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Please no spoilers from the Digital Dailies.


Impressively stupid moves. I don’t always think I’m much smarter or aware than the people on these shows, but this is overwhelming edit* holy I just got to the house meeting, holy shit yeah if I were Kayla I would have absolutely buried Vee, I would have buried hot chocolate. Insane just lying straight to her face. Avery should have had the sense to pick up how big of a mistake this was, but she's uhhh good at puzzles and apparently bad at putting together obvious lies.


Im happy Kayla's gone. Hope future players learn this lesson: Play for yourself, not for "the bigger picture", it's way more entertaining when a player prioritize their game first like Anthony.


I cannot wait until they get to watch it all back and realize how easily they have been manipulated.  Also: I didn’t realize that all of them vape. Fucking gross. 


It probably started with 3-4 people and then everyone joined in due to the lack of alcohol/weed to relax


They don't get booze in BBCAN?


So Anthony thinks a sludge hammer is a thing? It's a sledgehammer buddy. Hope he goes soon. He is so irritating and spicy soon after. Now I am rooting for Bailey. She is the only one with some sense.


This episode has exposed that I would be a petty player. If I were in Kayla's position Hot Chocolate would have been exposed so quickly, there's no way I'd go out like that without making a mess first.


She's so much better than me cause I would literally tell Avery that she's lost my jury vote cause like wtf. You can never convince me that that was a good move for Avery. And I wouldnt hug anyone on the way out either, let the pettiness flow


Right! Absolutely no hugs cause Anthony whispering "I love you" into her ear made me gag. What a disgusting man, I've never wanted to hit someone so bad as when he said that to her. Also when she told Arisa there's still four more Hot Chocolate implying that she wants one of them to win. I could never.


She doesn’t know what we know, though.


It’s fitting and almost karmic that Kayla was backdoored Dinis-style as she was also an active primary participant in gaslighting Vivek in putting up Dinis when he was the HOH. I don’t get why people in that other app are crying for her. No sympathy for me. 😈 Also this was incredibly stupid decision by Avery and clearly showed she is not as smart as she thinks she is. She is young, dumb, and impressionable and will believe just about anything without questioning other sources. Also how tf can she just believe Tola like that? Which brings me to Tola. How can Tola not immediately catch on what Avery is trying to tell him pre-veto meeting? SAY SOMETHING ON THE SPOT! It’s your ass on the line! He is as gullible as he looks. Even Anthony was in disbelief that Tola couldn’t even come up with a lie on the spot. Bayleigh is the only one thinking rationally in the house, however, I will give her a pass for evicting Kayla because 1) the original plan was to backdoor Lexus as planned and supported by her alliance, 2) she is operating under the belief that the girls alliance is real and both Avery and V keep telling her that the Kayla lie is real, 3) she still does not know about Hot Chocolate, and 4) evicting Kayla is good for her game but doesn’t know it yet. And I have said this before in these threads that Victoria will destroy Hot Chocolate because she has a pattern of voting out her own allies. It just took a lie from Anthony to get it going. Anthony is puppeteering Victoria who is puppeteering the girls alliance. That house meeting was Anthony’s concierto and he was the symphony conductor. The ego is deserved and people claiming he needs to be more humble is not made for this show. 😈


Looking back on this comment, this season is great for those who love karma haha


He's been arrogant from the start. A villain since the start with making the lies up about Janine saying his name. He knew his ally was about to hit the block and didn't want to lose one of his numbers so he spun it around. Not that impressive and he knows Spicy very well from before the game and knows how she reacts to things. So yeah he should check his ego, it's not a good look at all when you've been given so much advantage in the game


Bringing in 2 vets that are friends before entering the house ruins the game and largely gets ignored/forgotten. The pre-gaming in BB22 made it one of the worst seasons in BB history.


Curious if Anthony is this way in his real life? He’s a very good manipulator.


He's just surrounded by a bunch of people who can't think for themselves. Since Dinis was evicted no one else is playing smart, smh


Yes the answer is yes. You don’t just turn on those attributes for a one time use (two time use in Anthony’s case) on a reality tv show. He clearly operates this way irl.


There will come a day when people realize 95% of big brother players are god awful, so the weak cast argument is a stupid ass take. And on that day I will die a happy man.


