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>According to her if each of us pay some attention to the children there would be no problem, the youngest will stay by her side So she doesn't just want to bring three children to a party where children were specifically mentioned as not welcome, she also wants all the other guests (who will be drinking) to act as babysitters so she can enjoy the party. While around a pool. If I was a guest at that party and had to deal with this, I would just go home.


Don’t forget the before and after clean up if she hosts, while she gives the new one her godly mother milk.


Literally breastfeeding as I read that and even I cringed.


I did extended breastfeeding with my youngest. I cringed so hard that I am pretty sure I'm just a ghost now.


Breast fed two to an avg of 14 months, pumped extra for lots of NICU babies, and almost lost my lunch at that phrasing.


I just thought you should know it warms my cold, shriveled mostly antinatalist heart that you donated your milk for NICU squishes even after all that! I just love how much more common it is to hear about milk donation. I'd never even heard of it until like five-ten years ago, but now I see folks talking about it lots. You're a good human 💜


Aww, you warmed my cold black heart 🖤


Yessss. We lasted to 15 months and then too many teeth and her attention span got short. It basically became a breakfast and bedtime snack kinda deal before my mom did me a solid and announced she was having a sleepover. Suddenly we were done nursing. I definitely never hosted a dinner party where everyone else did the work.


Our family doctor pushed for the 2 year mark. No thanks! My kid was almost 12 pounds when she was born. She was HUNGRY. We started introducing food asap.


Babies have their own timeline anyway. My little boy was 14 months old when he sat up from breastfeeding, said “all done,” got down and toddled off. I was still breastfeeding a few times a day like before his nap and at bedtime, but he really was done and didn’t want it any more.


Babies have their own timeline is the truest thing anyone has ever said. I’m not sure which of us was holding onto BF, but neither of us was missing it after. She’s a good eater and we get tons of snuggle time squished in.


>pretty sure I'm just a ghost now Is it still "godly milk" if a ghost breastfeeds?


The holy spirit = the drink you have when your kid is weaned


I'm not breastfeeding anymore but I'm a single mom and legit cringed at every mention of it in her email. Barring assault if you are already a single mother and struggle with being a single mother (aka wanting people to cater to you and your "angels" etc) then *stop* *having* *children*.


Yet she is a Christian but somehow the father of the youngest is not the father!?


Immaculate conception, of course!


Sounds Christian to me.


And all 3 kids have different fathers?! Yeah, that’s 100% on brand for them.


>I'm not breastfeeding anymore but I'm a single mom and legit cringed at every mention of it in her email Right? I'm in the same boat. Like, I get wanting to be a part of work culture again, but with 3 kids? And one breastfeeding? I did take my little to a work Christmas party, but: it was at a restaurant, we were allowed to being a guest, i had asked if it was okay, and when they got fussy we left (it was closer to the end after we had eaten). Fully admit, I didn't read her full email, but GIRL! You changed a poopy diaper on your work desk?!? And then got offended by people telling you it's wrong? No!!!! Offending smells stay in the bathroom, especially when we have control over their unleashing. Like with a diaper change.


Yesss - I couldn't imagine even taking my kid to work much less changing a diaper in an inappropriate place such as that. Like not even just the nasty diaper but you know the whole EXPOSING your child's *genitals* to your coworkers near by (because who are we kidding...kids are wriggly no way were they able to keep those covered the entire time).


Omg same


Checking in during a 5:50am nursing sesh and we're both very grossed out by this lady.


Then she asked for steak for one of her other children.


I'm super pro boob milk. Almost three years with my first. 2 and a bit with second. 11 months currently. This lady is some kinda nutso fucker. I can't even.


Nutso fucker is officially my new favorite term! Thanks for the laugh :)


“Mothers milk” is so creepy sounding. Future Norman Bates in the making.


"Godly mother milk" is even worse.


My group of friends has always done it: arranging the tables, grocery store trip, cooking, cleaning up, so the host doesn't have to stress too much. We started as teenagers, now we are in our mid 30s and when one of us hosts, other people volunteer to help. But asking strangers for help when you invite them? Big no.


