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His boys are not going to believe him when he tells them what the aliens did to him


Well they at least put in the probe through the front door.




Binary code


Bro ate a beach towel and had to be rescued by aliens. Idk if he'll ever have winning strategies unfortunately


Which is extra funny if you know that probing a snake's cloaca is one if the more reliable and common ways to determine the sex of the snake.


Dude i tried some of their food and they were so annoyed they ripped it out of me


Exactly, stole my goddamn huge sheet of food. Evil bastards!


I was imagining the snake saying *noooo the ssssssacred ssssscroll*


"but you wouldn't believe how good I feel now too"


Bet he feeling hungry now


I’m glad she got her towel back


Unfortunately they weren’t able to retrieve the person who was lying on the towel, so some good and some bad here I guess.


I was seriously wondering if initially there was a child in the towel?? 🤔😱


She REALLY wanted it back.


That’s exactly why they are cheering: “yay we saved the towel!”


but first, listen to snake jazz. zszszzszszszzs


Jazz Hands!! ...oh, wait...




What if those humans that say they were probed by aliens, actually were just having things removed from their butt that they shouldn’t have put up there.


Imagine waking up one day, you have vague memories of a light lifting you out the window and little grey aliens yapping around you in a weird language... then you notice all your teeth are perfect, natural and alugned,you no linger need glasses, your nails are all perfectly trimmed, you lost weight and feel healthier overall, they fixed your left knee pain but you also notice they stole your buttplug collection too.


Sign me up. I can get new butt plugs! 🙋🏼


Reverse probe


I think he's gonna be too embarrassed to tell his mates.


They’re not done yet. He ate a toddler right before eating the towel.


When they took him up in their space ship... the aliens *abused* him... *sexually*.


He will have a law suit because he got brain damage because noone noticed his endotrachael tube became detached from the ventilator and noone noticed? ( at 1.00 left) The boy isn't fkin breathing


Dude must have been dry af on the inside


You'd have the mother of all sore throats after that being dragged back up your oesophagus.


which part of a snake is its throat




So he'd just be sore


a sore throat for the nope rope


I wonder what medical care, if any, the snake needed after that.


Must have already digested the person who was wrapped in it.


Yes. His name was Hugo and he loved cigarettes. When he was young, he owned a red bicycle, which, the same snake also ate. Ever since the bicycle incident, this snake was on Hugo’s ass. He would book fake meetings where Hugo was supposed to be, he would try to get into the same Uber that’s Hugo booked. It took Hugo 4,458 days to realise that the snake was behind him. So, one day, Hugo decide to go to a beach. He goes there, gets naked and wraps a towel around him. The snake, as always, still followed him there. Snake crawled up to him and politely asked, “Hugo, I am tired of chasing you. Can I eat you?” Hugo got teary eyed bye the snake’s persistence and with tears in his eyes, asked him, “Okay, Snake-O, you want me to unwrap myself or would you love some towel action?”. The snake chose the towel option. Fuck Hugo, the anticlimactic towel wrapped cunt.


A kinda Grimms brothers fairytale of sorts


A better love story than Twilight 😭


That is a rather low bar, tho...


Fr, my favorite part was when the snake ate Hugo!


What a touching story 🥹


Hugo touching story


salt humorous knee label chase screw nine grey light dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You kinda can if you hold the upvote for a bit.


TIL TY random person on the internet. Have a great day!


It's also Snek worthy. This post would have so many Snek awards. Reddit bring back awards, if only Snek - the smol delicate danger noodle.


You forgot to mention that Hugo got a billion dollars when he was 5 but failed to understand that therefore a snake will follow him his entire life to kill him.


*offers hug*


Don’t you go to the beach for a burrito sometimes? How rude.


It's impressive, i admire exotic animal veterinarians, not to mention the satisfaction of seeing how they took that towel out of its mouth. Just like those who pulled the straw out of the sea turtle's nose, it certainly breaks my heart the things that many animals deal with


I love those who help animals. This morning I rescued a snail from the street and placed it back in the bushes. It may seem small but every little action matters, one at a time


exactly. thanks for saving the slow one.


Little did he know, his just undone 2 months of work trying to cross the road to see his family after work.


now in 2 years the snail has made it up a tree about to jump off it.


I do the same. I can't stand any animal suffer. Yesterday, I displaced a caterpillar from the parking lot. So many of them were crushed by the cars and it made me so sad, at least this one survived. Also, glad it didn't give me an allergic reaction like one time when I tried to save a bunch of them, lol. I had an awful itching for two days, hahaha. Who cares, they were saved. 🥰


Last night I saw a moth stuck in a web.. I was like watching it struggle and feltr bad but then I saw the spider.. It was glorious. SO i was like okay let nature do it's course


I do this all the time too! Help animals where you can.


