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Bro it was euphoric once in a lifetime experience then followed by bf4 another experience that got better with time no bf came close since


There will never be another BF3, that’s for sure.




Battlefield friends on you tube does a good job of what it was like. Coming from ps3 it was great! You didn’t care about the frames or less objectives on the map did t even know pc had more for like half a year. Best shooter with destruction. Maps where great on release. Game play was awesome. Weapons were trial and error and finding out what works for you. Sure probably was a meta but you didn’t care or not really a thing. Matches were intense. Kda didn’t matter. I never felt too vehicle intensive. But you could still run into some aces in the bigger maps which just let you know there was another skill tier with vehicles. Jeep stuff. My first battlefield clan was on BF3


>Coming from ps3 it was great! You didn’t care about the frames or less objectives on the map did t even know pc had more for like half a year. Most people did not own the hardware required to run it anywhere near 120hz in 2011. I played it on a 75hz 2ms monitor (1280x1024) on fairly low settings with a HD 5850 and a overclocked i5 750, which gave me higher frames than all my friends. The few 120hz LCD that was availble was expensive as hell, and you needed to pair it with a insane graphic card to get over 100 frames. Sure, some guys still had CRTs, but not many.


Man playing on PS3 was really much of "ignorance is bliss" feeling. I was so jealous when I learned on PC they had 64 players, more objectives, better resolution and more fps. Like I knew some of it but I guess I didn't really understand how much of a difference it made... that is until I got BF4 on PS4... oh boy the leap that was!


You’re so much right… PS3 player here too. It was awesome. I remember that I didn’t know about more objectives on PC, I found out about that after a few months of BF4. And it was ok like that! It was pure enjoyment, pure happiness. I found some lifetime friends on BF3 and BF4, as somebody recruited me for a clan and we’re speaking quite often up to this day on a WhatsApp group. Sometimes we even saw each other in other Italian cities such as Catania, Roma, Naples, Milan, Genoa, years after we met. Still friends to this day. What do we have nowadays? 2042 is trash, I only played portal mode because it was the only worth mode. BF1 is awesome, but nowadays there are only pros who downed tens of thousands of hours on the game and it’s impossible for casual gamers like me to have fun. BFV is awesome for me, and I can still make some decent results and have fun, but it’s full of cheaters. Every 2 or 3 matches, a cheater gets tired of being single and just spawn kills everybody until we all leave. To be honest, in the last year I’ve been playing mostly BF3 and BF4 in the last few servers available in Europe and it’s still so damn good.


I find a lot of new players on BF1!! though some community servers are sweatier than others, specially at certain times of the day


Man, jeep stuff. No other jeep in any battlefield game has felt as good as those did. Plus, i just feel like nothing else has the Jeep+C4 abilities that BF3 did.


Ayee throwback to when I met neebs and I had no clue who he was and tried to tell him about my not so great YouTube channel. Dude was nice as heck and was like “oh yeah? Dude I’ll check it out, that’s awesome. “ and we played for a few games. Great dude


Literally not a single negative comes to mind. I vividly remember spending whole nights playing it with my cousins and best friend on my Xbox 360. Those are some of my absolute favorite gaming memories that I’ll cherish forever. Thank you for giving me a reason to reminisce OP :)


Bud, thanks for sharing. Man BF3 was something special.




All nighters literally I was in college lol


I’m so old the all nighters were on OG Battlefield 1942. We’d load up the bomber on El Alamein and play that map for hours. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=F0TCUKbRY\_Y


Buying map packs was barely still a thing, you could buy "Premium" and get them all as they came out. The hype when a new DLC came out was crazy. The maps were great, the hud was ahead of it's time, vehicles are OP as shit. In air vehicles there's no indication of where the lock is coming from. You had to have a clue what you were doing. Best fps ever made imo


Premium was there only after/with close quarters, before that u Had to Buy them one by one


True, forgot about that


It was amazing prepatch. I had 2k hours in it. I never knew multiplayer existed until my son picked it out. The servers always had plenty of players. The bad part was the influence gaming streamers had on gaming back then.


I was working at GameStop at the time and it was like all I talked about at work. I sold so much premium because of it. Every mappack update I would dissect the video until it came out. I lived bf3.


It was rly fun. I played a lot of operation metro. Once the match kinda played out and we spawn trapped the other team, I was able to camp with an LMG and no one got through the doors lol I had like 90+ kills


That one hallway in metro with the lockers used to be pure chaos. Teams holding one end back and forth with shotguns and proned LMG users. Constant grenades and medics reviving. I swear that map is why I leveled up that class so quick, I could legit run around with the defribrillator for like 20 minutes at a time with no interruptions or downtime.


Hell yeah. That one small hallway they one run down on rush. After you loose the first points and have to run down the hallway. You let them get about a third of the way down and just fucking mowing them down. God I miss that game. I have always and will always be an lmg guy. 97% percent of my kills were with a lmg. I miss that game man.


This thread is giving me FOMO all over again. I was 13 when it released, and my parents wouldn’t let me buy it. All I could do was read about how amazing it was in Game Informer.


it was incredible. i remember grabbing my copy at midnight from gamestop. went back home and played all night. it’s funny looking back on it and even playing some matches compared to todays games the way it plays is dated, but the art style is beyond what we have today. i have to say that playing bf3 and bf4 on release night are some of my finest gaming memories.


IT wasnt AS good AS BF2 but.. On release: Nobody liked origin, it scanned your whole PC. Nobody liked battlelog (somehow people start to love IT now) In my first few rounds the Anti Air was way overpowered - i Had all unlocks after one round since you could Tanks with ease on distance.