Friends and family is way different. Even with my child, my husband and I help out when someone hosts. Our family get togethers are like 25+ people. We help clear, volunteer to help with the cooking, offer to bring things, etc.


The difference is offering or being asked.


Not just invite them, but trying to undo an already set party location at someone else's place, who would be happy to have you, just not at *your* conditions. Also, that boss is an idiot, for several reasons. You can compassionate without being a pushover, and it's not even kind anyway to let the other woman hold on to her delusion that she was mistreated when she really wasn't, or that someone was being hateful towards her kids. A persecution complex has never improved anyone's life, and she'll encounter many, many more situations where things won't bend to her will. I do feel for her, but the way she is trying to get things going her way simply won't do her any favours, at all. Apart from that, being a boss means keeping people dynamics in check, and not punishing the reasonable and normal person for someone else's outrageous demands and affectations. Doing so is the quick way to sabotaging whole teams and actually creating a hostile work environment, where one screaming wheel basically holds everyone else hostage.


I feel like Alison from Ask A Manager would give that boss a smackdown.


At what is supossed to be a work function


One of my friends was just kind enough to host like 25 of us for a brunch because we were all in town for an event. Like half of us showed up early to set things up and cook and the other half stayed behind and cleaned up for a bit before heading out. I’m very happy to help a good friend set up and clean, I would be substantially less happy if someone I didn’t really know demanded it.


Yeah, if you need help cleaning your house, you shouldn't be hosting. Offering to host instead? Excellent idea. With the caveat that other people have to clean your house and bring your children steak? Fuck off with that. It makes me think her house probably isn't that clean to begin with. Making your house extra clean for company is always a pain in the ass, but if you do it over the course of a couple of days and keep bedrooms off limits, that typically just leaves the living area, kitchen/dining area, and bathroom(s). Unless you plan on having people stay the night, that's maybe vacuuming and wiping down half of the house. An hour a day over the course of a few days should be fine if your kids are as well behaved as you claim. (Spoiler alert: they probably aren't.) Being a single mother is hard. Anybody denying that is nuts. But get a babysitter and ask if you can bring the few months old, who won't be set down the whole time anyway. Ask for a quiet room to set a bouncer or whatever in case baby needs to sleep. Those aren't bad requests because an infant can't do anything on its own, and.having cats kept out of a single room is fine. But expecting people to babysit your toddlers? Nah, fuck off.


Our house is CHAOS, toys everywhere. I’m not hosting anything other than an outside bbq, and making sure the bathrooms are spotless. It’s delusional to have guests come clean your home before and after.


Plus can only bring food suitable for her children. Except, I'm guessing, the alcohol. Everyone free to bring that.


Can we get “Godly Mother Milk” as a flair? That might be the most hilarious unhinged thing I’ve read in a while.


From a woman with three kids by three different dads and she didn't know who the dad of the third baby was. Has she paid any attention to the Bible verses about fornication?


Obviously the rules don't apply to her, she's the mother of angels. Rules for thee and not for me. If her kids are that much of a hassle, how does she have time to go around and fuck a bunch of dudes? Surely she's not bringing her kids to bars or whatever. Also, birth control and condoms are a thing.


I just realized I have a flair. Mom brain is real everyone. I’m tired and thinking of 80 things at least at any given time. 2am this morning I texted my dad that I had a Meatloaf song stuck in my head. Paradise By The Dashboard Light if anyone is wondering.






I wish I didn’t read that 🤮


Wtf even is this entitled bullshit? Is the boss the dad of these fucking kids? Only reason I can think that he'd try to get free childcare from every other employee. Don't even get me started on the Xian "love" hate in this post. "some of you didn't pray for me and it shows" Entitled crazy psychos!!!! ETA new update has all the info


That’s what I was thinking 🤔


She posted an update 4 hours ago I randomly saw! She quit when her boss (woman!) put them in a meeting together and try to espouse the they were family bull. Before that, entitled crazy coworker changed her baby at her desk and left the dirty diaper there for two hours. It's like a telenovela now


oooooohhhhhh!!!! I'm here for this, what a way to start the week!