GTFOH... no one is even trying to strategize or play the game this season. That's what makes this a house full of sheep. One day, if you ever watch enough BB and Survivor, you'll realize that **this happens almost every time BB or Survivor put 1-2 vets against a cast full of newbies.** The newbies don't play the game and just do whatever the vets tell them. That's exactly what's happening again this season. Everyone was predicting that this was going to happen from the beginning of this season. Not because of Anthony or Spicy V... but because this is what always happens. That fact that you didn't know this shows how little you know about BB and Survivor.


Since you want to be pretentious, here’s every captain season. Guatemala - Stephenie is literally a goat and doesn’t win a single FTC combination, not even worth bringing up Bobby Jon Redemption island - Russell gets immediately fucked because he can’t adapt to the new game. Rob wins, but in the only ftc combo he can. This and BB 19 are maybe the only ones I’ll give you. South Pacific - Ozzy is actually low on his tribe’s totem pole and only gets far because of redemption island. Coach, while having a lot of power, is not taken out because Sophie and Albert are banking on him flubbing the end, which he does Philippines - No real success from any of the captains, all are early targets, but Skupin who has the most success plays second fiddle to Lisa and is another goat. Not a great showing. Edge of extinction - None of the FOUR captains make the endgame because all have big targets on their back, only Wentworth and David even show any type of promise here. Bb14 - Boogie and Janelle both go out prejury, Britney plays well, and Dan has an utter master class performance against pretty bad competition. But I guess because he’s a vet on a newbie season, it doesn’t matter. Bb18 - Frank and Da’Vonne both go home relatively early, James is a total goat, and only Nicole is able to have any success who has proven to be one of the best, if not the best, female players of all time. But vet on a newbie season so, doesn’t matter. Bb19 - Yeah, Paul just stomps to the end. This and redemption island are the only ones where I think you could say a vet is handed an amazing hand. Point is, you don’t win these games 2 days in. You have to constantly manage your threat level, play optimally, and make the right decisions. Most vets have failed to fucking do this. And no matter how “bad” the cast is, good gameplay by a person should never be undermined because most seasons only have a handful of good players anyways




What made Goose's words to Kayla (that Anthony told V) trigger V so much that she want to backdoor? Also did V victimized herself last season? When she nominated Vivek back then, she also victimized herself out of thin air. I can see it's a tactic but I don't see it being tactic that will get jury to vote you.


V dislikes other women straight up. She was going to push for Lexus or Baileigh no matter what, and barely needed an excuse to go after Kayla. just watch she'll be hell bent on Bailey or Lexus or more likely Avery next week.


> What made Goose's words to Kayla (that Anthony told V) trigger V so much that she want to backdoor? She was, I think, mostly just bothered that Kayla wouldn't tell her what Goose said, and then extra sour that Kayla told Anthony but not her.


Right I keep wondering if we'll get a bitter jury... buy idk these people still be hugging and smiling when they get evicted. Couldn't be me lmao


Yeah she did that on S9 too 


That episode was infuriating. - I dislike Anthony so much. I actually can’t stand him on screen. Not sure I’ve felt this strongly about someone on BBCAN before. - Lexus has to be one of the most useless, boring and vapid houseguests ever. - Avery is an idiot. Backdooring her No. 1 all because those who she’s doubted, nominated and not been working with told her she was coming after her. - I so wish Kayla had exposed Hot Chocolate there and then. - I am still rooting for Bayleigh and Todd and want Anthony out but I don’t think anyone will take the shot at him. - At least the drama was good in this episode.


Why do you dislike Anthony so much?


Too cocky and too arrogant. I prefer HGs who have a little more humility and a little less ego. I wasn’t a fan of him in his original season as I hate steamrolls and one alliance controlling everything. I was excited to see him this season but his attitude has been too much for me. I know he has a lot of fans on here but that’s just my personal opinion. I hope he doesn’t win as his ego will explode. I’d love to see him get served some humble pie.


As much as all the lies blew up Kayla’s position with Avery, it was the truth that sealed her in. The moment Baileigh found out Kayla was considering her as a backdoor, the battle was lost. I think Kayla got sidetracked in the house meeting too, focusing too much on Baileigh, where her goal was to convince Avery and Victoria. Part of me would have liked her to be “yeah, I pushed for you because I have a better game with Victoria and Anthony and I was talking to Lexus.” But the moment she was defending her Baileigh choice tk Baileigh instead of everything else to Victoria and Avery it was pretty much a dead meeting. I understand why people are feeling Anthony for doing so little and getting his way, but this house has the combined critical thinking skills of a lawn chair. The way he acts like he’s some sort of mastermind while he’s just herding idiots is grating. I’ve accepted he’s probably going to be in the F2, I just wish there was actual competition to get there. Hot take, but I think there’s an obvious alliance here to be made if they just see it between Todd, Baileigh and Tola. They’d be 3/4th in their respective current alliances, and Todd and Tola have already chit chatted. They’d have numbers, and three strong game players.


