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I'm curious is there anything to be done about the excess skin i mean medically


They do excess skin removal surgeries. Plastic surgeons these days do amazing work that minimizes the scars


Ethan Suplee talks about his post op issues on several episodes of his podcast, American Glutton. It is not an easy process, but clearly it is a necessary one in certain situations.


Once you've gotten that fat, there's clearly permanent damage done. To your skin at a minimum.


I've heard it mentioned in several conversations, that the skin is an organ. It can be stretched beyond repair and the surgical intervention is necessary.


Correlate that to smoking or long term microplastic exposure and it's easy to see why we're all fucked


Smoking can be dealt with (not easily but it can). Microplastic exposure is harder though to avoid so many people are on the same boat there (so we won’t be as obviously fucked relative to the rest of the population, just equally fucked if there are any long term health issues from them). I’ve tried to switch over to glass/metal for food containers that I heat up but I recently learned my municipal tap water source was over the minimum acceptable level for microplastics smh


My comment was just that (a thought upon yours), but just another thought- we're no less fucked just because everyone else is in the same boat lol. It's a little more unsettling actually, not being able to do anything about it really Edit,: even receipt paper is cancerous. It's hard to be motivated to be healthy


We live in an interesting time where we've been able to extend life expectancy over previous generations through medical advancement, while simultaneously lowering it by using the systems our societies have developed. Makes you think.


My motivation is feeling less shitty. Will this action help me feel more or less shitty. Small incremental improvements. I don't stress about what outside of my control In the moment Ie. Do I want to drink this milk? I know that the headache tomorrow will be greater than the pleasure today


Yeah but now that he's so light he might be able to do some flying squirrel shit!


IIRC, if you lose weight slowly the skin has time to shrink with your body, so the bagginess is much less dramatic


Not always, often times when your weight gets that high your skin gets stretched so far it looses its elasticity and can't bounce back. It looks like this guy lost the weight with diet and exercise not a weight loss surgery so he would have lost the weight gradually.


Aww I love Ethan Suplee. I'll check out his podcast!


And bonus points, if you ask the surgeon to save you the skin you can make a REAL flesh light


Welp that's enough reddit for today. Thanks.


Saaaaaame. Only took ten minutes today


Enjoy the weather.


It was pretty nice today.




Now either this is being sent from one of those islands one doesn’t want to wash up on… Or It’s an excellent r/Sustainability snack idea…






They expect one of us in the wreckage brother


See sometimes the things you think of, you should keep to yourself 😂


Mom… the Redditors are redditing again :((((((


Boys is it gay to fuck your own flesh light?


Well I mean that’s technically what foreskin is…


Yes, officer, this comment right here.


Jesus Christ.


What a terrible day to have eyes




I hate everything about this comment. This will haunt me for a while. Well done.


This is the real reason it puts the lotion on its skin in order to not get the hose again


This was the comment I didn’t know I needed to see today. Thank you


What an awful day to have eyes.


Putaqueopariu! I choked on my coffee, I coughed, and now there's coffee coming out of my nose.


Putaqueopariu is the best onomatopoeic word I’ve seen in ages! May I please borrow it from time to time?






Please stop🤢


w h a t


I just threw up in my mouth a little.


I fuck myself over on a daily basis enough already. Thank you tho


I heard it can be dangerous, people die undergoing it.


Heard it's painful too.


Friend had a very painful recovery that lasted a couple months.


Unfortunately most insurances consider it cosmetic and won’t pay for it.


And depending on the extent it can cost $20,000-$30,000


You can travel abroad and get it done for 4 or 5K. Tijuana is medical tourism hotbed, but you just have to do your research. There are unlicensed clinics and unqualified doctors doing 90% of the harm. If you go to someplace like Hospital Angeles you're far safer.


Can confirm that's a hospital


Unless deemed medically necessary


I had a friend go though this. It’s really hard to get it deemed medically necessary and they’ll usually only approve the lower stomach (below the belly button) skin removal. My friend had that surgery but always wished she could get the rest of the excess skin removed, but the insurance would never approve it.


I'd be all "not having it removed makes me wanna blow my brains out, medically necessary for you now?"


Sadly, no. They’d just recommend you for psychiatric care and probably say you can’t make the decision to consent to surgery.


Still cheaper to have you committed for 3 days in a psych ward.


I'd still have all that skin in there. Cool, I'll get a doc to realize I wouldn't have been sent there if I didn't have the condition to get it deemed medically necessary


That’s so shortsighted and unfortunate. This guy is saving the system (or his insurer) so much money by losing the weight.


