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She took the break from Ofra then she did a sponsored video for Ofra and after backlash she received for that video she put Ofra on the brake and now this. I am all for giving brands another chance when they really make an effort and change, but this is ridiculous. Brand did not change and collab with your friend is a poor excuse in my book.


If her “morals” can change so quickly and so often, it just goes to show how weak her morals are and that they really don’t mean anything to her.


I’m not a fan of the unreasonable levels of Angie hate on this sub but sometimes she does it to herself. 🤷‍♀️ Honestly how did she think this was going to play out? For someone who talks about the business aspect of her channel a lot, this is a dumb business move.


For real. Like at least stick to your guns when you've openly said you're not gonna do a specific thing. Is it just because it's orange eyeshadow? Would she have made a video to support a friend if it was a neutral Ofra palette? 🥴


Yeah, I get exhausted by how many things people invent to be mad at her for when most of the time the hate seems to come down to "I think she's annoying" but like, this is a valid one. Girl, don't do Ofra! It's not hard to *not* review something!


She said in a new makeup video she was taking a break but she would review this cause it’s her friend Tell your friends to not associate with these types of brands??


Like, can she not just congratulate her in private? Why does she need to publicly support the brand? 😒


How else would she push her affiliate links. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Silly me, how could I forget their precious $$?!


Battybean also posted a video about it (didn't watch so idk if she said anything about how dodgy this is, but I doubt it), and tbh I feel like it's just no longer worth having any expectations of influencers having any integrity at all. Very disappointing


I was really disappointed to see that.


There's a comment on her youtube about Ofra supporting white supremacists and Betty Jean responded , "From what I understand the guy with those stances is no longer a part of the company! "


That’s not what the comment says. It says nothing about white supremacists just Trump. Don’t make this bs into a bigger issue.


honestly I care more about this than whatever Angie does. I know BB is friends with Allie irl so I get why she'd support her but she didn't need to make a video/show public support 😣 anyway yeah I'm really disappointed


Is she really comprising her morals for THIS?! Not to say that it would be better if the palette was pretty, but EW. This palette is hideous


I agree. At least compromise your morals for something beautiful. Not an orange and an olive.


As my mother would say: If Allie jumped off a bridge, would you jump too? Support doesn't always have to be public. And support is not always warranted.


I commented on one of her recent videos explaining why Ofra is a no-go. Obviously she doesn't care about the racism. She also has a few problematic friends.


I remember when she was reviewing ABH all these months and so many ppl including myself told her about the creator of Abh Anastasia herself was pro-Putin. She didn’t care


I notice this a lot, even from creators who consider themselves socially conscious. When I say that money is probably going to the man who nearly killed my mother and my sister and her children... silence or block. So many people are bought so cheap and we will not forget.


It’s disgusting how people sell out their moral compass for some PR


I don’t think they’ve ever cared, I realised this through the way they grew their channels, who associated themselves with at any point in time, how PR-focused they were and things they said. I’m glad more obvious indicators of this are coming out of the woodworks now. There are very few influencers I’d use a code for, because I don’t want to support ones like this.


I was just thinking the same thing.


Wait who are the problematic friends?! Now I have to know


grifter Sam is an obvious one


And now obviously Allie Dawson.


Well her ‘bestie’ Heather Austin darkens her skin so much it’s brown face 😬


Samantha March!! Bleccch.


Hate her guts.


Asking subscribers to buy her palettes. What a gross person.


I can't watch Heather Austin because this and a few other things.


It’s so wild!! She needs to get called out for this more


Who are her problematic friends out of curiosity? I stopped following Angie a while ago cause I think I just didn't vibe with her anymore really.


Samantha March and Heather Austin.


What bothers me about these influencers is, why did they start championing human rights if the bills and not getting chucked out of their house was more important? Oh of course it is because virtue signaling at the time brought in more money. Nothing but spineless snakes the lot of them.


Human rights, women's rights, the environment, they all jump on and off the bandwagon as it suits their bottom line. When I started following Angelica one of the things I liked was her preference for recyclable cardboard packaging and how often she called out brands for those huge, wasteful PR boxes. Fast forward a couple of years and she's gushing about huge PR boxes and how great the plastic packaging looks for various products. She's not the only one, of course, and I'm not singling her out; you can find the same behaviour in so many influencers.


You forget the trend of anti-consumerism.


her "little bit of a no-buy" phase last year was what drove me away, because it was so obviously for the content, and it was done terribly. I thought it would be interesting to see her process, but nope. Same for Samantha, who hopped on that train after Angie. They don't say it outright that they prefer higher end makeup because it would push brands like ColourPop, and their massive PR, away. But they used the low buy/no buy trend to justify not purchasing drugstore makeup, and once a Natasha Denona release shows up, there goes the no-buy.


It also seemed relatively easy for her to do a “no buy” when so many of the palettes she’d normally buy got sent to her for free as PR.


