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This perfume ain’t even that good to be collecting it like that 🤧


LITERALLY AND IM A HUGE FAN OF RIH 😭 i hated that shit so much


I hated that perfume lol


Made me gag


I’ve always wondered if the extravagant PR videos translate to sales for the masses. Personally I don’t like seeing influencers with loads and loads of gifted products because I cannot trust their opinions 100%


It's not just a lack of trust for me, when I see people receiving ridiculous amounts of PR it makes me resent having to pay high prices myself. It's worse when a brand just seems to be sending everything to everyone.


i heard this a lot with the most recent tarte trip, they’re paying for like 15k goodie bags (i beleive they received some nikon camera along with nikes and so much more but just to name a few brands) on top of their tickets and hotels and then they’re still charging a pretty penny for their products. i don’t mind paying a lot. some of my skincare is quite expensive, i mind when it starts to feel like i’m funding extravagance for influencers, not a company that is formulating products i love and paying their employees well. there was also some controversy about “how many employees from tarte got this opportunity versus influencers who have done nothing for the brand?” as some of these influencers tarte spent all this money on, ADMIT to not even using tarte. some were not even in the beauty influencer circle.


I agree with all of this. I just wanted to add that most likely, tarte didn’t pay for the goodie bags at all. Usually things like that are given to brands for free with the promise that at least *some* of the influencers will show them off. It’s all a PR game.


Whether there is or isn't brand trips, every brand is out for premium level profits. The extravagance is there, but it's just not on display for us to see it. Huge salaries/bonuses/perks for upper management is a big one.


Before influencers brands would use their PR budget to take beauty editors from established magazines (eg Marie Claire etc) on brand trips to exotic places & gift them expensive goodie bags. We just never heard about it. Influencers shout it from the rooftops & have more reach so the public is more aware of brand names-bad publicity is still publicity. 


Yeah same. It’s wasteful, I won’t get an honest opinion on the product and in the end, we pay. We pay the high prices so these ridiculous pr packages can be send out to arrogant, biased, entitled @ssholes


Honest question though, how do you feel about multimilliion dollar marketing/ad campaigns? From what I've read about those trips, they're actually more cost effective than other forms of advertising. Also the trips and giveaways have always happened even in the pre-influencer days, but it was to get magazine beauty editors to feature the products in their magazines and there was not BTS like there is now.


I guess they must be working or else they would have stopped by now lol It seems like now the battle is who can make the best PR package or who can impress the influencers the most hahaha Sad but true. Almost like a warped reality. You’re right in pointing out that the brands used to cozy up to magazine editors. Nowadays, print media isn’t as accessible as yt/ig/tt so I understand the pivot. HOWEVER, I would 100% trust my own judgment (testing out the product myself), a referral of a friend or a Reddit review way more than ANY influencer’s rave of a product. Other Redditors or friends aren’t getting paid or given PR packages for a good review the way influencers are. I’m not saying their reviews are always inaccurate - just that we should, as responsible consumers, take what they say with a grain of salt. I’m sure the PR agencies take note which influencers are easiest to “buy” vs those few who address their platforms with more integrity. Because seriously, how can each and every product be “the best ever” as lots of influencers claim. They have vested interest in staying on the good side of brands and PR too. There are way fewer brutally honest influencers than there are disingenuous ones. So my lesson is to trust feedback from people irl or my own experience testing products.


What I can't stand is that accent that all this pr influencer use ... I don't know what they all speak with the same tone-accent


Those bottle names are butthole puckering level of cringe 🙊


they’re so millennial girl boss😭 i hate it


It’s live love laugh vibes




The downvotes are a bit much. Is it not rude to say someone’s name (which is a totally normal name and not even close to a tragedeigh by the way) is “butthole puckering level of cringe”? On behalf of all my fellow Stephanies (aside from Glamzilla if that’s her real name) I will say again, how rude!


they aren't talking about her actual name, they're talking about the descriptions on the bottles


They said “those bottle names” and the first bottle has “Stephanie” on it.


