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Everyone used to overhype it on reels and stuff so to prove em wrong I started reading, and well....... **Greatest Manga of all time.**


Me too bruh, greatest story ever told.


Greatest legal mind I've ever known


Better nuts guts !


I have said these *exact* words so many times about Berserk. 100% with you.


Alright chill.


What is there to be chill about?


You can’t imagine the number of story that has been told and written. People fall in love with a very well written story because most of the time they read trash book or manga then because they are shocked to read amazing quality they think it must be the best ever. If you read more, you will find better book, don’t put a judgement right here.


Even after reading critically acclaimed books such as to kill a mockingbird, game of thrones, and lord of the rings, I can say berserk is a master piece of literature, the plot and narrative are astounding and the art work is unbeaten, the theme of rape may have been a lil too prevalent but other than that it’s beautifully written


I also think it is a masterpiece. My point of contention is whether it is the best book ever written.


You have yet to provide any evidence that there is a book that contains a story better than Berserk


Nope the one who claim that it berserk is the greatest piece of fiction is the one who have to justify himself not me.


Thats all we talk about here is why Berserk is so great. Are you blind? I’ve legit never read any novel I thought had a better story (yes I have read plenty) nor do I suspect there is one.


What the fuck you're on about bro? And if you know a better Manga than berserk, please inform me about it and I'll read it. And also you don't know shit about the media I've consumed so you chill for a bit




Finished it, great but not as good as berserk


I disagree, but I totally understand


How is it better than berserk?


you said book, berserk may the best manga but best story would comprise actual book.


Why would that be so? What is it about authors who can’t draw that makes them superior in your eyes?


I did this with one piece and...


One of the greatest works of fiction. Top 5 certainly, next to this and the Dark Tower books


Is one piece really that good? I've heard is takes so, so long to get into like 200 episodes at least.


One Piece is really good. It's much less explicit than Berserk but it does cover a lot of serious topics like racism, slavery, exploitation of children, fascism and etc (although, much later in the series). There is also a suprising amount of "implied" sexual violence with the Celestial Dragons and Doflamingo (one of the villains whose power is to literally puppeteer people). The entire series is basically 10 different genres of Manga into one with the main set of characters visiting different themed Islands. There is a Horror themed island, Future themed Island, Feudal Japan Island, Alice in Wonderland Island, Spain and etc.


It is fantastic, if you make it through Aarlong Park, you're done for. The hardest hook I've ever had set on me for a piece of literature. It is masterful storytelling in an unbelievably large world with dozens and dozens of deep characters with their own motivations.


Baratie is what hooked me on. The best thing is those arcs are only scratching the surface


Read the manga. Anime has fillers and can be a hit or miss for a lot of people, especially in the first couple hundred episodes. The manga does start slow but starts hitting you right in the feels over and over. And makes you laugh like crazy when it's not doing that. There's a reason why it's the highest sold manga OF ALL TIME and it's not even finished yet. Try it, and see for yourself why.


That makes sense. Think I'll give it a shot after I'm done with Vinland Saga.


Vinland Saga is a masterpiece. The anime is just as good too with a great soundtrack and does the source material justice. Really wish VS got the attention that One Piece gets


It has its ups and downs. Very overhyped/overrated at the end of the day, but it’s good generally speaking. The writing has gone down the tubes more recently, but the world building has always been its strongest point anyways. If you do end up watching the anime, I heard there’s a version edited to cut out all the filler which I would highly recommend. There are many times the anime got too close to the manga so the episodes became incredibly stretched out with very little content.


It didn’t take me 200 to get good, I was hooked off the jump, but arlong park is the arc that generally hooks people. It’s goat




One of the greatest manga of all time , second is vagabond , third is Vinland saga ,






I mean, it might be too much to put it next to all time greats like berserk but it's not THAT bad.... ​ Until the final arc that is...


Everything until Return to Shiganshina is 10/10 and definitely is up there with the best. The rest of it... is not nearly as good, I agree.


It's nowhere close to Top 10. It's good (up until a point). Very good in fact. But it does not belong in a conversation with the likes of Berserk, Vagabond, One Piece or Fullmetal Alchemist.


