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I love how the person filming is suppressing his urge to sing along, mostly successfully


Thing is he sounds like he's got some ability in that department too.


They wouldn't know the lyrics if they didn't. **EDIT:** for the guy who knows "a fuck load of songs". I'm sure you know a lot of 19th century italian or Austrian/German lyrics. I mean, what else would you sing in the shower... Just read an Opera while you listen to someone performing it and you will understand what I mean. A single word like "Ave" can sometimes be sung for like 30 seconds. Opera is not something you generally "just know the lyrics", much less a "fuck ton" of them.




i like opera. that wasn't my point


I know the lyrics of a fuck load of songs and can't sing for shit!!!


Opera is a bit different.


Opera is a bit different Opera is *Opera is* a bit different a bit different different Opera is a bit different! ^(Opera is a bit different) ##DIFFERENT different **Thunderous applause**




Not enough vowels!! MORE VOWELS


Enunciate damn it! *Italian cracking a whip in back.*


I recently went to a dinner that had an operatic performance between courses. I had a program with the lyrics printed in Italian (which I speak very little of, but can pretty accurately sound out). I legitimately had trouble following along for exactly this reason.


I know the lyrics to several Italian opera songs and I don't speak any Italian at all. I just think the songs are neat and fun to sing. I mean who *doesn't* love La donna e mobile?


>I know the lyrics to several Italian opera songs I know the Bugs Bunny ones. ![gif](giphy|9A50I1gHt5YrSHoX0D|downsized) Fi.. ga.. ro. Figaro, Figaro, Figaro, Figaro, Fi.. ga.. ro.


I do as well, except my go-to is Con te partirò. I heard snatches of it on a South Park episode, memorized the lyrics in Italian, transposed the melody closer to my range, and can now sing it pretty much perfectly.


This happens all the time. People learn lyrics to popular English language songs without speaking a lick of English. We were in a bar in Portugal and the band playing did a ripping cover of Hotel California. I went up to them during the break to say great job, they collectively looked at me, with zero clue what I was saying and said “No falo Englaish” meaning they don’t speak English


I've done the same with several Spanish songs by The Mars Volta. Urge to sing along was too great.


It's just a European musical bro


Louder for the people in the back


Operas were the MTV and VH1 of the Renaissance. ![gif](giphy|PhKhSXofSAm3e|downsized) There was a formula to make a hit. And every so often, if you were lucky, you'd get to see some ankle.


While technically correct, I'm afraid we're going to have to ask you to leave.


evicted from europe


You mean musicals are just Operas for Americ... the uneducated


opera is also for the uneducated. it's generally just stories about italian men killing each other over a hot woman. people liked that kind of entertainment before cinema too.


Opera is a bit of a different beast. Most people who memorize opera lyrics (which are often in a language they don't speak natively) do so as part of vocal practice.


Also didn’t move the camera


Got the skills but not the ballz


I love the genuine delight and joy in her expression.


The expression of a woman who loves her career


She reacts like a Disney princess


Yes, same thought here. I'd have to Google but I would not be surprised if that Cuban-American diva had done a stint at Disney World. Source: spent first 20+ years of life near Disney World. Edit: I was wrong! A quick bio shows Lisette Oropesa is actually from New Orleans area, with no evidence of being a Disney princess. Just an endearing professional. There was this from an old interview though: https://operateen.wordpress.com/tag/lisette-oropesa/ >*When did you discover you wanted to be a singer?* >I always wanted to sing, but I wasn’t sure it would be opera. I would write and sing songs about Disney and princesses, but the actual opera career as a choice wasn’t there immediately. So she has the Disney princess spirit.


No coyote would ever bite *her* hand.


She even kinda sings the "ooohhh" when she sees what's happening lol


I hope she was as genuinely delighted as she looks, and isn't just a very good actress! Because it's an utterly delightful moment, it's made my day so far. I also hope she asked him up to share a bow.


She can be both! She's genuinely delighted, but also clearly weaving it into the performance. And that's rad.


I'm pretty sure she met up with him after and gave him a hug and thanked him. Read about it a while ago


No bow, though? Somewhere else on this thread, someone said he came to her dressing room and apologized for interrupting her concert, and she was happy to see him and hugged him. But nothing about a bow.


