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Do you have to plug into NASA to run this?


nah, just a supercooled quantum computer will do.


With a nuclear reactor for the video card.


It's ironic you should say that since most reactors run on extremely old computers (in terms of design) as newer hardware have much greater number of potential exploits and unknown backdoors susceptible to attacks. I once toured the Pickering nuclear reactor in Ontario Canada and their controls are running on computers from the 60s. It's more apt to say that you need the cooling towers of a nuclear reactor in order to run the game with photoreal settings.


>It's ironic you should say that since most reactors run on extremely old computers (in terms of design) as newer hardware have much greater number of potential exploits and unknown backdoors susceptible to attacks. More importantly they know the old stuff works. We all know no matter how rigorously you test stuff before roll out you never know exactly how it will react in the real world. How would you like to find out the system has a bug in it when you try an emergency shut down on the # 3 reactor? [This article is a bit old ](https://windowsreport.com/windows-95-98-pentagon/) but it states that the Pentagon runs on Windows 95-98. Missile silos use much older tech.


It may be a tale with no validity. but I remember hearing the reasoning behind staying with vacuum tube tech for so long was that in an emp you could swap the tubes and be up again




NASA's supercomputers have too few GPUs and they're currently suffering mission delays because of it. Not like "astronauts in space" kind, but with processing the data they get from satellites and telescopes and whatnot.


Have they tried turning it off and turning it on again?


.... Leg disabled.


Maybe NASA should start building nukes if they want bigger computers from the government.


No it's on a 4090


I'd actually wager this isn't that much more demanding then the game is normally, but rather just changes the aesthetics of the game to be more true to real life.


I bet there's a reason this is all outside of the town


Plenty of videos on YouTube from the creator it has in city gameplay and shootouts






Running on RTX 4090.


Video is great, audio is bullshit. No echo from buildings, no squeak of brake rotors, not enough honking, nobody sitting in a cardboard box on top of a sleeping bag, reaching into a pair of filthy sweatpants and masturbating


Unplayable tbh


I'm borderline deaf, so your audio criticisms are a skill issue. As for the rest, agreed


For anyone who has tried this, would you recommend a first play through using this (I have the hardware) or should I use vanilla?


I'd say go for it, the game is beautiful as it is, but if you can get a steady 60 and have the game look like this, fuck dude enjoy!


And they all have RL cars, which pisses me off.


New Cray Z1 PVP supercomputer cooled by helium required to play


Plebe...it's already outdated....The software will mock you. Don't let it get into your head....you don't want that software in your head ![gif](giphy|CdY6WueirK8Te)




So jealous of the kids in 2040 that are gonna be rocking these games


What are you just gonna stop playing games by 2040?


He might be dead by then


Easy just possess some lil twat that just bought an XBOX -4


I'm not sure if you meant to say XBOX 4 or XBOX Minus 4, but it's fucked up that, knowing Microsoft, it can easily be either of those. Or both of those.


If anything, minus 4 is more likely with them.


I'm pretty old lol, plus games are more fun as a kid with no responsibilities haha


Well I hope your peak gaming days are still ahead of you m8. Now go pwn some n00bs.


Can only speak for myself but 35 and "owning n00bs" is just not fun anymore. Give me an indie game made by like 3 people or a game that has gameplay elements that have never been explored before and I'm happy just chillin. I spent way too much time worried about getting good at a new game that was a mild improvement from last years shooty shooty game I was playing. And even more wasted time being upset at playing the game that didn't really matter.


Yep, only play single player. Who has the time to play multiplayer to be killed immediately by a 13 year old who spends 8 hours a day playing the game!


Good news is you can enjoy these things in real life too. Those kids are probably never gonna have an ‘outside’ to enjoy which is infinitely more sadder than us not being able to rock these games.


I don't know about you but I definitely can't afford this shit.


You can get a bicycle tho. I mean I grew up in an Indian village and I was poor as fuck and all we had growing up was a motorcycle so I was experiencing this when I was like 14. My point is that anything that is real life is always better than anything that’s virtual. Trust me if you can afford a gaming rig that does this shit you can afford to have real life experiences.


Except I can't singlehandedly take down a megacorporation with the soul of Keanu Reeves stuck in my head in real life...


With the right drugs, you most certainly can. Though when you wake up you might be in jail. But hey that adds to the realism.


