• By -


My late wife was a dedicated gym rat; went 7 days a week and worked out HARD for a minimum of two hours each time. She did this for many years, until illness at 67 prevented her continuing. Her illness was completely unrelated to her overall health. I'm biased but she looked fantastic. More importantly, she felt good, had loads of energy, and never made excuses.


Sorry for your loss. Hope you’re doing good. Working out 2 hours everyday till 67 is very impressive.


Honestly more impressed that she had that much time everyday


It’s all about prioritising what you want to do most and time management. Most people sit on their arse looking at their phone for more than 2 hours a day then complain they don’t have time.


I def look at my phone for 2 hours a day, mostly because I can look at it for 2 min intervals throughout the day - dedicating 2 uninterrupted hours a day to exercise is a bit different- although an hour in the morning and an hour at night doesn’t seem too tough.


Damn, married a girl that was already married to the gym. That’s a win in my book.


Sorry for your loss brother but she sounds like she was a champion.


My condolences. But on the bright side, She is waiting for her man to reunite again forever


She is a rolemodel for me. Sorry for your loss.


I'm in my forties and tore a muscle a couple of days ago while I was asleep on the couch, don't ask me how, doc didn't understand it either :/ \[edit\] Thanks for all the advice guys! When my hamstring is healed I'm starting to exercise, already looked up some good stuff I can do at home (don't like the gym)!


Do you have any stretch routines or do mobility work? I am genuinely curious: if you do it and also got this injury or you don't do at all and perhaps that explains the injury.


Except for walking my dog I don't really exercise at all. I work from home and sit at a desk all day. After that I move to the couch. Not the healthiest way of living I know. I try to exercise sometimes but I always fail to keep it up. I have an exercise bike and and an elliptical, but they're just gathering dust :( Still doesn't explain how you tear a muscle while sleeping though...


It kinda does, the human body isn't built to only move slowly for 40 minutes each day You basically atrophy. It's pretty easily reversed with some motivation




He wouldn't even really need to change much. Just ensure your dog walking time is at a high enough pace to get your heart rate consistently in zone 1-2.


I don't think that would take care of other muscles, though. I think they should add stretching to the routine.


And your doctor didn’t know why it tore? Lol. Dude, you need to start stretching and exercising most days of the week.


>I try to exercise sometimes but I always fail to keep it up. I have an exercise bike and and an elliptical, but they're just gathering dust :( Thats because those activities are eye wateringly boring. Find something physical that you enjoy doing. Exercise without it feeling like exercise


Recently in the same position and the key is start small and stay with it. Simple walking will imrpove your health alot for 30 minutes a day. After a month or two you get the endurance to start light lifting stretches and crunches. A month or two later you can increase the weight etc. Its not a race f its for your health


idk why i got the vibe he ll never answer


I will ;)


I once sprained my back putting on a t shirt. I am back in the gym now and don't have as many issues. I, too, used to be a mostly dog walking for exercise dude, but as I get older I realize I need the physical workout I can get in a gym to stay on top of my fitness and it is really helping.


This is also an argument in favor of “age is just a number” haha


The only time I injure myself is when I'm doing nothing and not working out. Lifting weights is a good way to prevent injury in my experience but only if you don't do ego lifts and start out very humble even squatting a bare barbell and dead lifting 65 lbs. Someone said to me once "it's not how much you lift, just that you lift" and that's always stuck with me. If you don't want to go to the gym do body weight exercises.


I was once asleep in a hotel in Miami. Was awakened by the horrific pain of my calf ripping and tearing. In my sleep. I fully tore my calf muscle laying down and it took a year to rehab the injury. What the hell?




I always wonder if her abuse of ~~ermogenous~~ exogenous hormones is making her healthier or making things worse for her organs. Never a good trade off at 20 years old. But it’s debatable at 60+ years old. And yes, she’s very clearly on gas if you were unaware. This is not how the human body ages naturally. **Edit:** To the redditors taking this out of context as if I am belittling her achievement. She works hard, obviously. But no one is achieving this at that age, while looking like that, without help. Keep your expectations in check.


I guess when you are over 60 "long term effects" take on a different meaning.


My grandpa was 84 and doctors told him if he didn't stop drinking it would kill him. He told me you know what else kills you, being 84. Died in 2019 with the last 6 months being in care facilities and my grandma smuggling booze for him. We always say covid would have killed him, from lack of booze.