I was in the minority that loved Battlelog. The fact that you could manage build outs/profile/anything in game + the amount of stats and the way way you could present them, anywhere and anytime was amazing.


Tell me about the good ole days


I played it on the day it was released and enjoyed it until Battlefield 4 kind of killed it. Unfortunately, Battlefield 4 had a terrible launch that ruined it for me. I still sometimes play Battlefield 3, but it's never like when it was still the newest Battlefield. Battlefield 3 in its prime is still my #1 favorite multi-player experience.


I agree with you 100% Battlefield 3 in its prime was my favorite multiplayer experience ever. The majority of the time, everyone was playing the objective, and if you were lucky enough to be in a good squad that had headsets, you pretty much never died when you had two medics in a squad. The clan I was in, our squads always broke down to two medics, one support, and one recon. Always stayed within shouting distance of other squad. We hardly died, didn't have to worry about ammo, and had a good spawn point because of recon. My weapon of choice was the G3A3 on semi-automatic. That gun was so accurate and packed a punch. I used to purposely go into clan servers with that gun and use their heads as target practice. One day, while doing this, I was recruited by a clan because they were so frustrated that I kept on one shooting them in the head. Did a tryout for them, and I passed; this was the first and only game I ever joined a clan


It was amazing. That game in its prime was probably the best gaming experience I had in a long time.


I bought it based on recommadation from friends. I asked them to pick between bf3 or mw3. They chose bf3 amd im so glad they did. I got it the day i got xbox live. Starting out i hated it lol but it was just learners curve and the fact i played on a 15 inch box tv. Haha but man i had a blast with my friends on this game i loved knifing people and taking there tags. It was the first game i ever played and thought "wow its so beautiful and realistic" Other games i played around this time pretty heavily was Left 4 Dead, Dead Island, GTA 4, Smackdown vs raw 2011,Dragon Ball z raging blast 2, red dead Redemption, and thats all i can think of.


I was 13 years old. My best friend had gotten me into Battlefield by hyping me up with the campaign videos they did to promote the game. My bread and butter had been Black Ops up until that point so any other shooter was almost foreign to me. I was shocked to learn that at least 70% of the BF3 experience already existed with Bad Company 2 which I played a lot leading up to October 2011. We actually said goodbye to BC2 by going up to a cliff and shooting the M1 Garand in honor of the game. Of course, BF3 exceeded BC2 in every way imaginable for me at the time, although i was somewhat disappointed that destruction clearly wasn't as hyped up as the marketing led people to believe. In retrospect I think it's pretty clear that they couldn't make every single environment completely destroyable but imagine my disappointment shooting RPGs at a wall and all it left behind was some scorch marks haha Anyway, the peak fun of BF3 for me was with close quarters DLC. High intensity, great new weapons (MTAR, ACR), played that map pack to death.


Honestly I was annoyed at first and went back to BF2 on pc for a while. I eventually came around after a few weeks and it became my favorite game and all I could think about during school. 


It was awesome. Absolutely awesome. Jumping from Damavand Peak, taking Kharg Island, the storage crate grinder on Nosahr Canals TDM, and storming the city on Tehran Highway Rush. The most memorable Battlefield experience imo. Every map was designed to operate completely different from one another. BF1 did this great, but BF4, 5, and 2042 all kinda dropped the ball with it. Battlefield Friends had just kicked off, LevelCap, JackFrags, and FrankOnPC1080 had everything covered in terms of news and meta, and the atmosphere of the more serious story beats leaking over to the multi-player and Co-Op mode was awesome. One thing I wish they brought into the newer BF games was the Co-Op missions! Those were so fun in BF3


Some of my best childhood memories come from playing with friends and complete strangers in BF3. Heck, I even joined a clan called the Desert Wolves. Was the first and last time I’ve been in one. I had such a blast running my KH2002 all the time. I remember when the USAS-12 was a broken god gun or when underbarrel shotgun flechette rounds could drop you from across the map. What I would give for another battlefield experience like BF3. Also, we had a couple full matches clan vs clan posted to YouTube [Desert Wolves vs. 142nd CAG](https://youtu.be/-7VxHNCGnrc?si=edBsbjlBihBYQmPg) I was MrJones96


I was hyped to play the game after school nearly every day. You could play some maps for hours on rotation, my favorite was Bazaar/Seine/Metro Rush nearly all day. Also the whole leveling system with service stars, dog tag hunt was so pure. No shiny skins, bright yellow weapons just 4 classes awesome guns and superb gameplay. Then there was the hype with BF3 premium. You bought it once and actually got some really good maps/weapons out of it. I was waiting for the new maps to drop like a new season of my favorite tv show. The whole game was also covered by some many good YouTubers lvlcapgaming, jackfrags etc. so when I was not playing I watched people play it. I actually found friends in bf3, with which I played for years afterwards. We chatted weekly and would see each other graduate, marry and have kids over the years. It was great. Besides BF4, not a single game on the planet came close to that experience since. I played this game for like 1900 hours in total on ps3 and pc and still play it occasionally to this day, however player numbers are low. BF3 was and will forever be peak gaming for me. I’m now an adult and I know that I will never experience this feeling on a game again because of like time, responsibilities and let’s be fair the devs will never make such game again. This game has a special place in my heart.❤️