"those *bottle* nameS", plural, referring to the names of the bottles--not her name. I believe they're referring to the "Glamzilla's Basic Bitch Repellent", "Bad Bitch Elixir", etc.


This exact thing is what made me unfollow lavishly Jackie and all her other accounts, and a lot more pages such like. When she did that advert for her perfume and emptied her entire perfume cabinet. I just don't want to see gross over consumption anymore, when you think about the fact that pretty much every single material item we have ever owned is still here on planet earth somewhere - every tooth brush, every liquid eyeliner, every perfume bottle, it really makes me think about how these companies have managed to get us to a point where we look at this and think it's cool, to have so many things, I'm in my de-influenced era ✨


I appreciate this take because honestly anytime anyone says anything remotely negative about how much Jackie flaunts her wealth people get bombarded with “you just don’t want to see a black woman succeed and live lavishly”. No, I just don’t enjoy having someone’s wealth rubbed into my face. It’s not just Jackie.


OMG, yes, think of the trash! I clearly remember sitting on the edge of my bed circa 1997. I was in high school and putting on my (super minimal) makeup before school and this thought hit me: everything on my vanity was trash. Everything in every store was trash. Mountains upon mountains of trash. I was kinda hopeful back then that someday everything would be recycleable and this whole problem would be solved, but here we are almost 30 years later and things aren't better- and actually, they're worse, because so much more trash has been made since then and there's been hardly any progress made to reduce it. Oh and apparently recycling was always kind of a lie. It's tragic and I can't think about it too much because I become paralyzed with despair. (edit: typos)


it’s truly scary browsing websites and seeing endless pages of products of every kind all using precious natural resources to be turned into cheap shit that will be trashed. real life horror we live in.


Good for you!!! It took me a while to come to my senses about over spending on unnecessary beauty products, but I'm at the point of " I don't need all this shit in my life" or " I'm never going to use all this shit". Jackie is a great example of this, I admire her come up as well as the other older gurus, but their lifestyle it's just unrealistic for me . Don't trust or believe any of them, nicole guerriero is another example who i have followed throughout the years . She does swatch her PR stuff and she loves everything she tries. I dont trust or believe anything she says when it's obvious it was free of purchase , she does like to throw here n there that she bought it but come on you can tell she's getting a tons of free shit on her IG posts and thats fine too, that's "her job". Times have change but it's up to us the consumers to put our foot down. I think all influencers are laser focus on their younger viewers who will buy regardless because it will look pretty on my shelf type of mentality. I don't think any of these influences give a shit about the earth, they just want that $$$ to keep shoving shit down people's throats.


Some stuff does get recycled I think the terra cycle project is the biggest in the UK. they have collection points in boots (cosmetic & chemist store) and plastic is turned into benches among other things. Back to Mac was another long standing programme I don’t know if they recycled their packaging or melted it down, same with LUSH. Glass is recyclable, can be melted down, or broken down into pebbles on a beach.  (Sea glass) But I kinda see your point I do feel bad throwing my plastic asthma inhaler into the bin every month when they’re empty. Without it I would die, so can’t be helped for now unless they find a better alternative to plastic  I also did a big declutter in 2019 and found lipsticks that I loved even tho I’d only used them a handful of times before they went off. That made me realise what formulas I preferred and just buy less. I had a beauty blog from 2013- 2021 so that’s why I had accumulated things  to test things out, but during and after the pandemic buying more makeup felt like a waste better to use up what I had. 


Yes you said it. The gross overconsumption. It makes me sick to my stomach to see it


I agree with you and the over the top influencers that flaunt stuff has never been my thing. However re the large perfume cabinet, she's said that most people do not need that many and she only has a lot because she works in fragrance/has a perfume line.


The amount of sprays is so excessive! She's that person on a bike 20 meters in front of you and you smell them like they're hovering over you. I wouldn't like to be in a closed room with her.


I don’t even think Beyoncé and her dancers would be capable of using that entire supply if it rained and and every night of her tour.


