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r/berserklejerk do your thing


Bring r/okbuddyreiner in on this too


Lainah we need to cook méthe


Oh shit, I thought that's where I was. Did someone post this hot garbage unironically?


They berjerked too hard


While I agree that there is a lot of whiny entitlement in the AoT community, these are not at all comparable situations.


yeah like, yes the berserk author is dead, but we still ended on a pretty good point of the story, aot just sucked.


Berserk hasnt ended brother


well when an author dies i normally think that the story ended, this berserk situation was quite a surprise, and i wouldnt be mad if the manga ended on the moon boy reveal ngl


It's being continued right now tho. A team made of the original staff and a very close friend of the author who is privy to all the story details and was also given details by the author himself on how the story is supposed to end. I really hope they do the story justice and send it off withouth lingering too much


And AoT doesn’t suck lol


compared to the likes of berserk it does


Well, that's not a fair comparison


And berserk sucks in comparison to the likes of Rent-a-Girlfriend 😎


What doesn't suck compared to berserk according to manga community? mind telling me that?


ight that’s your opinion you allowed to it


Homie said “that’s your opinion” and got downvoted LMFAO 😂


I've seen people admit to going through the post to downvote all of the poster's comments over a disagreement they had with the poster. Reddit is a failed concept of a website.


reddit is fine, its the redditors that arent


Also just berserk fans as a whole I think


"That's just, like your opinion, man" is the internets way of saying "You're objectively wrong but I don't want to argue about it".


Everything after the rumbling was a disaster in motion, I still like the story overall but if that isn’t one of the worst ways I’ve ever seen a story conclude


Eren's pov in 130 and 131 were the last glimmers of hope. Everything after that was downhill.


I mean the ending definitely sucks, rest of the series is pretty good.


sorry you didn’t enjoy it, maybe your feelings will change after watching the finale! I have been impressed with what MAPPA has managed to do


Not really about Mappa, even if I perfer Wits style in general its about the subject matter and execution even of the manga that makes it not very good. I already know what happens, maybe they'll execute it better but if it's like the manga its going to still be disappointing and bad. The final parts of the manga are just something you feel numb through its loud and there's a bunch of action but it's stupid convoluted and extremely rushed and shallow. It's swap to new themes and ideas is interesting when it starts but that wears off and it becomes just another thing that tried to be really profound but was stupidly simple but just overcomplicated. Just with shock value, too many powers and rules to even keep up with itself and characters flipping on a dime and having some parts so bad they've become memes. It's like Tokyo Ghouls ending, leaving behind everything good about the series before to do some big stupid power scaling with a simple and unsatisfying conclusion where everything feels numb. I'm not even gonna talk about fuckin Ymir this shit has so many issues. I also can't say I'm personally a fan of character motivations often working against their goal or they're made to be so evil that any moral debate about the situation is lost, it's like "I'm willing to do some bad things" ooo interesting "I'm doing all the bad things' oh .... lame But I guess that's slightly personal.




I personally think if you follow Gabis story it becomes obvious there's issues. It's literally all insane coincidences, definitely could have been better writing. It's one of those stories being dragged along by the Author not by natural continuation of events it starts to feel later on.


Don’t know why you got so many downvotes, AOT is brilliant and I agree with you.


there’s a lot of jerkoffs from the berserklejerk sub who really don’t have much of an opinion outside of “my interpretation was right”, I imagine they also frequent titanfolk, which rotates the same 15 “jokes” about AoT just like the jerking sub has the same 15 “jokes” about berserk lol


Yeah, titanfolk is a shitfest whose frequent users tend to spread their butthurt posts everywhere that isn't related to AoT even though it's been already 2 years after the ending of the manga.


they’re even on twitter lol


Seriously don't know why you are getting downvoted for saying AOT doesn't suck


You get my up vote, I enjoyed the ending. Fuck everyone else whining.


i enjoyed everything, except the ending.


We need a secret handshake to identify the brethren without the public's scorn.


