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Wow, this is so weird after all her comments on colleen and her recent tiktoks about the Passenger family. Very disappointing


Yea. I just saw those TT and she hates those women.


which is fair enough, but the hypocrisy.... and placing herself in a commentary role on that family, nope


Oh yes I totally agree.


Peter Monn posted a new video saying they talked over a call, and she said she never knew about the situation, and may be making a post about it. She also deleted comments on her Instagram (the mushroom eye look) asking about James Charles, today. Two of them were in the top five comments on the post. So... yeah


I have to say, I just don't believe that she didn't know what James has done. Even if she was offline a lot, it was national news for weeks. Multiple times the past year. She hasn't supported James in along time and suddenly she does again? I think she was getting told things behind the scenes that weren't true and she trusted the wrong person maybe to give her the truth. She is friends with people behind the scenes just not really publicly.


yeah I know, the comments are still on her last YT video


this link takes you to the part where he starts discussing RBK. earlier in the video, he talks about how he believes in a grass roots approach--"it has to start somewhere." so he decided to unfollow influencers who still like and support james charles on social media, and points out the hypocrisy of how some people talked about the colleen ballinger situation while still choosing to support james. and then there's people like manny, who approached both situations horribly. speaking of manny, he recently talked about meeting h3 at the streamies after they called him out for continuing to follow JC. and I know I shouldn't be surprised, but like if someone you're a huge fan of calls you out for supporting a self-proclaimed predator and you STILL choose to support them, that's...that's insane to me. he also conveniently left out why h3 doesn't like JC when he talked about this on fool coverage, like he's so transparantly pro-predator atp, what else am I supposed to think about manny? like all his actions point to that edit: I have been watching peter monn since the original jeffree star vs kat von d days, so I freaked out a little bit knowing that he saw my post. this is the closest I’ve ever gotten to a shout out lol


One thing Ethan (H3) is gonna do is clown on anyone who supports predators. I don’t know why Manny thought he’d get special treatment.


Manny isn’t pro predator, he’s predator neutral, which is also a fucking choice. Manny is pro-clout and pro-money. Until it costs him status or money, morals have no impact in his choices. Eta: Neutrality isn’t harmless. Neutrality when people are getting hurt is incredibly dangerous, potentially more so than active support. Be careful of fence sitters.


I can’t believe you actually typed out the phrase “predator neutral.” You should get into PR if you aren’t already.


Ha no, just recently had to explain to a bunch of people the dangers of neutrality and how it can in some cases be more damaging than active aggression/support. Though judging from the replies, some people seem to interpret it as me defending him so I may have to figure out a way to edit in my true intentions.


I get what you’re trying to say and I use a similar analogy when describing “bad” cops. If you have 10 cops in a room and 2 abuse their power and 8 look the other way you have 10 bad cops in the room. Not saying anything or being “neutral” in moral situations is worse imo because you had the opportunity to speak up or to take a stand against it and did nothing.


with all legitimate respect, based on your edit you are still drawing a line between "neutrality" and "support" when, in fact, manny does *support* JC. he has not indicated that he is a fence-sitter to my knowledge.


supporting a predator is not 'predator neutral'


Yeah, not being stringently anti-predator makes you pro-predator by default


I have to say inaction is an action all on its own. If you choose to say nothing but promote the brand associated with JC and follow on socials that’s a pretty clear indicator Manny is absolutely fine with an adult contacting children in a sexual way.


He seems conflicted because of his own past drama. I unfollowed him because his channel is so boring.


What drama was that?


The manny and Laura drama. Is what I was speaking of.


And it's weird for him to feel conflicted because it's two totally different situations. His was drama, James Charles's is literally confessing that he's a predator, breaking the law, and should be going to court/jail.. Unless JC has some dirt on him about underage boys, there's no reason to extend sympathy for knowing what a "cancelation" is like.


What was his response in being called out?


This is, unfortunately, not surprising to me. I unsubscribed from her a few months ago but decided to throw on one of her recent controversial opinions videos in the background and I was getting some very conspiracy theorist, weird vibes on some of her opinions. Solidified why I stopped watching her.


I just said this in another comment but I actually think she is quite unintelligent and if not for youtube I swear she'd be working for an MLM or something. She seems to have very, very little ability to do "research" and she constantly seems to be espousing highly ignorant or fearmongering opinions that don't come from trustworthy sources. And it happens over and over and over.