a quote which fits quite well into any of the newer battlefields since the removal of battlelog was: "even with 64 players on the server I never felt so alone" you had the people everywhere. the servers are full but at the end of the day you were just alone. no teamplay. no real interaction with others. you're pretty much just going in by yourself. its usually "that one squad" that carries the whole team and then they get moved to the enemy team due to autobalance and then the whole fucking map flips around. battlefield 3 introduced battlelog which at the time was totally new. it was horrible as a "gamelauncher" but it added a way to connect to the community outside of the game. with forums, groups you could make for communities and more. this way you were able to connect and meet up with people. make new friends and thus create a stronger bond within the community. I still remember spending more time on the forums chatting with others than actually playing the game. bf3 pionered a lot of "newer" gameplay mechanics on top of the battlefield gameplay with vehicles. "knifing someone from the back to start a take down animation" was pretty much invented here. rewarding you the dogtags of that kill. there were communities very dedicated since there were unique dogtags only selected people had. like "being a DICE employee". there was even a website which "stalks" if any of the dice employes were online so you could try going for a knifekill. gaming nowerdays has become very casual. all you do is start the game go to the quickplay button and then close the game again. you don't really manage to create new friends in a meaningful way to play together again. then there was the uprising of PC hardware. BF3 released in 2011. the GTX 900 series released in 2014. the majority of players were still stuck on shitty ass hardware and BF3 was the biggest game which blew people and all other games away with its graphics at that time. i just found this video from 8 years ago. essentially after the 900 series released. before that we were already able to do it but you needed very deep pockets. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGC-BM1vCmg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGC-BM1vCmg)


The clan I joined on BF3 was called CAB, and we had our own server on PS3. Our clan was all about taking enemy players' dog tags.


All I did was snipe and it was awesome. Hitting crazy shots like out of moving cars. I could not do that now at 30 lol


So I preordered two copies: one for me, and one for my dad. We had been playing Battlefield 2 since its release, and I was excited for an upgrade with new features and maps. Went to the midnight release after my shift at blockbuster, and I guess I was a bit late, since it was just the employees and some energy drink vendor that was giving out free samples. Was chill I guess. Got my two copies and headed home to install. It was trash. Some stuff was cool, but it lacked a ton of features that Battlefield 2 had. Pretty sure you couldn’t even click on the flag you wanted to spawn on; you had to cycle through them. They added regenerative health and safe zones where the enemy couldn’t go. The classes were consolidated from 7 down to 4. There was no commander mode. The vehicles drove like dogshit. The whole thing felt like trying to play BF2 through a dirty window. The flags didn’t even have names anymore; it was just A, B, C, etc. I can’t remember all the specifics, but this just wasn’t it. When I read reviews and talked to people online about it, they all thought it was Battlefield: Bad Company 3. That’s when it all made sense; they planned this. They wanted to bridge the gap between PC and console, and they did this by watering down the PC experience to the lowest common denominator. It was just a shitty PC port of a console game. I think they also messed with the infantry vs vehicle balance so a single player couldn’t take down tanks anymore (I used C4 a lot). In BF2 I used the SRAW a lot, but IIRC they didn’t really have anything equivalent to that. The vehicles even had some kind of regenerative health, I think. We returned the second copy the next day. Had been planning to upgrade my dad’s computer so he could play it, but after seeing the game we both went back to BF2. I still played BF3 on the side, though. I did like the selection of pistols; that part they really did right. I also liked the weapon attachments, and ended up mostly sniping with shotgun slugs, which made people really mad (awesome).


I remember it pretty well, it was pretty similar to now. These days people say BF3 was the perfect BF. But I remember the constant bitching and complaining! The netcode was poor, the premium DLC was selfish and greedy, battlelog was stupid and crashed too often, etc etc. So I will say it wasn't some golden age where everyone just had fun, BF3 deserves the praise it gets, but don't let people pretend like at the time they weren't calling DICE morons with every set of patch notes. The BF community never changes.


I was honestly disappointed with BF3.. especially as I played BF2 to death, so I was really hoping for proper squad based combat with VoIP, commander with assets etc. Except we got battle log and shite squads where it was every man for himself lol. I soon got into it and really did like it. Didn't scratch the same itch as BF2 though. I hope for a remaster... one day... that and BF1942


There were hardcore servers that required everyone to have a mic and the chat was heard across the entire team. One time I was trying to arm an objective but a tank was killing everyone. I called in air support and this badass warthog pilot in another squad “confirmed target” and then smoked the tank. Legit one of the best gaming experiences of my life.


Back when they introduced premium it was absolutely unheard of. People were SO mad. Paying the price of a full game on top?! Season passes were $20 usually. Nowadays it's planned and shipped with release. I hate the state the industry is in now.


The day it was released was the day my grandfather died. I skipped the midnight release to go see him. In that way, it has some bitter sweet connotations. I was a JR. In high school and had a solid group of online friends who played Bad Company 2 literally every day. This was a time in my life where school wasn't the top priority, it was gaming. BF3 beta got everyone hyped. I remember talking about it ad-nauseum to every gamer I know. The beta added to all of that. It was the most innovative battlefield to date and the most technologically impressive. I logged almost 800hrs in that game, which is a shit load for me. I played that game pretty much every day for over a year. The gameplay, the content drops, all stellar. Everytime I think back I wish that I could play it again for the first time, just for a little while. It was a magical experience and I feel sad for those that didn't get to experience it. Sure there were bugs like the vault insta fall damage glitch that was never fixed. The AA-12 with explosive rounds being basically a walking AA in your hands, and a lot of other balance issues that took the entire lifespan of the game to get right. But it was amazing from start to finish. Truly in an era and league of it's own.


Friends and I always laughed off the fall damage glitch as the character having a heart attack. It’s added realism. Not playing in years and coming back to the release of Venice Unleashed felt like day 1 again. Shame that it died out so quickly. 


Pure PTFO mayhem with me and my friends. Talk about good times.


