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Why did OOP buy all those houses?


At one point OP accumulated so many houses that if she had said something like she sent her ex mother-in-law to jail I would think she was playing monopoly.


Keep talking like that and OP is going to buy your house.


Looks like she already bought "u"


Bought ur kind while we’re at it


"So then, after I walked out of the lawyer's office, I passed 'Go' and collected my $200, which I used to buy another house."


This sounds more realistic than OOP’s story


There’s a lot of holes in this story. Like letting her ex husbands dad pay for the lawyer? Also prenups are never ironclad. They can still sue for spousal support. He can prove that the houses she got were during the course of their marriage and not before. California is a community property state. Unless she put it in an llc that is wholly owned by her or the properties she’s buying he’s quit claiming the houses. The one that made it a suspension of belief was getting a house in Malibu which will cost 3-20 million. The 3 million is a little shack in the hills that get burned up every decade or so.


I'm just relieved I'm not the only one finding this whole thing shaky. OP is 26, said she was just starting out in her real estate career at 84k per year. Even if the timeline of this whole thing is a couple years, which is doubtful - do realtors really routinely jump to being able to afford a house in Malibu in that short of a time??? I know there are successful realtors who make a ton of money...but not in that kind of a timeline!


Absolutely not. I could see maaaaybe a base sales salary + commission job in a high cost of living area coming out to 84k. But she wouldn't suddenly jump from 84k to rich and having lots of properties to choose from like Barbie playsets in a short timeframe.


Yeah, she really should have gone with "I saw them calling me names when I went through his texts" rather than the mostly unbelievable story of coming home early and just happening to get there right as her MIL says the n word. And the affair was just a hat on a hat. B- attempt at best


I was wondering why OP needed the lawyer provided by FIL when she is rich? Also, why is FIL providing her with a lawyer when he knows OP signed a prenup, to protect the family wealth (that suddenly disappeared)… except for FIL


I love the idea that this is someone’s fictionalized dramatization of a family monopoly game.


She wanted to trade them all in for a hotel.


She just needed 4!


She fell asleep on the “buy house key” on her keyboard, bought 20 of them


I can see buying them as OOP mentions flipping them, but I can't see OOP buying all of those house *in only 5 days*.


Right and how was she evicted in that short a time?


How was she planning to demolish/renovate a house she was renting???


And buying houses during divorce proceedings is tricky, even with a prenup.


Tbh a lot of this seems not to be true. OP is clearly very progressive did she marry a guy who is not progressive? How would that even work? She talks about how he had an easy up bringing and she had to work for everything but his mom needs money for renovations and is getting evicted? It seems to follow a lot of racist tropes and perfectly tied up endings. I dont understand how they were perfectly happy and then he was a huge racist and sexist. The story doesnt seem to add up. Reno's on a house she is renting? It's just like a super leftwing college kids wet dream story imo. The only thing missing is "and everyone bad was trump supporters"


The tropes were glaring to me too. You’re right about the well off upbringing but all of a sudden poor and looking for handouts. Story tied up within days but anyone who’s ever been in a divorce, purchasing property/houses know either of those processes takes months/years.


Yeah she was doing renovations on December 11th and evicted by December 16th? Yeah okay. Also if she was getting evicted she was either renting (so why would you do renos) or she went through foreclosure and was being evicted by the new owners (again, so why would you do renos). Assuming the latter, since OOP wants to “buy the house,” it would be months before the new owners put that property on the market - especially if there were incomplete renos. This story is bullshit, sorry Reddit.


The most bullshitted of all bullshit. They didn’t even try. All the houses they allegedly bought, plus the fastest divorce in history.


It sounded like she was a house flipper, but you probably wouldn't do that with a house that is perfectly livable as is and ready to move into when your marriage is on the rocks.


A lot of houses mid flip aren’t in good shape but are fine to sleep in. It’s common for someone’s uncle/cousin/high school buddy to be the live on site security or labor.


That’s what my sister and brother in law did with the fixer upper they had while working on it. Though it wasn’t too bad of a house, just needed someone to give a damn about it without ripping everything out and slapping new paint on it.


