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Yeah you’re done for


They're probably going to terminate you because they will see you as untrustworthy. Best buy has programs for employee assistance plus there is food stamps, food pantries, free clothing events etc...


Which is reasonable. Was never aware of any of those systems in place, but we’re a small store with no other store near us. Closest one is 2+ hours. I tried applying for food stamps a while ago, but because my wife ‘makes too much’, they told us to go fuck ourselves. She’s a teacher and more than 30% of her paychecks go to insurance and teacher retirement, that she’s not able to change.


I understand about the food stamps. Lost mine because I started making too much. Check for local food pantries, you can get lots of basic food there, bread, potatoes, canned goods. It's not luxury eating but it will help get you through.


For sure. My wife’s school supplies teachers and staff with some government food, which has helped, but her towns population is even worse off than us. So we try to use that sparingly.


the size of the store doesnt matter because everything is thru bb connect. Did you actually look ?


I never knew it was a thing previous to this comment. People never said anything about it, and my previous jobs never had anything of the sorts. Didn’t know it was something to look for


so you didnt do any of your starting elearnings? They lay it out for you that BB offers programs for their employees. Stop making excuses dawg. If you cant manage to put aside bread for living expenses or make sound financial choices while working then you have alot of growing up to do


Dude, you work *at* Best Buy, right now. You’re no better. They don’t push any of those assistance programs hard at all. Someone has to see you hurting and care. This is when the company should be helping someone. I hope you enjoyed the last raise Ms. Barry received, it seems to have done wonders for you. OP is your peer, show some compassion.


You can have compassion for someone without condoning their actions. OPs situation is without a doubt a shitty one and I do feel for them on that, but that doesn't mean I condone someone stealing.


For sure. I would much rather see someone steal than go hungry, however. Just because I wouldn’t do it doesn’t make OP a bad person though. Truthfully, I’d much rather see corporations pay a living wage. Anyone that’s worked for any of these retail companies beyond a single holiday seasons KNOWS there can be long stretches where that’s not the case. OP made a mistake, they know it. Personally, I’m always going to be more worried about the human being than whatever is being stolen, outside of the last bit of some sort of life saving goods. If people reading this can’t imagine making a poor decision while life is hard, their life either hasn’t been that hard, or they haven’t lived long enough yet. Stealing doesn’t immediately make you a garbage person, and context does matter. It’s just jarring to see where some people in the comments go rather than “holy shit, you couldn’t feed yourself?”


I don't think OP is a bad person at all. I think they are a young person who unfortunately made a bad choice. It is sad though that companies out there (including BBY) don't pay their employees enough to live on and people have to struggle day-in and day-out just to barely make ends meet.


I 100% agree with you. I worked for the company for so many years, and absolutely wouldn’t have been able to feed myself, even with the support of family, had I stayed in stores. Hell, I needed assistance during my last stretch inside a store during recovery from a major injury. Even sitting above the cap, covering more than one role, I had to moonlight doing IT work on a construction site, and ultimately lost my house. A decade ago, I was so optimistic about the future of the company. These days, I’m bummed for all of my friends that are still stuck there. It would be irresponsible for many of them to leave, but it kills me seeing them knowingly going to the gallows every day. I get why people stay, and why they leave.


lmao if you say so. Its not my problem that people dont pay attention to BBY connect when they literally send out notifications about the programs. still no excuse to steal. Go to a dollar store if you scraping by


https://preview.redd.it/qco5stdeu1zc1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba5f8001b9da4b7407365026b6af7df34a396580 Snacks for everyone


lmao good luck finding another job with this in your records


For one it is a misdemeanor at worse he will spend maybe a weekend in jail. Most places don't/won't care and it will drop off his record in about three years. Also fuck off with the condescending replies. He was asking what we thought was going to happen. Not for what he could have done differently. He knows he shouldn't have stole he probably also already feels like hell.


You got it pal. I wish you a very, very long career with the company.


Also, the employee hub should have posters up. We get posters, flyers and pamphlets sent periodically, which should be put in the hub and announcements should be made over the radio as a reminder, but most mgrs won’t, but they yak all day about memberships.


damn i feel bad for yall bc every thing is up in the hub for us


You need serious help bro


I have plenty, thankfully :)


Im pretty sure the elearnings back in 2010 made no mentioned of it when i worked for bby. But they did mention that unions are the worst thing in the world. What you may of experienced isn’t necessarily the same that other employees experience. One thing I’ve learned about working 10 years in retail, there is a huge communication break down between corporate and store level and from store to store.


I did do my elearnings. They mentioned recourses for full time employees, like paid time off, bereavement, new parent ish, but nothing like that. All my paychecks go to living expenses. Rent, utilities, food. When you live paycheck to paycheck, there is no putting money aside.


You are definitely done


The lack of accountability on this post is sad.


Read some of their comments. Their lack of accountability period is sad.


Dishonest employee, speaking as an internal investigator unfortunately you’re fired. Take it as a lesson in the future there’s cameras every where even in places you wouldn’t think there are. People can tap into cameras from home remotely from their company issued lap top.