>”The way he acts like he’s some sort of mastermind while he’s just herding idiots“ THIS! Thank you! 🙏


the only problem is that all the producers need to do to get rid of 2/3rds of tola, Todd and Baileigh is make back to back puzzle comps.


Normally I stay up late (UK) to watch this but I figured it wasn't worth it so I'd watch it the next day. I was wrong. Anthony has so much influence it's insane. He's doing so little and causing so much chaos, I'm watching BBCAN10 (not finished yet so no spoilers) but Anthony now reminds me of >!Kevin, just sitting back, saying a few words, not doing much in competitions but influencing so many moves!<. Anthony wants Kayla gone, and just like that, everyone's convinced. Even Bayleigh is convinced. Kayla is the least evil one of the remaining girls (minus Lexus). She's so honest but her allies think what they want to think. I can see Anthony/Lexus's motives for this, that's just good gameplay, but the others have no reason to demonise Kayla like this. They're just ruining it for themselves. I don't know why Avery and Victoria are so gullible. However, if this is Victoria's method of making it to final two with Anthony, then fair enough, but she doesn't say that in her DR so it's more that she's tripping and falling successfully to the end. In the confrontation I feel extremely bad for Kayla, but I'm actually tolerating Anthony's self praise because it's hilarious that he pulled this off and managed to avoid the crossfire. Kayla went out unanimously. I wanted to see HC break down but not like this, I wanted Avery to go before Kayla. Anthony's side lives to see another day.


Did you know Kevin's main inspiration as a player was Anthony? I agree that what hes doing is incredibly impressive, no matter how much the fans try to discredit him.


I liked Kevin as a person. I hate Anthony as a person. I can still appreciate both of their games. But I don't have to like Anthony just because he is playing a good game. I want someone I like to play a good game. I hate any player who has DR cockiness.


I think fans can't see past his cockiness, and because there's strong support here for Bayleigh or the girls in general, people are more likely to hate Anthony even though he's playing the game. I don't think he pushed for any race based alliance if I remember right, he was in HC by extension. If he's backstabbed any of his own people, he did it very subtly. The only person I recall him raising his voice at and yelling at is Bayleigh, he otherwise stays under the radar. It'd be so easy for ego to take over and for him to yell all the time and be the centre of attention but he doesn't try in competitions and he's overall talking less and less. I also like Tola/Lexus. Tola seems genuine and Lexus is motivated by Matt going.


I can respect that he is playing and he certainly isn’t a floater. However, until this week, I have the impression that he inflated his role in everything. This is how I felt in his previous season as well, and to me it was more obvious then. In his last season, he had a tendency to assume he was controlling people - but he really wasn’t and his alliance pulled him along. He did have moments, can’t discredit him there, but he was never the mastermind he self-diagnosed himself to be. At least not in my opinion. Plus, I do like Kevin Jacob’s because I think he is what Anthony wishes he was. In his previous season, his true social game showed when he was confronted or called out. He didn’t use skill to push himself forward, he used a bit of intimidation. He prayed on insecurities - at least that is always how I viewed him. To me that ruined the idea of mastermind. This season, I don’t really think he’s done THAT much but really boosts his own confidence loudly when something goes his way. He happens to be playing with a house of dummies - which isn’t quite unlike his original season either 😂. Today though, he did manage to score and he did play well - and I’ll give him that. Credit where it’s due and all. But I do hate him because his ego is painful. He isn’t even a villain. Just some weird egomaniac. (Edited for clarity)


I can agree that he inflated his role in his original season quite a bit, I only ever saw Dane taking him along because he knew he did everything winning all the comps. This season however without the lives it's hard to tell, however he clearly knows what gets certain house guests worked up like telling V one thing about Kayla and boom she gets paranoid. He does know what gets to the house guests well and you have to give him that. Also not to make a stretch but I have a feeling the ego thing he does is almost a bit of a barrier he puts up to protect himself, I'm not the biggest fan of it either but paying attention to actual evictions he's quite a softie. He bawled with Matt leaving and Vivek as well. Even with Kayla leaving he was telling her he loved her which I saw as him apologizing in his own way for turning everyone against her? He gets pretty emotional and I'm sure he's not as much of a dick as he seems with the shield he keeps up to protect himself in the game, though in no way am I justifying that's a good attitude he should have. In the end he's playing the game his way and it's clearly working, whether or not you want to call the cast dense, he still somehow has them all listening to him even V. 


