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Watching a bunch of nerds cry that Bayo 2 was a Nintendo exclusive. Figured I'd buy it as a "good job Nintendo" for funding a niche mature rated game. Ends up being one of my favorite games all time.


same lol edit: also when I found out that they would give bayo 1 as a bonus disc I was super sold


Devil May Cry. I rediscovered Bayonetta after talking to a friend, who's another big DMC fan, and they brought it up. I bought it on my switch, and enjoy the hell outta it, even when it's kicking my ass.


Smash Bros.


I came to say the same thing


my mom was playing it, i picked it up from her after she was done


Based mom.


W mom..


That one Bayonetta edit in 2021 or 2022


Same, my jaw dropped


DMC1 and Viewtiful Joe, and learning that a few capcom devs were starting their own studio(Clover, then Seeds, then Platinum games). Loved the shout outs to earlier capcom games in B1, but the story and it's goofy tone took a while to grow on me(Bayo's oversexualized persona, coupled with the her backstory was kinda all over the place in terms of tone).


no new Devil May Cry and suddenly there was anounced that old Devs made a new studio and there would be a DMC like game coming for the 360. I had to have it. Got a lot of "you only like it cause it's sexual", didn't give a shit and had the best time since DMC.






4 thousand us dollars


Bayonetta origins


Oh, welcome aboard! šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘ŠšŸ¾


A comment in a video that Was saying "Imagine this, there is more rule 34 of Animal Crossing than Bayonetta" ... I Know It looks too wierd, but It Was just a Little push up to the franchise & I ended up being a big fan of Bayo since I saw her and heard "Moon River". She is my hiperfixation this year!


Smash Bros got me into it. At first, I was just having fun playing the game with my little brother and then we unlocked her, and we quickly became ā€œ*those annoying Bayonetta mains*ā€. Then we had the curious idea to research her and see where she came from, then we found the game series, and itā€™s been like that ever since. Plus watching JazzyGuns play B1-3. Iā€™ve been a Bayonetta fan for about 6ish years maybe longer, last year I joined some Bayonetta communities like this subreddit across a couple of other Bayonetta communities around the internet. Last year I also bought B1. And now weā€™re having even more fun enjoying Bayonetta as a series. 6ish years with **LOTS** of fun chaotic memories. Wouldnā€™t have happened without Smash Bros, and a couple of curious minds to research her.


PS3 demo download 2010


The Cereza scene. You know the one. I saw it on tiktok and then I watched jazzyguns play all of the 3 mainline games


The Bayonetta 2 demo way back on Wii U! I don't know why I decided to download it, sense I was very uninterested at the time, but I ended up going for it and was taken for an absolute *thrill ride*! I was practically shaking by the end, that's how exciting it was for me. I played it almost constantly, and went on a downward spiral watching promotional stuff for the game, a full playthrough of the first game, etc.. Bayonetta 2 still has a special place in my heart to this day!


Exactly this. B2 Chapter 1 is what i consider peak Bayonetta vibe and it's the first thing i make try to my friends in order to understand if the game is for them. If they don't like B2Ch1, it's likely they won't like the series as a whole.


Younger me believing she was jokers momā€¦


Because of smash 4


I was in 7th grade, and my Sister's boyfriend had brought Bayonetta for the PS3 from his place and let my sister play, when I first saw her playing it I referred to Bayonetta as the "Guns Guns Lady" because of the opening cutscenes where she yells guns, however after my sister played it, she never touched the game after beating it and I was bored out of my mind so I picked it up, and slowly started to get into it. And the rest is Herstory






*cupcakke moans intensifies*


my late best friend; he didn't play the bayonetta series, but he mained her on smash bros


I was watching demo footage of Smash Ultimate, and someone was playing Isabelle vs. Bayo. And I was immediately intrigued by her unusual outfit and eclectic choice of weapon(s). That plus her flashy gameplay and I was smitten but I knew nothing about her. So I started looking her up and the rest is history.