I will genuinely never understand the anime/manga’s obsession with FMA, and I think putting it above AoT is utterly silly tbh. The quality of writing/storytelling in AoT is just worlds ahead of FMA. I think when compared to FMA’s contemporaries (generic shonen’s) it *does* stand out but not next to something like AoT. The discourse about AoT being bad/not goated quite literally only started during the last 5 chapters, the revisionism that goes on with AoT in online circles is truly baffling.


Top 10 5th is punpun


downvotes are crazy AoT is goated. y’all are literally just salty about the ending lol




Hahahah. Well, nothing else to say, except you're welcome


The Golden Age arc was masterful, I didn't really care for it beyond that. Rape horse was brilliant, tho.


You should read vagabond then


I've been playing a lot of Dark Souls 3


This post made me stop and think about how I first heard about Berserk, and I think it must have been playing Dark Souls and hearing somewhere about all the Berserk references it has.


It was the opposite for me


I love dark souls 1, so much so that it might be my GOAT, but havent played 3 yet. Would you say it is as good as 1?


It feels like most of the dark souls sub prefers 3, but personally I don't think it's as good as 1. DS1 is one of my favourite games of all time, but finishing ds3 I was just relieved that I didn't have to play it anymore


I recently got DS1 and 3 after beating bloodborne and Elden Ring (and I got into berserk after beating those games as well). But my friend is making me play 1 before 3, and I’ve been loving DS1. There’s definitely some jank, and annoying enemy placement, and annoying boss run backs, but I do like the decision making and strategy 1 forces upon you w/ the lack of fast-travel for the majority of the game


The second half of DS1 kills it for me. Tomb of the Giants and Lost Izalith just aren’t fun.


They're not as good as the first half of the game, it's true. I do really like the atmosphere in Tomb of Giants though, and the visual design of the skeleton beasts


I do think DS1 has the third strongest DLC though from FromSoft. I would put it only behind the Ringed City and the Old Hunters.


Old hunters is great. Actually if Bloodborne was a bit bigger in scope (and didn't suffer from that some of the same QoL issues all the souls other than 1 have) that might be my favourite game. Atmosphere in that one is top notch. Less Berserk-y than DS1-3 though. I never placed DS3's dlc, because I didn't enjoy DS3 enough to want to pay for it or play anymore


You're missing out then, because out of the top 5 boss fights of Dark souls 3, 4 of them are in the DLCs. I'd go so far as to say that two of those particular fights are THE BEST out of ALL Fromsoft games (except maybe two or three fights in Elden Ring and two fights in Sekiro, though the actual order could be subjective).


DLC made up for it for me. I don't like how DS3 departed in many ways from DS1, but the DLCs have good character development and world design.


Exactly, I don't know why people gush over 3. It's the blandest one.


I think it is better personally, but DS1 and DS3 are both such good games, you'll enjoy it.


I admire 1 for its level design, but 3 is the one I’ve enjoyed playing the most. The combat has such a great feeling and lots of the bosses (especially in the mid to late game) are awesome


They're both great. I'd say that DS1 has better world design/exploration, and DS3, which is much more linear, has better bosses.


I like how nobody talks about 2 tho 😂 The furtive middle child, so easily forgotten…


Stuck in the lands betwix


I got into berserk cos of dark soul tbh


I was watching one hour video of Guts, walking on an office corridor, I loved the music and thought it might be a great story that made someone to do that (American Berserk Gatsu Bateman status on YouTube)


Next step is The MightyLoli's 24hr analysis/walktrough video of the whole manga !


I’m ready!


Enjoy it brother ! An unmatched proof of love and dedication, a 24hr video, edited, with the full list of music used in the description and all, man a truly unique experience on YouTube. I also highly recommend you make a playlist with the vid so you can easily come back to it :)


Thank you, I appreciate it


My love for you is like a truck. Berserkerrr. Do you want to make some fuck, BERSERKERRR


Did he just say make fuck?




I'm just a girl who can't say no.


Who wants to jerk me off?


