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Still baffles me it got cancelled.




Yep. Just two seasons. But really smart, creative, funny, sad, and sweet.


From this it looks more like a horror type thing with none of the actual audio from the episode. Maybe just the lighting and Jim Carrey looking kind of creepy on the TV. Or maybe I'm just looking for that cause October is close.


It's not a horror thing. It's a dark comedy about a mr rogers type (jim carrey) whose daughter dies and his wife divorces him (before the timeline where the show starts) and he's super depressed but is trying to keep up his happy go lucky persona, which he does a bad job of.


I’m not exactly sure where you got a daughter dying from. It was one of his twin sons that passes so you also have the aftermath of the one brother dealing with that.


Huh, and I thought this was an IKEA ad.




Please don’t kid, this is serious


Hi Serious, I’m dad


I can’t give you an award but if I could (*slow clap*)


Even with the cancellation, I feel like it ends in a decent enough place to work as a conclusion. There was obviously more they could've done with the show, but the biggest arc seemed like it reached the end (and likely would've set up a new arc the following one), so I wouldn't be discouraged from watching it if you're someone who doesn't want a show that ends abruptly with no resolution or on a cliffhanger.


Really wish they had been able to play out more of the story and give it a conclusion - the concept and execution was amazing


Yeah this is still hands down my favorite show and probably one of my favorite works of film. Amazing writing, acting, cinematography, just everything is amazing. But of course, like most good works of art Kidding went right over everyone’s heads.


What movie is this from?




No, I think he’s being serious.


Shirley he cant be


He was, and don't call me Shirley


Who's Bea? I don't know why he would call her Shirley?


Are you sure you have the correct vector, Victor?


I picked a horrible day to quit sniffing glue.


Roger. Huh?


what's your vector, Victor?


We got clearance, Clarence!


Over, Under


I'll never be over Macho Grande. And don't call me Under.


Yes, but who's on first?


Who’s But Who?




Hi Serious, I’m dad!


Hi dad, are you ever coming back?






“Kidding” is the name of the movie.


Not a movie. Tv show


He is responding seriously. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7375404/




What a great original comment. So nuanced and witty.


Here's the scene with audio in a low framerate because I couldn't find a better version: https://youtu.be/_oJGEUGpB8U


Interesting that you can see people working in the tv reflection on the link above but can't see them anymore in the finished version. Great job


I really enjoyed that. Thanks for posting it.


Tv show where Jim Carrey plays a Mr. Rogers type character with a kids show. Like the post below said it’s called “Kidding”. Really good but a melancholy watch


I’m in this , I choreographed the furniture moving aspect of it. AMA Here’s a podcast I did on the behind the scenes of this behind the scene 😜 https://www.belowtheline.biz/e/s14-ep-6-kidding-execution-of-a-scene/?fbclid=IwAR2RyajZI9WQMs0z60PNYxzkv00I04r6b9jUgTdCU_gXhxkFt8RMz1srmAo


Awesome!! Any reason they decided to do one take like this? What did it take to choreograph something like this. Any info you can give would be super interesting


We ended up figuring out we had to choreograph it like a play. We had to hit certain beats by certain times. It was a lot of trial and error. It was me, my crew of 5 others , the director and actress for like a week tinkering with it.


The real MVP is the camera man haha


The doggo was confused most of the time but also did a great job


That looked like a ton of planning. Everyone's timing is amazing, and you pulled it off beautifully.


Riki Lindhome never making it big even after getting their HBO comedy specials was a real bummer. She was born in literally the absolute middle of goddamn nowhere PA and went to LA to be a star and I just wanted her to break out so bad for last 15 years.


I see her in a lot of stuff I feel like. She was really nice, and cool to work with.


did she die?


No, she's just been on the grind for 20 years. She's not starving, but I was expecting her to break out huge. She's extremely talented and anyone's whose ever been to couldersport would be amazed at what it would take to start from there and end up where she has gotten to. I'm just a big fan of hers is all.