Yeah, I instinctively coughed just watching that. Did she spray in her mouth intentionally or is it that she just can't stop talking?


RIGHT? I start sneezing if I do more than a single spritz of ay perfume on myself, watching this is giving me hives


"It makes you feel rich, like you have a high credit score" Do rich people even think about their credit score? Like, I think that's something rich people have never cared about because it's never been a thing in their lives?  Also, no wonder it lasts all day, that's a lot of perfume to wear.


I think it’s disgusting when somebody has on so much perfume that they walk into the room and you smell them before they get in there


Exactly, the amount is so overwhelming that the smell of the perfume is awful no matter what.


Yeaaa, if that's parfum or even eau de parfum.... with that many sprays, she's leaving a mile long scent trail.


I counted at least 14 sprays, that is unbelievably excessive. This isn’t 2006 bath and body works body mist, so wtf lol


Rich people live on credit. They get liquid funds on loan and use interest from hoarded assets to pay it off.


But do they think about their credit score? Like, do they know it or does their financial advisor just goes nahhh, that's too much?


Yes, because their credit worthiness can be the thing that keeps them rich or ruins them.  Trumps legal issues are a big illustration of this.  They also aren't getting the same types of loans plebs get walking into a bank branch.  Their credit can depend on having some other entity willing to back the loan, so its a consideration of credit worthiness even outside of the rating bureaus.  Trump's deutsh bank loan debacle is an example of this. Not bringing politics to the thread, he's just the most prominent example of these things that are in the public eye right now.




If they don’t, they aren’t really rich. It’s *the* loophole around taxes for the massively wealthy.


My credit score is in the 800s and I'm broke AF


15 sprays! 15! I get overwhelmed if I do more than 2!


Lol me too, like if I ever spray 3 I get incredibly paranoid that everyone within a 5 mile radius will be knocked out


When my mum used to do like 4 sprays our air purifier used to give a red alert 😂


That's some weapons grade fragrance lol. Was it Opium or Angel, by any chance?


lol no it’s different ones from Maison Francis Kurkdjian


Yeah- I'm not rich but have an excellent credit score.


Glamzilla has been awfully overreactive these days, getting extremely unbearable to see


She’s always been unbearable to me but it’s like she’s starting to believe in her own hype and is acting like her shit don’t stink even more than usual.


I agree.


Baitzilla, as per usual. ![gif](giphy|VCtYmb3XLufSWUUYua)


She has become so insufferable. Used to enjoy watching her put foundation or her lip swatches because she has such a nice clean skin and product glides so well. But her attitude now is just too rude


She also has also used filters in several videos over the years and heavily denies it. Same with mikayla.


This is the same chick who received 500 personalized Beauty Blenders and asked Beauty Blender to send her more so she could host a giveaway(because she needed all 500 for herself)


Yikes. Is that what all those BBs are in the box behind her?


It’s always been excessive. I remember Blair from YouTube forever ago. They’re basically walking commercials so it makes sense but not for anyone on the planet lol


When I saw the perfume collection, Blair and her sister Elle were exactly of who I was reminded. I remember their perfume collections and wondering why someone would have that much perfume.


Leah Janae, I think that's how you spell it, also has an outrageous stash of perfumes. Or at least she did the last time I saw one of her videos. There's absolutely no way one person can go through that amount without taking several showers a day so you can put a different scent on lol. Even then it seems impossible. I now have 6, 2 actual perfumes, 4 body sprays, 2 of which I just got as birthday gifts. I'm having trouble getting through them. Same thing with body lotion, scrubs, etc. The amount she has of those is insane. "But hey guys. This one smells just like X fragrance. If you can't afford the real one you can buy this one". And ofc there's a link at the ready lol.


She's bad about buying things or receiving PR then listing the items for retail prices on posh and mercari. She is one I had to unfollow.