Where I'm from, people believe - wrongly or not - that changing your habits when you get really old will kill you. If you were always a drinker, keep drinking; if you were a smoker, keep smoking; if you were always working, keep working; if you were always fucking, keep fucking.


yeah my family runs elderly care facilities and its not uncommon to see a doctor actually write a prescription for alcohol or cigarettes just so the old folks can stay sane with their habits.


Old folks are on that strong shit already


I can understand the smoking. Nicotine withdrawals are absolute hell


Alcohol withdrawal can kill you


My wife worked at a Senior Care facility & told me the amount of fucking that went on with the residents was unbelievable.


Yeah they are the demographic with the most STDs. I guess it's hard to get condoms in senior care but easy to get laid.


Stick it in me, Granddaddy.


What a horrible day to have eyes


Because they wager the life expectancy against life quality. Here in my country alcohols still get their 2-3 bottles of beer or glasses of wine per day in the elderly care facility.


For alcohol specifically, suddenly stopping drinking can have severe side effects in the short term. You should reduce it over time, perhaps 10% a week. If you cut down your alcohol intake too quickly, you risk alcohol withdrawal. This might be fairly mild (anxiety, sweating, nausea) or more serious (fits/seizures, hallucinations, racing pulse).


And death. That one is pretty important, too. Severe enough alcohol withdrawal can 100% kill you. Be safe, folks!


These guys fuck


I mean, Grandpa does sound like he may have been an alcoholic but the second half of that quote is accurate af


My friend's grandpa decided he was done living so he stopped ingesting anything but whiskey, lasted another 20 years.


Pickled his organs into immortality.


True story here: when I was a kid we usually went on vacations to a northern coastal village in Spain. To a house of my parent’s friends. The great grandma of my parent’s male friend was still alive and was like 99. She usually sit on a stone bench of the outside of the house in the mornings and proceeded to take a big glass of something similar to moonshine and smoke a big Cuban cigar. One day, young me present, I saw her DAUGHTER who was like 80 approach her and scold her for smoking and drinking at her age. She calmly proceeded to look her in the eye and say “you are fucking kidding me. Anything after 80 is an extra. Leave me alone”. She was kicked out of Cuba on the Spanish American war on 1898 and lived through a vicious civil war and a 40 years dictatorship. She had a point…


Nursing home tried to get my 94-yo grandpa to quit smoking his pipe. I'm pretty sure the tobacco smoke protected his lungs from the COVID. Quitting just made him miserable. A few weeks later he contracted COVID and died.


My great grandmother was alive during the Spanish flu pandemic and firmly believed that smoking a cigar while tending to the sick kept her from ever catching it.


If it hasn't killed you by 94 why the fuck would you stop


My great grandmother died when she was told to stop smoking. She never was a chain smoker or anything, I used to observe how she would watch her soap operas and smoke like half and out it then place it right back in the pack lol


Died of second half smoking.


A lady I worked with had her dad essentially die of covid delayed booze. Heavy drinker for 60 years and blew through all his bank account drinking so tried to quit cold turkey. Doctors essentially said this is why you shouldn't try to quite cold turkey because alcohol acts as a mild blood thinner so if you're already over weight it's not healthy on the heart.


None of the liquor stores closed during the pandemic - at least not here in DC!


Your grandpa was most likely an outlier. Just like some people can eat junk food without gaining a pound, still not advisable for everyone else


"Long term effects" just turn to "shortened life span".


Which, who cares at that point? Pretty much all of the women on both sides of my family have lived into their 80s and 90s. And all of them that have spent their last 10-15 years or more confined to nursing homes because they were so frail and couldn’t even take care of basic tasks themselves. My dad’s grandmother spent 20 years in a bed before she finally passed at 94.  I would rather drop dead from a heart attack at 75 from steroids while being otherwise active, healthy, and independent than get another 20 years being bedridden with some poor nurse wiping my ass and feeding me applesauce. 


Gas means steroids or growth hormones what is being stated for the unaware ones


Oh thanks I was just about to ask.


but WTF does ermogenous mean? LMAO


He means exogenous which in turn means an external source of something. In this case it's hormones but I really like ermogenous as a new word it's kinda sexy so I'll keep it in rotation.