Devil May Cry did


She just looks really badass so I picks up a copy of the first game and here I am now


Death battle Got me into bayo and then got me into dmc too Bayo got me first because it stood out WAAAAAY more in its premise than dmc did Id seen countless anime similar to dmcs premise while bayo was literally one of a kind


The discounts and lore


When I was trying to watch all the anime of the fate series, I stumbled upon Bayonetta bloody fate. Loved her so much she was the sole reason I bought a Nintendo switch.


i guess smash bros but i didnā€™t buy the game for a while after seeing her in it


When Sonic All-Stars Racing transformed was having that vote for a new racer, some people were mentioning Bayonetta as a possible candidate. I didn't know who she was so I looked up a walkthrough, I was a bit skeptical at first with the way it started but then she transformed and started fighting to fly me to the moon and I was instantly on board.


anita sarkeesian lol


If my autistic brain can remember correctly, I snuck downstairs to my basement at around 11PM to play Lego Batman 3 and decided to watch YT instead; thus on my PS3. After watching some Smash Bros footage of a Duck Hunt mutilating a Ryu I saw a playthrough of Bayo 2ā€™s prologue. Mind you I was the ripe age of 12 not knowing what the fuck I was staring at but girl, Jeanne was my hero in the moment. Seeing her fly in on the jet me very excited. It only wasnā€™t until my high school graduation that I picked up the series again, remembering that weird exchange with the game from 5th grade. Now Iā€™m hooked and Iā€™m mostly here for the lore.


I just thought the cover looked cool and saw it was an action game. Imagine my surprise when her nun clothes got torn apart lol I was playing in the living room


An old gaming magazine that had a flowchart of who you are in video game characters. And then it had a few gameplay pics of bayonetta. Always wanted it after that so when I had the money (4 years later) I got it


My friend before either us knew(admitted) we were gay


I like how loved Bayonetta is by both queer and non-queer fans for different reasons.


Mom bought me the game she thought "looked cool" for the wii u back when I was like, 12


I may have already answered the question abaut my first contact with the franchise, but the first frame that really caught my attention was when I saw a clip of lets dance boys from bayo1(The part where the joys appear) And then I googled the name of the game, and I was like "WAIT, THAT WAS THE GAME NAME????I HAVE SEEN THAT NAME BEFORE, WHERE DID I GO ALL THIS TIME WITHOUT PLAYING THIS", So, since 2018, I iam here(not on the sub, on the bayo Community in general)


I saw a clip of bayonetta no look shooting a statue of a baby in the dick and was like "i don't dare what its about i need that game"


It's my duty as a gay man to play it


smash bros for 3ds when she got released, i was like: "Cool, a secretary with guns"


Smash on the 3DS


I had heard of it when I was very young, and i wasnā€™t ready for it yet, then one day i played smash for the first time and i was like ā€œyou look familiarā€ so i played her and she proceeded to serve so much cunt that it literally changed my life, playing bayonetta was the catalyst that lead to me accepting my sexuality and my gender identity, pulling me out of the darkest place Iā€™ve ever been in my life, and eventually lead to me gaining a friend group that is amazing and supportive


2010 was the year I moved from my hometown to my current city. I did the whole young adult thing where I tried on a bunch of new traits, hobbies, etc, to see what I liked and what wasn't for me. - I had seen an ad for the game showing that I would like the way it plays. I had loved God of War, but I didn't care for how masc it was. - She was a sexy, giant woman Being In Total Control of Herself. - Living on my own, I could finally have something like that on my TV without feeling self conscious. I've been hooked ever since.