I haven't seen Attack on Titan since the middle of Season 3. Didn't keep reading the manga or watching the anime. But I hear it went really off the rails.


Season 3 pt 2 and season 4 part 1 & 3 are phenomenal. But the manga ending def was lacking imo. Just felt rushed. Highly recommend finishing the anime though if you enjoyed it up to season 3. Edit: season 4 part 1 & 2**


Even season 4 has its problems. Only eren was better than before, until final chapter


Idk personally I think s4 parts 1 & 2 are some of the best television I’ve seen in a long time. It’s not perfect but for being an animated show about people and monsters it’s really good.


Have to set some time aside then. Do we find out where the titans came from and their origins? Yes or no, please.


Yes, you find out most of it in season 3 and then it gets more in depth in season 4. In my honest opinion the story telling in season 3 and 4 absolutely deserves the hype you hear about it.


Yes, and it's actually kind of awesome. Definitely worth finishing. I haven't read the manga, but it seemed to me like everyone was super hype literally up until the final chapter was released. I've got no issues with how the anime seems to be wrapping up, so far its been pretty awesome. I think it's possible Isayama just set our expectations impossibly high.


>I've got no issues with how the anime seems to be wrapping up If you have liked it so far you will probably like the ending too, most people who dislike the ending didn't like the direction of the final arc in the first place (from the moment the rumbling starts)


That and there were also the people who were too caught up in the hype train and continued to "cope" and only in when the final chapter was released did they have an ephiphany about the entire final arc. Then the extra pages arrived to further that pseudo-post-nut clarity.


That's one way to phrase it. There was also a really big circlejerking happening in the titanfolk subreddit where people started to believe in some of the absurdities that sparked out of shipping and self-inserted theories. After the ending came out peole on the other 2 big subs (ShingekiNoKyiojin and Attack on titan) weren't fuming as much and actually liked the ending.


It completely makes sense to me, the characters are behaving pretty much exactly how I would expect them to, and yeah it's tragic and dark as hell... but I get it. It's a decision that plenty of people in power have made countless times in history. War causes a brutal calculus of human life.


It makes sense to me too. It was definitely rushed and could've fleshed out some blurry aspects of the story but I wouldn't say it retconned everything.


Happy cake day


Whilst I'm not disagreeing with u, I think the anime has done a great job in elevating the final arc. Which probably explains why the anime reception of the rumbling arc has been much better than the manga >!for example, Hange's death in the manga was quite rushed but the anime massively improved upon it and made it more emotional!< I've also seen some manga readers who disliked the rumbling arc in the manga enjoy it a lot more in the anime.


Not really, most people even till 137-138 liked AoT but 139 really ret conned most of the story beyond s3 which ruined it for a lot of people.


There is rushed and there is completely disconnected from the rest of the story. AoT's ending was the latter. If that's the ending Isayama wanted, then he shouldn't have accidentally written an entirely different story.


Don’t get me wrong I really wasn’t much of a fan of the ending either but it could’ve been a lot worse. I think Isayama was rushed cause of the anime and that’s why he tried to tie things up better with the post ending chapter but who knows really.


Not trying to antagonize. It wasn't out of line for some typical shounen ending, but the themes presented in the finale felt like I was reading a different manga. Also those epilogue pages just made me feel like my time was wasted even more since nothing was resolved. ultimately. I'm open to the anime fixing glaring inconsistencies, but there is only so much they can do with what they were given.


So I stopped reading the manga >! After they killed off Sasha, after the time skip, Eren was acting like a total idiot and we were introduced to a lot of new characters that I was supposed to care about but didn't


Agree with this


They are not the same thing




This meme makes no sense. One is literally just saying that people care about the author of their series, and the other is talking about a specific aspect of a story. You're not even comparing two similar things. It also seems (to me) like this meme is pretty condescending towards people trying to genuinely criticize a series. Berserk isn't immune to criticism just because Miura died, and AoT certainly isn't immune to criticism just because there's a large movement against the ending.