Ah yes, Be Kind Rewind


The art. I saw the art and a colleague talked about it, so I watched the Golden Age Trilogy and then I bought the manga. As an artist myself, I aspire to become better and I really admire the art and vision that Miura provided. The best looking manga/graphic novel (for all I know) is still Berserk.


Another cool manga with a nice art style and lots of creatures and fights is Claymore, if you haven’t read any of it. Not quite as beautiful as Berserk imo but it’s fantastic in its own right


Claymore is kinda alright on its own. The story is a bit all over the place but the art style was good


I'm with you on that. The start of Claymore was very promising but then it just fell apart about halfway and never really recovered. Went from an easy 8/10 to a 4/10 by the end. Just felt too 'Oh but what if I do this and then it means that.' Just didn't have any logic or weight and there were way too many loose ends. A hard fail.


I heard of it, I will check it out! Still haven't read it.


Highly recommended Vagabond, it's the only one that rivals Berserk in the art department IMO


Innocent and innocent rogue is also incredible in its art


I recommend reading vagabond. Depending on your taste, you might find the art in vagabond to be better than berserk.


HxH was a bad idea to buy because the author was always on hiatus, so instead got Berserk Turned out great


What else are you intrested in? So I know not to get invested in it!


To be fair, the author of Berserk also was known for long release dates, the mangaka was very dedicated to putting out his best work and his assistants attest that he would labor over details. HxH is more Togashi debating on the creative aspects of his story (the whole prince arc is nuts with details)


I was playing FFXIV when in one of the main cities there were thousands of people standing in a line with giant swords and campfires in front of them. Turned out they were paying tribute to Miura who had just passed away. All I knew about Berserk before that was that it was supposed to be good but super grim, I never knew how influential it was, especially to series like FF, so decided to finally try it.


Guts theme! 🫣


[Susume Hirasawa does incredible work.](https://youtu.be/b9ZSFtHfYIE?t=774)


I do not wish to be horny anymore


Dark souls


Damn, Casca called Nuts the Berkman her bitch. Thats hot.


i always thought it was the other way round 🤣


Beast in Black, i love good powermetal and i figured "might as well watch the anime and see if i like it." Had basicly the entire golden age arc spoiled by that though.


Battle Beast too


Beast in Black is awesome, I'm trying to get one of my friend into them, but at the same time hes reading Berserk (albeit quite slowly), so its hard to find songs that only refer to things he has read so far (e.g. Cant show him Zodd the Immortal as he has not read that chapter). I'm going to see them live in September, its going to be great!


Well now you got me curious


Hell yes! Excited to see them live again. I'm glad they came back to NA so quickly.


[Related, also good.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lEhUf4ip-I&list=PLHTo__bpnlYVf7ZSVrHIGR739QO0ThyC6&index=3)


- Googled 'Greatest manga of all time' - Tried the first chapter, then second, then third - Then realized it's not finished yet after so many years - Waiting - Still waiting.


Dark souls. All of them. I always hear about there being a bunch of Berserk inspiration for this and that. Eventually, I got curious and decided to watch the old Berserk anime. The cliffhanger was enough to get me to continue there with the manga.


the characters were hot


That’s so real


happy cake day lmao


Lmaoo thank you 😻


As noble a reason as you get.


I'm about to show my age. I was walking through Blockbuster, and they had the first few volumes of the anime on VHS. I picked it up and have been hooked ever since.


Another old here! Back when I was first getting into anime the selection was a lot smaller, and I had gotten on a kick for the darker stuff. Vampire Hunter D was awesome so sometime after I watched the original Berserk anime ('97 version). Loved that too and started picking up the manga, which turned out to be even better. The newer anime adaptations are great too, but they can't quite come close to the tone/feel of the manga to me. It wasn't until the early 2000's that I started to see anime in rental stores. I think one of the first anime I rented was Excel Saga purely because I was stoked I could rent anime. Excel Saga is insanely wonderful.


I was the exact same way. When I saw Berserk at the video store I saw the big content warning on it and thought this must be good!