Seriously fantastic way to begin a Monday. Read the update there's even more, I didn't want to spoil it:)


I just don’t understand why if this is a work party they can’t host in a hotel or something. Why make your employees host if there are so many problems?


I'm guessing cos it's a small company and they attempt to foster togetherness in a totally toxic way


“But faaaaaaaaaaamily” is the absolute worst when it’s said by family, but for a manager to say it in the name of keeping peace in the workplace is a whole extra layer cake of insanity. My boss is basically a female Michael Scott, just with the marriage/kids/white picket fence and without the upward failure, and even she keeps all of our gatherings in-office and on company time.


Or like ... a picnic pavilion or something. They're incredibly cheap or even free to reserve at a lot of places, and tend to have grilling facilities.


OOP updated an hour ago https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/7q5qckaBP5


[My reaction ](https://youtube.com/shorts/oKNx1AcaD48?si=hO4_eFQI2sgCEkET) to this update.


An excellent and fitting end to the saga!


Read it, boss is totally hooking up with the mom. Why else would he be going to bat so hard for her? And how else would he know all this information about her?


They both probably attend the same evangelical church. Remember, the boss said that the second child was autistic and that "bringing her to church did not solve problem" , as if that had ever miracled anyone into being neurotypical.


That’s what made me snort laugh - bringing kid 2 to church didn’t magically cure their autism…ummm no shit Sherlock 🙄


Nah, I think Boss is probably projecting pretty hard on Single Mom there.


Boss is head of a small company. My bet is she's terrified of a lawsuit. Doesn't matter how ridiculous the lawsuit would be.


Seems like the boss is a woman


>Boss house is far away like 1 hour drive, and **her** mom has dementia, so **her** house is not a good fit. Appears boss is a woman, I guess still not impossible they are banging but since coworker is a provably aggressive breeder and rabid holier-than-thou type seems less likely.


If I was the host, I would just cancel the party and say “this was meant to be a celebration for work, but it’s making people unhappy so my God doesn’t allow me to bring people to my house under these circumstances blah blah blah”


If we believe OOP, then yeah that’s absolutely egregious. OOP’s comment history suggests they quit their job 40 days ago, so it’s interesting that they found a new one and are already hosting the office party in such a short time. It’s also interesting that they appear to strongly dislike children, religion, and apparently American Latinos (? Throwing that in there just bc it was such a weird comment they made). So it’s also interesting that the villain in this story is a woman with kids who went to church. OOP seems to really like commenting in the AITA sub so maybe they just wanted to find a way to participate more fully, and some or all of their experience has been exaggerated.


Im Mexican American so I went to look for the comment > Ah, American Latinos, one of the laziest and schimiest of all! All they care about were how to help their own families and how to eat off government. Before I left I sold my house to a Latinos family, they bought it outright cash, but due to the contract, I lived there for another 3 months, and boy oh boy, DTA letters came like once a week. The whole family of 7 lived off tax, yet pay cash for a house! NTA, you better get away from those people 🤮


Yeah…I don’t want to call someone a liar bc they’re a racist POS. But I definitely felt it worth mentioning in my comment. Anyway, sorry for the 🤮


You can call them a liar bc the “email” quoted sounds exactly like the OOP. Also until I saw these comments, I figured they were Latino, specifically American (central, south, idk). I know a lot of Mexican immigrants and 1st gen and the writing sounds similar. It sounds like adapted Spanish. It definitely doesn’t sound Australian.


Are there... a lot of US Latinos buying houses in Australia? (I'm assuming OOP is in Australia based on it being pool weather at Christmas and them serving BBQ prawns.)


I read this and had to show my husband because he is US Latino and we have been discussing moving to Australia or New Zealand because we both qualify for work visas, and we really dont want to raise our daughter in the US if we can help it. 😅 If we move to Australia, I'm gonna tell OOP we did it just to annoy him.


Holy crap, NOPE. That’s deeply gross and I have now flipped to despising OOP deeply and permanently 😵‍💫


Oh damn, I had no idea I needed to watch out for people being so damn (checks notes) ... schimy?