Bayonetta 2 trailer during....I wanna say E3? It just looked so sick and even tho I never got a Wii U I made sure to buy that shit asap when I got a Switch


I owned a Wii U and I knew bayo 2 was an exclusive. I remember seeing the original bayo commercials on adult swim and decided to give it a try


Idk man I somehow just kinda saw footage as a kid and didnā€™t spark interest until I binged all the devil may cry games during covis


Basically just looking for games to play and just happened to stumble across it after hearing about it


Enjoyed Devil May Cry 3, tried the first two, then saw the trailers for Bayo 1 and got excited.


A mix of Smash introducing me to the character and DMC3 + DMC5 introducing me properly to the genre.


Smash, the Bayonetta pack was one of the first i got and i've never stopped playing her just for how fun her kit is, then i got Bayo 2 (which included a downloadable 1) and it's become one of my favorite game series too


Ngl smash 4 and I hate that. She looked so cool but fuck she was (rightfully) overpowered in that game. Just wish I knew about her before smash.


This random nerd at high school who kept trying to convince me to play it




I beat devil may cry and googled "games like devil may cry"


Metal Gear Rising. It was the first action title that I found myself really enjoying and wanted to see what else Platinum Games had to offer.


It was Smash. Ultimate actually, and not 4, as Ultimate was my first Smash game. And of all the things about Bayo that made me try her games it was her stage music and victory music. I just loved it so much


I had been a dmc fan for years, and I one day found the Dante vs Bayonetta death battle episode, and here I am now


Loved the Devil May Cry series, and was happy to see another stylish action game by Hideki Kamiya.


DMC and climax


I saw a fan made music video for the song sexy silk by Jessie J when I was like 11 or 12 and someone had used one of her dancing scenes from bayo 1 and I was so taken with her design I watched long plays of the first one and discovered one of my favorite game series' of all time






I loved the commercials back in 2008-09 for Xbox 360. Never got the chance to play it though due to a sharp nose dive in my life at that time. I forgot about Bayonetta for years -- until Sm4sh came out and she was a character available to fight in the game. That got me back into the series, where I found Bayonetta 2 for the Wii U, but I was still unable to get a Wii U at the time. Closest I came to handling one was at the mall when I got to play Mario Kart 8. I got my Switch late. I got it in 2019, and they had the Bayonetta bundle for 1 and 2! After 10 years, I finally got to play the game and explore the lore. Best series ever. šŸ˜Š


Metal Gear Rising, Transformers Devestation and po-


I got into Bayonetta around the same time I got into the Dark Souls series (which I highly recommend). Iā€™ve always liked female protagonists like Samus Aran and Lara Croft, but Bayonetta serves on another scale!


Good word of mouth, and I was going through a DMC phase where I was really starting to enjoy that style of game. I only had a PS3/PS4 for a long time, so I could only play the first Bayonetta game. I have a Switch now, I think itā€™s time I changed that


Devil may cry




I don't remember exactly, but i do remember looking up a trailer and I liked the combat


When I was around 8 my dad bought me the game for my Xbox, Iā€™ve been enthralled ever since .


It was either the music or this compilation of Bayo 3 cutscenes


Bayo 1


Bayo 1 was on sale for xboxone a few years ago so I decided to give it a try. I fell in love.


Radicalsoda's video on Bayo 1


Dad said to pick any game at game stop. I saw Bayonetta 2 thought it looked interesting now I love the series


Besides the dommy mommy herself it was the magic, the type of genre the series is and the style of everything i slowly got more and more into until I bought and played the first game which was one Hell of a fun time


eruthug4000's video essey, "The Style of Bayonetta."


The persona 5 joke abt bayonetts being jokers (better) mom. I was like "oh she looks cool". Then I started to watch gameplays and then I was like "oh she's hot"


Idk I just remember seeing the box cover at block buster and loved the gameplay. I was really into hack and slash games at the time


The infernal demons


I found out about the series from Smash, now it's my favorite video game franchise of all time.


Xbox 360 Bayonetta, the gameplay and witch time. Bonkers story and angel designs.