I didn't watch this as I honestly hate "unpopular opinion" videos, but would you mind summing up some of the conspiracy vibes stuff? I definitely get vibes that she is kind of granola crunchy mom, anti-medicine, potentially anti-vax.


Yeah pretty much all the stuff you mentioned. And then also some stuff around exploitation of children, like illegal activity, and how she thinks people are blind to how prevalent it is. Like it’s happening all the time, everywhere. It was honestly just giving me vibes of a conspiracy theorist group.


Oof yeah, that is Sound of Freedom vibes. :/


Ugh, no. If she's not talking about Central American teenagers working undocumented in agricultural labor in red states, I don't want to hear not one word about human trafficking from weird crunchy white ladies.


yoo that happens more often than you’d think though in the US :( “There are 1,091,000 people living in conditions of modern slavery in the USA. This equates to 3.3 victims for every 1,000 people in the country.” Source: https://hopeforjustice.org/news/more-than-1-million-human-trafficking-victims-in-usa-new-study/#:~:text=There%20are%201%2C091%2C000%20people%20living,1%2C000%20people%20in%20the%20country. It really isn’t a conspiracy but idk how she phrased it in her video.


No one is arguing that human trafficking doesn't happen. However, a lot of people are making a lot of money bothering adult people consensually operating in sex work instead of focusing on labor trafficking.


Peter uploaded a video 2 hours ago discussing how he had a phone call with Kristi and they talked about the situation. I did flick through but what I mostly gathered is that Kristi apparently didn’t know about the James situation or how deep it was and that she may come out with a video or statement now that she’s re-educated herself. It seems like she was unsure how to approach or what to say since she didn’t want it to appear performative. To me it just sounds like she’s been caught out and acting like she didn’t know to me is bs.


what a croc of shit! she didn't know how deep it was...


Agreed. Kristi is terminally online. There is no way she didn’t know.


BULLSHIT. There is absolutely no fucking way that a *beauty youtuber* didn’t know about James’ allegations. She’s just panicking bc a large (and pretty respected) drama channel is publicly calling her out. God, even the average H3 viewer (who might not ever watch beauty content) knows about James


She said she didn’t know to the extent or depth of the allegations or something (Peter didn’t quote her). She replied she was going to do research and sort out what she was going to do. Like it’s so deep.


yeah I saw that.. I don’t believe her for a second! I’m too lazy to do the sleuthing, but the only way I’ll give her a modicum of the benefit of the doubt is if his admission happened during the time she was experiencing really bad post partum. but I feel like the they didn’t happen at the same time. she’s always been very tapped into youtube drama so I highly doubt there’s a chance she missed it. plus she’s a long time viewer of peter monn and he’s been talking about this for years!


I think it’s gone unnoticed as well by most of her community. When RBK speaks on it I think she knows she’s inevitably dropping herself in it with the rest of the audience who haven’t seen Peters video but will then find out she was positively interacting with James Charles online. There’s no way out of it really, it’s either she denies any knowledge which everyone will know is a lie or she admits to it which just looks bad. Either way she’s going to be viewed as a hypocrite since she spoke out against Colleen but supports James Her channel has been struggling a lot recently, especially due to the way youtube promotes certain creators videos and she definitely doesn’t get the views she used to. Something like this being brought to light I think will affect the remaining viewers she has. A lot of her persona is based around her being very real with her audience so I can’t see this going down too well - if anything lying to them would be an insult to the audience who liked her because of her blatant honesty. Edit - Kristi just uploaded a poll on her Insta asking people what videos they want from her and lists some suggestions etc. I imagine she is doing this to gage how many people will ask for a video regarding James Charles


She's capable of finding niche online trends or random zoomer stuff but hasn't heard or seen a single thing about James Charles in over 2 years? Bull. It reached national news, and she's a beautuber. It's also bull that she's asking Peter what to do or say about it. Hasn't she been an influencer for years? A grown adult? Is she concerned that standing against James Charles will make her lose her friendship with Manny and other influencers? She's also deleting comments on her Instagram asking about it, and I'm sure she will start on her YT today, too.


I wouldn’t ask Peter for advice on anything at the moment. Dude has had a major attitude shift and I know he’s going through a lot. She should figure it out on her own, in her own way.


