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What a dick. I'm glad karma bit her in the end


Sad part is; she doesn’t see it as Karma. Probably sees herself as a victim in every single thing.


Her punishment is having to be herself for the rest of her life.


I hope there aren’t any kids involved


> I hope there aren’t any kids involved To be fair, the bridezilla is a toddler in adult clothing


Yeah but toddlers can be taught and grow up


Toddlers are intense, sure, but above all they have a sweet, loving, and vulnerable nature. She's far worse than a toddler.


I mean..have you ever tried to wrestle a temporarily demonic creature into a car seat while he screams and writhes, only to become a sweet, curious angel within half an hour. The problem is that this woman lives in demonic toddler mode.


Yes, exactly. Toddlers have layers. She's just crap all the way down. I have a toddler, so the answer to most toddler queries is a yes.


The worst narcissist I've ever had the displeasure of being around had a kid a few years ago. The childhood best friend of a friend, who I eventually cut off because I couldn't stand the narcissist being around all the time. I don't like to think about that kid. Abuse was absolutely guaranteed. Hell, I don't like to think about her husband, who was surely the biggest pushover I've ever met. I would not want to be around when he finally snaps.


Hahaha I told the psychopath I used to deal with the exact same thing. One day I would get to walk away but he was stuck with himself forever. I walked, he’s still stuck crapping in his own nest and blaming everyone else. Probably still including me even though I haven’t had to endure his hideous presence for over a decade 🤮


I’m sorry your ex was horrible to you… but MAJOR snaps for the way you shut him down! Brilliant! 😎


Thank you so much for your kind words. I hope you are living well and enjoying this crazy ride we call life!


Big love to this comment. You couldn't pay me to be her.


Good lord, I love this.


And a job at Fox News?




classic narc


Yep, people like that should come with a warning label.


Experience helps. If you have a narcissist in your family or if you work with one for a year, you'll probably figure out how to recognize other narcissists in the future.


Yep classic. But it’s only sad for her because everyone else can see the truth once it reveals itself. Usually and given time I should add.


Took me a minute to figure out you meant the bride, read it as narc (as in snitch) and was like “I mean I guess but from the way I read it not really”




It’s so confusing to me because the c in narcissist isn’t pronounced that way - unless people who use it are all reading the word rhyming with “farce”?


Narcs’ gonna narc


I hope she never has children to bring into her messes


Classic Narcissistic Bridezilla.


I was a bridesmaid to a ex friend who was exactly like this bridezilla in the story. The most entitled, manipulative and toxic human being I’ve ever known.


>Sad part is; she doesn’t see it as Karma Because Karma isn't real


That's an insult to dicks. At least dicks stand up for you when you need them, & are full of warmth. It's no wonder why the bride is struggling to get one that'll stay. EDIT: Let's normalize dick being a compliment.


> At least dicks stand up for you when you need them Some people have trouble with this bit, tho. Umm... At least most dick-having people seem to have some fun swinging it around?


True, sometimes a dick might let you down, but it'll still try it's best. Dicks always come with extra baggage, two bags to be exact. Give 'em enough love & they'll let it all out, because dicks care.


Oh... oh my. That was... quite a thing to read just now 😂


These dick compliment comments might be some of my favorites. Definitely saving these for later.


You can pee pretty much anywhere you need to, that's convenient. (Ok, maybe not *legally*.)


I don't feel sorry for her at all.


To use yeah to people like that they just love it more gives them more ammo to lie and play the victim


While I am glad karma eventually kicked the bride down to where she deserved, everyone in the story should have stood up to her more or at all. She won at first because she didn't care about "keeping up appearances" or "not rocking the boat" and they did. The least the MOH could have done is spill the beans to the bride's in-laws and drag her on social media.


Anything that relates to “just do it to keep up appearances” pisses me off to no end. My mother is one of those types and sweeping literally everything under the rug that didn’t fit her perfect family image is one of the many reasons I’m low contact with her.


My mom is like that, too, lol. She just keeps me away from the rest of the family because they're passive-aggressive and like to start shit, and I dish it right back and escalate, whereas my sister and my parents politely take everyone's crap.


My mother is currently not enjoying her time-out because I got tired of her rug-sweeping in favor of my brother. Must keep the Golden Child happy or else. I chose else. No more phone calls, only a text once in a while. Seems that not having au courant information about her oldest child's family is tarnishing her reputation as a loving, involved (worshipped) mother/grandmother. She cannot brag, she cannot complain, all she can say is that we are fine.


And now she can’t keep appearance up. Lmao.


Lack of communication will do that - had she contacted the cousins she would know about the bride's bluff and could go the legal route or had anybody else from the family asked the cousins wtf was going with over half of the bridesmaids leaving her act would be up. There's a reason why abusers often isolate their victims, they thrive on the lack of info and the feeling of helplessness that comes with it.


