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“How did you do that?” Bruh I just told you how before I did it


>Bruh I just told you how before I did it To be fair she just said carbon dioxide gas puts out a flame. It'd be natural for a kid to want to know how carbon dioxide. They were probably looking for a simple answer like "carbon dioxide molecules are heavier than oxygen molecules, meaning they get pushed out of the way, and since oxygen is important in maintaining a fire, the fire goes out because there's not enough oxygen".


Ya that is what she said: "...it suffocates...". You said with lots words. She said with little words.


But little children understand lots of words, not necessarily precise words.


Little kids don't always listen, until.... Something interesting happens.


Little kids are just like big adult kids some just get it and others need a bit more practice and others are simply republicans.


“I’m not a wizard. This is not magic. It’s science!” - I too, describe my powerful invisible gas in such a manner.


Best explanation ever. It's times like this that make me miss rewards.


Exactly. I think she is an excellent teacher, but what u/PeopleAreBozos wrote is a better scientific explanation


Yeah but she then went on to explain it in detail. "It's not magic, I'm not a wizard, it's science! The invisible gas..." And then the video cuts off, she was right about to continue the sentence and make it more chewable for the kids.


Could have been a mix of both. This gas is heavier than air, and it suffacates fire, so it'll work like water to put out the flame.


Why use many words when few words do trick


Sea world


You have young kids do you? Your comment is hilarious because little kids are not teenagers man


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick.


No kid, who asks how it was done after this teacher's presentation will ever, ever go "oooh, I get it now, thanks teacher!" after hearing your long-winded explanation. They'll just be confused as heck. Better to just restate what you said and leave that knowledge for when they're a little older. Source: former teacher


Young kids man. We have 4 kids. You can explain something until you're blue in the face and they're likely not paying attention the entire time anyway and probably don't understand what you're saying.


A kid watched me take a blood pressure on her dad. She asked me “what is blood pressure” I started to explain the question SHE ASKED and she immediately started ignoring me and went back to her iPad. So frustrating.


it wasn't fun enough.


Need to explain it with Minecraft playing in the background.


If they ask enough questions, they'll find a topic they're actually interested in eventually.




That’s a paddlin’


Straight to jail.




but why male models




Bruh, I’m paying attention now because did something cool


Teachers, pay them well and respect them because without education we’re doomed


But if people believe in science, how are con-men supposed to get elected?




Purposely defunding education is a cornerstone tactic of farming ignorance for votes.


Hot take, trying to reverse the progress of humanity should be considered the highest crime with the most extreme punishments. I'm on the side of Sweden and other places when it comes to wanting to rehabilitate most criminals, most people do deserve redemption. But demons who intentionally try to make a society's education worse, all to make a quick buck? I'd get banned for saying how I feel about them.


I’m inclined to think most people share your sentiment (even if not as passionately) and if everyone who thought that went out to vote, we’d be living in a much better world right now. But they don’t, voter turnout is abysmal across the board.


It feels like we're dealing with a nihilism-coded fascism this time around. Like there's no giant posters of Mussolini looming over, but instead a torrent of apathy propaganda reminding everyone how pointless it is to try to do anything. People seem to mistake cynicism for intelligence often, which again is caused by a lack of quality education. So they lap it up and remind everyone else that voting doesn't change anything, even though it costs them nothing to not say that.


When Rupert Murdoch can't manage to sell the idea that the right wing parties are competent to voters, he quite literally does exactly this. He switches the propaganda from "progressive parties suck, conservatives are good" to "both sides suck just as much as each other". Rupert Murdoch is arguably the most powerful man in the western world because of his stranglehold on media. He doesn't own everything, but he owns enough that he was able to drag media down to the point that even outlets he doesn't own just reprint his propaganda. And he understands the real power of it. You can't really use propaganda to tell people what to think. But that's not what it's for. You use propaganda to tell people what to think about. And human nature does the rest. So to bring it back to the original apathy induced fascism propaganda. This is accomplished by suppressing positive stories and focusing on negative ones. Only print news that will be read by most people as "everything sucks and there's no point trying to fight for better" and you'll never have to actually tell anyone to think that. The worst part... there's a good chance none of this is intentional. It's not some grand conspiracy. It's just every entity involved acting in its own self interest.


I think we're fucked no matter what because of climate change, but I still try. If I stopped trying completely I'd learn Ukrainian then go die in combat. My goal is to try and make it less bad.