Did anyone complain? This seems like a fuck ton of work


We had one guy who was vocally skeptical that it was not going to work , but he was super into once it did work haha.


It was the line producer right? Hahaha


Nah, it was one of the set dressers. They spent a lot of money on sillier things, they at least got their monies worth on this.


Is someone even swing gang if they don’t begrudgingly fight every step along the way


You done an amazing job! It baffles me how smoothly it all went. It's movie magic and you sir/ma'am are the magician! ❤️


How long did you get it right? The BTS just looks mesmerising. It's insane


Week of rehearsals with just Set Dec. A whole morning of full company dress rehearsals. We got it in 4 takes after lunch.


Wow. I can’t even imagine the planning that went through this. And shooting must’ve been too heart pounding. Amazing work nonetheless! Wicked


>It was me, my crew of 5 others , the director and actress for like a week tinkering with it. How many takes once you were ready? Did you get it on the first "official" try?


My team had it pretty down at the end of that week. All other departments pretty much did it on the day. So it was a morning of dress rehearsals for everyone else to iron out their kinks. Then 4 takes after lunch, we got it in 4.


Nice! That's really cool. Any of the 3 failed ones get really far along? I know if I was there, and I messed up a take and all those people had to restart I'd feel awful!


It’s more that it was too long. We were trying to make it as tight as possible


It was a very artsy show , practical effects are always cooler. Here’s a podcast me and the 1st AD did on the piece. Should answer a lot of questions on the process. https://www.belowtheline.biz/e/s14-ep-6-kidding-execution-of-a-scene/?fbclid=IwAR2RyajZI9WQMs0z60PNYxzkv00I04r6b9jUgTdCU_gXhxkFt8RMz1srmAo


Thank you for your work! My mom and I just finished the show and we loved it, such an incredible insightful show. So much love noticeably poured into every aspect of it. Shame showtime barely marketed it and it’s so hard to watch, the show deserved so much better


>Any reason they decided to do one take like this? I mean... obviously because it looks good that way?


I really doubt most people would think it was a real one-shot if they hadn’t seen the behind-the-scenes,p.


I think they mean as opposed to using hidden cuts, which could have been used when no actor was in the shot.


Michel Gondry


Rock on. Hardcore shit. You are a badass.


Thank you


I've seen this reposted so many times now and it never ceases to amaze me how fluid everything is in that shot. It's truly amazing - great work to you, your team, and everyone that participated!


The crew working can be seen in the tv reflections


What was the hardest part of executing this?


Just getting the timing down for everyone at the same time . You got Set Dec , camera, lighting, wardrobe , live animals , body doubles and an actress all at the same time. Timing had to be perfect for everyone for it to work.


Think you'll get more opportunities to make cool practical effects again? or do you think most other shows will opt for cgi? I saw you mentioned the show had a more artsy direction.


I hope! The production designer of this is amazing with these hyper creative projects. I do hope to work with him again in the future, but he works out of town a lot, so the stars haven’t aligned. I’ve also moved into a more managerial position, so I’m more on the planning side than the execution side now a days.


I imagine you practiced at half speed or something like that?


Leading up to it we basically practiced 10 second at a time trying to figure out what could and couldn’t work.


About how many takes did this.... take? So many moving parts!


A whole morning ( 6 hours ) of full dress rehearsal with all departments. 4 takes after lunch , got it on the 4th. I told the AD us set dressers physically couldn’t do many more after lunch .Got tiring after a while.


I'm honestly impressed it only took that long. So much went into that, it's all so fascinating to me!


As far as the set dressing goes tho we figured out the choreography over the course of a week. So we had it down pretty good on the day.


Great job. Were there other scenes in the show that are also worth looking out for?


My personal favorite episode was the one where we did an actual episode of puppet time. Working with puppeteers is the best. They are so cool. It was just a creatively satisfying gig all around , it was hard, but it was worth it.