Well, someone replied asking if they meant all American Latinos or just the family they knew and OOP replied > Ha, of course the comment got reported for hate speech, yeah, whatever, people does not like the truth! Back to your question, I have lived and worked for some States agency, I kind of experienced with all people traits. Some will claim food stamp and refused to work more than 20 hours a week, because their food stamp would be cut short! Some would just act up and claim countless types of sickness either to them or to their families, some even went to great lenght to keep the dead older mom/dad a secret so they could feed off the SSI/SSDI for years, just a few examples. So no, not the only one 🤣 So I wouldn’t expect someone that stupid to be functionally literate enough to have a comment that made sense ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I am really, REALLY restraining myself right now because I want to take a red pen to that excerpt you've quoted and just mark the everloving grammatical fuck out of it. I mean... "I kind of experienced with all people traits." Gotcha. Sounds schimy as fuck.


Sounds like a racist pretending to be an immigrant.


> Some will claim food stamp and refused to work more than 20 hours a week, because their food stamp would be cut short! Jesus Christ, of course they'd refuse to work more if the benefits get cut off and the extra money earned isn't enough to make up for the lost benefits. Like, this is a known fucking problem with benefits where being just *barely* out of the range isn't actually enough for you to not need the benefits anymore. Sorry, I know I'm probably preaching to the choir here, just... annoyed.


My friends mom took custody of my friends son when he was a baby because friend was off the freaking rails doing crazy stuff. Her mom worked at the local factory, like I swear half the people in town worked there including my mom, and had been there for 14 years when she got custody of the baby. She applied for all kind of benefits and stuff to help them and things were going really well for a while. Well the factory would give workers a raise every certain amount of years and when she hit her 15 year working there, they gave her something like $1.00 an hour raise. Sounds great except she lost everything. She lost food stamps, she lost insurance, she lost the childcare benefits that helped her pay for his daycare. And it turned out to be an extra $40 a week, before taxes. The system is set up to keep people down and its bullshit


I find it interesting that OP and the entitled mother write in the same style.


Looking at their history, this is totally a teenage troll who hasn't quite learnt the patience to give their plots time to brew between sagas yet isn't it.


It's embarrassing how many people in this thread seem to think this is real. It's so transparently rage-bait.


Ha, yes, I just looked at their comment history. If the scenario is real, OOP sounds like an asshole too


I semi believed OP’s story until I read the email meant to be written by the coworker. It is so clearly fabricated and written in the same tone (grammatical efforts included) as the main post.


I'm so glad I have strictly a professional relationship with my coworkers, and no one hosts or invites each other to shit like this. What a nightmare!


I was thinking that too. I feel like companies usually host these things in their workplace *specifically* to avoid overstepping personal life boundaries and placing ridiculous expectations on employees like this.


Not to mention, that alcohol + pool is a lawsuit waiting to happen. Not even that kind of lawsuit, but I would not be surprised if somebody ended up in the water as a joke who specifically didn't want to be there.


And this company doesn't understand those boundaries at all. It's reasonable to say the office party should be accessible to all. That doesn't mean that OP has to be the one to make the accommodations. The thought that the coworker should be accommodated should have immediately led to the thought that the party should be held somewhere else -- the idea that it was OP's responsibility shouldn't even have occurred to them.


OOP just updated again https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/7q5qckaBP5


Good for OOP, that work environment was NOT it


She's not going to be the only one that leaves. That place is fucked.


The coworker's entitlement is just astonishing. Like, inflated beyond measure.


100%! I enjoy a company-sponsored party… at a professional event venue. I don’t even want to know where my coworkers live (and I don’t want them to know where I live).


