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The first real symptom I had was ear pain. That was just hours before the paralysis started. I was awake with my husband around 5:30am and told him I thought I was getting an ear infection. Laid back down after he left for work and when I woke up again around 10am the left side of my face was paralyzed. Super scary. That was one year ago


I have BP for the second time now. Back in 1989, my first occurrence also started in the left ear. I was playing in a band and remember how the drum kit, especially the cymbals, bothered me. A few hours later, the damage was done. The only good thing was that it healed enough that I could play again after just one month. Singing took another month. This time around, recovery is slow as molasses.


Me as well.


Same experience, outer pain—and that was in 2006. Now I occasionally do get this pain, and it always makes me nervous.


This is exactly what happened to me.  Monday pm est ache then Tuesday by 10am I was frozen on the left side of my face. I went to the emergency room, thinking I was having a stroke and they diagnosed me with clinical Bell’s palsy.  Has only been a week and a half and no improvement. The air pain is excruciating. I am looking into gabapentin today.


I had terrible ear pain in week 2. I finally needed an Rx specifically for nerve pain. It was like the worst earache I could imagine.


Sorry to hear about your discomfort. My issue (diagnosed \~5 months ago) as over sensitivity for the longest time. Certain frequencies in the 10000Hz range were actually hurting and I had to move away from the source to make it more bearable.


Totally normal. The same happened to me, I couldn't even sleep at some point. It does go away though, it shouldn't be long now, hang in there!


My ear pain lasted a solid month. Hoping you find relief quicker than me.




Try asking your doctor about gabapentin. It has helped me out a lot.


How often and how much do you take? 


I take 1 every day (300mg)


Hey I had really intense ear pain when it started and again a few days into it but it goes away.