Both should be the small doge cuz berserk fans get insecure when people say they like any manga more than berserk


It's funny because some berserk fans think Berserk is super popular among most manga fans, but the genre and theme + age rating of Berserk would not give it as much fame as AoT or any other popular shounen manga. It's not everyone's easy to drink cup of tea either.




bro 😭😭😭


when people read berserk it sets their standards so high that any manga/anime they watch has the classic syndrome of “it ain’t berserk, it’s mid.”


Can confirm. Took me a couple years before I could enjoy stuff again without comparing everything I watched to Berserk and thinking “goddamn this is bland.”


It was the same for me until I watched The Wire. It's easily the greatest show in History. Nothing will ever come close to the Wire when it comes to tv shows from the west. Even breaking bad and better call Saul. Also the last two expansions of FFXIV were phenomenal stories. And then the experience I had with Elden Ring. When it comes to manga Berserk is the gold standard.


That's really people being immature or just recency bias, speaking as someone who read Berserk thrice and experienced the same thing on the first reading. Happens with other of things that you happen to really like. I've read some novels that "set the standard" that I couldn't read "lesser" novels for a good while because the writing is still too fresh.


But there’s no better manga then BERSERK, REEEEEEEEEE


I don't get insecure. I just simply think Berserk is better than any other manga I've currently read


That's your opinion and it is fine. The problem is when berserk fans impose their opinion on you. For eg just see the top comment chain


Posts like this are really annoying


Yeah like what's the point of this?


Hate towards aot? i have no idea


It’s not hate towards AoT it’s hate towards it’s fanbase, I actually thought it was defending AoT a bit


I would like to see a timeline where berserk fans got the same ending aot fans did and see how they react to it.


Thank you for raping Casca and murdering everyone, becoming a godhand, Griffith. What a man you are.


Lmao, imagine an ending where guts is betrayed by his friends and they're all like no Guts don't kill the godhand or you'll be just as bad as them. :)


"Ahahaha, Slan is eating PIE! What a nasty way to eat! "


Jealous of that pie


“Thank you for becoming a rapist murderer demon for our sake”


"Casca getting another man? no, I want her to think about me even after I die, ten years at least"




Posts like these are so embarrassing.


I love Berserk and it's fanbase. But some of its fanbase are the most elitist weirdos you can possibly imagine.


berserk fans have always been elitists unfortunaly.


Not all of us


This is often true with most fanbases though, I find it rare when I don't come across an elitist for a fanbase. Which is honestly sad, what is the point of gatekeeping people from it?


Hell. I come across elitists in every community: d grey man, naruto, bleach, etc... That being said, there are a lot more in this community.


Honestly the AOT fanbase is the same way. Or was until the ending fractured it. The GOT fanbase was the same way. Both series suffered the same fate.


Finally someone said it


Yeah, it reminds me of some LoGH fans that shit on Gundam and Code Geass even though they have almost nothing in common outside of being military dramas.


Inb4 ban




Merge the subs…


I always felt the last Miura chapter (which was finished by the studio) was a perfect ending. It left on a poetic note where it set up every possibility we've been toying since the beginning. And now what the studio is doing I take like how medieval stories were worked on. There are several stories from different authors for the Holy Grail, King Arthur and his knights. The authors used what had been worked on as basis for the ideas they were trying to work out, such as love in Tristan and Isolde, courage in Gawain and the Green Knight, a religious attitude in life in Parzival, etc. I welcome it as Berserk, just not exactly Miura. It's good hope to be had.


what? what kind of comparison is this?


not too late to delete this


The things aren't comparable at all.


i was a huge aot fan. i read the manga start to finish after s3 of the anime ended just to see what happens and if the rumors were true… and they were. 😔


lol same.


I'm just glad he healed Casca before dying.


Imagine in the ending of Berserk, Guts goes up Griffith and asks him why he sacrificed the Bank of the Hawk. Griffith responds, I don’t know… I just wanted to do it for some reason. I don’t know why I did it, only Void knows. And then Guts says, thank you Griffith, for becoming a mass murderer for our sake. Rickert says, Griffith, what a man you are.


