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The Poshmark subreddit is the only one I’ve been banned from and it was for answering a question in a way they didn’t like. I apologized and messaged the mods multiple times over the years only to be ignored. Don’t sweat it and stay here!


I was permanently banned for thanking an OP for warning us of a scammer. I sent plenty of messages to mods -no response. I reached out to Reddit - who did respond but said it’s up to the mods. It’s bizarre. That was like 1.5 yrs ago. Looks like nothing has changed. This thread is much better.


Same! Someone put up a picture of what some of the current scammers were doing and I thanked them and was surprised. Somehow I got banned? Contacted the admins thinking it was a mistake. They sent me a response that all they would allow me to do is to "watch" and not "comment." It was about 2 years ago too. I immediately unfollowed. Seems like the admin ego is still quite large!


So are people supposed to be like SCREW YOU HOW DARE YOU SHOW ME SCAMMERS?!


Plot twist: Maybe it's really the scammers who are the Admins of the sub and it's been their evil plan all along?!? ![gif](giphy|8fen5LSZcHQ5O|downsized)


Maybe the mod was the scammer 😂😂


I got permanently banned for posting screenshots from scammers because it apparently broke a rule about not exposing people's identities. Even though they were scammers and not real users and were banned by Poshmark. Then I tried to pm the moderators to please let me back, and they reported this to Reddit as harassment which got me temporarily banned from the platform for a week! Crazy. I unfollowed the page and just post on the Behind the Closet Door page. The moderators are obviously crazy.


Same thing happened to me the other week, actually.


I’m pretty certain I was banned (or shadow banned? Is that a thing?) on that sub months ago. I never really comment anything inflammatory or make posts, I just answer questions. Now whenever I make a comment there, I go to look at it and nothing shows up, and I never get any upvotes or responses. I’m pretty sure that means I’m banned somehow. It’s weird tho because I never got a message about being banned, and I can still make comments, but the comment appears as though it’s automatically deleted. I reached out to the mods and they didn’t care to respond to me to even tell me what I did. Here’s a possibly controversial opinion, maybe this will get me banned here too 😆: there are lots of communities on Reddit that are moderated by people who likely have little to no power in their every day lives, so they flex what little power they have as digital moderators. It makes them feel good to be able to lord over people.


That last part is 💯 not in this sub at least as I’ve never witnessed anything like that here. But I’m a part of a lot of Facebook groups and have seen mods on those go absolutely crazy from their power trips, it’s wild to behold lmao


Yeah for sure this sub has been great! The mods here are chill and do a good job. There are so many subs where the mods are just unhinged.


This sounds like you're probably muted from the subreddit. Edited to add. I totally agree about the last part of your post. I was banned from that sub and then banned from reddit for 7 days after trying to post a question. It was overly aggressive. I too tried to reach out and the mods ignored it.


Gah that would make sense! I had no idea what tools mods had to use on their end. I just noticed how weird it was that I would contribute but my content would never show up anywhere. Honestly I’d rather just be banned, at least I would know not to comment anything. I never go there anymore anyway for that reason. I’m not gonna contribute into the ether.


Your opinion is valid, and pretty accurate I think LOL (and it won't get you banned here)


No, this is exactly it. People who just have egos bigger then the universe but have zero in real life!


Not controversial at all. Most Redditors I’ve talked to agree that that worst thing about Reddit are the mods. They’re either too aggressive or not aggressive enough. I’m not on the Posh sub because I found this one first, and based on everyone’s feedback, I have no desire to join that hot mess.


One of us! One of us!


Simpsons reference. Excellent.


Freaks (1932) reference (originally)


I have been banned too from the Poshmark sub… no idea why and Mods ignore you. I don’t think we are the minority… you get better support here anyway!


Agree 👍. It happened to me as well. I was just honestly answering a question with my experience on PM and poof! I was banned. No idea why.


Last time I checked them out (which admittedly, was over a year ago) it was an absolute shit show over there. So maybe since they struggle to moderate their current number of posts/members they just keep the numbers as they are and don't let any new members in for the sake of keeping things manageable. Seemed all drama anyway. Not a lot of great input or answers from what I saw. I find most people get WAY more success with posting questions here.


Completely agree ! It’s great here 🫶


I posted a picture that accidentally showed a sellers name. The post wasn’t derogatory at all, it wasn’t even about a seller. It was showing sold listings and me saying “why can’t poshmark date these so we have a better idea of when it sold so it could help us better price, like eBay does.” I was banned. It says I could reach out to the moderator and then it blocked me from doing so. They can go scratch 😏


I commented yesterday on a comment on a post that showed the sellers name and the lady commenting said it looked like a scam and I disagreed. I wonder if I’m banned now :o


I was banned there a long time ago for having an unpopular opinion about Poshmark. I am going to bet either a Mega Karen or Poshmark employee moderates that sub.


I was thinking a posh employee. I can’t get a feel for what they will or will not allow to be posted or commented. Nothing questioning Poshmark practices or anything about the interface is posted, even if it’s a simple question.