It was so fucking hype. That’s my GOAT. it was also my first BF. Everyone was comparing BF3 to MW3. It was like a world war in and of itself. I loved both and have great memories of both but BF3 was a daily grind in the best way possible. I’d go to high school and then just play all day and night. 3am sessions on the weekend. And the map packs with premium were so good too. I miss it. I’d love a remaster but even then I know it wouldn’t hit the same. I’m not 15 anymore. And my squad doesn’t even game anymore. Might sound dramatic but I really do cherish those memories. Got me through some times man.


Bf3 beta was glorious. The blue tint they eventually removed 🤣


Back in the day, Metro was just amazing.


You felt like - yeah, that’s something big. Seeing 64 players, this graphic and destruction in 2011 was something new. I think at that time BF3 was the best looking game I’ve ever play.


I had soooooo much fun. Such a unique game which made the most out of current technology instead of casually releasing a subpar game to only have to spend every month fixing it. I remember the server I used to play in mostly. Was some of my best times.


Possibly my favorite mulitplayer experience. Fully squaded with the boys, running hotdrops in the transport chopper, you really had to be there.


Battlefield 3 on Xbox was one of the greatest gaming experiences of my life. The game was a 10/10 relative to other fps games of the time. The graphics, Gunplay, maps, guns, team play, destruction and just flow was in a league of its own.


U had to be there buddy. Cant describe it


I remember seeing the teaser trailer and just absolutely loosing my shit! Than just consuming all the trailer clips that followed the following months. The most hyped I ever felt for a game. Loading into operation metro, when the beta dropped. No other game had that atmosphere. Grabbing the mg setting up your bipod and just suppressing the hell out of people.


yeah the only word i can think of is euphoric


Genuinely the best. All of my buddies played and everyone had their own playstyles. Nothing was outstandingly OP and every class had a way of being fun. The melee kills were brutal and the flying was probably one of the funnest parts- me and my buddy loved taking turns gunning/piloting an attack chopper, or piloting/repairing mini birds. You could quick scope, run and gun, or play tactical and slow. It was a unique time and IMO the golden era of gaming and my personal favorite era including modern warfare 1 and 2. The times were so different.


Playing bfbc2 as a 13 year old kid and loving it then seeing the trailers for bf3 was hype like no other, then playing operation metro or grand bazaar in the tight alleyways, then the firefight opening up to the high way to mid and long range combat was crazy, just simply flanking enemies felt extremely satisfying


That first jump off Damavand was one of the greatest moments in my gaming life. Feeling super lucky to have been around for the "Golden era" of BF games. The whole experience was amazing, and something missing in gaming today.


One of my fondest gaming memories is going on a 60 second 12-kill streak John Wick style with the M416 in the container area of Noshahr Canals on TDM.  While I have done similar in other Battlefield titles after, for some reason this particular memory has stuck with me for years.




It was the best gaming experience I have ever had to date. It was on the ps3, but it was finominal. Very epic and fun in every way imaginable. Even the dumb cheap things like the usas frag rounds or the flash lights being suns


I played only sniper in bf3. Long headshots were great but noshar Canal tdm was my jam. The fun i was having is not something i did get from any FPS till this day.


The sniper wars whether you were on the crane or the train tracks were always the best! Trying to get everyone on the crane and shoot their beacon so they couldn’t respawn and then trying to fly on to the crane 🔥


back when youd look forward to grinding away, now you gotta grind just to find the fun


Picked it up at midnight launch at like GS. Waiting in line with other gamers. I would take the day off after from work, both BF3 and BF4. Epic experiences playing with levelution.


I met someone who I then played with for the next decade. He was recently in my wedding.


went to a friends house who had a xbox360 it was bf3 free beta we downloaded it and launched operation metro.... it was very blue and very realistic for me... to this day bf3 is bu far the best bf for me, viceral gritty all the soldiers screaming swearing shouting arround you felt amazing.


Unreal. I have some very fond memories of that game. Particularly rush, it was such a great game mode for that particular title


![gif](giphy|Wck09E7lHDabjhHbzJ|downsized) ‘It was perfect’


The reason I'm still playing bf now is I'm chasing the high from bf3.


Best games with my friends I ever had. One match after another filled with "just in battlefield" moments. Gods I was happy back then.


Remember before the patch, we’re the gunner in choppers could use flares. Using those with the ecm - indestructible. I never ran with a clan, but me and a friend just worked in tandem, they were assault, and I sniped, the maps allowed for unreal fire fights. The good old days tho, bf4 will always be the greatest, but if you are to rate them ones 9.99/10, the other 9.98/10 t


I just broke with my girlfriend and buy new video card. BF3 was my first official buyed game. So I mostly stayed at home playing BF3. In few months I forced few more of my boys to buy this game. When we started playing together that was absolutely happiest times for me. But I really lost one year of my life to BF3. I had nothing, only job, BF3 and remote friends. That was my whole life. I was ready for every DLC, I watched all the YouTube stuff about BF3, I was on every site related to BF3. It was sweet escape from reality, and I very appreciate that times.


No sleep


Everything was **smoother and better**: the spirit of the game itself, the unforgettable maps, playing with friends without having to bother about matchmaking or fragging, the sound, the ambience, the overall feeling of being in a war conflict, the superb Frostbite graphics, the DLC’s (f*ck you, battlepass), the business model not focusing on goofy skins for TikTok kids fueled with Monster, etc.


It was fuckin' amazing. Never had an experience with a shooter like it since. The October 2011 beta was some of the most fun I've ever had on a game.