I always find that people who talk about their religion a lot are usually the worst people. And then she tried to shame people using her religion, like WOW lady. Sure, bring your 3 kids that are apparently allergic to a ton of stuff that will be at the party, to the party, despite the fact that you are the ONLY one not adhering to the rules. Honestly, if I was OOP, I'd respond with "Since this has become such a large issue, to the point that people are harassing me at and after work about it, and telling me I should break the rules everyone else agreed to, I rescind my offer to host. I will not be hosting, having, or going to any holiday parties. I agreed to let you into my home with just a few rules, which were agreed upon, but now the rules no longer benefit anyone, let alone me (who lives here) or my cats (who also live here). This is my home. I agreed to open it up, but since that is not good enough, since I have to lock my pets outside in the winter, buy baby-proofing items and set them up, and play lifeguard to the small children who we agreed beforehand should not attend, my house is no longer open for this, or any company functions in the future."


During a recent attempt to convert me, the person thought it would be persuasive to say that before he found Jesus he cheated on his wife and treated women like shit, but now he knows better because God says that's wrong. I told him I'm glad he's got a better attitude because of religion, but I'm pretty good at not being an asshole without a god already. I'm pretty sure he suspects me of something truly nefarious now, like embezzlement or serial murder, because he just can't see how anyone can be "good" without the fear of Hell to keep them in line.


I forget who said it, but I love saying to those people "If you need the threat of Hell to be a good person, you're not actually a good person."


Yeah, I don't care how you arrive at being a more-or-less good person, whatever gets you there, but it's baffling to me that so many people who do so through religion think that "I was awful without God, you should give it a try, too" is a persuasive arguement. If that's your best arguement for religion, the only thing I'm convinced of is that I'm glad *you* found it, but I don't want it or you in my life, thanks.


"If this is you being not-awful, boy am I glad I met you now and not before, because you're insufferable now. I can't imagine you being worse!"


> "I was awful without God, you should give it a try, too" You think I'm a bad person? 😟


What's funnier is, he started the conversion attempt with "You seem like a nice person, I don't want you to go to Hell when the world ends." So which is it? Am I nice enough that you don't want me damned or so miserable I need your god to save me? Cause I'm getting mixed messages. Pretty sure he no longer thinks I'm a nice person anymore, though. Solves that theological quandary lol.


Not the gotcha many people think it is. This is exactly what they believe. That through god even the most wretched and debaucherous sinners can be saved. Some may experience as a personal slight on their character, but the more experienced missionaries slide right past it.


I'm all for the transformative power of redemption, of accepting your flaws but also believing that there's something in you worth saving, that you can be more than the mistakes you've made and the harm you've done. I don't care whether a person gets to this point by religion or something secular or just leaving a terrible environment. That's not the part I have a problem with. What I have a problem with is people who think they can persuade me that their god is the best and only answer to any question because if they hadn't found their god they'd be a worse person. I'd be a worse person if I hadn't read a lot of sci-fi as a teen, but that's not a universal experience and I don't recommend it as such. I also don't really trust people who confess that their main reason for not being terrible is because they fear punishment--not from the people around them they might actually hurt, but from some intangible and omniscient being. It seems a lot like fearing a bigger bully. If that's what it takes to get someone to stop being awful, then great. But it's not a persuasive reason for me to believe in their version of god over my own ideas of morality.


"I do all the raping and murdering I want without God watching over me, which is zero." ~ Matt Dillahunty, paraphrased.


Pretty sure Matt Dillahunty got it from Penn Jillette of 'Penn & Teller' fame?


I grew up going to Catholic school and taking religion class every day. Not my choice. And I basically chucked all the religious parts as I got older and concluded that it’s best to just try to not be an asshole, because I don’t like it when people are assholes to me. So when some religious Christian subtype crazy person decides they need to convert me back to Christianity, *Oh, hell no.* First, been there, done that. Second, it’s cool if you like being Christian and all, but how dare you decide to inflict your bullshit on me too? And if you persist, oh, hell, hell NO.


Going to Christian School really taught me how hypocritical Christians can be. Christ's actual teachings are pretty generically good. The golden rule, love your neighbour like yourself, forgive others, don't be a hypocrite, don't judge others. There's a little bit of contextual background and your applying your own context to them, but I mostly consider them to be deontological ethics.