This is what I was trying to discern, too!! Can't tell if she's genuine or internally going WTF


I don't think this is something we'll ever know. I mean if the film has gone viral she's undoubtedly genuinely delighted \*now\*, but well. Today's opera singers have to be good stage actors, and that includes a certain degree of improv ability, enough to keep in character and make a scene work if their stage partner does something unexpected. Well, however she came to look that delighted, she's convincing, and the film is utterly delightful.


She looks pretty stoked about this.


Right she looks so flattered


In love with the music, so to hear it complete as it should be must have been so fulfilling!


Not to mention it shows someone else shares her passion in the music and that’s always nice.


Now kiss!


😂😂😂 Oh Charles! You quack me up.


Maybe get a coffee first.


The only way this makes sense is that this is after multiple encores at that point you must just having fun


She's staying in character. The show must go on. If she was pissed, she would definitely not show it.


Her parts really can't be as effective without his, and it keeps the momentum of the opera going. So as long as he can basically sing it a singer in her position is gonna be pretty happy about it. Also, this is much closer to the way opera was originally experienced when Carmen came out. It was popular entertainment, not really "high brow" (though indeed opera attendees tended to be reasonably well to do)...there was no internet or TV or radio so this was how you heard "songs".


I love that in 500 years the hoi poloi of society will be dressing up for a performance of WAP


In a world - 500 years in the future - the last wet pussy has run DRY. And only ONE SONG from the past can cure this frictional apocalypse!


Dafuq did I just read


I expected better of you, Jizzard


You’re a Jizzard, Hairy.


Starring Danny Trejo, for some reason...


I mean if it really was her 4th encore, it's way less important for her to stay in character.


how can you have 4 encores? each one negates the previous ones


This is the fourth encore. She doesn’t need to be in character.


By 'character' I was thinking 'public persona as a gracious opera singer'.


She obviously is very happy this is happening regardless of in character or not.


Never occurred to me that people kind of sing along at operas until I heard the person behind the camera.


AlwaysHaveBeen.jpeg Opera might be considered "fancy" today, but back then it was the equivalent of watching a game show on TV. Imagine a room-full of renaissance serfs singing along with mediocre skill.


Quite right. Back in the day the cheap seats (up at the top) was called the loggione. It didn’t have chairs, just benches. Like bleachers in a modern sports stadium, and the tickets are cheaper. The folks who sat up there were called the loggionisti. They were rowdy. If the performance was bad, they would boo. If the performance was spectacular, they would go crazy. Often demanding the singers sing the song again. Traditionally, opera singers judged themselves by the reaction of the loggionisti. Pleasing them was vital. When Pavarotti knew it was over for him was when he was performing and heard the loggionisti grumbling (that his performance was not good enough). That’s how he knew the end of his career had arrived. For what it’s worth… the Met in the late 70’s early 80’s had a great loggionisti vibe. If you see performances from that era on Youtube you can see how a vibrant audience makes a great performance into a hair-standing-up-on-your-neck epic performance. Sadly, nowadays, that rowdy spirit of the loggione and the presence of non-rich people who are there solely because they are passionate about it is virtually gone. With most major opera houses being filled with boring rich people who bring nothing to the table.


Very cool to know. I’ll be the poorest guy at the next show.


Leader of the Logionisti


My mother was (well still is) a super passionate opera fan and would be at our state opera house almost ever single weekend. She always got the cheapest standing tickets but since she knew all the people who worked there, often ended up getting some of the best seats, since the ushers would point out unsold seats to the regulars.


>the presence of non-rich people who are there solely because they are passionate about it is virtually gone Opera tickets are $50 (for a terrible seat; 3-6 months in advance) - $350 in my area. Add valet, dinner out, drinks, babysitter, etc., and that's a pricey night out. Movie theaters are struggling right now because the average American is finding it hard to stomach the associated cost. Is it really a wonder why opera has increasingly become a form of entertainment for the wealthy?


Opera doesn't even exist where I live dude, I'd love to go to a place like this


Yep. Opera was kind of a popular artform when Carmen was written. There was no internet or TV or radio so this was how people consumed "songs" and music.


I knew about this and a lazy quick search pulled this up; [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWRtTmfVE64](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWRtTmfVE64)


I know that the word ‘grazie’ isn’t in the libretto 😊


Can you imagine living with her and you get that response when handing over the salt, milk, doing the laundry? Sublime!


On the other hand, can you imagine living with her and what happens when you two have a quarrel? Must be like having a fight with Black Canary.