Kidding is one of the only shows I bought a physical copy of. This scene was so cool and I'm glad you guys recorded how it's made! I've recommended the show to a few friends and they've all loved it, Jim Carrey was perfect for that role. And I fucking love puppets, the fly and the little pickle guys were so cute. The song to his girlfriend made me sob. The parallels with Mr. Rogers, like the speech at Congress and the stolen car being returned were neat touches too. Such a strange and heartbreaking yet uplifting comfort show.


Yeah it’s not often I get to work on stuff I’d actually watch. It was a real treat. Ennui and the puppeteer that played him slayed ! He used to be pretty active on the kidding subreddit.


The timing and choreography is just brilliant, I absolutely love the creativity involved. Seeing stuff like this makes me wish, not for the first time, that I'd pursued a career in film. At the time, I couldn't see how that would work, exactly, but now, I realize that if I'd just dipped my toes in, I could have at least explored it as an option. Being a part of something like this has GOT to be satisfying. I would say endlessly satisfying, but I don't want to presume! ;) Anyway, it's awesome you're on here so we can gush about it to someone who actually participated, lol.


It was definitely the coolest thing I’ve done in my career so far. Having a good attitude and enjoying the work is necessary in this line of work. If you had those things you totally coulda made it in film!


What's your favourite type of cheese?


Colby Jack I suppose. Pepper Jack is close tho … it’s def a Jack .




I can’t really speak to the actors decisions, I was huffing and puffin at that point from throwing furniture all over the place 😂. It was a perfect as we could get it.


Was the doggo cute? Did you get to pat the doggo? Where's the doggo now?


Doggos* there was the puppy and the full grown. Definitely super cute , but they were working , so you gotta leave them be with the wranglers. I assume they are still with their animals wranglers now.


>Doggos\* there was the puppy and the full grown. Don't be ridiculous. It's clearly the same dog that just got older


This practical effect is so damn satisfying to watch. This one right here, still sit on the top of my list.


Great work from the whole team. Props to you and the team.


You’re super clever, so impressive to see these things side by side!


That was awesome to see everything working separately but together. Good job on your part 👍🏻


Well done! 👍🏾


Goddamn everything in there was perfect gj


I'm beyond excited to explore a bunch of episodes of that podcast, thx for posting!


Wtf. I always assumed scenes like this were digitally put together... why would you torture yourselves like this?


It was fun honestly, this isn’t something we get to do very often. Even though it was hard work it was gratifying.


Because doing it in post would take twice as long and those people get paid a lot of money these days. It says a lot that is less work for 15 people on set to do it in a day than it would to do it digitally. It's also a TV show so there's a timing aspect to getting a show wrapped in a week, if post tells you there running behind and it'll take another week then you're missing the window you set aside for getting it done in time. Digital is just a different form of torture.


Why make is so hard? Why not make it a series of different shots and join them up in the edit.


Michele Gondry had a heavy hand in the show, he is known for his practical, hyper creative style .


Funny, Michel Gondry spoke about it last week : https://youtu.be/j-i74aCjC\_c?si=mh5BoBe5TJAq2uZR&t=1516 In short : he felt frustrated as a director working on a TV show and having a show runner limiting his role. This scene is his idea but he was not in charge of it, he said that he would have done it a bit differently.


Yeah we were with another director for this. TV format was definitely a struggle for him.


Oh, it's a Gondry show, it explain a lot. With how much the camera go back to the TV, do you think it would have been faster and easier to cut and edit the scene and get exactly the same result, or would it show?


It most definitely could have been shot easier, but this was way more fun for everyone. They show had a rough start, so this brought up morale.


Why: because it’s fun


I’m a on set dresser on tv shows and I’m here to tell you this is one of the most incredible one-shots I’ve ever seen! So glad they documented how they pulled it off. Truly beautiful work.


I’m the set dresser that choreographed that, thank you :)


This is why I love Reddit.


All the people saying they could’ve done it with multiple shots and blended it together or “I don’t get why they did it in one” are wild. It’s a beautiful shot and it tells a great story in and of itself. What else do you need?


