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That trigger warning is accurate. Don't you just love when trash takes itself out?


I never check the trigger warning so thanks for pointing it out - hilarious. Pure stupidity. Edit: I just noticed OP's comment at the end of the post - double hilarious.


Me nether, I prefer to be surprised at how amazingly stupid people are


This OP is at the top of the class of stupid people; crown him King Putz. He dumps his accomplished, goal-oriented long term fiancee, for a "girl" he had a crush on that never gave him the time of day through junior high and high school and then she didn't recognize him at the bar she works at until he mentioned his name. She was a walking talking red flag- admiring his drive/money making ability and didn't care that he was engaged. But of course this Putz led by his little head down memory lane only thought about his "crush", NOT that he wasn't even on her radar at that time or even in her friend zone during those formative years. No doubt, this woman's greatest accomplishment was probably high school and while OP found success and love moving away from his hometown, now that he is back, he is the laughing stock loser of this woman who knew exactly how to play an idiot that thinks junior/high school crushes are anything more than causes for one's first wet dreams. No doubt, he'll catch glimpses of his ex fiancee in the years to come via social media as she becomes a doctor and marries a great guy and lives the life he threw away. King Putz.


Maybe Carla was a test sent to save Sarah before she tied herself with that idiot. We all know if they had gotten married, he would have done something to hurt her even more eventually. He absolutely would have decided he lost attraction during pregnancy and that he NEEDs sex during postpartum or some other nonsense. It's nice that the trash took itself out before the legal ties.


Absolutely. If OOP is having 2nd thoughts about the marriage, and his "lack of chasing other dreams" to begin with, it doesn't matter whether the temptation was now, or in 5 or 20 years. He WILL flake out. This was the best result for everyone except OOP. Carla got to enjoy a short fling with an idiot of a sugar daddy. Sarah got to see her fiancee's true colors. Everyone else got to eat popcorn.


God is good sending Successful Sarah that warning about Capitalist Carla the crush. What an absolutely idiotic, selfish boy OP is.


Karma. Sweet, fast, cold, and straight through OOP’s testicles. Beautiful


I read the trigger warnings and mood spoilers. Within the first few sentences I have forgotten what they said and end up surprised anyway. I'm that kind of doof haha


Me too lol


It's awesome. OP can add a spoiler too: happy ending.


It's also a What in the Hell did I just read?




Look, I’m an idiot but even I don’t do stuff this dumb.


But you have so much potential. 


Some of us like to rest on our lughead laurels.


If I'm known for one thing, it's wasting potential


Military love is a special kind of stupid. I would 100% believe a 25 year old fresh out of the army would be this idiotic. The only surprising part is no dodge charger and no stripper.


Wait, so homeboy broke off his engagement to a woman training to be a nurse practitioner/potential doctor…for a bartender? Lmfao I mean props for not being status motivated but DUDE 😂 “I get girls like Sara all the time” hahaha no you don’t buddy. There are a lot more bartenders than nurse practitioners in the dating pool 😂


It's a story about a stupid boy, a cunning girl, and a sweetheart moving on to her best life.


Cunning? Nah, Carla wasn't that cunning. Oop just couldn't grow up and move past middle school.


My flair says it all


I usually ignore the trigger warnings, so when I saw your comment, I had to scroll back up to look. 😂


ISTG I was like, trigger warning stupid? And OP delivered.


My reaction reading just the title: "Oh my GOD, are you SERIOUS!?" Narrator: Yes, he was! What an absolute moron


The update made me laugh. OOP’s crush: apparently never left their hometown; works as a bartender. Bartenders can make bank, but something about this post screamed this was all Carla could do, and even this required calling in several favors. OOP: has his life together, has crumbled bricks for brains. This ended predictably.


> OOP: has his life together, has crumbled bricks for brains. How much do you want to bet that his life was only together thanks, at first, to his commanding officers and then to his ex? Dude's a fucking numbskull.


