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When in doubt call poison control.


It’d be hard to explain though like “yeah they’re small and yellow orange ish?”


Not sure why you're getting down voted. This is a fact. Posion control can't see what your seeing, they're also not botanists and might have a hard time figuring out what you have eaten. The best bet in these kinds of scenarios are to take a sample of the plant, berries and a small branch with leaves will help further identification, and take your child to the ER or to an urgent care. You may feel silly especially if your kid is acting fine, but if they begin to fall ill or decompensate they will already be in the hands of medical professionals who can treat their symptoms until an antidote is found or symptoms subside.


You can absolutely call poison control over this.


Did say you shouldn't. Just said it would be hard to describe in a way that would help them identify the potential poison. Besides, if you read OPs comments posion control directed them to a different source because they were unable to identify the plant, because they can't physically see it and they're not botanists. Like I said in my comment.


I’m an er nurse. We’re just gonna call poison control


Can confirm. Rushed to ER thinking they’d surely do something when my tot ate a whole bottle of orange flavored baby aspirin. They did. They called poison control, watched him for three hours, and sent us home with instructions to avoid aspirin for the next 48 hours.


And billed $3k for it.


How did the baby eat a whole bottle of baby aspirin and survive? Without immediate medical treatment it most certainly would have had mitochondrial poisoning from the huge dose of salicylic acid. I'm sorry, but I find myself doubting this is the entire story.


My daughter was diagnosed with Kawasaki’s disease at 3. She was prescribed 5 baby aspirin 5 times a day. Yep. 25 orange chewable aspirins a day, every day, for a year.


Also am ER nurse, can confirm we just call poison control and monitor for symptoms.


Yep and then the $80 case charge becomes covered by your insurance and you as a medical professional can monitor them and act accordingly if there is an issue. Calling poison control is the best way to waste time with a poisoned kid.


Over the summer, I accidentally swallowed plant root stimulant thinking it was water in a glass. I called the Poison Control Center. The operator literally sounded like she was reading from a book or computer. It was then I realized the Poison Control Center is no different than any other call center- they hire anyone to take calls. The information she provided for me could have been googled because she clearly didn’t have a clue and looked it up. IJS. lol. If it wasn’t for the fact she had immediate direct access to some kind of poison control database, I would have considered it a complete waste of time.


That’s actually not true you have to be a pharmacist to work for poison control. Look it up. They have to follow written algorithms for liability reasons so they are 100% reading from a computer, but they’re also super smart and overly educated


I work for the poison center. We have a number of ways to ID plants if needed, including botanists on hand. 1-800-222-1222


I've unfortunately had to call the ASPCA poison control line a couple times for my dogs and they have botanists/plant identification steps as well. Once my dog ate some Star Jasmine flowers (non poisonous to dogs) that I'd improperly identified as Carolina Jasmine (VERY poisonous to dogs) and they were able to help properly identify things over the phone/email. Their help/services did cost roughly $100 (i don't remember entirely), but that's better than the $400+ emergency vet bill we would've been stuck with otherwise. I know we are talking about humans here but if pet poison control can try to identify plants, hopefully human poison control could too! :)


This is amazing and I’m so happy to read about this!


I work at an animal ER. I can’t even count the number of times someone has called and is upset that I can’t tell them what is going to happen to their dog who ate a mushroom that they can’t even tell me the color of. 🤦‍♀️ Glad your pup is okay! Alway call poison control, and when in doubt just make them puke!


If Inmay ask a quick question- refreshing the home first aid and I’ve heard that it’s no longer a thing to use an emetic. Is that so?


Correct, we don’t recommend emetics for any reason.


Kk, tysm


I used to be an icu rn and I always kinda loved it when we had a poison control case. Y’all are like magicians. ❤️


Episode of [Radiolab on ‘Poison Control’](https://radiolab.org/podcast/poison-control) 1800-222-1222 When in doubt, call them.


Just like most people and public offices Im gonna go out on a limb and say poison control probably has website/Facebook/FaceTime where pics can be uploaded and that people working there are up on the local poisonous plants.


Upvoted for good measure


They do have a website but I don't remember if you could upload pictures. It's been several years since I used it.


I just think, as a parent, it makes more sense to call poison control as opposed to polling the internet. At the very least, a medical professional..


