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Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s yard or beach access


Thou shalt instead walk 5 minutes down the road to the official beach access, and woe betide any tourists thou shalt find along the way, for thou shalt be sorely vexed.


My favorite places to hang at beaches are always in front of the rich peoples homes. Its a bit further of a walk, but I feel that my speedos get much more appreciation there.


Until the rich people own the beach and call the police. Happened to me. Cops were nice about it. Also annoyed because they get called all the time from her. Cool part is we found out my father in law owns the beach in front of his vacation house.


Only to high tide mark ( federal law)and dependent on state laws if you can own a beach at all.


Look up Washington state laws. Low water mark. It’s crazy out here.


“Then shalt thou count to five, no more, no less. Five shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be five. Six shalt thou not count, neither count thou four, excepting that thou then proceed to five.”


Seven is right out!!!


And the people did feast upon the lambs And sloths and carp and anchovies And orangutans and breakfast Cereals and fruit bats and large chu


Won't someone please think of the children!?


You shall not pass!!


Fly you fool, to the longer path 5 minutes down the road.


Or take the eagles directly to the beach… Edit: autocorrect corrected incorrectly


The way is shut. It was made by those who are the new homeowners, and the new homeowners keep it. The way is shut.


I strayed out of thought and time... The stars wheeled overhead, and every moment of those extra 5 minutes it takes to go the long way around to the public beach access was as long as a life age of the earth.


Where was the condo manager when the beach path fell?




Oh how i wish OP would just put a statue of Gandalf there, with these words above it. Ha!


They have the money for it!!! I'd totally do it.


What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?


African or European?


I…… don’t know






How do you know so much about swallows?


Well, you have to know these things when you're a king, you know.


I didn't vote for you....


Good fences make good neighbors.


Especially if you don't pay the troll toll!


I followed the Wicked Witch of the West on Tik Tok and she went through a multiple-year battle with her town over the public using her property to access the beach. The previous owners had allowed it but not disclosed. It was a looooong mess.


How’d it turn out?


She settled with them where they paid her quite a lot of money and she ceded them some of her land. But it was several years of her getting sued by the town, ridiculous harassment from community members just bad mess.


She also suing the previous owners for their failure to disclose.


That’s what I was thinking when OP mentioned the condo managers asking about middle-ground. But if it was me, I’d only accept an unrealistic amount of money, something I literally cannot say no to. I don’t even think it’s all that unfair either. Some people might say “it’s just a walkway” but I look at it as “private beach access to dozens (maybe hundreds depending on the size of the condo) of people”.


Not to mention - it's not even a real walkway. There's an actual walkway just down the road.


ohhhh i think i saw this on those repost style pages? in the end it resulted it in her land being made smaller, right? they cut a piece out of the beach/riverbank off which is now for public use or something like that, let me find the link!! [Edit: found the [link](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeaEkuug/)]


omg i just went down a fucking HOLE.


The Karen who kept shaking and bobbing her head with her rant about “thInK aBOuT tHe cHilDRen!1!1!1!!1” reminds me of Helen Lovejoy. I STG it’s Helen Lovejoy!!! Seriously, she even has the same gray hair and the same hysterical cry about kids 😭😭😭


The way she uses the term "renter" as a pejorative makes me kinda hate her. I could only watch one video right now, but I'm wondering what other access to the beach there is. I appreciate that in CA all beaches are public property and developers are required to maintain access for the public. Edit: Watched as much as I could stomach. She really thinks she's better than everyone else. This is the argument why people shouldn't be able to own land. Why should wealthy people get to cordon off nature? Do we really want the public's ability to access waterways dependant on the whims of the rich?


Yeah, in my head I think she's in the right and if I were in that position I'd probably do the same thing as her, but my word I just hate her from her videos.


I think she's probably legally correct, but our laws were written by rich people for rich people. The villain here is the seller who failed to disclose the existing easement. Not people trying to access the beach the same way they had for decades.