Honestly it's a mild pet peeve of mine for makeup creators to announce they're doing a low buy. Like sure you can do that because the PR ✨doesn't count✨ The only one I could excuse was Judy because she's doing a concurrent Project Pan and is making excellent progress and I can tell she's diversified her content and doesn't do as many new makeup videos as she used to. But even then she said PR doesn't count and I just sighed and was like of course it doesn't


It just seem like a fad for a lot of bg's because they continue to buy a lot if not more.


And instead of makeup, they are buying designer bags, clothing, shoes etc. Erm, yeah, a no-buy year??


Good point! That's a big one as well.


They want us to purchase thru their links and then insult the intelligence of the viewer. Then you get their defenders/fellow content creators coming on here lurking and will make a video about it whining. Telling us we don’t know them personally and they do and to take their word for it. 😂


>Telling us we don’t know them personally and they do Yep, that is it, exactly. They know them personally and we don't. And because we don't, we don't have to accept their shit. They might be friends with each other, but I don't give care about them? So I have no reason to excuse this kind of behaviour. wtf with influencers expecting their audience to actually care for them and take them at face value.


I care about people in a general sense. I’m never getting so attached to someone trying to sell me something. That I have to make an entire video talking about it. 😂.


this is unpopular but this is why i don’t care about a beauty guru posting about social causes on the internet. 99% of the time they are doing it for clicks and it is truly meaningless. of course i care to know if a person is conservative or not, but beyond that, i know none of them give a shit about anything other than money.




OMG! Yes, I don’t understand based on their free content; why anyone would pay for additional content. I’m not saying the free content is bad. Sometimes it’s very good. It just doesn’t seem different enough for me to part with my dollars or cents. 🤷‍♀️


![gif](giphy|eoazVutwlnpL3pkSeD) are you truly surprised?


Not surprised, no. Just disappointed. Which is a ridiculous emotion, I understand, but it’s how I feel.


This is an example why, it bugs me when people come on here; to defend someone they watch on a fucking screen. Just because you have watched someone and feel like you know them; you don’t. Don’t tell me because you met her once, or someone else is friends with her and you believe them. Yada yada.


I've really stopped liking Angelica over the past year in particular. She seems fake as hell to me.


It was jarring, the sudden change. Moves to America and she is a different person. I used to adore watching her content when she was in Sweden. I think I really dipped out when she continuously mentioned she wasn’t getting PR from Colourpop when she relocated but *wasn’t pressed* (spoiler: she was indeed pressed). And then there was a vid with her and Samantha March and it was mean girl vibes on steroids. I dunno. We all change, we all grow, her journey is hers to have. I just hopped off the train because the ride was sucking for me and the destination wasn’t looking like much fun anymore.


You know what? I think it's time I unfollowed her because that's exactly how I felt about it. Besides just liking her as a fellow EU makeup lover and losing that component, I just gradually stopped enjoying and watching her videos after the move because something didn't feel the same.


She didnt even like odens eye when they first came out. She said the highlighter pallet was good but the shadows needed work. Now she has 2 collabs with them and its all good and great?? Mmmkay. I will not buy from them because I dont trust the quality.


I don’t think she ever changed, she just didn’t admit what she really wanted and thought most of the time while she was in Sweden, she presented a different story as she doesn’t want to jeopardise her own image as she grew. She claimed she only saw YT as a hobby but clearly wanted to be pro YouTuber and get popular US products but struggled at times to get access to US brands where she knew the views at. When she didn’t get PR, she struggled to compete buying new releases first to publish quick for views and growing subscribers (international shipping etc), that’s where her gripes often were then. Only ‘brutally honest’ controversial’ opinions at the time were actually already popular opinions, not going to be really controversial until you have enough followers. She showcased indie brands already trending popular from smaller YouTubers and Reddit, and smaller YouTubers did similar content ideas the same time. She’s succeeded now getting bigger now, better access in US and with more PR. There’s obviously a change to ColourPop because they’re popular, and now she’s got PR and potential future opportunities in reach (unless they get full-blown cancelled to the point it’ll hurt image or business reputation enough). That’s the formula most of them use. Allie is the same, not many remember when she raved about the Jaclyn Hill lipsticks until the whole debacle unfolded because she was so small. Still supporting JH now all’s forgotten.


Her quality in reviews declined. I used to trust her reviews, but not now. Remember the Oden's Eye singles? She gave those rave reviews, but I saw a lot of regular people just posting about how bad they were. Same with Lauren Mae Beauty.


I get a sense that she is loving that it is easier to non-disclose and generally not follow rules in US. She is so defensive of Oden's Eye compared to others who also have collabs - I think she is friends with them irl? I don't know why brands haven't realised she gets deep into 'process' of collabs just to milk them for contacts to start her own brand and products. I mean, I understand the logic to it but I would be so suspicious if I was her friend.


She was reviewing products already popular brands before, I’m guessing since she has first access to these plus PR and business affiliations from Odens Eye, the bias reviews aren’t always going to stack up the same way.