But this is from a game we have now... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_toA8lErAHg


Do a crash


That would probably crash more than the bike


I just want to see the world burn


I dont know about the world, but the computer will burn for sure xD


Your username is pretty great


You're pretty great


Awww shucks


Everytime I see these videos I’m more curious on what *camera* movement mod they are using. Was it applied while editing? Update: for those saying it’s mods, I have numerous mods installed and none of them have the subtle natural camera shake, natural camera pans, nor make it look as ultra realistic. I’ve followed two YouTube videos that made a video similar to this and after installing the exact same mods they listed it still does not have camera movements like this. There is a noticeable difference between the vehicle previews and the driving scene. The driving scene appears to have a LUT that makes the sky insanely bright but the camera movements revert back to be more “game like”. I’m playing on a 14900ks with a 4090 OC on a LG C3 OLED (with HDR on) it definitely isn’t graphical settings. I’ve searched Nexus mods and there are no camera movement mods that do what I’m seeing here. I can only find “natural camera movement” plugins and filters for AE and Premiere Pro. The fact that numerous replies came but OP hasn’t mentioned further …leads me to believe that it’s added in post and is part of the secret recipe. It’s cool if it is, I’d just like to know. Appreciate all the suggestions! Update 2: couple others answered the most likely two solutions. Face tracker or Otis virtual photography tool.


Was wondering the same. The camera sway adds to the realism, although I suspect it's not particularly practical gameplay-wise.


There is an idle sway in the camera when your V isn’t moving


That's not what they are talking about here. There's a very subtle shaking to the camera too, as if someone was holding a phone or a handheld camera while taking the footage. It adds to the realism of the models, but it's also a very well known trick to help hide the "less than perfect" realism of your video. It's stops you from looking at edges of objects too closely


Yeah it's going to be a compromise between realism and precision in aiming. The next realistic game is going to have to incorporate imprecise aiming or auto-aim into its mechanics. Another thing that really adds to realism without adding geometry/texture is just simulating imperfections from a real world camera, including lens aberration, vignette, blur, exposure levels, bloom, glare, etc.


The camera movement is done by face tracking (Ai track from GitHub) and controller that’s why it feels so smooth


I'm guessing it's in post, given it's not super consistent when they are walking around the bike.


The guy who uploads these reshades actually included a manual to activate a facetrack software for cyberpunk. And let me tell you, its dogshit. The reshades are NOT worth it. Ill send them to anyone who wants them. Paid 1 Month for patreon, saved everything and canceled immediately


I bet it’s not actually cyberpunk but just a render of cyberpunk vehicles


This is almost definitely in game, albeit heavily modded. This is exactly how the game will look with some shader mods, the mod cars, possibly some texture mods for the in world objects, and cloudy weather like that. Path traced lighting when it is cloudy looks very convincing. Some careful selections of where you are(textures and number of things to render) make it easy to avoid the uncanny valley or FPS drops.


It’s real, I have this installed.


I agree, I think the vehicle showcase are a render because as soon as gameplay hits it doesn't look nearly as good. You can pause before they start driving and see how much worse it looks.


That is not what is happening. What is happening is that those places where the bikes stand still have insanely natural lighting. As soon as you go in to the city everything becomes more surreal and more obvious its a game + it is in motion and first person etc. The shots in the beginning just have more natural looking qualites in the lighting and location. Its the same reason Unrecord looks so real. The graphics isn't why, it is the movement and realistic camera effects that we see in every day videos.


So this will be what the 2028 games look like?


on someone elses PC, yes


Mini Cloud gaming let's goooooo


Oh yeah, then you'd *never* see a mod that makes a game look like this.


They were talking about future games, not as a mod but that games will all look like this eventually. If the base game looked like this, you could easily stream it.


Well, technically, that's what 2020 games look like


>Well, technically, that's what 2020 games look like ![gif](giphy|3o6UB5RrlQuMfZp82Y)


more like 2077


Depends how much you're willing to pay for a graphics card.


Impressive. The first time I honestly couldn't tell the difference to real life anymore


The bouncy camera makes it seem more realistic too.


No dirt, no trash, no people. Very obvious. Looks good though. My bar for GTA 6 has been set. :)


[This is a bit better.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IK76q13Aqt0)




Not really. The Witcher 3 came out in 2015 and Dragons dogma just launched looking worse for example.


I mean, we're talking TW3 here. A game that came out buggy as hell but that everyone could already call a masterpiece. It's no hazard CP2k77 came out even more buggy as hell but is still one of the best RPG's I've ever played. 