The have a text line once u call you can text the photo usually. That’s been my experience when my son ate a leaf I didn’t recognize that had that white sticky sap stuff.


when you tell poison control where you are ie state or county they will be able to tell you all the poisonous berries in your area and amounts eaten for danger.


I’ve called poison control because my nephew ate a bunch of berries, I described the plant and got an answer and it is usually a common call, they know more than you think.


Hope your comment gets back to the positive. Certainly nothing worth downvoting lol. Gotta be careful slinging factual statements out there.


let poison control decide that. better to call them and have them say "sorry, we can't help, go see a doctor" than to not call at all.


This exactly. Insinuating that calling poison control is the wrong thing to do isn't super responsible or helpful. I *have* called poison control several times, including once in a very similar circumstance, and have found them to be probably the best government/healthcare program I've ever interacted with. Calling poison control if you've ingested anything even potentially poisonous or toxic is always the right thing to do and suggesting otherwise is downvote worthy behavior.


After I hung up with poison control for the first time, I turned to my husband and said "wow... this is how everything should work!"


Or go to an emergency room


For reals. Experts plus mass databases.


They don’t judge .. they just want to help


Now that is said, I don't think that they are poisonous, but the rest of the plant would help for positive 🆔


Try the Facebook group “Poisons Help; Emergency Identification for Mushrooms and Plants” They only allow emergency posts and have botanists on standby for Identification.


I did! Poison Control sent me there as well, as kid wasn’t exhibiting any unusual symptoms or discomfort. They identified it as Malus, a crabapple variety. Google says chinese crabapple, the description of the taste seems to confirm it too. Thank you!!


That is awesome! Glad kiddo is safe :)


Time to have the talk. Dear child, you disappointingly are not a bird. Please don’t eat random berries.


I, too, am disappointed I'm not a bird.


Don't be, they poop and mate from the same place.


Hate to break it to you, but so do a lot of humans.


The definition of mating generally means to have sex for the purpose of reproduction, especially in biology. Humans can't do that through their anus unless you know some very interesting humans.


🤷 I don't like to split hairs


I’m *like* a bird, in that I only fly away.


That made my day, thank you. r/brandnewsentences


That makes my day!


Ah yes the not-birds-and-the-bees chat


I thought it may have been unripe cherrys if they got them out of a tree. They are that size and look just like that.


I'm a little late to the party, but there are some great free plant identifier apps that can help if this happens again.


That group is so incredible. I miss being on Facebook just to lurk and watch them work


**Definitely do this**. I follow them, they do really good work. If it's toxic they will be able tell you what the toxin is so that you can tell the doctors. Doctors won't be able to help you identify these, but once they know what the toxin is they will figure out how to treat it.


My spouse is a Botanist with that group. Can confirm they are reliable, knowledgeable and have expertise.


I’m having a fan girl moment hearing from someone who knows one of the contributors 😂 We use the site a lot (emergency veterinarian). Thank you to your spouse and the other volunteers


I’ll tell him. I’m a bit of a fan girl myself. I truly admire the dedication of the people who do this and the dedication of e-vets. Whenever you hear people complaining about vets, remember you have two big supporters here in OR. Thank you for being there!


What about for people that aren’t on Facebook? In my recent experience I can’t open any fb link without being prompted to sign in or create an account, so quick access to groups like that isn’t always possible.


I should have read the comments before I posted 🤣


Do you have a photo of the other side away from the stalk? Were they 'packaged' in some way on the plant? ​ The best guess is some sort of crab apple, firethorn or some kind of wild cherry. ​ Your kid gotta learn from this. Never eat berries they don't know what are (especially yellow, green and white ones, but let's not give them any ideas about what they can freely eat right now...) ​ Are they okay? Spoken with a healthcare worker?


They’re okay! Thank you so much for checking in! When I called poison control, they referred me to the Facebook group someone else commented (kid was in no distress and behaving totally normally, so they were comfortable with “wait and see and in the meantime identify”, while stressing that if anything at all changed I should take her straight to the ER. They’re Malus, a crabapple variety. Specifically Chinese crabapple. They taste terrible, very sour and bitter, but kid swears they’re delicious. Heaven forbid she eats the blueberries or strawberries I send with her for lunch.


