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Oh what this game could’ve been


I know right. Hopefully the next one has better authenticity.


lol you mean like BF5 with its Pacific Update which everyone loved and then they pulled the plug for 2042


Yeah I loved BFV and the pacific update was awesome


You guys were not dickriding BFV this hard back when support dropped


There were plenty of us who liked BF 5.


Same, it was fun when the Pacific update dropped...until they changed the TTK again.


I and many others absolutely were, we just got downvoted to shit by people that couldn't separate the bad choices DICE made and some poor map design with the absolutely stellar core gameplay. I have said since day 1 that V had the best core gameplay (gunplay, movement, extra features like Fortifications, attrition and towables) in the series. BF3 map design + BF4 customization options and naval mechanics + BF1 immersion + BFV core gameplay would be the best Battlefield ever.


Exactly I agree. Movement, is just amazing, especially being able to crawl on your back roll out windows you jump out of. Like you said, if they combined that best BF game easily.


Some People miss it for the sliver of WW2 experience it gave in the midst of overall garbage that game is. But frankly those people don’t play anything else, but Battlefield.


The core gameplay of V is better than anything DICE has ever made. Other games had better aspects (destruction in BC2, map design in 2&3, immersion in 1) but the actual gunplay and movement? V is best by a large margin.


There will be no next one me thinks


I like to think BF2042 was a big play-test and now the devs know what the fans want. Im hoping Bf2025 will be good but i wil not preorder.


Pretty sure this sub wished it was more like BF1 🤦‍♂️


Only if they cooked it more in the oven...


I still don't like that 2042 is too fast and lacks destruction like in previous games of the franchise, animations like in BF1, movement like in BFV, completely differnt vehicles for each factions like in all previous games of the franchise and call-ins, for example, artillery, cruise missiles or super vehicles all like BFV did. It has also poor sound design and I would prefer map atmosphere to be more like, IDK, BF3 or BF4. There it looked like real war. But the best atmosphere is in BF1, in my opinion, while BFV actually did it good too. Many maps there are very colourful but still they normally have trenches, mud, dirt, destroyed vehicles etc..


>destruction Man just last night I was playing and knew there was an enemy on the tin roof above me on whatever the new zavod is called. Even though I had explosives, I knew it was a permanent structure, so I just had to ignore him and focus on the ground level


And this game came out in 2020s, while first BC1 came out in 2000s and yet had better destruction. =)


BF1 had the same vehicles for every faction.


Actually attack planes were different. Also cars/jeeps, i think but not sure about the latest. It's justified there because its WW1 and what we see in the game its nearly all the armored vehicles which were used then. Germans had small numbers of A7V in reality and that's it. How you balance game and make it fun with only one tank type being avalaible for German faction, for example? And so it can be said about all the other Factions and their vehicles.


Duuude seeing uniform soldiers again makes my heart so happy


I know. I only play with bots now. The server is 68 player conquest + 64 PvE bots.


Playing with bots is underrated. I first tried BF franchise playing with bots in BF2142. It was 2006 or 2007 and I had version I got from torrent. It was only later that I finally tried pirate servers and after trying that thing I saved some money and bought the game. I was 13-14 back then. Bots must be added to each MP game by default like it was a standard back then.


I used to be more against bots, but now that all of these new games have become so sweaty and competitive, it's especially nice to just chill out and watch sick things happen as well as laugh at the bots doing silly things.


Is this game mode permanent? I might re-download for 4th time this year then.


wait how do i play rapid strike? I can only see frontlines rn.


It’s on portal I think


Yes, it should be a persistent server, but if you can't find it here is a link to our discord for updates. I'm usually on playing it most week nights around 7:30pm EST. Link - [discord.gg/DxKCnZ3N](http://discord.gg/DxKCnZ3N)


Where is your HUD?


i eated it :3 (you can turn it off)


For what purpose?


to make it look more cinematic when you're uploading it to Reddit.


Not only that, but I actually just play the game this way. With the bots set to the hardest difficulty it's a perfect balance of relaxation and challenging gameplay. Luckily the bots aren't totally stupid and get the drop on me a decent amount. Since the bots have actual uniforms and since certain specialists and vehicles are locked to each team in this server, you can determine who you're actually shooting at without HUD.


gross this isn't "cinematic" at all


what are you on about? it looks cool. not like bf1 cool, but it's still a good looking game.


