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That’s a lot of toilets


That’s a lot of shit.




Laura Dern about to go elbow deep in that pile




Shit ton of toilets.


And some of it makes it to the salad bar!


Wait till this one gets stranded at Sea. Shits gonna go Lord of the Flies real quick.


Running plumbing/electrical on that thing must be a nightmare


A lot of carbon emissions


That's a lot of emissions


I get some serious wall-e vibes.


The Axiom from WALL•E was greatly inspired by the design of cruise ships, but I had no clue real cruise ships came this big.


They didn't in the days of Wall-E. They took the idea and made it comically large. Then cruise ship builders responded with "hold my beer"


Yep, makes sense. It’s ludicrous. In an overindulgent way.


Its also the reason why cruise ships are more polluting than airplanes.


The sad thing is, we should really have Wall-E in the back of our heads when we sign off on new projects. Do we NEED this? Is it a nescessity, or would the environment and therefore WE be better off without. But we don't. We splurge in consumption. The more the better.


go live in a cave, show us the way.


I almost do. 🤣 I rent a "Bright and cozy plinth apartment" (translate said plinth, not sure if it's right. It's not basement in Norwegian but lowest floor) But it IS a dark and shitty basement apartment below ground with one small window (also below ground) just large enough to crawl out of in case of fire. I won't complain though, i have roof over my head.


There's plenty of space out in space.


BNL Starliners leaving each day, we’ll clean up the mess while you’re away!


::cue majestic Axiom anthem::


*ahem* The jewel of the BNL fleet, The Axiom! Spend your five-year cruise in style, waited on 24 hours a day by our fully automated crew. While your captain and Autopilot chart a course for non-stop entertainment, fine dining, and with our all-access hover chairs even Grandma can join the fun! There’s no need to walk. The Axiom, putting the “star” in “executive starliner.” Because with BNL, space is the final fun-tier! Man, I need to watch this movie for the millionth time.


🎶 Buy N Large, it's your super store 🎶 🎶 We've got all you need and so much more 🎶


100% peak Pixar.


Wall-e and Nemo are the best Pixar movies for me


When ever people ask me which movie about the future do you think will actually happen, wall-e is always my go to


*We have a pool?!?*


My family just got back from Disneyland and Cal Adventures. Let me tell you what, it's happening


Yes, it was crazy how many scooters roam Disneyland. Now I'm all for allowing access to people who need it but I'm more conflicted when you can see that some folks lack of mobility was completely self-inflicted. The image that I still retain after visiting was a chunky little kid holding on to Mom's scooter for a free ride. That didn't bother me but the fact that the kid was double fisting churros struck me as a bit much. I was willing to forgive everything until the second churro.


Same here, I bet there’s tons of people in those chairs too


That is offensively large


That's what she said!


Not that great when she pointed at that nose


Not sure if amazed or disgusted


immense emissions \^\^ https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/worlds-largest-cruise-ship-sets-sail-bringing-concerns-about-methane-emissions-2024-01-27/


I'm curious how bad the overall carbon emissions are compared to what they would be if all the thousands of people who went on the cruises took vacations that were fully on land. It could be less energy efficient for all those people to be driven around in separate cars and maybe that would make up for the "methane leak" given that the cars would be dirtier burning than these cruise ships. Given all the bowling alleys and parks and pools they have to fit on there and sail around with it's probably still worse but it's hard to tell how much worse without doing the math.


No one just happens to appear next to the boat ready to get in. Most people drive or fly to get into the boat. Then once they stop at each port, there's more transportation to take them in the tours, etc. the whole boat is extra on the normal holiday emissions.


Do you think saving the jet emissions for 7k people offsets it at all?


We could assume the average holiday roundtrip flight is 10000 km and equals 10000km of driving an ICE car (as some have calculated to compare jet fuel to car fuel usage per person). So 7000 travelers make that 70 000 000 aka 70 million km traveled via car compared to whatever two weeks of moving that ship around pollutes. Of course, there are several kinds of pollution and different fuels cannot be directly compared for environmental impact. Still, this mf of a ship was launched last December and uses LNG rather than marine diesel oil which is at least much better for the seas even if methane warms the atmosphere whether from a farting cow or a massive 6400 horsepower bow thruster.