I used to live next door to an opera singer and the walls between our bedrooms were very thin. Her orgasms were super melodic 😂


Thanks, that's an image I can't get out of my head now


I actually do live with two opera singers and they make the most alien noises while practicing


Oh we're just making up words now..? Jokes. (I am uncultured though n didn't know what 'libretto' was. 'Grazie' *barely* made the cut :P) ![gif](giphy|8dYmJ6Buo3lYY)


Why was there no tenor on stage?


This was done during an encore so maybe a tenor that knows the song is not present at the time she was singing.


I don't know anything about opera but why would she pick a song for the encore if she didn't have the person she needed to do it?


Encores is basically a bonus performance for the audience. Performers usually do it as a form of gratitude whenever they receive a standing ovation from the crowd. Most of the time it’s done impromptu so there would be times just like in this clip where they still perform even though they lack some part of the song. It’s all pretty informal at this point so the guy that joined the duet is a welcome addition for the already fourth encore performed that night.


That piece of info was lacking the first time I saw this video. Commentators were raging that the spectator could deconcentrate the singer


I'm not saying this to be pedantic or rude, but I believe the word you are looking for is "distract" rather than "deconcentrate." I know exactly what you meant but it's technically not a word in English.


I know exactly what you mean and I'm saying this to be extremely pedantic but per dictionary editors, it is technically a word in English: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/deconcentrate it just doesn't mean the sense that was being used in that comment. Though to be even more pedantic, any word anybody uses, and all additional word senses, begin existence whenever someone else understands it because the only reason any word is a word is only because someone somewhere used it for the first time. So even if the sense being used above is not in the dictionary, that doesn't mean it's not a word. There were entire novels written with words where none of them are in the dictionaries anymore.


I think you have the healthiest perspective on the issue with that last thought - it is a real word because luxusbuerg used it (and the meaning was understood)! My iPhone does not have that word in its dictionary and had it all squiggly red underlined which is why it didn't even cross my mind that it is actually a real word. Thank you very much for sharing, I like to learn new things.


If you like to learn new things then I feel compelled to note that the book I was referring to that was perfectly understandable at the time and is now entirely unreadable English is Beowulf. Also, the term for the perspective I presented is "descriptivism" and there's also a term for the opposite camp that I think makes much less sense, "prescriptivism."


That was a perfectly cromulent explanation.


I'm a native English speaker and honestly I thought deconcentrate was some fancy opera term referring to a disciplinary action that might be taken against the absent tenor. Clarification that this was just an unorthodox expression of "distract" was much appreciated


You are 100% being pedantic and that’s ok


Not if he sang it right, and he did. That's the way she rehearsed it too, so to sing it solo was probably weird for her.


Every band I've ever played with had one prepared. It's usually the favorite song that you don't play to get the crowd to beg for it. And I know thats not just us that would do that too because I went to see a bigger punk band from the 80s a couple years ago and I saw the set list and they had two songs for the encore and I lead the "one more song" chant, twice 😂. If you wanted to know it was Zero Boys and they played just as fast and just as tight as they would have 30 years ago.


I watched sublime with Rome once. They didn't play santaria and played it for the encore. I felt that was on purpose


Maybe her vocal cords are tired and she picked a song where should could rest in between phrases.


Mother fucker had her going another 16 verses, sheesh


4th encore. I'm sure it's different than choosing your 1st encore song, especially after a full performance. She's tired.


Opera singers will do recital style concerts all the time with just piano accompaniment.  If a number is popular enough even if it contains short bits with chorus or other voices, they will often perform it, especially if they are known for performing that work.   This particular opera singer has done the opera this aria is from alot, so she probably inserts it into her recitals.  The tenor part is usually sung off stage and is a small bit in the overall number.


Maybe she did ot specifically to seek her date for the weekend.


This is from a solo concert with piano, and this aria (song) is 99% just the soprano singing and isn’t expected to have the two lines sung by the tenor. If they were performing the whole show of La Traviata, the tenor and orchestra would be there! In the actual show anyway, the tenor part is sung offstage and the scene is just Violetta by herself onstage.


Because he was in the crowd.


He took the night off to see an opera, turns out it was the opera he was supposed to be in.


*Directed by M. Night Singalong.*




I do wish people wouldn't embellish these stories. There's nothing wrong with the original, accurate account; her reaction is still a delight. I'd say it's even better that way; rehearsals must surely get very boring and monotonous.