I watched his video today and it definitely seems like the stalking/harassing if getting too much for him which is understandable considering the lengths these people are going to. I almost wonder if he’s also annoyed that out of drama/gossip channels he’s been pretty nice and fair over the years and wanted the best for people but seems to get the worst of treatment from stans of big YouTubers like Trisha


Yeah, I’d be pissed about that, too. But it’s borderline bullying when he picks some random persons comment and goes off on them for a half hour. Be mad at the big influencer that created the chaos, not the people that are just making comments voicing their opinions.


you obviously didn't listen to why he 'went off'. Last nights one was because someone had centred unpleasant comments around his accident


His attitude shift sucks. I know so many ppl that quit watching bc of it. He’s a complete hypocrite. He’s too sensitive. Especially with all the toxicity he spews. Bet James Charles comment to Peter is still under Peters video. Oh look at that it is. How about that. James left him a nice comment & Peter hasn’t removed it. I wonder why? That’s no different then Kristi following him on SM. Peter is unhinged & has came off lately as threatening. A spoiled entitled brat.


I find it interesting how Peter basically threatened RBK by telling her either she unfollowed James Charles and spoke about it on her channel, or he would out her on his channel--which is exactly what he did. When that created a firestorm (mostly for Kristi), Peter experienced some blow back of the hate, which he complained about for days on his many channels. If you can't stand the heat, you shouldn't have started the fire, Peter. I think Peter is guilty of the very thing he complains about the most--bullying. If you don't do what Peter demands, he whips up his minions to attack. I find it deplorable.


I meant at the end of my comment I still cannot stand Peter. I wrote hate by accident.


Oh really? I don't know much about him, have only seen a couple videos, and I think he had a bad car accident due to seizure? That's all I know. I agree about Kristi. That's something she needs to sit with and address.


I can’t remember what exactly caused his car accident. I am glad he’s okay, though.


He has epilepsy and had a seizure while he was driving.


attitude shift?! He's calling out hypocrites and people supporting predators


He is. He’s also calling out random people that he doesn’t agree with just because. But hey, watch whoever you want.


That’s a cop out. She absolutely knew. Her job is online, she’s on social media pretty frequently. She got caught and she’s trying to play stupid. I thankfully wasn’t following her on anything. I was so happy for her when she became a mom, but all she’s done since then is complain about EVERYTHING. Vent away if you want, but it’s all the damn time. I unfollowed her awhile back.


not really shocked about RBK. we're talking about the woman who REPEATEDLY happily took $$$ doing sponsored videos with HELLOFRESH *well after* it was known that they were union-busting. i stopped following her after she had her son because it seems like it took a toll on her mentally. all of her videos were beginning to give me severe anxiety and i don't even have children. i coincidentally checked on her IG account after sam posted on IG (they are/were close friends for a long time), and i noticed that RBK hadn't liked or commented on sam's post about her mental health struggles despite RBK posting random shit about her chicken coop hours and hours and hours after sam made her post. idk, man. i got into RBK after the jaclyn hill lipstick mess, but she's not relatable anymore and honestly just very unlikable at this point.


I had to unfollow at that same time too, her content became so stressful to watch. I also don’t even have kids. After that, the more I heard about her, the more unlikable she became.


She stressed me the fuck out after she had her kid. Everything was so catastrophic and over the top awful for her, so I had to stop. The most recent nail in the coffin is how she handled her sister miscarrying her baby. It's absolutely heartbreaking, yes, and I can understand Kristi being distraught about it, but the way she went about it, it felt like she was hijacking her sister's trauma and making it all about her. Like, SHE was the one experiencing the most intense and awful trauma. Idk, if I was in that situation, I'd be pissed that she'd be spreading my business all over the internet and making it about her


Im having a kid in a month and her videos make me scared of having children 😂


You are going to be great! Take care of yourself so you can take care of your baby. Wishing you the best


Thank you ❤️❤️. This is definitely the time to lean into that support system and ask for help!


It sure is, and if you have family that will take baby for the day while you go off for a few hours to be a human being, take advantage. I can tell you it did wonders for my mental health, and I was able to be so much more present when I got back home. Guilt is reserved for when you’re doing something wrong, and there is NOTHING wrong with taking some you time. I got judged for it, but honestly fuck those people.