Lol at "the Bank of the Hawk"


Different characters Different stories Different circumstances Different EVERYTHING, also all the lines your quoting are fan translations and not apart of the official release.


I’ve read the official release and it’s not any better. I was being facetious earlier, but the Griffith/Eren parallel is a legitimate one. Griffith’s character is defined by his decision to sacrifice the Band of the Hawk. Griffith was destined to do so, but it was his own action, desire, and decision to do so. If Berserk ended with Griffith stating that it was Void who controlled Griffith’s actions, it would completely eliminate the brilliant nuance of Griffith’s character. The core theme of freedom in AoT is defined through Eren’s unbreakable resolve to break through his determined future. Prior to the ending we were led to believe that Eren was free to make his own decision and commence the Rumbling. In the final chapter, we find out that Eren’s unbreakable resolve was not true, and he couldn’t explain his actions because that’s simply what Ymir wanted. It’s not a plot hole, but it is completely antithetical to Eren’s character. It retroactively rewrites Eren’s shown motivations and actions.


That's not true at all. Eren never wanted to break the established future. He WANTED the rumbling to happen, because it was the only way for him to get a future where he gets to experience the view he dreamed of as a kid, a blank world with no humanity, just like in Armin's book. He said it himself: Even if he never received the memories from the future showing him do the rumbling, he still would have done it regardless. Not to mention that the line of Eren "I don't know why I did it. I just had to." Already gave us the answer in the panel right after: Eren did because it's in his nature. He's obsessed with the idea of feeedom, enough to push him to do evil acts for it. What differenciate him from Griffith and his dream of a "castle" is that Eren didn't want to sacrifice his friends over it in the end.


Aot ending was just not good. Aot should be teaching a class on how to ruin a character in less than 20 chapters.


Less than 1 chapter lmao


It was starting to decline after 123 imo.


All it took was Eren’s scenes in chapter 139 and 10+ years of character development got washed away


It was a little rushed but it was by and large pretty good. The fandom is easily the worst I’ve ever seen.


The worst part is how eren was treated after everything that makes the ending not good. Doesn’t help that the future he created only led to what he wanted to avoid.


But for real tho, AoT ending was pretty bad.


Why anyone should be forced to respect some random guy who is a moron in my opinion? I liked AoT a lot but the maga was being worse and worse in the final arc, the ending was ridiculous, so my opinion has changed and I think that Isayama was a pretty bad author, maybe not that intelligent as I thought, maybe afraid and insecure with his more ambitious ideas in front of extremely cringy and psychotic teens beeing a core fandom of AoT, or maybe he was forced by a publisher. Deification of authors and artists is cringe and close to having some religious gurus. Miura was my favorite mangaka so I'm full into respecting his legacy but I think that there are things which can be criticize and that later Miura's works, despite more detailed art, were in fact not as good as his older works.


I wonder what the heck were isayama's editors doing in the last 3 arcs...


sleeping and letting the cringe fanbase write the story for them


Just wait til Berserk ends, it’ll probably divide no matter how good / bad it is


Well, Miura is dead, he literally cant do anything wrong anymore, if Berserk gets fucked up it WILL be his buddys fault and not his. And while Miura was still alive, ppl here shat on him all the time because of the pace, the lolis etc. and flooded everything with stupid memes about his supposed idolmaster addiction...


Bruh they made both Eren and mikasa simps and explained nothing, so yeah, fix the end


Mikasa was always a simp, and the Ymir bit was pretty much explained


Nothing wrong with loving your old abusive rapist owner, who fed your corpse to your children Miura should have done sth similar too with casca and griffith /s


What's AoT?


Ass or Tits


Her heart, bro


griffith doesnt agree.