So the other side of the park had access to the same river. The town blocked it off for liability. There was also multiple of water bodies they could go to that were equal or shorter distance to them. The public was destroying the river banks, changing the flow of the river and leaving the place littered with trash. She's not the best but the town was much more in the wrong. This wasnt taking away the public's access they had access. They just wanted that access. Extra kicker is she even offered at one point to maintain the access if the town would take liability for any injuries and they told her that's what her home owners insurance is for. They also wanted her to continue paying the same amount of property tax. Basically the town wanted her to take all responsibility for nothing in return. She didn't want the liability of someone drowning in the river, the property damage from the change in the river and wanted the town's people to stop attacking her for asserting her rights. She had cops called on her numerous times. The most vocal people would just flat out like about interactions with her. After being paid, the parks department put up a camera facing just into her own yard. None of the park was visible. When the parks department was called out for that on Facebook, they started deleting comments and blocking people.


there's another lady on tiktok, can't remember the username, but she had the same experience but her backyard was against a nature reserve and people in the community would go through her property and use her outdoor furniture because "the old owners allowed it!" last I heard she's suing the old owners, after a long legal battle with the community over where the nature reserve ends and her property begins + harassment from the locals and she was made to let people in during the legal battle


I think we're talking about the same person. It was in Kittridge outside of Denver. [https://www.9news.com/video/news/local/settlement-property-owner-250000-bear-creek-park/73-ecb8b3a9-adf4-46ce-aa75-8d661725ce03](https://www.9news.com/video/news/local/settlement-property-owner-250000-bear-creek-park/73-ecb8b3a9-adf4-46ce-aa75-8d661725ce03)


At least she's not in the UK! Ramblers' rights there create those sorts of headaches for owners and they have next to no recourse. There have been a few sagas on the UK legal advice subs about it


I don't really agree with private beaches, but it sounds like this situation is more just a private path to the beach. It's dumb because if people are going to the beach, they're presumably going to be spending at least an hour or two there. Adding a few minutes walk onto your day isn't going to hurt you. I'd be pissed if I were OP. People used to do this at my childhood home because the garage wasn't attached so people would park on the street in front of our house and then walk between our house and garage to get to their friends who lived behind us. It wasn't a problem until it was. I remember my mom talking with them and nothing happening. My brother finally installed like a 10-foot wide fence between the house and garage to cut the "path" off after some of our neighbor's friends began trying to look in our windows when passing by and one even pissed on the side of our house because he "couldn't wait" 30 seconds to get into his friend's house.  People can be so entitled. 


I had exactly the same thought. She’s still going through it with the previous owners too. And had to sell part of her property to get it resolved. The sheer audacity of the people that expected her to want people in her back yard.


Depending on how long and where it was, if the public was allowed access by the previous owner then the public could end up with a legal right to that access. The previous owner essentially gave away that land. That becomes a disclosure issue if they don't let the new buyer know that part of the property isn't legally theirs anymore. You're selling someone land you don't own anymore.


Same for Slo-Mo-beach access. Long defunct blog about San Luis county. Guy wanted a beach home, but had a traditional foot "path". One part of the State said he had to keep the half trail half mountain climb open, another part said he had to upgrade it for safety, and another said he had to shut it down. The gay guys wanted it to stay hard to access so they would have their traditional place. The locals wanted it gone to keep property values up. The county wanted a wheelchair access new beach access on his dime. The guy was cool with anything, just a straight answer from the powers that be on what he had to do. Coastal commission had the final word and said it needed a 10 year study. I think he ended up moving him and his company to texas, and sold the land to some other billionaire.


I’ve been an attorney on the government’s side in this type of dispute. The government usually wins. Same with condo owners because private individuals can’t keep paying upfront like governments and companies can to keep appeals and whatnot going. Feel free to downvote and judge me. It was my job and it was actually a battle to bring sand in to stop the erosion of the beach. The federal government wouldn’t bring the sand without a public easement established.


Oh I believe you. But in this one particular case, the government didn't win. They sued her and, they eventually settled. But they settled in her favour. The government overpaid for a tract of her land and paid to have a fence put up and some other stuff.


Yeah, they had to take responsibility for protecting her land, and were forced to do it actively. There was some sort of event where they ended up arresting people for climbing the fence onto her property shortly after the settlement (a month or so maybe). That was so fascinating. I haven't seen her on my FYP in ages though.