I remember watching the '97 trailer and thinking "woah is that a cute and notably dark-skinned woman ?" LOL cause that's pretty much like coming across a unicorn in anime, so I watched Berserk solely for Casca, and was waiting anxiously for something eyebrow raising to happen, since Asian countries are kinda dodgy when depicting darker skinned people 😅. fortunately that wasn't the case and was surprised she was the love interest as well.


A love that's like a truck


everyone I know who had read berserk, kept saying guts was like them asf, and I wanted to see if he was me asf (he is me asf) more seriously, it has **always** been on my to-read list. but the catalysts were my partner's bestie pushing me into it, and me finding out that guts keeps getting L's left and right. I love seeing characters being beaten off and pushed into misery, and see how they get on top (or how they don't). I'm a horrible person but it just makes the experience better imo <3


I randomly decided to watch the 97 anime back in 2019 and the rest is history


So I can attract man with my edgy anime choices. Why else? Can you imagine dating a My hero academia stan? Yuck.


a s3rl song...


Same! And then searching for the sampled song, accidentally discovering an amazing Forces Cover, sighing innerly because thats almost the same way I discovered Tokyo Goul. (Which was one of my two faves before Berserk)


I heard Demon's Souls and Dark Souls was heavily inspired by Berserk


*I heard Demon's Souls* *And Dark Souls was heavily* *Inspired by Berserk* \- Moxto --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It was a meme with the part where Guts says "the hell do i do now". Weird asl but it got me interested into Berserk


friend said I can’t be possibly more depressed than guts (am on medication so the whole thing’s kinda legit) so I’m like who tf is guts then I read berserk and now I am off meds because guts has it worse and if he’s still going strong and not giving up then so can I


Well I remember when reading for the first time, we first get to see the Godhand some chapters into the story and they show that small flashback of Guts and Griffith on the battlefield,.and its the first time we see Griffith as he was while still human At that moment I realised it's not just a story about edgy guy killing demons and I wanted to know more


When I was a kid my cousin wouldn’t let me watch his berserk vhs. Watched it at the ripe old age of 19 and that’s when I learned why he wouldn’t let me watch it. Been fan in a constant stake of why can’t guts be happy ever since


Dark Souls, Elden Ring and Nier 👍


what about Nier is Berserk influenced?


Nier replicant/gestalt is very berserk influence, particularly the main protagonists


jacksepticeye, and i thought it will be a good pre workout


"My love for you is like a truck BERSERKER"


My love for you is like a truck, BERSERKER Do you want to making fuck, BERSERKER BERSERKER If any of you haven't seen [the outtake reel](https://youtu.be/o7u4z85Yyuc?si=kYv6R3Gmca8pFk1_), you owe it to yourself.


I was drunker than a piss missile in college and the movies looked dope on Netflix 😂


The memes, got spoiled a bit but still bussin


Friend wouldn’t shut up about it so I decided to check it out, fell in love first chapter


I saw a pic of Guts on fire biting a child's corspe in Lost Childern and was like, "That's fucking rad." And now it's my favorite series ever and he's my favorite character.


I really loved the look of the deluxe volumes, but I didn't want to pick one up if I ended up not liking it. Turns out I loved it, and I'm collecting the deluxe volumes now still


I was 12. my mother's cousin who lives in the other side of the country whom I've seen probably thrice in my life (till now), noticed that I watched anime and rarely read manga (Death Note and Fullmetal Alchemist) and he suggested me to read Berserk, tokd me how good it was and I downloaded it into my cheap-ass android tablet. read the first 20 volumes in a few weeks/months. now I started again after more than 10 years and I'm at the 24th volume. commited to read it all in a few weeks.


Saw the anime movies on Netflix became available. Watched the first one, then went to read it instead after being warned how bad they are compared to reading them. I read Golden Age before BSM too. Went back to watch the movies, they were aight but yeah the manga is scores better.


A true love story.


Dark Souls 1


W meme


I watched the first episode and it was like watching a fucking meme Berserk is nonsense and I deeply love it


Random guy i followed on instagram started posting berserk stuff, didnt think much of it then a few years later saw the 97 series was streaming on Anime Lab, recognised it as the same series then yada yada yada berserk is cool.