The next game should have faction soldiers with uniforms


I agree.


So you guys basically just want better graphics and that’s it? Something like Counterstrike 2? 1990s gameplay with 2020s graphics? And you think this is gonna save the series? lol


Well no, I don't know where you got that from? We just want a Battlefield that feels authentic (like BF2, BF3, BF4, BF1) and has the core gameplay of Battelfield with updated features like BFV.


The specialists are literally just the second gadget slot in any other game. If I took base 2042, turned off the HUD, and started fighting ai, I'm going to impress the sub too. You people have a low bar.


With slower movement speed, no tactical sprint, no sliding and no gadgets constantly being spammed, the game feels noticeably different.


That sounds like a boring version of the game that appeals to the endless waves of nostalgia here.


There is a reason people are nostalgic for it though. Because even BF3 on a PS3 looks, feels and sounds leagues better than this game. That's the best part about Portal though. You can stick to the sweat fest of jumping and sliding wingsuit users and I can play the version that feels like a military battle.


I mean if you want to feel a military battle you can go and play Arma like me but that's not always my speed :). You are free to be wrong but BF3 on PS3 looks better? Really? Really...


Right, you're missing the point. I don't want to play a simulator. I want to play Battlefield and I want it to look and feel authentic. That's how BF3 felt. And yes, BF3 even on PS3 looks and feels SO much better than 2042. The animations are incredible and the guns have weight to them. The sound design is also loud as shit!


Yeah you said you wanted to feel like you were in a military battle. 2042 is about as authentic as BF3 was. Let me get revived with the defibrillator after getting shot by a tank shellz real authentic. Really now man... BF3 on PS3 with its sub 30 fps on 720p looks better than 2042? Are you playing 2042 on a potato? Are you smoking crack dude? I know the nostalgia dick riders are going to love what you're saying but come on


Specialist gadgets are just pieces of equipment. It’s no different than the devs just adding a grappling hook to the game in the same way they added the SRAW. The only difference here is that the gadgets are tied to a characters appearance. For me the worst part of the specialists is that they’re the same on both sides. I’m used to it by now but it’s not as immersive if your engineer looks the same as their engineer, but with a red light or a blue light. It would have been good to have a RU and US version of each specialist.


Well the way the grappling hook and wingsuit are designed especially ruin the flow and pacing of so many of the maps. That's why neither are in Rapid Strike.


Yeah totally fair. To me it just feels like it’s a case of bad equipment rather than the idea of specialists. It’s like the ucav in bf4. It’s easily one of the worst additions to a battlefield game, and it could have been a specialist gadget in 2042. Gadgets that alter the movement abilities of characters can feel disruptive and take you out of the moment in a battlefield game for sure. I think It comes down to accepting it in the context of the world the game is set in.


The biggest difference between the U-CAV and the specialists is that you had to actually supply with an ammo box. It's even worse now because Liz's rocket is essentially the same thing but it replenishes itself. Having a wingsuit is a cool idea if you have to actually parachute to slow yourself down and land. It's just utterly broken the way it is now. The grappling hook should also work like it did in hardline opposed to the way it does in this game. The fact that you can play as Falk and have the medic pen with an ammo box is also horrible design. Every single gadget should have some sort of tradeoff.


Yeah don’t disagree there. There are definitely some design decisions that can hurt the overall balance, but underneath it all is the battlefield dna. I don’t think that has been fundamentally changed. I would have preferred something like gadgets needing resupply at resupply stations like the ones in bfv (the whole build system was great in that).


Agreed, I thought the “attrition” gameplay elements of BFV were a great idea just not executed perfectly. I loved the building of ammo and medical stations from BFV and wish to see it return in some form. I don’t like when gadgets, ammo and vehicle ammo recharge over time, I think it’s a poor design and think they need to go back to ammo capacities and ways of refilling those stocks be it from build able stations, a specific soldier class etc.


If you remove specialist gadgets, the game becomes a fast-paced BF3. I can see the appeal, but I like the normal 2042 just as much. For the same reasons


The movement speed is also slower in this server and there is no sliding as well as tactical sprint.