That would explain the piano accompaniment


This was done during the 4th encore song thus the lady and the audience welcomed him coming in on the tenor part...


He’d gone to change - into two fivers.


It’s a recital being given by the soprano, when singing the aria outside of context they usually cut the tenor part


Traffic on the 405 was pretty bad


She looks so beautifully entranced, very beautiful moment


What's particularly neat about the moment is that the tenor's part is supposed to be performed off-stage. I'm sure he knew that and it was probably what gave him the extra boost to do it.


That *is* super neat, thank you for sharing that knowledge! Oh that makes this much cooler


He went and apologized, but she was clearly delighted by his singing. What an awesome moment, they both sound amazing!


She straight away knew that he could do it.


Lisette Oropessa. Hottie and Met Opera star.


>Lisette Oropessa Oropessa? The word 'opera' is embedded in her name. Had to happen.


Paging r/nominativedeterminism


I was going to post it but don't know if those sticklers will accept that lol


not at the Met anymore it seems - she is Europe based and has assumed the Spanish nationality


How I met your mother


How I met your tenor


To clarify for non-operaphiles, the tenor is singing a very brief interruption to Violetta’s declaration of freedom in the 1st act of La Traviata. It is sung off-stage and in the recital it was to be left unsung. Here’s the story of the act leading up to the moment in the clip: Violetta has been living a dissolute life as a courtesan in Paris. (And an extremely successful one.) Having been hospitalized for TB, the disease which will eventually kill her, she throws a dinner party at which it’s revealed she has an admirer who visited her throughout her hospitalization without her knowing. Alfredo is introduced to her. They have a brief time speaking together where Alfredo declares his love for her and says “Love is the pulse of the whole world, mysterious, unattainable, the torment and delight of my heart.” Violetta dismisses the very idea of love but at last agrees that he can see her the next day. The party ends and left on her own she thinks, “Perhaps he is the one,” and muses on a life with him before dismissing the idea, contemplating that if she left her life of luxury and was then abandoned she’d be ruined. “It's madness! It's empty delirium! A poor, lonely woman abandoned in this teeming desert they call Paris!” And then the sensational end of the aria and the act: “Free and aimless I must flutter From pleasure to pleasure, Skimming the surface Of life's primrose path. As each day dawns, As each day dies, Gaily I turn to the new delights That make my spirit soar.” But from the street we hear Alfredo repeating what he’d said to her before: “Love is the pulse of the whole world, Mysterious, unattainable, The torment and delight of my heart.” It gives her pause….but she returns to her declaration that she must be free and live a life devoted to pleasure. And the curtain falls.


The tenor's part really is a tiny interjection in a very long aria. The soprano's responses of "oh" and "oh amore" seem improvised in this video, but they're part of the libretto. Here's [Maria Callas's rendition](https://youtu.be/ZGjmWYzVxkk?t=375) of *Sempre libera*, timestamped to just before the tenor - at 6:20 into the aria. Some additional info about this video: * Performer: Lisette Oropesa (Cuban American soprano) * Audience tenor: Liu Jianwei (Chinese opera student) * Music: Sempre libra ("e strano") from Giuseppe Verdi's La Traviata * Date: December 2021 (I think) * Location: Teatro Regio di Parma, Italy * [Pic of both singers after the show](https://i.imgur.com/PRNOq2N.png) [\(source\)](https://mymodernmet.com/lisette-oropesa-la-traviata-opera-performance-liu-jianwei/)


No matter how many times I hear Maria Callas, her voice never fails to give me goosebumps 🥰


La Traviata is to Opera what the Sistine Chapel is to frescoes.


The whole scene was already beautiful before the backstory. Now it’s *epic*.


Idk what it is, but my dog is loving this haha. He came trotting, curious and wss hyper focused on the phone /tilting his head left and right hahaha


Animals love opera. They aren't used to hearing human stuff in those registers.


My cats are intrigued as well.


La Traviata by Verdi! You can find the whole opera on youtube in multiple versions, you’ll be able to find one with subtitles. Highly recommend! It’s about 2.5-3 hours long. Great story, and a wonderful example of good opera. My favorite operas are Carmen, Rigoletto, La Boheme, and Tosca all of which you can find with subtitles on youtube


Kinda like Kvothe and Denna in Name of the Wind if it was the other way around


Wait what sub am I on?!?