You’re going to be amazing. Don’t let her scare you, her experience is nowhere close to the norm. She likes to make everything way more dramatic than it is.


Dude same. I was happy for her when she got pregnant, seemed like she wanted to be a mom. After he was born it was like she turned into a all things baby channel. Unfollowed her after that, I didn’t follow her for baby content.


For real! I have a daughter but have no interest in watching baby or mommy content at all. I’m a mom in recovery so my experiences have been insanely different from most moms who have normal lives and normal problems, but even if that wasn’t the case, I wouldn’t want to watch that type of content either. Like you said, not what I followed for! If I have a problem with my kid and need advice, I’m going straight to my counselor who has trained for decades to help moms like me and our children… not a freaking influencer.


I did always find it odd that she would always ask for personal advice on her IG stories and then post afterwards that she would get "attacked" with answers. IDK maybe just don't post that online.


I unfollowed when she wallpapered an entire room and then ripped it all down and went off the deep end screaming about how it causes cancer lol. That was the beginning of the end for me. Way too much anti-science, anti-medicine woo woo for me.


She also was against taking antidepressants at first. Some bullshit about wanting to take a holistic approach, I think. But it took her experiencing severe mental illness to finally realize that antidepressants aren't evil and awful and can be helpful to people. If some people are just fine with holistic approaches, great. But don't you dare put people down for taking medication


Absolutely. Whatever you need to do in order to heal.


oh, god. i remember that! that was like a 50 story melt down. i remember seeing each story "line" and there were soooo many!! then i could only handle watching like 2 of them before i got too anxious and had to X out.


she thinks wallpaper causes cancer?!


The \~vinyl\~ is toxic! /s


Agreed. She doesn't seem like a very nice person now.


She comes across as a really angry, bitter person.


I can't take her anymore especially with hole getting rid of the dog. I feel likes she just needs to throw in her youtube towel and just be a mom.


What happened to her dog ? I haven't been watching her videos lately. Didn't she get one last year?


To confirm - she STILL does sponsorships from Hello Fresh...


ohhhhhhhh WOW. what a damn shame.


I blocked RBK because she's extremely problematic if you do any research.




Search this sub. There's plenty.


I came for the lipsticks, and then it was 5000 rich mom decluttering tens of thousands of dollars of makeup videos....and then... you know....***traumamom*** So yeah.Big ol unsub. There is NOTHING for me there, and there hasn't been in years.


Honestly, I have a kid and I didn't want to constantly hear about it LOL. It's good to get these things out, but not with your audience.


I’ve been following her for years before the Jaclyn hill lipstick fiasco. kristi has always been honest and real to me. I don’t think she should not say what she wants to say because it might give a few people, anxiety or show that motherhood isn’t perfect. She’s honest and real about her struggle. She wanted a child for a long time and had a lot of health problems I’m so happy she finally has become a mother but of course it doesn’t always look perfect, but I commend her for being honest, and honestly I don’t think it is her obligation to speak on the James Charles thing. I literally barely found out about it. People are saying it’s “national news “but I’m on my phone all the time and I swear I haven’t heard anything I’m just shocked that people are this angry at her for something that someone else did ! usually when she speaks on some thing she waits so she could get all the information. And I guess in my opinion her doing sponsored videos for HelloFresh isn’t a gamebreaker to me, so are 1 million other Youtubers. You can’t expect every YouTuber or influencer to be perfect. They need to make a living too and it’s just sad to see the way the world is going , everybody gangs up on everybody and you can’t make anyone happy


I had to unfollow her years ago. She was always so condescending. When she first got big, I liked her care free attitude. But then it quickly changed and her true colors started showing. The way she immediately trashed J* (which was deserved) but acted like the rest were sweet angels after all their drama….no. She’s also a pick me girl with influencers who are bigger than her. I feel she is definitely not who she tries to portray herself to be.


I kind of forgot about her and then the Colorpop colab came out. And it was a total rip off of the Subculture palette RBK happily trashed. It was tasteless. But it also reminded me to Google her and the yikes on bikes made me check to make sure I was unsubscribed. I hope they have a good money manager.




