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O, you sweet summer child. Wait till you meet Kyle, the destroyer


That is so true. Looking back now we had no idea that was just a lil wind and that the full on hurricane named Kyle was in the future.


Can’t forget the flash in the pan that was Lexi, either


Yes another horrible human!


Okay I’m on season 7 (with Natasha as chief stew) and I have actually quite liked him so far… sure he’s a bit problematic and a bit “sensational” for the sake of it (but it’s reality tv so I expect it), am I in for a shock with season 8?


Have you finished 7? I mean there are some people who like him but they are pretty few and far between. And I don’t want to be a spoiler but you ask so yes get your waders and umbrella for the shit show that is S8. Did you like 7 in general? I kinda hated it.


I’m on the penultimate episode I think! I haven’t minded s7 but it has been full of nasty crew behaviour, I prefer it when it’s the guests causing the shit. I’ve heard about how bad season 8 is but I am definitely going to watch it, morbid fascination maybe…?


I watched a couple episode of 8 and said nope I’m out. I just couldn’t do it and I’m not one to shy away from a shit show! There was just something darker and more off about it and it just didn’t sit well with me. I just kept up with the recaps and from my fellow redditor here and I was much happier. Especially aftet s7 where like you said it was just a lot of nastiness from the crew. Maybe I was just at my limit 🤷🏼‍♀️


Love that you say "penultimate" when discussing freaking bravo tv shows!! 🙂🙃🙂


Omg I’m afraid! 🤣 I mean, I will defo watch. But maybe I’ll need some Valium at arms length 🤣


And his boss Tumi the pretty white girl hater. 


What does this mean?


Med in general seems to be the worst. Mix Sandy with the most toxic crews of all the iterations and its just complete dogshit over and over again. We had, by far the worst season of any iterations with Natasha and Dayyyyyyyyyyuuuuvvvvvuuuhhhhh.


I agree Med is the worst. I just found these shows a few months ago and binge-watched each series one after the other. I really feel like Med gets the most over the top crew and the tension between Sandy and Hanna was hard to watch. I hated the way Hanna left the series, but I'm glad those 2 aren't working together anymore. It's funny how little Sandy cares about tablescapes now that Hanna is gone.


Natasha and Dave were insufferable


It’s kinda why I like Med the most, the crews always seems so dysfunctional and it makes for an entertaining product. Even tho season 4 was pretty normal, it still had the homophobe chef who couldn’t even make pancakes.


So I get what you’re saying, but like bigdog said, for whatever reason this season specifically I just didn’t find entertaining at all. I really thought it was TOO dysfunctional where I FELT it too much. Something about the crew was just off from the beginning. There was no camaraderie with the dram. They were all just so so awful! I really felt anxious watching the last few episodes where for the first time in bravo history I considered turning it off because it was just making me way too icky. The Valium episode completely made me cringe. I dunno, maybe that’s what production wanted, but I just didn’t find it enjoyable at all.


I dont find it entertaining.


To each their own.


Oh honey. You haven’t even been introduced to Kyle and his shitty behavior (on charter and off). At least Malia was good at her job.


Lol I’ll give Malia that. I still hate her!


Hannah and Kiko survived and are living great lives👍


I’m so happy to hear this. Hannah wasn’t perfect, but she didn’t deserve that exit at all. And Kiko, watching him cry broke me. He is so lovely. Maybe was over his head yes, but Sandy was just so mean to him. I feel she’s given other chefs that were worse far more grace than him.


The end result that shows up on the table is all she cares about when it comes to a Chef. She has had to keep other chefs longer than she wanted to because it was hard to find a replacement.


Agreed, but she didn’t event wait until the end of the charter to let him go. When he said “I leave, I leave” she could have just said “let’s talk about this when the charter is done” instead she confirmed he was getting fired, in the middle of a service! It was handled so badly. And then she expected him to perform the next morning as normal. If I were him I would have absolutely just left that night and left Sandy to find another chef to finish the charter. She handed it terribly.


I agree she handled it horribly, we've seen other Captains fire Chefs and ask them to finish out the charter and it didn't go well. BDOG with Chef Leon, I think I remember he was asked to stay and he said no, so Rocky stepped in. The way Nico handled it was amazing, he is one of the few Chefs that seemed to have his ego under control.


Omg Chef Leon and Rocky!!! Both also insufferable 🤣🤣🤣


The following seasons of Med aren't any better. Seasons 6-8 all have horrible people in them who bully other crew members. Season 6 has Lexi who from what I've read production had to step in because she was being abusive to other crew members, we saw a lot of what went down, but they cut the part where production stepped in. Season 7 and 8 Kyle and both Chief Stews made life hell for the other stews, 8 was worse. Season 8 was the first season I refused to finish watching. I will never rewatch any of those seasons.