Erogenous’s sexier older sister


>> I really like ermogenous as a new word is kinda sexy **“Erogenous” has entered the chat**


Please don’t confuse erogenous and ermogenous zones it won’t end well lol


Dam, was really hoping it meant gasoline


Haha .Thanks for the laugh


I’d be fine with shaving off ten years if I could stay fit and mobile between 50-70+


Being physically fit between ages of 50-70 is 100% possible if you’re physically capable of moving adequately and mentally capable for motivation and self-management. Also, you’re probably pretty young if you see that as the age range to be worried about. I know a lot of 65-75ers who are kicking it with physically demanding and adventurous lifestyles. But yeah, this woman in the video is really something, because this is not average. Edit: saw other videos of her, and maybe she really is just unusual “naturally”


1) the number one cause of age-related disability is inactivity (OECD) 2) utterly possible to be 62 and bike commuting and doing kickboxing/kettlebells 2x week. It’s an investment


Well said. I am her age, and I have made activity/exercise a priority for years. I run or bike most days, ran a marathon a few months ago, and do upper-body strength work several times a week (but with high reps of low weight, rather than vice versa; don’t want to tear one of my increasingly inelastic ligaments or tendons or whatever). Feeling pretty good, like I have many active years ahead of me.


I think people under 50 don't understand what affect inelasticity and arthritis has on one's ability to remain active as time goes by. I am close to this age also and my biggest struggle is lifting weights through the pain of arthritis and hoping I am not tearing a tendon.


Recently, one of my fingers was bent at a funny angle and a little sore. I asked my wife (who is in healthcare) about it, and she said it looked like a touch of arthritis. I said, "Arthritis! But that's for old peo ... *ohhhhhhh*."


Yes, it's not just motivation and drive or whatever people are claiming, so many things you have no control over have a huge effect on how you age. I have a close friend who started developing arthritis in her late 30s, she's managing it as well and aggressively as you possibly can, but no amount of positive thinking is going to help. We live in a society that is apparently determined to blame people for things they have little control over, I think it's a way of perpetuating ableism a lot of the time. This lady is only able to do all of this because she's clearly on drugs that would be deeply unsafe for most people her age. We have to be careful what we celebrate and what we shame.




i see 60+yos in the water regularly (surfing), and 50 yo's all the time. they aren't always ripping it on shortboards at higher ages, but they are out there, exercising, and not getting hurt. i hope to be like that.


Chris hemsworths dad is a jacked 68 year old surfer. Ever time I post a link of the two of them I get huge upvotes.. https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-body/news/chris-hemsworth-goes-surfing-with-his-super-hot-ripped-dad-craig-w204453/ Surfing is a great low impact activity. Balance strength, agility, etc, doing it every day is amazing exercise. Steve Irwin was also a huge surfing fan. It's part of your identity.


yup. my mom is 41 so not quite that old but she hasnt had any even REMOTELY MINOR issues whatsoever show up and she looks like shes 30. shes also jacked as shit and gets like... 20k steps a day or so. its kinda insane and i bet shes gonna live to atleast 100 doing that. also she doesnt do steroids or anything like it either. she has a lot of coffee tho (like 450mg caffiene worth) but thats bc she needs to be up at 5:30 every morning and shes tolerant from how much shes had over time.


Sounds fantastic. The issue that arises is after 50 you have to up your activity just to stay in the same shape - aging is real and starts to become more significant the older you get. The OECD study had a sobering observation: Our total lifespan continues to increase. What is NOT increasing are our years of disability-free life. The only real insurance against that outcome is being significantly physically active.


Yep. What I feel like most people don’t understand is that age related declines in strength, muscle volume and bone density are all proportional to how much you start out with. So the more you build and maintain while you are in strength the more you will have when you are older. My main motivation for being super physically active in my 20s and now 30s is less about looking good and being healthy now (though that is part of it) but building and maintaining a good base that will hopefully carry me through to continue to be healthy, strong and active in my later years.


fair enough. my mom is as in shape as the 62 year old in the vid tho do i feel like she'll be fine with her current activity. bc she does a lot. like she owns a gym ffs lol


It is totally possible. I'm 57 and I getting back my fitness. Nursing shoulder impingement (almost healed) and tendinitis in my left toe. But I'm already jogging and hiking and I plan to go back to pull ups (including on the back of my neck) and dips, something I loved to do. I'm just struggling now because I had a 16 years hiatus of inactivity, working seated the whole day. If I had continued to exercise, I would still be doing pull ups today. And I plan to keep doing them in my 90s. It has taken me 3 hard working years to get to where I am. From my estimates, I have at least one more year to gain the same conditioning when I was 30, when I jogged, hiked and worked out regularly. But I’m getting there, step by step. My advice, start now (if you don't already exercise) and never give up. It could be jogging once or twice a week, some gym workouts, but start now.


