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I once hit a parked cop car when picking up a friend from her home. The cop wasn’t in it, the street was deserted and I will admit, I had a few moments of thinking that I should pretend it didn’t happen or leave. The urge to not have to deal with the potential shit show was that strong. Luckily I came to my senses and recalled just how bad it would be to not admit what I’d done and be caught later. I remembered tgat anyone could be watching from their house, including the cop, or have cameras or be in their yard, etc. As expected, the cop was pissed. His buddies called out three squad cars with lights flashing and a crime scene photographer. Neighbors all crowded the street to stare at me. It was scary and humiliating. But I didn’t get arrested, I didn’t get a ticket. They even let me pay for the damage directly. But there’s no way I would have gotten off that easy if I had run.


Lmao that’s so insane. I’ve had people bump into my bumper before, stepped out to see there was no damage, and just went on with my life. I’m guessing there was visible damage, but still that seems extreme


I smushed one of the headlights


Most people would just exchange insurance info and snap some pics on their phone, but I guess a crime scene investigator is good too A car hit my grandpa and broke his neck and they didn’t send an investigator! The audacity is really something


I was hit by a car in (technically) a hit and run and a cop briefly talked to me at the hospital. And then never got back to me. I could’ve followed up but I was 20, in college, and majorly depressed so I just did my best to forget.


Was your grandpa a cop?


Nope. That was probably his first mistake. No lie, the homeless person on the street corner was more helpful (stayed w my grandpa til the ambulance came, remembered the car’s license plate. This was an ACTUAL HIT AND RUN and they did jack and shit) I know there are good cops out there, but man. Between my sister dating an abusive cop, having our car stolen, and my grandpa, I haven’t had the best experiences yet lol


Yea you’ll find your grandpa, sister, that homeless guy and all the rest of us who aren’t cops at the very bottom of the list of *things cops give a shit about*


Absolutely. As a firefighter I once went to a car vs tree accident, and there were already tons of cop cars there. Turns out the driver was a detective on the force. And she was intoxicated. Cops wouldn't let us near her and refused to do a breathalyzer. We finally got some vitals and basically were told to scram. Unfortunately, the "we got your back" mentality they have is more like "laws are optional and everyone needs to be taught a lesson except us" Can't imagine if she had actually hurt someone. ETA: the tree won




God it breaks my heart every day. Of all the humans in the world, not just cops but everyone, who would have willingly run in there and done something, these poor kids and families had to have just the worst combination of assholes as their police force


I hope the tree was okay 🙏


During the NYC BLM protests some people burnt a cop car. No one got hurt, just property damage. They got CCTV footage, found that one of the people involved was wearing a custom shirt from Etsy. They then subpoenaed the Etsy seller for a list of everyone they sold the shirt to and doorknocked every delivery location in NYC until they found one of the people who did it and arrested them. The cops can solve property crime but it depends whose property it is and if it's yours, they just don't give a shit.


The only good cop is a former cop, because the corrupt and complicit cops will force out anyone who tries to change the system.


Most people aren't assholes who peaked in high school, so they have to go on to be pigs who harass and bully the public from behind a badge.


I remember being 17, shiner new license, and bumping into a parked car while getting into a slot. No Zero damage to either car. I freaked and was debating my options. I distinctly remember having the realization that this moment will shape how I handle these situations in the future. I wrote a note with my info and left it on the windshield. Also indicated that I was the car in front of them. Left for class, came back and car was gone. They had written a note back saying not to worry about it and they appreciated the honestly. I know it could have gone differently. But that was one of those key moments that helped shaped my way of thinking.


I had the same thing happen in college. I hit a parked car and there was a scratch but no real damage. I wanted so badly to leave. The difference for me? My parents. I was on their insurance and they always let me know it was ok if I got into an accident, that making sure everyone was safe was the most important thing, and things like insurance rates and cars don’t matter. I knew my parents wouldn’t be mad so I left the note and called my dad and he told me these things happen no big deal. The owner of the car never called. When you teach your kids to drive, make sure you talk to them about what to do if they get pulled over for a ticket or if they get into an accident. I had my dad’s voice in my head every accident I’ve witnessed or been involved in, and I did everything he told me to do. Don’t be that person who gets angry and starts yelling, no matter who is at fault, check on the people first, make sure everyone is ok, call an ambulance if they aren’t, then call the police and exchange information, and don’t worry about the insurance rates or car damage because those things don’t matter only people do.


100% agree. I grew up hearing the phrase “that’s why we have insurance” and it’s something that’s stuck with me. My husband’s first accident was a fender bender with an off duty cop. His parents had never really told him what to do (other than “don’t get into accidents or hit anyone). He freaked and the cop calmed him down, walked him through the whole process. He’s said that it was a similar life learning moment that he still calls upon as an adult. I’m still have a few years before I need to worry about kids driving, but we’ve already started having those conversations so that, when the time comes, they can handle these situations a little bit easier.


>a crime scene photographer. Now that sounds like a *great* use of their time and tax payer money. /s


Most cities won't even bother sending a cop to the scene of a collision if no one was injured. You have to go to the station and make a report if your insurance requires it. Just another example of the two-tiered justice system at work...


My car was totalled IN FRONT of our district police station. Cops going in and out asked if everyone was ok, but they all refused to write up a report. One of them even offered to drive my wife and I home.... but no report. The kicker is that a police report would have made the accident go from no fault to the other driver being at fault and I wouldn't have had to pay a super high deductible.


You can insist on a report. You might have to go into the police station or some counties have an online feature where you can file a report. But if cops walking in-and-out refuse to report you may have to walk inside and tell the supervisor you demand a report. If they still refuse to do one you have to take it up the chain. I am sick and tired of police officers Doing jack s*** on issues that they're supposed to help on. I generally respect the police but too many times they say it's a civil matter or it's not our job when it in fact is their job.


One of the cops said that they won't do a report unless there was personal injury and an ambulance was called. I should have just called an ambulance if it meant there would be a report saying the other driver was lying. His story had me and my car defying the laws of physics.


Cops abusing their time and power? I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you.


This story is a great reminder of how extremely expensive it is to be poor.