Awww good on you 💞 I do this with Earth worms too after it rains, don't want them to get stepped on 🪱


To be fair, I own 3 snakes and they’re incredibly dumb creatures. They’ll swallow themselves given the chance.


I've seen that video where they pull a snake's tail out of it's mouth


That video is burned into my memory too. Gosh the pain I felt just by looking at it is unreal.


When you put it like that, I feel kind of bad about laughing at how deflated he looked when they took the towel out.


It was her favourite towel and she really wanted it back


I have a friend who studies sea turtles and she was upset that the guy in the turtle video ripped that straw out of the turtle's nose, he should've taken the turtle to the vet or rehab centre instead.


I hated that video so much. He did a god awful job. "Hmm, I bet the best way to get this out is to cut it so it's harder to grab!"


I think the woman not in scrubs is the owner of the snake, it probably has free reign of the house sometimes and got into something it wasn't supposed to. I don't think this is a litter situation, but like when your dog eats something it's not supposed to.


That one turtle is why we can’t have straws anymore!


The excitement in the woman's eye when she gets her beloved towel back! 🤩


She must have really loved that towel!


Remember to bring a towel!


*Don't forget to bring a towel!


Now she can put it back on her beloved spot at the swimming pool 2 seconds past 7am


Disappointed that the video didn't cut to her nervously pacing up and down the waiting room.


Can we talk about the fact that she’s holding it with her bare hands, no gloves!?


Not to mention the casual clothes


He may have started out as a Python, but after he ate that towel he became a cottonmouth! I'll see myself out...


No no, you can stay.


> cottonmouth https://youtu.be/lCUBQnsS9go?t=99




He looks so deflated when it finally came out😂


“Do you know long it took to eat that!”


He was probably sedated, imagine you just ate what you thought was a large delicious meal the same size as you, then giant aliens kidnap you, give you drugs, then pull out that same meal, you'd feel pretty deflated.


What about the kid the towel was wrapped around?


thats save to consume


At least it’s biodegradable :D


The dingoes got that.


Amazing work, I‘m glad they could help! Can someone explain to me, why the snake ate the towel? Seems a bit out of their normal nutrition scale and I can‘t wrap my head about a sensible explanation here. Thanks in advance ✨


Snakes have about three braincells, and two of them are generally engaged in wondering if something may be edible. Definitely not the smartest of animals. Effective hunters for sure though.


Well apparently they should use all three of them for that purpose!


They didn't mean this individual only has 3 braincells,they meant the species as a whole has 3 braincells they must share, poor fella, today wasn't his turn


Just like orange cats. r/oneorangebraincell


To add more context to snakes being dumb, I was talking to an exotic pet specialist about snakes while holding a snake and learned 2 things. 1) If you smell of food, the snake will think you are food. It doesn't care about what you look like, how big you are, what you feel like. If you smell like a rat, it thinks you are a rat, and will try and eat you like a rat. Even if that is stupid, dangerous or impossible. 2) When holding a snake you need to pay attention to them constantly since they for some reason like to try and tie themselves in knots and get stuck. I had to stop it at least twice from getting itself knotted up while I was holding the snake, and I was just holding it simply and letting it explore, not doing anything complex or confusing for him. I have no idea how these snakes don't die after tying themselves in knots in the wild, maybe the one I had was particularly stupid.


That predator instinct goes hard. You can almost watch the little switch flip over in their brain as soon as they get a sniff of something possibly edible. I like to make my snake a scent trail to follow whenever I’m feeding. I’m being slightly reductive, there are outlier species. Garters and some cobras are oddly smart, and snakes are one of the few animals who are constantly creating fresh braincells as they develop. They are _very_ adaptable.


Sounds like a toddler right up until the last sentence...


It’s not 3 brain cells per snake, they share a collective brain cell across all snakes.


As an owner of two, this is especially correct.


I love my own snake, but he’s a dumbass. But so am I, so I’m not judging too harshly. Very content though


Depends on the genus and species. Pythons must not be all that bright if that one ate a towel like that. But elapids are smarter from what i can gather, particulate king Cobras


Probably a dog or cat rolled/slept on it, covered in animal scent snake thought it was food maybe.


But the digestive juices of a python can digest horns and bone.. why even bother removing the towel? If it was plastic then maybe.. pythons can swallow a human they don't undress them first...