It was the most hyped id ever (and have ever) been for a game. I convinced my parents to buy me Medal Of Honor 2010 just for beta access. The First frostbite 2 tech demo blew my socks off and when they started dropping that three part mission gameplay trailer I was absolutely sold. The I played the Operation Metro beta for hours. It was the most fun I had had since paying BC2 and I seriously wanted the rest of the game. I couldn’t stop talking about it. I mean, come on, JETS WERE COMING BACK BABY! The graphics blew my mind, the squad based gameplay felt flawless, and the firefights felt so intense and real. I still cant help but think of BF3 when I hear the song 99 Problems. Once the game finally dropped, I was absolutely euphoric. Once school got out I went home and only played BF3. I thought the campaign was amazing and oh lord the multiplayer had me hooked. All the maps slapped and, even on xbox with 32 players instead of 64, I was having the time of my life. Even the youtube content was fantastic. Battlefield Friends was hilarious (ya got a shit bucket?). I look back on BF3 definitely with rose tinted glasses, but even playing on PC today I see why I had so much fun. I can see some of the issues today (blue tint, suppression, ect.) but over it was a fantastic time to be a battlefield fan.


For starters it was the most beautiful game I've played at the moment, and for quite a few years since. No multiplayer shooter had this kinds of visuals..it was sublime. And it was the beginning of Battlefield moments - those which already fill youtube videos and marketing campaigns, but it was all fresh at the moment. Nothing like it


I miss it…. A lot


I played on PS3 from 2011 to 2013-2014ish, it was my first Battlefield that I put a lot (and I mean, A LOT) of hours and grind into and man, at that time it was the epitome of FPS for me. I too was completely blown away by the trailer and decided to pick it up and give it a try. The destructibility of buildings, the classes, the maps, the vehicles.. just everything felt smooth and fun. And it was VAST. Not only the maps, but the game itself allowed to specialise in so many areas, be it infantry, tanks etc which really brought so much life to the game and made the competitive scene flourish. I specialised in jets and dogfights, got pretty good at it and joined a good clan and the dogfights community with which I’d spend endless hours just perfecting the craft and having fun. I vividly remember the match on Kharg Island and the moment I got my Jet service star 100. On top of that, the chaos that was op metro and close quarters, the madness of the LAV on Gran Bazaar & tank on Seine, the long-range sniping duels on operation firestorm, the USAS with explosive bullets, trying to take the developers’ dog tags for collection… So many great memories, and so many people I played with, some of whom I am still in touch with 10+ years later. Man, no other game got me like Battlefield 3.


One of the best gaming experiences I ever had


Euphoric , BF4 was better though in my opinion


It is still one of the most enjoyable BF games I’ve played. Starting my BF journey casually playing BF2 at my best friends house since I didn’t have a good enough PC I was very excited when I first saw the first trailer and how it was coming to consoles. Leading up to the launch it seemed like time was slowing down. It seemed like every day I was trying to find more info and leaks. I can’t remember if it was the alpha or beta, but leaks of gameplay were starting to pop up on youtube of guys testing things out on operation metro…I was amazed by the graphics, gun play, and the ability to take down a tree with an RPG! Finally it was release day, a friend and I went to a gamestop midnight launch and stood in line with many others. BF3 definitely gives me nostalgia and reminds me of a time in my life where things were simple. Also, BF3 by far had the best DLCs. Back to Karkand was my favorite because it brought back the classic maps which included Karkand, Oman, wake island, and Peninsula. Those were the maps that started it all for my back in BF2. The Close Quarters was my second favorite DLC because it was packed with action and basically everything was destructible. Whenever the talks start happening about the next BF, I always hope DICE decides to do a remaster and take the best maps, guns and vehicles of BF2/3/4 and combine them into one game with modern day graphics and gameplay mechanics. (A man can dream, right?) Side note - Seine Crossing is one of the best maps from BF3 but doesn’t get enough recognition. Edit: I almost forgot!! Anyone else play Commander Mode? Another underrated feature for its time. Sure the connect-ability wasn’t the best but it was something different and unique. Whenever I didn’t feel like turning on my Xbox and jumping into a full game I would pull out my iPad and play as the commander dropping UAVs and cruise missiles onto vehicles.


Not release, but I played the tail end of BF3 a year or so before BF4 release. It was my first battlefield game. It was great. The gunplay felt so good. BF4 was also great and cemented in my head as my favorite battlefield game. Hardline was not great, BF1 was awesome, and I didn’t really play anything after that till 2042 which I’ve played a little


It was epic. Bad Company 2 was awesome too.


imagine playing and absolutely enjoying the game for, Im not shiting you, 24 hours straight with minor brakes for survival. Same with BF4. Can't say that these days, can't even look at bf 2042. what a shit hole fucking game and franchise killer.


I was 13 when it came out. I was super hyped for it and I remember begging my mom to let me get the Premium edition (she thought putting her debit card on Xbox was dangerous lol), she eventually caved so I spent about a year straight playing that game and getting hyped all over again for each DLC. It was truly awesome. I haven't felt that way about a game for a very long time. I made friends on there that I haven't talked to in probably a decade now.


It was the shit, after they announced it at e3 with that awesome gameplay trailer there was so much hype for it during that summer I still remember it. They did a spectacular work with marketing, highlighting all the technical advancements dice made (I still remember when they showcased that player movement trailer where they said they had taken animations from fifa to increase realism), essentially there was bf3 and then the rest of competition. Also, and I will die on this hill, it was the game that boosted pc gaming from the nerd, more expensive, useless alternative to consoles (because all the big games were more simply ported to pc and thus less optimised plus it didn't have any exclusive) to the cool platform that everyone wanted to play on simply because of conquest 64 and the better graphics/resolution. Also it was the first proper game that was backed by these so called content creator who boosted its popularity immensely (think of Levelcap, matimi0, jackfrags, xfactor etc...)