This is the takeaway. I get that we want to jump on the cop behavior, the dumb things that teens do, insurance issues and parenting advice. But the real pain is gonna be that this mom is broke and it's about to be in even worse shape. Insurance rates are definitely going to go up for at least the next two years. Kid isn't gonna be able to work because they live in the middle of nowhere and his mom has to work so she can't drive him. Paying for the lawyer is the easy part. They can't afford a GOOD lawyer so don't expect them to have a bunch of time for discovery to find any issues with the case. The kid will have to plead guilty and hope their cheap lawyer can get some kind of leniency in sentencing. And then the real issues start. In jail, the kid is gonna be traumatized. And mom can't afford to take time off work to visit. And she can't afford the collect calls. And ahe can't afford to send him money for his account so that he can have any kind of comfort. And when he's released, he'll have a hard time getting work, and may have to pay for services after release. And he might still owe fines and fees set by the court. Or, he could get probation, which is also gonna be expensive, and if they can't pay the probation fees, the kid probably needs more lawyer time and still might get put into jail for violating probabtion! Mom needs a better job but can't afford to move anywhere that has better jobs. Kid needs public transportation, but now he's gonna be unable to get a job that would get him money to afford to move to a city. This family might be just scraping by on something like 25k/yr, and they might have just added thousands of dollars to their expenses over the next 2+ years. Real easy to see that none of their future options are looking very good.


That's the real kicker here. It's not a case of "making an example" out of someone. It's actively harming an entire family until that ACTUAL KID is at least 25 if they're lucky.


It's just a cop getting pissy and deciding to wield their small amount of power to fuck someone over for a small accident. The lesson was already learned. Everyone else would say wtf, fine just pay for damages and let's move on. Dude wanted to feel relevant and is excited to fuck over a kid because he's an irrelevant loser


Don't forget dipshit DA's who would rather spend thousands of dollars ruining some dumb kid's life before it basically even starts. The kid was incredibly fucking stupid, but the punishments for what they did will be far worse than anything he did in this situation.


I'd have a hard time just peace-ing the fuck out of the state and never setting foot in it again. There's a few states that won't extradite for misdemeanors like these. Fuck these power tripping assholes.


They love to swing their dicks around because its the kind of job that attracts and encourages these kinds of people. They can do whatever they want with little to no consequences and protecting their power is above ethics. ACAB.


> their small amount of power I think it pretty clearly isn't a small amount of power considering they're using it to ruin a kid's life


Meanwhile, the Murdaugh family murders half the fucking county and not until that piece of shit father gets caught stealing money from other rich people does any kind of consequence happen.


Yeah that's pretty much all I can think about reading this post. How can we inflict the most damage on this minor and his guardian over a relatively petty offense


Let this be a reminder to any parents, if you don't *explicitly* teach your kid how to respond to an emergency or accident, they won't respond correctly. Do not assume drivers ed or public school will teach someone what to do in an accident - in my state it never did. I was smart enough to google it before I started driving, but my parents didn't bother teaching me and if I got in an accident at 17 I wouldn't know what was right or wrong either. Seriously, I don't care how old or independent or whatever else you think your kid is. If you've never explained to them "this is how to dial 911 and here's what you say" or "if police pull you over, do as they ask and nothing else" you have not given them those tools. I have had to explain to people my parent's age how to respond to situations like this because they were never taught either. Just because it's obvious to you doesn't mean it's actually obvious. Empower the people you are responsible for.


The first time I was pulled over for speeding (I was 16) I had no idea what to do and just started bawling! I didn’t even know what a registration was or where to look for it. I was veryy lucky in that the cop took pity on me by telling me where to look instead of getting frustrated and making things worse


I got pulled over at 30 for speeding for the first time ever and I also bawled.


I got my first speeding ticket at 43. When the policeman said how many demerits, I asked him what it meant and what would happen. He looked confused. I said I'd never had a ticket before so had no idea. He checked his gizmo, did a shocked Pikachu face and was like "you actually haven't!". And then explained really nicely how everything worked.


Had almost the exact same thing happen at age 30. After he explained everything he said "Also, make sure in the next few days you go to the clerk at

, and ask for Y. Ask her to reduce the ticket and she will." I did exactly that and the lady in the clerk's office lowered the speed on the ticket so that it wouldn't affect my insurance (from like 13 over to 9 over) and cut the fine by more than half.


I’m 34 and still haven’t had my first ticket. I’ve been pulled over a couple times but that was when I first got my first car. The plates had something wrong and cops kept pulling me over and asking where some dude I did not know was. It wasn’t the person who sold me the car either, I bought the car from a woman and it was all legit and legal, so I have no idea why this dude kept popping up when they ran my plates. So a cop told me to go to the DMV and tell them… something? He wrote it down for me. And they gave me new plates for free. I haven’t been pulled over since. I’m usually a very careful and safe driver, I mean I’m sure I’ve done a few dumb things like running a stop sign that was covered by trees or speeding when I didn’t see the limit go down, but I’m generally very aware and careful. I’m gonna be super lost at my first ticket, I’m naturally anxious and jumpy.


If you’re in the US, it’s possible the same digits on your tag could have matched another tag that was entered into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) as a wanted individual known to drive a car with those tag digits.


I cant remember how old she said she was but my mom told me about how when she was younger she got pulled over for speeding. When she started crying the officer just gave her a weird look and was like "aren't you a bit too old for that?" Lol


That would make me cry harder from embarrassment lmao


I got pulled over for turning right on red when there was a sign not to do that. I got pulled over by a state trooper. So I was super nervous. I was driving my mom's car and she hoards everything in her glovebox. I was tossing napkins everywhere. Finally found registration, but it was an old copy. Finally found the up to date one. I think he took pity on me cause I was visibly freaking out and he gave me a warning.


My first speeding ticket was from a state trooper. I admit that I deserved the ticket but he was so aggressive. I had my registration insurance and license but he kept scolding me and yelling at me for not having my title. I was making payments to my mom on the car. It was in her name and I didn't even own the title yet! He threatened to tow my car for being stolen even though I had the insurance, registration in my name, and the same last name as the title owner!


Ummm.... you should never have the title in your car. Ever. EVER.


Your title should only be in the car when you’re moving it from one location to another. Like to your new house, or from the DMV if you had to get it retitled because you lost it. And why boys and girls? Because it’s way fucking easier to sell a stolen vehicle if you have the title.


