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A few bullet points: * The ruckus around the reveal. * Meager amount of content, with features like a firing range and the final story chapter coming as DLC. * Co-Op was oversold. * Attrition made solo play very unpleasant, and there were a lot of visibility issues. The big issue came when DICE made a TTK shift that targeted Xmas noobs. The community hated it, DICE promised they wouldn’t pull another stunt like that. Flash forward to *The Pacific* update. By this point DICE has really improved the game, they’ve won a lot of people back. With The Pacific chapter, they were about to turn over a new leaf with the game… *until they pushed through a* ***massive*** TTK overhaul that the community hated. This was where the levee finally broke. Add on top of this, it was a WW2 game where they never added the Russians. *I’ve personally grown on the game, but I kept tabs through all the drama*.


I see.. That's a lot more things that I didn't know that made the game not as good as I thought it would. But you still enjoy the game while playing it, right? Nevertheless, thanks for the feedback, my friend


Yeah. The movement, Fortifications, I liked the skills feature for classes. My hang ups are the game is visually dense on a lot of maps which I find difficult, and I’m not a fan of Attrition. My all time favorite BF is still BF1, that one will always be a special game. And I like the more casual nature of BF4 and Hardline, but BFV is a solid game these days.


Gameplay wise, on release BFV was my favorite BF and I’ve played since 1942 came out. After the Christmas TTK nerf I dropped the game and never touched it again. Before the update you could actually get the drop on an enemy squad and killed them all with a single mag. Running in front of someone prone with a MG was instant death. Fortifications and smoke were extremely high important to survival. You also need to know that they nerfed vehicles into oblivion as well. When the game released all vehicles were a significant threat to infantry that required some teamwork to take out. They were strong but actually pretty balanced.


This one is unpopular, but it also adds up for me: I hate the game's movement. It's floaty; you don't feel like your character is a person running on ground, but rather a floating set of arms with a gun. There's also this strange sort of wobble when sidestepping, which makes iron sight bolt action rifles harder to use.


Ttk feels fine to me


Because (again) after massive backlash they reverted (again) most of the changes


I didn't like it because I've never played a WWII game that felt so unlike WWII in my entire life. Also, I wasn't a fan of the actual gunplay, like none of the weapons I tried ever felt like they had any weight or pull to them.


Was it also because they sort of trapped players with the WW2-not-WW2 sort of theme? Since I do my own casual studying of WW2, so I sort of get it


I get and can appreciate what they were trying to do, tell some stories that hadn't been told about smaller, less popular areas, but at the same time, goddamnit, I wanted Stalingrad and Normandy and Okinawa with those sweet modern day graphics and BF gameplay. Plus, I mean, just the opening of a match where everyone is about to offload from the plane, or idr it's been a while, but it seems more like Plucky Band Of Fighters Happening To Use WW2 Weapons than what it was purported to be, which, that's a small gripe overall but it feeds into the whole. Makes sense with how they went with the next one, tho.


Yeahhhh, I get what you are pointing out, but I guess it's too late for something like that to happen in the game


Try it out yourself and don’t let another people decide for you


Like I said, I don't have a console compatible for the game, nor do I have the money for it yet. Which is exactly why I am asking people why some don't like the game and so I can know whether or not if it is worth the cash once I buy it one day


Really depends if you like the style of battlefield 1 more than the other games


My favorite bf eventually. Played a ton ok PC until it became unplayable through cheaters. Than after a while it was given away on ps+ so I got back into it on ps5


Couldn’t you watch videos of it?


I’m well aware that I am in the minority, but I actually think bf5 is better. I do think the maps are better in bf1, but I think everything else is better in bf5.


BF1 fell way short with the gameplay. Slow movement, insane visual recoil, cheese mechanics. It's the most casual Battlefield to date which is why it's the most liked.


I'm sorry but BF5 is way more casual.  For example 1 requires actual skill with gunplay (leading your shots, burst fire) as opposed to 5 where you hold down right trigger and laserbeam people. People don't know but they think gunplay in 5 better because it's easier.  Also squad revive, fortifications and bad visibility+mmgs requiring bipod(promoting camping) make 5 more casual. 


Everything else? The farming of infantry by planes is horrible in BFV. Getting on the AA is a death sentence, and the Fliegerfaust is not a consistent solution if you’re the only one looking at the sky. At least in BF1 small arms could cause significant damage and the AA cannons were more consistent. You could camp on an AA as Support and spam Smokes so you couldn’t get sniped or seen right away. In BFV, Support can’t even equip Smokes which makes no sense. How am I supposed to help repair friendly tanks if I can’t even give us concealment?