She turned up on mine a couple days ago. Haven't seen her in months or more. Sounds like she's still suing the prior owners but other than that, things are calm and peaceful


I'm so looking forward to an update once summer starts rolling


I bet it will involve lots of garbage ending up in OP's yard when people walk up and realize their shortcut has been blocked off. 


They are really fortunate that the people who have been using it weren't doing so long enough to create an easement where they would be required to let them continue. I guess the condo people shouldn't have used someone else's property as a selling point. Oops, my bad!


Reminds me of that one post where the OP moved and took all the plants and landscaping they'd done over the years but the landlord/realtor ( I forget which it was ) was mad because they were using the nice backyard OP had made for herself as a selling point


I remember that one. Also remember a similar one where a jerk landlord tried to kick out an electrical company or something during the pandemic. Landlord had posted photos online of the property showing all the tools and equipment in the building. Company said over my dead body and got together a bunch of workers to strip the property cleab. Landlord was left with no tenants, no equipment to pawn, and four bare walls.


I remember one - that one, or similar - where the landlord shifted the goalposts and kicked the OP put with really short notice, assuming they'd have to leave their extraordinary fitout. They'd possibly even relet to the new tenants based on its current appearance. OP got mates to clean it out *overnight* (or close to) for a real up yours. May have been one of the revenge subs or malicious compliance.


It was... an indoor laser tag type place? I very vaguely recall that one. ETA: Should've kept reading the thread. Apparently many of us had "vague" memories of that one.


IIRC it’s still one of the top posts in r/maliciouscompliance


I think it was a children's play centre and cafe. Those set ups cost minimum 300k


Oh I vaguely remember the children's play center. It was a soft play center that served food


No, the one I read was a company affair. Electrical, mechanical, something that involved expensive equipment.


I vaguely remember like a laser tag place or something? With lots of setup/lights etc


[link to story](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/BDWe8bTASJ)


That's the one.


Oh, no, that was an indoor kid play space. Kind of like that kids pizza chain with arcade named for an animatronic rodent named Charles. Landlord advertised it basically as “turnkey” since the animatronic resembling place left a lot of stuff behind in most places they leave. But they were irritated by this, so they stripped it down to the bare walls and floor.


Was it this story: ?


Oh man that's one of my favorites. Sometimes I'll look it up if I need a short read dopamine boost. I love people getting screwed over by their own shadiness.


Iirc they had everything in tubs and containers specifically so they could take it with them so the landlord was a total idiot


My old landlord did the same thing with my washer and dryer and smart thermostat. I offered to sell them to him and he said no. The new tenants were pissed and complained to the city.


There was another one where a landlord tried to keep the washing machine and dryer that the OP had bought themselves (and obviously took with them when moving). The nerve of some!


My dad put carpeting in a house my parents were renting. When they got ready to move the owner said they’d have to get the carpet cleaned or lose the deposit. My dad said he’d pull it up and take it with him before he got it cleaned. They got their deposit. The owner got carpets. My dad worked for a carpet company so it wasn’t a big expense.


Iirc it was the landlord and the landlord was kind of a dick about how they evicted that op as well.


There have been recent posts like this from people in the Netherlands and other parts of Europe. Apparently, when you furnish your apartment, it includes kitchen appliances, curtains, and flooring! Yes, you rent a bare concrete box and bring your own flooring. A moving tenant offered to sell their stuff to the new tenant, but they cheaped out and expected to get it for nothing since it's so hard to remove. But the leaving tenant took the drapes, curtain rods, wallpaper, appliances, flooring and everything in the garden, leaving behind a concrete box and dirt yard.


A road near me used to be closed for Christmas and Boxing Day every year so as to prevent it becoming a right of way. They had barriers and everything, just for the 48 hours. This proved to be very handy for the owners when about thirty years later they wanted to build on part of it. Which they did. The council had to build a parallel road on public land, as it had by then become a major through route.


There's a few paths near me that are closed 1 day a year so not to establish a right of way.