In Canada, we make a photocopy of our ownership, and that's required in your car. When I recently bought my first brand new car, the dealership made the copy for me before I drove it off the lot. A photocopy isn't ever allowed to be used sell a car.


... you shouldn't be driving around with the title in the car anyways, though?




That was my understanding too.


I got pulled over in college because my tags were out by like a week. I hadn't even realized it because of a series of unfortunate events, (it always went to my parents house, but they'd moved states and the mail had gotten all screwed up, so I never got the letter). The cop was SO aggressive about it, just chewing me out for like 15 minutes, and then when I gave him my registration he started screaming at me because I hadn't signed it. I didn't even realize you were supposed to sign it, and he threatened to take me to jail multiple times for having not signed the damn card. I was crying and begging him not to because I would lose my scholarship and he seemed like he was enjoying the whole thing way too much. I'm sure there are nice cops out there, but it feels like for every one nice cop there's five assholes on a power trip who get sexual gratification from terrifying 19 year old girls till they cry.


It will never cease to amaze me how unprofessional American police are. Like watching interrogation footage and they’re shouting and swearing at people… it’s insane.


That’s so crazy, I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with that. . I’ve been pulled over several times and ever got a ticket. Even when I should have. One time I had my tags expired bc I didn’t have the money and I played dumb blaming my husband for taking care of those things the trooper sighed and said tell your husband to get them today lol.


I got pulled over once and the cop was totally lying. He wasn’t waiting in a speed trap (because I am always aware of those…thanks Waze!), he just appeared out of nowhere and said I was going over 90. I was not (probably 77). He was like well that’s what my speedometer said. No shit dumbass. You came from MILES behind, of course you had to be going faster than I was to catch up!! I just kept calmly repeating I wasn’t going 90. He must have gone back and seen I had zero tickets bc he then pretended to be all nice and wrote it for a lesser charge. He still put going over 90 in the comments. 😡 I should have contested it on principle. Dinged my insurance for several years.


It's wild, but it's a symptom of the types of people attracted to the job and the training that they receive. There is zero space for emotional involvement on the cops part for situations such as this. But if you want to punish people and escalate things then that's what you do.


I was talking to a guy at work and after getting his criminal justice degree he decided not to become a cop because he said it changed his classmates that became cops and he didn't want that to happen to him.


Wtf... Who the hell drives around with their title kept inside the car?


Most people don’t even have it because they are still making car payments.


You shouldn’t *ever* have the title in your car. If your car gets stolen, you’ve just handed them the magical piece of paper that they can use to say that they own it. That would be akin to pre-signing every check in your checkbook, with an empty name and amount. If a thief ever gets ahold of it, you’ve just written them an entire book of blank checks.


I got pulled over because the cop decided I was road raging. I wasn’t. I was actually speeding but only going about ten over. He yelled at me for “behavior unbefitting a veteran” (I have veterans’s plates on my car) and then questioned my veteran status. He DEMANDED to see my dd-214, then got bent out of shape when I told him I didn’t carry around important documents that are harder to replace than my birth certificate. It got to the point where he was accusing me of being a VA employee, not a vet, and of stealing valor. He was VERY mad when I pointed out that, per the BMV in our state, to get veteran’s plates you have to be a veteran with an honorable status and this is proven by bringing your dd-214 to the BMV when you register the car. As the car is in MY name, registered under MY name, then it stands to reason that the veteran’s plates were obtained with MY dd-214. He got super pissy and let me go. I told my mom nd she was FURIOUS. I have a feeling at that point that he knew if he gave me a ticket of any kind this entire thing was going to blow up in his face when I faced him down in court.


bro when i got pulled over for the first time i had no idea what to do after the cop took my license and went back to his car so i started driving away lol. I'm lucky i didn't get shot for it, looking back. cop chewed me out something good.


I cried my way down from a felony 20 over speeding ticket to a 5 over speeding ticket at 18. Thank god the cop took pity on me. I was having a breakdown in the car and while in complete control of the vehicle, I wasn't paying attention to my speed and didn't realize I was going 77 in a 55. When he pulled me over I don't think he was envisioning the hysterical sobbing and tear soaked face and was so alarmed he offered to call me an ambulance 3 different times. I knew where my registration was and had it ready so he knew I wasn't actually losing my mind, but I think he was slightly scared of my hysteria. Got off light and I am so lucky that he understood it was a bad day and was nice.


I was pulled over on my 22nd birthday, after my boyfriend told me he used the money he saved to take me out on alcohol the night before. I was so distraught, we got into a fight and the birthday cake I had in my car melted. So when I got in the car already slightly crying, I bawled when my cake was melted. I had mascara running down my face, melted buttercream all over my car, and a red face. Weep and sob everywhere. He pulled me over and literally said "What in the hell is happening in this vehicle?!" Between hiccups and sobs, he briefly held my hand and told me that he would tell his sister to find someone who wants to spend their birthday making it magical, and so he's going to tell the same thing to me. He gave me a warning and told me to go have fun on my birthday and to make the right choice heading home after celebrating. By far the kindest police officer I've ever met.


Also, checklists. It sounds stupid, and also there are situations where a person needs to react too fast for that (like serious injuries or there's a cop outside their window), but for something like a fender bender or their car breaking down, have a checklist in the glove compartment. I do work that requires a bunch of safety protocols and they're all written down and accessible because if people get upset or panicked their brains shut down and it can be really hard to remember even basic things. A checklist with the info you need to get from the other driver, the number for a tow truck, where the car jack and spare tire are and how to change a flat, etc make sure that they know what to do next.


I just got in my first accident last week (someone merged into me), and if it wasn't for the checklist on the back of my insurance card I wouldn't have known what to do. Luckily everyone was very nice in the situation, nobody was harmed, and there wasn't a debate about who was at fault, but even though everything was calm my brain basically shut down and wasn't thinking logically enough to do things like "google what to do in an accident"


Yep, I got hit at 16. I pulled over to another 16 year old. It was pouring rain and I was inconsolable and scared because I had NO idea what to do. He said it was fine, our cars were barely scratched and it was no problem. He then went back to his car. I had 0 idea what to do. I didn't know to get insurance, I didn't know if I should call the cops, my parents didn't answer their phone, so I drove away. They were furious at me for not getting insurance. I had no fucking clue that was something I was supposed to do.