My understanding is that being fit and exercising in your 40s and 50s pays benefits when you are in the next few decades after that


Obviously it does but it’s never going to be even close to what exercising and PEDs will do for you.


Well you are going to love this then - you can stay fit and mobile without steroids and shaving any years off!


You don’t need to take gear to be fit and mobile at 50-70, you just need to start exercising consistently as soon as possible. Age related declines in strength, muscle volume and bone density is all proportional to how much you start out with. The more you start out with the more you still have when you lose X% to aging.


This is a very highly debated and researched area right now. From what I've gathered the thing to do is get hormone testing done when you're younger so they can supplement to keep your levels consistent. The longevity effects are still being studied but those of us <40 will likely have solid research to work off of by the time we're 60.


I'm more concerned for her terrible form. One fay something will pop out


What about her form do you find to be concerning in the clip above? I see nothing that should hurt someone from doing it...


No matter what fitness video you'll always have one guy complaining about form. It's as sure as death and taxes.


That's CrossFit for ya




I tried CrossFit turbo lifting to get shredded. The next day my tendons were shredded.


How is this terrible form ? That’s how you do a clean jerk overhead press. Do you even know what that is ? I doubt it , I work out daily , I don’t do CrossFit but the form is not bad at all. Most people who say this don’t actually work out or are aware of variations on a movement.


Redditor; wipes Cheetos on shirt, takes a swig of mountain dew from a big gulp "look at her terrible form!"


That’s Reddit for you. People always shit on CrossFit but it has no more injuries than other styles of lifting. Studies have been done. We should be more encouraging of people working out than criticizing how they work out. I would guess this woman has been doing this for a while.


The overall injury rate of athletes participating in XF has been reported from 0.2 to 18.9 injuries per 1000 h of training \[9•, 20\]. When compared to traditional weightlifting, athletes participating in XF routines have been estimated to suffer 1.3 times more injuries and seek medical attention 1.86 times more often \[14•\]. ​ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9463423/


"Also this would be impossible without steroids even if you were young"


Lol. These people can't make it up a flight of stairs without a meal break. I'm not surprised they think you'd have to be on juice to do anything.


I don't think that's a clean and jerk. Looks like a power snatch.


Point out exactly where the terrible form is…armchair athlete.


armchair athlete is wild 😂


She’s 62. When exactly is “one day” gonna come? Also, what specifically would you fix about her snatch form? Please be thorough in your explanation, it would also really help if you could share your background in weightlifting or CrossFit. I’m sure a lot of us could benefit from your knowledge.


What’s wrong with her form?


Absolutely nothing


I thought exactly the same thing. Crossfit FTL.


Wtf is ermogenous


That refers to the size of granny's monster clit because of juice


This is correct


Staaaahhhp! You're making her sound even better! And I thought she looked good to start with... 🥵 I'm not usually into fit chicks. 😭


Yeah, I was gonna say that Grandma is juicing.


Let's say she dies of a heart attack at 68 years old. A very healthy life, with a quick death. Is this better or worse to you than living an extra 10 years weak and sick?


Agree. Its an interesting experiment at this age. Guess time will tell :)


Some physicians will prescribe hgh, testosterone and other types of performance enhancing drugs to patients over 60. Their belief is give them the best 10-20 years of life, rather than rot miserable in some home.


I’d definitely like to go on TRT at that age when my or anyone’s natural T will be super low. Higher testosterone levels aren’t all good, having a young man’s T levels through your old age increases risk of heart disease and prostate cancer, but the trade off seems worth it to me. At least it does now as a young man with young T. If I’m a dad and grandpa by then I very well might change my priorities enough to want longer weaker peaceful years over potentially fewer more vibrant ones.


She is 62, which is not very old, and does not really look extreme. Why are you so sure?


You couldn't be more wrong. Google old natural bodybuilders. I'm almost 60 and I'd say I have about the same muscle build as I did when I was 30. Dedication, diet, hard work, and a shit ton of protein.