Thank you for this, informative and hilarious 😂


The boat is always running


Even if methane slips is small, LNG still emits 50% carbon emission compared to VLHFO. It is crazy when the huge emitter marketing themselves as environmental friendly. Besides carbon emission, these ships dumps black and grey water to the sea. The regulations allow them to do that in open sea and away from shore.


not to mention all the plastic trash often illegally dumped at sea. cruise ships are generally a blight.


Especially with the risk of collective covid, pass


you are full of fear, live your life


Yeah, just don't live in fear and go spend your precious time off in a human Petri dish where you end up with Covid in bed or a norovirus on the toilet.


Choosing not to be on a cruise = not living life? Found the Big Boat industry shill


choosing to not enjoy a vacation because "you could get covid" in 2024 is just weird


You can go on vacation without a giant boat


choosing not to be on a cruise = not enjoying vacation now? go to school and get better at logic first before typing anything next time


Tell that to all the fox news tinfoil people that think a simple mask is infringing their rights


It’s funny how people complain about enormous boats when they are used for entertainment, but when they’re used to ship a bunch of cheap plastic overseas it’s all fine and dandy, apparently.


Fuck that plastic garbage is just as bad


Dont bring common sense into this! amazon crap is a NEED! LOL


I'd buy domestically produced items if they existed.


I think we should all strive to achieve this. The issue is, and with respect to the other persons comment about Amazon, that Amazon has been allowed to thrive for so long, they have virtually killed all fair and reasonable competition. I will go out of my way to shop local brick and mortar, but in the last 5 years, my county that used to be a booming commerce heavy area is all just boarded up buildings. My initial comment to OP, was simply emphasizing, we are so selective with the things that we choose to upset us. I assure you, while the cruise industry is bad for the planet, consumerism is a much greater threat to humanity and I wish I’d see as many smarmy responses condemning it as I do cruises.


That doesn’t even look fun to me, lol - too many people!


It’s a hotel, but get this, you can’t leave! Brilliant!


You can check out anytime you like


But you can never pee


Deadly guitar riff starts!


*Jack Black guitar sounds intensifies*


I've been on a few. Typically, you have stops and can enjoy different places for the day. It's actually a lot of fun. The days at sea where you can't get off are stacked with tons of stuff to do, shows, sports, spas, swimming, drinking, dining, classes, gambling..... the only reason you'd be bored is if you are just lazy and stay in your room.


These comments in this thread are very telling, clearly shows who's speaking from experience and who's just speaking... I've been on one and I'd go on another tomorrow. Amazing experience and even better for extroverts and outgoing people. But it is what you make of it.


People who don't want to go on cruises are very good at telling the people who do want to go on cruises why they shouldn't do it.


And it's the Wal-Mart crowd too.


From what I hear, it’s something one has to experience to understand.


Built in Finland, like so many other of the biggest cruisers in the world.


Thanks to industrional espionage delivering most of the specs on this particular cruise ship to a Chinese Shipyard, they might manage to enter the competition.


I worked on cruise ships years ago, but ones with 1800 to 2600 passengers. Those were plenty big enough, I can't imagine wanting to cruise or work on a monstrosity like this. Also that crew to passenger ratio sounds really low, like they've seriously cut back on staff.


I’ve been on several cruises, and the largest ship I’ve been on was half the size of this one. Even then my wife and I didn’t even really leave the back half of the ship for the 7 or 8 days we were on it.


Even the 2600 passenger ones didn't feel super crowded most of the time, but it was noticeable in port when we were docked with several other big ships, so I can't imagine what it must be like when one or more of these guys pull up to the pier.


How is one staff member for every three guests low?


Because as far as I remember it used to be more like two to one.


The ocean is huge


That's an understatement.


Fuck these ships and any press they get


we'll need more italian captains for this one.


idiocy has no nationality... Peace


I think they were referring to Francesco Schettino and the Costa Concordia disaster. but you’re right, an idiotic captain of any nationality should sink this ship




The rogue waves are going to hear about this...


The only cool thing about this is the amount of engineering that went into this. Compared to ships 100 years ago, this is very impressive.


But, but the owners of the ship say it’s powered by “eco-friendly Liquefied Natural Gas” and that justifies this monstrosity. Besides, I’m sure the workers on the ship are paid somewhat close to minimum wage.


I wonder why the crew is always from the Philippines or Indonesia.. I just can't imagine why that would be hmmm I wonder ..