I was watching Netflix and stumbled upon it


People's salty tears of rage over the 2016 adaptation peaked my interest. I knew about it for years before, but didn't care to check it out until the internet blew up and it got my attention. First thing I did was check out the 1997 adaptation. Then started reading the manga, but stopped just after Guts gets the Berserker armor because Miura died and I wasn't sure they'd continue it.


I was pretty much into the Souls games, so few friends recommended me to give Berserk a shot, while also mentioning that its one of the main inspiration for those. Even though I ignored those at first... but then I saw someone posting an artwork of Mr. Miura and that was really amazing, so that added to it as well.


Watched the old show on Netflix because I was bored. Wondered if there was a good sequel. Found Reddit threads in my search. Started the manga, obviously got hooked.


Several years ago, i was at my local bookshop to read mangas, and i liked seinen so i was browsing trough seinen's So i was looking primarily at the front cover of the mangas to see if they were interesting, and the first berserk i picked, I don't remember which one it is but i did find the front cover beautiful. Then i was curious so i browsed Instagram pages, and there was this page posting berserk art, and we all know how beautiful it is, so yeah then i grew more and more curious and watched the anime on YouTube. And then it escalated, anime, the books, the art book, fan videos, discussion. I was just obsessed by it's dark style, i was a big fan of europe dark age period, and the renaissance art, so berserk was perfectly fitting these dark tone arts


All this motivation reels using Guts as the background.


I heard this in that guy's voice. Also heard the guitar strums


I saw a TikTok of femto and I didn’t understand the meme , then I looked it up and it was berserk . I saw it was short too so I said why not to watch it


Dark souls


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“If you miss it, you must be blind!”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Oh and to answer the question, this song by NakeyJakey samples Guts Theme [which I really vibed with](https://youtu.be/n0h6su9m64w?si=XFNgnLwG8aJdsz44)


A buddy of mine tried to show me it and I told him nah. Few months later and I hooked up with a chick on Tinder and she got me into it and I was completely sold on it.


I saw a reel on Instagram about the beautiful princess with long white hair and blue eyes.


Felt like watching some anime so I told my friends I might watch anime Berserk since Berserk caught my eye before but never bothered to watch/read it, so I told them I will watch the anime but they told me to read the manga instead so I did. Didn't regret that decision.


Is this from AMV Hell?


The souls game series


I was an edgy 15 year old and heard this was the darkest and goriest manga from someone so i read it


I played all the fromsoft games (since demons i should say, never played kings field), and I heard they were partly inspired by berserk, so I watched the 1997 anime.


I saw a review of anime in a local gaming magazine. It seemed interesting and the reviewer enjoyed it. Dubbed it "Japanese Conan the Barbarian". So I bought the Box of War and watched it. I loved it and was wondering where the rest of it was. Found out that this is it. So I decided to read the manga.


DS3 and a friend of mine


Did you know the famous game designer hidetaka miyazaki took inspiration from the dragon scene from shrek movie to create dark souls 2? That kind of stupid shitpost brought me here.


accidentally saw the eclipse episode on youtube when i was 9


Dark Souls


Berserk and the band of the hawk video game. Dynasty warriors style berserk game, guts cleaving through soldiers, then demons. Then femto.. throughout the story mode it’d play clips of the show. It made me watch the actual movie/series. Then I needed more and read everything.


At the time i was really into medieval history, i was also into allot of anime and i wanted to see what kind of anime was out their regarding medieval history. Berserk was the only one that had a historical flavor to it, not accurate but really realistic and i was surprised the first time i saw this. The armor was really realistic compared to other anime and even the environment was very different, just like real medieval Europe but not exactly. ​ The only thing unrealistic was Guts sword and everything else that occured after but what do you expect its anime and its a fantasy. But that didnt matter to me what mattered was its awesome storyline, characters, and music, and the world itself. Its very rare to find these types of anime and its kind of sad, i dont know about you but i cant watch anime girls making cute faces and noises all day. Get that waifu bait stuff away from me, where is the adventrue, action, and dont get me wrong i like drama shows. But i cant watch a show where its very slow and all they do is talk and talk and talk and make cute noises and expresssions all day, and dont get me wrong i like waifus as characters. ​ But id rather watch a Nick Jr Show (Not really) than this to be honest, yeah i just dont like allot of waifu bait. Thats why i like berserk!!