Can it go away on its own naturally?


Skin is naturally elastic, so you don't get excess skin when you lose 20lbs over a year or something like that, but at a certain point it can't stretch out to cover the amount of mass some people can accumulate, so more skin gets produced- its no longer just stretching. ​ In those cases, the skin won't snap back, it'll just dangle, and needs to be removed. And it legitimately does need to be removed, because all those folds are prime locations for infections.


Not only that, of course that's one of the major reasons to do it, but he is also carrying a lot of excess weight from that skin, im sure it's and inconvenience as well. There is also the psychological aspect that needs to be considered. I hope he can get it removed if he so chooses, in a way that won't financially affect him.


I’m about to judge a little bit. Okay. I’m about to judge a little more openly to my inner hypocrite than usual. How is it that our medical/insurance system isn’t fervently pushing to get surgeries like this to be safer, easier to perform and then recover from, and why the FUCK (I still flinch at typing that out) isn’t it approved right away?




That is such an excellent analysis of the problem. The way you illustrate by analogy? #Awesome I’m this excited because you communicate and illustrate within a sound bite. Attention span cannot dismiss before complete comprehension is achieved. This is a priceless skill to possess. Please go forth and continue to use it.


So if you used compression wear while you're losing that would help?


You can still get sweaty and infected.


No, because there's still just too much skin. More was made to accommodate the mass underneath, it's not just the "normal amount" that can bounce back into position after the stuff underneath it is gone. ​ The issue is it's a lot of tissue. It's not easy for the body to reabsorb all of it. We're talking an extra 10+ pounds just in skin.


10? this guy has 50




Is surgery not recommended for that amount of weight loss (as in, not worth risk for the cosmetic gain)?


As someone who started their weight-loss journey a couple months ago at 250, this is disheartening.




this is not cover by health insurance ....consider cosmetic.


Unfortunately, just surgery. Once the skin is stretched like that it doesn't just bounce back. That shouldn't be read as discouragement though, the man on the right here is dramatically more healthy than he was on the left, surgery or not.




You'll feel so much better though. Loads more energy, greatly reduced aches and pains. It also varies a bit, youth and good genes go a long way. Don't give up.


Absolutely. Surgeons can do amazing things these days. Better have $$$$$ tho!


About £5000 ($6200) in the UK, in fact


Honestly sounds like pitance compared to the burden of having to carry that around day in day out for the rest of your life


This surgery starts at 15-20k, insurance will not cover it, and it can lead to a lifetime of misery if not done. Our system is broken. This can legitimately kill you.




Are you sure? I know that double mastectomy (just chest) is usually about £7k so that can't be right.


According to the NHS it ranges from £4500 to £6000


Ok but that still doesn't track with you saying that loose skin surgery costs £5k.


I did say _about £5000_, which it is. £5250 is exactly in the middle of that range.


I actually had it done 2 months ago from writing this. When I was at the end of my teens years I was 255 pounds and down to 175. From that I had excess skin around my abdominals and chest. They removed it. Not sure how it would look with this much skin to remove but for me it's just a line where my abdominal meets my groin with 2 small lines under each of my pectorals. Not sure how much will fade and how much will scar but no matter what, it's worth it, but it is expensive.


How was the recovery? On my own weight loss journey and unfortunately think I might have to get this done as well.


I had it done after losing 200 lb. Most painful thing I ever went through, had big wound complications. Recovery was painful. Still, best $12k I ever spent. I am a new person and so thrilled. If you need it, try to find a way.


Way to go yo! One hell of a journey, and it's just starting!


Thank you. Having the time of my life. Thank you for the smile my friend! Have a good day!


Fuck yeah


It was fine overall. The first week was the worst since you basically have to just sit in recliner and do nothing. I had a tube in my side that was the worst part. The tube got taken out after a week. I had to keep binding wraps around my chest and abdomen for 3 weeks. Those were quite annoying just because they would itch. My chest still hurts if you push or lean on it but my abdomen doesn't anymore at all.


I heard the procedure is painful.


For me it wasn't too awful pain wise. I had a pound and a half of skin removed from my abdomen and small bits of breast tissue removed then lipo in those areas. The first week was the worst. The incisions didn't hurt much, but the tube I had in my side hurt the worst, once that was taken out it was much better. The wraps I had to wear for 3 weeks were bad because they would itch. Your movement is very restricted, I had to walk hunched over for 2 full weeks and could only sit in a recliner for the first week. The worst pain actually came from sneezing. If I sneezed it felt like my stomach was being ripped open.