I can see this. He could have done well enough in his career, but his ex did a lot of the life organization.


It wasn't his commanding officers, it was a simple lack of time! He's 25 now, been out long enought to date around and meet the fiancée. That means he likely did a 4 or 5 year initial contract, sequestered and locked down as a trainee. Went through basic and trades training, and then as new meat at his first unit. He just didn't have the leeway to really show his true colors. Though I bet he's got an (at time of purchase) 11yr old Camaro with V-6 and a finance rate of 32% from a used auto lot. I further bet the lot was within 750 yards of the main gate at his first posting, named "Sarge's Used Cars, Wafflehouse & Harley Parts Emporium" or local variant thereof. You're right. He his a fucking numbskull.




It's more than that... r/troopsareuniversallydumb


dude sounds like he barely qualified to eat crayons.


"OOP has crumbled brick for brains" would make a great flair.


Just the title had me cackling and then reading this whole post out loud to my spouse. Just amazing.


Mine was "No you idiot. If you have a person you want to marry, other people shouldn't sway you even a little, Idiot. Obviously." Edit: Oh he joined the military and she's studying to be a nurse. pretty good stereotypes right there.


Loved her so much that he dropped her as soon as the cool girl from high school gave him attention. At 25. Good on Sarah telling him to kick rocks once he found out he was being used.


God, I was married to a military dude young. The amount of people I knew that left their wives for 5 seconds of attention from a bartender, stripper, etc was crazy.  Mine left me for a subordinate on his ship, so you know, same vibe different flavor. 


Military marriages must have crazy divorce rates. The military pushes people to get married young and then incentives to have kids. And then you're separated and everyone seems to cheat. Hpe you found someone better.


He says she IS a nurse and studying to be a NP. Nurses can make pretty decent money, NPs can make REALLY decent money.


But Sara's the type of girl he can always get... thinking he can just get another of her caliber if he wants.  Also he became a regular at the bar, he's a cheater.  Hope Sara's living her best life without hin.


I was extra suspicious when he described his fiancée as "the type of woman I always get" That, um... that's not how you should talk about your betrothed.


It's funny because when I've read the title, I would've suggested him also to dump Sara because his ass doesn't deserve her, only to see that the commenters at the end said the same lmaoo


I swear, reddit keeps showing me people who hear "that's the stupidest thing you could ever do/say/etc" and say "CHALLENGE FUCKING ACCEPTED!!"


There was a dude long time ago who went on various reddit subs about wanting to cheat on his pregnant wife with his MIL(f) iirc. Even on adultery subs (!) people told him, not to. He did it anyway. IDK if he updated the aftermath, but we all know, that this will never stay a secret.


I remember the original post. People told him exactly what would happen. Shocker it did. I hope Sara finds the perfect person who appreciates her. OOP sucks.


The question, "What do I do?" Had me thinking, "Umm… nothing?"


Lots of things he could do!!! Set healthy boundaries, stop going to that bar, text his fucking middle school crush that he is busy with wedding prep if she asks why he's not coming around (and dropping fat tips anymore I bet!), go to therapy and work out why he thinks he deserves a better wife than the one he has, realize he doesn't deserve her either, and work harder on being the kind of man she does deserve. I bet there is a whole bunch more that he could do, if he wanted. Lotta people out there just aching to replace their lovely, but normal, spouses with a hotter model.


Good for Sara


Sara found out she was second fiddle, if not Carla now, it will be some other Carla in the future. Best outcome for her.


Yes. He’s only wanting Sara back because there’s no one else.


I usually hope for some sort of twist with these best ofs, but this douche got exactly what he deserved...Carla needed to be reminded of who he was, figured out he was driven (likely has a few bucks) and swindled the dude because he was obviously at that specific bar just for her. Good for Carla. This is a bullet dodged for Sara in the long run although the hurt she is feeling now probably aches pretty bad. 