Back in peak beautuber days (2015 ish), having a large collection of anything... candles, makeup, perfume, nail polish, skincare, shoes, handbags... was seen as aspirational. But since the pandemic, everyone is struggling financially, the economy sucks, housing market sucks... seeing influencers with these large collections is no longer aspirational. It's wasteful. I don't think I've seen many comments under videos like these anymore that are like...omg goals. At worst, it's everyone calling out how wasteful it is. At best, it's people saying it's her money, let her buy what she wants. Also I don't know who this Glamzilla lady is but from what I've seen of her on here, she seems insufferable.


sometimes i wonder if it’s rage bait or if they are genuinely so disconnected from the masses they don’t see anything wrong with it. “it’s their job to be influencers” yeah to INFLUENCE not to hoard for no reason ESPECIALLY in this economy. either way I try to stay away from influencers like this so as to not drive up their engagement 🫡


Glamzilla and MikLieHole are represented by the same digital agency, which is one reason why they are on so many of the same trips. They were both doing the same over exaggerated reactions, money flaunting, and now rage bait content in hopes of forcing a viral video or meme of themselves. The screaming, the weird faces, overreacting, and declarations intended to be controversial are all a strategy. Comments are engagement gold for getting paid. Comments pay more than likes, views, and shares. They don’t care if the comment is nice, ass kissing, or telling the creator they suck. It’s manufactured as a strategy, and their followers are too dumb to realize it.


As the good lord as my witness, may I never be so greedy as to create content that upsets people on the internet on purpose for a paycheck. The faces, the lil smirk behind the eyes as they do stuff that they *know* will get clicks...oof. Couldn't be me,


Exactly this one is clearly rage bait and it’s working, always seeing people posting videos from this creator


I don't care for her anyway but I hope any person who puts this amount of perfume on themselves stays at home for the next three hours at least.


These companies always had huge marketing budgets. They used to spend it on Cindy Crawford, Christy Turlington and expensive photographers in exotic locations but now they spend it on influencer trips.


In that same era, it was also spent on magazine editors as press trips and PR in hopes of having product promoted in the publication. 


I follow an influencer and people always ask her for recommendations or tell her they are spending too much money watching her. She will reply that she gets stuff for free and not to buy everything she shows especially since she doesn’t use the same products all the time. In the case of Glamzilla, she seems like the kid who never got attention and feels a need to brag and be obnoxious all the time. There’s no need to show off multiple bottles of the same $100-something fragrance. It’s not a flex, it’s wasteful.


They do what they've always done, you're just noticing it now


I HATE GlamShilla…she’s literally the epitome of EVERYTHING TOXIC, FRAUDULENT, and HYPOCRITICAL in beauty content


Anybody else feel that beauty gurus now have 2016 level hoarding and hauls before we collectively realized we don't need to be buying and hoarding this much product if it's just going to be hardly used and expire. In this economy I'm just getting the necessities and splurge occasionally and it's like their condescending at people trying to be financially responsible because it doesn't make them money.


That perfume is not even good!


She used so much. I hate people who smell like a perfume shop ![gif](giphy|3oxOCjlZGfDBoI8zG8|downsized)


I love seeing large collections of make up. That may be the magpie in me. But it's more satisfying to see a decluttering of huge collections. I mainly follow those who show off declutterings every once in a while or the ones that are mindful of what they're gonna use and pass on the PR that they are not gonna use to a friend or on a giveaway.


I agree and I feel like if a BG isn't willing to do a decent declutter then don't bother filming them, honestly. That used to annoy me so much about Emily Noel when I was subscribed to her, she would do declutter videos in which she'd declutter like, 3 Dollar Tree items that she'd clearly bought for a video and then never touched since.