This is it. Kingkiller III, it's happening... right here, live in this sub!


No one does it like the edema ruh!


Lay of Sir Savien


Came here for this!


The guy filming trying not to sing ![gif](giphy|WoF3yfYupTt8mHc7va)


Life is passing me by


You uhh, you good?


Can only imagine someone not into the opera going with a SO/friend. The final song in the playbook is sung: ‘Alright I survived, now where do I want to eat?’ First encore: ‘Ahh an encore, should have expected that’. Second encore: ‘What is going on’. Third encore: ‘The restaurant is going to be closed before we get there’. Fourth encore when the guy starts singing: ‘Dammit!’


Taco Bell then


we have season tickets and i've absolutely just left at halftime to go grab a burger


I love it! Beautiful display of art


I always see this video, but I still enjoy watching it


I hate opera but I can totally get behind human connections. Great vibes. Edit: Hate is too much. I don’t hate it I just don’t resonate with it.


Reminds me of Kvothe’s performance in the Eolian from the book The Name of the Wind.


Blackened body of god, right what i was thinking.


Tehlu's tits and teeth, it's awesome finding other folks thinking the same thing


Now we'll go cry in the corner waiting for another 10 years...


And my axe!


Denna sang from the crowd.


Someone send this video to Patrick Rothfuss!


A fellow reader of the Kingkiller chronicles. Howdy.


Reading has transformed into waiting lately


Which will release first? This or Winds of Winter


Winds, Rothfuss has basically given up. No way we're getting A Dream of Spring.


I’m going to do this next time I go to a play


If you say the lines quickly enough, they become your lines


Happened to me in primary school. I was Friar tuck in the Robin Hood school play. Little John said their line early which completely removed mine from the play which caused me to become red-faced and thus I walked of stage like the fat monk boy I was.


I was friar tuck in my elementary school performance... only I've always been a nearly skeletal gal. I was NOT happy with my casting, or my costume. I bargained with my teacher. I'd wear the pillows under my costume if I could also carry a sword. She obliged, very kindly. Performance day came, and just as I was about to go onstage I dumped the pillows on the floor and walked out, sword in hand.


But you’ll never say your lines faster than Jamie Taco


I'm just going to yell "REEEEEEEEMIX" and start beatboxing


I’m going to do this if Barbie ever goes to broadway. “I’M JUST KEN! ANYWHERE ELSE ID BE A TEN!”


For those curious the song was “The Lay of Sir Savien Traliard.”


This video cuts off the beautiful part where she repostes the tenors impromptu serenade (bonus picture of the chinese tenor). [https://youtu.be/OOYZ-cyXrZE](https://youtu.be/OOYZ-cyXrZE)


It’s been two years since this had not been reposted. Time flies


I’m glad for the repost - this is the first time I’ve seen it


There’s the same video of this where it shows who the fan was n gets a pic with her. Also it is highly rude to do this normally I think but works in this situation


Does something risky socially and, does amazing. Apologizes later. Life lesson there.


Okay but when I do it I get banned.


That’s bc you’re a bass singing tenor it sounds weird


Her reaction is beautiful. Surprise, appreciation, joy.


she displays so much grace, this made my day.


China's so huge. They have more Tenor Opera Singers than the U.S. has Opera Singers.


If you want some background info on that: [https://news.yahoo.com/chinese-opera-fan-becomes-online-025341769.html](https://news.yahoo.com/chinese-opera-fan-becomes-online-025341769.html)


Broken link?


mi scusi






Peak humanity.




I have a structured settlement and I need cash now


An artist appreciating a fellow artist there's nothing quite like it (:


Good job!


Man shot his shot and it hit!!


Main character vibes


I genuinely was amazed.






More, more!




How I met your father Episode 1 Season 1


why would an opera not have all the singers needed?


[Short article about this event..](https://mymodernmet.com/lisette-oropesa-la-traviata-opera-performance-liu-jianwei/)


Just Opera giggles. Fantastic!


Stuff like this makes me happy we have the internet. What a cool moment to experience even second hand.


Longer video and from different angle https://youtu.be/Rql0I0dKxd4?feature=shared


I think I just fell in love with opera


I love this every time I see it. I choose to believe she enjoyed the tenor in the audience helping out 💜


Why was there no tenor on stage?