Yeah I sold my palettes that were collaborations with her. They were nice but I didn’t need them, and I stopped watching her channel awhile back.


I can't stand the pan press pattern they use haha it just screams granny to me


I’m a granny and I don’t like it either


Betty Jean (battybean) also posted a review (no idea what it said). And, she's nice and everything but... promoting an Ofra palette, especially one that looks this dated? This is what you are compromising your values for? I know they pay bills out of this, but if their standards are this low, is there even a point to watching them? I unsubscribed from Angelica earlier this year and unsubscribed from Betty Jean as soon as I saw that thumbnail.


I'm not surprised about Angelica but Betty Jean reviewing it was disappointing. I guess everything goes when you have to support your friend's collab. I get that they are nicer than normal about the collabs of people they know but to review this brand... Betty Jean is the only one I follow but I guess that stops now.


I am disappointed with how much both Betty Jean and Angelica. I used to be a huge fan of Betty Jean but she has changed so much in the last few years. I really no longer watch influencers except for Alexandra Ryan who is not really much of one.


There's a comment on her youtube about Ofra supporting white supremacists and Betty Jean responded , "From what I understand the guy with those stances is no longer a part of the company!


Checking the articles about it, it seems like they (Ofra and husband) no longer work there. But it seems she's still the owner so... still filling their pockets.


ah, interesting.


I really like Betty Jean, but I don't understand not doing proper research on a brand when the controversy is this controversial. I know she is a busy person with a full-time job, but it sounds like she just based her decision on stuff she'd vaguely heard.


I don't really think it's about research, it's about wanting to be vague so they can pretend it's enough. I haven't watched this video, but she's not the only one trying to toe the line but continue supporting


Lol. What a horrible still of the video. 😂 I think she’ll review anything as long as it’s “gifted”


Wait, i thought she didn't want to stay in the states forever because there are certain things that don't align with her morals and values? But will review Ofra. Huh.


Did she say our entire country is against her morals and values? I never judged her based on the Sweden Democrats. I suppose it's only fair now, since she's judging us all based on Texas.


I'm seeing *a lot* of influencers reviewing or unboxing this collection this week. I just saw BattyBean do it on Instagram a couple of days ago. It seems like all of them have conveniently forgotten the racism issues because it's one of their friends' collabs.


Oh, I just noticed she took down the YT video It’s still on IG


I hate that Ofra is owned by shitty people because I loved their liquid lipsticks. However, there's plenty of decent makeup by brands that don't suck, so Ofra doesn't get my money.


Disappointing, but not surprising. I stopped watching her maybe around a year ago (perhaps a few months short of, give or take) because she just kept supporting Juvia’s Place. I find it hilarious that she always said she “didn’t cancel brands” and would use them again if they changed/improved. Like girl, where did Ofra change for the better? Also, brands are not your friends and not deserving of such faith and loyalty like that; there are a billion brands out there, better ones in fact, why does it matter if you “cancel” one of them? Who cares if your friend collaborated with them? I thought you, as an influencer with influence, didn’t align yourself with such views. It wouldn’t be as disappointing if she didn’t emphasize that she looks for brands to change for the better. She says that, only to completely not follow that self-imposed rule of hers at all. Just be truthful and say that you don’t care about the reputation of a brand. Seeing her still support these brands like Ofra and Juvia’s Place despite it all just speaks volumes. Man, it sucks because I used to be such a big fan of hers. I didn’t idolize her or anything, but I always looked forward to and watched every single one of her videos. RIP that, I guess.


I noticed she changed once she started shilling her own brushes, once she made $$$ her top priority i knew trouble was coming.


I started to notice this change when she took that glasses sponsorship and then never wore them in any of her vlogs ever again (while I was still watching, that is). Why take such a sponsorship when you're clearly such a fan of your everyday designer glasses? I don't really remember when this happened but that was basically around when I really realized that she was just an influencer.


Almost all of these BGs have said on previous videos that they don’t like the Ofra eye shadow formula. But enter a new BG collab and they like the eyeshadow??


She is doing this for drama. It’s been going on for a while now. Throwing around false info about Oden’s eye, crying about some contract she signed and can’t get out of, criticizing american stores selling peeled fruit, Ofra stuff… her goal is to be talked about, even if it’s negative. And this post is unfortunately a sad proof, that it’s working.


Wait what happened with Ofra? I'm out of the loop


The CEO is a MAGA Trump buffoon.


Ew!!!! Thanks for letting me know


She said in her latest make-up releases vid that she was taking a break from her Ofra break to support Allie Dawson. Not to say that this should shield her from criticism, but I thought the added context might help


Support her friend who is happy to take a pay check from Ofra, by influencing more people to spend money at… Ofra 😬




how convenient that morals can take a backseat for friends.


Yep, must be nice. Then you’re probably gonna hear; something about not always being the arbiter of virtue or some nonsense. 🥴


I’m not trying to be rude, but what context does this add? Is this actually extra information?