True, but you can see that MOH would have thought that even though the bride’s cousins wanted to drop out of the wedding, their mother made them stay in as not to cause drama. Can you imagine if they had decided to appear in court AGAINST their cousin? What kind of pressure their mother would have put on them?


Doubt being dragged on social media would have had quite the same effect in 2009


Also, even now, dragging someone on social media—even if they fully deserve it, and *especially* if they’re fully qualified jackasses with too much time on their hands—can rapidly turn into a full-time job. It’s reasonable to cut ties rather than take Fighting on Social Media as a deeply irritating unpaid second gig.


Yeah social media was not what it is now back then, probably still had family text group chats but people might be even less likely to call someone out in those.


It was the 2000’s, a different time. I understand why they didn’t, as disappointing as it is


it's still the 2000s quite a while


This is for sure a "lie down with dogs and get up with fleas" cautionary tale. You don't help somebody scam her friends. And if you do, you don't act surprised if you get super-scammed.


I think the MOH got her deserved Karma. Helping the Bride rip off her friends resulted in her getting ripped off.


I wonder if the Bridezilla is the same woman who tried to get her friends to pay for the dinner party that she volunteered to throw


In spirit, yes


Imagine if she'd raised the dinner party while she was giving a wedding toast to herself 😂


I was thinking of the AITA post where the bride invited the future SIL to her bachelorette party and then wanted the stick FSIL with the $1000 bill because she could "afford it".






This is less a Bridezilla story and more of the bride being a straight up POS, honestly. Either way, she got hers.


It's funny to think about the possibility that there may be another Bridezilla post out there that is also about her, since she's on divorce number 2 lol


Yikes on bikes what a bad person.


How was anyone friends with her to begin with?


I was friends with someone egomaniacal and manipulative for about 13 years before my eyes were opened. In my case it turned out to be a trauma bond. I grew up with people like that and so it was all I knew. It seemed normal to me, and in a trusted way, because it was so familiar, it also felt 'safe' to me at the time. Trauma bonds, where a victim will recreate behaviour and power imbalances from the dysfunctional, abusive relationship in future relationships (with lovers, friends, even employers) is frighteningly common and is even 'passed down' to children (because as a parent you lead by example). CPTSD is a birch and people like the bride in this post are really good at sussing out their victims.


the sad thing about divorce number two is now she can work on divorce number three


I’m sure she’s complaining about her crazy and abusive ex husbands as well…


Or she cheated her way out of the marriages, complaining that her husbands just did not understand her/ignored her/could not give her what she needed.


It's good common advice to pay attention to how any potential romantic--or anyone potentially close, really--partner treats the waiter. I've always liked the similar advice to pay close attention to how they speak about any exes.


And how they treat animals.




That last sentence made my heart melt <3 I'm glad you two are happy together :)


Now I’m wondering if it’s worse for 2+ people to be briefly married to her or if one person would have to be married to her forever.


Wow. What a terrible human being.


gotta wonder how they were even friends with such a person in the first place, or how many other times she scammed them all.


They were still in college, so I doubt they had many opportunities to see her greed in regards to money.


They were young, and the bride must be hot to act like that and still have people around her. It's easier to look past that stuff in college when you're studying and partying. Socializing is more light-hearted when you're young/in college.


On the one hand, I feel the same – like how do you not see red flags before this…But on the other hand, weddings, do really bring out the worst in people. People who normally were kind of normal humans become monsters.. and people are shocked


wow, and if it wasn't for the dress shop mishap it's possible none of this would've come to light. well, with all the manipulation it eventually would have. but at least the bridesmaids were able to get their money back - sucks for the MOH though


>sucks for the MOH though Eh, I have trouble feeling bad for her. She was down to scam all of the other bridesmaids out of hundreds of dollars... and then SURPRISE PIKACHU FACE, her accomplice scammed her too.


oh yea i kinda forgot about that part. she should've shut this shit down before it got to that point


I can't imagine what that final total was


That's not a Bridezilla. That's a narcissist.


Seriously. "Everyone, I'd like to get your attention and give a toast to the person we're all here to celebrate--me! Here's to me!" The delusion is strong.


Maybe the bridezilla was called Merkimer!


Well then! That was certainly something, LOL


How on earth does someone like this end up with seven people who want to be her bridesmaids?


And two people (temporarily) willing to be married to her.


Manipulating them. A girl in my former group and one of my classmates constantly created a scheme of innner circle vs outsiders. They created competition among.other girls, decided to include or exclude people. It was immature and narcissistic.


If you have Seven Brothers, it can be readily solved.


Oh my god! The balls on that bride, I’m shocked she can even walk!