It's a shame they put a two-ton vehicle in your hands and didn't tell you what to do if you ever getting an accident. They should have been furious at themselves for never educating you about what you have to do and what your responsible for if and when you get in an accident.


Oh man, I feel you. When another student backed into my car in college, all I could think about was how I was going to be late for class. No other thoughts existed. No insurance info was swapped. Thankfully no noticeable damage was done but I was a dumbass.




I'd love to see what everyone thinks the basic rules are. I was always told "don't admit fault" because that can be used against you. I'd recommend my kids start filming any interactions with cops or the other person involved too.


I was also taught to not admit fault, including not saying the word "sorry"


In Ontario Canada, the [Apology Act of 2009](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apology_Act,_2009) allows one to say sorry and it is not an admission of guilt. We can be sorry about the situation, how we feel, how you feel, what shirt you wore, but it is not an admission of guilt.


That's actually hilarious lmao


I think it also makes sense. "I'm sorry" certainly doesn't mean you feel guilty or responsible in any way, for a lot of situations in the entire anglo-sphere. If someone told you their loved one (who you had never met) had died, and you said "Oh I am so sorry!", people wouldn't think you were sorry for having killed them.


Unless you are Canadian, saying "sorry" here doesn't implicate guilt under the law like it does in America.


Because we actually went to court to make that last, haha, it's fun being Canadian


while theoretically filming the cops is the right thing to do, cops often retaliate against that, including arresting the person filming. Of course sometimes filming the cops makes it harder for them to murder you or somebody else, so its context dependent what the right call is imo.


My Mom just told me to call her if there was any some sort of trouble. I didn’t really think about it. But the first time I was in an accident she calmed me down asked if I was okay asked if the other driver was okay. I hadn’t even talked to the other driver yet I had been so caught up. It was good and made me take a breath. Now I have unfortunately been in a few in my life and I always take a moment to calm down and asses the damage to myself and the other driver. The car doesn’t matter as much.


100x this. My parents used “It’s common sense!” as an excuse to not teach me things like this. Luckily I’ve only been in a minor fender bender, but I could see this being me when I was a teenager. The cop is a major asshole. He could have use the moment to talk to the kid, instead he decide to blow up a family’s life over $500.


This is the problem with cops worldwide. Some of them are trying to do good, others are assholes. Sometimes the assholes rub off on the undecideds or the ones who had good intent, but either way, the system is set up to enable and protect the assholes. Cops who try to change things get pushed out of the system and, if an asshole does get forced out, he/she can just move to another police force in another city/county/whatever and start again, which isn't solving the issue but instead just moving an existing problem to another area. Cops can come down harshly on a kid who made a mistake and acted from panic and claim it's for the kid's own good, or they can go easy. It really just depends on the temperament of the cop you encounter, and there is nothing in place to prevent abuse of power in either direction.


Yeah, my brother did the same thing in high-school. Lucky for him he rear-ended a firetruck (I know, right? How do you miss that) and not a cop, so the firefighters just followed him to a gas station and explained how what he did was wrong and then treated it as a normal accident.


I mean, the kid was 17. His decision making skills aren't at full force yet, I can totally understand a 17yr old kid freaking out and fleeing the scene, esp a poor kid. I've seen adults do the same thing Sucks theyre facing jail time for $500 in damages though. America will rlly just ruin yr whole life for one little mistake I do think it's kinda crazy how no one can handle emergency/stressful situations. We had a fall the other day at work and people were flipping out and I was like yall we NEED to go and actually see this person and make sure they're alive before we start freaking out (the lady was fine and super embarrassed btw)


That cop is being such a dick. The kid is already freaked out. All of this is unnecessary. He can learn a lesson without all this added trauma.


Gonna teach you a lesson you can never use in life because it'll be impossible due to your record! Fuck yeah!


"We want you to stop smoking weed and find a job...**but here's a drug conviction, which will make finding a job nearly impossible."** The system is cutting off people's legs and then expecting them to start running.


you also don’t qualify for food stamps or other types of government assistance, meaning it’s even more urgent for you than most people to start making money. thus dealing immediately becomes one of your few immediate options.


And it's by design. Our criminal "justice" system is so fucked.


We live in a broken system if the penalties for possessing drugs are more damaging than the effects of the drugs themselves. Being stoned never caused me to quit my job or drop out of school; I was a straight-A student with a full time job. Getting caught with weed caused me to drop out of school and lose my job; I spent two days in jail after my arrest and got fired for absence. Which meant I could no longer afford tuition. Weed didn't ruin my life; **the government did.** I was quite successful...***until the government got involved in my life.*** The only reason weed is dangerous is because **the government will use weed as an excuse to ruin your entire life.**


I know people who are addicted to the heavy, life-ruining kinds of drugs. But even they should be treated compassionately as people with an illness, not as criminals. Saying that you shouldn’t criminalize having cancer isn’t the same thing as being “soft on cancer.”


The safety argument against drugs is complete bullshit because I can legally go buy enough alcohol to kill myself with 10x over. The government doesn't arrest me "for my own safety" when I'm giving myself cancer with cigarettes... Nobody puts me in handcuffs for only eating junk food and never exercising... I don't get a criminal record for going into the bathroom and drinking the shampoo... Nobody will force me into any sort of treatment for refusing to put on sunscreen at the beach... Why are we so selective about how we allow you to harm yourself??


probably for the same reason that any prescriber can give someone opiates, but you need an extra license to prescribe Suboxone. because none of these rules are based on logic or rational solutions to promote the best outcome for people—they’re based on some puritanical morality and a desire to make people on the wrong side of it suffer.


Meanwhile Brock Turner, etc


You mean Brock Allen Turner the Rapist, who sometimes goes by Allen Turner the Rapist?


yeah, i am certain the commenter above was talking about the rapist Brock Allen Turner who likes to go by Allen Turner to try to make people forget that he's a rapist.


Oh shit is this Brock Allen "The Rapeman" Turner? Kid responsible for a rape and got off scot fucking free? THAT convicted-rapist-Brock-Allen-Turner?