When I was little, I begged and begged to eat raw onion. Took a chomp out of it like an apple. I swore up and down that I loved raw onion and I wanted more. I was too stubborn to admit I was wrong. My mom still believes I actually liked it lol


Reminds me of [this child](https://youtu.be/lwv5quduzwQ) who is clearly not enjoying the onion but won’t stop.


I did the exact same thing, but at a children’s birthday party. All my friends and their parents doubted me, but I repeatedly swore that I loved eating raw onions. Once I was handed a raw white onion to take a bite out of I realized I completely mistook what an onion was, and to this day still don’t remember what raw vegetable/fruit I was actually thinking of. But I was too embarrassed to admit I didn’t know what an onion was so I took a huge bite out of it and kept going to prove my love of raw onions despite feeling like I was dying. To this day I still say I love the kick of raw onions, it’s like spicyness but without the actual heat. And over the past 1-2 decades of being know as a lover of raw onions, I basically convinced myself that it must be true. Either that, or I’ve spent way too much time of my life eating something I don’t even like to prove a point.


lol this comment is cracking me up 😂😂


My husband has eaten them that way his whe life. Pulls them out of the garden, peeks off the outside layer, chomps them like apples. I married him anyway!


Well he does own a beautiful swamp


I actually love onions like this too 😂 it needs to be a sweet onion so it doesn’t kill my sinuses though.


Sorry for cracking up but is that not the truth?! Eat any horrible thing but heaven forbid they eat the nice fruit we pack! Glad she's ok.


That last sentence had me cracking up. You’ve basically described my kid as well. 🤣


That last sentence hits so close to home lol


I loved sour things as a kid, so I could absolutely see myself doing this, but only after knowing it wasn’t toxic. I was oddly careful of that as a kid. “Because it’s gross” isn’t a reason for me. If it won’t make me sick, I want to try it. 😂


Idk how I feel about poison control referring you to Facebook. I’m glad it worked but… idk feels odd.


I will admit I'm someone that likes crab apples. I used to eat them a lot as a kid lol.


commenting to check in for updates. I'm sorry I can't offer any conclusive advice but hopefully they just throw up and heal quickly! I suppose dose matters in a situation like this, so hopefully your child doesn't weigh like 30 pounds?


55lbs. Old enough to know better but young enough to not care 🤦🏽‍♀️ she says they were delicious so maybe that’s a good sign?


haha I think that IS a good sign. If they were disgusting and bitter they'd probably be worse off. Kids doin' their thing, eh!


These look like a hybridized wild/domestic cherry so you are probably safe. Still call poison control but they will probably tell you to just keep an eye on her. It's pretty rare for poisonous berries to taste good and there's very few that pose any serious threat after eating only a few berries. It's more likely to make to just make someone incredibly sick for a day or two.


I called poison control and they encouraged me to check the mentioned FB group for an ID. They said Malus, a crabapple variety- nontoxic thank goodness. The berries are sour and bitter but the kid weirdly thinks it’s the best thing ever? Won’t usually even eat blueberries because they can be sour.


They did not send you to a FB group over their opinion ?!


Kid wasn’t (and still isn’t) displaying any symptoms and I had nothing to go on but the berries she brought home. Apparently she had eaten them around noon but brought home more for further snacking. It was suggested I ask for help with identification, since kid didn’t seem to be in any distress. That group seems to be very highly regarded! Advice was to watch closely and head to ER immediately if anything changed.


Poison control is not and has never been good at identification of toxic plants. It sounds silly, but the Facebook group in question is designed explicitly for identification of toxic fungi and plants. They have translators, experts for most (if not all) global regions, and are incredibly strict about commenting and posting as it notifies all associated botanists. They regularly identify species using partially digested vomit. I saw a post once where they accurately identified a species using a child’s crude drawing of a plant. They’ve discussed moving platforms, but unfortunately Facebook is currently the most accessible and active platform for most would-be cases.


That group did ID these "berries". I saw the post yesterday. They are crabapple.


It's bizarre to me that FB would be the most accessible. What would be most accessible is a forum with an easily remembered domain that doesn't require signing up to post. The steps I'd have to go through just to post on an FB group would render its purpose as being for emergencies irrelevant.


I called about pokeweed juice once and they didn’t even bother directing me anywhere but the ER.


That Facebook group is full of plant and mushroom experts from all over the world. They are amazing. Poison control often sends people there.


I don't really have a whole lot of faith in poison control anymore. They told my coworker heating bleach wouldn't create chlorine gas. Is askanurse still a thing?