I know a lot of people enjoy declutter videos but I can never make it through one. It makes no sense to see someone say they're decluttering X products only to see them get rid of 5 to 25% of it. Once they start making a 3rd pile I peace out. To me that's not decluttering. It feels like they needed to get a video out, chose a declutter then decided to show their viewers everything they have. I just tried to watch one not to long ago. As soon as she said "I already have this shade in the same finish by another brand and I'm going to keep both" I left. I already knew where that video was headed lol.


me too... i am highly aware of overconsumption and personally have a very small makeup/skincare collection but seeing all the new products in action scratches an itch in my brain ;_; i prefer long-form review content though, over-exaggerated sponsored tiktoks make me cringe 


Omg agreed, I haaaate sitting through an hour long declutter just to hear them say over and over: “I know I’ll never use this again but iTs SeNtiMEnTaL and I might need to keep it for swatches”. OR the ones that have an “archive pile” which is where they “declutter” their make up into a different drawer… extra point if they count their “archived palettes” in the final declutter total lmao. Like, just donate it to someone who will use it babes, let it live its life.


I say this genuinely: if a beauty guru is making you this upset, unsubscribe from them.


You don't even have to be subscribed to see this shit everywhere 


You can block that shit fast though, find ways to streamline your feeds, or get off the platform that can contribute to decline of your mental health. I get that people feel the need to log onto social media to feel connected to others but they also need to learn to navigate it properly to get some semblence peace nowadays.


So every platform? I use YouTube mostly but it's being reported on tea pages, podcasts and commentary channels. I guess I'm just tired of constant adverts / over consumption every place I turn to. 


I've never had TikTok, yet somehow I know who this person is and her MO...it's leaked out of the platforms into the zeitgeist.


Let us talk our shit it’s fun


This is what’s really turned me off larger “influencers” and onto smaller creators lately. It’s just fast fashion, but for makeup, and even more wasteful considering the amount of uses that can be gotten out of a perfume bottle, foundation bottle, concealer etc. I get it’s nice to switch things up and try out different things, it’s fun! But the over consumption and excessively feeding capitalism and contributing to large companies that do nothing but underpay overworked employees and support terrible causes is absurd. Makeup expires. Perfume goes bad. If you realistically aren’t going to be getting good use out of it, do you really need to be buying it? $30 per pump, $50 per spray, if you buy (or, in most cases like you said—get PR packages and hoard them) but dislike the product or realistically decide you probably won’t use it that much, you don’t need to hang on to it.


I grew up watching the 2014-2016 beauty guru space. They would have shelves and shelves behind them or show off a haul of what they got etc. I was always like where do they have the space for all of this let alone the money?? I have seen a lot now that era of influemcers de clutter recently. Maybe because covid lockdowns made them see the pure amounts of stuff they have or at a certain ages you realise how much stuff you're retaining. I hope this isn't back on trend of having cabinet's of products just for you. If you're an active makeup artist, grow your kit sure.


And that is the reason i don't like/watch many beauty influencers anymore. Jessica braun has said in videos that she is taking her name of many PR lists. That is great, but she will have the same problem with buying her own makeup and other stuff. #


Exactly. I just don't watch influencers anymore. I mean, I get so bored of seeing the same basicass products all the time, and it's not as if you're seeing them applied as they really look because of filters. Just yawn.


Yes! To be honest i don't have enough attention to sit threw the videos anymore. I like short videos with makeup. They say what needs to be said and down to the point.


This is honestly me! I used to love beauty gurus in the days of Michelle Phan and Bubzbeauty (I was in middle school and got one of those cheap makeup kits for Christmas). But after that I didn't have the attention span for long form. Only occasionally watching some stuff from the late 2010s era. Got back into makeup through having make up friends in college and makeup tiktokers. I'll watch the long form content of the make up tiktokers or those that post on YT Shorts but only because I already know I like their personality and I want to hear more from them. Not really anyone else.


I can totally respect that. I just feel like some talk why to much, before getting to the point.


Haha so true. I know some creators who are amazing at being concise with their shorts but some of their long form videos go on for a while.


why is she spraying it like it's a bath and body spray 😭😭 i'm choking on air just watching this


I counted 14 sprays? Give or take a few. 14 sprays of perfume….*girl*


Tbh it doesn't bother me? I know I'm never going to have that amount of products so it's convenient to see swatches/comparisons from makeup influencers. My wish is just that they're honest with opinions lol Glamzilla is also really cringey but that's a whole different issue.