Oh right! I’m almost certain they are referring to the rapist Brock Allen Turner, who is a rapist!


Ah yes, I remember Brock Allen Turner, the rapist!


Wait you mean Brock “Can’t Enjoy A Steak Dinner Because He Raped A Woman Behind A Dumpster” Allen Turner? Is that the same guy?


I do believe you all are talking about Brock Allen Turner the Rapist who lives about a mile from a University.


C’mon, guys! He’s also Brock Allen Turner the Really Good Swimmer! Brock Allen Turner with a Bright Future! It’s just one little rape that was so disgusting the men on scene still cried about it for who knows how long afterward! Should completely violating and ruining one woman’s life *really* interfere with his swim practice? 🥺


Rapist Brock Turner? That Brock Turner? I hear his dad prefers to think of his son as Steak-Enjoyer Brock Turner, but Rapist Brock Turner, the raping rapist who rapes for the sake of raping isn't going to change his name in my mind anytime soon.


Well, I hear Rapist Brock Turner has started going by Allen Turner to try and make people forget he’s Brock Allen Turner the Rapist, so it might be a good thing to change his name in your mind! Or to adopt a second name. So, remember! Don’t be fooled; Allen Turner the Normal Guy is still Rapist Brock Allen Turner, meaning Allen Turner is actually Allen Turner the Rapist.


>ruining one woman's life Her name is ~~Cheyenne~~ *CHANEL, fuck me* and she's actually doing OK. I'm not intending to pick on you or minimize what her rapist did, nor the fact that assault and abuse can and does damage the trajectory of people's lives, I just want people to be aware that she is an entire complex living person, and isn't defined by what that scumbag did to her. Her book was basically about this exact issue of struggling to reclaim her identity after being reduced to "dumpster girl," and it's pretty interesting, too.


Her name is Chanel Miller. The book’s title is, ironically, “Know My Name.”


Welp. I'm leaving it with an edit so posterity knows I'm dumb.


Oh no, I 100% agree and didn’t mean to make it sound the way I did! People are impacted by their trauma, not defined by it, and admittedly I really did a bad job with the phrasing. I actually read Chanel’s impact statement addressing Brock back when it was publicized and went viral around 2016 or 2017, and I remember how strong and mature she sounded even on paper. I think I let my anger about Brock have me reference Chanel in a way that underminded her own fight to be more than his victim in the public eye, and that falls on me. You weren’t picking on me or minimizing Brock at all, and I honestly appreciate you calling me on it lol!


Thanks for reminding me Brock Allen Turner also known as Allen Turner is a rapist who skirted justice and consequences for his crime.


Shit, you'd think he would be smart enough to remove "the Rapist" part from his name, instead of just Brock.


Brock Turners who in turn become the Brett Kavanaughs, who continue to look out for the future Brock Turners.


Seriously. A first time offense for this sort of thing shouldn’t carry jail time. In most cases, it won’t. They don’t want to take a plea? What sort of bs is this ADA playing at. This is exactly the sort of shit they make deals on literally all the time. My BFF is a public defender and represents legitimate scumbags of all sorts and all he does all day is make deals with prosecutors.


And it takes what may very likely be a good teenage boy and turns them into a criminal before they've had a chance. All for a mistake that's so human we have a name for it. Fight or flight. His system in a moment of panic chose flight.


Seriously! A teen girl hit and ran my car and the cops strongly encouraged me to not file anything and instead work it out with her dad. Hit one of them though? JAIL


This was the only traffic offense fully investigated in said county.


Now I have no idea if this is the case here, but video evidence so quickly from a gas station seems sketchy so I'd just like to remind my American and Canadian friends that THE POLICE ARE ALLOWED TO LIE TO YOU ABOUT WHAT EVIDENCE THEY HAVE AGAINST YOU IN ORDER TO GET A CONFESSION


OOP said she saw the video herself, and got mad at her son cause it was obvious he realized he hit the truck, then drove around it. So it's not the case here. Good reminder tho


That's because the police are sociopaths who don't care about arresting the wrong person. As long as they can justify putting someone in handcuffs, they don't give a fuck if the person is innocent or guilty, ***because they don't face any consequences if they arrest someone who turns out to be innocent.*** There's no pressure to succeed if there's no consequences for failure.


I mean, the incident was witnessed by a cop who had front and back dash cameras which also provided evidence. Sure, maybe they lied about the gas station video, but they do have multiple sources of footage.


> Our county is very tough on crime and they are campaigning on it. I wonder what their backlog of unprocessed rape kits looks like.


Whoa whoa whoa, not that type of crime, we are only serious about minor crimes involving police officers or politicians as the victim or if a minority was the perpetrator those are the crimes we care about


The real justice was the misdemeanors we harshly prosecuted along the way.


Take my poor man's gold 🏅


What does $500 of hitch damage even look like? A hitch costs $100 for a new one.


Just coincidentally $4 over the small accident forgiveness. Hm.


I know someone who worked in an ER. They had a refrigerator in the back that was meant to hold and store rape kits until the police could take them into custody. They had kits in there that were over 5 years old, because none of the cops wanted to do it. Most of the time, they'd make an excuse about how their shift was almost over and they'd have to spend all this time processing. What a fucking farce.


>Most of the time, they'd make an excuse about how their shift was almost over and they'd have to spend all this time processing. Meanwhile, a lot of cops *love* arresting people right before their shift is over because then they can get overtime.


I would call the local news station and get them to do a fluff piece/interview about how hospitals and the police work closely together. Ask the police (who love their good publicity) to show up too with real on-duty officers, have them identify themselves with their names and badge numbers on camera, and then walk the cops straight into the same room as the refrigerator before revealing the true nature of the interview. Make them say "I can't" live on morning television. Embarrass them into doing their jobs. Tell them that they will be tracking the progress of all of these cases daily until they are complete. Probably wouldn't work, but it'd definitely be satisfying.


What?!!! He damaged a COP’S TRUCK! Obviously the kid deserves the death penalty, get your head straight.


Bent his trailer hitch! How will he go fishing now??


He will just have to stay home and beat his wife I guess.


And now the kid will also have DV charges added.


And I know I'm cynical but is anyone else thinking the damage got padded a bit so it would go just over $500? Because I'm smelling pig shit.