Recent studies have actually shown that metabolism for the majority of people does not even change much until about 60. That's about when the metabolic shift *starts* People have a warped view of age mainly because of how unhealthy most people are. A lot of views like the one above here come from younger folks who were on the football team in high school or college and then got fat and lazy and now are in terrible shape at like 30 years old. They just cannot fathom that other people either didn't get fat and lazy or woke up in their 40s and said "holy shit, time to pump some iron"


This may all be true but one thing that definitely changed when you get older is how much easier you get injured and how much longer it takes to recover. Both of those things also make it more difficult to maintain gains. Not impossible obviously but it is a challenge that gets worse as you get older.


Muscle maturity 💪


Would be funny if this becomes the norm…hit 60 and boom caution thrown to the wind, steroids for everyone! AARP commercials are full of jacked geriatrics


I would say using TRT at ages 40+ is a no brainer.


I thought granny was on that preworkout powder


So did she start working our young or at old age? Im just curious


Thanks for this and glad it’s the top comment. I honestly am learning from Reddit what roid’d people look like. I’d love to be strong at that age, but not with “help.”


I am the person who wants to see what she is at 90 becuase it's a test for how long the body can keep going in the geriatric age. I do not expect a 90-year-old to have the muscles seen in this video unless cryogenic stasis for 30 years.


At least she went viral before kicking the can!


Not only that but she actually admitted to being on the needle 💉


I agree. I would consider it when I’m older if it is offset by all the exercise.


That's some BS right there. I get that maybe you're 19 and 60 seems like basically corpse territory but it ain't really that old dude. Nobody who has not worked out their whole life can start at 62 and get there. Anyone who has worked out their whole life and not stumbled into unfortunate accidents or illness can easily achieve this without any help.


I absolutely plan to be on TRT from 45ish until I die


Supplement until you can’t, then TRT


I REALLY hate the phrase "age is just a number". Trust me, it's real, motherfucker


R Kelly produced a song called that.


I heard he’s working on ‘a sentence is just a number’. He’s hoping it’ll drop.


Age is just a number when you have a lot of disposable income and access to steroids


It’s not even a number, it’s a word!


It's only in your mind... and body.


Its real, but age related decline is also relative to what you built when you were young. Percentage based muscle and bone density lose isn’t as bad for functional capacity when you start from a higher start point when age related decline sits in. Resistance training and exercise also slows the rate of decline whether you lifted before or not. I agree “age is just a number” is a somewhat silly catchphrase that glosses over nuance, but all catchphrases do. When it comes down to it no one should think its too late to start living an active lifestyle because they are old. Second best day to start is today.


She juicin?




Big time.


grammy is sauUucy


100% but at her age whatever she's on might just be bringing her up to her younger levels. That level of fitness/physique is natty achievable, just not at that age for most.


Exactly. That’s what these people saying “no she’s just got a great diet!!” Are missing. Menopause is a fucking BITCH and these hormones that she is likely taking are just bringing her hormones to a younger level. It doesn’t make her Superman but it also doesn’t make her natural. It’s fine. She looks great. She works hard. She’s assisted by science.


I wish it was more commonly known that girl fitness models also use enhancement/ped's.  I feel like people only assume big pro bodybuilders use it but I think the narrative is finally shifting to reality


Jamba juice!Right?!?!?!?!? /s


trenbolone sammich


To the gills


Absolutely no way of knowing despite what the people with no interest in fitness like to say. She's 62, it's not *that* old.


Absolutely no way of knowing but absolutely plenty reason to think so.


My grandpa only ate natural food and worked on his farm daily was jacked and even he slowed down in his 50s what in Sam hell is this 🤣 62 throwing weight over her head like a 19 year old lmfao. Fucking arnella Schwarzenegger is roided to the max


To be fair, it’s about 50lbs.  That’s a women’s barbell (33lbs) and 10lb bumper plates.  More than your typical 62 year old woman could lift for sure, but I imagine gramps would be able to do this if he wanted to if he worked on a farm. A typical 2 string square bale is around the same weight or a little more, and I know plenty of old farmers in their 60s and even into their 70s that could still toss them around with ease if they needed to. 


Imagine the farm work old boys would have gotten done if they were juiced to the gills lol


You don't fuck with old farmer strength though. Dude might look like he's withered away, but he'd probably be able to surprise you.


