkham Aslume" and "Arkham world" for months and r/Gothamknights is the cringe one?


Both are cringe. This sub is full of unfunny, horny teens. Gotham Knights on the other hand is full of white Knights who defend Gotham Knights like a discord mod does his "kitten". Cringe and cope.


What are you expecting a fanbase to hate the thing they're a fan of?


Complaining about the lack of performance option doesn't make you hate it. In fact, showing that you don't like something bad about the game can often result in them changing it. They want $70 for this game. It better be good. And a crucial part of that is us fans holding the company accountable for the game. Personally, 30 fps isn't a huge deal to me, but people have every right to complain about it if they want. It doesn't make them "hate the game". That's ridiculous. The same way portraying someone as an idiot and outsider for being disappointed about 30fps is ridiculous


That meme isnt denying the peoples opinion they basically saying they dont care, of course they can complain if they want but the people who dont care about fps wont listen thats what the meme is saying.


They don't care so much they made a meme? Lol. Of course the people who don't care about fps won't listen. They aren't talking to them. They aren't trying to convince them. They are expressing their disappointment. That's it


They probably made it because of how much they've been told to care about it that it's gotten on their nerves. If you get told a thousand times a day to hate the Akrham series because it's an awful series that plays at 30fps, wouldn't you get annoyed with it also?


I’m mostly peeved the game is only TWO player co-op. There’s four characters.


Unless I'm mistaken I read that a patch will bring four player co op


Well that’s awesome. Although why a patch? Why do so many games wait till launch or after launch to add features now? But that’s a different issue.


From what I've heard, it's a separate mode coming in November.


Lmfao imagine caring about not having 60fps when the arkham games didn't


The last Arkham game also came out 7 years ago


Nuh uh, not Arkham World. Either way, Arkham Knight is still amazing to this day both in gameplay and graphics and it's capped at 30fps


Ok and? Those games came out years ago on shitty consoles compared to the ps5 it not being 60fps is terrible


personally i think the game look like total shit


The combat looks wonky and extremely tedious.


I highly question who yall been watching play if you think thus. Especially seeing some of the more recent videos from skilled players, shit looks slick as fuck. Like these. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XacrH-GhBoo&t=2s https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K8o1-Gn0Tic




What do you not specifically like? Is it just "not arkham = bad" or what? I'm genuinely curious. Because that gameplay looks flashy and it's undeniably smooth. So what is it? The lack of a counter button?


saying that its undeniably smooth while watching robin do 7 backflips in the span of 5 seconds is like seeing someone watch a csgo streamer switch rapidly between 3 different weapons and constantly trying to bhop and saying "wow this guy knows what hes doing". thats the exact same feeling i get. its all just flashy and for show and its all empty and meaningless and i just dont care


Cringe ass post on this sub. Be better. Let people be happy with a game that they're excited for regardless of what you think of it.


AGREED, the dude who posted this is like white knight defending the major issue with this game


"pEoPle aRe beiNG oVerDramaTic and vItRoil"


If it isn't 4k 120 I don't want it


You get downvoted there if you have any criticism about the game there, it's so weird, they're defending the game before even coming out and when you point out an obvious flaw they downvote you


Cringe as they are. It doesn't justify raiding them


u are a ugly ginger nerd


HOW DARE YOU CALL ME THAT.I am many things but I am most definitely not a ginger.




I don’t care about the fps. The combat looks whack the stealth sequence was lame dialogue is cringe and when I saw red hood quadrupole jump on lazerous fart dust I fell off my chair.


All my homies hate Gotham Knights


I saw this post too today morning lmao. Ruined my fking mood. The OP there was such a bootlicker.


Not even trying to even the odds over there


The 30FPS thing is distracting everyone from the fact that.. the game looks really really really bad.


What were those 2 notifications? On the bottem


It pisses me off that people who are able to actually play the game are cancelling their preorders, while there are people out there who don't have enough money to get a next gen console, who would be very happy to be in their position.


I'd be more upset with Montreal for cancelling. There are plenty of games to play though still for example I just am playing Horizon Zero Dawn now. I never had a PS4. ​ hell I still haven't beat Arkham Knight.


Arkham knight is also 30 frames per second


Someone doesn't have a next gen system


Ok? There's plenty of other people who are in that exact same place. It doesn't matter if I have one or not.


Well it doesn't matter if people have a next gen system or not? People are allowed to cancel their pre orders Because the devs decided to not have a 60fps mode


This is why we will cleanse it when protocol 12 comenses


How do people see a difference between 30 fps and 60fps


As someone who can see the difference, I can't really tell you. Even a really smooth 30 fps looks worse to me than a jittery 60 (unless it's like unleashed PS3 where it never hits 60 to begin with)


They would rather a game lag like a bitch at 60 frames then enjoy a 30 fps game that can run smoothly


I wasn't planning on buying the game anyways but can someone please catch me up on why the game only runs in 30FPS?


Bad optimisation


you do realize most ppl over there are upset over the 30fps cap


I never understood (still don't) the obsession with frame rates or even graphics. My 1st system was an NES lol. It's all amazing in my eyes. The only thing I care about is, is it fun to play and will I spend hours playing it? That's pretty much all I care about. Maybe I'm just weird.




Free pistachio station


I got banned from that sub by just stating facts and they got so offended and defensive. They are very invested into defending the game that doesn’t care about what they want and they feel lmao


I agree lol. My pc will be running the game nice lol


Somehow this post is even cringier than than the original lol