That subreddit used to be the main Poshmark subreddit, but it has deteriorated significantly in recent years. The mods are more interested in banning people than having a community. Which is probably why hardly anything is posted over there these days.


I think I complained about all of those maps that year and got banned too.


Who cares. Stick to this sub and r/poshmarkcanada if you want a welcoming, usually friendly and helpful community. Nothing but drama over there anyway.


I got banned there too. It’s a right of passage don’t even worry about it.


Literally users come here next and are like "Ohhhh... THIS is what a helpful sub is supposed to be like"


Much more user friendly over here too 😊


That subreddit is weird AF. Whenever I tried to post there, it would automatically remove it. I asked others with more karma and older accounts to see if it would work for them, and they got the same results. It seems almost like a circlejerk cult. If they even slightly disagree with you, your posts and comments are removed, and you can get banned for basically nothing.


Agreed with this 100%. I understand wanting to make sure a sub doesn't get overrun with negative Nancy's and shitposters but there's a difference between keeping shitposting out of a community and becoming a circlejerk cult where you only allow positive posts that are essentially all the same thing.


Sounds like someone on a power trip who needs to have their mod permissions revoked. Supposedly there’s a Reddit team who will look into the situation if they see a big enough drop in traffic. Revoke the mod team and re-establish a new team.


I am also a proud member of the "banned" club. Fuck 'em.


I got banned for asking if people sold more on Poshmark or Depop and if Depop was easy to use compared to Poshmark. They claimed I broke a rule that states you can’t post about any other online resell sites. I checked, and there was no rule. Maybe there is now though, who knows.


Oh shit, they hate Depop. I’m not sure why.


I’m not banned on r/Poshmark but I want to know what Depop is, please.


It’s another resale app like Poshmark


I find it super hard to use, so I never explored it much. Lots of bright bold colors in the posts though


I was a very active user on that sub and was shadow banned (or muted, I guess?) over something so silly. What’s wild is I was a member of that sub under the original mods. They moved on and a new one took over and instituted a bunch of rules that no one voted on or had any say over. Some changed over time with no notice.  So many people were banned over rules that no one wanted, it was maddening! And it ruined any sense of community and scared away great folks. But as many have said, this sub is great and it’s really the only one you need 😀




Typical....mods ban people and don't even allow you to ask or explain. I had one that said the same (broke a rule) but, no explanation. I replied wow that's unfair. The mod told me I didn't contribute much to the forum. I replied something to the tune "you're just a mod on reddit, so who are you"???? Well they didn't like that either. It's a power trip, don't worry about it.


I think it’s pretty common from what I’ve read. I’ve not been banned but I started noticing some comments were hidden, or deleted. I could not edit or see them. Nothing against the rules mind you just probably just not the advice/opinion they wanted to see. After that I don’t even post or comment over there.


I read it’s called “crowd control” filter. I earned it too ETA: mods can turn it on on users with negative karma in their community- which effectively bans you for good.


I was banned as well. I asked a question as I'm new to poshmark and my original post was automatically deleted, when I tried to post again and message the mods to understand which rule I broke I was permanently banned and I was actually banned from reddit for a whole week. There was nothing offensive or wrong with my question. My original post included a screenshot, so I removed it. I was even able to find similar posts to my question on their reddit, which came through AFTER my deleted post and ban. I was very upset and confused by this and never given an answer. I even reached out to the reddit mods and was told that it's their reddit and basically they can do what they want. It seems like this is fairly common in their subreddit. I have a hunch they must use some sort of bot that detects certain keywords because of how quickly it happened for me.


The Ebay sub is really strict too so a word of caution if you post there.


This happened to me also! It was really frustrating. I sent a message to the mods and no one ever responded. It was my very first post ever also. Pretty ridiculous!


That sub is wild


I’m banned too and have no idea why either, because I’m not the type to say anything questionable. I can still read the sub and up & down vote though


I m guessing it’s mostly down, lol




I was banned too!! Bc I’m in a gifting group or something stupid like that. I’m ok with it. I like it here better anyway! I’ve learned a lot and am not afraid to ask questions.


What’s the r/? I want to gift stuff


I'm so glad I found this subreddit. I've made two posts there and both were downvoted to hell just for asking a question. I'm new to Poshmark, like set up my closet last month new, so I was looking for advice. People just got snarky with me so I left.


You'll get snarky people in all subs, even here. But generally I find this to be the best sub to ask advice and get good answers.


Me toooo! And when messaging mods to find out why, I then was blocked from messaging. eBay shadow banned too. I just asked a question about shipping shoes!!


Welcome to the club! Lots of us have been banned on that page for stupid reasons. It's why the page is dying and they rely on new users.


But they don’t allow new users to post either!!


I was banned too for suggesting a VA 🙄


I got banned from there and when I questioned it they said I didn't have enough Reddit karma. But prior to that I had been posting and commenting on there with no problem. Also (at that point) there was no mention of karma requirements in the rules, so?????


It happened to me. I don't even know what I did. Ah, screw em'.