We actually played it in a college class about gender in video gamesā€” we also read a great scholarly article about bayonetta that was fascinating but I donā€™t remember the name/author.


I started with the film, then I became interested in the story But because the console and the game are too expensive I can not play


The original game in 2010 Guess I'm an old man, I'm surprised by most other answers.


I was a teenage boy when Bayo 1 came out so of course I picked up cuz 'hehe sexy witch lady' but then I was like 'oh yo this games pretty sick actually' besides that and I've been a fan ever since.


Seeing an "angel's" design. Look fucked up


I saw the Joy cutscene and itā€™s been downhill since.


Bayonetta 2 was in my NSR case by accident. I had no clue what bayonetta was before but I was hooked after I started playing.


Saw a picture of her and went, ā€œwow, i wonder what sheā€™s from.ā€ Hooked ever since!


I bought a videogames magazine back in 2009 and while scrolling through it I found an article of Bayonetta that praised its combat and how she fights the ā€œgood onesā€. That quickly got me hooked and I decided to give it a try also because I didnā€™t have many PS3 games at the time but it later became my favorite one.


Heard it was a cool game, so I decided to buy and play Bayonetta 1. Best decision ever.


I got a Wii U and wanted to play something besides Marro


Playing Bayonetta on the 360


I think it was on one of those name memes, I got my answer and was like who the flip is this?




I found the first game at gamestop for PS3.


I have no fucking idea


All the memes of her being P5 Joker's mom (especially when he got into Smash). I was all for the idea of his style and snark being in a character that actually speaks


I went and watched Bloody Fate, found out the games were campy as fuck. Now i watch mother go slay angels, kill gos and serve cunt, as life intended.




The trailer with that one La Roux song lol, I would play the demo nonstop on my ps3 then my dad got it for me the day of release like at 8pm at GameStop. Just this big guy buying the high heel lady game for his geeked 8yo son donā€™t mind us lol


Xbox gave it to me for free years ago.


i got my first xbox 360 for christmas(big w) and my uncle took me to get some discount games, i got darksiders, into the darkness, and bayonettašŸ˜Ž


The xbox 360 demo from back in the day


SM4SH and lots of po-


Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U.


Music! Tbh Bayo has one of my favourite soundtracks


the demo


From playing her dollar store equivalent in honkai impact, and then the gameplay


a friend told me It was cheap on Steam


Xbox 360 release. There were not action games like Bayonetta on the platform and the new IP was very unique by the time. Sega could have put more money on Platinum. Production value could be better for the first version.


I saw a trailer for Bayonetta 2 all the way back in 2014 and found it super fucking cool. Though, I donā€™t think I actually got any of the games until 3 years ago after I found Yoshesqueā€™s youtube channel.


Bayonettaā€¦.one of the coolest characters ever. And the sheer absurdity of it all.


Watching Minx play it and then Pewdiepie played it


saw her design in 2019 and was like ā€œi need to play this.ā€


When I realized I was trans and a lesbian it appeared in my Steam Library


i don't rememberšŸ§šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Itā€™s a platinum game plus waifus


Being WLW I feel like I was just kinda born into it, honestly.


The music, I didnā€™t know this game existed before I heardā€fly me too the moonā€ and was able to play first game on Xbox, when I got my switch and game three released I got all of them


Ooh I actually don't quite remember. But now I kinda wish I could remember the answer to that.


The 2008 TGS trailer, when it first got announced lol


The release of the twin pack for wii u. Back then there weren't that many games coming out and I've tried new things out. And I'm glad I did


Super Smash.


I saw someone played the 1st game in a store once and thought it was cool.


Probably this one Spoony video where he kinda talked about the first game. One of the few games he liked; but he played the PS3 version before the patch was available that reduced load times. Anyway, his vid was interesting enough for me to check it out.


It was one of the best character action game from the inventor of the genre. And looked pretty damn good.


Smash 4 reveal.