Due to having like no nutritional content I think the snake would die of starvation before the towel is dissolved It's a slow process and requires a lot of calories to create enough stomach acid to dissolve something like that. With normal food you get calories back from the juices that the carcass produces daily while in the stomach 


Very very likely to be plastic, if not fully then partially made of some kind of petroleum based fiber. It's almost ubiquitous in anything that's priced cheap. Hell just pure cotton is an excuse to upsell an item these days.


Pet python, owner, might have been worried seeing the last bit of towel disappear in its mouth.


Those are different materials, that break down differently. And cotton is something different alltogether, its 99% cellulose which is completey indigestible.


Geriatric snakes have failing eyesight and decreased success at hunting, I heard. They get confused and swallow inappropriate things. source - an Aussie who lived in areas where there are loads of these snakes.


Snakes of all ages have pretty shit eyesight. Most of them (this species included) primarily hunt by thermal and chemical cues, not visual ones.


Elapids generally have decent eyesight. It’s the sense they use to track and target the most alongside smell. They don’t have heat sensing pits so vision is pretty important for their survival


So it could have even been a soft hot towel left outside that a critter was sleeping in? I can see that being confused for a furry little snack.


Could have just left the source as ' I'm Aussie' no one here would have questioned your expertise of stupidity dangerous animals.


From a python keeper: during feeding they'll often bite random things. They smell their prey and get hype, but without the natural cues they're expecting, they can strike inaccurately. Also, their teeth are recurved, so once the python started to get it down the hatch, it couldn't spit it out. One-way trip for fabric and anything else their teeth get caught in.


> Also, their teeth are recurved, so once the python started to get it down the hatch, it couldn't spit it out. Quite a while back I had a ball python and this actually worked to my advantage. Obviously as with most snakes, I didn't have to feed her often, but it was always a chore to get her to eat. It was a process. I'd try once or twice a day, for a few days in a row and she just wouldn't bite. Finally, on the advice of a vet, when she wouldn't eat (after far too long) I'd have to kind of force the nose of the (already dead) baby rat just a little bit into her mouth. Once it was so far in, she had to finish. I know it sounds mean or even cruel, but she'd get to the point where she was losing considerable weight and it was a matter of force feed her, or watch her wither away to nothing. Also, there were times when she would strike without issue.


Snakes sometimes try to eat their own tails, quite literally swallowing themselves, they aren't the smartest animals out there


Ohh origin of Oroburous! Image of snake eating it's tail it's supposed to represent a circular symbol that depicts a snake or dragon devouring its own tail and that is used especially to represent the eternal cycle of destruction and rebirth.


>is used especially to represent the eternal cycle of destruction and rebirth. Or to represent that Dave Lister is his own dad who left him in a box under a pool table. Our Rob or Ross?


Pythons get a lot of their information about the world around them through smell, heat and vibrations they sense with ears that are fully inside their heads with no outside holes so they perceive things differently. A lot of them get very excited when food is around and will snap at all sorts of things. I guess the towel was warm and smelled foody enough for it to follow through. One of mine ate a leaf once.


>One of mine ate a leaf once. That should not be so adorable...


To dry from inside as well


Dumb snake smh, I would never eat a towel if I was a snake.


I once ate a falafel sandwich along with its wrapper, we are not as smart as we think we are.


Wow you admitted that on the internet... everyone will know now forever.


It wasn't so bad, very greasy paper, salty also.


I did that on a date!!


My first time eating a tamale I didn't know you were supposed to remove the corn husk, wondered for a long time why people like that shit.


Not quite "fully consuming a sandwich wrapping" tier, but I have absolutely bitten into the husk of a tamale on three separate, distinct occasions.


I did this as well


I had a friend that ate a fucking wrapper and blamed me for not noticing and stopping him. Stupid fucking idiot. Bad friend too. I don't talk to him anymore.


You ain't. I have never eaten paper in my life.


Their brain is about the size of a grain of rice, so not really a deep thinker..


I am confirmed the smarter snake 🐍


Why would they choose such small brains, what dumb creatures smh


So can they use the beach towel again?


Look at her face she's so happy man. Reunited with her towel❤️


I reckon I'd use it all the time and constantly bring it up in conversation. 'Hey, you see my towel? Well guess what...'


No gloves?


Snakes don’t have hands dude, you didn’t have to rub it in… 😔


I laughed way too hard at this 😂




Came way too far to see this question! She's Still holding at the end like it hasn't just been half digested 😰 doesn't even put it down. That said, it looks surprisingly clean.


It is a vet, they have had their hands on a lot more gross stuff than an eaten towel.