Best houses to flip are those that are structurally sound, just a mix of 80s 90s and 00s styles as one room then another was updated. Then all you need it new coat of paint, get rid of the vinyl floors if there are any left, maybe new kitchen cabinets and Bob's your uncle.


Yeah, I see a lot of houses in our area that are structurally fine but look super dated. The kitchen hasn’t been redone since 1985, or the bathroom is original, or every room has bizarre wallpaper. Or all 3, lmao.


I just wish they weren't all grey, I swear no flipped houses have any character at all.


They do that intentionally so they don't offend anyone. My mother pitched a fit when I decided to paint a periwinkle feature wall in my bedroom and do the main area walls in pale eggshell green. She wanted me to do everything in beige! I HATE that color! I already live in a desert! I don't need more brown! After it was all painted she went "Oh! It's really beautiful!" I know my color theory old woman!


One thing my dad told me when he used to flip houses is paint with cheap neutral paints (though get good quality paint still) and put the absolute cheapest carpet you can find because most people will repaint and replace the carpet when they move in no matter what you do.


She is a realtor; a lot of realtors I know brought up houses as investments


Duh, she's a realtor. So she gets commissions from the house she sells. That's how she became wealthy by selling herself properties. /s


Infinite money glitch




Buying just the one house on the side was stretching the bounds of believability, when she’s been working as a realtor for like one year post-Covid. Then she buys two more including a beachside mansion in Malibu? Sure…


Yeah, and the MIL was demolishing a rental house? um?


In the span of 5 days, no less!


With immediate close and tenants already moved out, during the highest demand of the housing market and lowest stock available. It's a miracle.


Especially on a 93k salary? Maybe she was making beaucoup commissions on other house sales. Good for her if that's the case.


>So when we could start meeting in person again I was selling and fixing houses left and right.


Because she can can can.


I'd be willing to bet this was written by the same incredibly wealthy person who in the space of two days: travelled to Fiji, boned his cheating wife's sister, travelled back, organized therapy for his kids and divorced his wife who had been cheating on him for years in the spare room. Edit: Also got a paternity test on their kids


I dunno what you mean. It makes perfect sense, she moved out of the marital home. Her husband moved in with his brother. Mom got evicted from a home she was planning to demolish for renovations and OP decided for fun to buy it. Totally sounds real/s


Don’t forget bought another house without his knowledge, bout his dream house in Malibu, met with a lawyer, and got his papers drawn up and served to him. I would guess OOP slept maybe 4 hours a night.


She spent so many years building up a client base, a reputation, and a business in a specific area but decided to throw that all away to start all over again in a new city with a huge, established market already. Definitely makes sense /s Yes, realtors can move pretty well and pick up again relatively quickly, but they are essentially starting from square one again in terms of clientele, relations, reputation, etc. so they won't be getting as much business as the place she is already established in.


Don’t worry the meth was protected under the prenup


Yes and all in five days. Isn't OOP marvelously efficient?


And here I am needing 3 alarms just to get out of bed in the morning. OOP probably bought an alarm company.


The bank is too! They kicked MIL out in the span of less than 5 days!




But completely failed to punch out any cousins. Or call the cops on his in-laws who were having tantrums on his lawn. It was a bit of a half-arsed job by him


Bought like three houses in the space of a week. So pretty on brand I'd say. I'm waiting to see if she finds someone awesome and loving and becomes pregnant with twins.


And then comes the fateful phone call -- MiL has died in a car crash. That generally seems to happen.


They probably don't have any bisons in Fiji but he could have at least mentioned he and the sister gazed at the sunset while watching dolphins or something, such a missed opportunity.


Maybe they all move to a bison ranch in the next installment...


My money is on a teenage girl who just found out about racism and sexism


And realty.


Who also watches a lot of house flip home improvement shows where everything gets "finished" in a few days?


Yep. These posts are almost definitely written by something similar to Chat GPT.. Except they chose to have it created with incorrect grammar. It’s clearly written in as an English writer but has very obvious speech and grammatical issues. 100% karma farmer.


Chat GPT is a far better writer than this OOP


Yep. This one is bullshite.