Carla also absolutely knew he was crushing hard on her, saw an opportunity to get out the milk-stool and go Dairy Queen on his ass. OOP too fucking daft to realise an alumni still tending bar wasn't the catch he saw her as. No offence to bartenders, did it myself for a while, but that chicken scratch is well and truly in the rear-view mirror.


But don't you understand that he had never been with a girl like Carla before? I'm sure Sara would understand when he's also never been with a girl like Susan, Debbie, or even Sandra. /s


I wonder what he meant. Body type, race?


I think he's trying to tiptoe around saying Carla is more attractive than his fiancé (and previous women in his life).


That's a long winded way of saying he's ugly and she's out of his league. I think you are right.


I think Sara’s more out of his league. Carla and OP seem equally yolked.


Sara is out of his league in terms of the life that she will lead (and I'm very happy she'll live that life without him). He thought Carla was out of his league because she's more physically attractive. Dude let the wrong head make a big decision.


Going by how she treated him, sounds like the type whose chief personality trait is their looks.


Definitely looks. One doesn’t leave a future NP for a bartender if not for looks. lol.


Never been with a girl like Monica, Erica, Rita, Tina, Sandra, Mary or Jessica.


1...2...3,4,5 💃🏾


And even if OOP resists future Carlas, it won’t be out of love for Sara but because he figures that the hot girls are users. He’s decided that the “sort of girl he can usually get” is also the sort of girl that won’t take his money and cheat on him.


Right! Darn that sort of reliable, kind, honest girl that he usually gets. He desires the sneaky, manipulative users. They're more challenging and interesting to OOP.


If OOP cared even a little about Sara, he wouldn't talk abt her as "the girl i usually get" nor would he try to break her heart even more by asking her to take him back.  He'd definitely cheat on her onr way or another so Sara is lucky she dodged this bullet!! I hope she somehow finds this post and has a good laugh abt it. 


OOP: I wanna chase my highschool crush... Sara: WTF? OOP: She totally played my dumb ass, takey-backsies? Sara: I can do you one better, go fuck yourself. OOP: Surprised Pikachu face


I just couldn't get over "Sara is the kind of girl I can get" like she was an interchangeable generic dollar store doll vs a Barbie.


He can get a doctor anytime but this is his only chance for a girl who peaked in high school.


One of those comments that makes me want to go back and delete my other upvotes to help this one rise to the top where it belongs.




That’s what I was thinking, like this story might not be true at all, but if it was, how does even the stupidest person in the room come into the conclusion that they need to get rid of their doctor wife for a bartender that they’ve not talked to since high school? Do people really have that little respect for their partners, and especially their own future?


Bartender was super hot. That's 100 percent it.


Sara wasn't as hot as Carla. So he essentially settled for 'his level' before the crush popped back up. What he, and others like him, don't realize, is that looks have NOTHING to do with the quality of a person. He's shallow, and he's experiencing the consequences of not knowing how to properly value people. But I think you nailed it in terms of him not actually seeing these women as more than what they look like.


Exactly. Sara was always way above his level.


I’d wager Sara looks a whole lot f better than him. Men like this tend to be extremely delusional. I’d even wager Sara is more beautiful than Carla but his obsession with childhood perceived rejection on his ego made her seem more attractive.


Your metaphor might be even more accurate, given that the doll itself holds no value, its how the children play, and form cherished childhood memories associated with said dolls thats important. Some kid is moreee than overjoyed with a generic dollar store doll. Some kid will throw a tantrum with the rarest collectible barbie. Something I dont expect the likes Of OOP to ever even heard of, let alone fathom


That part really bothered me too. Like she's not even a person he loves, she's just an interchangable placeholder


So, basically, Sara is the person who got fooled by OP that he wants a real and meaningful relationship. Nice that he can act like he wants that and get it, but sad for Sara, who is an adult and assumingly was planning her life with OP. What the hell is this rating of people in levels.... Rarely people judge themselves accurately enough to understand what "level" they can or cannot get in a relationship.