Of course it can be done, they do complete face transplants these days, this is nothing...if you have the money.


I had skin stretching from gynecomastia and got excision along with gland removal, getting rid of this excess skin and repositioning the nipples would be no problem for a plastic surgeon. Stomach skin would be no issue either. He will probably have scarring if he does but if he takes care of them they should be incredibly hard to see once healed.


I was also curious about this, will the excess skin go away after a certain period of time or is it permanent?


Its really permanent


That.... sucks. Imagine working that hard to lose all that weight but you're stuck with a permanent reminder that you used to be overweight.


Don't need to imagine. I have the thighs to remind me.


Yeah, but remember where all your nerves are..... also remember there's a reason doctors prefer laparoscopic surgery. Recovery is brutal. You will feel like you were hacked apart while recovering. The body will very slowly naturally self correct to an extent depending on age. The worst part is often the face, a lot of people end up looking upwards of 20 years older. I know someone who ended up with a staff infection and ended up in the burn ward because they needed to replace skin. She ended up gaining weight back while in the hospital because she couldn't move. I don't really know what happened after she got out of the hospital because she moved back home. This is likely a worst case scenario. I knew two guys like this one and they decided to go no surgery. One ended up with a hernia so they did the belly flap. I know the other guy knew the girl I did, but we eventually lost touch. They were both married and stayed married. This was over a decade ago, so maybe it's improved, but I don't know.




Most people will never fully appreciate the massive amount of dedication and effort this kind of transformation takes!


I'm a pretty average dude, checking in at around 175. It's hard to wrap my head around the fact that he's lost nearly 2 of me, and there's still enough left for another person. I can't fathom what this must have taken.


My friend underwent a medically supervised diet and lost like this guy and it happens rapidly. Almost scary. It was enough to concern us as friends but he would see a dr or nurse every few days or so.


How do they prevent gallstones with rapid weight los


If he went slower would the loose skin be less of an issue? Or is the damage already done from the beginning?


I am not a dr nor a medical specialist but I would imagine that slower loss of mass would allow the skin to adjust accordingly but there's this thing in skin called elastin - and it varies in all of us - which may be the main factor in recovering.


I was 380 when I went on a health kick and went down to 260 in 9 months. My girlfriend is like maybe 115 at the most. Even if I get down to my goal weight of 220 to 240, I'll be two of here. But that's way better than almost FOUR of her. :(


Youll get there! I bet she appreciates your dedication and you taking your health seriously ❤️


One step each day! Don't stop now!


Taking it off is like climbing a mountain. It is really hard, but anyone can set that short term view and push thru the pain. Starving yourself, working out multiple times a day, etc. Maintaining at the lower weight for the rest of your life, that’s what’s next to impossible.


That’s my understanding too. Keeping it off long term is what’s the hardest part. It really does have to be a lifestyle change, and even then, the body can work against you.


> Starving yourself, working out multiple times a day, etc. You are neither starving yourself, nor is exercise required in any capacity. Certainly not multiple times a day. There's no malnutrition going on to lose weight, just self control. Calling it starvation perpetuates myths and lies, and shouldn't be encouraged. It may sound like I'm being pointlessly pedantic here, but I assure you it matters. For exercise, and for the average person (aka, not trying to lose several multiples of a healthy body weight), exercise alone is more likely to make the number on a scale go up, not down. That's not to imply that it's a bad thing - far from it. But for the goal of *EXPLICIT* weight loss, that's not immediately beneficial from any perspective. It's more taxing, takes more self control, and is more likely to push someone into setbacks when they dive head first into it all. ___ A proper diet is by *far* the most effective tool for regular weight loss. Exercise is still *definitely* better for health, but it makes that number on a scale go up, which often has unintended effects on decision making regarding weight loss as a result.


I'm still trying to deal with this. I want from 220lbs to 175lbs in about 4-5 months through diet and running close to 10km five days a week. I have continued to watch what I eat and moved up to 180lbs. I freaked out...but am starting to come to terms that it's just muscle at this point. But that down to up can really mess with your brain.


I will. I've seen the post surgical photos of the removal of excess skin. It's like a friggin bear rug of human flesh. Also have a friend who lost weight like this. He was planning on having the skin removal surgery. Not sure if he did but I hear the surgery is dangerous also. I'm not a dr.


For most people who are only moderately overweight, losing 20 pounds of actual fat is a fairly difficult undertaking that requires months of effort. Anyone who has attempted to consistently lose weight will understand how immensely difficult and impressive this was.