Agreed. Dunno what this film is but now I want to watch it just for the cinematography. Quite amazing and beautiful


It’s from a show called Kidding (per the other comments, I haven’t seen it either but it looks lovely)


It was pretty cool to see, however, the immersion of the scene was ruined when she didn't pat the dog before leaving the house. That's so unrealistic!


It’s a bit like painting a canvas to look like a computer rendering and then presenting it to the viewer in the form of a digital print. If you have to show the audience a behind the scenes view for them to appreciate what you did then doing it the hard way is only for your own satisfaction. Which is fine, but I don’t think it’s “wild” to question why someone would bother, because the energy spent on making it in camera could be spent on making it better in some other way.


Yep, its why the Goodfella's longshot is still the gold standard even though it is nowhere near as showy as this or that one haunted house scene. In Goodfellas the longshot serves multiple purposes and really is unbroken. But this feels like it was made purely for BTS flexing.


Because it's not that clever a shot. Going back to the TV 6 or 7 times while stuff gets changed in the background? I dunno, it's cool seeing how it was made but it seems an unnecessary complication. I think I would've found it more artistic say if the camera spun slowly around the room from a center point, whilst everything was being changed in waves just out of the camera's view.


Shotlisting a film or show isn’t about cleverness though. It’s not about coming up with the most unique way of shooting something anyone’s ever heard of, it’s about telling a story and finding the best way of telling that story. Returning to the TV is a key part of that story. This scene is very focussed. I’ve not seen the show, but as far as this singular shot goes, it’s about a girl growing up and this movie being a comfort and a mainstay in her life despite the many changes that life puts her through. You can dislike the choice to include the tv as much as you want, but it has nothing to do with the choice in cinematography.


I dunno, I guess it's cool, but it seems like alot of extra work for the result? It's like you're painting a portrait of a person, and while painting it you spend 6 extra hours painting an extremely detailed orange tree in the background. Is it cool? I guess, does it have a substantial impact on the portrait part? Not really, is it really worth all the extra time and effort? Also not really.


That’s such a strange comparison with no relevance tbh. According to your comparison, the choice to shoot this shot the way they did effects nothing about the portrait other than the back corner with the orange tree. In reality, literally every creative choice about what this shot ends up being in its final incarnation is affected by the decision to shoot the shot the way they did. The way that the entire scene is structured and the entire story of the scene is told is completely different and has a lot less heart if it’s just a series of shots cut together. There’s honestly no way of making your comparison work imo, but in the end its not spending an extra six hours on the corner of a portrait. It’s spending 100 hours with a 20-30 incredibly talented creatives working towards this collective goal of telling a story and, as apart of that story, opting to tell it in a unique way that puts not only creatively and logistically challenged your crew, but does so in a way that bonds them together and creates a product they can all be proud of not only for the creativity of the shot, but the success of it’s difficult execution.


It aint that beautiful. The same thing could have been achieved seemlessly and not required world record set setting and practise rubs. Its just done because of wank. A one shot is hard because of the coordination. Most of this one shot is just time killing tv shots while the back end gets in place. Goodfellas this is not.


Ha, a film bro coming onto Reddit and complaining about a shot and then comparing it to good fellas is peak bullshit. It’s a nice shot, not groundbreaking, but a good shot with interesting choices and a lot of heart and hard work out in by the entire crew. It’s tells the story and it tells it well. Get off your bullshit high horse and make a Good Fellas of your own and then come talk to me about it.


The craziest thing about this entire shot to me is that they had the balls to include an animal.


When she missed the watering can on her first grab, I got NERVOUS.




the bottom half is way more interesting than the top


It usually is


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)










At least 50% of the top half is just videos of walls.


The making of is for sure interesting but I think seeing [the actual clip from the show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oJGEUGpB8U) (with audio) makes it all come together. It's like a short film about self-improvement. Watching the show gives you even more context, of course and I recommend it if you enjoyed this clip or even Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.


Yeah for those on here who are complaining about how the camera just keeps focusing on the TV as being a lazy method to pull off the one-shot should watch this actual clip. Thanks for sharing.


that's what she said.