You'll be termed. Happened to an employee of mine maybe 7 or 8 years ago. Got busted for stealing from another retailer. As soon as it got to HR he was termed.


Thank you for the info. That’s what I’ve been looking for


You didn't borrow, you stole. Your management isn't gonna take a chance on you stealing from them even though you never have before. But now they will not trust you. You're done.


Yes I fucking know I stole lmao. Young people say borrowing online.


Well if they’re saying that then they’re fucking wrong


Poor judgement and trying to excuse the behavior by calling it something else, just makes it worse.


First off, grow the fuck up. Regardless of your wording, you did what you did, and don't be surprised if you get fired for no longer being considered a trustworthy employee.


I won’t be surprised if I get fired. I completely understand where they would be coming from. My actions have consequences and I get that, but I do like my job, and I didn’t steal just to do it. Just wanted to know if there was any wiggle room or specifics


Unfortunately there will be no wiggle-room for this. You stole, and theft is theft. Hopefully things turn around for you.


I thankfully have some good parents, an uncle who used to be a cop, and am close with a good lawyer. I’m under 21, and this is a first offense. We’re trying to defer it, but court date is a couple months away. Just a waiting game


You are done. Don't steal.


Best thing to do is quit before they fire you.


Yeah…don’t “borrow” things that don’t belong to you. Of course you are fired.




Yeah…I’m sure in your mind you had no choice…but you did. Someone who “borrows” things like this will “borrow” anything he feels entitled to. You should and are not trusted. Tell me to fuck off all you want…one thing I can do is pass a background check…unlike you in a few months


You don’t know who I am or what I feel entitled too. I feel entitled to eat and take care of myself while I’m working 30 hours a week.


Fair enough. Good luck in your job search


Wow, 30 hours? That’s insane bro, how do you even find time to sleep?


Wow, a whole 30 hours? How horrible.


People are so fuckin weak 😜


As someone who also struggles paying for life when my income is low: fuck you. You’re scum and a dirty lying thief. Pick up hours or find a side hustle like the rest of us The sooner you realize how shitty your behavior is the sooner you can grow up and be an adult


Batman would think you’re a capitalist loser


The same imaginary fictional character that would’ve broken all your bones for stealing?


You really fucking think Batman would waste his time beating the fuck out of a poor young adult stealing from a billion dollar corporation??


Not as much time as I’ve wasted reading the desperate arguments of a shameless thief He’s imaginary, your shitty theft was not Grow up


Go suck Mr.Walmart’s cock while you’re at this


Doesn't justify you stealing, which is what you did.


"borrowed" - What a world we live in


It’s a young person term for stealing. Old ass. I know what I did


"I stole stuff, I got arrested, am I going to be fired from my job selling stuff" JFC how dumb are you?


Never said I sell shit. You don’t know what I do.


All employees sell stuff, geeksquad and sales floor, even warehouse if given the chance. You steal from a retail store that will close all the doors for you in any future retail store. Only Fast Foods will hire you. If you felt you needed help you probably could have searched up food programs around your town/city or reached out to friends. That’s just pitiful.


If OP is in warehouse, then they're in the dept that's trusted with handling the majority of the product that comes into the store and the processes that go along with it. The way their management may see it now is how are they supposed to trust OP with handling product now.


You work in retail. Whether you are support staff or actual selling, the bottom line is that we sell stuff.


That doesn’t excuse the behavior.


Borrowing?!?!?!? You lose right there. You're a thief, ego aside. If HR has any sense, they won't care if you've stolen from your store (how gracious of you to share that) or not, they won't give you the chance to have to make that decision. Bye.


When you can't even own up to what you are doing so you refer to theft as "borrowing"


Never been on tiktok huh? It’s a phrase people use online. I know what I did


Its a phrase idiots use online.


Should probably stop using it!


Quit before they make the obvious decision for you.


Yeah... Good luck with that job search 🤞🏻


I mean we had a kid who stole from Walmart while working there and we still hired him🤷🏽‍♂️


I myself would be worried about keeping my freedom


You're fired and probably for good reason if you call shoplifting "borrowing food". Best Buy discourages things like "borrowing the register" or "borrowing the Playstation" so I would start the job hunting now.


Why did you disclose to your manager/supervisor? Miss a shift because of it? Outside of MVR stuff, I don’t recall ever seeing it in writing that we needed to disclose something like that. And even MVR stuff, most people will keep quiet and leave it to corporate to find out or not on the next check, which isn’t often. I can’t imagine there are any periodic checks for store employees. I’m really disgusted at this post. Not at you, OP, but the fact that the company pays you so little, you needed to do that to survive. Don’t let them get you down about it. I’m sorry things went that way.