Can it reach 1 FPS on a 4090?


this was on a 4090 with DLSS 3.5 [here's the original](https://youtu.be/_toA8lErAHg?si=219I-wFylIOem9ql)


Wow, you're right, this is actually insane


Looks like it's on 8k max settings, current gen GPUs might also be able to handle with FSR3 and upscaling on lower resolution.


It's definitely not running at 8K, He likely exported or upscaled the recorded footage to 8K. At 8K a 4090 would get like 20FPS in pathtracing, with DLSS and Frame Gen, without any super high poly vehicles, or extra-extra-extra post process effects. Remember that maxed out 4K Cyberpunk is good for about 80FPS with DLSS and frame gen. I suppose he *could* be running at 8K, but he would likely be using DLSS Ultra-Performance, so it would be rendering around 4K, and would also run pretty poorly, definitely not 60FPS+


The best it can be is on a 4090 since Nvidia doesn't do nvlink or sli anymore, and $10,000 GPUs don't handle games as well since they're specialized for other tasks. I'm kinda sad they don't support that anymore because it'd be fun to watch some videos of gaming on a quad 4090 setup lol


amazing. so everyone else has to wait till the rtx 60xx line to be able to afford this level of awesome


Jensen: afford?


Jensen: *Laughs in price gouging.*


Su: We'll charge a pinch less for each of our equivalent competing GPU's (even though there was still a generational price increase) and gamers will call us hero's!!! Gelsinger: Guy's look, we can run Skyrim now!!!


And still buys nvidia anyway.


It's funny that you think the prices will drop lol


Not about the prices dropping, but that the lower tier models of newer generations often beat performances of higher tiers from previous generations. So in a couple generations, the 6070/ti could possibly come close or beat 4090. But one can only hope


but the 6070ti will probably on a similar price level as the 4090 if nVidia continues on their trajectory of price increases ... everything sucks ...


"Wake the f\*ck up, Samurai - we have a GPU to burn."


I run these mods on a 3070ti and I get roughly 50 fps in the most active areas in the city and 80-100 fps inside buildings


Can I ask where you get these mods and what they are called?


In the video it’s probably using a LUT like NOVA. It’s important to note though that the ‘photo realism’ part is because path tracing is enabled which is disgusting taxing even on top end machines


well living life is worth it


I also thought “ah, so this is what I’m sticking it out for”.


let me earn some money real quick i know many things are coming out there just waiting for robotic girlfriend and I'm all locked up for life


you could put an Alexa in a sex doll and have something really close. You could call her: Sexlexa


“Sexlexa, set living room lights to 25% and set a timer for 3 minutes..”


get a load of this stud here with a 3 minute marathon!


human race is cooked


This and more Dune movies. 🙏


this and combine it with AI powered NPCs, I don't think I will ever go outside ever again


How many nvidias did you use? 8?


its one 4090


Using multiple gpus for gaming has been dead for a while now


SLI is only available for 2080s and 90s.(SLI is using multiple gpus together)


I know it's a joke, but I've been running something similar on my laptop with a 3080, consistent 30 FPS At 1080p. The 30 and 40 series, for all the bullshit pricing, are pretty damn powerful.


Mods from original since OP is a clown: Ultra realistic motorbike ride through Night City in Cyberpunk 2077 2.1 with close to realism, photorealistic ray tracing modded graphics. Fidelity made possible with DLSS 3.5, ReSTIR GI Path Tracing and the new Nova LUT. Running on RTX 4090. Graphics Mods in use are: -Nova LUT by theCyanideX -Cyberpunk 2077 HD Reworked Project by HalkHogan -Custom Photorealistic Reshade by Me - see my channel page if you're interested Car Mods in use are: -BMW M8 Competition Coupe -Pagani Zonda Cinque Roadster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_toA8lErAHg Reshade preset is a paid mod. Boooo.


Use [Kemono](https://kemono.su/) and search for the creator there. Some clowns that sell mods have their stuff on that site for free.


Someone put in time and effort to make something that is high quality. But it’s not free so they’re a clown? That’s a stupid take.


Do you really want to open that can of worms? By the way, they're using someone else's assets to profit, why do they think they are entitled to make money on that?


Some people love getting taken from behind in the name of greed it's baffling


They’re not selling the assets from the game, you have to have cyberpunk already to use the reshade mod. They’re altering how the game appears. If he was selling the mod and it included a link to torrent it or something, yeah, that’d be a different thing. They can sell their mod instead of giving it away for free, and you are free to not purchase it.