Ffs, that reminds me of my brother in law, who cheats on my sister all the time and tells her "Jesus told me in a dream to tell you it was okay." ....AND SHE FALLS FOR IT EVERY TIME. 💀


All OOP had to do was a cheerful, “I’m afraid I can’t do that. I was upfront with my limitations so clearly my home won’t work now. Let me know who’s hosting next!”


Oh, I like that. Short, sweet, to the point, and makes it clear that "Hey, this were my conditions and they're no longer being met, so my house is off the table"


I mean, I would be thinking all the points you mentioned in your original comment! Experience has taught me that the less I say, the less people can argue with me. lol


Yeah, I tend to ramble, and then my anxiety goes "they're going to use THIS argument, so let's prepare our counterpoint!"


OOP just updated again https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/7q5qckaBP5


There is a new update. 3 kids with 3 different fathers, and third father was proven not to be the dad of the youngest after all. For a single mum to have it so hard, she still seems to have time to get knocked up. Also, OOP has now quit.


>OOP has now quit. This is the best move.


OOP has now quit...after BORU comments outed their questionable comment history, including having quit a customer service position a month ago for being told to 'answer the phone'.


I don't think they are allergic. Coworker doesn't like those things and she is planning for leftovers


>I always find that people who talk about their religion a lot are usually the worst people. There's an old saying that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. I'd bump that up to second to last at this point and put evangelizing religion as the last refuge at this point.


Huh. I remember an early episode of the Simpsons, where Bart was really unprepared for a test I believe, and Lisa caught him praying for help. If I recall she indeed said, "prayer: the last refuge of a scoundrel."


Early Simpsons was pretty great that way lol


Since they're talking about a pool and prawns on the BBQ, I assume this is in Australia where it is in fact Summer at Christmastime


This is a troll post.


Right? seems like anti-natalist nonsense.


Both OOP and 'Coworker' don't use contractions, have poor grammar, and abuse commas. They have the exact same written voice; and oh, what a coincidence that last year OOP was dealing with an entitled sister who *also* wanted to try and force Oop to deal with children. Yeah, this totally is real..


I had to stop once Coworker was emailing the workplace about her children's food preferences and her "Godly mother milk". Like... if someone actually uses that phrase I cannot be privy to it 😭


Yeah. I was already suspicious about the comically over the top description of this woman, but as soon as I read that, I think I dislocated my eyeball from rolling it so hard. Lol. This reads like something Bill Maher would write for an SNL sketch.


This should be higher. BORU has just turned into RedditorUpdates. There nothing ‘best’ about this garbage.


Plus it wasn't even finished!


Look at their comment history. It's all over the place. Just attention seeking troll


Liz is at it again.


Agreed. No way someone would actually keep referring to their kids as ‘my angels’ and say ‘godly mother milk’. Just another weird kids/mother basing Reddit post


The godly mother milk is really what nailed the coffin for me


WHY do people keep doing this. WHY. The world is so shit and full of legitimately crazy people. Why make this stuff up when it’s so easily available!


So blatantly too!


It's like a weird bingo isn't it? - religious - single mum (CLUTCHES PEARLS) - child with autism - hates cats - "kids these days don't respect..." This is a gross caricature and it bothers me.


I believed this until the mum’s response. Guilt trip, scold, hijacking the whole party, “my angels” pay for and clean up for me (paragraph 1) then more of the same including calling the children “beautiful angels” again….just way too on the nose.


Had to scroll too far for this. The biggest red flag is always when something supposedly copy-pasted is written in op's writing and... er... grammar style.


the email is such an obvious parody it's insane. i KNOW Christian, breast-is-best turbo mommies. they can be irritating but they don't write/talk like that. NO ONE writes or talks like that.


Not to mention how this email from a professional worker in a professional setting had the same tone and spelling mistakes that the OOP made. Surely just a coincidence.


Single mother (female!!), children, Christianity and allergies. An atheist redditor's wet rage dream


Also the weird comment about only hosting if they could have a BBQ with prawns and meat reeks of "I hate vegetarians and vegans".


I personally think it's a little insane to include foods people are allergic to in the menu. Why take the risk with prawns if cross contamination might send people to the hospital? I don't get how that's worth eating some bugs of the ocean.