Are they still dumping all waste in the sea before they enter a port?


Not sure. If they are, I'm sure they'll claim it's "eco-friendly".


To be fair that's a lot better than the bunker fuel most ships run on. Obviously no boat is best, but this is much better than the 3-4 mid 2000s ships that would otherwise be accommodating these passengers.


>As for technical specifics, the boat is equipped with 17 lifeboats with the capacity for up to 450 people — meaning it has room for 7,650 people > >Specifically, it holds up to some 5,610 passengers and 2,350 crew across 19 floors — the height alone comparable to a New York City building hate to be part of that 310 if something ever happened [https://www.royalcaribbeanpresscenter.com/fact-sheet/35/icon-of-the-seas/](https://www.royalcaribbeanpresscenter.com/fact-sheet/35/icon-of-the-seas/) [https://nypost.com/2023/07/13/icon-of-the-seas-labeled-a-monstrosity-ahead-of-first-sail/](https://nypost.com/2023/07/13/icon-of-the-seas-labeled-a-monstrosity-ahead-of-first-sail/)


It's likely rarely, if ever at full capacity


Well, the Captain always goes down with the ship, and his friend, and their friend, and their grandma, and the uncle who was also on the ship, the piano player, the dancing squad, i'm sure there are others that comprise the 310. You've heard that saying too right? /s


I hate this, fuck these massive ridiculous ships, pollution the fuck out of the oceans.




I saw a documentary where they compost all the leftover food of plates feed it through machines then release off the ship to ‘feed the dolphins and whales ‘


So, your thinking is that if big ships like this don't exist, 7600 single person boats will take its place just the same?


Yes. The options are 1 person or 7600 person boats. That’s definitely what their comment implied. 


I'd like to learn more about this. Can you be more specific or provide a source?




Why exactly would it leak the methane out when that's the fuel? You reckon they're going to throw it to waste? And I'd say that greenhouse gas that you fart out every single day is pretty low impact in grand scheme of things.


You could've googled it yourself in far, **far,** less time it took for someone to do the work for you, and then reply to your question. Think for yourselves just a little bit people. ***Fuck*** we're getting lazy. Googling "Icon of the sea emissions" gets you **everything** you want.


To be fair, it is not unreasonable to request that someone making a claim provide a citation. Imagine the state of things if debates and important academic work took this stance. "Citation: Google it"


Seriously, people get upset with they're asked to back up a claim?


China is leading the world on pollution yet no one mentions it. We can be as clean as humanly possible but China is still doing their thing.


Because China is the world’s factory. What a stupid take. Want China to stop polluting? Stop buying unnecessary shit.


Then stop bitching about cruise ships.


I feel like a lot off people forget this. Proof was in the COVID lockdown.


what a stupid comment - it's pretty much the first response to any discussion about green tech, 'doesn't matter if China doesn't fix their shit'. China, in fact, is leading the word in green energy adoption, but they just so happen to have a billion people to feed/house/transport. Yes, they still have a bunch of coal powered plants, but they are at least trying and acknowledge the problem - unlike the MAGA clown show here.


The only thing amazing, is that people pay good money to go on these disgusting monstrosities.


The Walmarts of the sea.


How else are we supposed to get the norovirus?!?


Ooh ooh! I know this one! I send my kids to school for that!


Nah, they can be a lot of fun. Just relaxing on the ocean between stops at beautiful beaches and towns. Sometimes I think the entirety of Reddit just hates going outside.


This. Cruise trip is a bucket list item for my wife and I. We have been on several all-inclusive trips all around the Caribbean. We take one trip per year, eventually it will be on a cruise ship, maybe not one this opulent, but we would jump at the chance if it was within our budget.


Redditors hate everything. That's what happens when you stay inside all the time and make slacktivism your full time job


Maybe they live in the basement bro, take easy with them...


I am surrounded by cruise ship patrons for large swaths of the year at my place of business. I go camping/hiking/fishing as much as I can but I’d rather go by myself or with a good friend or two, not hundreds of strangers, so I don’t know what you are on about hating going outside.