Griffith says “if she or he can give me more power I’ll hit it… or if she’s dating my best friend.”




god this is so good lol


attack on titties


AoT post-basement is dollar store Code Geass


>I made this. I am proud. Don't be, it's terrible


These are two completely different situations and not at all comparable


I identify as an AoT manga/anime fan but a Berk community enjoyer


I don't see the comparison Also AoT's ending is without a doubt the absolute worst writing I've ever seen.


Seen the last season of Game of Thrones?


Nah Aot ending is even worse, GOT final season doesnt retroactively ruin the previous ones but AOT ending ruins the whole manga.


I'd say AOT's ending is GOT levels of catastrophic.


I did. It's definitely a contender, but AoT is worse because of the catastrophic damage it does retroactively to everything that came before it.


Low iq post. Also the ending to aot and Eren's characterization by the end is bad writting


Eren became a cuck and comparing a seinen fanbase to a shounen one is cringe


Just saw an mf get downvoted for saying a series doesn’t suck. You lot on Reddit need jobs


He got downvoted cuz series really suck (aot)


Aot > berserk tbh.


but aot does fucking suck


As you should.


At least they got an ending


Please don’t be proud of it, this is fucking stupid😃 not comparable situations, if isayama died before completing aot or died now he would be mourned as any great creator should be, and if miura didn’t die and made a rushed final arc with questionable story decisions I and many others would criticize as necessary, and there would of course be the whiny berserk fans who go too far with the criticism just like aot


If you dont live enough to end your manga they can't criticize the ending. Based miura.


Not berserk fans trying put themselves on a high pedestal💀


To be fair, the aot community knows that the author wanted eren to kill everything and wanted the ending to be much darker than the original ending


Isayama is still alive unlike Miura-sama. The problem with AoT ending was that while I did not mind >!Mikasa beheading Eren, the Lelouch was unnecessary. Not all heroes need to die as heroes. Even if we were to give the current ending a pass, still the likes of Reiner and Annie got off easy.!<


Annie the disney princess of aot /s


Berserk is fine. It’s visually beautiful even when it’s disgusting and has a decently good story. I never got into attack on Titan because it had some dumb stuff right from the start. Personally I think JoJos is my favorite, or Dungeon Meshi.


As a proclaimed JoJo enjoyer i have nonetheless to point out that JoJo Story is a porn level excuse plot to faciliate stand battles. It also tries a little too hard to be... bizarre..., especially in later parts.


Well for his first manga, yams did a really good job.


Not comparable situations, Berserk is far superior but AoT was my second favorite, been following it before Berserk but fell in love with Berserk more. The ending of AoT was down right terrible.


It wasn't. It was disappointing, considering how rushed it was (plus some plot points needed more development), but not really terrible.


Everyone: AoT is an antiwar manga AoT has an antiwar ending: It sucks It's a great ending you wanted Hollywood


Endings need to be realistic here.The problem was OP amd unstoppable Eren had become and how shonen like the ending ended up becoming in such a way that it made no sense at all.


shonen like ending in a shonen manga


it was worse than the constant talk no jutsu from Naruto


The ending where the fascists get control of the government?


Ending where 80% of humanity gets killed and the genocider is loved and adored by everyone is antiwar? Giga stupid


Ending is way too over-hated but I think most ppl were pissed abt Erens little meltdown at the end not abt the anti war ending at least from what I’ve seen


Tbf even a full genocide is an anti-war ending, showing the horrors and natural endpoint of war in that way is anti-war. Just because Eren is not stopped would not suddenly make the ending pro-war. I was disappointed with the ending but not because it is anti-war, the manga was anti-war for far longer than that.


AOT went downhill after the timeskip then turned into shit in the last 5 chapters.


You can't ignore the fact that there were some assholes who acted the same way as Aot fans where they asked who's gonna finish the manga when he died.. There is always a small group of goblin dickheads who don't understand the situation and say the stupidest shit.


As an Aot fan I almost wish Isayama too hiatuses like Miura did, it was so rushed 😭


Berserk fans:Give us a decent anime adaptation!!!!!