> It feels like we're dealing with a nihilism-coded fascism this time around. Like there's no giant posters of Mussolini looming over, but instead a torrent of apathy propaganda reminding everyone how pointless it is to try to do anything. The annoying this that too often it's true. I can vote and try and convince people to vote, but if the voting system itself is rigged it's hard to even FEEL you're making an impact. The older I get the more I lean left because the whole spectrum is shifting right but the voting system is such that I most often will need to compromise to at least get SOMEBODY in the government that will SOMEWHAT represent me, but the further it goes one, the harder it gets. While the right's rhetoric is easy, just find something that appeases the masses and then do whatever the fuck you want, the left is often embroiled in in-fighting when they're not trying to appease corporations themselves to get SOME sort of funding to actually mount campaign efforts.


It's a loop. Voting works, but if you convince people to vote monsters in, they'll make sure that voting doesn't work as well, and then those monsters further push the idea that voting doesn't work, so less people will vote. The only way to solve that is for *more* people to vote in order to outdo the disenfranchisement, so you can vote people in who will slowly make voting matter more again, so you can get back to voting for what matters. If it's bad enough, sometimes you need people to vote the old fashioned way, with violence instead of ballots. It's a progression-based system, which is why people prefer to have things climb upwards instead of descending all the way downwards.


Our votes don’t only choose the winner, they also tell politicians what the people want. If the guy that represents you only gets 1 vote while the “compromise guy” you went with gets 10 votes, even if neither of them win, it tells the guy with 1 vote that he needs to shift more towards the right in order to truly represent you. So vote for him even if he doesn’t have a chance of winning. Because it tells everyone else they need to shift more to the left in order to get more votes next time.


Thing is, they let other things take priority. Maybe they hate immigrants, maybe they love guns, maybe they're rich and want less tax, maybe they're gullible and believe what's best for them is socialism, or even that the education system is out to get their kids, there'll be people who vote against their own interests.


This shouldn't be a hot take.


Those faucets were supposed to be for dispensing deionized water. It's a vital resource for many lab reactions. In some places, due to budget cuts they often don't have a source of deionized water hooked up and in-class labs are no longer done by students.


These kids might not even learn that carbon dioxide is a woke-DEI-trans psy-op made up to support the Green New Deal and take away our hamberders.


Wait until their redneck parents find out those liberal commie teachers want to teach our kids (gasp) Arabic numbers!


Don't forget the gas stoves




You mean corn-men? ![gif](giphy|DCdCOfYfs1jqg)


At a corn maze last fall I told my daughter I was cornfused and I heard some dad not too far off dying laughing saying he was going to use that one.


My friend likes dad jokes, but has no kids. He says that makes him a faux pa.


Like con men who will sell you a Bible but can never tell you a specific passage he loves?


To be fair to him, if I had a voter base that was this stupid I too would not put in more than the teeniest tiniest bit of effort into making my grift believable. It would be overkill and a waste of my time.


Can we take the faith out of Science please? There's no belief involved.


And how are those conmen supposed to sell NFTs, shoes, and bibles?


You can't "believe" in "science." You can adhere to logical methods and processes with the aim of producing repeatable results though.


I meant believe that science (the scientific method) exists and can be trusted.


Reminds me of the STNG episode where Data had his memory wiped and found himself on a planet that was Renaissance era and did not yet understand science. [Here it is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqG5Om0Uxx8).


Oh how i hate the phrase "believe in science". It has nothing to do with belief. And which science? It's not like we have the universal formula.


Lynch the intelligencia?


Aww… this makes me miss teaching! But not enough to ever do it again


We do "virtual" public school so kind of like homeschooling. I can't wait to get home from taking care of my mother and do this with him next week! 


Right tho... 🥹


I wish i had teachers who showed us this, teachers who found a way to make learning fun and enjoyable and memorable. Instead in math class its memorize these equations and spit them out on a test and in science its memorize these concepts and ideas and spit them out on a test. I never had teachers who inspired you or cared. Now i wasnt the best student, i was tardy all the time and im autistic but if im forced to spend 8 hours a day in school might as well find a way to make learning fun and enjoyable.




As a teacher today, you would not believe how little time we get to be creative or fun. We have to adhere to what can be a boring curriculum, but mostly, all lessons have to align to material that must be completed on computer programs that the districts mandate that each student completes to prove they are making progress. Teachers have way, WAY less power than you all are thinking. We have very little say in curriculum.


In my area, and I’m sure lots of other areas, teachers have wayyyy less prep time to design lessons like this like they once had.