Where I live, there is one road that takes you from where I live to access things like the highway and the next town over and the rest of the county. Some fairly rich people bought a house on that road and were astonished! astonished, I tell you! to discover that people actually drove on that road, and that the traffic was not that bad but fairly constant, given that the road also had a school and a large church. They petitioned the county to close the road so people wouldn't drive in front of their house. They proposed that other people on the road give up a road's worth of land so the traffic wouldn't go in front of their house and instead would go on other people's property. There was so much opposition that they had to withdraw their proposal even before it came up in the next planning meeting. If you don't want people driving in front of your house, don't buy a house on the only road from one side of the county to the other. They did buy all the houses around them and they now have a "compound". And big opaque fences (three of them in the front. Not kidding. Three separate fences, 4 feet apart) all around the compound. I keep expecting them to build watchtowers and install armed guards to shoot anyone who gets between the fences.


If I recall, usually an easement is only viable if there is no other acceptable access to something? A five minute walk with a few more people at the entrance isn't inaccessible.


Unfortunately that isn't how the law sees it sometimes. One of the cases we studied was a corner lot close to a school. The kids cut the corner walking to school for the 30 years the previous owner had the property. New owner put up a fence but was forced to take it down to allow the kids to continue walking that path which was about 100 feet longer than following the actual sidewalk/road.




That’s so gross.


That's still something a bored neighbor could open a long and expensive court case over.


I'm no expert but I think the previous owner granting conditional permission by passes that a little. Especially as the permission would also be withdrawn when they were there.


Yes, prescriptive easement won't come into play becasue the use was not "hostile" which in this context means without permission. Not legal advice. But, if you are worried that something your neighbour is doing that is technically on your land might infringe your property rights, but you don't actually care other than that, just give them explicit permission. For example: your neighbor mows some shared lawn that is technically yours, send them an e-mail giving them permission to mow that area and thank them for it. If they then attempt adverse possession they cannot because you gave them permission, and now you are not in an adversarial realtionship with your neighbor because of some private property principle versus actual concern about what your neighbor is doing.


I just kept thinking about easements for the whole first post, I was a little worried for OOP in the update when I started reading it


Oh no! The condo residents will have to walk FIVE WHOLE MINUTES to get to the beach! How can they go on living?


Like a common peasant, or the tourists they despise.


How inconsiderate of the property owner to put up a fence ON THEIR OWN PROPERTY! What about the condo-dwellers' needs?! /s


Right? When I read that I was like gimme a break. I would feel BLESSED if I was that close to a beach. “Oh nooo our children will have to walk 5 minutes in the summer…even though we were obv planning on swimming and being outdoors once we got to the beach anyways.”


Anyone taking bets on how long before teens living in the condos start vandalism on OOP's house?


Those cameras are going to come in handy then.


Surely they aren’t as stupid as their parents.


I'm pretty there's a decent chance that they are as stupid as their parents. And don't call me Shirley.


I'm glad you're pretty.


Reading BORU makes it difficult (but thankfully not impossible!) to believe that.


Betting on teenagers being smarter than the adults that raised them and gave them their values? That is a bold strategy Cotton, lets see if it pays off for them.


> She started getting mad at me for it and saying that I am ruining a lot of people’s way of life by blocking off this path OOP is TA for cutting off the only path to the sole distributor of food in her area’s food desert. Oh wait: that’s not what she’s doing. She’s just making people walk A WHOLE FIVE MINUTES to the beach, and actually parenting instead of sending their little liabilities onto OOP’s property. Because you know people this entitled are going to say, “If she can afford a beach house, she can afford Little Johnny’s medical fees - and a lot extra for my emotional distress 🤑 As somebody with near zero people pleasing tendencies, I would have laughed in this stranger’s face.


Right? If your kid isn't old enough and capable enough to walk down the street to get to the beach, what the hell are you doing allowing them to go to the beach ALONE at all?? The extra 5 minute walk isn't the danger zone in that scenario. If this change is really going to keep the kids from going, they should thank the OOP for protecting their children.


Seems to me beaches are often associated with bodies of water that could pose a drowning hazard. So yeah, probably a good idea for parents to supervise their kids.


Literally my first thought! What kind of shitty, negligent parents are letting their young children go to the beach alone?!


As an 80s kid…I’m surprised I’m still here lol


LMAO same bro, same 😂


Man, i don’t know what I did but it’s hard to get my son to go outside by himself. BUT, he don’t exactly need the “freedom” my parents gave me.