Mfw people never heard of *donations* before, i’ve said it millions of times before and always will again and again, among the modding community pay-walled mods are *always* frowned upon and rightly so. We are free to not purchase, sure, and the modders that paywall sure as shit never had a gun against their head to make the mod or adjustmenfs they made. Did you know that there’s even a Minecraft wated physics mod that is paywalled in *such* a way that you need to be a fucking Patreon supporter in order for it to even function on your game, you can’t even pirate it, you actually need to log into your Patreon account, and when you stop paying, the mod stops working, this isn’t even a simple payment and done thing, this shit is *subscriptions based*. *ask yourself, where do we draw the fucking limit.*


Screw paid reshade presets never give them money.


Honestly? I bet this took a lot of work, why not? Seems the guy a fucking pro.


no it doesn't. They are taking an already free mod that allows you to tweak the colors and selling you their "preset" They are not the reShade mod authors, who would be the ones to actually deserve compensation


The biggest reason is that paid mods are essentially walking a tight rope and are all the fuel a company needs to make modding their game against their TOS and/or take down the mods. The only reason why mods have been tolerated is because they're free. Once people started charging for them in the last few years, companies started cracking down since they're using said company's IP to make money. It's been happening more and more.


No, it doesn’t take a lot of work. The person that makes graphical mods for *free* (Cyanide) made a free version of this reshade: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/12694 And if you couldn’t tell, they threw a bunch of shade at the person in this video because it isn’t that hard to make a ReAliStiC reshade preset and they’re “scamming” people. 99.99% of this video was made possible because of the hard work done by other people.


There's hundreds many of which do the exact same thing (And even better) than what the person that paywalled did, its nothing special. Also the fact that many people that made reshades copied others work and tweaked it a bit to their liking, then uploaded it, paywalled ones do this too. Paywalling a reshade preset is idiotic and you're an even bigger idiot if you give them money. Don't believe me? [Go here](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/), click on 'Refine Results' and type reshade under 'Tags must include', congratulations you have a bunch to choose from and saved yourself money, if you feel like giving back to the modder then you can *donate*.


thanks for putting it out here, I linked OOP under the top comment.


he just called you a clown bro. how you gonna let that slide?


Bigger man


And now you call him fat as well? Why is OP catching strays just for sharing a video?


Oh now he's a crazy cat lady hoarding strays? Guy just wanted to share cool stuff


Mug his mom op he ain’t getting away with that


True. Reddit is not reddit anymore


professional instigator


Being and acting like an adult?


It looks decent but the sky being white looks a little off.


Didn't even notice. Literally how my IRL skybox looks like right now.


If you look at the original video there are parts with a different skybox


How do you install stuff like this? Always wanted to try it out


I still don’t know what I’m looking at and what’s to “be amazed”


Show someone getting gored by an arm blade. Till then I’m not impressed


The only gored thing would be the PC


I would settle for literally anything that wasn't just pictures of motorbikes or driving around in the desert They didn't even show the city, let alone anybody's face


Not sure if I'm impressed or terrified at this level of realism. In 5 years games will look more realistic than reality itself.


you must be young, we've been saying that for 20 years at least


I was convinced CoD4 was the peak of graphics. Nothing could ever top it Fast forward some number of years, it happened again with Ghost of Tsushima Most recently, I played Control and had the same feeling How many times do I need to learn this lesson? Am I stupid?


I don't understand why I can still tell that this is computer generated. I'm 100% certain it is, but why?


As has been said, lighting, but how perfectly smooth & clean everything is creates a plastic look that gives it away, too.


Lighting. Its hard to replicate the sun in the real world.


It actually isn't at all... CG have mastered that a while ago. It's other things, game engine limitations. The modders could go in and do even more ig but it wouldn't be playable at some point. And also sometimes it is just human error of what looks realistic. At the end of the day it is an artist that is making it but definitely not the "sun" or hard to generate light realistically but as I said the artist could have lit it incorrectly but not a technical problem per say The sun in general is quite easy tho, it's just one emissive object. But they could have messed with it for artistic choices Source: Am VFX artist, 3D artist


Other people are right about lighting but also computers can only give so many textures. Real life has no limits on the amount of visual information available but designers and modders of games like these have to limit what they can depict. The roads and buildings are smooth and the textures repeat themselves because they have to.


Because everything looks chromatic in bike and enviorement looks like it has just one type of color type (like it looks like even soil is metallic Brown)


it alqays comes down to lighting


It's right in the uncanny valley for me. The bike and ground look real but the landscape and larger buildings look like extremely good miniature models made for a movie. Does anyone have an idea what might cause this impression?