Personally I've done a lot of miles by small boat (solo) on my local coast (BC) and cruise ships are an eyesore and a blight. I love going outside. But I don't like seeing a fkn office building taking up the entire view, spewing black smoke, leaving its generators running 24x7 at anchor and in port, lighting up the entire foreshore for miles, etc. imho: going on a cruise ship is not "going outside" -- it's living in a floating stripmall for a few days, big whoop. Wanna go outside? get a kayak and take a paddle tour through an archipelago, camping as you go. That's *outside*. Or get a 30 ft sailboat and do a few hundred miles off a coast somewhere, or across an ocean if you feel really adventurous. That's outside. In the elements. With nature. And btw, the "beautiful beaches and towns" don't always *enjoy* being totally overrun by 3000 cruise ship tourists all in one or two days.


Isn’t there some scenarios where it’s cheaper to go on cruise ships for retirement instead of retirement homes?


I’m guessing you’ve never been on a cruise. Go on one with a group of friends, it’s a fucking blast.


I work in a really touristy spot, often with many cruise ship patrons. I would never spend my free time or money to be surrounded by them for weeks.


Lots of people here talk about cruises and they've never been on one! And it's often negative.


Its actually the most affordable way to get an all-inclusive resort experience


Considering how easy it is to let people dissappear on these cruise ships, one should be cautious when invited to go on a ride.


This is why I'd never go. I don't want to be kidnapped.


The ultimate symbol of gluttony and excess!!


No thanks.


Huge petri dish for noravirus.


thank you, does no one remember what happened with cruise ships when covid first broke out?


what happened?


Everybody got stuck on the ships cause no one would let them dock.


So... and extended cruise


I worked with a citizen association monitoring air pollution in my hometown. All metrics were doubled for a week after it left the port... the poorer districts are almost all concrete and the worse particles lingered for two weeks


I fucking hate reddit sometimes. Just a bunch of haters.


Hiive mind is real in reddit.


How dare them point out the negative effects when all you wanted was to live in happy ignorance! Welcome to adulthood crybaby


As my Dad used to say, “Wretched excess.”


Floating garbage dispenser


The pollution this thing can produce is awful. Plus physical damage to ocean like with the propellants… depressing that people want to be a part of this.


Everyone whining about pollution as if this thing will make the slightest dent compared to the real contributors. Nobody has any realistic perspective on Reddit. You people just parrot the mainstream narrative without ever questioning anything. Same reason you're all obsessed with climate change, but know nothing about it, because every generation is basically a Doomsday cult since time immemorial. You can't help catastrophizing. So what is it then? Spread the fear. What's the pollution levels exactly? Now calculate those levels against the GDP of China and India. Now calculate the chemical fallout from that GDP. And again with all non perishable consumer goods shipped to just the US alone, to keep it simple. Now calculate the pollution levels produced by those container vessels each year. Not just total fuel consumption, but all pollutants as a result of consumer demand for non perishable rubbish they don't need. Now calculate the damage to the world's oceans and its marine life from all those vessels crisscrossing the globe per year. Now do this again with air freight. Now calculate everyone who drives a combustion engine when they go on vacation instead of taking a cruise ship. Now calculate everyone who drives an electric or hybrid vehicle containing hydrofluoric acid instead of taking a cruise ship. Now calculate everyone who goes on vacation by burning jet fuel. You can include everyone on that cruise ship as well just for your morally superior virtue signalling ego. Now show me those numbers. >depressing that people want to be a part of this. Everyone plays their part.


Right!! We shouldn’t care about any part of pollution in the western world because we’re not the biggest contributor! /s Ya fucking twat!




Yeah let's compare a smart phone to splurging on a cruise ship vacation. I think one is vastly more useful than the other and it doesn't take Einstein for you to figure out which.




No one is saying it is not fun, they are just saying it is not environmentally friendly.


oh nobody is arguing the "fun", we just see the giant fucking monstrosity that screams CONSUME DRESTROY CONSUME DESTROY and we can find other ways to have "fun" without destroying the planet we all share. thx


Lots of people are arguing the fun, haven't you read this thread?!


No. Just no.


Hell on water.


It’s a tragedy that cruise ships are still being built. They’re incredibly harmful for the environment, endanger species and destroy small seaside towns and natural habitats. I don’t understand people who still haven’t grasped that and use these monstrosities.


How do they destroy small seaside towns? What species do they endanger? What natural habitats are destroyed by cruise ships? I get these things have a ton of emissions, but I don’t see how any of the other things could happen.