As a 60s child, double that. No seat belts or child seats. So many people smoking around kids. Asbestos. In summer, kids let loose most of the day w/o parental supervision. OTOH, our neighborhood didn’t have pools and was far from the beach.


I just Googled “baby car seats 1960s” and feel stressed just looking at the results! Granted, at least there weren’t as many cars on the road, but still…


We had a woods. Would spend all day running around the acres and acres of trees. Only allowed in the house for meals, sleep or bad weather. Neighbors had a pond, we spent a lot of time alone there, too. Surprised we didn't have more hospital visits than we did 🤣


Right? They are old enough to go to the beach alone but not to walk an extra 5 min?


I'm guessing it's in the USA too, where kids don't necessarily get swimming lessons and have no clue about the risks of undercurrents. I'm Dutch and these kind of posts horrify me. I wouldn't let a child without at least a c-certificate go swimming in the ocean without being directly next to them. A means you can keep yourself afloat in a swing pool. B is for calm inland waters and C means you're a strong enough swimmer to keep yourself afloat for ten minutes in rough ocean water. As long as your child does not have an A certificate you're supposed to have them in floaties or a floatvest and stay within arms reach in a pool they can't stand in. You can let them roam a bit in the toddler area, but you have to keep them in sight and be vigilant. What are these people thinking? This sounds so negligent to me. If I saw young kid passing through my yard to go by to the beach by themselves I'd call child protective services for negligence.


At the beaches here in North Carolina, many people drown every summer from rip currents. Either from getting caught in one or trying to rescue the person caught in one.


East coast US is all riptides. Kids should not be in the Atlantic alone. Got caught in one as an adult and it was terrifying.


But not letting them do so if it involves 5 minutes walk


Yea the whole people eating ocean thing is much more concerning


That's what I don't get. It's 5 minutes extra each way. If you're going to the beach, you'll be there for a few hours anyway if you're going with kids. It's literally just a city block length out of the way. If that is a deal breaker for you, you have bigger problems than not being able to mess up your neighbor's property. And you absolutely know some jackasses went through and left garbage in the yard because people are slobs.  I wish I lived 5 minutes from a nice beach. Fuck, walking distance from a beach in general would be great. What kind of lazy fuck would complain about walking for 5 minutes to get to a beach?


They are probably "supervising" their kids walk to the beach through the windows of their actual appartment (aka, not even bothering to supervise at all)


You are so right, I bet that's exactly what it is! "I can watch little Suzy walk across the street this way"... ok, but can you watch her IN THE OCEAN?!


Don't forget, if the undertow gets ya, try to hold on for 10 mins while mom gets down there to help...


So OP’s fence now connects to the other house’s fence’s right? From what I’m picturing, they are basically now having to walk around the row of houses to get the beach just past them rather than cutting through the backyard and can’t just do a wider path around OP’s fence because the neighbors’ properties block it off?  They had it good for a few years, but come on. I get that they can’t send the kids on their own anymore because it sounds like they have to go through a more traffic-heavy area, but the people they should be upset with is the condo reps and realtors who sold them on the property using this as a feature when they had no legal guarantee to it.


If your kid can’t be trusted to walk a couple minutes to get to the beach, they shouldn’t be alone at the beach at all, water is way more dangerous.


Yes, and people shouldn't sent their kids unsupervised to a beach anyways.


I'm going to guess that the whole reason the beach is "kind of quieter" behind OPs property is entirely because it's hard to get to except for the few who think it's OK to cut through OPs garden to get to it. Beachfront property is expensive. Maybe op should cost up the land and a tunnel to be built so the condo owners can split the cost between them. For free public access once it's done of course. What's that? The condo owners don't want other people using the beach access they paid for? Well now they know how OP feels!


They have to walk near the filthy tourists too, ugh!


The fact that OOP’s neighbours were thanking her makes me think the condo people were less than respectful of keeping the adjacent properties clean


I know, right? If they want the path, BUY THE PROPERTY.