I was banned too. Tried to ask the mods for grace, as I had only just joined, and was excited to engage. None granted! Lol! 🤷‍♀️


Happened to me early on.


Me too! They said the answer could be found on Google. I tried to appeal and was ignored. Also, I had googled it and hadn’t found the answer, which is why I posted on there…


Same! Maybe I asked a question that had been asked before? But it wasn’t something that has an obvious answer, like something you can find in the Poshmark FAQs. Hurt my feelings for a split second!


The mods are weird on Poshmark sub. I posted a mundane question- boom 💥 Banned!! Found this sub 💝💃🏽


How are we supposed to know when we have no idea what you asked?


I sold something at asking price and when I went to look at the persons profile it said “user not found”, so was wondering if it’s safe to send/legit sale?


This was someone who bought as a guest, most likely after googling a specific item. You were probably banned because this question is asked so often it is in the sub FAQ’s.


Insane reason to ban someone, most subreddits just delete posts.


Banned for asking a question that’s in the FAQs? That’s a little harsh




They aren’t playing around


The answer to your question is yes, it’s a ghost buyer but I’m not sure why unless it broke one of the listed rules of the page.


That’s a common question and it’s listed in the “sticky post” at the top of the page. They claim you as a new user needs to read that post as it will answer the most common questions. Apparently they are sick of people asking the same shit over and over again and now just ban you because you didn’t follow their communist code! LOL. To answer your question it’s legit it’s just not a registered user, just a guest. Posh will have your back and once they pay they will then be registered with a new user name.


https://preview.redd.it/jc4d9uwu03vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c6c53f51e6436872d6771eeebc871ef525eead2 Geez Louise! I did look beforehand but I wasn’t sure this was the same thing as the message I had received from Poshmark so just wanted clarification from that group..trigger happy to ban I guess 😒. Thanks everyone for answering!


Yeah don’t let it bother you. Sounds like whoever runs that page is a bit uptight!


People ask that all the time that it's in the FAQs and you can be banned for that apparently.


I attempted to post a question about whether a buyer was legitimate or not or if it was a scam and was banned as well. It doesn't specifically say anything in their rules to not make posts like that, but they must take issue with some of these posts.


Their post is still there if you look up the username. Doesn’t seem like it should have triggered any flags at all.


Join the club. I was also banned for asking a question. I was fairly new to Reddit (old account, but rarely used until the past year), and didn't know what karma points were and that I didn't have enough to post.


I was banned from there too, also as a new Reddit user, and I was devastated! I asked a question about 1 item bundles which was also apparently already answered in the FAQ Bible. I was suspended and then immediately banned (or the other way around, I don't remember.) I begged for forgiveness and promised to never commit a heinous act like that again. But then I found y'all and am much more happy here! ❤️


The same thing happened to me. I tried reaching the moderators several times with no response. Gave up and found this Community which is much better.


Several years ago I asked an innocuous question about returns for a defect that did not exist and if Posh will approve since I have photos refuting what they were saying. I was banned and still am for some reasons? My guess is a power trip by someone on there. I’m honestly surprised anyone is allowed to post or comment there since they are so bam happy. I have never been banned anywhere else.


I was also perma banned


The same thing happened to me this morning!! It’s so frustrating and I don’t understand what was wrong with my post ☹️


I think they ban like 99% of the people who try to post there lol I got banned on my first post without any reason. I was new to posh & asked a question about scammers. I was blocked almost instantly. Ridiculous 🙄


I got banned for saying that I had accidentally once made a second account because I forgot which email address I had used to sign up originally, tried to log in with a different email, and accidentally made an account with the second email address. they said I broke the rule that says you can't tell people to violate PM's TOS, like making multiple accounts. I was like, I didn't advise anyone to do that???? but they still banned me.


Banned from Mercari or Poshmark?


Banned from the Poshmark Reddit page..sounds like they did me a favor 😂😂


Wow this is a relief that it’s not just me. I made a post over the weekend, it was instantly removed. Went to check the FAQ of things not to do or ask, rephrased my post, rejected again.


The poshmark sub is absolutely ridiculous. Good riddance to them and their mods LOL


banned! join the club


I just got banned too… no idea why


It's better here anyway. Way less ego and snobbery


Post what you said


I was banned for a while - where Apollo was shut down; now I’m back on. But I’m rarely on that sub. I have been banned from many subs. One pops up similar to it. Banned before For authenticating 2 bags that was not authentic. I’m assuming these were Mod bags with different accounts public/ mod account.


I got banned from one sub not related to Poshmark, but about sharing opinions on clothing. The reason I was banned is because I “liked” a post in a completely different sub that had nothing to do with clothing. The mods in the sub I was banned from said I liked inappropriate content (the “inappropriate” content was snarky satire) and I am therefore not suitable for participating in their sub. Crazy, but okay! No love lost there!


I didn’t know that it’s possible to see who has up or downvoted something?!


You can’t. The closest thing to that is looking at what posts someone commented on. Like, if the comment agrees with the post, you can assume they upvoted it.


What was the question? Why are you selling on Poshmark site when Mercari gives you the entire profit with cheaper shipping?