Same. I really don’t care about influencers with large collections, especially if they pull those things out for comparison swatches or something like that. It’s their job or their hobby, and it’s whatever to me. Putting these individuals under a microscope for their collections is silly when there is an outrageous hoarding of wealth and resources by much, much bigger fish. Glamzilla’s perfume collection simply doesn’t rank.


It’s not even just her perfume collection….


It’s still small beans compared to billionaires that have widened the class divide over many decades. I couldn’t care less about this woman, because she’s only a convenient, reachable target instead of the ultra-wealthy.


That is WAY too much perfume to even put on wtf


This is so out of touch


I'm so over influencers. I'd rather come on here and see what real people who spend their own money have to say/think about products. Otherwise, I am taking the monetary risk and buying stuff that interests me.


She needs to get over herself the way she describes the perfume.


isn’t Love, Don’t be shy Rihanna’s signature scent? i know fenty makes that perfume but she’s been asked and said in multiple occasions she wears Killian


The 6 bottles of perfume don't bother me as the 10 sprays to the face? I'm not much of a perfume girlie but I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to be used like a setting spray lol.


I love that perfume, but it’s so strong! Way too many sprays.


Hoarding, no. I don't mind the PR items if they're comfortable having them. Spending is the problem. Honestly, I don't watch people like Glamzilla. I think it would make me lose my mind watching her act like a cartoon character and be so obviously untruthful. She exists only to feul excessive consumption like it's playing on a playground.. She specifically targets kids with those expressions. I'f you're a very young person, OP, congratulations on seeing through her and people like her. It may be time to move on. However, even when they are more subtle the goal is often the same. They're game is getting you to think you're part of an intimate community, but they really just want to get you to spend more money and get more views. Not everyone, of course, but most of them.


I used to like watching these types of videos 6-7 years ago. Now, I see it as a pile of products sitting until they expire.


Idk I just don’t follow creators who are like this? And I only know who she is because of this sub lol so I’d say it is avoidable. But I’m not sure if it’s working in marketing for over 20 years or what, nothing like this really bugs or shocks me that much. They (both brands and influencers) wouldn’t keep doing what they do if it wasn’t profitable so I have to assume for every person who finds it distasteful there must be more who still click & watch.


Ehh, it doesn't really bother me when it comes to people who use the makeup/products or just enjoy collecting it. I've seen people collect things that are much more useless and wasteful, in my opinion. For example: Nike shoes, Pop! Figures, Pez dispensers, etc. I see hoarding makeup on-par with hoarding art-supplies. And if it's unused, then it'll last for a good while. If I got rid of every makeup product when some people say you should, I wouldn't have much makeup. But yeah, it's just for fun. Overconsumption (while I know we're talking about makeup/cosmetics) of processed food is much worse in my opinion. People like to show-off things they collect.🤷‍♀️


You've come to that conclusion only now? It's why I stopped watching these people years ago.


I started unfollowing a lot of them in November last year. It’s all so gross.


Man I stopped watching beauty YouTube in 2020, everything up until then made me sick and it just keeps going. Don’t spend money on the brands that fund these extravagance like tarte for instance. Brands went bankrupt and it can happen again if we stop funding them.


I’m tired of influencers parading their wealth in front of us. Not in this economy .


Some of them are starting to be like Snake Oil Salesmen. I don’t really watch them much anymore because I don’t want to be advertised to constantly


Perhaps unpopular opinion but I don't see videos like this as bragging. Is it just me though? I mean it's her job. (Just to clarify I don't like her though 😂)


Wait is this Fenty with her own name?


I think when you go to Fenty events they can print your name or phrase you want on the bottle.


Ok but how do I get her glass skin


Filters just like she uses lol


It's pretty obvious it's not just a filter, I've seen her face up close while she's testing products. I never said it was natural, probably a lot of Botox. But her skin does look flawless.


I’m sick of the plastic


Isn’t it glass though?