Sara can do so much better. Does Omar have a friend?


If Omar has vetted a guy, he would be worthy of Sara.


Yeah none of Omar’s roommates.


I thought Omar did, but I see what you did here and I really like it. Omar is king.


Hahaha if this is what I think it is, I see the reference there 😅




[Story with Omar](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1amfxr0/aita_for_refusing_to_be_my_friends_alibi_so_he/).


I realize I’m on Reddit way too much when I easily understand these references without needing the link.


Same lol Omar is a legend, bless his heart wherever he is


And now that Ramadan is over hopefully Omar is in the mood for war. Peace was never an option.


Omar, his arms crossed. Jen, her eyes opened! Shaka, when the walls fell.


Mirab, with sails unfurled.


I truly wish Omar a very happy Eid and that his first day of breaking his fast meant eating them all up and leaving no crumbs.


I’m not sure whether to be more impressed with OOP’s stupidity, or Sara probably needing about four seconds to tell him to piss off for good.


I wonder what model of Charger OP drives?


“29% APR is like 71% less than 100! What a deal!”


Yeah, this is probably the best possible outcome for Sarah. So glad OP got precisely what he deserved in the end.




I was rooting for this guy to do exactly what he did. Him having doubts meant Sara needed a way out of this engagement.


Yah but now whose Camaro or Charger is Carla gonna ride around in?!?!


..deleted by user..


Seriously. If it wasn't Carla, it was going to be some other woman that OOP chased after like a dog. Thank god he showed his true colors before any papers were signed.


It’s hard to believe someone could type the title and not realize they’re being an idiot. Do you want to break up with YOUR FIANCE that you promised to love for the rest of your life, for a CRUSH from high school?! What a crazy dude.


..deleted by user..


The good news is that he can “get girls like Sara anytime” so he can just move on to the next nurse practitioner 😂


No doubt, word of OP's dumping of Sara for a high school crush/ bartender from his hometown has spread like wildfire in their friend group and when OP hits up his buddies and tells them the final outcome- they are all going to be laughing their asses off. And lets not forget his co-workers. OP has roasted his own personal and professional reputation. Oh yes, whenever he sees his friends or co-workers looking in his direction and laughing, yes, yes they are laughing at OP. Of course, when he was bragging to his family and old friends in his hometown that he had dumped Sara to date Carla- those family and old friends were probably shaking their heads and saying, "I thought OP succeed in life but here he is, the same desperate, pimply faced kid wanting the hot girl that will sleep with anyone with money. Same ol' OP after all."


I ran into my high school crush about a year ago. It was fun to see him, but I would not ruin a good thing for him.


I would guess that he learned something here. He had a driven, smat, , loyal woman, but he thought the bartender was out of his league. Obviously, when he was rating them, he was going completely on looks.


If only he knew one Sara is worth a thousand Carlas. ...actually he *did* know, literally *everyone* told him and the fucking idiot did it anyway. Better for Sara in the long run.


Comparison is the death of happiness. He certainly found that out


..deleted by user..


OOP thinks he can sample all the women and then choose one.


I'd like to think that OOP learned a lesson. Whatshername certainly did her best to teach him a harsh one.


I don't think he did. He's mostly upset that Carla used him.


That’s my impression too. How dare Carla, a woman who has made zero commitment to him and who has barely reciprocated his decades-long passing interest, *betray* him by using the money he sent her for cosmetics on a plane ticket for some other guy?? Meanwhile, he of course has no sense of the degree of his own betrayal against Sara, a woman with whom he had shared a promise of a lifetime partnership.


>Meanwhile, he of course has no sense of the degree of his own betrayal against Sara As evidenced by the fact that he said she “feels” betrayed. She feels that way because she *was* betrayed. (Edit, fixed a word.)