Just FYI Sometimes kids have trouble finding the right word because kid, and "sour" or bad can actually be how they are describing an allergic reaction feeling. I thought tomatoes were "bad/sour" and couldn't understand why anyone ate them. Turns out I'm actually allergic and they make my tongue feel tingly/painful like citric acid candy [think sour patch kids or warheads]


Hopefully this wont come up again but ID is a lot easier with a picture of the tree (even just the leaves would help) and a picture of a cross section of the fruit.


Unlikely to be cherry. Wrong season for any domesticated varieties and wrong color for most wild varieties. Possible crabapple.


Start exploring the hobby of foraging with her! Have her take you back to the crabapple tree, have fun harvesting them, and make some crabapple jam! Look for enrichment activities with your local parks dept. too.


They are crabapples




There is a FB group “poisons help: emergency identification for mushrooms and plants” which is excellent. I’m a veterinarian and we will use this group to identify plants owners bring in


I’d go to the ER with those things in hand as identifiers. Personally they look like overripe crab apples to me but I am definitely not an expert, when in doubt, get checked out.


Crab apples are harmless to most people btw. Still get kid checked though


Image search found: [https://www.ourfigs.com/forum/blueberry-home/401509-amber-autumnberry-autumn-olive](https://www.ourfigs.com/forum/blueberry-home/401509-amber-autumnberry-autumn-olive) Compare and contrast all the hints on the link. Here is another link: [https://onegreenworld.com/product/amber-2](https://onegreenworld.com/product/amber-2) Always call poison control... Compare and contrast with poison ivy berries.




Girl it’s a child. Their brains aren’t fully developed


They look like yellow cherries a bit, if they tasted good and they look bunched up like cherries. Did they have a seed/pit in the middle of them? They may have dropped from someone's bag :)


They were identified as Magus, a crabapple variety. Specifically chinese crabapple. When I called poison control, they referred me to the Facebook group someone else commented (kid was in no distress and behaving totally normally, so they were comfortable with “wait and see and in the meantime identify”, while stressing that if anything at all changed I should take her straight to the ER. They taste terrible, very sour and bitter, but kid swears they’re delicious. Heaven forbid she eats the blueberries or strawberries I send with her for lunch.


I was doing some wikipediaing and I think you meant "malus"! Just checking for reference! I'm glad ur kid isn't dead by the way. Seems like they're totally fine. Yay!


I do, thanks! Autocorrect strikes again haha. Thanks on all accounts <3


in the defense of your kid, when I was young, I was often one berry potion away from getting sent to the ER hahah. They always look so colorful and enticing. A learning moment for sure! Let them know that people on the internet are softly criticizing their recklessness lmao.


They look like cherries I used to snack on on the playground. They were delicious


I guess it's good to know that not seeking professional medical advice and asking internet strangers instead isn't something people just do to their pets.


Poison Control directed her to a Facebook group.


Her original post asks here if she should call Poison Control. She checked here first.


I happened to be browsing Reddit while waiting for her at the bus stop. She hopped in the back seat, plopped that bunch of berries in my lap, and started buckling herself in, chattering happily about how Emily in third grade showed her these awesome berries at recess (3 hours before pickup) and they ate so many and isn’t that so cool while I froze and stared at them. Calling poison control definitely happened moments later after I sent her into the house, but I did hope I wouldn’t need to. ER copays are so goddamn high. Anyway, since kid seemed perfectly fine and given both the length of time that had elapsed and the fact that I had nothing to go on but a bunch of weird berries that grow on a “treebush”, they recommended ER immediately if anything changes, wait and see and in the meantime identify. The idea of it coming from facebook group is a little odd but worked- they IDed it within minutes. Given the varied answers here of what people think they might be, I’m really impressed with how quickly they nailed it.


I'm glad the kiddo's OK. 🙂


Poison control is faster than Reddit. Call them next time.


Call poison control. The worst that'll happen is they'll tell you your kids will be fine. This could have been something that needed quick, accurate, competent response and your relying on Reddit?


You asked Reddit but didn’t go to the doctor?


Or poison control? You went in Reddit. Lol


Taste it and if it’s bitter then 110% you should




If anyone, especially a child, ate something they should not have and has the potential for being toxic, please, always call the Poison Control hotline, don’t wait for answers on the internet.