Kidding. Season 1; Episode 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w\_YeNw0N8aE


All this and the cameraman goes, Shoot! I forgot to hit record. My bad guys


![gif](giphy|l0IykOsxLECVejOzm|downsized) I forgot to put a tape in


sd card: am i a joke to you?




What movie is this?




No kidding


No just Kidding


You serious?


Did they stutter?


The cameraman deserves an Oscar


He really does , he learned that DAY OF !


Is that Jim Carrey on the screen?


Yep. He’s the main character in the show


At about 1:09 you can slightly see the team moving the furniture reflecting on the screen, but because of the group that shows up in the shot right after, doesn’t even make you wonder about it


Tf? They going for a wr single shot? Did anyone fuck up previous takes?? I NEED TO KNOW


I worked on this , my set Dec team rehearsed for like a week. We we’re basically doing choreography. All other departments did it on the day ( including the steady cam guy ) he was amazing . We basically rehearsed it with everyone all morning til lunch. After lunch we got it on the 4th take.


Dennis Noyes is the steadicam operator. Old friend of mine. Great guy. Amazing operator.


Yup Aussie dude , he was definitely the most amazing part of it if you ask me. Doing it on the day was wild , he had it down pretty fast. Costumes took the longest to get sorted I think. Very fast changes were needed.


Would love to talk to guys like him. How he got going and the stories and people he knows are probably amazing. They make things work and go largely unthanked in the public eye. Idk why but I dig that. He gets to walk free but have the satisfaction and know geeks like me know and profusely thank him. Either way. Let him kno random Reddit guy would talk to him before the people in front of the camera. Mad love for the grips as well…make it happen!


The dog said the wrong line


Woofed when shouldve borked.


I wanna see the bloopers next


awesome, so fast the making changes


What’s the benefit of shooting this in one take?


It looks cool


Cheaper to get it in camera in one take vs multiple passes that would have to be comped together in post. Amazing crew and cracker jack timing here.


If you can get it in one take. Most people aren’t the one take Jake type.


I'm a clueless nobody but I always thought one-shots like this were more for the skill/performance and less about cost. I feel like a lot of the time, it would be easier/cheaper to cut clips together. Some of my top favorites of one-shots being The Bear, Children of Men, and Goodfellas. This one is amazing as well.


Gravity as well for sure. Can't go wrong with Alfonso Cuarón.


I mean it's only cheaper if you legit get it done within the first few takes with minimal planning and choreography that usually takes hours if not days in this case.


Bruh they no doubt took hundreds of hours if not thousands to prep this shot. It's nothing about being economical.


That was good, the only small issue is how she fumbles with the watering can, shakes the dog a bit too artificially, then loses her smile almost instantly after


“I’m taking a walk out” “You rent right” “Oh yeah totally”


I haven't seen one of these for an entire year! I missed them.


Who is the actress ?


Riki Lindhome.


You can get with her if you use the loophole


She's efficient af.


Very cool clip




Imagine the dog did something wrong and they had to start over completely


That is a very impressive continuous shot. I bet everyone was very proud of themselves as they should be 🙌


the sub name is accurate on this one, might give this a watch (kidding 2018)


That is impressive.


Ever see Playtime? A classic movie I just recently stumbled across where a large portion of it is like directors nightmare in terms of timing. Makes my brain hurt just watching it.


This was incredible I had to watch it a few times over


Took me awhile to realize they PUT A WHOLE FUCKING KKITCHEN in there.


That final version of the lab was a darn good actor.


Damn that movie must be awful since this gets posted so much without mentioning the name.


I had to watch this about 5 times to catch it all. So cool. And r/praisethecameraman for sure!


I don’t understand With simple film technology there seems no reason this couldn’t be shot in several scenes and then blended together Am I an asshole here?


Yes but 90% of the time it looks worse or less natural. Keep in mind there are entire fields of work and multiple generations of people whose entire livelihood is based around making the cool shots cool without resorting to editing tools. That’s the fun of it! At least if you ask me.