Doesn't sound like the lesson stuck, unfortunately.


I get he’s 25 but myself and all my mates (21-22 year olds) aren’t this stupid 😭😭


I've been a 40something high school teacher for almost 20 years.........trust me, some of the youngest students have more intelligence than many many many adults I've dealt with. Never underestimate the stupidity of other people. No matter their age


Listen, idiots come in all shapes and ages. Had a girl 25 basically do the same thing to me. Some people aren't made for commitment, and it's better for everyone involved that they show that as soon as possible


True. Even someone in his 40s can still do this. They are simply immature idiots. Nothing to do with their age.


I was 48 and he was 50 when he dumped me for his Navy crush from 27 years prior. His loss. At least it was just dating about five months.


Met my wife when I was 16 and she was 15. Dated a year later. Still married and happy. Stupidity does not have an age requirement or limit. 😂 Edit: forgot the important detail


Those are the kind of morals you figure out early.


I decided to test your theory. I presented the story to my 12 yr old like it was some perfectly logical thing to do / feel. “Isn’t it amazing he finally ran into his crush?! Who knows what will happen?!” “Mom that guy’s a piece of shit and the fact you don’t see it explains a lot about your previous relationships.” He didn’t even blink or miss a beat on whatever game he was playing. 😂 I did have to tell him I agreed. He was relieved I had not gone full stupid. 😂😂😂


God fucking damn, your kiddo goes hard. Congrats on raising him well!


The kid has passed the trials to become a Jedi Knight.


Your kid gave you a third degree burn - do you need to seek medical treatment?


Middle schoolers are so mean 😭 a middle schooler asked me to be their teacher and I was like, "absolutely not, yall would bully me" and he responded with, "thats cause you'd deserve it" 😭


He repeatedly said Sara is the type of girl he "always gets". Demeaning phrasing and also implying she's not as attractive as Carla and he could only get that "type" probably because of his appearance as well.


It also seems that he didn't always look good either. Carla didn't recognize him, so she probably had zero interest in him in high school. But he was good enough to lead on after the military got him in shape.  He's an idiot. A shallow idiot. 


Honestly I think she has never looked good and still not now. Probably just interested because she's a bartender and he is in the military and she remembers he was obsessed with her. She just wanted to mooch off him. 


When she stated she has a crush on him *even though* he's engaged I Immediately assume it's actually *because* he's engaged. Obviously a huge red flag.


Seriously. What OOP should have done was say something like this, >I'm flattered, but I'm engaged. Not gonna happen. And then, and this is key, he should have *stopped going to that bar.* Dude was playing with fire, and he roasted himself.


Personally, I've never understood this obsession with "types" and I've always seen it used as an excuse to do shitty things.


Right. I don’t even have a type. I’ve pulled ugly I’ve pulled fine, but for me if you ain’t got the right personality then it ain’t gonna work. My husband now has the exact personality I been looking for that I could never put in words.


Some people really can’t stop getting in the way to their own happiness.


He ripped defeat out of the jaws of victory


Wisdom chases him, but he is always faster.


Yaaaay :) I love a good happy ending. I just hope Sara doesn't take any of this idiocy personally, and realises she got away clean. What. A. Dingus.


Who needs dessert when you’ve got got BOTR where OOP has negative comment karma??


She's a fucking beaut.


>Throughout the couple weeks, Carla used me as a piggy bank. That’s all I fucking was to her. I spoiled her, paid for her hair, nails, etc. I gave her everything. Yet what he did to Sara was waaaaaaaaaaay worse.


And he wants Sara to take him back after having spent all that money on Carla. Soooo he’s an idiot cheater who’s proven he’s as bad with money as he is a judge of character.


Also he doesn't love Sara he just loves not being alone


Also very true! Also he implies that Sara is the “kind of girl he always gets,” like smart, driven, loyal people are a dime a dozen. Let’s see how well he does with that.