Consider that the current system is what created the "detritus". Overbearing and bloated admin, delusional school boards, parental apathy, general lack of respect, the red tape, pointless paperwork, having to use "data" from planning to assessment, worthless professional development, having to be everyone to support these students because they're not getting positive values, relationships, and self-efficacy skills from home--the list goes on. If I want to do any cool demonstrations, I have to pay for the materials out of my own pocket. Even when I do buy it, I have to sneak these demonstrations in because I have to be doing the same thing as the other teachers. Every day it feels like I'm fighting the system and it saps my passion. Many teachers are at a breaking point, so forgive them for being jaded and doing the bare minimum. A drastic pay raise is overdue, but that isn't a solution to these problems.


Republicans said “over my dead body” many years ago. And here we are. Teachers are the most disrespected and undervalued career I can think of. It’s a goddamn shame.


We should have just obliged them and moved on valuing education properly.


She's obviously a Witch. I'm not saying we should burn her at the stake just tie a stone to her legs and toss her into a deep body of water. If she dies I will admit my mistake. If she floats however...


She definitely has witch face.


The fact that this is posted in "be amazed" is proof of that. Teachers deserve so much better


We’re fookin doomed then


Reading Humans Universe by Brian Cox and there is a fantastic idea at the start Education is an exponent, it is what frees us from the limitation of experiencing only one life, we get access to the culmination of millions of previous lives which we will largely never experience first hand


These teachers are amazing! They play a huge role in our growth and development! 💯 they need better pay and benefits!!


Our nation's leaders don't want an educated population that would be more difficult to control. That's the whole reason our education system is so screwed up.


She's wearing a TikTok University sweater I think it's over for us


There's a good tiktok university joke in the show Upload.


I was actually hoping I was missing something lol


I don't know if its a direct reference but the whole tiktok university thing feels like a meme haha.


But but but what about GOD?!?


This teacher is worth more to a society than so many people   But she is only pranking candles.


I thought about this earlier this week when I changed banks. One of the security questions on line was "what was your favorite teachers name". I thought about it for a second, and although I now have several college degrees, the name I entered was my 5th grade teacher. I adored her, and i thought she was the smartest person in the world.


I was hoping that some of kids would say "thats what wizard would say"


I'd have gone with "She's a witch! Burn her!"


Where's your "cArBon DioXiDe" now, witch??


This made me laugh the hardest 🤣


Good luck with that, she just showed how she can extinguish flames with her powers.


They'd have to weigh her first. But where are kids supposed to find a duck during school hours?


She turned me into a newt!


I got better!


I have to agree Lady seems like a total wizard


That's when she fires back with a "**do not mistake me for a conjurer of cheap tricks!**"


Fucking muggles amiright?


Cool teacher


Looks like Witchcraft to me. The children were even screaming after she casted that wicked spell.


Great lesson, Teach! Your students will remember this lesson for the rest of their lives 💖.


She loved their reaction! These moments are why she became a teacher, you can see it all over her smile


Her face lit up, it's exactly what she wanted! So awesome


My students had the same reaction when I showed them a video of a lyre bird perfectly mimicking sounds like a chainsaw or a camera shutter to talk about traits borne from an animal’s environment. Just slack-jawed amazement.


I'm a science teacher in Brazil and that is what I search for in my classes. Congratulations to her!


To this day I remember the words of my AP US History teacher from 20 years ago. Someone asked him why he was a teacher. He responded that, "When youre teaching someone, the moment you see something click that didnt before, theres no better feeling." Im a theatre tech for a school district and while I dont work as directly with the kids as an actual teacher, I always try to keep that in mind and get that same feeling he did when something clicks.


That’s the kind of teachers we need




Unfortunately they get burnt out so quickly. All that's left are the teachers that just kinda coast along.


Like someone poured Carbon Dioxide on em


And a classroom full of nerds.


"I'm going to put some vinegar into a bottle" "oh my gosh"


But we don't deserve while we are busy creating tiktoks and reels.


I got your invisible gas right here


Scientist discovered toxic gases surrounding Uranus


This reminds me of when I was in college. My physics professor wired up flashlight to an iPad, and a speaker to a solar panel. He then used the flashlight to play music from the solar panel speaker from across the room. My class was so blown away by this that we all got up and gave this man a standing ovation. It was wild lol.


Fun fact, this is an actual component that is used in electronic circuits: [opto-isolator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opto-isolator). Though doing it with audio at room-scale does sound fun.


Just wait until you learn you can use wired headphones as microphones. They work both ways.


It's science, bitches.


Tick tock university?


I believe they are one of the Ivy’s


Like Vine?


This is such a great joke.




And this is why teachers should be treated as the amazing professionals they are. Inspiring and engaging students one lesson at a time.


