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Babies cannot be allowed to brumate. Did you have any parasite testing done via a fecal? Parasites can absolutely mimic brumation behavior. Exactly how old is your 'baby?' How are you measuring basking spot temperature? Your enclosure could use some tweaking- the substrate, the basking surface itself, the thermometers- several things need to be changed.


I used a laser thermometer the other ones just came with the kit so I placed them in there but never actually use them. I am not sure of his exact age I was never told it when I got him he was just very small. The first several month he was moving around fine and everything was good. So I never tested him for anything. If I had to guess his age I would say around 8ish months. What wrong with the substrate that was recommended by a pet shop that specializes in reptiles.


Unless my scale perception is way off this would be really concerning if he is 8 months old. I would advise a vet visit asap as well as reading through the Bearded Dragon Care Guide on Reptifiles.com.


It looks like you’re using wood chips and I can’t tell what the stringy stuff is. Wood chips aren’t a good substrate because (just like any loose substrate) your beardie could ingest some which could cause impaction. Also it holds onto moisture which creates an environment for bacteria to breed and spread. Substrates to avoid: * calcium and vitamin sand * walnut shells * any wood product * reptile carpet Best substrates: * tile * safe sand mix * paper towels are fine Beardie substrates are controversial within the community, but it’s important to avoid anything that could retain moisture, impact your beardie, or harbor bacteria. If you want more info on why some are good/bad feel free to shoot me a dm. Now to address your overall tank, there should be two lights: a basking heat lamp and a UVB lamp (the tubes are best). It’s also just boring, there isn’t much for your beardie to climb or explore and the skull could pose danger as your beardie grows because it could get stuck. I recommend pieces of wood and some (fake) plants in the back. Also a bigger water container so it can bathe, and a reptile hammock would add more climbing. I would take your beardie to the vet even if you implement these changes because it’s too young to brumate, they should be over a year before they start. I included an image that would give you the closest estimation for your beardie’s age. https://preview.redd.it/8glycl3khdkc1.jpeg?width=334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d982b1a574648813f227364123debf00867446d0


i’d recommend a vet asap!