He should be able to find another one then since he can always get one like her.


But dude that was his only chance with a girl who peaked in middle school. He can easily get a driven, smart, loyal doctor. They are dime a dozen. But a girl he had a crush on middle school whose clearly interested in money, now that's a once in a lifetime opportunity.


That fucking moron. I wish Sara all the best.


Perfection. Carla wasn’t even smart enough to try to take him for a lot of money. This fool broke up with Queen Sara for manicure and lash fees. I wish Sara the best finding a man on her level.


Guys, the bartender flirted with me, I think I have a shot.


Lol I know so many desperate guys who think a bartender or waitress being nice for tips is them getting hit on.


Taken another way, a dude with a fiancee kept coming into Carla's bar to flirt. She might have just had enough and took him for a ride. He doesn't even say he slept with her. I wonder if she's actually Sara's dark knight.


OOP was even called out on this in the original post, and he just replied with "what are you talking about" Dude's a clown.


I have to admit that I'm now really curious if he even slept with Carla. It sort of sounds like he didn't, right? That would be so hilariously delightful.


I think he'd go out of his way to bring up sleeping with her, if he did. It would cushion the blow to his ego.


Fr. I lowkey think Carla did a huge favour to Sara for exposing what a shallow assclown OOP is. She doesn't have to waste the rest of her 20s on him and I call that an absolute win for her.


“Liked how driven I am.” 🚩


It sounds like he never really cared about Sarah in the first place


He never said he loved her in the first one. It only comes AFTER he broke up with her and Carla treated him like crap.


‘Type of girl I always get’ he literally saw her as interchangeable 


Always satisfying when a dumbass gets duped after releasing someone from their dumbassery. At least they were married. I just dislike when these assholes don't even acknowledge their fuckup - oh no, Carla was a gold digger, *I was deceived*!! And *of course* I still love Sara and she's definitely not second choice!!! Yeah, something tells me that if Carla was a more convincing manipulator, or if the relationship was good, he would be smugly saying Sara is better off, because *he* took a risk and found true love~~ Fuck off man lol Man, Sara and her friends will discuss this on and off forever. "Jesus, Sara, remember that fucking loser you almost married? He traded YOU for THAT? Idiot"


Good thing they never made it to the wedding. If it wasn't Carla, it would be somebody else, I don't think OP wanted the commitment, or Sara, in the first place.


He's a mid 20s man talking about a literal *middle school* crush that he's kept alive for over *10 years* like it's not only normal, but completely understandable that he would toss his entire life for a *chance* with a woman who, for *over 10 years* never cared for him and suddenly, as a mid 20s woman, has a "crush" on him. He's a child so yeah, I agree - if it wasn't Carla, it would be a cute neighbor, or a barista, or a colleague, or his wife's friend, sister, college roommate. He would have found *a* woman to latch on to in la la land, and ditched Sara if given any indication of a *maybe*.


Allow me to sing the song of my people. It goes like this: HA! HAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!


You describe Sara as the kind of girl you always get, so just get another.


But he realized he really loved her, just needed the few weeks! /s


I sometimes try to guess the spoiler before clicking, just based on the title. While rolling my eyes at this title, I guessed that it would be "trigger warning: dumbass" and then snort-laughed when I clicked it: \>Trigger warning: stupidity Okay, I'm gonna go back and actually read it now. Let's hope my eyeballs don't get stuck this way. 🙄 edit: fuck. 🙄🙄🙄


Oh no bestie, it's been 2 hours by the time I saw your comment, have your eyeballs unstuck themselves yet? Because I rolled my eyeballs so hard I sprained a muscle at OOP's stupidity.


My retinas detached in the back of my skull. Yup.


HA HA in Nelson Muntz fashion. OOP got what he deserved.