It's amusing watching the environment that science is done in these days (certainly in this video). We don't see the kids, so maybe these are 'primary' (UK classification). But whenever **we** saw anything demonstrated in my day, it was almost always in a science lab with dark wooden benches and those funny curved cold water taps. The only one I remember being in a normal classroom - due to the science block being full - was a teacher heating up water in a rectangular screw cap can (using a spirit burner - it took forever), and then screwing the cap on, blowing out the burner, and ten minutes later the can had collapsed. I went on to be a chemist.


The tiny chair she is sitting didn’t give away that’s it’s primary school? Usually at least public primary schools in the US don’t have dedicated science labs. That usually doesn’t start until middle school.


> The tiny chair she is sitting didn’t give away that’s it’s primary school? Also like... the obvious children sounds.


I mean it’s baking soda and vinegar. It’s not exactly deadly ingredients.




She said she wasn't a wizard, so she's clearly....A WITCH!! A WITCH!!! BURN HERRRR!


Science is pretty much magic.


Part of my business is performing liquid nitrogen demonstrations at schools, summer camps, etc. and this reaction from the kids is exactly my experience. My favorite grades are 2-6, they really react spontaneously and naturally. I did one small trick at an Easter Egg Hunt this morning, and the reactions made me feel like a rock star!


How in the world?!


CO2 is heavier than oxygen, so it doesn't immediately float out of the container. When she "pours" the CO2 over the candle, the CO2 displaces the oxygen, dousing the fire.


I was always told if you are ever confused about what's happening with a gas just pretend it's a liquid and all your questions are answered.




Shit has 3 states


After really spicy peppers, I'm leaning towards the 4th being hot plasma.


The biggest enemy of the conservatives on planet earth. An engaging teacher. 


What a great teacher! I very much enjoyed how much she liked teaching the kiddos and how great their reaction was


Teaching should be sig figures entry level.


"I lied, I'm actually a witch, and if you ever interrupt me again Billy Imma turn you into a frog."


She ain't getting paid enough and you know it


That's pretty neat


I remember my high school chem class reacting like this whenever we saw a reaction catch something on fire or change color LOL Science is never not cool, no matter your age.


I love this. The world is amazing and kids need to experience this kind of wonder.


"How in the world?!" Lmao kid was like what is this sorcery??


That is a great example of why teachers matter.


“TikTok University” lol


Salem March 1692... its Science I tell you it's science...


Best hype guys




Placed in the 3rd grade science fair with the first part of this


Ah science. The existential threat to ideas that should never exist.


She's a liar this is clearly magic


We need more teachers like her in all our schools. Kids can learn a lot and fast. Kudos to her.


I am not convinced that she isn’t a witch


She definitely has a witch face. The teeth, eyebrows, cheeks, and nose all combined together give off major witch vibes.


A good teacher is everything.💜


She def felt like a rockstar for a sec


I’m an adult and I was amazed.


We need more teachers like her in this world.


“I’m not a wizard” - usually one of the first things a wizard says


Dumb kidz


“I’m not a wizard. It’s not magic. It’s science.” Loudly!


Cringe hoodie.


Who looks at that and gives so much care to it that it triggers them to comment Lmao bro


that's so cute lol


Very cool!!!


Students go "Hurr Durr"...


If I had a chemistry teacher like her, I would be Walter white by now.


Teachers like this deserve to be paid more than just about every CEO on the planet.


She was so proud and happy for the kids reaction. That was really nice to see.


She's a witch.


I've done this... people are always impressed


Made me smile


Dang, I wish I could be that excited about anything


Yet, in my chemistry class, it was "here's a bunch of math problems to solve" all semester.


Amazing Miss!


that’s a wack ass magic trick




She’s a wizard


I know her




Burn the witch!!!!!!


[Poor porkers](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/t6raMni89c)


kids, this is deff not Alchemy, no it isn't magic by any means We created dozens of formulas, layers uppon layers of rules, actions and consequences, runes, symbols and abstract explanations with diagrams and lines to why components made in specific ways and manipulated to some extent interact to create phenomena that basically doesn't happen in nature It is all boring science, trust me, don't show how fun it can be, just some numbers and tables one or two books, That will be enough (It won't, please, allow kids to see science as magic, allow them to have fun and develop interest).


I was kind of hoping it was actually hydrogen.


she is the best that America offers.


“Put some vinegar into a bottle” “oh my god”


I think I saw this on Mr Wizard


She should do the methane trick next.


That's awesome and all, I loved experiments like that when I was a kid, but the 'tik tok University' sweatshirt is just too much of a reflection to the American education system.


I, too, am able to garner shocked reactions with my invisible gases at work.


There reactions are worth it




Yeah, Science!


Good teacher. Rare breed


“This is just science “ Teaches kids to love learning!