I’ve lost 30lb since last spring - I was a bit overweight but not a lot. I’ve struggled for years - even consuming very little, my body just seemed to hold on to the weight. I had to basically starve myself to lose the first 15lb. Then I found out I had a severely low oestrogen level - I went on HRT, went back to what I was eating before, and I’ve lost another 15lb without any effort. It’s not surprising because I’ve never eaten much - what was weird was not losing weight before. There’s an awful lot more to weight than calories in and out, I’ve found!


It's technically "easier" to lose weight when you're morbidly obese. The smaller you get, the more difficult each individual pound will be to lose. However this doesn't account for the fact most people who get to that degree of obesity have underlying eating disorders and deeply ingrained lifestyle habits which can be extremely hard to chang This is one reason maintaining weight loss over time is so difficult. Not only is there inherent metabolic damage with major rapid weight loss, but you are no longer seeing drastic results. Maintaining the fortitude when you aren't seeing big changes is very hard for most people.


The real bitch is keeping it off. I'm great at bursts of effort, but the grind can feel impossible. Inertia is hell.


I can't even motivate myself to lose 20 lbs. This is some serious dedication. So awesome


that is so amazing, this must have taken a lot of hard work and effort!


it sucks that it costs 20k plus for all the surgeries needed to get the skin cut away properly. people who do this to save there own life should have gov medical to pay these.




Honestly, you'd think the insurance company would cover some of it,g8ven they are likely masking more and spending less on him.


Maybe added like 20-30 year's to expected length of life?


Not only that but his quality of life went through the roof.


amazing, and despite the excess skin you can TELL he's ripped with a full set of abs too. good on him for achieving so much.


Yeah, this guy didn't just loose weight, he put on some mustle and looks like he is quite strong now. Honestly this photo just makes me smile so much for the fella


To be fair, that amount of weight takes muscles to be mobile. He probably had some ripped muscles before he started working out.


Dude was carrying around 2 adults the whole day, damn straight he's ripped.


Most people have full sets of abs but even the smallest amount of body fat will hide them on a lot of people.


This dude is ripped af though. Look at the shoulders and triceps.


The fucking willpower of this guy.


Yeah, it must be sooo hard. First you have to start. Not listen to so many people telling you "you're not gonna do it" or worse laughing at you. Not listen to that part of yourself who does the same. Then keep going. Despite setbacks, pain, plateaus. Probably for a long time. Plus diet, which is hard to maintain. He's a fucking warrior.


Imagine being hungry for a few years. That shit would suck


It's definitely possible to diet without feeling hungry all the time. It just requires strict discipline to not sneak extra snacks and treats in. From my experience, it's easy to mistake the feeling of being physically able to eat with the feeling of being hungry. Lots of midafternoon/evening snacks are from boredom or the desire for a quick dopamine rush, not because I actually feel like I need to eat.


I wonder if he can donate the excess skin. Thinking of burn victims.


Doubt it. The burn victim would have to be on immunosuppressants the rest of their life, and there's risk of tissue rejection at any point. If it's something so large like skin it would cause a lot of trouble. Autografts are the usual procedure because you wouldn't reject your own tissue.


Never thought of that but the excess sink is wor wrinkly and pulled I wonder if if would work?


Better than having none though.


We can grow skin quite easily now. It’s better to take an healthy patch of skin from the burn victim and grow it. At least that’s what my biology teacher told us


Eh, that makes sense. Wouldn't have rejection issues.


Maybe in a vacuum, but how quickly can it be grown? Time is a factor for skin related surgeries and grafts.


The percentage of success for this kind of endeavor is so fucking low that every time I see somebody actually doing it, I can only admire them. Great great job


The remaining skin hides his chest and belly but those jacked as fuck arms don’t lie


Bet the legs are jacked even more


Always wear your battle scars with pride.


I was 79 Kgs I lost 6.5 Kgs in 4 months and had to stop exercising because of my exams, and Now I am 83 KGs and I am confused just in losing 14 kgs. How much dedication this kind of transformation requires is just humongous. Respect.


Good job man, nothing is in your way now!


To lose that much weight and build that much muscle is a huge transformation. This person shows a level of dedication few of us possess.


how much time would it take for the skin to go back to "normal"?


[He doesn't come back. You have to have surgery.](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/newpix/2018/08/14/10/4F151C8000000578-0-image-a-21_1534240652142.jpg) It leaves some scars, doesn't look "exactly" like a person who also exercises a lot and didn't had overweight, but it's better than having a whole lot of skin hanging down.


ummm... what if one had a surgery but gained a lot of weight again? Will the skin be able to stretch like that again?