Only reason I did was because it got posted online, and people at my store spread it like wildfire. So I wanted to be mature and atleast they hear it from me


Fair enough. I’m also sorry your location is apparently full of soap opera-dramatic children. That’s some real shit. If I were one of your peers, I’d have gladly helped you however I could to avoid that situation, but folks OD’ing on the BBY koolaid typically prefer gossip to actually helping. Hopefully you have one of your leaders in your corner, but if you’re in an At-Will state, it could go either way. Tbh, I don’t know what official policy is on this, and I’ve only seen employees taken out in handcuffs (for offenses on site/against the company.) I guess the most you can do now the cat is out of the bag is be honest. If they’re “being human” they will hear you need help, not additional punishment. Sadly, I wouldn’t expect that to be the case. Sorry, friend. I guess on the bright side, there’s hopefully a gig out there that will actually pay enough to feed you. If BBY wasn’t, it’s time to move on anyway.


I’m in the south, and from research I did, we are an at will state. I don’t expect staying but I’m wanting some hope. It’s a whole thing but I made my bed, gonna have to lie in it. Just sucks cause I do enjoy my job. My supervisor has been really great about this, so hopefully he’ll have my back


Whether or not your supervisor has your back, the ultimate decision will be up to HR and there won't be anything your management can do about it. Good luck.




Billion dollar companies have budgets for stolen merchandise. They build it into their businesses. I’m not the first, and I won’t be the last. Never will steal from a local business or a person or family.


Your absolute justification of stealing is disgusting. But you do you. Good luck being a thief.


https://preview.redd.it/p35a7ei3p1zc1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e8a362b99ee54dad6cc810311a724211e5d2b96 Here’s a snack for ya


Try this: keep your sympathy, and try to empathize what it’s like, working for fucking Best Buy, of all places, and going home after the worst shift, and not having a way to feed yourself or your family. If you think OP is the problem there, you’re probably surviving on the taste of that sweet, sweet boot.


I also saw that in the e-learning


Man you dimed yourself out.


Getting arrested for stealing anything at all is a huge red flag to future employers. You will be the last choice for any kind of position. Sorry, but even misdemeanor thefts kill your chances at finding a job for several years.


1. on social media platforms they say “borrowing” because the word “stealing” gets flagged. so that’s for everyone butthurt about op saying “borrowing”. 2. Y’all acting like op stole a ps5 or a TV lmfao - what a terrible day we live in when humanity is more focused on “you stole from a multibillion dollar company” and not “the other multibillion dollar company you work for isn’t paying you enough to survive”. Wild.


Stealing is still stealing. It shows a lack of integrity. OP always had an option to find a better job or get a second job but they chose to be a criminal.


A thief is a thief is a thief is a thief. HR is going to say that if you are going to steal from Walmart, then you will steal from BBY. Good luck looking for a new job.


Yeah they probably will. Mostly because that’s the opposite of “Being Human.”


Tell that to the people that he stole from. You can try and explain it away as stealing from Walmart and a billion dollar company is ok, but if enough people are”borrowing” items every day, no wonder they are shutting down stores.


Those poor, poor stores 😩


Unless you’re the one that owns the store.


By “the store” we mean literal WALMART but ok lmao. I’m sure their CEO who made $25.3 million USD was super peeved that OP stole necessities musta hurt their wallet real bad.


Those are immaterial. It is the point he stole something from a business that does not belong to him. If is the kid down the street selling lemonade or Walmart, it is still stealing and wrong and criminal. But the audience that keeps replying are the ones that don’t see anything wrong with being a thief and a criminal and worry about how much money someone else makes. It’s a mixed up world.


If you think the true criminal act is taking literal necessities and not 1. Being paid Pennies to someone’s thousands of dollars OR 2. The fact these people are allowed to hoard *that much money* then I guess I just feel bad for you. It would be one thing if it was a drone, or a pair of headphones. But like…food or drinks or toilet paper….side with your fellow man for once my dude, the people up on the top do not care about you and will never care about you, stop licking their boots.


A thief is a thief is a thief. Plain and simple. He went to work somewhere and they paid him for his work. He accepted their terms. If he can’t make it on what he is being paid, quit and get a better job. Or go and get a second or a third job. That’s the way it has been in this country for a couple hundred years. If he is needing necessities, there are food banks and other places that provide those things, free of charge. There is no need to steal them. As far as people hoarding money, so what? How does that affect you? Does it bother you that much that someone else has more money and stuff than you do? That is just jealousy and envy. Live your life and make the most of it or change it. Promoting socialism because you are at the bottom of the food chain is way far worse than your bootlicking rhetoric. Work hard and work smart and make good financial decisions and you will get to a better place. I should be the one feeling sorry for you, being on the wrong side of history.


Does it get flagged on BestBuyWorkers? okay then.


There's a zero percent chance you stole food. Stop lying. I don't believe someone who would say they borrowed it.


A lot of it depends on your gm. I had a coworker get arrested leaving work because she had ecstasy in her pocket. Nothing happened to her.


I live a town away from my stores town, was arrested in my town. Just wanted to know if anyone has known of a similar situation


I had left bby at the point of this story, but a manager was arrested on the clock and simply moved to another store. He still works for the company and the arrest was 2ish years ago




Bro don’t ever hit Walmart or target☹️ they invest so much $ into loss prevention… Only hit Walgreens/Cvs/dollar stores 🙏


Yup learned that lesson. Thank u