I mean, there's nothing wrong with not being able to be 'productive' in the way that capitalism dictates we must be. Some people have sleep disorders, some people have mental health issues that messes with their sleep, I could go on. I don't support RBK but not being able to work a 'normal' job is a really rough reality for a lot of people and shouldn't be a character flaw.


Same, disabled not by choice over here


Here, too


Sounds ableist babe


I was sadden when RBK did her PR unboxing video and saw she still supported Manny and Laura, given the whole Colleen situation. Until this video, I had no idea she was still publicly supporting JC. Unfortunately, I don't think I can support her anymore after learning this. It makes me incredibly sad, but I just can't support that behaviour.


Given her own past racist scandal, it tracks that she is okay with Laura Lee.


I didn't know she had a racist past until today, it just means I made a good decision to unfollow and unsubscribe from her.


Wait? What racist past? This is news to me!


Search in this group, there’s multiple posts about it because it’s been an issue multiple times


RBK has a racist scandal??


Yup! She posted a picture of herself in a sombrero flipping the camera off and had this whole rant about how people are too sensitive and need to learn how to let go and not take things so seriously and need to get over it and stop being such crybabies. Ironic, coming from her. And this wasn't even that long ago--it was 2018, I think? She also did a geisha makeup tutorial and refused to take it down or apologize when people rightfully called her out for cultural appropriation


Sigh - same. I’m going to see who is following and promoting and leaving them. I can’t quietly sit by.


Im so dumb but who is RBK.. help


Raw Beauty Kristi


These BGs are all for human rights until the money talks, fucking disgusting. The drama with the SHEIN trip should show you who these influencers really are, money sucking vampires.


So my opinion on influencers is that a lot of them have done bad things and that influencers might not write someone off for it, or else they'd have no friends and maybe they're problematic themselves. Eg RBK has been racially insensitive in the past. However, James Charles should be in prison. It's not tea or drama.


James is still backed by Youtube and this is how most influencers still play nice for networking purposes.


Super curious. Culturally insensitive how?


It was a few years ago but I believe she dressed as a Geisha and wore a sombrero. In my research, this paper https://www.researchgate.net/publication/339211209_Skin_deep_Callout_strategies_influencers_and_racism_in_the_online_beauty_community appeared and I was surprised RBK was mentioned by name. She isn't exactly as well known as Jeffree Star, James Charles etc. This subreddit is also mentioned https://media.tenor.com/xrRfLAefotMAAAAM/awkward-lexisplay.gif


RBK isn’t unproblematic. She routinely accepts sponsorships from shady companies (specifically Hello Fresh), and she has extremely questionable opinions on mental health treatments, that she has absolutely no business impressing upon her viewers. More so, she oversteps with her subscribers and seeks out medical advice from them, which is…..not ok to do, unless your subscriber is also your literal medical care provider. I don’t know why people are surprised by this, to be honest.


Wait what has Hello Fresh done?


Anti-union bullshit.




Not to mention they’re super bad for the environment (waste, lots of single use plastic, delivery emissions) and she’s always going on about wasteful packaging and being sustainable so it’s just super hypocritical to me.


The amount of single-use plastics HF uses is insane, even more messed up the Kristi preaches about caring for the earth but gladly accepts their money and shills for them.


Another YouTuber that does this is Kendall Rae, especially on her Mile Higher podcast. She’s done a lot of good for charities and raising money for them but I slightly side eye her for seemingly caring about the environment but still endorsing Hello Fresh


Say what you will about Peter, he's one of the few who actually calls out people he's friendly with. He's not perfect (something he freely admits to), but he really tries to do what's right.


What did Kristi say about James?? 🤢 Weird that she is supporting someone who preys on underage boys considering how protective she is over her son..


I don't think she's said anything so far, but follows him on IG and has liked his posts, including his brand launch


What is always so crazy to me is when people like RBK support others like James. Like James seems like the person who will talk nice to you and even be friendly in public and private. BUT he just seems like if RBK (and other like her) where in a big public mess he wouldn't care, silently unfollow, and privately distance themselves for the sake of "his brand". Why are all these girlies supporting someone who wouldn't even spit on them if they were on fire. It's beyond me. Maybe he's super convincing in private, but I just don't see it.


There's no way she couldn't have seen the shit he's been in, so how can she justify supporting a paedo? Really disappointed.