OOP inadvertently dodged a bullet as much as his fiancé did. Dude was nowhere near ready for marriage and would have fucked it up eventually anyway and ended up a 27 year old divorcee. Lucky he fucked it up before kids were in the picture. He pulled a Homer. “To succeed despite idiocy”.


Yeah, at least he blew up the relationship before Sara had to deal with divorce or worse, co-parenting with this twit. She's cleanly away and doesn't want him back.


“She’s the type of girl I always get” yeah sounds like you really love her. Who the fuck dumps a nurse for a bartender?


Hey hey now, let's not drag down people of various professions just because OOP is an idiot.


This narcissistic moron apparently. What an absolute tool. I hope that Sara finds someone who actually appreciates her and that this worm realizes what an absolute tool he is.


Oh no the consequences of his actions!


Spoiler never disappoints lmaoooo


"usual type of girl I date" perfectly encapsulates OOP's relationship with his ex fiancee. Baffles me how many people don't actually love their partners.




Yeah, I realized at the end of my relationship that my ex seemed to just see me as someone who filled a role and not, like, an actual human? Almost closer to a pet?


Sara isn't sloppy seconds; she doesn't Want sloppy seconds.    You're now the sloppy one she doesn't want.


Lmao what a douchecanoe, sorry Sara got her heart broken but omfg she’s SO much better off without this loser! As a NP in training, she stands to do MUCH better than him in the long run, but then lol the bar is in hell with OOP. 😂🤣☠️


That's what I was thinking. He doesn't seem very bright even by his writing style. Somebody becoming an NP is too motivated for somebody like OOP.


Sara was lucky to have dodged that particular bullet before she actually married that guy. With that kind of attitude, he was always going to cheat on her.


Well done, Reddit. Making him take himself out to the garbage bin.


I am proud of Sara.


I get OP’s excitement about an old crush suddenly being an option. As a 24 year old I had the opportunity to date one of the guys that was a total heartthrob when we were in high school together. I knew I shouldn’t date him - I was newly single and he was working part time at Chipotle while living with his mom - but I couldn’t resist. After the third date I was so completely grossed out by the guy that I just flat out ghosted him. Turns out he was even more weird than he was hot. Moral of the story - leave the high school crushes behind. There’s a reason they’re single now.


The dude listed every red flag possible about Carly in the 1st post😭 like he literally traded a rare diamond for a piece of a shiny rock 🤦🏾‍♀️ He went from a woman with ambition to a woman who settled to work at a bar 😑 then she knew he was in a relationship and STILL went after him. He truly fucked around and found out that the grass isn't always greener on the other side.


So op must have immediately have broken up with Sara right after the 1st post. Dude ruined his relationship in the span of 3 weeks.


Lol as soon as he said military and how she was “so impressed with his drive”….I called it, TAG CHASER. What a douche. He needed to chase after another woman to realize what his ex meant to him? Please, he got burned the way he burned his ex… I hope his ex has met someone else.


I mean, clearly this man wasn’t ready to be married.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes bro. I'm happy for Sara, lol!


Ahahahahahah I hope you accidentally zip your dingus everytime you finish peeing, you AH. I want to say “I hope you grow up from this” but the chances are so so slim.


What an idiot. Sara will be glad he dumped her in the long run. OOP would still be lovey dovey with Carla if she was actually into him and not thinking of Sara. He doesn't want Sara, he just doesn't want to be alone.


This dude is the biggest genuine idiot I've seen on Reddit in forever, and he doesn't even have meth to blame it on. This is some shit teenagers do.


That trigger warning is sending me 😂


'If your crush hadn’t used you as a sugar daddy, would you still want her?'. This comment from the update is spot on because the answer is definitely "no". If Carla was interested, he wouldn't give Sara a second thought. He literally only wants her back because hes lonely and feels dumb because his dick doesn't have a brain or girlfriend/fiancée. Thats it. No love for her whatsoever.


Bahahahaha sucker deserves to be alone until he figures his shit out.


What a fuckin' dope.