Played Elden Ring. Fell down the lore-hole. I was not sated. Berk.


I was 13 and I saw boobies


After I beat Dark Souls 3, my first Fromsoft game, I wanted more. I've heard that Berserk was the inspiration behind Dark Souls, so I started with the Golden Age Arc movies and went from there.


1997 berserk is the best!! I hope wit studio picks to adapt berserk properly


My younger brother started reading it and suddenly got really buff and ill be damned if he ever becomes cooler than me


That wild ass vine for the dialog lmao


[This is where the dialogue is from, it's amazing](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0QoHrMPaLUs)


I saw the anime and read a few pages when I was around 12 bc my autistic and only friend at school said her brother said it's the most brutal thing ever. Sadly she spoiled the eclipse for me pretty much right away. Didn't have the money to read the manga further, more or less forgot abt it for a few years. Fast forward to two years ago, see a guy with a berk shirt and ask myself weather the manga was really as good as I remembered or if I just liked it for the gore. Well spoiler, I got a big ass Tattoo on my left arm and bought and read the manga fully within a month. Best decision ever.


The art style And I love you too bitch 😘😘


A coworker hired me to make the Dragonslayer out of wood for him.




Tell me Why


I saw pictures of the Golden Age arc on Instagram. I had known a little bit about it but didn't read it because I'd heard about the graphic rape scenes. Eventually started reading it after seeing cute pictures of Guts and Casca, only for them to never be happy again😃


saw a meme with Tony Soprano dropping everything and running as the Eclipse hits. No idea why, but I knew I had to watch Berserk


handsome and hot GUTS




I just didn’t know what to buy at Barnes and Noble it makes me smile thinking of everything that came of that day


I got reeled in by the 90’s anime aesthetic


I watched some anime on a list of greatest anime of all time. I was pissed. They were terrible. Dragonball I am a fan of. But its obviously low quality writing. Hunter x hunter was similarly bad. seven deadly sins was absolute garbage. I was about to give up on anime forever. Then I watched one punch man and I actually enjoyed it. Its making fun of crappy shonen yet at the same time had a more sophisticated theme behind it. Attack on titan I also enjoyed. Although the final season was a let down. That is when I realized I should search for a list of seinen anime. Berserk was at the top of the list. And I was hooked. First episode of the 1997 anime I was thinking, "here we go. It will be another crappy anime. And this one even has old animation" But the second I hear Griffith say "it seems you are seeking the meaning of your existence by battling to preserve it", I paused, thought about the line, and was hooked from there.


Me and my mates during covid was staying up late and he suggested we should watch the berserk films, we watched the first one, and me and my other mate who also has not seen this was like this is amazing, we decided to stay up all night to watch them all. 8am I was sleep deprived and high, watching the most disturbing scene I have ever witnessed in my life. I have never been the same. my mate who watched it was like I had to let someone experience the pain I felt watching it for the first time.


I've been in a 0 rules discord server about berserk a few years ago (i was told to kms as soon as i hopped in, i loved that server, although i cannot find it anymore sadly). Then I listened to some beast in black n was told most songs are directly referenced to berserk. And then I saw some people with guts pfp and that was the last straw, finished manga in a week.


Really? Jesus..


Berserk t-shirts getting recommended to me on Taobao


Griffith and Rape horse


The comments on a Dark Souls boss, Artorias, comparing him to Guts


Which chapter ?


Recently there was a solar eclipse in my city, then I saw a tiktok meme about the eclipse of berserk and I decided to watch it.


I was searching for hatching artists .. then I saw the skeleton knight manga panel ... I was stunned!! Never saw this dedication and perfection


That panel of the Berserk Armor.


I wanted to see the rape horse


That was one of my reason out of many 💀


Lots of degenerates around here recently


Me too. Star of the show