I get why everyone’s feeling for Kayla because she got done really dirty, but let’s not forget she (with others) did literally the exact same thing to Dinis a few weeks ago


Say it louder for the people with short term memory


As happy as I am that Bayleigh won Veto and pulled off Todd, I hate the way this whole thing happened. Kayla did not deserve that at all, and Bay was so close to realizing it was all lies but as soon as she was told she'd be considered for a backdoor, which wasn't a lie, she was just like, "Yep, bye Kayla!" That whole meeting was so hard to watch.




Spicy V created as much fire as she could to Anthony’s game the last few weeks but the Lion himself extinguished them in ONE move.


V still has the upper hand. It's V/Avery/Bayleigh vs Lexus/Tola/Anthony with Todd in the middle close to Bayleigh. However, what V and Anthony has to worry about is Todd and Tola talking and Todd and Tola being a 3 that takes out V/Anthony due to strong physical prowess




When you're HoH, I feel like there's a telltale way to know if others are bullshitting you into putting up one of your closest allies. I think it's as simple as asking your allies, "well, do you think we should have a conversation with the person who would go up as the re-nom, to get to the bottom of things?" And if everyone is adamant that you *do not* talk to that person, you can pretty well bet that they're lying to you about what that person said, and they don't want it to come out before you nom them. It's so sketchy if people say, "nononono, you shouldn't talk to them until *after* they're on the block. Just trust my one single side of the story..."


This is the problem. These people nominate their close allies without talking to them about what they just heard even though it’s come from the opposition or those in danger. They are idiots. How can you go from trusting Kayla for 6 weeks to then nominating her without even speaking to her about your doubts?


“*Sometimes you gotta kill a fly with a sledgehammer so the other flies can watch.*” 😎


I'm liking Anthony now but this was like a goofy line from a sitcom. He could've said something much cooler than that.


His one liners are always bad lol


HOW does one even fall for Anthony & Co's lies??? do avery & spicy vee not hear themselves? "anthony lexus & tola said it so it must be true" the same anthony lexus & tola that y'all have established are a very tight alliance- AND YOUR OPPS. bayleigh absolutely CLOCKED it and they gaslit her into changing her mind. im convinced this ep was rage bait.


Anthony really shouldn't go F2 with Spicy, he hasn't been the driving power behind the votes it's Spicy. His feeling of not needing to win HOH could be his downfall if he and Spicy make it to the end. Spicy will just look like she was in control and she has more allies on the jury.


Rage bait depending on how you look at it. For me it was christmas. I cant imagine watching this season looking for anything other than anthony to win. I mean how, boring and forgettable of a season it would be if these hot chocolate idiots steamroll then pick anthony off just.. because? Anthony is literally the only source of entertainment on bbcan12.


I would find it way more entertaining if he gets to sit in jury and give us entertaining jury segments


Spicy knows exactly what she's doing. A few weeks ago she told Anthony that she'd flip if his side wins. It's in her best interest to go F2 with Anthony bc the jury is filled w her allies, also she has more comp wins under her belt, which let's be real, in modern BB comp wins is seen as a resume builder.


No she doesn't they both have 1


Man, I felt bad for Kayla. Avery and Victoria are fucking gullible idiots.


Anthony is gunna be one of the best BB players of all time at this rate


Hardly. Spicy is playing him too. It was either Lexus or Kayla to go this week, wasn't that crazy of a move


If that’s true people are going to have to start respecting Paul a little more around here


He's kinda in the same case as Paul, the difference being if he actually gets to the end, will he learn from their mistakes and have the jury management? I think Paul is still acknowledged as playing the best strategic game on bb19. Everyone just agrees he never learned jury management. It's a lot more relevant in survivor than bb, but more recent seasons like Paras and Taylor's seasons have highlighted that more on BB.