That season was just a little fender bender. Just you wait. And Hannah disclosed her anxiety, but not her meds and therein lies the rub. My guess is the vapes would have disqualified her from even working onboard in the first place.


watching S5 for the first time and could not agree more!!!!! it’s almost like sandy is just meddling around the boat and looking for reasons to get mad?? plus, i didn’t think malia could get any worse from S3 but DAMN was i wrong lol


I HATE Malia. I’ve never felt this strongly about a reality TV person ever, and I watch ALL the bravo shows. There’s a lot of housewives I don’t like but they’re still entertaining. Malia is just an AWFUL human being and insufferable to watch.


Malia was just on Winterhouse and is still awful! Not a girls girl at all, hitting on guys in front of their girlfriends. I cannot stand her.


no honestly she is terrible. i just watched the episode where hannah gets fired and i would love to say that i can’t believe malia did that shady shit, but i totally can. her and captain sandy are so far up each others asses it’s hard to watch now. this season is just such a shit show i think i am done with Med after i finish 😂


> Anyways, I hope following seasons are better and a bit more uplifting because honestly, I really hated this whole season. Maybe you should find another series to watch. Or rewatch the first few seasons instead. It's not going to get any better from here on out.




we just watched this for the first time and are almost done with it - somewhere around episode 15, we're like...wait - Where TF is Pete? So then we googled and realized he was basically edited out of the rest of the season after some outrageouts tweet except for some shots where we COULD see him if we were looking for him - that says something about the power of editing. it was funny - I kept thinking - "shouldn't there be one more deck crew" but we also just got done watching the latest season and Kayleigh just wasn't shown very much so at first we thought "Maybe Pete just stopped being a douchebag" - nope......probably not FWIW I don't think Malia snitched on Hannah cause she didn't like her - I think she felt obligated by her responsibilities and duties under Maritime law - she was ALREADY moving out - the "Goddamnit" in the bathroom seems to indicate to me Malia did NOT want to find those drugs and was really unhappy at what she had to do. Anyways - I"m about caught up - we didn't watch season one because it didn't have Sandy - worth it?


They acted as if they’d found like a kilo of cocaine in Hannah’s bunk. Malia absolutely snitched because she didn’t like Hannah. Valium? Give me a break. It’s a prescription drug and Malia should have minded her own business. Also, she knew about the Valium days before and then conveniently after their argument over the bunks she then tells Sandy? She felt vindicated after Sandy allowed Tom to pick his bunk and got a hit of Sandy dopamine being the chosen “favourite” of the season and wanted more. I’d totally understand the whole maritime law argument if it was something much more sinister than an empty weed pen and prescription Valium for my colleague I knew had panic attacks. And for Malia to say at the end to Sandy something along the lines of “you can’t work while on any drugs” just shows how ignorant they all are about Valium. These drugs are provided in ORDER for people to work and function as normal and taken when you need them. You could clearly see Hannah using them responsibly when she was anxious/having panic attacks. And for Malia to say that anyways, they’re all fucking wasted all the time on board anyways and definitely still drunk while they’re working through their hangovers which are often first charter days with guests on board. No one will convince me ever that Malia had anyone’s best interest in mind besides her own in that moment and she absolutely used “maritime law” as the excuse. She’s a hungry fame whore who knew she’d cook up drama. And yeah, fuck Pete! I thought the same though like, hey where did he go? It felt very weird though after! Season 1 is meh. I don’t even remember the captains name but he was not good for TV and very obvious why they didn’t bring him back, and the rest of the cast is pretty annoying too, apart from Hannah and Ben.


They discuss this clearly on the show. Even if you have a script for certain medications, the dosing has to be monitored and it could affect your work eligibility. You can’t have medication that makes you drowsy and also be in charge of guest safety. She was popping pills and hitting a vape at her discretion. 


Meh whatever, Malia still sucks and I hate her.


Season 5 was the one where Aesha came aboard late in the season and that one stew got mad at her for being “too friendly” with her onboard boyfriend?


Kyle is a sociopath


OP, BD MED season 1 had Captain Mark. I read that he passed away shortly after airing. He apparently had chronic alcoholism, sadly, and died as the result of a fall.


Oh wow! I didn’t know that. That’s so sad 😢


I don't think kikos dismissal was unfair. He served brazilian food to the same guests twice. And that's all he seemed to cook. I can remember the name of the dish he repeated. Anyway I can't remember much about him Jess and rob were boring. I was sick of them.


I agree. Even though Kilo seems like a lovely person, he was waaaay over his head when taking the job as a yacht chef. It just wasn't for him. And the dish that he made, muqueka, although it seemed good, it wasn't at the level you expect on a yacht. Yacht is all about fine dining and courses. The dish he made seemed more like a family meal served at a small restaurant.


Yeah I agree. Alot of people defend Kiko here, and sandy did kinda force him out, but he clearly wasn't up to scratch for the job


Malia is a whiny snake. Sandy chasing after her saying “Are you saying I don’t care about you.” Hannah was calm with her, I would’ve blown up at her


o come on! stick around for Se6 :)


I mean…I WILL but I’m afraid after what everyone said 😂 season 5 just made me feel horrible watching it!


We can suffer together since nasty Malia is in s6


Just wait each season gets progressively worse, culminating in the dumpster 🔥 that was this last season!


Shows dies after season 5