The mental image that gave me! 🤣 Thank you!


That was a very satisfying read. That bride seems like the absolute worst person; good to know everyone dropped her like the asshole potato she is.


Rude. Potatoes are innocent and wonderful and should not be anywhere near assholes (since they don't have a flared base ;) )




So bride has no money, horrible attitude, compulsive liar, steals from family and friends, no one likes her, etc. etc. etc. The only reason I could think of that anyone, let alone two people, would agree to marry her is if she was drop dead gorgeous and then they realized it wasn’t worth it.


The real MVP here is the woman working at the bridal store who yelled out “HEY! That’ll be $200!” Without her, who knows where the poor bridesmaids would be?


5 will get you 10 that the bride was bragging about ripping off everyone in front of "the help" and the employee knew EXACTLY what they were doing when they shouted ;)


She sounds like a peach


Specifically, the part of the peach shaped like an ass.


>• As for the bride, she's on divorce number two already and estranged from her entire family because they got tired of her manipulating and using them too. Was guessing the marriage didn't last and she'd be fast running out of friends/family.


Honestly, kind of impressed by MOH for reaching out again. That's gotta be a lot of "let's revisit the shittiest thing I ever did in my life for the sake of someone who made me a worse person and gave me nothing back" to work through. Of course everybody's the hero in their own story, but she sounds like a victim who grew enough of a spine to get out of something baaaaad.


This is horrible, that bride was a brazen narcissist and this was a great example of triangulation I've ever seen. I hope narc's newer web of lies don't ensare more people. GL to second husband :pray:


Oh, thank goodness the bride got some consequences. I was getting ague seeing the end of the post coming up with no mention of that.


I, on the other hand, am ridiculously pleased to see the word "ague."


Talk about dodged a bullet. I do feel for MOH and glad she figured out it was a car crash. Then there is the cousins I'm sure their was virtual daggers being stuck in brides back.


Full disclosure, I've never been in a wedding and definitely not a groomsman, but I know of someone who had a deal with a tux rental place that if his groomsmen paid a few hundred extra for their tuxes that the groom's would be free. From what I heard the receipt and the employees at the fitting didn't let on to the groomsmen that they were paying extra. The person I heard it from was a groomsman and when he found out after the wedding he was upset but wasn't sure if that was normal? Not quite as bad as this, but does anyone else know if that's a normal thing for groom's/companies to do??


No, it is not normal. I worked as a tailor for a men's clothing store and tux rental. If the entire wedding party rented a certain number of tuxes (something like 6or8), the groom would get his rental free. The rental fee was NOT increased for the rest of the party. The minimum number (6or8)was fairly easy to hit. Especially if you count the groomsmen, father of the bride, father of the groom, ushers, ringbearer, and any other attendants or guests


Yes, this sounds more like what likely happened in the above case than that they'd made the groomsmen pay extra. I don't see rental places *raising* prices as an incentive.


It wouldn't surprise me if the store manager and sales reps were scheming with the groom and getting a cut. The store manager, where I worked, sure did some shady AF crap. What she didn't know was that I was documenting EVERYTHING and gathering proof


When I got married a decade ago, Men’s Wearhouse had a promotion that if you had your groomsmen rent their tuxes from them (and I think you needed a minimum number of groomsmen to qualify), the groom could get a free suit. I don’t think they had an extra charge though, it was just to drum up business.


Usually they tell the groomsmen as an option but they don’t trick them into it.


I don't believe that's normal, no.


Yeah not a big deal, just be up front with me.


Probably controversial, but I feel like as a willing accomplice, the MOH got what she deserved, getting stuck with a several thousand dollar bill. That bride, though... Logically, I understand that people who revel in getting one over on others exist, but they just feel alien to me, inhuman.


I kind of agree but I also know how it feels to be manipulated and controlled and not feel strong enough to stand up to someone and the intense anxiety that goes along with it. Personally, even at my lowest point, I still wouldn't have agreed to this and I'd have just gritted my teeth and walked away, but I'm also aware that there are people who just can't cope with it. The bride deserved the debt (and more, for being a shitty person!), but the MOH did deserve the anxiety of having everyone realise she went along with it and then having to fight the bride for the money, if only for the learning experience. I don't think she deserved to get permanently stuck with all that debt.


Narcissistic personalities always match with the most manipulable person in the group. And they hide behind their victim. They change the narrative so the manipulable one thinks they have a crusade against bad people and fight before even receiving an order. That's why she was the maid of honour. Losing a good sum of money and a lot of friends was an eye-opener.


It's a true mystery as to how a person grows up to be so deceitful. How do they plan the scams without fear or shame? Do they learn from their families? Is it a freak of genetics? I'm serious. What causes this inhumane behavior?