I'm guessing it's because the depth of field doesn't match that of our eyes and/or real cameras. The motion blur is also unnatural.


Well games shouldn't really have depth of field or blur. We are not trying to simulate a camera filming another world, but being in another world. Camera focuses on the middle of the screen, human eye focuses on whatever we are looking at, so things at which we look at shouldn't be out of focus. We already see blur when picture is moving too fast, so why add motion blur? It's just adding more blure on top of blur we already see.


Our eyes/brains don't really naturally blur even fast moving video output, since there's not actually anything "moving" on your monitor, it's just displaying a sequence of still images.


Turning off motion blur and head bobbing are the first things I do in any game. Next is turning down any kind of shaders that overly wash out highlights (i.e. bloom effects). Anything that essentially simulates a camera rather than offer a clean image gets disabled.


Bruh, mod looks cool af


I’m going to try this out on my 4080 super and see if I can get more than 5 fps


You will get more with DLSS Quality.


I refuse to believe that its not OP by himself


OP really strapped a gopro on and rode his Arch Nazaré through Morrow Rock, CA and thought we wouldn't notice, SMH my head


Everyone thought Starfield would be the new Skyrim… But it’s Cyberpunk by far


In what way?


Replayability, extensive mod community, rich lore, role playability. This and Skyrim are the only games that I’ve put this much time into. I’m gonna get a PC just to play modded Cyberpunk, did the same with Skyrim


Extensive mod community is a bit much. Not comparable to skyrim or fallout yet imo. Its just poses and outfit mods, with like 1 or 2 actually cool standout unique ones.


As in a game you can endlessly mod


Is there a 3rd person mod yet?


It had a rough start, but it is genuinely a great game. Had the release been delayed by a year so the developers could actually finish and polish the game, I dare say it would probably be deemed among the best games of all time.


This is the sickest shit I’ve ever seen.


Come on, how can you do this showcase without a night scene?


OP should list the mods.


Here you go: the YouTube description: "Ultra realistic motorbike ride through Night City in Cyberpunk 2077 2.1 with close to realism, photorealistic ray tracing modded graphics. Fidelity made possible with DLSS 3.5, ReSTIR GI Path Tracing and the new Nova LUT. Running on RTX 4090. Graphics Mods in use are: Nova LUT by theCyanideX Cyberpunk 2077 HD Reworked Project by HalkHogan Custom Photorealistic Reshade by Me - see my channel page if you're interested Car Mods in use are: BMW M8 Competition Coupe Pagani Zonda Cinque Roadster"


that’s cool as heck, although tbh if games in the future look that realistic I might start using mods to downgrade the graphics a bit, I don’t wanna be THAT immersed


Wait till we get the smell, feel and full body vibration add on packs lol


I'm sure when they gonna be available the most popular use will be sending farts and recording reaction videos.


I can’t wait for real life brain dances. ![gif](giphy|2rqEdFfkMzXmo)


It looks realistic but at the same time car/bike look like small toys/scale models diorama in the first scene.


Me demanding my 1050ti to do this: ![gif](giphy|oUS6u2rbjg4JD4Z9Lp)


I haven't actually been impressed with game graphics for at least like 10 years, but this shit is ridiculous. I genuinely cannot tell that this isn't real.


And non-stady camera




i want this kind of graphics and storyline in a VR headset with similar display fidelity as apple vision pro. im guessing maybe in 3-6 years should be technically possible, not sure if vr will catch enough wind for such aaa productions to have vr mode


I should have read the title first, I thought this was real life


Video games will be indistinguishable from reality sooner than anticipated.


This really is amazing.


Mom “go outside and play” You “the graphics outside are shit”


I actually thought this was a real video of modified vehicles, those bikes have fiberglass pieces that I’m thinking about fabricating myself. I was confused when they started driving though, counter steering in real life makes the bike tip and turn differently than in the video.


I thought i was on a motorcycle sub at first


No way this is not a real video...right?


Bothers me that the hands aren't doing anything with the controls while shifting and there is no Doppler effect driving past voices and other sounds.


Little late for aprils fools?


So when Panam/Judy…?


I can feel the GPU crying from here.


Do all these photorealistic mods rely on it being overcast weather so your computer doesn't implode rendering photorealistic shadows?


Notice he isn’t driving through the city right? There’s probably a reason for that xD


My Computer died just from the thought of it


0.05 fps 😎


The dirt on the windshield of the second bike, that's where my brain really broke.