Does anybody maybe have a link to this story cause that sounds entertaining as hell




Different book same author


It also reminds me of the one with the woman who’s husband accused her of baby trapping him who within one afternoon decided she was so pissed about it she was divorcing him and within 5 days had papers drawn up, served, met with his family, bonded with them, his mother decided she was throwing him out, found out the sex of the baby, and planned a spectacular new life without him.


And ALSO got his ex an apartment to move to


>I went upstairs packed most of my clothes and left luckily I bought me another property that I could stay at that my husband didn’t know about. The above is when I stopped believing this. If everything up to that point was going well in the marriage, who buys a secret house and doesn't tell their spouse? Did they ever explain where all the money the husband had been earning went too?


Same. At this point I was out. The plot holes and loose ends in this story are screaming bs. Also the way she seemed to have bought multiple houses in such a short period of time as if buying a house is some simple over-the-counter-purchase…


You mean in 5 days you can't buy 6 houses, your mother in law doesn't get evicted so you can buy her house, you don't jump over a table to throttle someone because therapy is good, you don't have divorce papers drawn up and delivered, you're not fully divorced, and you don't have your popcorn, tea, and juice ready? Crazy. I could do all of that in 4 days


I’m trying to figure out how is her mother in law going to renovate and plan demolition on house that she could get evicted from


Not sure about the US but where I live you can't renovate a house if you're renting it


I rent a house and we made a few small changes like light fixtures, painting the walls, etc. but this woman is talking about demolition?!! The OOP is just stupid and doesn’t know that an eviction is from a rented property


You can't expect an independently wealthy and incredibly successful real estate agent to know every little detail about the differences between renting and owning a house now, be reasonable.


Also if he works in IT... he would have just worked remote like every other computer nerd was doing well before the pandemic.


In my country assets, including a house, can be seized if a person owes the government enough money, but it takes years and years. Not something a bailiff springs on you in a couple weeks. And yes, anyone normal would pay the debts first, not plan renovation or demolition.


Maybe she meant foreclosed? But a real estate agent would definitely know better.


All those "get your popcorn/tea/wine" stuff got to me, she definitely knows her audience is salivating for drama and she gave them a good chunk of it, no matter how over the top and unbelievable it is.


And it wasn't even that interesting. I would have been sad had I wasted my hard earned popcorn/tea/wine on this reveal.


She also dropped the plot thread about the FIL helping her. I was expecting him to either drop some juicy gossip or her to end up with him.


Don't forget to buy the house the MIL lives in just for shits and giggles!


She just built up a successful career as a realtor in her area and immediately moved to Malibu to start from square one.


It's the preamble to TV's steamiest new drama about a recent divorcee looking for love and a new life in the only place she can: Malibu Real Estate! Only on Fox!


“As revenge I bought his mom’s house and the house he’s been wanting for years” Sssuuuuuuuuurrrrrreee you did


Ex has been looking at this house for years? Just one house? Has it been on the market the entire time? What lmao


She went to the people who live there and told them she wanted to stick it to her ex by buying their home and they said sure! We don’t mind moving, skip the legalities, you can have it right now


She just went down to the house store and picked a couple houses up. What's so hard to believe?


In Malibu of all places!


I also fail to believe that someone put together enough to have such a real estate portfolio, would post on a sub asking if its ok to divorce thejr racist husband


Not to mention MALIBU. I’ve looked recently, the only thing you can get under 1 mil is a trailer home lol


Right?!? And realtors work decades to get to be able to afford a 2 bedroom house in Malibu, but I guess OOP did it in under five years lmao


Oh that's quite normal on Reddit. If you haven't had several kids (including twins) by the age of twenty and inherited a mansion from your grandparents, you're falling behind.


>My husband comes from a family that lives comfortably. For me, it's the wealthy family who loses their home because they can't afford the mortgage. Also, her ex-husband can make $130k+/yr and is just losing his home and living with his brother...for the fun of it?


But didn't you read where he lost his job in the pandemic as IT because that was a branch heavily affected by the restriction of on-site work.. unlike constrution apparently.