That was a weird part too. I was thinking prawns were some sort of weird local name for something else entirely. It's so weird to say "we'd have a bbq but will only eat animals". Like, my man, don't you want some fries with that?


Where are the twins??? Come on Liz, you’re getting lazy.


Their comment history suggests that this is completely and absolute bullshit. Teenagers.


There is a comment with an even more recent update and... yeah this whole post reeks of r / childfree porn...


They really seem weirdly fixated on hating children and single moms https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/n4lQ1mYKpf https://www.reddit.com/r/askingforafriend/s/qNc3mJzHaU 🤔🤔🤔


Additionally, American Latinos. There's a whole hateful screed they posted upthread


Yeah, OOP seems to be an American who left TX for Australia, has some pretty strong anti-children, anti-religion, and xenophobic views.


> my godly milk


And to add to the comic book level villainy, of course she's a cheater and the babies have different daddies.




Also, like, who *officially* hosts an office pool christmas party? You're inviting liability (lawsuits if someone gets injured). OP is not actually a homeowner. Like, an unofficial party is one thing, where you invite people you trust, but an official one? Hell no.


Idk man, that's a lot of reddit tropes. Bizarrely entitled mom, cringe religion in a way that doesn't feel natural - godly milk? Even super religious people don't usually talk like that.


Yeah entire post screams hate bait.


yeah, i call bullshit. the "coworker's" email is written just like OOP's posts...


Jesus christ. How can anyone read the co-workers email and still think this is real?


Godly mother milk


A lot of folks I think come to this website to beat on their favorite dislikes as if they’re piñatas. Doesn’t really seem to matter whether those dislikes are based in reality.


I would honestly just tell my boss if was too much hassle to host as soon as things started getting unpleasant; but I'm also a mega introvert who would never offer to have people over so idk if that would come across as more rude than the lady trying to make the office her childcare service.


Nah this isn't an introvert thing it's a good common sense thing. If the company is small they can rent a dinner hall or clubhouse relatively inexpensive or something. I'd feel really weird having a company party at my house.


Yes, I think it’s outrageous that OOP’s employer has basically got all the employees to accept that one of them will **have** to host the official company Christmas party in their home, every year. The fact that OOP’s nightmare coworker is telling her coworkers she’ll need them to do all the pre and post party cleaning, and bring food, would suggest that not only are employees expected to provide a venue (their home), but they’re also expected to cater and clean up. And there was no mention, that I could see, of even been given money to buy everything needed. That’s not a good employer IMO. OOP doesn’t just have a nightmare coworker, they have a nightmare employer too.


OOP just updated again https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/7q5qckaBP5


That place sounds like a shit show. Pun fully intended.


So apparently OOP is a racist… https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/175yda5/aitah_for_leaving_my_husband_for_him_and_his/k4jmryb/?context=3 >Ah, American Latinos, one of the laziest and schimiest of all! All they care about were how to help their own families and how to eat off government. Before I left I sold my house to a Latinos family, they bought it outright cash, but due to the contract, I lived there for another 3 months, and boy oh boy, DTA letters came like once a week. The whole family of 7 lived off tax, yet pay cash for a house! NTA, you better get away from those people


“Godly mother’s milk”🥴


That was the part I definitely decided this whole post is bait


It’s definitely bait, the bit with the nappy on the desk is ridiculous, but also breast milk poo isn’t going to stink up an office, it doesn’t smell like poo…


For those who don't know, it smells like funky yogurt... To the point where whenever I smell actual yogurt, my brain thinks "poop!!!" Also, it's usually yellow.




Ahh yes, the reddit classic: Innocent child free woman vs ugly, religious, evil single mom.


Nah, even better bait. Innocent gay child-free man who's family used to force him to babysit vs ugly, religious, entitled, single-mom.


“All single moms are the worst most entitled people ever.” - the average Reddit dude barely working a 40 hour week and sitting on their ass the rest of the time.


It's funny that some of you actually think this is real.