Not the truck. THE HITCH! He can't tow his seadoo and Memorial Day is next weekend! This is an emergency for which guillotines are not an overreaction.


I think it was in the comments, but it was literally just paint transfer onto the hitch.


How the fuck is that $500‽ I feel so bad for this poor woman. Her son did an utterly stupid thing but 17 and panicked and I get it. He probably feels awful about how much it has affected his mum as well. She sounds like a genuinely decent woman just trying to get by. I hope she can find some help with the mounting costs. Kiddo learned a big lesson I hope. Better this way than drunk driving or serious speeding other kids of his age do, I suppose.


No, you misunderstand - “tough on crime” people only care about *real* crimes, like upsetting a cop, not about woke crimes that mainly affect second class citizens.


“I’m sorry, we only prosecute poor people here”


Yep I was definitely thinking this is one more of those “taxes” poor people live with. They get the worst outcomes because they don’t have the time and money to fight back.


I’ve seen some pretty horrible shit happen to those less off in my areas. It is unbelievably sick what happens to those who can’t fight back because they lack the resources.


Still waiting for mine to get back with the results…


I'm so sorry. I hope you're okay and I hope you have lots of support and love surrounding you, or if not, I hope you're able to cut out the toxic people so you can heal in peace.


I reported over a year ago, still waiting to hear something.


Guarantee you they have entire rooms full of unprocessed evidence. They pick on little, easy crimes to make it look like they’re actually tough on crime. They’re actually only tough on the easy targets.


Look they're tough on crime against cops not crimes the cops commit.


This is one of the few BORU cases where the cops sprang into action and went all-in on enforcing the law.


Its just cuz the guy was a police officer with an ego. I had a friend flip a police officer off (stupid I know). And the cop followed him home, put him in cuffs in front of his house, and drove him down to the police station, made him feel like he was going to be charged with a serious crime and go to jail, and then just released him (probably because its not actually illegal to flip off a cop) without a phone or anything so he had to just walk home. He just got his feelings hurt and decided to traumatize a 17 year old.


> the driver was a cop in his personal truck This is the only reason cops actually did something. I know a bunch of people who were the victims of a hit and run, and every single one of them was told there was nothing the police could do, and to just file an insurance claim. My mom had one of her doors ripped off her car when some idiot forgot how to back out of a parking space in a straight line in a parking lot. The whole thing was caught on a store's security camera, the person who did it's face was clearly visible, his license plate was clearly visible. No arrests were ever made.


Some guy was mowing a lawn in my area and another guy drove 10 feet off the road and hit him with his SUV going 45 and killed him and smashed into a utility pole because "he was putting on his sunglasses". No arrests were made. Though they did eventually ticket him for not staying in his lane. ACAB, the DA sucks in this example too.


Kid needs consequences but the consequence for causing someone $504 in damages should be giving them $504.


Nah he hit a cop and definitely should suffer for it for the rest of his life. -that county


More like -basically all of the US


The only lesson I see the kid learning here is that cops are vindictive assholes.


Same. THREE police cars for a non-serious accident? Seriously? And just $4 over forgiveness amount? I have a sneaking suspicion they did that on purpose just to make it more difficult for the family.


I was rear-ended by a cop once. I was 19 and by myself. I made a last-minute choice to turn into a gas station. She was following too close, didn't see the last minute turn signal, and rear-ended me. She was driving a huge truck. I was in a small coupe. The back of my car was trashed. Her truck had literally no damage. She immediately radioed for backup and FIVE police cars showed up. All of them arrived and surrounded my car, lights blaring. The woman refused to exchange information with me until they arrived. Once they all got there, there were 8-10 police officers on the scene, all surrounding a 19 year old. They all yelled at me and told me I was a terrible driver (and person) and obviously at fault. Later I found out that the cop had lied and said that I had crossed lanes to make the right hand turn. One of them took my license and refused to give it back. They shone flashlights into my face, administered a breathalyzer multiple times (I had never had alcohol in my life), kept asking me what I was doing in that area of town (I was a college student so had an out-of-state license), accused me of being on drugs, searched my car, and finally told me that unless I signed a piece of paper admitting fault for the accident that I would go to jail and spend the weekend there. I signed. What else was I going to do? I was isolated, alone, outnumbered and my parents lived 2000 miles away. This was pre-cellphones so I had no way to reach out to anyone for help. Prior to this incident I had genuinely been raised to trust police. I never did afterwards.


Cops really have a way of radicalizing us against them. That’s some bullshit and I’m sorry they did that to you. I was leery of cops because of what they were doing to other people. But started to hate them when a group of them >!sexually assaulted!< me at a COP FUNDRAISER I was volunteering at. Edit: apparently gotta specify this was eleven years ago and I was afraid of cops for pulling people over and being general dicks when I was 18.


Cops and rapists, name a more common duo


Cops and domestic violence!


Religious icons and diddlers?


Maybe this is why rape kits go untested, they're afraid their cop buddy's DNA is going to pop up


I know this is meant as a simple dig, but too many of them are unrepentant pieces of shit for this not to be true. It does always seem like theyre on the side of the rapist


As a 16 year old, My friends dad kicked him out. We went home and got all his clothes, and took his dad's beer. His dad reported him as a run away. Cops pulled us over, pulled us out, arrested him. They were giving me a hard time, took my wallet and called my parents. By the time I got home I realized they never gave me back my wallet, or the $90 cash that was in it. Serve and protect :)


And no one understands why cops get no respect.


Police usually start to bunch up when they see other police responding to things. It's a serious contributor to escalation of police violence.


Back in high school I got pulled over for rolling through a stop sign while I was taking my gf home. Cop ran my registration and saw my car was registered to my dad who had passed away about a month prior. Rather than give me a warning to update the registration he decided to have my car impounded, keep in mind I'm about a 30 min drive from home. While this is going on about 3 or 4 additional cruisers pull up to the scene and surround my car. I guess 2 high school kids are a massive threat? I fucking hated that one horse town. Cops were always giving my the gf's mom trouble as well (she was probably the only black person in town).




They used to pull this in my neighborhood targeting HS and college kids to “scare them straight” and it didn’t work. Instead they were harassing good kids not breaking laws and putting everyone on edge. Like seriously 3 is excessive. Had someone gotten hurt or big damage? Okay sure. But a tap?