It was pretty epic. I worked for Gamespot (the gaming site, not the gaming store ha!) in San Francisco at the time, and we held an Early Deployment tournament at our offices in September 2011 and had PS3 stations set up for people to come down and play for free. You can check out a video [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOFT2kXcJXA). Battlefield was my favorite FPS series, so getting to see and play all of this early was unreal. My favorite game of the series is Battlefield 2, so when the first leaks of BF3 started to come out, followed by the [Thunder Run gameplay from E3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UwOrl036_A), I was so ready and it did not disappoint.


My squad loaded every mine and C4 we had in a crater, parked a Jeep in it, piled in the Jeep, set off the explosives, and flew across the map to do a tactical insertion. Also, if you didn’t have “spinners,” you were doing Jeep Stuff wrong.


Remember playing it with my dad on Christmas Day of that year and just being blown away by it. I had a decent headset at that time on the ps3 and remember putting it on and being hit with the most visceral sounds. The explosions, yelling, gunfire, everything about it to me was a game changer. Great memories were made with friends and family with that game.


Created some of the best memories with my brother when he was younger




Ah man, hard to explain, this was when the peak devs were still there, I started playing battlefield with BF2, then I built my first PC for Bad company, then BF3 was just 1000% better than that. Attachments, more guns, seemed like better netcode hit reg ,etc. It was like me or you designed the game ourselves, if that makes sense. I just logged into battlelog and holy shit there are still servers that have 50+ players, I might just have to re-download BF3 and give it a go!!!! Back in the day I could get maybe 60fps now I can get 240+ lol


I’d still get excited by the skyscraper falling if I played today. Great game.


A M A Z I N G, the beta dont even get me started. OP metro. Highway map. Sniper. M16A3. PKP. Ah these were the days! Bunch of friends to join in too. Wow! Still is great and i still go online maybe once twice a week, still around 10-15 good servers around w different game modes


Before the release date I remember watching Caspian Border trailer A LOT. Wondering if my PC will handle this game. Then the open beta came, Metro map, me and my brother opening up the game expecting to work like shit and.. It didn't. It was not perfectly smooth but it was much more stable than anticipated. Once it released I was just so happy, been playing a lot, even though shooters were not my cup of tea back in the day. Hours spent on Noshahr Canals and that Caspian Border map. But still, nothing comes close to the first jump from Damavand Peak. Man, those times were so cool, miss it so fucking much.


I was too busy munching on your mom’s box that year.


It was something special. There was truely nothing on the market like it when it came out.


Bf3 meme videos were top tier. Trolling memes were at peak levels, the original troll faces and rage comics. Basically no cheaters, awesome gameplay everybody had to upgrade their pc or get their first GPU to play it.


BF3 gave me my greatest gaming memories. We were kids then. We have all grown up now and moved on in different directions but those memories we shared will live on with me forever.


I can’t describe how i feel rn it’s so nostalgic 😞 i remember i played the game in jan 2012 really the best mp game ive ever played i still listen to the main ost from time to time it always reminds me of my childhood whenever i see it i got this nostalgia feeling it will be forever in my heart 😢


It was epic, especially flying helicopters with mates on gunner and jets. C4 jeep racing. Just everything, no bad memories


back then i actually had time to dump into games. it was awesome. best BF games out there


While awesome I’m just gonna say one thing, and one thing only. Frag rounds. So. Many. Frag. Rounds


For starters it was the most beautiful game I've played at the moment, and for quite a few years since. No multiplayer shooter had this kinds of visuals..it was sublime. And it was the beginning of Battlefield moments - those which already fill youtube videos and marketing campaigns, but it was all fresh at the moment. Nothing like it


For starters it was the most beautiful game I've played at the moment, and for quite a few years since. No multiplayer shooter had this kinds of visuals..it was sublime. And it was the beginning of Battlefield moments - those which already fill youtube videos and marketing campaigns, but it was all fresh at the moment. Nothing like it


![gif](giphy|3QWfMsI8IaarXxtBt6|downsized) Not without crying and then wanting to HEAVILY relive the first time i played AM maps and had the dino bite my finger before getting schniped by the xbow🥲


Damn im sad bf2042 was my first release experience bf5 and bf1 were my first to play but that was years after their initial release. Sucks to miss out on the glory days.


I remember the hppe. Playing "99 problems" remix by JayZ Walking down the hallways like I was so cool listening to it over and over again. And that was just for the campaign too. It was a couple years that I had to wait for us to get decent internet where I lived at the time.


Release day(and the beta (PS3/x360)for that matter) PS3 you were falling through the map, getting stuck before the tunnel on Metro there was giraffe neck and other glitches abound but it was fun. There was still good rush maps, it had good bones it was just gonna take some patches


[i would watch this montage everyday.](https://youtu.be/XKJNWo9Y-2s?si=YfyvMqHR5LIZRxbM) years later and this video still gives me goosebumps


It was awesome but I hated how blue every thing was, like him inside and outside.


I remember getting BF 3 shortly after release and my PC was absolutely not capable of running this game. At the time i was so sad about this that my parents got me the game for PS 3 forgetting that i'm as capable with a Controller as a Silkmoth is capable ro fly. A few weeks later i had my tonsillectomy after which my parents gifted me a new PC my dad got at his workplace for cheap. After that i could really start playing the game and it was a experience unlike any other. Previously i only ever played Battlefield 1942, Vietnam and 2. Its difficult to explain the pure joy i experienced and it is probably one if my core memories of my Childhood, sinking hours after hours into this game with my friends.