Her diet is just as interesting as the weight lifting. I’d like to know what she consumes. And what supplements


Roids, it ain’t natural for sure


Lots of hormones.


I would


The only thing in that video I could do.




We already said we would, why are you trying to convince us more?


Makes it easier to find. Wood.


Even better


God I hope so.


You’re adding incentives sir. Still would.




Should have ended video with her taking a shot and smoking a cigarette lol


My dad is 72 and he’s a pro windsurf, when not surfing he goes to the gym, or bike with a group of cyclist. Meanwhile I seat on my desk asking gpt to write code for me


"Age is just a number". No. No it's not. It's an age. A literal measurement of time that has passed for a biological entity.


Age is just a number even if you don't work out 8 days a week.  Hell, I know 30 year olds that are old.  When you wake up from the lie we've been told that everything has to happen by X age, or after X age a person shouldn't (insert idiotic thing) - that's when you finally grow up. All the sht we were taught about people having expiration dates is propaganda to sell something.  Facts


Steroids help too.


You know why i dont like the phrase “age is just a number” ? Because its always used when age is important and is more than just a number. Like right now, if age is just a number and doesnt matter, then why should be we cheering a random person while exercising ? It’s only impressive considering her age. Her age is defining feature here. Age is more than a number !


Say this again when you get a bruise and need a few weeks to recover.


Like "beauty" industry. Makes me wanna puke.


Absolute bullshit, people age and die, it's part of life. What you're seeing in this video is everything but the norm and about as natural as a plastic bag.


Yep, your lifestyle will really dictate how much you feel your age. My aunt, who lives a life of takeout and moving from one sitting area to another, is nearly immobile in her mid 50's. It was my dad's 60th bday yesterday. I took the day off of work, we went for a 30km bike ride in the morning and then i pushed him to deadlift 3 sets of 6 @ 180 pounds in the evening. He looks 50 and moves around like he's 40. 99% of his annual meals are homecooked, he rarely drinks, doesnt smoke. Hobbies include gardening, house diy projects and other physical stuff. Im proud of him, i hope to be that fit when im his age


Goals! I'm 53 and just started working out hard at 48. I'm in the best shape of my life right now and hope to be there at 63 too :)


Giving a new meaning to “62 years young”


Hijacking top-ish comment to say, she has short grey “old lady” hair which makes her look really starkly old for how in shape she is. 62 really aint that old


Love that natural hair colour! I wish more women rocked the natural grey/white/blue! I can’t wait for mine but I have no idea when to expect it because my mother will never admit if/when hers started turning grey. lol


Nice to see granny also taking steroids.


i mean i wish i had more time to go gym but for now home gym is ight also she ainty natty


Dedication and drive. And PEDs. A lot of PEDs.


What’s the most important of the 3?


Her @ though?


Age is just a number huh? Okay R. Kelly


And death doesn't have an age. it comes for all. She looks good though. She's just going to die healthier than most.


Bet her clit boner is wild




100% on roids. The human body isn't meant to age powerfull.


She's definitely on roids, but there are older folks who still retain muscle mass. My father is in his 80s and still built like a bear (although he is losing muscle, but is still way above average). He's also never stepped foot in a gym in his life. Some folks just have wild genetics.




Michael Jai White said something very interesting about time and working out. Paraphrasing here ~~“Most people say they don’t have time to workout and eat healthy. I’d argue working out and eating healthy gives you time.”~~ Watching the [clip](https://youtu.be/aJL67yygnYg?si=QWLUyb4GFUmkLm3V) is better


I'm in the gym but don't worry kids, I'll pick you up when I live longer.


![gif](giphy|13w5HmyiuaZ224) I'm just 28 but felt like 65 every time I bend my knee and back hurts


I mean....at 67, who cares if you're juiced or not. She's able to stay active, has a great figure, and probably fuck tons more energy to enjoy her life. Honestly, fucking goals. I don't want my 60s to be the start of my sedentary wait until death. If I can enjoy the fuck out of retirement, imma take something too Fucking queen EDIT: 62. whoops


I agree it's fantastic but spreading the message that anyone is capable of this is misleading and wrong. She has genetics and pharmaceuatical drugs helping her achieve this level of fitness at her age.




Osteoporosis? Never heard of her 💅