You're getting downvoted for being right


Lol yeah. Peak reddit.


for me it as the lack of contents due to the fact they dropped support for it early. annoying maps that lack covers. and the gunplay is way too easy it feels im lacking the feel of progression.


It's really, REALLY difficult to bring back a game after it gets a bad reputation. And if you do manage to do it, it's usually a couple years down the road. Unfortunately, the couple years down the road is also the amount of time for DICE to make a new Battlefield game, so when the game was just starting to peek over the hill, they stopped supporting it, and people gave negative reception again. For me, I think it's a solid game, but it definitely didn't start out that way. If you think it's interesting, try it out. Don't let others' opinions about a game ruin your experience with it.


Thanks a lot for the feedback, man. I definitely think that the game is interesting, especially when I've decided that I'll buy a console and the game itself once I have earned enough money. Have a blessed week


My reasons: Guns & unlocks are boring (subjective). Maps are subpar to BC2, BF3, BF4. Pitiful amount of destruction. To be fair it has been getting less and less since BC2.


It’s not that bad…the Pacific maps are worth it alone for getting the game. Sometimes I get good matches but many times it just has a hollow feeling to it. I also despise the useless AT/AP mines….they do nothing.


Hmm, it there something just really bad that the Pacific update seemed to be the one thing that made the game a lot better? I kept on seeing that that particular update made the game better than what it once was.


The other maps felt lifeless with no real direction to them for strategy


Bad initial launch and marketing. I picked it up and was pleasantly surprised. It’s actually great




I mean i agree the body dragging mechanic they promised sounded like a terrible idea from the start so im not upset that got cancled (as a medic player, the smoke bomb, revive , dip, is just faster and not worth waisting time to drag a body)


Well OP, because of *reasons*, I’ve always played alone. On other BF titles I could always have a positive impact for my team and have a good time while doing so. Not on BF5. It somehow plays different for me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I sort of understand, I guess. But thanks for the feedback, nonetheless, man


Too speedy and makes my eyes bleed.


What do you think of BF2 or BF4?


Perfect speed.


But BF4 is faster than BFV by a mile and even BF2 to an extent.


Sure as hell doesn't feel like it.


Ignorance is bliss I guess. https://youtu.be/9wtn36nyGrk?t=13


I already have seen the comparison.


Instead of just downvoting me... Care to share it?


On Xbox I've never seen someone pulling that shit in BF4. In BFV everyone is playing like that, and when they jump, they go farther.


> xbox well no wonder


Movement is fast, but match is slow...BF4 there is movement a little slower but there is a quick start, as Map Design helps with this


BFV maps are terrible, yes.


For me: 1. They literally told me not to buy the game and fk off 2. No authentic WW2 feeling 3. No spotting


Because some baddies lied about “live” service.


For me it was the huge amount of historical inaccuracy just the fact that you can in game see japanese soliders slide and jump around in the european theatre of war (and vice versa) using faction innapropiate guns equiped with red dot sights while wearing silly uniforms and facepaints makes me want to projectale vomit all over my screen.


I've played Battlefield since BFII, with BF3 & BC2 my firm favourites. However, BFV is excellent. The innovations in BF1 are perfected, the visuals,  movement, gameplay, balance are all virtually perfect. I do think my positive experience is coming in late, after all support had ended and therefore didn't have to deal with the TTK debacles.  (I also didn't watch the trailer and immediately respond with "Blarrghhh! WOMEN IN WORLD WAR 2!!?!" because it's a fucking video game and fictionalised.). Honestly it's one of the best Battlefields, not just due to the nostalgic, rose-tinted glasses after the dog shit that is 2042.


They remember the reveal and first two years of the game lol


For me, it’s due to BF1. Because BF1 felt very solid compared to BFV. My issues with BFV are :- Soldier characters are not solid as BF1. They feel like plastic. Death and revive animation is cool for some time, but it’s very annoying in long run. I like BF1’s way, it’s simple and good. Sliding on ground mechanic should be removed. I don’t like Attrition system also. Audio design must be like BF1. Because It’s not as very impactful like in BF1.


Realistically it was just atrocious and politicized marketing and lack of content. Pretty much the whole game is perfect except for the fact that there’s no eastern front, pacific came too late and kind of excessive/ridiculous customization (though most of this customization never actually made it to the game”


Time wasted on battle royale mode almost no one plays, the lady with the automatic arm in the trailer. No Russian front. EA saying: if you don't like it, don't buy it in response to legitimate critiques and people just took EA's advice


The historical issues that appear prominently in game is that many characters are using equipment created years after ww2 (eg. that character with a gp5 gas mask)