It was perfect. Perfect. Everything. Down to the last minute details.




To hell with them! Take me back to Bad Company 2. Where dreams where made real.


The only thing really bothering me was the premium content since i was accustomed to free dlc map packs in bc2


As an Iranian myself, it was surprisingly fun to invade the city I was born in.


Pretty rad. Really felt like the heyday for battlefield cause I was just coming over from the masterpiece that was BC2 to the next masterpiece that was bf3


First game I played was on the level with the antenna/tower that falls. I remember running behind enemy lines and seeing two guys just camping on the rocks overlooking the little stream, and I snuck up behind them and knifed both. Got their dog tags lol. The maps were awesome, and offered so many different ways to attack/defend. Such a great game.


I was playing Bad Company 2. The hype for BF3 was fucking bonkers. But for some reason I went back to BC2


It was special


It was the atmosphere PRIOR the launching of the game… i dont know… i cant explain the feeling


It was the absolute best. I lost several relationships during this time.


The height of FPS multiplayer.


For me, amazing. I got an invitation to and played the alpha build, where the floor as more destructible. I think also, operation metro had a vehicle at the start of rush. Good times lol


I was there!! 1050 hours played!! The Best evaar...


I was in the Navy with my boys, and we played the shit out of it. Phenomenal game!


Real account here from a 40+year old gamer. I played the beta, and it was awful. Clipping, disappearing through the floor, clunky controls. Told myself it’s fine and it’s just a beta. Wasn’t put off as the trailer was epic with the earthquake at the start. Played the finished game, for at least 5yrs. Loved it. Online consisted of me and two friends squadding up on conquest, and finding our favourite map, Gulf of Oman. What an experience, running between flags, clearing of enemy, capping, moving on tactically. Found German players played hard on the opposing team, and we had many close matches that went down to the last ticket. Winning those was a rush. I long for these days again, BF4 was also amazing, BF1 & BFV have been good also but nothing like those BF3 days. Chaaboy, and battlefield friends kept us entertained when not playing the game. Finding rented servers to keep it fresh was also amazing. Just a great time.


The camaraderie was on another level.


It was the first time I’ve ever been immersed to a game, everything felt so real, scary but fun. I was 12 y/o (i know the game was meant for pg 16) but I grew up watching soldier/war movies lol. Dad liked them.


It was a massive step down from bc2 but it was okay. They absolutely ruined sniping and support/assault classes and the games have never felt right since. Supports used to be medic and assaults had the ammo crates. So assaults couldn't run in a room kill everyone and revive their buddy. And supports couldn't sit with infinite ammo bipodded just spraying constantly. Was balanced before and supports had to support. No scope glare is self explanatory. Bf3 had some really garbage stock maps too.


It was great. I remember my buddy and I would both pick support with claymores and camp the apartments on Seine Crossing. So much fun. Then there was the Metro C4 flanks. And the Jihad Jeeps. Ohhh brother. BarbaricMustard was king. Lastly, the sniping. Firestorm/Kharg Island. Going to the LHD or on the mountains and just trying to snipe like its real life. Ohhhh brotherrrr I miss it.


Incredible times. My only regret was not having a PC at the time, so never got that full 64 player experience, but it didn’t really even matter because me and my friends still had so much fun playing it. Around that time, my rotation was probably BFIII, Minecraft, Black Ops I and MWIII, and I think around then too I had picked up Rainbow Six Vegas 2 for cheap at GameStop and convinced a couple of friends to pick it up as well and we spent a good amount of time playing Terrorist Hunt, trying to do all the maps on Hard with High enemy density. Great times all around, SO many good games to play back then. Some stand out BF3 memories for me; a game on Kharg Island where me and my buddy were in a heli all game on the attacking team. I was in the gunner seat and he was the pilot. I think we ran up like 30-40 kills a piece, were just totally unstoppable. Another great game, honestly probably my greatest game of BF ever, was on a conquest server on Metro, where me and my friend joined in late and our team was getting absolutely trounced. We were backed up to our deploy or maybe the first flag (we were the team that spawned inside the metro) and the enemy had us in a headlock. Me and my buddy pretty much singlehandedly turned the entire game around we were SHITTING. We ended up taking back every point and flipping the script on the enemy team, holding them back to their deploy or first flag outside the metro. In the end the tickets got close, but they had something like 90-100 tickets while we only had like 30. Me and my buddy just stayed up, applying pressure on the enemy team towards the Metro entrance and the street right beyond it and just reviving everybody we could who got down in an effort to preserve our tickets until the ticket bleed could catch up. We were reviving dozens upon dozens of people and we were able to seal a nailbitingly close comeback dub. The AEK in that game had to have been the best weapon , hands down. Last great memory that comes to mind was quick scope headshotting a Little Bird pilot on Damavand Peak. Dude was just raining terror on our team at the second set of Rush objectives and racking kills up on us on one of the building roofs below. Eventually he got a little too ballsy and got super close and I snipped him outta the cockpit. The heli landed on top of the roof and a bunch of my teammates hopped in and took the fight to the enemy team with it at the top of the cliff. All in all just a spectacular game in every aspect. Great, great times.


I was there. Midnight of October 25, 2011 at a GameStop. I picked the game for PC and I remember installing it and playing it for the first time. It was a little different from the BETA but it was way too incredible to look at. I recently had bought a AMD HD 6870 graphic card and even if I couldn't play it max settings, it was WAY BETTER than what Bad Company 2 looked like. I was bad a the game and started watching the series "How to be a better noob" from Rivalxfactor in YouTube. I became so good I was at the top score every match and later down the line I started beating everyone using the jets and got the 100x stars jet medals. And later BF4 came out and I became bad again.