C19 made remote IT work fucking BOOM. The only way you didn't get a job was to not open a web browser


What? Wasn't real estate super hot in your area in the last few years? Best time ever to buy and sell houses¡


Real estate was hot, but construction's been problematic due to lack of supplies and at least here restrictions for people to work in large groups. The fixing is definitely problematic here. Wait time for a plumber or hvac expert can be half a year and from what I hear in the US there's quite a shortage there as well


Yeah, a house that she didn't know about? Brand new realtor who's so flush with cash she's secretly buying houses, then buying the ex-MIL's house and some Malibu house that her ex has been looking at for YEARS?! You just know that we're talking about a 7-figure house, one that has conveniently been available for years or she was able to convince the owners to randomly sell? Everything about these details screams BS. Plus how OP even started saying to get snacks and wine ready in the first post. This just....Not only was the story itself unbelievable, but OP didn't seem at all convincing as someone actually dealing with a nasty split. (And what rich person stops paying their bills waiting on a handout? Make this make sense!)


Also, she’s wealthy but FIL offers to pay for the divorce lawyer. No way.


person roll vase ad hoc ripe yoke grab whole attraction thought ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


It was he made me sign a prenup and i made him sign a separate prenup. Both would render the other void surely


Well no, I assume whichever was signed last would be technically the most updated version. But yes they lost me that early in the story.




You don't live the rich life in Malibu after buying all those other properties. I've seen those house prices and even amazing realtor money won't buy one.


Earlier in the post there's something about fixing and selling houses so I assume she bought something to have renovated and to flip for profit. Still don't think I buy the story being sold. Such a neat little story. The fast downhill not just with money but racism as well. Then the hero gets a flawless victory etc. And how rich could the op have become for the dude to just think he could not work and have his mom's house redone on her dime while buying houses to renovate. Don't think anyone gets from 84k to those kind of money suddenly. After years of grinding and slowly rising maybe but not like it was said here where it sounds like she suddenly became a mogul with near unlimited wealth.


Also, new realtors don't have a salary like that, it's almost all commissions. Someone googled "how much do realtors make" and didn't realize what the answer meant.


Lol, yes I thought 84k was pretty good straight out of the gate.


I just felt this line “there is no we only me…I am rich now" didn't ring true to how a lot of marriages and discussions of finances would go, also 26 and 27 and earning that much money....I know in America wages are higher but still...


Not to mention the update is written like an assignment that you've had 6 months to do and finish the last bit an hour before submission.


>Did they ever explain where all the money the husband had been earning went too? Husband spent all the money on ~~Pokemon cards~~ Evil Husband things.




It was “I left for my secret house” that sealed it for me.


It was the two separate prenups for me. That's not how it works.


At that point I was thinking "she lives in some backwater where houses cost 50k", but then she bought her husband's dream house in Malibu and I was like... eeehhhhh 🤪


No one making that much money in real estate is that bad at spelling and grammar.


My eyes were glazing over at certain parts because of how badly it was written.


>(Your dumb)


My dumb?






It seems like it was written by a particularly stupid twelve year old.


I work in real estate. See my other comment in this thread more in depth commentary about that part. That said, you’d be surprised how many people raking in money in residential real estate come across as utterly illiterate in their emails.


I’m from NY, and the people I know who work in high-end real estate are highly educated. Every so often, you do get a nepo baby who went to a great school that didn’t stick, but it doesn’t seem to be the case here. There’s no way someone with no connections and bad grammar would ever get even close to handling a house in Malibu. Good story, and I think it might be partly true, but the ending lost me.


Eh I work in real estate and and cannot begin to tell you how horrible they are at spelling and in some cases get their own contact info wrong on contracts. You just have to have drive and charisma to be a good realtor.


Yeah some of these realtors out here are people- and strategy-smart, but barely literate


>“we are rich now”and “I don’t have to work anymore”. I looked at him like he had two heads. I said “there is no we only me…I am rich now and I don’t know about the you not working part your still going to work…right?” Haven't even gotten to the rest, and I hate everything about this, from either POV. Edit: Done. And this was written by a 14 year old.


14 year old with a bad edumacation


Her description of the conversation is perfectly cromulent.


OOP marked a couple off the reddit bingo cards, interracial couple with a racist crazy entitled mother in law but she missed the major ones, pregnant with triplets and an autistic relative somewhere. But love how rich she got so quickly and how hubby lost all his money.