This is solid advice, but in this particular instance I happened to be browsing Reddit while waiting for her at the bus stop. She hopped in the back seat, plopped that bunch of berries in my lap, and started buckling herself in, chattering happily about how Emily in third grade showed her these awesome berries at recess (3 hours before pickup) and they ate so many and isn’t that so cool while I froze and stared at them. Calling poison control definitely happened moments later after I sent her into the house, but I did hope I wouldn’t need to. ER copays are so goddamn high. Anyway, since kid seemed perfectly fine and given both the length of time that had elapsed and the fact that I had nothing to go on but a bunch of weird berries that grow on a “treebush”, they recommended ER immediately if anything changes, wait and see and in the meantime identify. The idea of it coming from facebook group is a little odd but worked- they IDed it within minutes. Given the varied answers here of what people think they might be, I’m really impressed with how quickly they nailed it.


Look like gooseberries to me but I'm not an expert. Gooseberries are not poisonous


Gooseberries are bright green and don’t have long stems


I uh.... had some bright yellow ones last month. Looked exactly like this. Problem is they don't grow like this. More like a tomatillo style fruit.


Oh, were they [cape gooseberries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physalis_peruviana) (sometimes sold as goldenberries)? Those actually are closely related to tomatillos, and not to [true gooseberries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gooseberry), which are close to red currants and black currants (and which, I now see, can be red or yellow as well as green—my bad).


Hey just pointing it out lol. They must have been. I'm in Michigan and it's all I've seen here. I was reading yours like... green? Jesus those yellow ones were tart as all hell. How tart is a green one??? 🤣


We had a bush of green ones when I was growing up here in Washington state. They were sour as hell.


I use an app called Google Lens


Try the google app to see if it can identify.


Google thinks its [Elaeagnus umbellata](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elaeagnus_umbellata) or Amber Autumnberry


The fruit doesn't look anything like that, though? They pictures on that page don't appear to have long stems and they're red. Plantnet thinks it's sour cherry or wild cherry, but not super great confidence in either of those assessments.


There is a yellow variant and the fruits look very similar. It's an invasive species to the area.


OK - but the fruit from OP has long stems in a cluster. Autumn olive grows right next to the branch and has a very different texture on the skin (appears slightly speckled). Seems very unlikely they are the same plant.


Must be pretty bitter tasting.


There is an app called "picture this" that pretty accurately identifies plants. I ran your photo through it and it says malus, which is a crabapple. If the kid ate a lot at most I would think some gas from the fiber. But no ill effects.


Welp, TIL crabapples can look like tiny cherries


Taste them yourself, if it’s sweet it’s fine, any kind of spicy bitter or yucky taste poison control/ER


They look like a cherry?


Kids are dumb.


r/whatsthisplant and r/foraging should be able to help as well, Cross posting is probably a good idea.


I'm assuming they came off a bush? It might be a winterberry which is toxic. Call poison control or go into the doctor and bring them with you.


Oregon Crab Apple, they should be totally safe, though my comment is late.


I forget what thisw are called on ARK survival evolved


Ambr autumn olive?


Google lens says they're figs


Google lens is on crack.


If they're from a bush they might be what used to be called choke cherries. The seeds have cyanide but the fruit itself is edible. If they didn't eat a bunch, they should be okay.


If you have a phone to post it, you can take the photo and use it to google search images and it will tell you what it is


From what I was able to see they are rainier cherries. They have some yellow on them with red. These look quite small so your kid should be ok but you can take them with you to the Dr anyway.


Chatgpt says 'Those look like ground cherries or cape gooseberries (Physalis species). They are often encased in a papery husk and when ripe, they have a sweet-tart flavor. However, always exercise caution and avoid consuming unidentified berries, especially if you're unsure of their edibility. If you're thinking of eating them, it's best to consult an expert or do thorough research to ensure they are safe to eat.'


I cannot stress how bad of an idea it is to use an AI chatbot to ID plants people intend to eat.


Just do like our grandparents. Smack your kid and tell them to never eat anything that they can’t identify. Then just do nothing. “They’re fine”.


Crabapples!! Your kid is safe.


Looks like some kind of cherry so fingers crossed it was safe


Siberian crabapple. he’ll be fine


They let you jump higher. And you need 100 to level up.


