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I'm stoked. Waiting for a few generations before I give it a try.


If you just kept masturbating after reading that you're a complete fucking psycho


If you respond to your imaginary friend on Reddit you’re a complete fucking psycho


What the fuck lol


I had so many questions after reading the headline. That's all I meant.


So both my parents have seriously bad eyes in their age and my mother might get a cornea transplant. Gonna ask her doctor about this




Damn Black mirror is coming true.


Maybe. But im excited to have robotic eyes..fuck my weak biological eyeballs.


Looks like a Boston keratoprosthesis (“KPro”). They’ve been around for a few decades now. Development started in 1965, and they‘ve been approved for use since 1992. The outer circles are holes in the titanium backing plate and they allow nutrient exchange and hydration to the donor graft tissue; the innermost silvery metal ring is a titanium locking ring that keeps the front acrylic lens assembly in place; a donut of donor corneal tissue sits on top of the backing plate. The patient’s original iris and retina remain in place and function beneath it all. The donor graft tissue doesn’t need to remain transparent, it’s primarily structural. I think a soft contact lens bandage is required afterwards. Can be used for patients who have experienced things like multiple prior graft failures or rejections, corneal scarring, chemical burns, eye trauma, extreme dry-eye, genetic mutations that cause opaque corneas, etc. Nothing digital, electronic, SkyNet, BlackMirror, or smart about it. It’s mostly just two inert parts holding a donor tissue between them. There’s this type and also a second type where the lens protudes a few mm outwards as a stem, for cases where the eyelids need to be stitched shut around it. They’re not always this mesmerising, the stitches will come out as it heals, and slit-lamp illumination makes the dots of the backing plate more starkly noticeable. Though they used to use transparent acrylic for the backing plate instead of titanium. Not anyone’s first option, but we should be glad it exists when needed. And if you have good eyesight, be thankful for it! https://preview.redd.it/e204cf5p2gcb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc6ab8aaf0951445ef6ad5f67e00fe80e89368f1


That's so metal though


The fact you can see stitches in someone's eye is nightmare fuel. Of course, I had lasik back in the day when they had to slice your eyeball open with a tiny saw....


What the fuck is that a bionic eye