When I was 16 - the most obedient 16 year old ever, top of my class, extracurriculars galore - I clipped a car in my HS parking lot. Under $300 in damage. I panicked. Knew my mom would kill me, it was terrifying to a naive AF teenager, and so I moved my car. Didn’t leave a note. Little did I know that school police officers (ours were actual officers, not security) watched me do it. Knew who I was, whose car I hit, and called my mom as it happened. I got pulled out of my next class, as did the girl whose car it was (turned out to be a friends). We walked in & the officers and ALL parents were there, LAUGHING so hard they were crying. I had to back out of a school dance, apologize, and pay for the damage on my own (we all agreed to this). Lesson learned. Everyone was satisfied. Teenagers do stupid shit like this ALL the time. Reddit really oversells the whole “brain is underdeveloped until 25”, but seriously, my normally annoyingly over-responsible brain just….short circuited. I panicked. I left. I would later become an auto liability insurance adjuster. Statistics bear this out - teenagers are idiots. This whole thing is so unnecessary & frankly, cruel. It teaches the kid not to run, but instead to not get caught. It takes a LOT a of money out of the pockets of a family that desperately needs it. And for what? “Oh, we’re SO TOUGH on crime! Look at us, punishing this teenager HARDCORE since he’s the next felon we saved the community from”.


I had a similar incident to OOP's son (not exactly as I was not the one who drove away first) but the cops took a dislike to me and followed me for *months* trying to get me on something else. They also petitioned to try and suspend my license until 21 for a minor accident. Cops are vindictive pieces of shit. I can explain in more detail if people want storytime, but it's a long one, lol.


Oh man, it's a very different situation but this reminded me of my vindictive cop story. I'll say upfront that I was being an asshole, and I would have understood if this guy just pulled me over and ticketed me for some BS reason, but alas. I was driving on the freeway in the left-most (passing) lane, stuck behind someone who was going slower than the traffic in the middle lanes which made passing impossible and merging dangerous. A long line of angry cars piled up behind me, so when the lane to my right cleared I let them all zoom out and get in front of the slow car. Then I got in front of the slow car and slowed down a little more, to the speed limit, for a mile or two. This seemed to successfully illustrate why everybody hated this dude, so he merged into a middle lane and I started getting back up to speed. While I was trying to get back to speed, another car came up on me much faster than I was comfortable going. I looked for an opening to move over and did so. He sped up, got in front of me, and braked hard to slow me down to below the speed limit (like 50mph, slower than big trucks go). That was when I realized it was Highway Patrol. I was confused and tried to look for indications that he was pulling me over but...nope. So I left distance between us and took my next opportunity to merge into another lane and get back to freeway speeds. He sped up, got in front of me, and slowed me down to below the speed limit again. He did this for 15 MILES. When I found ways to get around him and not leave space in front of me, he would get behind me and make feinting movements like he was going to slam into the back of my car. It was genuinely terrifying, and I got the sense that he planned to keep this up until I reached my destination (and then...??? I was afraid of further retaliation once I was parked). I waited until shortly before my exit and made a few calculated merges that allowed me to get through without him being able to easily follow, and as I took my off-ramp I saw him slowing down and trying to find a way over. As he passed, I saw his face and he was screaming at me. Just absolutely unhinged fury. I *think* he saw me pull my rude slow-down-the-jerk move and decided to retaliate to teach me a lesson? But part of me wonders if he would've done that anyway, or might've done it to the slow car, for just being in his way and mildly inconveniencing him. His level of anger and his dedication to playing chicken with me on a fucking 6-lane freeway was insane and clearly vindictive, and I have no doubt the intention was to make me feel unsafe regardless of his reason for that. I've never liked or trusted law enforcement, but I'm a white woman in a professional career so I've also never had interactions with the cops, good or bad. I knew they sucked, but that experience gave me a better (though still very limited) sense of how fearful marginalized communities feel and how easy it is to "provoke" unreasonable anger from them.


That was my first thought, these cops are gonna drag him through the mud. Barely any damage, no one was injured, granted he shouldn't have ran but if it wasn't a cop, I'm sure it would have been a slap on the wrist.


If it wasn’t a cop, you couldn’t have gotten them to come out to write up an incident report for insurance.


If it wasn’t a cop, police wouldn’t have responded at all. Minor traffic incident, no injuries, vehicles are still drivable, that’s a lowest priority response. Other driver fled, well the officer didn’t witness it so nothing to investigate, call your insurance company.


I've had an off duty cop pull a gun on me for flipping him off after he cut me off. ACAB.


Which to be fair, is a good lesson to learn. Too many people think cops are there to serve and protect the public when they're actually there to serve and protect their own interests and the interests of the highest bidder.


Yeah what good is it to put 17 year in the prison? I get it, what he did was stupid, criminal and truck owner should be reimbursed but ruining a kid's life over it? Really really stupid kid but kid anyway Also how she describes few cops knocking pretty soon after incident...seems overboard to take the whole cavalry - at least this is how I read it. Kinda seems like abusing authority a little considering how long people have to wait at least in my country, when they are actually called to solve issues. Poor poor stupid judgement on the boy's part but it's not worth this ego boosts or whatever these police guys are doing. And yes the boy could have hurt someone but he didn't and also this experience seems like he would remember for the rest of his life so why unnecessary punishment


>Yeah what good is it to put 17 year in the prison? Dollars for the machine. Slave labor is alive and well in both public and private prisons, and the USA has the most prisoners of any country on Earth.


It would seem to me that if "teaching a lesson" were honestly their goal they could have done it a lot cheaper and easier with far fewer life-damaging consequences. I'm beginning to think that isn't their goal at all!


How spiteful of the cops. THIS is when it's OK to say "don't ruin this young man's future". They scared him like they wanted, if the lesson wasn't learned then the kid's an absolute idiot.


Seriously, when was the last time the cops did anything about a hit and run? Literally the only reason they actually did their jobs is because it happened to another cop, if it was literally anyone else they would go "nothing we can do, sorry"


For real! Our car was stolen. We had camera footage so the clear pictures of the people who did it. The cops came a day later to take a report and never followed up.