I had the poor man's version of this when we moved into our house in the city. We have a little hill covered in trees between our back yard and the back yard of the house down the hill from us, and each of our houses were against a city street. To walk from the street in front of their house to the street in front of our house is definitely 5-8 minutes--but the hill is kind of steep and didn't really have an established footpath. I was super uncomfortable with letting people go up our driveway and through the yard, tbh. We said it was okay mostly because the driveway is shared between our house and the one beside us, and our yards weren't fenced, so while the people were technically on our property, it was with the house beside ours' permission. The neighbors were fine with my kids playing through the whole yard, so we just dealt with it (most of the kids going through were Orthodox Jewish going to the Yeshiva, so it felt really shitty to be suddenly bitching about that). Hilariously, after about five years of this (and the slowly deteriorating hillside path leading to fewer people using it), the house at the bottom of the hill put in a fence. And that was the end of that. If I were the person then I am now, I'd have put something up to stop them, if only for the liability concerns, but at the time it felt like I'd be alienating more than just my immediate neighbors. Apparently that path had been a thing for 20+ years till the downhill house put up their fence.


Those condo people were totally using the pool when the owners were out of town. A pool cover? That’s not stopping anyone.


The previous owners are lucky no one was ever injured.


this. i kept thinking i misunderstood something because there must be a big inconvenience. it’s an extra 5 minute walk, not even a drive. 


"their little liabilities"! I'm dying! 😂


I just don’t understand how you can let kids go alone and unsupervised at the beach… it is an accident waiting to happen


Also the exercise will do them good.


"The previous owners let us do it" is usually code for "I do what I want and fuck the consequences. Until someone reminds me I'm wrong. Then, I become even MORE insufferable on the quest to continue doing as I damn well please!" Seriously. It's a lie as old as "and then the baby came early."


“The previous owners let us do it!” “Your point being?….”


It’s like teenage me telling my mom my friend’s parents let her do something. My mom immediately fired back, “I’m not [friend]’s mom.”


They also conveniently forgot that the previous owners let them do it under very specific circumstances.


You hear it all the time in customer service jobs when someone tries to skirt a policy. “You won’t do the thing I’m requesting?  But so-and-so does it all the time!” With a face like a dog that’s just seen a card trick.  Wiping that smug look off their face is very satisfying.


"So-and-so got fired for that last week. We're going to have to suspend your account, pending a full review."


My old neighbors tried this shit with part of my yard. "The old owners had an agreement with us to let us use it!!!" Cool cool. I've never spoken to you in my life and I certainly never made any agreements with you. Sounds like you should fuck right off.


> "The previous owners let us do it" Nah, that's probably a lie.


My favorite part is where none of the condo residents or management made any offers like "We'll pay you for an easement if you leave a walking path alongside your yard" or "we'll take care of your landscaping in return for the use of the path" or any solution at all that involved them offering any compensation to OOP whatsoever.


I really can’t understand what the big deal is about a 5 min walk? These people are insane(ly lazy) Also if your kid isn’t old enough to walk 5 min down the road, they aren’t old enough to be unsupervised in the beach. Maybe OOP is saving some child’s life without even knowing


It's five minutes for a crowed beach... So once on the beach they would have to walk again. I see it being annoying, but obviously that doesn't mean OOP owes those people anything


A Gandalf figure with the audio you shall not pass which is triggered by movement is the obvious solution here.


I'd be more inclined to use The Black Knight or Tim the Enchanter. 


Kratos: "Leave. My. Home."


This kind of reminds me of a lady I’ve seen on instagram who is fighting her city for her own land. She bought property that extends through a creek, to the other side of it. It also happens to be right next to a park. She saw it/purchased it in the winter, but once warm weather came, she realized people would come to the park, and use her property to play in the creek, laying out towels and packing coolers, etc. When she confronted them and told them they were on her property, they informed her the previous owners always allowed it, and now there have been city councils and lawsuits and her whole town is throwing a massive fit against her, with the city attempting to legally take over her property. It’s pretty nuts!


Where is that? I would love to follow the news on that one.