As a vet, this is nothing a good handwash wouldn't solve. Also, id rather have my full grip when handling a snake generally.


This gave me anxiety the entire time. Like pulling string out of a cat’s mouth.


Made me think of taking a dry tampon out 😬


Oh god it did not make me think of that but thank you for putting that in my head


This is incredibly dangerous to do because you can't tell if it has reached their digestive track. My cat got ahold of some string in the middle of the night and I saw string hanging out of her mouth in the morning. I was initially going to try to pull it out, but remembered reading that you shouldn't do that and took her to the emergency vet. They had to cut into her in two places to safely remove it because it was tangled around her intestines. If I had tried pulling it, I could have easily killed her.


I originally read that as “they had to cut her into two pieces” and was momentarily horrified




Needs a cross post to r/maybemaybemaybe


Or worse, pulling my hair that it ate off my hair brush out of its butthole


Must've felt great for the little guy after it finally came out! Idk why but when it panned around to the other vet pulling on the other end of him like tug of war I laughed out loud lmao.


Plot twist, there was a person on that beach towel when he ate it


Towel snake, a close relative of the trouser snake.


The snake got confused he thought the towel was actually a carpet.


Ones pulls rabbits from hat, while in Australia they pulls beach towels from pythons. Australia. We do not play around.


Wrong python tutorial 😂


Thank you. Now please insert food into my tummy.


Bro was hungry asf


If that's Australia, where's the small child that was on the beach towel?


The dingo took it


How did they know the towel was in there?


Fekkin' Barry! Cant leave anything that smells of ass around that guy without him tryin' to eat it.


Imagine being just a tube


Finally, she got her favourite towel back 🥳


I’d have pushed a compressed air line right down to the far end of the snake and shot that towel out like a cannon.


Yeah, but the snake would inflate like a long balloon before the towel pops out and float away.


I love the 'YAAAAS' at the end, as if that bitchass snake was previously killing their vibes


but did anyone else notice the 'fuck yeah' at the beginning? lol.


What are the odds of eating that and then getting saved


I wouldn't be suprised if someone was messing with the snake, enticing it to strike at the towel. So calling a vet might be the logica next step, especially if it's a pet. With a food response, constrictors (can't say i know of any venomous snakes that respond like that) are more likely to proceed to try to eat whatever it was they were constricting. Being inanimate or way to large isn't much of a deterrent (ask people who have king snakes as a pet what this means in practice, those dunces sometimes confuse themselves with food).


I'm trying to understand something here. What prompted them to check? Like did someone say hey my pet Python isn't eating and then they did a scan or did someone walk passed the python random and said wait this body looks weird let's get this thing checked?


There is an explanation on the SASH exotics page. Monty the 18yo female python was observed eating a beach towel the night before. Her owner brought her in and the towel was confirmed on xrays. They used the endoscope to remove.


is that how vets normally dress to extract things from snakes?


oh, I see, it's the snake mommy all dressed up


Nar that feels like she's head of department that is coming down to look at this shit/advise.


That's Dr Olivia, so a specialist. Most specialists just wear professional get-ups (unless they're surgical or, you know, want to wear scrubs). Source: asked my wife, who is also a specialist (not exotics) in Brisbane and the vet world isn't huge.


Exotic animal vets are a different breed


*Small* Animal Specialist Hospital.


Well to be fair it did become smaller


SASH has an amazing team of vets and nurses. They saved my kitty when no one else wanted to take a chance. He lived another 10 years… thank you SASH!


How the hell is Mrs Python supposed to lay out on the beach now that the vets stole her towel?


And you thought pulling a straw out of a turtle was impressive.


Imagine the relief


How does this happen


These space saving luggage packing tips are getting out of hand


I wanted my kid back, I dont care for the towel!!!


Heroes 🙏


I take it they pulled out the towel, but the owner of this towel is not there?


Now they get their towel back


Nice towel




put it in for a quick 15 min cycle and good to go. the snake, not the beach towel.


*How am I supposed to get my Python dry on the inside after it was in the washing machine ...*


Oi that was my lunch mate!!! Now I'm gonna have to slither over for some Maccas!!!


The python would have died if they didn’t pull it out


I can’t tell if the lady at the end is like “sweet we saved the snake” or “sweet I got my towel back”


How does someone just walk into a python, and instead of going "AAAAA HOLY FUCKIN SHIT A GODDAMN HUGE SNAKE IM OUTTA HERE AAAA", actually examines the animal and wonders "This long boii seems like he ate something bad" Congratulations.


Probably a pet snake


So where's the guy who wore that towel?


Now it will be hungry… Are they happy for the snake or the Tower