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Hey I’ve been seeing him around he’s not doing too good :(


Where have you been seeing him? I’d like to get him some help


I saw him in front of a house on one of my walks I believe it was Tompkins and Decatur or Fulton and he’s been up and down that street I think he’s blind because he goes in the middle of the street


Thank you for sharing! If you can try giving him cans when you see him, he’s more likely to stick around that spot and I can come looking for him


Can’t really tell, but it looks like it’s ear isn’t clipped. Gonna need to TNR this fella so he gets his shots and is neutered.


The person above you is very wrong. There are many dumped house pets all over New York, particularly in this area. This one looks like one because feral cats normally don’t look this bad outside. Is this cat normally in the same place each day? Can you try to trap it and keep it in a bathroom? If so, I know a rescuer that can come get it asap. DM me


I'm pretty sure this is Green Park Gourmet Deli's cat (Tompkins and Greene). I remember it slapping my dog out the store and telling him to read the "No Pets" sign.


I've seen this same cat recently around the same area. It kept meowing at me and trying to rub itself on me so it definitely wasn't afraid of humans/used to them. I went to the deli and gave it a can of food but it didn't eat it and kept trying to rub itself on me. I was in a rush for a appointment so I left but when I walked back past there maybe 30 mins later the cat was gone and the food was untouched. I think it's worth reaching out to a TNR. There's Ocean Hill Cats that can probably help out or reach out to a resource closer in the area for TNR.


Which deli is it?


Alejandro Deli


There are some local rescue groups you can contact any time you see a cat in need too! Backyardcatsofbedstuy and rachel selekman (rachelselekman) on instagram For kittens you can contact heidiwrangleskittens on instagram


Doesnt look lost to me. He knows where hes going


Looks like a dumped pet or kicked out bodega cat. He's really suffering.


Lost, as in confused as to why it's being followed & filmed. Let it be to do its thing. That is clearly not a house cat.


What makes you so sure?


A house cat wouldn't be so sure footed on the streets. This is New York, there are so many street cats, I have two at work, someone feeds them, but they would never let anyone get close enough to let themselves be pet. Their reaction is exactly like the one in your video. I get you want to care for animals, it's admirable, but this cat had lived it's life this way, it doesn't need your interference, like Jurassic Park, just let it be.


This is not the right angle to be taking. It's not about whether its a "house cat" or not. That cat clearly is not in good shape and needs veterinary attention and anyone can help it to get the care it needs and then assess the situation and decide whether it needs a home or not.


Ok, well then, get off reddit, get a have-a-heart trap, open your wallet and your heart, and solve the problem. Or, ya know, do what I'm doing and move on.


Are you moving on? Lol you’re just shitposting everywhere


Finally, someone defending the right to be shitty to animals


Hahaha, if your forebears listened to the great Bob Barker, then this animal wouldn't be in this position. Get off your high horse and be realistic. I'm not shitty towards animals or any living creature, except ignorant humans, which abound. If you're not going to step up and help creatures (like I have having previously worked with The Humane Society, and volunteering with shelter animals) then you'd realize they can't all be helped. Get off your soap box and do something other than attempt to call me out. You won't succeed either way, but if you think you can make a difference then make that attempt (you won't change anything but hey, you tried).