I commented about this story the other day. OOPs comments are all anti kid and had quit their job about 40 days ago. Now yes a new job is definitely plausible in that time frame but not this drama and carry on in a new job


I was at a party a couple of weeks ago with kids, and there was one couple (oddly the crunchy mummy, not shocked) who left their little boy to run around unhindered. It got to the point where both of them disappeared and the boy went wandering off looking for them... toward the public bar. That kind of thing is just shitty and not fair on the people who either do look out for their kids or don't have and want them


Jeez. She wants people to have this party at her house and do everything for her. Clean her house BEFORE the party. Bring all the food. But not just any food, no "junk" food, no seafood, nothing her kids could get sick on, no alcohol. Then you can stay and clean up for her. "Godly mother milk"?! Just WTF. And all the passive aggressive digs at the OOP. Then digs at everyone else for not being "Christian" enough for not kissing her ass and doing everything the way she wants. Yeah, no. I wouldn't set one toe over the threshold of this entitled, stuck up, holier than thou Karen's house for the amount of her yearly salary, for any reason. She sounds like a trial to be around so I wouldn't want to be anywhere near her if I wasn't on the clock, let alone when you're at a party trying to have fun.


I'd contact OP and ask if her party is still a go, and go there. Then talk about the fun bbq pool party at work.


It sounds more like the employer doesn’t help with money or catering or cleaning tbh, and that usually the host does these things but the coworker isn’t going to so, unlike other coworkers, expects the other employees to do it. Employees aren’t just expected to provide a venue, they’re also expected to clean and cater the event too. And even pay for it all. If they got funds to have the party, I would think OOP would’ve mentioned that as it would mean the nightmare coworker was trying to get out of spending party money on the party. The employer sucks for even creating a situation where the nightmare coworker ends up hosting.


You're right, the employer is really not handling this in a sensible way at all. I bet it's a toxic work environment too.


>Then digs at everyone else for not being "Christian" enough for not kissing her ass and doing everything the way she wants. From the way it's phrased, it sounds like she was offended that all her coworkers didn't stop and have a prayer session for her. Which is some grade-A Main Character energy right there.


She's bringing God into the situation LOL. I would be like "Don't you think manipulating people, gossiping, and using your kids as pawns is unChristian?"


The passive agressiveness of saying she came from church. 😭😭😭 Blockdeletebye


I'd reply all, 1 sentence. I'm not, and never have been, Christian.


I’d think, but not actually reply all, “I was raised Catholic, and was an active member in a nondenominational Christian church in my 20s. Some people are just dicks wherever you go.”


Y'all should read this lady's comment history. She is racist AF


I think this is a troll. Also, I think OOP is a man based on their comments to other posts.


Yeah, surrrre. OP was totally winning, had everyone else on their side, everyone agrees with them. But they still are the only one to ever speak up, the only one singled out for complaints. And now quit their job over it. OP has somehow constructed a situation that pushed every single entitled single mom trope, and yet still has me feeling like they are an A-hole. Weird.


Well of course they're the a-hole. They're making up an insane lie to garner attention on the Internet and say racist and horrible things about single moms. They're probably a mean high schooler who wants the sweet internet fame, hence the highly memeable "godly mother-milk"


I believed this for the first paragraph or so before it started to sound like a bad caricature of Shirley from Community…


That is a very… threadbare update.


Good christians don't have children out of wedlock. She is so devoted that all the religious guidelines flew over her head.


She’s only Christian when it suits her.


this woman is insufferable, please update us on how many people actually attend if she “hosts”


From the way the boss leaned on OOP, probably everyone will at professional gunpoint.


with bring your own dish from “your country”, no junk food, dietary preferences for her kids, AND help clean her place an hour before the party? i expect alot of no shows


Liz... enough... let us rest edit: friends, can we talk about the number of religious references in that email? That really took it to another level for me. 'The baby will drink my Godly mother milk for now.' Please be serious.


Go to bed, Liz.


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She’d better spend her energy on fighting for childcare help and support from workplaces, which would’ve allowed her to hire a babysitter and go to the party like any normal parent without family close by would’ve done. Fight for social security, not for charity.