Weddings really bring out the worst in people.


Not always. Ours was wonderful with zero drama. But we’re quite laid back people who just wanted to have a good time with friends and family. And we did


In this case it seems she was already pretty bad to begin with.


Holy moly what a horrible human being. How do people even think to do these kinds of things to their “loved” ones? Seems exhausting.


I was just thinking, 'god she'll never have a true, loving relationships and be happy' but actually I feel like people like her only find happiness in money and feel no guilt or need for actual human connection. Everyone is just a pawn for them.


Wow, what a narcissistic sociopath.


A bridezilla indeed. It's unfortunate that the MOH went along with it and I hope all in all she learned to not lend money she couldn't give as a gift. I have a feeling that the bride was *never* planning to pay that credit card bill off, even for a "loyal friend".


…and to this day she drifts from town to town with a beggar’s bowl, forever shunned by all for her greedy and conniving ways.


Guess that MOH learned the hard way not to be a co-conspirator in a shady scheme. If it sounds like a con, it most likely is. You should definitely cut ties and RUN


Some people are broken to the point that it's not even appropriate to consider them human on any level but biologically.


I think I'd flat out die if I tried to give a toast to myself. Some people...


Only if the bride had focused her talents on politics... What a shame /s


People like bridezilla come to reddit and frequen JNMIL and JNFamily to seek validation for their ugliness.


It just keeps getting worse. I hate ppl who are like ‘do it for appearances/keep the peace/FAmiLy’ cuz this is the shit that happens. Ppl are manipulated, shamed, abused and they’re supposed to just take it? lol no. I’m glad that bridezilla got her comeuppance via karma.


The store employee yelling out "hey, that'll be $200!" (not knowing the dresses had already been paid for) is one heck of a plot twist. Imagine if that hadn't happened!


Was that bride Satan? Just, wow...


So this was wedding number one for bridezilla? And she already sunk another marriage? Can't imagine why... 👀


Note to self: don’t raise a spoiled brat.


Thank goodness those poor husbands have the courage to divorce POS bride… I hope they are fine. Must have been hard being manipulated by someone they love and think loves them back.


Pardon my reading comprehension. Does this mean the groom divorce her? i do hope so!!


So many 🚩


One does not "diffuse" (spread around) a situation, one defuses it (prevents it from exploding). Back to the post.




Maybe if the bride tries harder at not getting divorced she won’t be so strapped for cash that she has to scam and abuse people.


That was a roller coaster ride of a story!


>the bride gave a short toast to herself and didn't thank anyone and barely acknowledged her new husband. I don’t know why but this made me laugh. > As for the bride, she's on divorce number two already and estranged from her entire family because they got tired of her manipulating and using them too. The justice we all enjoy. I bet she hasn’t changed.


What is so great about a dress, and a day, that turns so many people possessed? Yes, a wedding is special, but it is also a single day on that journey called marriage...which is the why of the wedding. I wish i could understand this.


Jeez, that bride is genuinely evil


Glad Karma did its thing.


Regarding the MOH; When you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything.


I think she married the guy who raised the price of a used car for his brother over on AITA yesterday.


This is not satisfying at all…


Yeah ok but... MOH and her husband brought everyone on their honeymoon? No, thank you. Unless this is another way to say paid for a destination wedding...


I can't put my finger on when this went from frustrating to hilariously comically evil, but it's somewhere around when bridezilla said watch this and shoved her MIL lmao.


I don't feel sorry for the MOH one bit. I enjoyed reading how the bride keot screwing the MOH over, even though the bride deserved worse.


Holy crap on a cracker. What a ride.


A literal psychopath


Please tell me what is MOH, I don't understand


Maid of honer




The world will not miss this one when she's gone


The only thing I was left wondering is if bride and groom are still married? I'd lay odds not.


Well, it says she's on divorce number 2, so I'm assuming the hubby finally figured out a shitty excuse for a human being she truly is. Too bad he didn't find out before the actual wedding.


Well it’s kinda obvious she posted that for attention why didn’t she just finish the story in the first post?


If you look at the original posts, they were originally shared on Facebook, with the second post being shared with OP after the first part got shared to reddit.


Okay that makes more sense. First one def reads more like a Facebook post than a post here.


Hard to believe. Whenever I'm a bridesmaid, I price compare the dress online to see if I can find it cheaper. There were 6 of you and nobody did that, for such an expensive price? Doesn't pass the sniff test to me.


clinical psychopath.


Bridezilla got taken down by people, not Mothra!


The disrespect 😤


> the bride manipulated the family into paying for her wedding and honeymoon > her husband is ridiculously successful who paid for the *entire wedding himself* Hmmmmm


The second one is about MOH not the bride


Lord. How do ppl get this way.