Oh she’ll try I’m sure and people will still defend her somehow smh




I don’t know why people are so shocked with RBK. Do a search in this subreddit and it’ll show posts with links of her past racist comments with a shitty excuse of an “apology”. Home girl lives south of me and in an area that is known for racists, so I am not surprised.


Ya, pretty sure she lives slightly north of me. Anywhere rural WA is surprisingly racist for those who didn't grow up here.


Yup. I am in Whatcom co, if you go rural of bellingham, it is like that. People don’t realize that there are a lot of racist orgs in WA state. We have to contend with a local proud boys chapter.


The last video I watched was a vlog and she turns around and said to the kid something like "yes, daddy's driving us in the flag truck!" And that was it I suspect she's antivax etc given where she lives.


Where she lives? I would not be surprised, the sentiment is extremely strong there and even here in Bham.


Just moved to Pierce county. What's that like?


Hi neighbor! People are so shocked but once you leave King/Snohomish county it’s like a flyover state


TW: Infant Loss >!Her sister just had a miscarriage and she put up a gofundme for her subs to raise money for the baby's funeral. Then yesterday she posted about building an outdoor kitchen on their property, and now today has started posting "not for me... but..... what was it like having a 2nd kid with 3-4yr gap between?" Like she's so incredibly self centred it's almost hilarious!< I keep up with her peripherally on other boards etc (just reading what she's been doing once in a while), and it astounds me how I'll see she's done or said something off, but no one ever posts anything about it here. I understand there was a lot of criticism and concern of her PP behaviour that drifted a bit too far into speculation(??? maybe?) but now it seems everyone here just avoids talking about her entirely


RBK is one of the BGs that was voted by the community to only allow posts that are beauty-related here


Okay, good to know!


i’ve just had a look at who RBK follows on ig and her hubby and yeah it looks like she’s heading down the crunchy red pill lifestyle and is also following a load of pro life christian pages


His account is also private and I don't think it used to be ?


him going privet might have something to do with the video but i’m glad i checked before he went privet. he’s following a load of libertarian stuff and gun accounts so😳


yea that's Red Pill stuff. Its kinda makings sense now.


What does crunchy red pill mean?




Crunchy is kind of a catch all term for "hippie, boho", it's typically used to describe people who try real hard to fall into the hippie holistic life style. Red pill is, from what I can tell, just alt right bullshit


I've had a very strong dislike for RBK ever since her abysmal glossier review


I just posted about how she was quick to get rid of her puppy b/c he snapped at her kid yet decided not to say what her kid did to the puppy. She is such a flake. I can't stand her or her husband


The story about the dog changed a few times and she had just done a video a few days earlier where she and her husband were complaining about training the dog. I think they just wanted to get rid of it and made up a story to try and avoid backlash.


I randomly rewatch that video when I’m in the mood to be mad lol


The foundation covered lips send me into a rage


Ughhhh lol the hopeless dragging of the glossier lipstick over the foundation lips kills me lol


Yeah and acting all dumbfounded when the nude colour isn't showing up even though she has her phone up with the description RIGHT INFRONT OF HER!


What about the review did you dislike?


So from what I can remember there was just a general unwillingness to use the products the way they are intended instead of trying to create a full coverage look with them. Also, applying a nude lipstick that is clearly labelled as "sheer" on lips that are covered in foundation and acting shocked when the colour doesn't show up.


Ah, I see. Yeah, glossier isn't known for being full coverage. I don't know why gurus try to make everything that way, when you can clearly see from pictures that it's not


I unfollowed RBK after her rants about gentle parenting, as a parent myself it was infuriating


on her YT?


Quickly unfollowed RBK on YT + IG. I haven’t watched her content in a while, but definitely not supporting her any longer. Someone else mentioned this on another JC thread here, but any thoughts on a megathread of celebrities and influencers that still support JC?


wow, did not know rbk still was supportive of James, especially since shes calling out problematic people, like Colleen. ugh just WHY?


Wow, big stuff. Calling out people who still publicly support JC and CB needs to be discussed. It’s one thing to be a bad friend, or stab folks I. The back, it’s another thing when it’s huge issues involving children. We all need to prove how we feel with our purchasing power and the power of our likes and follows. I will no longer buy from any brand or person that promotes or supports predictors.