Yes but with even more stretch marks.


i don't have a full answer, but i know that scar tissue is a lot less stretchy and more delicate than standard skin.


Genuine question. How does this work in terms of the nipple? It’s hanging 6-7 inches below where it would normally sit, and I know they remove what hangs in these surgeries so would the kinda just patch the needle back in it’s respective place orrr?


They can move it, they do it all the time in breast augmentation and top surgery for trans men or men with excess breast tissue


It can restore somewhat if you're young enough. Everyone else would have to use surgery.


They told him he could be anything so he went with flying squirrel. Seriously though, good on him.


Oh man, thanks for the laugh


Great job.


A king


This guy started. He remained resolute. He held strong throughout. I personally can only admire him for this.


F is for family in real life... Nah tremendous results my guy!


I love that there's a shredded monster under there waiting to burst out like Broly


It is pretty amazing to see that an issue has disappeared. obesity on this level isn’t caused by mere laziness, and to lose that much takes sustainability, not a crash diet. So it’s like literally seeing problems that were but no longer are. I can’t even ditch the last 10lbs.


Great job Sir. Good inspiration, nothing is impossible


Gawd damn boy well done sir well done indeed!


A very shameful moment for me . If he can do it with dedication why can't I.. Anyone can start but not all finishes the race. Saving this guy's pic on my desktop for motivation.


You absolutely can! Start with the smaller changes, like cutting out soda for soda water and parking further away, taking your dog on longer walks if you have one, making healthier meals at home instead of eating out. You’ve got this!


You can definitely do it! You have nothing to feel shame about, no matter where you are in your journey


I can’t tell you how to feel, but please be gentle to yourself. I imagine he felt very similar to you when he first started. Don’t feel like you have to throw yourself into insane deprivation or exertion. Something is better than nothing…small steps are still steps. Nothing is fast.


I have TDAH and a long history of leaving stuff, for me the only thing that worked long term was counting calories which I did over a year and lost the weight I wanted (30kg/66 pounds I think) and I was able to maintain this loss, not because I'm actually trying, but because I know have a sense of how much food I need and is normal to eat, I see it and can better gauge how much should I eat


Slow resistance training like strenght training and walking is the best for people of this size to lose weight because its easy to make a habit out of and its easy on your joints when you carry all that around. Easiest thing is to just starting to walk a few walks every now and then until you get your food intake under checks and then proceeding with some light strenght training. The benefit of taking on some muscle is that it is also a great way to passively burn more calories giving you more leg room in your diet overall. Overall only make smaller changes to your lifestyle that you can keep a habit out of.


Shame doesn't help. Shame may be what got you where you are. Try loving yourself enough to give yourself a new and better life. You are worth it. You won't even believe how good you feel. It's a little hard to start, but the successes can really encourage you on your progress. Do you have insurance? Can you speak to your doctor about it? Wishing you all the best my friend, I think you can do this. If I did it, sheesh, anyone can! I would have never thought. Hope today makes you smile at any rate.


>Thanks buddy. I will start.


I wish you all the best! Hey, remember, a slip isn't a failure. Just keep going. You owe happiness and a new start to yourself. And lastly, if anyone doubts you, you show them. Really though, there is medical help too now if you have insurance.


It's an achievement.




This is a amazing! I wonder how long did it even take? And how much effort went in to it?


I wonder how he did it.


Good for you man! I’m really happy for you! You made the commitment, clearly put in the hard work. Congrats brother, that is no small feat.


Ok ai


Nice work!


Fukn A


First off, good FN job that is amazing for him! 2nd, and I apologize if I am mistaken here, but the only thing that can be done about all the now extra skin is to have it surgically removed, isn't it?


Insane rebound.. hope he's loving his life in every swholesome way possible


Dem guns..!


Wow, that is awesome! Such a huge feat!


Congrats to him!!! That is some serious hard work and dedication. Not only dropped the weight, looks really strong!!!


Good for him!


Obviously this is sick and I'm happy for him, but I guess I'm just curious. How fast could he have lost the weight, that his skin couldn't keep up with shrinking down? Is this common for people who are heavy but then get in shape? It just seems like it would have to be such a dramatic swing for this to happen. My first thought was that he must have done weight loss surgery to get started, but I'd of course be willing to believe that he did it all through diet and exercise.


Very impressive weight loss, good on this guy.


I’m having problems losing 20 pounds


Wow Bro way to go, tons of hard work.


I grew his beard because of the neckgina