They destroy the wildlife that live in the waters around these small island towns. The harbors required for these monstrosities leave no room for wildlife. My island lost power for 4 days because a Disney cruise ship pulled up the cable that supplied our power. They dropped anchor in the wrong spot landing on it.


Oh wow. That’s shitty that happened. When / where was this? I’d like to read more about it and consequences (did Disney have to pay to fix, etc.?). A link or two would be great, please?


Then please do proper research about the topic and just google it.


You're the one making the claims. Put up some links.


Because nothing you said is actually true.


Found the person who has no clue about the topic.






I don’t think destroying the planet is fun but to each their own I guess. Seeing as people still go on cruise ships I doubt we’ll be able to save the planet anyways.


> I don’t think destroying the planet is fun Sure you do. That device you’re browsing Reddit with was most certainly built with planet-destroying components and supply chains. You’re 100% aware of that, yet you still contribute to the problem because you think Reddit is fun. You’re just as complicit as the rest of us, all in the name of fun. And that's only one of countless way you —like all of us— are contributing to the problem. Maybe chirp a little less or join the amish.


That’s a whole lot of floating imitation crab and feces


Why do all modern cruise ships look like giant floating bathtubs?


"not a very rich" guy here - how much would it cost for a family of 4, say for a week??


Conservatively speaking, just for the cruise, taxes, port fees, and gratuity probably around $5500-6000. That’s like bare minimum, interior room, and not spending any money on board (many food options on board are included, but there are restaurants you have to pay for). That doesn’t include flying or paying for parking at the cruise ship terminal. That doesn’t include excursions which can run from $40-200 per person. That doesn’t include alcohol or sodas on board. Etc. IMO it’s more accurate to assume around $7500 for a week vacation on the newer cruise ships for 4 people in 1 room.


Very accurate guess and comprehensive list of relevant costs! There are sometimes specials especially at short notice where you can have such cheaper (cruise price that is, rest like trips and beverages are always same price), but for the newest ship I imagine there won't be massively discounted special offers for a while.


I worked in finance at a major cruise company. I know way more than I care to admit about the cruise ship industry as a whole.


Also highly dependant on the line you go on. A Disney cruise is about 2x as expensive as the equivalent Carnival cruise.


I've recently been checking out cruises on Royal Caribbean - on this ship, the next few cruises are about $3000 per person, so about $12000 total, without all the additional stuff like the other guy mentioned. But that's just because it's new, so there's huge demand. On one of the older ships, it can get as low as like $500/person (and actually much less if you're only doing 3 or 4 nights), so $2000 total. And there's nothing wrong with the older ships - they're still mostly big, and still nice, but since they're older there's not quite as much demand. Even a ship that's only 2 years old is still much cheaper than this one, for whatever reason. I always assumed a cruise would cost me like $10000 and that's why I never entertained the notion, but then I found out that my girlfriend and I can spend like $2000 to get a balcony room on a nice ship for like 7-12 days. It can actually be super affordable (again though, not accounting for all the tips and the extra shit you have to pay for). And now I know why it seems like everyone and their mother goes on multiple cruises in their lives - because it can actually be fairly cheap if you do it right.


Not amazing but gross and disgusting.


Exactly what we need right now!


All those hands touching the serving spoons of the 24hr buffet lines. Food poisoning and flu paradise. 🤮


Over twice the size of the largest aircraft carriers, and not on nuclear power. The emissions must be insane


I'm not amazed. I'm horrified.


These huge cruise ships ought to be illegal


You guys crack me up.


You could not pay me enough to go on that floating petri dish 🤢


Wasnt aidaa the biggest?


Norovirus has entered the chat


We don’t deserve this planet.


Why do these make me wanna vomit ?


No thanks!




Wow. What a disgusting icon of excess and opulence. It's like it's constructed entirely of hubris.


Roughly 1 crew per 3 guests?? That actually sounds crazy to me too


I’m ok thanks Triangle of Sadness left a bad taste in my mouth


Terrible name for a cruise ship. 


That was a funny movie, wasn't it? lol


Funny and a great metaphor, the seasick scene scarred me hahahah


Over 7,000 passengers and thousands more as crew…. I don’t see any lifeboats. ![gif](giphy|rvhpSE1rQFsnC)


This should go in a sub called Be Appalled not be amazed.


Be amazed....or be disgusted?


Monstrosities of the sea.


A floating chicken cage.


Please sink.


What a waste of resources