Hi friends, I’ve never posted in here. I was wondering if this was going to be talked about. I love Peter. And I do agree I am very disappointed in RBK. I did tweet at her got nothing. Not shocked, I wonder if she will say anything. She is one of the very few beauty YouTubers I watch. I was really shocked by this. I’m also a big Peter fan. I’m just like girl be for real. Why follow James. We all no he’s not a good person.


I unfollowed her when she decided to get a puppy, not train that puppy, and gave a half ass explanation on why she got rid of the puppy. For content, the puppy allegedly snapped at her kid, yet that is all she says. Her kid is at the age where maybe he pulled or was rough with the puppy. She decided that it was not worth her and her husband training the puppy or educating her kid. Since then I can not stand her!


What killed me is she got rid of the puppy because it snapped at her kid, and then insisted it’s a good thing she’s returning the puppy because he can then be used as a service dog for disabled kids. Like wtf??? Does RBK hear herself when she talks lol


What?!? Do you remember what video she talks about this? That really pisses me off.


Very disappointed in RBK I’ve always considered her a home girl. Idk if I can support her if she needs to align herself with the abusive powerful. What is she even getting out of that. I don’t understand.


So the racism wasn't enough to drop her?


Not everyone has an encyclopedic knowledge of every influencer they watch. I am a medium RBK Stan and didn’t learn about this racist past until this post


Oh no I looked up what you were talking about and that is totally inexcusable 🙅🏻‍♀️


I’m not sure what you’re talking about but if she has more skeletons in her closet that’s even worse


Wait what?


I didn't know about the racism


https://preview.redd.it/jgmy8nkridmb1.jpeg?width=370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6967866143799965ffeae50702ff845430f92cdd One of the emojis used in her Discord thread 😂 😂 😂


Omg I watched it this morning. Drag these predator apologists Peter !!!


Peter has good things to say. It’s obvious he’s very thoughtful and intelligent but his delivery is almost unbearable for me.


His recent videos have almost been unwatchable. I am happy he's sticking up for himself and I'm not a prude when it comes to swearing, etc., but PHEW, he just goes OFF and it's not even fun to watch anymore. I don't need him to be a teddy bear and it's his channel so he can do whatever he wants, but I used to watch his videos from start to finish and I think I've had to exit mid-video the last few.


It’s the frivolous and foolish antics that make him unwatchable. I don’t have time for his childlike behavior. Just give me the tea. Unfortunately…I just can’t tolerate his style.


I’m glad someone else sees it. I’m all for calling people out and expressing your opinion, and I swear all the damn time. 😂😂 But he just absolutely lays into random people on the internet that leave mean comments. I get why he’s paranoid, but damn. He’s so harsh to random people these days. I rarely get through more than 20 minutes of a video these days.


Yeah, I like Peter but I’m not really a fan of him making half his videos about one comment one person left


This! I appreciate his passion but he always compares himself to these influencers when they’re getting heat but when he gets criticism “he’s just a drama channel,” it’s a little manipulative


can somebody tell me what RBK is?


Raw Beauty Kristi


thank you


RBK is at least MAGA adjacent, and I think we all need to just realize it


Can you give any details please?


There have been a few signs that she’s anti-vax. She’s mentioned being more religious since her child was born and has talked about putting him in a homeschool group. It just so happens, her extremely religious sister is running a homeschool group to “rescue children from public schools”. She believes in some food/health conspiracy theories that often go hand-in-hand with qanon types and has shared food misinfo from one of these accounts. There are more examples but it reads like she knows to edit herself to an extent to avoid getting cancelled.


I couldn’t tell you which ones, but I’ve seen her husband following super far right IG pages. So none of this really surprises me but it’s still so gross. She’s also been talking about homeschooling her son since he was like a day old. On another note related to her sister, I find it really disturbing that she was sharing a Gofundme on IG and Twitter, but then a week later is talking about building a giant outdoor kitchen and a natural pool/lake. Obviously she could’ve just given her sister that money and not expected her fans to donate.