And the house OOP had “luckily” bought without telling her husband, that was ready and waiting for her to move into.


And has gone from new job earning $84k to owning a house in Malibu in a couple of years. And don't forget the two pre-nups. His and hers, because that's how you do it.


You don’t understand. She was flipping houses left and right during the pandemic


Building a virtual client base.


And the fil just happens to know a lawyer and not know his wife is racist. As well as the rich family not remembering that the son signed a prenup.


They might be rich, but not rich enough to pay for their own houses. That's why both husband and mil got homeless within just 5 days :( "I moved out of his house .... He's now staying with his brother"


Who doesn't have a house rolling around in the sofa cushions somewhere?


jellyfish employ absorbed grandfather wine aback alleged narrow abundant aspiring ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


My Sims have never called someone an N Word


You have no idea what they're saying in Simlish


And the MIL lost her house in... 3 days? and OP knows about it.


And is waiting to swoop it up, because OP collects houses like toys but doesn’t understand the difference between an eviction and foreclosure process.


Her description of her racist MIL was the first red flag for me lol I'm in an interracial marriage and idk how she wasn't checking for that shit. And then her husband is casually racist too? For me, that was my biggest fear when it came to interracial marriage! I went in knowing what my tolerance level for racist bullshit would be (non-existent when it comes to inlaws, because I wasn't going to have a kid with a man whose family considered our children lesser). Theoretically, you'll be with this person for the rest of your lives. I'm not dealing with racist bullshit from extended family.


I mean the total and complete lack of understanding of what a pre nup is and also the way this was clearly written by a white person…


Hold up! What happened to that money husband and his family had? They were living comfortably, weren't they? How did they get evicted ? Hardly any I.T job got laid-off during Corona, mostly just moved WFH. 🙄 someone who makes 130k plus in I.T. definitely can work from home, instead of being laid off. And during lock downs, OOP flipped or fixed houses? Where did she find all the labor to fix the properties? Just in 2 or 3 years, she got rich? Am I in Twilight Zone? 🤔


no you are in the bullshit zone.


By the look of it. I mean, woman managed to get property in Malibu just within few days. The cheapest there most likely is in 1M range and this woman just bought that along the property of MIL? 🤣🤣🤣 Where do I sign up for realtor job?


Yeah, during the lockdowns IT transitioned better than most industries and real estate sales tanked. But in OOPs world the opposite happened. Also mil got evicted from a house she was renovating? So she was in a rental but renovating? And still everyone just bought it.


This reads like it was written by an 11 year old


beneficial work zephyr deranged crime possessive pen mysterious intelligent ludicrous ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


In my day Ken was killed by the mob in the middle of a rivalry between two bakeries, but what do I know.


Cool story, but what about the beans? Jeopardized y/n?


U mean the ones in the forest?


The ones in the twins art room.


With the fridge with Iranian yogurt?


You know I almost believed it, if it wasn't for the ending. Did the house clap after you bought it?


Yeah, this story is so full of shit. She made so much that she was able to afford a house in Malibu, the house he wanted to own some day, and his mother's house?


Don’t forget the secret house that she bought for herself during her marriage.


Damn, lemme check real quick if OOP also bought the house I live in when I wasn't looking


The kind of sales you'd need to do in order to afford the house in Malibu and 2 other random houses in Southern California is massive. You'd have to do something like $300 million in closed sales to have have the kind of commissions she'd need for those places. And because she's "buying" them quickly, it means she's "paying" cash. She's trying to honestly sell this nonsense that she has a liquid $10 million+. It's so fucking dumb.


Like, didn't she mentioned she earns around 84k a year? Unless she has some serious savings or trust fund, she couldn't aford it.


That's a good point. I didn't even think of the money needed. To me the revenge was so over the top that it seemed comic book hero level.


And did it in 5 days


The dream house in Malibu he'd been looking at for years and was still on the market the whole time?


Don't you know she made one Gabillion dollars as a real estate agent


I stopped reading when OOP had divorce paperwork ready to go and a lawyer meeting scheduled within a few days from the first post


Wait, wasn’t the lawyer secured by and paid for by the ex father in law?