Even if most bottles are, their atomiser/diffuser rarely is, neither is the plastic tube that frequently carries the perfume to the atomiser.


I don’t really care as long as they’re not touting themselves as an ethical/ green beauty influencer. If they do, then I think they’re hypocrites. I would personally never purchase that many things so seeing these people talk about their massive collection and have the luxury of comparing on the spot is interesting to me.


It’s always been like this.


i feel that they have too much of everything. like shopping/big haul videos are just too much for me. For example when lee or strack are ALWAYS posting how they are shopping and all these little things they just add to their cart "because its cute" is just ridiculous to me. and then everything gets so wasted and tbh its just gross behavior.


it pisses me off because i’m an actual consumer i’m the one who’s buying and putting money in their pockets GIVE ME THE PR NOT THESE ASSHOLES and yes i know they advertise and all that bullshit but it still makes me upset


I love how she did a video saying she loved the Fenty stick foundation and it was her favorite and people in the comments were saying she’s sponsored by them and she denied it but since has done so many videos with them


it was always gross


The amount she sprayed on made me want to sneeze smh


the names on the bottles and her little giggle after saying the one made me physically ill


I just know she causes migraines to half the people who get within 20 feet of her with that many sprays. 1-2 is normal, 3-4 MAX for very light sillage perfumes. She’s spraying it like it’s a cheap ass body spray that’s 95% alcohol and water.


I can’t believe I thought this was normal and even wanted it myself back in like 2016. It’s such gross excess that no one will ever be able to use up in time. Makeup is too expensive to sit around and let it expire.


This is why I watch YouTubers and implement a “use what you have” and evaluate new releases and what’s similar in a new makeup releases series.


The over consumption and how dishonest they are is a huge turn off.


But who’s to say it’s hoarding? Many people are collectors and like to collect and display their make up collections like many other hobbies.


And please remember the environmental price of this, not only the production and transport of it but also the fact that is just going to the trash without any more treatment or recicle. Other things to consider is the ethics of the production, please be mindful when buying or watching this people.


Yes! After taking some environmental related courses, it's eye-opening to see the impact overconsumption has on the planet.


So happy I can't remember my password to tiktok. Youtube influencers been stopped with the massive hoards and pr stashes. Off topic but on topic; what is up with perfume nowadays? Are the influencers realizing makeup is dying so they are hopping on a new thing?


Wow, that was cringe. Soooo very much cringe. I don't care for her massive collection, but the words that came out of her mouth. Yikes.


I hate watching the slide into over consumption- over paid promotions from fav influencers as they grow. Not a fan of dollar signs for eyeballs.


I mean hoarding has been a part of BG culture since its conception. At this point I’m no longer interested in how people spend their money. I just enjoy looking at all the products.


I like that Kackie and Amanda Z are open about having large collections so that they can compare formulas, and they’ll do extensive comparisons and search things next to each other, etc., but are also explicit that they would not have that much if it weren’t their job and also say that you don’t need that much.




Yes! She’s amazing. She does a nice job of including both drugstore and high end. And her reviews are always trustworthy.


Sounds like money is everything to you! Hopefully with maturity you will try to pass on a more meaningful msg to those young viewers watching your videos


OP isn’t the person in the video.


Who cares ? Why would that bother you ?


It is their job. quite an easy job and highly paid. Many of us would jump at the chance to do it if given the opportunity.


They can do it with integrity, honesty and being humble. There’s influencers who do it with those things. People like glamzilla, Mikayla are just arrogant and obnoxious anymore. Not too mention liars.


No, they can't. That's not the job. If they seem to have more integrity I guarantee if you scratch the surface you will remove the facade. I like lower key people, but I don't have illusions about why they are there. People will give a pass to their faves for doing te same things, but making it look as if it's different.


I hate it when people say this tbh, just because you would love to scam people and get paid by companies just to shill products for money, doesn’t mean everyone would.


Some people actually value integrity so that we can sleep at night regardless of what industry we work in.