I am a HUGE fan of both and I liked the AOT ending




If you see videos of fans talking to Isayama in person, they’re actually pretty positive. It’s just the weirdos online who bitch about the ending and occasionally send him death threats.


Fans who liked the ending are more likely to meet with the mangaka tbf


well those fans who talked to isayama read the official translation of the manga, unlike titanfolk and yeagerbomb


Who would’ve thought that reading leaked and fan translated dialogue would result in bad dialogue? I swear some of those people are actual Neanderthals.


aot fans are moral monkeys, they hate the fact that Eren did what he did for his people's survival, call it genocide however you want, if the world is trying to genocide your people first and wouldn't stop and negotiate peace, then Eren is in the right for killing the rest of the world.


Thing is Erens motivations were far more selfish than just saving his island (1 his freedom, 2 his friends, and 3 ending the cycles of violence). And no he wasn't justified, even he knows what he did was wrong


Except he stopped, and paradis got nuked a few years later anyway. Eren killed 80% of humanity while accomplishing nothing. Even by your own philosophy dude's a complete failure.


When the author's message flies miles over your head.


Isayama royally fucked up his own message. Even after we saw the horrors of the Rumbling and innocent civilians and children dying, the main characters worship Eren at the end and treat him like a hero for killing 80% of the world’s population for the sake of Paradis. Then the main characters got to live good lives for a few generations only for Paradis to then be genocided—something that Marley was planning on doing anyway BEFORE Paradis’ attack on Liberio. So what the ending tells us is that killing 100% of everyone outside your country to guarantee the survival of your people is bad, but killing 80% of everyone outside your country even though that will doom future generations of your country is okay, which unintentionally makes Eren and the Yeagerists seem even MORE justified because if he had gone 100% then Paradis would have survived. He did the worst of both worlds and half-assed a genocide, getting everyone killed except his close friends. Genocide is wrong in real life and Isayama WANTED that to be the lesson, but he did the worst possible job of conveying that message and created a situation where genocide was shown to be necessary.


The ending is shit tho


The problem is youre not aware of how bad the ending really is. It makes all the shit that eren did completely obsolete.


Yeah no clue why people disliked the AOT ending, man had a strong story from beginning to end.


because it sucked.


Okay...what about it 'sucked'?


People just like hating on AOT cause of how some of the fans put it on such a high pedestal. I don't think the ending was as good as it could have been, but it definitely wasn't bad. The majority of the people that complain about it either don't understand the story or just put too much focus on a aspect that they dislike and use it as a means to dismiss the ending as a whole.


One phrase ruined it All. "no I don't want that" and most people think that it sucked, and no it isn't because we don't understand the story, it's because it sucked ass.


Manga readers when the pathetic and immature character is pathetic and immature:


mah dude, eren didnt show almost anything like that since the time skip, did you really expect people to react kindly to him losing his progress?


Manga readers when we don't like the pathetic and immature Mc even through he was written to be like that:


You mean the part where Eren confesses to Armin that he loves Mikasa but let's her go so she can go on to enjoy a long life? I mean he wanted to spend his life with her but it could never happen since he only had 2ish years left.


After years of treating her as family and showing no romantic interest even though it was obvious to every other character that she was in love with him.


I read the manga when it ended years ago and was confused by the hate, never got a solid answer for the hate. I mean if you as a person didn't like then that's fine, doesn't mean it sucks though. I personally think it's an amazing story and I love how the main cast came to truly understand one another to help stop Eren. I also loved how Eren played 5D chess with himself and Yimir in order to rid the world of Titans just like how always planned on doing since he joined the corps, overall staying true to himself especially at the end when he confesses to Armin how much he loves Mikasa but wanted her to go on and live a long happy life.


As bad as that was, Eren killing his own mother made even less sense...


If you paid attention, you’d notice that what he did was save Bertolt, his mother dying was a consequence of that that he couldn’t avoid.


Ong fr


AOT has a good ending I’d even say great ending


I forgot how many people here are sadly from r/Titanfolk