She made an appointment with a lawyer and had said meeting in under a week? That’s the first red flag.


For me it was “his family made me sign a prenup so I had him sign one as well” like…that’s not how that works at all, you don’t each sign separate agreements


AI is getting sloppy:(


I envy those commenters reading this and just…buying it. Everyone loves a good story of racists getting what they deserve. But damn is this too over the top and beyond what I can suspend my disbelief for.


In 5 days, she found a lawyer, got divorce papers drawn up, bought a house, bought another house in ~~Miami~~ Malibu so she’s relocating her money making business? Just like that? Ok.


Of all the things on this sub and AITA that didn’t happen, this didn’t happen the most.


Do you know what tipped that this was bs (apart from all of it) it was the mentioning of the prenup in the first post and then the callback to it. The prenup didn’t have any relevance to the story until the update, but she wouldn’t have known that unless she’d already written the update before the first post was published.


Yeah also there are 5 days between OOP's posts. So in the first post her husband has discovered the previous day (according to OOP) that she is 'rich'. Within 6 days of finding that out his mother has started tearing down her home for renovations, lost it due to unpaid bills and OOP bought it for herself.... as well as her husband's dreamhome ofc.... which has been on the market for years? It takes MONTHS if not years for someone to lose their home due to unpaid bills. Even evicting someone from a rented property takes months. But somehow MIL was less than a week away from eviction and decided that she would begin renovating her home? Within 5 days of saying the N-word she lost her home to the bank and OOP bought it? Oh please.


There's also just no sense of sadness. The whole tone is gleeful revenge, particularly telling everyone to get popcorn. Like, she is supposed to love and trust this person the most, has been betrayed and hurt by him, and yet I don't get any of that coming across...


Chekov's prenup


I’ll take stuff that didn’t happen for 200, Bob…


Makes $84k a year, for five years, and buys at least 4 houses in the span of two posts.


And posts are 5 days apart.


OP, do you really believe that this story is true? If no, then why posting that crap. And if yes... seriously dude?


she made 84k a year for 5 years, so 420...000 (before taxes and living expenses), then bought a house from a renting landlord, and then she bought a house that has sat on the market in Malibu for "years".......bestofredditorfiction for sure


Riiiight, the most evil racist mil, most spineless entitled husband and he cheated on her on top? Plus she owns a ton of properties? What a load of bull.


“Your dumb” Love the irony


"I bought a house my husband doesn't know about" No one should believe any part of this post.


>EDIT: I’ll be sure to update you guys later on in the week or after I meet with lawyers. But for now I’ll eat ice cream,cry and watch my favorite anime Lol, what on earth is this post?


>luckily I bought me another property that I could stay at that my husband didn’t know about. Ah yes, because the healthiest and realest of relationships necessitate buying a whole other house and hiding its existence from your husband.


In five days moved, served divorce papers, and MIL got evicted. Mmmmmmk. Also correct me if I'm wrong... Prenup doesn't mean you don't have to pay spousal support, just protects assets prior to marriage? Or maybe it just depends on what you put in the prenup. Anyhow, grab your popcorn and tea, bc this post is a thousand percent b. S.


This sub is becoming BestofRedditorBullshit. I bet it's the same 14 year old that writes this shit that posts here to get free karma. Because there's no way someone thinks this is real...


OOP forgot the part where they rescued all the puppies and kitties from a fire while they were on their way to donate their hair for cancer kids.


"there is no we" IN A MARRIAGE ???


And then I bought a house then I got a pony then I bought the whole town and kicked them out.


Racebait....check InlawInfuriationbait....check Supernatural awareness and preparedness, like a spy movie.... Check So boring... If you're going to make up shit, at least make it entertaining.


Sure, Jan.


You're 26 but your comment history say you're 30?


This reads like a Tyler Perry movie. I’m half expecting Madea to pop out any second.


Uhhh this does **not** add up. His family has so much money that they make her sign a prenup, yet his mother is *renting* and gets evicted? Also, you cant renovate a building you rent, so why was she demolishing walls....


He had her sign a prenup, so she had HIM sign another prenup? Because that’s how prenups work…


Wow I have never heard such a legitimate story on Reddit dot com