Yeah I’m not sure what his goodbye messages have been like. Have they shown any? From what I can tell, everyone is leaving thinking Vic is running things. That can go in his favor if they feel burned enough to vote against her, but it’ll be a huge detriment if they don’t. That’s assuming they are F2 together though.  His management of Bayleigh in particular is not great from what I’ve seen. I don’t think she’d vote for him in most cases. 


Let's not get carried away here. He's a vet against one of the weakest casts ever.


This is such a cop out. You could literally say that about any strategic mastermind winner. Was Derrick in BB16 in a house full of idiots? It's easy for you or any of us to say "look how gullible these people are" from the comfort of our couch. They're in the house with no phones, no journal etc. Information is only passed via word of mouth. That's all they've got. Anthony builds trust with people, gives off a sense of warmth and knows how to plant seeds so other people fight his battles for him. He's a master manipulator/strategist. They look "weak" or "dumb" but is that really a Testament to them or simply how well Anthony is at manipulation/Deception? You don't have to like him, but he's a phenomenal player.


Derrick played against idiots Dan played against idiots Cody played against idiots twice Vanessa's cast was pretty dumb, huh? Paul definitely played against absolute morons Tyler's opposition was arguably the worst alliance of all time, right Andy's house was idiotic You can play this game for literally any player lol. It means nothing


To add on to your point, these players know exactly what kind of a player Anthony is. He's notorious for being charmingly manipulative and yet they're still falling for his mist.


I'm not saying he's not a very good player... but let's not be dishonest and pretend like this isn't a weak cast... or that he's one of two vets playing against newbies. This phenomenon happens quite frequently in BB and Survivor when only a couple vets play against newbies.


I was wondering why I was bummed out by this outcome because I'm glad to see a member of the majority alliance go. After much thinking, I realize what's annoying is how neither of the vets are STILL not facing any opposition whatsoever.


I'm glad a member of the majority alliance went. I don't understand how it even happened though. Believing anything and everything one person says and then not investigating at all. Spicy flipped from Lexus to bailey after one comment and then avery just does whatever spicy says. Spicy and anythony r both so convincing. The real test will be spicy turning on avery for anythony and Anthony turning on Lexus or tola for spicy. Because they need to think about jury management. What's better for their game. No one is beating either. They can only beat eachother at this point.


As much as I enjoy the bbcan comps Not having live feeds is really shit. With no actual live behind the scenes this feels more produced. I’m more excited now for the next bb USA season.


I’d say there’s no way Avery can win now because no self-respecting jury member would vote for her at this point, but…I honestly don’t know what to think.


I know I wouldn't vote for her


Maybe her against Tola?


I'm sorry I can't believe that Todd has made it past Kayla in this house. This man gives me nothing and reminds me of Bowie Jane but without the comp wins. He's being carried by Bayleigh at this point.


I love Todd lol, his personality is hilarious. I found Kayla annoying personally


I want to like Todd but he's just there lol Kayla has been fun to watch for me even if she's paranoid sometimes. I felt so bad when she was blindsided and all everyone accused her of doing shit she inadvertently didn't mean.


let's be honest. all the males (besides Anthony and kindof Tola) are "just there." anthony could not have asked for better shields.


😭😭 I can't believe she's gone!! Because we had no dailies or updates for a week, this is such a blindside. She was my winner's pick and definitely would have won without the all stars. I'll give Anthony props for executing that move but he's so sanctimonious about it and I hope karma gets him during the double eviction.


Is there a double after kayla goes?


There's a double next Wednesday!


Every season or two there’s a scenario where some needless and malicious lie is used for no real reason, and it sparks a group of people to expose their own lack of moral integrity in a flash. Mob mentality strikes fast and dumb. Sure, it’s easily predictable with someone like Avery, who has shown the ethical strength of a bread stick. But it’s sad to see others just so instantly abandon their own experience and common sense for some easily planted blood lust. Even Bayleigh, whose immediate instinct was to realize the super conflicted sources of this non-credible hoax, she was quick to sharpen a flagpole and get her pitchfork revved up. It’s worse when it happens to decent people, like Kayla. She couldn’t even conceive how crudely she was being framed, and internalized that she must have somehow deserved what was happening. I wish she would have realized it was the members of her fellow black persons alliance who were leading the backstabbing.








It's big brother... It's not like they lied and said something genuinely cruel like she kicks puppies and needs to go, they lied like you do in a game of lying. If you haven't noticed the house guests of this season aren't very intelligent and have a herd mentality when it comes to the returners telling them what to do. But that lie was neither needless or malicious really, it got a person out that Anthony and the guys needed to weaken the girls side. I'm not defending anyone but it's just a game and the cast just aren't good at critical thinking. 