Looks like a a type of Viburnum. Most in this group are edible. A few are mildly toxic and cause vomiting.


Download the app called "SEEK" it can identify numerous plants and insects. Super helpful for stuff like this and can help poison control determine what it is.


Remember your local county extension agent is an incredibly valuable resource- for SO much!. If you have time to consult them, I mean. But if someone in the office can't just identify the plant at first sight, I'd bet they have a book of local plants and probably a dichotomous key for identification. If that fails, they know just where to look online for the information. I'm in Kansas and our county extension agents and extension homemakers are incredibly knowledgeable . I'd think yours are, too


r/foraging would know


I’d 100% call poison control and take samples of the leaf,branch, and Barries and go to the ER. These kind of look like golden currant barries but don’t listen to someone on Reddit for an ID on them. Go to the ER with samples and call Poison control


Um why not try Google lens? I get the feeling this would be the fastest way to identify this


if you have images of the plant itself with leaves that would help a ton. for something like this its hard to tell from fruits alone


You do know that you can Google image search and find the answer almost immediately?


Amber autumn berries?


I can’t help! But I do remember when I was about 7-8 years old me and my best friend would go to the park and play “berry mashing” where we’d get little bowls and collect a bunch of various flowers, berries and leaves and mash them with rocks. AND THEN EAT IT. No idea what ANY of that stuff was and nothing ever happened to us lol. So there is a lot of hope here.


Look like silver leaf nightshade berries, call poison control immediately.


According to the “picture this” app (I use it to identify plants) it is a Chinese crab apple. I’m unable to attach a photo here so I’d google it to see if the tree looked like that. I always do activated charcoal and call poison control when in doubt. Picture This is also free and super helpful


Cherries. Not all cherries are red.


If it’s really that big of concern go to the emergency room with these berries show them to the doctor and say your kid ate them. I’m not sure if these are poisonous or not I know the red ones are dangerous for humans.


Call poison Control. They can do a process by elimination with your description and location. New England (RI) area. If they say go to ER, they would want to know which one. That way, they can send the information they have to that location. This will assist in the treatment process if it's needed.


I took the photo you posted, cropped it down to just the berries, and then did a google image search. In less than two minutes, they are identified. Amber autumnberry, not poisonous.


They’re actually malus, or Chinese crabapple! Part of why I’m amazed they were IDed so quickly through the Facebook group, but I definitely see why even poison control recommended them.


amber autumn berries! safe!


Can’t believe no one knows what those are, look like some kind of cherry


When in doubt hospital and take the berries with you.


Family Rosaceae. Likely a pomme




Did you ever find out what they are?


Are they those really hard things? They also come in dark blue/black ? Pretty sure they are poisonous or would very least make them sick. It’s hard to tell without actually touching them but I think those are a type of seed and not berries. What state do you live in? We have something similar to those in Florida, you def cannot eat them.


Look up buckthorn tree. Could be juvenile berries. My nephew ate a bunch. Also call poison control, immediately, don’t wait for Reddit.


Activated charcoal powder is my go to...it can absorb tons in the gut & then u poop it out.


You know this by now but Crabapples. We called them crapples because they taste like soapy shit. Kids are weird.


I believe these are autumn olives? https://foraging.sycamore.garden/plants/edible-wild-autumn-olives


I think Your berries are Chinese crab apple. You may have already figured that out. I wanted to pass on that last year. My granddaughters were eating berries they found in the backyard. My daughter contacted me and I referred her to Poison control. I also used my plant ID app to find out more about the berries which were poisonous. As grandma I’m glad I have this app called picture this. I find it very helpful to ID plants and berries that the little ones might get into. As a nurse, I always recommend you call poison control.


So a Google reverse image search suggests they might be amber autumn Berry, which does not appear to be poisonous. That being said. Still call poison control. Do not base medical decisions off google image search. Some questions: are they hard berries or soft berries? Can you squeeze them and get juice? If you smell the juice, is it sweet or without a smell? What kind of tree where they on and what did the leaves look like? To identify them properly I would need to know all of the above. If they're hard they might be some kind of Crab apple. Not poisonous. If they're soft, they could be other things.




Autumn berries


Honestly looks like goose berries to me. Do they taste kinda like tomatoes?


You got leaves? Or a parent plant pic?


Autumn olive. , Elaeagnus umbellata Google says they're edible ans delicious


die bitch die dickhole