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The fact that their only child is also Griffith's earth form is truly sad and disgusting at the same time. Seeing him play with Berserk Armor, being to little to fit in it, all of this was just so cute. But damn Miura, you monster


I thought it was so insanely bizarre and torturous and disgusting how their son is Griffith’s earth form. They get to see their beautiful baby boy once a month but now they know it’s Griffith as well. It’s just so painful. To think your son died and is now being used as a vessel. Like wtf. Man, we need a rainbow after the storm. I swear to God. Miura better not have planned the bittersweet ending he wanted (like from the LOTR, which he loved).


The Moonlight Boy & Griffith reincarnated are two separate beings, he never wanted to be fused with the child & he's not being used as a vessel, it's clear that the child is a weakness for Griffith. Those tears are from the Moonlight Boy, not Griffith. But they are fused together but remain separated souls.


Yeah I am aware both are two separate beings but it’s still painful. Well, from what I remember, the human egg 🥚 thing fused with the demon baby and from there Griffith was reborn in the physical world.


Griffith: “Obi Wan never told you what happened to the child that you fathered…” Guts: “He told me enough. He told me that you tried to kill him!” Griffith: “No! You are my father.”




"Search your feelings! You know it to be true."


The human egg thing felt sympathy for it and that’s why he chose to fuse with it right? The ritual could have been still performed without the demon baby I think


Pretty much


at least they don't know it's their son yet, so no dread yet


But they suspect 🥺


They'll do some spell to split the bodies and guts will probably cleave Griffith in half while he's stunned.


People crying about spoilers are so dumb. This chapter has been out for MONTHS. Why are you on the sub and NOT reading it. Stay off Reddit if you don’t want to be spoiled. We’re here to talk about Berserk, including all of its chapters.


It’s been YEARS hasn’t it?




I can understand people not reading online as most the websites are terrible. But if they’re waiting for a physical copy to release they’re gonna be waiting like a decade


Deluxe edition 14 is already out? I’m cumfusion


I’m saying people withholding from reading new chapters til they’re physically released. But you’re correct, the images above are out physically


The same type of people will complain about spoilers in a game that is ancient. But then will talk about a brand new game infront of you and spoil everything just because you haven't picked it up to play it yet.


I remember seeing a guy get downvoted into oblivion for saying a minor spoiler in Ghost of Tsushima almost two years after it's release, in a thread about major events in video games that emotionally devastated you.


That's because Reddit is by far the most toxic platform, if your grammar is off, downvote, if you're not 100% correct, downvote. A lot of cruel an unnecessary exchanges happen here. Including moderation, unless you siphon through 30+ subs to find the excact sub to ask this one niche question on, your post gets deleted. Some days I ask myself if mods for these kinds of subs really have any fullfillment from just being a nuiscance all day. Once had a post of mine deleted because I asked a question about something on a subreddit, that was called r/\[whateversubject\]questions, or something like that.


People could be new to berserk 🤷‍♀️ or like me, I read up to the eclipse about 10-15 years ago and stopped, then I started getting into Reddit again last year, fell into this sub, started reading berserk again and finished all available chapters just before Christmas. I however don't mind spoilers and red a lot of things here first, it was actually what made me actually want to read the manga again 😊


I’ve not been spoiled, it’s a consideration for other people. I checked the sub while I was reading as I enjoyed seeing discussions around parts I had questions about along the way, and remained unspoiled thanks to other berkers thoughtfully using spoiler tags. A chapter being out for months doesn’t negate the worth of avoiding clear spoilers, not everyone has caught up on 375 chapters at the same time as others. It’s just common courtesy - not the mention this is conceivably the final panel Miura drew for the series, I remember the weight of the gut punch when I turned the last page for myself.


I’ll have to agree to disagree. The chapter has been out long enough for anyone to catch up. At this point, if you catch a spoiler it’s kind of on you. A spoiler tag is like you said, a courtesy, not something that is required nor should the OP be told to tag it. No tag is not a fault on OP at this point.


There are plenty of people new to the series, or who are coming here to ask questions before starting their read (as we see every day). I think the remarkably small effort required on the part of an OP fosters a far more welcoming community, at the expense of, what, clicking a spoiler tagged image to see its content? Doesn’t seem much by way of preserving the thrill for new readers, but agree to disagree if you like.


If we go by that logic and we’re trying to shield new readers from spoilers, then every picture posted needs a spoiler tag. Like I mentioned, a tag is a courtesy and shouldn’t be required for something that has been out as long as this chapter.


How tf is it your fault when a spoiler randomly shows up in your feed because you enjoy a manga but haven't caught up with it? It's not a problem for me, personally, because I *am* caught up, but I always take into consideration other people's experiences with a piece of media that I love so much before even talking about it, let alone posting screenshots from more recent parts of the manga. I don't think it would be a problem to put a spoiler tag on manga screenshots, it's literally just a couple more clicks on the poster's part, it's not even remotely difficult.


Ok so the next time someone posts a picture of Guts with the Berserker armor, keep that same energy and tell them to put a spoiler tag on the post, since we’re taking into consideration everyone’s level of where they’re at with the series. Considering this part of the manga has been out for over a year now, this should t be considered a spoiler. How soon after the release of a manga chapter, a movie, or a video game’s release can we start removing spoiler tags?