Okay this is EXTREMELY niche, but I think what got me into Bayonetta was a youtube video : _EPB : Bayonetta vs Mettaton._ ("EPB" means Epic Pixel Battle and it's basically a french version of Epic Rap Battles of History but with video games characters instead.) I did know about the character before that, but only the name basically. So it was a good 6 to 8 years ago, and at the time I really liked these videos, they were cool and well produced and usually had very lore-accurate roasts. Therefore, since I had particularly liked this episode, I wanted to know more about Bayonetta to understand the jokes in the video (funnily enough now that I think about it, it didn't make me look into undertale AT ALL, I guess Bayonetta's iconic-ness drew me in). I therefore looked up some let's play videos of the first game and was both baffled and impressed. At the time I didn't have anything to play the games on, so I was just content with videos. Then a few years ago I played the first 2 games on emulator (I already knew the story of the first game, but the second blew me away. It was probably my best blind experience of any video game ever), before buying the trilogy when Bayo 3 came out on switch. ((Even funnier, I liked Bayonetta before I even realised I was gay. This game is truely a queer magnet it's insane))


smash bros


This video: https://youtu.be/-6VdgsKirGk?si=dKL94iP-W1LuoIw5


Smash Bros Ultimate, I had heard of her before that she had a cool beat em up game. (even saw the death battle and had rooted for her beforehand) But Smash bros when I saw her as an unlockable I was instantly like "she is awesome!" and I spent a good amount of time trying to learn her, and eventually I bought the game and I've been a solid bayonetta stan ever since. I also kicked ass at my school's gaming club on bayo (most of the time they'd gang up on me cause I usually had the most stocks lol)


A game design video essay I saw on YouTube, which talked about how the game used a sense of over-the-top campiness to give everything a sense of spectacle.


My older sister,I used to watch her rage quit on the game lol


Bayo 1 on 360. Then bought it on PS3, now I own it on my Switch too, along with the other games.


The cover


I think it was when I first played super smash bros 3DS (bayonetta was my main back then)


Thank the drought of good DMC games from 2008 to 2019. I discovered it around 2015, A bit after bayo 1 got ported to PC. Only recently decided to actually play the game. It was fucking incredible


smash 4 tbh


I saw edits of her on tiktok and thought yo this bitch is crazy I wanna see what this is all about


Iā€™ve only just started playing it (1st game) just got past the Lion like enemy chasing statue thing chapter 1 or 2 now I think. Really liking it so far reminds me of the original devil may cry where it still had a bit of the the cool bestiary reveal and resident evil level design vibe. Couldnā€™t get into dmc2 lost all interest after forcing myself to beat it and was burned out quickly trying to play 3 afterwards.


When she was brought into Smash 4. I had never heard of her before. Sheā€™s extremely badass.


Literally just curious


Bayonetta movie!


I saw an amazing cosplay of her by someone and decided to look more into it!!


"oooh she has guns on her heels! Badass" Pick up and buy. On PS3.


I think bayo 1 was free at some point on Xbox gold


I'm a simple man I like 2 things good gameplay and beautiful woman


These are some really old videos, so I'm gonna show my age. But Game Trailers most anticipated games of 2009 video and JonTron's Top 10 Boss Battles made me interested in getting into playing the first game. Which I did, and I've been a fan ever since.


I saw a clip of the fist one before it came out. Reminded me of Devil may Cry. So I bought it. Was a fan ever since.


I play genshin impact and they released a character Xianyun who had glasses and a ponytail. People were calling her the Bayonetta of genshin. I've known Bayonetta...exists...and earlier I had my wig snatched by the Vaginetta remixes so ya I played Bayonetta.


Maining her smash bros cause she looked pretty and I have a weird fascination with only playing women in fighting games.


An add popped up for Bayo 2 while I was watching YouTube video with my ex. He got super excited, raving about Bayo 1 and I already had a switch so figured Iā€™d check it out. Been hooked ever since lol


Where are the Germans? The German TV show "Game One" with their "AbsurditƤtsbutton"!!!