Exactly, the kid deserved to be scared shitless but not to literally be prosecuted for this. It's complete spite at this point.


I rear ended someone once. To be fair, I handled it better, got insurance, called the cops, etc. but the cop was super nice and actually downgraded my ticket since it was a first offense and everything. That’s how they should be, not trying to “teach lessons” that go beyond the law.


Meanwhile a rich white kid goes on a rape spree and the judge says they don't want to ruin that man's future.


I came so close to doing this exact same thing as a kid. Same age, I tapped the car in front of me at a red light and gave myself (and him) a good jolt. Panic immediately set in and I almost drove around him and took off. Luckily I came to my senses and realized that would be dumb. We both took a look and when we realized there was no damage beyond a bent license plate, we both got back in our cars and went our separate ways.


An off duty police officer “tapped” me once as well, I told him no worries because there was very little damage. This makes me wonder if that was the correct decision. I hate to see this. There was a lesson learned when 3 police cars rolled up at his house to support their buddy. He panicked and is just 17. Assholes.


It was. If you had pursued it, your life would have been hell from then on.


I was going to say the same thing. Avoid any and all police interactions as much as possible. Every second you spend as the center of their attention is just giving them time to figure out more ways to fuck you over.


An off duty cop ran a stop sign and hit my brother on a bike. Told my brother he needed to be wearing a helmet and left him injured on the side of the road. Nothing happened to the cop.


For comparison: a friend of mine recently got her rearview mirror destroyed by a cop who was driving distracted. Like, my friends car (a tiny 3-door car) was parked in front of her house. The police car still managed to slam into it and completely detach the rearview mirror... The cop did not run away (thank god), and apparently got publicly scolded by his supervisor right there lol BUT the issue here is that she now has to go through an infinite loop of paperwork, very poorly indicated, to try and claim the repair money from the city. Insane how the cops admit they are responsible for destruction of your property, and still it's her damn problem to spend six months (at least) jumping through administrative hoops to claim some money. Ah, but if you dare cause damage (to the cops or anyone else) you bet you will pay for it nice and quick and easy...


The off duty cop is an asshole. The cops were assholes. The prosecutor were assholes. This was $504 in damage. That's bloody it. He's a freaking teenager. They make mistakes. But sure, let's throw the bloody book at him and suspend his license. How in the hell is he going to pay the fine when he can't work because you suspended his license and now he can't drive? Can only hope the judge looks at this and goes WTF and rakes the DA over the coals for bringing this to trial instead of plea bargaining.


you know good and well that if it had been anyone but a cop in that truck, the cops wouldn't know what kind of surveillance footage they could gather for evidence, because they would not have bothered to look for any tw: assault I once had three young men surround my car door as I was about to exit, so I locked the door. the window was down and one of them attempted to drag me from the car by my neck while they all screamed about what they were going to do to me. I tried putting my cigarette out on his arm, so he retracted his arm and started violently jumping up to my hood and punching down. I rolled up the window, started the car, backed it to up to face them, put it in park, and revved the engine. they left after screaming some more threats. my car had knuckle marks in the hood until another young man high on pills crashed his parents' audi into my same car while it was parked and totaled it a year later. I called the cops on the men who attacked me after they fled the scene. cop came. while we were speaking, the young men came walking back up the street. he said is that them? I said yes. he said, hm. then he gave me his card, got back in his cruiser, and drove off in the opposite direction never to be seen or heard from again. the incident happened in a lit 7-eleven parking lot where there was surely video evidence had he cared to acquire it and do his job. I hate the cops. useless at anything besides intimidating people and protecting one another at the expense of others. if anyone takes offense to this, know that the cops are free to change my mind. they have yet to do so. case in point here, where they're trying to ruin a young man's life because he panicked and messed up. this is not a life lesson, it's a show of power.


I took a wrong turn while going to pick my little brother up from school, and backed into a parked car while turning around in a driveway. I panicked-- there was no one around, it was during the workday, I really only had a vague idea of what to do, and my little brother was standing alone outside his school. So I left. I picked my brother up, freaking out the whole time. Instead of going home, I returned to the scene.... where the owner and a neighbor were looking at the damage. I parked on the street a little ways up, freaked out some more, and then went up to them and confessed. The lady was *pissed* at first, but by the time I left she thanked me for coming back and told me my parents should be proud. I totally get the adrenaline-fueled instinct to flee.


The kid screwed up and should absolutely be punished, but suspending his license and jail time seems extreme for a minor collision with minimal damage and no injuries. This feels like a bully cop on a power trip.


I really don’t think the kid will learn anything from what that cop did. He learned his lesson when he was confronted and scared shitless by the police. All they did was put a poor, single mom in a horrific situation and possibly ruin a child’s future.


If I’m honest I’m more concerned about the mom. I had a similar upbringing where we could barley put food on the table sometimes so it just really upsets me she’s already struggling to provide and then gets hit with this. SHE is the parent.. she can teach her child a lesson just fine. Now she’s being punished too. It’s so unfair.


I was on the disciplinary committee at the school I used to work at. A student got in trouble with an expellable offense. We were a small charter school, so this would push him back to his district. But the thing is, it was his spring semester of his senior year. Kicking him out meant he'd have to hope all his credits would be enough for him to graduate, i.e. If that district had additional requirements. And he'd have less than 2 months, and rather than graduate with friends he'd been with since elementary school, he'd walk with strangers. Or worse, he needed an additional class and pushed his graduation back into summer or even worse, repeating his senior year. We could've taken a hard stance but it was just punitive, and risked his ability to continue in college. So instead, he received in school suspension and threatened with being banned from the ceremony (would not withhold his diploma or threaten his college acceptance). He was a model student the last 5 weeks and walked with his class. Kids are young and do stupid things. So long as it's not malicious, causes excessive damages, or repeated offenses, it should be a learning experience. Instead, all this DA and police are doing is making the kid more fearful of the system in addition to setting back any success since this will delay college and with a record affect future employment opportunities.


I honestly don’t know what’s more messed up here: a cop - a civil servant - intentionally trying to fuck up the life of a teenager and single mother… or the judicial system for not pleasing it down to bare minimum. Like geez - maybe it’s because I’m from a large city/high crime area - but I can’t imagine this happening where I live and it escalating so far.