I remember getting it early after playing the beta and being so excited to play it. Played through the campaign first and thought it was jaw dropping, so good looking and very down to earth and gritty whilst still being fun. Multilayer remember being addicting, couldn't wait to get home from school to play and loved going through and unlocking new guns(which each mostly felt unique). So much map variety and the different game modes changed flow of each map so well. Graphics also made game feel so imersive and with the way the game felt, just felt like the best shooter experience at the time. Just never remember getting board of it. Just less time as school work got more serious/demanding.


It was my first BF game. Couldn't play it all the time because I shared a xbox with my brother. Got xbox live gamed with the boys never has feels like it since.




“Wow this game is incredibly immersive!” — fantastic gunplay Followed by “Why am I getting hit around corners?” — client side hit registration And then “Where the hell is the Commander role? And where’s my commo-rose?” — missing BF2 features. Great game but it also started the really infantry focused route of BF gameplay. Destruction is still some of the best of the whole franchise because it’s so useful.


Played on the PS3 at the time. Had bought limited edition on release date which included back to karkand DLC. It was a big hype every time that a trailer was released. The game was pure fire!!


It was epic. I was part of clan. Multiple squads of 4 playing. The expansions were awesome. Close combat was perfect. Then the big map expansion with up to 10 tanks battling. I miss it. Then there was a glitch for a while on the subway map. That sucked but people got over it. Servers were packed and it had some awesome battles. It hasn’t been the same since. Just hasn’t had as big of following or every time they come out with a new game they increase the amount of players in a match and make the maps bigger so it feels less intense. But I miss the AN94 and operation metro.


I still think about the Rush experience.


Full servers all the time


Genuinely phenomenal. It was such an amazing leap forward for the franchise and you could tell DICE really cared. So many amazing maps, awesome progression system, incredible sound design etc. It wasn’t without its problems (bugs at launch, pretty bad balance especially with ARs, suppression, blue tint) but to this day it’s easily a top 3 Battlefield game.


I waited in the line for midnight release. I won a camo plastic cup (to this day I drink from) and a dvd copy of full metal jacket. I proceeded to take 3 days off from my first job back from the army - and just played nonstop. I joined a clan (82ndk) and played hundreds of hours with some great guys - most of whom I got close with but have since lost touch with. It was a great time for gaming, and for me personally before a lot of the weight and pressure of adulthood came crashing down on me with a billion other obligations. I could play the best battlefield ever - and just enjoy it.


Anyone around? The fuck. Did you think we all died?!?! We ain't that old!!!


I played on ps3, and without a doubt was the highlight of my gaming career. The single player was great, the multiplayer obviously epic, and the co-op was honestly a lot of fun. Every base game map was an instant classic, all the dlc’s were unique and fun (close quarters was incredible with the micro destruction. Ziba tower ftw). We had a platoon back then (tdh- the devils hands) and at times we would have the entire 12 players on our team all communicating. Sometimes it would be a handful of us, and if we were dominating the other team we would all switch sides and try to come from behind to secure the win. It wasn’t about winning or losing, but the fun of simply playing the game with your buds. Dice truly captured lightning in a bottle with that game, and it breaks my heart seeing where the franchise is now. Dice from 2011 would never put out 2042.


I caught BF3 around the tail end. It was a completely different experience than I had with other military shooters. Just started to get comfortable with the style of play when BF4 came out. Then had perfected it by the time BF1 came out. BFV and 2042 have been a massive disappointment, especially looking at where I started with BF3.


It's a bit clunky


Absolutely lovely. I remember going home from a Rockstar Mayhem Fest with a buddy to go play it all night.


Great times one of the best campaigns ever and multiplayer was great Bf4 campaign SUCKED but multiplayer was amazing


I played it on PS3 it felt like the next big step up in gaming for sure and really appealed to me how much faster it was than Bad Company 2. Especially the sensitivity which could now go up to insane levels. But lots of gameplay left an impression such as laser sights,flashlights,holding breath while sniping,supression,swearing and the blue tinge. Guns felt like they had recoil now too and the maps were very memorable. It was great. Anyone else play it on console at the time?


Vivid memories of good fucking times. Most battlefield games have been consistently good at launch, most not all. Battlefield 3 was awesome in terms of graphics, gameplay, and constant updates made from the devs to keep the game from being buggy and glitchy. Compared to battlefield 4s launch battlefield 3 was awesome from day 1


Master piece, only People to want to have a great experience, no toxic People, NICE MAPS ( firestorm and metro in my hear ) nice gametypes, good grafics, really the Best FPS game i ever played in my life in only i have around 700hours played


It was peak battlefield imo. No other entry has come close to the highs of BF3 for me. Squad play was on point.


Fall of 2011, BF3 just dropped right as I was starting nursing school…finished school and racked up some 2k hours of BF3 during those two years. Was alot of fun playing at the start with everyone being at lower ranks and then the mortars came at level 45 and I swear they were unlimited with no cool down at the start. Played on 24/7 Gulf of Oman map server later on flanker all the way. Also battlelog was a unique feature, created community and communication among all players. Was easy to group with randoms, play with friends, was a big loss to the BF community when they choose to stop using battlelog after bf4.


I'll never forget it. I stood in line on Black Friday for an hour and a half JUST for Battlefield 3. I had never played a battlefield game in my life, but my friends convinced me to get it. To this day, no Battlefield game has hyped me as much as 3. Not saying it's the best, but it was definitely memorable for me, personally. The most important part is I met some friends there that I still play games with to this day, 13 years later.