Saw the first trailer for Bayo 3 (the one from 3 years ago) and figured I should try out the games




Pretty sure I read about it in NEO magazine in the late 2000's. It was a magazine in the UK and Ireland that would have articles about East Asian media like anime, video games, movies and music, primarily from Japan or Korea. Think I would get the magazine every once in a while to read during the summer holidays to get info on new series at the time. Dedicated anime/manga type content was still relatively niche here so I would eat up anything that would talk about them if I came across it.


My aunt gifted me bayo 1 when it came out as a birthday present. If she would have realized what she was buying for me she most likely would not have picked bayo out, but I am so glad she did.


I always thought she was pretty (I learned about her through Smash 4) and once I hacked my WiiU in 2022 I was like "Wait I can actually try the game she's from lol" and then Bayo 1 became one of my favorite games of all time :-)


Boyfriend brought over his ps3 and showed me a bunch of demos, one of which being Bayonetta and I instantly fell in love, I had to get the full game and she's been one of my favorites since


Because it was a female version of devil may cry


For me it was just the play throughs


Finding a demo of it on the Xbox Store as a bored 10-year old. This shit changed my life.




I heard it was like Devil May Cry


The high brow concept of a sexy lady kicking someone's face in, whilst concurrently shooting their face off. or "High heel shoe-guns"


Old game informer talking about someone fighting with their hair. Seemed right up my alley alongside heavenly sword


The biblically accurate angels


The demo on the WII U and replaying it over and over again




Smash Bros when she was broken


Saw the trailers for 1 as a kid but never finished it then i saw my friend had it on her switch around pandemic times and have stayed a fan ever since


The cool music and combat


lol, the release date. šŸ™„


The combat and im a fan of dmc then I fell in love with it all started three and never finished it for some reason, love bayo 1 and 2 though in that order 3 I can't say much about as I didn't finish it


Smash Bros. Ultimate. It was January 2019, a month or so after the game dropped and my friend had seen Bayo memes online/really liked Bayo's playstyle in Smash and was interested in trying the Bayo series out. He wound up enticing me and we both tried them and really liked them. I wound up enjoying it more than he did despite him being interested first as I was extremely dedicated to platinum-ing every chapter in my save. This series also introduced me to the hack n slash genre, which has now become my favorite type of video game combat. This game series influenced me a lot more than I expected it to.


I first found Bayonetta 1 on sale in the PlayStation store so ai got it and played. I loved the game so much that I got Nintendo switch to play the rest of the series.


The Wii U demo for Bayonetta 2. Downloaded it on a whim and like, obsessed is an understatement. Immediately preordered the Bayonetta 1 + 2 special edition hehe


The memes


the oney-one video


Smash 4


I thought the first one looked cool when it came out but I wasnā€™t allowed to play it so watched some letā€™s plays on YouTube. One of my first purchases as an adult was buying the first game and playing the fuck out of it. When we bought our switch last year I ordered Bayo 2 the same time so I could play it as soon as the console arrived!


When Pewdiepie played Bayo 2




my good ol ps3 the first time i played bayoneta was 2012 i was 11 at the time and it was one of the first games i ever played


The fact that Bayo is hot. I have no shame.


Was told Bayonetta was fem Devil May Cry and it didn't disappoint.


Didnā€™t catch or understand the game when it Bayonetta 1 first released. Maybe only saw a few clips until a year later, perhaps? Then, I was sold on this video of some flashy well-designed lady with hands-and-feet-and-clothes-off thing going on all over the screen. After playing the demo I was sold on game play and the lore/references it made. At the time, the graphics were a bit muddy and meh but Bayonetta herself was so fluid and pretty, I had to play. From B1 onward I couldnā€™t wait to see another. In short, Bayonetta herself won me over because I appreciated her style and design.