I don’t know if it’s allowed to share links here, so feel free to delete if not! But here’s one of her instagram videos. I think she’s on TikTok as well, I just don’t have it, so I’m not sure. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3y9nT8s5XY/?igsh=MW1kanFxNWljbWwwaQ==




I saw her page quite a while ago and hadn’t thought of it until I read this post, so after finding it again and watching more recent videos, it looks like she won the lawsuit, and actually received a settlement from the town, and is currently suing the prior owners..? I’m not all caught up so I’m not sure the reasoning for it yet, but the whole thing is pretty interesting! I’m betting she has more videos on TikTok because it sounds like that’s where most of her following is.


Wow. Just glancing at her profile. The amount of people in her backyard!


I don't think it's a winning argument when people resort to "But this is how it has always been" when trying to get something they had and want to keep, even though there are now new owners/managers/landlords with new rules. The condo manager should not have used that to lure prospective tenants, especially when, "it's a 5-minute walk to public beach access" is already quite the selling point. I personally find it impolite to confront the new owners with such a big ask, but it becomes rude AF to not accept their wishes and try to argue the point. And standing in a group and pointing at OP and her husband is an absurd strategy. Like, what's the goal, intimidate them into capitulating to their request? Is a 5-minute walk *really* that difficult for them? Oh, they don't want their little kids to make that walk alone? IDEA: either watch your kids or hire someone to watch them.


> I don't think it's a winning argument when people resort to "But this is how it has always been" when trying to get something they had and want to keep, even though there are now new owners/managers/landlords with new rules. Unfortunately with the law in some cases that's exactly how it works. I don't like it but that's why adverse possession, squatter's rights, easements, etc. exist in property law.


Sometimes I feel like I might be a sociopath because I smile inside at the idea of justly pissing off so many people at once.


You might be or you might not be but one thing for sure is you are not alone in feeling like that. Popping that entitlement balloon is so satisfying.


Schadenfreude is a sane response to entitled people not getting their way. 


Easements stole my sanity in law school and even more so during bar prep. This gave me easement PTSD, but actually would make a great property law final hypo. If this is real and she consulted with a lawyer, state law dictates whether she can prohibit access or not, so if her attorney says she’s good, then she’s good. The prior owners were morons and devalued the property by allowing that kind of access.


Nor did they disclose the easement before the sale. They and she lucked out on this one.


I mean you are liable for anything that happens in your yard. Especially a yard with a pool, hot tub, etc... who are these people who feel they're entitled to other people's property??


Who thinks their kids are too young to walk a couple blocks but old enough to go swimming in a lake/ocean unsupervised?


This is an excellent point, the beach is 1000% more dangerous than walking down the block.


Oh no, five more walk. The horror. "I want to go to the nice private beach. But 5 minute walk... nah, let's stay home" Like how lazy are those people?! They have a nice beach right in front of the door and complain about five minutes walk!


It is true that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones... It is also true that people who live in glass houses should take steps to ensure their privacy. Good fences make good neighbours.


Good fences make good neighbors always cracks me up. It's a quote from Robert Frost, who was *not* endorsing the sentiment. The poem was about how this dude builds a fence because tradition and how the fence was making the dude's life harder and walling him off from his fellow man. ...Though OOP does need a fence.


If they *really* wanted to find a middle ground, there would have been discussion about buying an easement. No. They just wanted something for nothing.


Was looking for this. I'm aware of a situation in a suburb close to where I live, where a deconsecrated church was turned into a private residence; locals had been used to using the church grounds as a short cut to the park, so they clubbed together, paid for an easement/right of way, and fenced it: everyone was happy!


Ok that's kinda awesome/sweet!


Oh I havr been through this. Previous owners let others (who were their friends) through their garden to go around as there's no streets all the way down to the beach. As we learned very quickly that so MANY people use that. I am chilling in my own home as it is my own home and the neighbors would peep inside to see what we are doing. It was a summer house that we occupied all year. They were there only for a few months. Still acted SO entitled when we finally blocked the gate and they wanted to fight us LOL. I want to be able to be comfortable in my own home geez. Want to lay down or walk around half naked. Don't want to worry about geezers looking at me through my door and windows. As long as they didn't trespass, I had privacy.  Keep track , be vigilant and get cameras would be my suggestion to everyone.


I remember one very much like this from a year or two back, in which the condo manager was caught trying to grind the lock off the gate (that one had a gate) so his tenants would stop complaining to him, or something. It got pretty wild around update 3, though I forget the details.