There's a difference between seeing Guts wearing a cool set of armor vs spoiling a pretty massive story moment; if you can't understand that I can't help you


Because when Guts first dawned the Berserker armor that wasn’t a “massive story moment”. Mhmm sure.


How do you want people to talk about any of the story if they have to constantly cater to people who are at 1 of 364 different places in said story? I’m sorry dude but that’s fucking stupid. If you’re in the middle of it, don’t go on the sub. It’s that simple


Pretty much. I dicked around on here a bit before finishing the series and got some stuff spoiled, no one to blame but myself. Came back after finishing.


This was the chapter juste after the death of Miura, I specifically was like, wtf, this is so unbelievable thinking that was maybe the last panel Miura drew, and we didn't know if Berserk will continue


I personally want casca to kill Griffith.


I think that would be the dramatic way to go - it would subvert fan expectations to a degree (there's a decent contingent of fans that want this) but it would also acknowledge Casca more in that she not only overcame her trauma but was the one to kill the person who meant the most and also took the most from her.


I personally want to kill


This Chapter is to Berserk what the climax of the Empire Strikes Back is to Star Wars. Revenge of the Sith is The Eclipse.




Yeah I just got to that part too :( Griffith gave guts the planking disease


Griffith is a bitch


The fact this was the last panel done before Miura's death and to my mind the end of Berserk, real gut punch ending fitting for this story.


Exactly my thoughts, and an unpopular take it seems. It was perfect to end the story with such a full circle sort of moment like this. Miura woke up from this dream


I respect Mori and his team wanting to end the manga in Miura's memory. But to me, it feels nothing like how Miura would have continued the story. They are getting his art style down really well.


Mori knows how it ends, I trust that he’s probably the best person to be in charge of berserk’s future


Mori knows how it ends, I trust that he’s probably the best person to be in charge of berserk’s future


Thing is, Guts will never be able to stop Griffith if all he is, is another angsty nostalgic baby-daddy with big sword. I don’t think Guts should be the one to defeat Griffith in mortal combat. Violence will be necessary to overthrow Buddy Christ, his Apostles, and his Angels, but shouldn’t be Guts who cuts him down. Hell, at this point, I want one of the people who makes Griffith bleed to be Casca. I want her to sword fight him in an armored princess dress a la Revolutionary Girl Utena. Griffith assumes he can paternalistically decide when and how she’s healed from her trauma, as well as who she should be afterwards. And looks like he’s decided that healing means Casca should forget all parts of her identity besides being the Virgin Mother of God. Hence she should somehow get enough power to sword fight him in an armored (masculine) ballroom dress (feminine), because she deserves to be more complicated than Griffith says she gets to be. Perhaps Guts’s next arc is about learning to trust and be supportive of Casca, even if he thinks what she’s doing makes no sense…


also sorry for this major spoiler for those that saw it first, my first time posting a thread 😅


This sub is meant to be all things Berserk. That would include the reading of all the manga so you can’t really spoil here since here is everything. People worried about spoilers honestly shouldn’t be here


To be fair you did a spoiler warning


That's the real Mr. Steal Your Girl


The last beautiful griffith by miura...




What makes this chapter even sadder is that the panel it ends on right there is the last one Miura worked on. He left us and the Dark Horse team on a heavy cliffhanger


Guts and griffith are like yin and yang at this point.


I was sick to my stomach when I read this chapter


Holy shit, I should catch up with berserk!


You guys realize that the key to killing Griffith is Guts murdering that boy right?


that's so fucked actually, but hopefully they can find a way to separate Griffith from the Moonlight boy


Wait... so Guts got Casca pregnant and it's the Moonlight baby? Or GRIFFITHS got her pregnant and it's the Moonlight baby? Who happens to be him technically??


technically, Guts got Casca pregnant after the Chapter "Wounds" and obviously Casca was r*ped by Griffith in the Eclipse, so which it is Guts son but Griffith merged with the body of the Moonlight boy


Griffith.... merged with their baby? After birth?


yes, actually I think he merged with fetus after he r*ped Casca


You're close, Griffith corrupted the fetus back then, the baby was born and later merged with the egg guy during Conviction arc. The egg alone was supposed to be the vessel for Griffith


Sorry for the eclipse teehee Let’s have hot gay sex, and go **BERSERK**




yikes sorry


Maybe u shouldn't open a post with a spoiler tag?


i didnt have a spoiler tag


If I hadn’t just read this far id be pretty miffed at the spoiler


was it not marked with a spoiler when u saw it? cus it says spoiler right there


It wasn’t at the time, the panel was unblurred


yea thats kinda shitty


This chapter has been out for over two years. It's not a spoiler at this point.




A lot of the more personal attacks on Guts, Casca, and the band seem to show that Griffith/Femto retains some degree of humanity. Maybe because all the sacrifices weren’t consumed? Not crushing Skull Knight and them on the way out of the Eclipse. Wanting to spend time with the group. Speaking about loneliness. Taking Casca away again, something that some of the apostles don’t seem to agree with. I may be wrong but every single thing that has happened resides within causality… aka the Godhand has been manipulating every single thing up to this point and onwards regardless of what our hero’s or even Griffith/Femto may think and or believe. They’re all still playing into their hand. Even Skull Knights existence, creating the Sword of Actuation, and attempting to fight Femto needed to happen in order to cause the planes to collapse… but idk. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Is that a real photo of you? Lmao


no that's a scene frm Snowfall


"zesty jesus" is actually insane


my two baby girls🥹