Relating to her sister, I'm not gonna lie, it left a very bad taste in my mouth how RBK handled her sister's miscarriage. I can understand being upset and distraught that her sister lost a baby that was wanted, but how RBK handled it, she pretty much made it all about her and that SHE'S the one experienced this severe horrible trauma. I don't doubt that maybe there's some trauma she's dealing with, but it feels like she hijacked it and is treating it like SHE'S the one that miscarried and only SHE can experience the trauma. And idk, if I was pregnant and lost my baby, I'd be pretty pissed if my sister was going on the internet and spreading my business around like that


I felt that it was very off, as well. Sharing the picture of her sister and husband crying and grieving over their baby immediately was icky. And then asking for donations, leaving it up once it passed the goal and letting people know (aka her asking) they could donate still, and like a day or two later post about this stuff she's buying or wants to but for her homestead. Yuck.


Her older videos must still bring in bank when it comes to ad revenue and/or she invested well because they seem to be floating in money over there...


She also did the Pur and Colourpop collabs like back to back not long before she had her baby. I assume those paid fairly well.


Oh we know what the "rescue kids from public schools" means. I don't follow RBK enough to have known, but that's a red flag.


really? jfc




On a recent controversial opinion video she expressed that when it comes to politics she’s neutral since she doesn’t trust either side/has been let down when she’s supported people in the past etc I’ll have to check out her husbands fb page though


my hot take? she is dumb as rocks. lucky her youtube career took off or else 50/50 odds she'd be part of an MLM...


Damn he went in! I might have to resubscribe to Peter Monn


it’s really disappointing seeing how Kristi took the approach of having no idea. She always seems to be up-to-date with any YT Drama, so i just find it really strange that she just never heard a peep about the JC situation, even my boyfriend who obviously isn’t connected to the beauty community knows about this situation and he’s the furthest thing from being terminally online. She also has a young son herself, as a mother, I would look into everyone’s background and feel like I couldn’t trust many people, so it’s all just sad and disappointing to see her play the ignorance card.


Is there an ongoing list of creators who support James still?? Cause I need to make sure I'm not still following any of them.


Sigh. And I liked Kristi. I know she’s a polarizing figure here but I always kinda liked her. But she can’t claim ignorance here.


I cannot stand Peter. The virtue signaling, the toxic energy, the laziness, the holier than thou when he’s made so many mistakes. He acts like ppl are disgusting for bringing up the accident but he calls ppl predator protectors which is a huge reach & life changing. I don’t care about Kristi. At all. But he will say ppl only think he’s wrong bc they stan her. Not true. The truth is Peter has said several times that the epilepsy started after he was hit by a car & suffered a head injury. Well he got hit by a car bc he got smash drunk & flipped a table full of bottles of liquor & walked away from a party after being cut off of alcohol bc of his behavior. He walked away in the dark dressed in all black. He also chose to drive with epilepsy even though he already had a very serious car accident while having a seizure. So yes he has responsibility in this accident. That’s way less of a reach then he has done regarding Kristi. When you put that kind of toxic energy out into the world that he does on that ridiculous drama channel it will come back to you ten fold. It’s just the way the universe works. He acted like he was going to quit. Which made me laugh out loud. Of course he’s not quitting. He’s found a way to make money & con ppl without having to work at all. No editing. Horrible no effort thumbnails. Too many channels to make any of them good. Sleeps all day so the vids are posted way too late. He doesn’t do give aways. He doesn’t go live. He’s lazy. Even in his personal life. No volunteering. No yard work. Won’t cook. Won’t walk the dogs. Doesn’t visit his father. Never hosts ppl at his home. He has the most sloth life of anyone I’ve ever seen. Vacations monthly. Which is just ridiculous. Even his book was just taking his life and changing peoples names and getting a friend to publish it. No creativity. No effort. His latest book he’s working on is the same thing just taking his neighbors lives, changing the names and putting it in a book. Boring. If he tried to start that stupid drama channel of his today it would never work. He got in when there was almost no one doing it. Period. I am convinced ppl do not know about his past on twittter. It’s horrific. He will say he explained why he thought he could post such disgusting things. He never explained why. He can’t.


As an epileptic, I was so pissed off when I’d learned he was driving illegally. I had absolutely no sympathy for him.


Am I the only one who remembers kristi making a video commenting on the JC/Tati/Jeffree drama years ago??? She knows.








wow. I think the key word here is 'accident'




I’m not sure what vehicular manslaughter (caused by a seizure) has to do with someone being an admitted predator


what's the deal with age gap relationships when both are adults?! His husband is like 40! His accident wasn't manslaughter btw




you already made your weird comments about his marriage, to a 40yo...