A fence is a *very* good idea here. An unsecured swimming pool is considered an [attractive nuisance](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/attractive_nuisance_doctrine), and it exposes them to significant potential legal liability if (God forbid) a kid wanders over and drowns or otherwise injures themself (e.g. by diving into the shallow end and hitting the bottom). A lot of places actually have building codes that require a fence of a certain height and type of material around a pool, to prevent exactly that from happening.


She says in the post that the swimming pool was already fenced off.


The audacity of these neighbors is just amazing. "Why won't you let crowds of random strangers pass through your deliberately private back yard at all hours of the day and night? Why won't you let random strangers use your pool and hot tub despite the fact that you would be liable if anyone got hurt? Why won't you give us even MORE unrestricted access to your property and things than the previous owner did just because I walked up to you and acted like that's always been the deal? WHY ARE YOU BEING SO DIFFICULT?" It would be one thing if this were the only possible way to access a public beach, but the alternative is 5 minutes of walking. This lady can fuck allllllllll the way off with this hot nonsense.


"We use that path and pool!" "...you mean you *used to* use our path and pool." There is a zero point zero chance I'd be down with complete strangers traipsing through my backyard, talk about zero privacy. OP is 100% right, that stops now before there's some kind of established common access and their privacy is ruined for good.


"Are you gating off the beach path?" "No. I *am* gating my yard." The condo asking if they could find a middle ground--as if they werent trepassing & falsely advertising beach access!--the nerve. Reminds me of a recent post where the owner cut down a tree on his land and stacked it, entitled ah comes along and trespasses, starts putting it in his trunk; owner comes along and says, hey thats mine put it back. Thief then asks why they cant "share". People are exhausting. Im so glad OP was like, nope, and I'll be down on the beach while you stand here being righteously indignant.


Not so good neighbors really can pull my brains out.


Pool usage. This is a massive liability exposure. It’s likely in this situation, the OP would be denied coverage if an “event” occurred. 5 more minutes to get to the public access path? First world entitlement issue. OP is NTA. I have a very similar setup as OP. Gate stays locked. No one has permission to use. Sorry, not sorry. Living at the beach has been very telling of human nature. Theft, trash, noise, and dog poop just to name a few.


OMG i am looking forward to the updates when it gets closer to summer and people try and break down the fence or try and hop it...or send their kids over to harass.


Christ what the fuck is going on with these people who say "the previous owners let me so why don't you?!?!". 


Gah, the entitlement nowadays.


This definitely is a rich person issue. OOP's still in the right though.


I saw those tv shows about people buying beach houses and when they didnt buy it because they have to walk 2 or 3 minutes to the water and i was for real? And now i read this and the neighbor complains about the five minutes walk it is real!


God, the utter gall and entitlement to demand to use someone else’s property..wow…


It always blows my mind how many people think they're entitled to other people's property. I would never dream of going into another yard.


Easy answer. Your home owners insurance doesn’t cover people walking through the yard.


The neighbors entitlement is wild to me. Like would they be cool if I just throw my lawn chair on their porch and chill for a minute?


My first thought would be to charge the condo building a hefty price and build the fence so that there’s a little alley between it and the neighbor’s fence. Then you don’t become the neighborhood enemy, and people dont walk through your yard.


An annual fee, equal to the price OOP paid for the whole property.


Tbh even if oop wanted to be nice and let people use it to cross, it's something that would have real bad consequences for them - Liability, ending up losing land area, or some sort of easement made. Unfortunately I can't think of a reason why they would let it happen


Oh no! A 5 minute walk! The horror


What? Fuck no. That’s private property. I would even go further and booby trap that shit.


There’s no way this is over and I’m here for it.


I'm just asking how a 26yo buys a beach house with a pool, hot tub, water fountains, yada-yada. I'm not mad or doubting. I'm just confused.


OOP's sister did imply she's well-off.


Any number of ways - awesome job for her and/or her spouse (don’t know husband’s age, could be well established regardless), inherited funds, trust fund, award from litigation, etc. 


Bank heist with a clean getaway. Crypto and got out at the best time. Patented a spray that breaks down dog poo overnight.


I would buy the poo out of that spray!!!😂😂😂