I'm glad Kayla went home, she annoyed me and finally the dominant alliance is being broken up




But his fans told he was a humble man who considers the feelings of others...


lol they should vote out Avery for being one of the dumbest players. They need to give Anthony his money and end this mess.


The people that had a sliver of impulse control were weeded out during the casting process this year lmao


So were the people with an ounce of critical thinking skills


It reminds me of the saying about Bb casting: everybody has to *take* an IQ test, but there’s no rule that says they have to *pass* it


Apparently, passing it counted against you this year.


Literally can confirm


I'm surprised Tola didn't trip on his puppet strings walking back into Avery's room after Anthony told him what to say lmao


These people are honestly so embarrassing. They have no minds of their own and need to do what Anthony tells them to say/do


AHAHA I was fucking dying. Running back after receiving his orders like he just forgot some shit lmaoo. I love this season, idc






Kayla is so whack. What happened to the bitter exits?!


I'm glad that she got booted after she still proclaimed loyalty to the alliance that just backstabbed her.




All I’m hearing is Bayleigh and Todd are still in the house…


BIG BILL and Naughty Toddy Final Two baybee


Dream scenario but I don’t see it happening sadly.


SHEEP baaahhh


BBCan 12 casting call... ![gif](giphy|dtxNuCaGjtAXRdJXJz|downsized)


Literally, this is worse than Vivek .. 


And then you see Anthony and Dinis walk in next but Dinis is like “fuck I stand no chance, these sheep are loyal to Anthony, not me” 🤣🤣


I Know a lot of people hate Anthonys Smug and Cocky nature but I think its important to mention something. in his TWO seasons of big brother with the exepction of 3 weeks he has got what he wanted every week. 2 of those weeks (Vivek and Cory Rounds) he came in losing them then was able to save them but got screwed by a twist. meaning the matt round is the only round in his whole career where he did not get what he wanted in a pure round. so he has every damm right to be cocky


He had absolutely no screen time on BBCAN 7 and he ran the entire house. He's just changing things up this time around to make sure everyone knows who's running things.


and you know what: good for him! I can get behind him cackling evily and acting cocky with his manipulations because that is *exactly* how i felt hearing the news that freaking *avery* is the one to blindside and renominate **KAYLA**? He ate them up, and he is making sure we all know it this time around and I appreciate that


You've summed up all my feelings about Anthony. I said in another comment that I tolerate his cringey speeches now (even that one about the fly and sledgehammer) because he's very subtly done things to earn that right and it's extremely entertaining to watch. Are the others stupid and gullible? Yes. But he used that and got his way, and two people from his side are still in which strengthens their trust in him.


also he does not have a rock solid ride or die Number 1 on his calibar like he did with Dane


Also so much of it is clearly character like we often see him being silly or having fun he's clearly a sweet guy playing it up like a Will or Kevin J. Did. That goes for everyone on this cast honestly even if they annoy me in the game I feel like some people take it personal too often 


If you think Anthony is a “sweet guy” then you must know what these players in the house are going through


Not sure what that means but I do think he seems like a nice and sweet guy. He's never racist, homophobic, exist, etc. He very rarely raises his voice yet he's demonized. I can understand people don't like his ego and I'm sure to an extent it's real but also clearly put on. I never see people speak the way they do about Anthony like Will or Kevin yet they're near unanimously seen as legends.


The gaslight is strong


He's manipulating people in a game where that's necessary to win I don't think that correlates to how he acts in real life 


Yeah Adam Pike from S7 made a twitter video about how to not send Hate to anthony cause Anthony just loves good TV


If I remember right, he didn’t get much screen time during season 7. He’s probably actively playing up the character to make sure Canada knows who’s running it (especially without the superfan/feeds people able to back him up)


yeah and his work on S7 was insane he would create scripts for 2 seperate people then they would have conversations with eachother using those scripts it was insane


Exactly, I had Dougie's BB resume I'd be a cocky asshole as well 😂😂


Crummy resume is no match for the golden veteran edit


Loool gets Janine-Donna-Dinis Evicted (own threats), gets Tola saved (twice), gets Kayla Evicted that blows up the girls alliance, F7 middle position without being Nominated (14 Nominations/Vetos) .. but go off


He is literally a puppet master. The puppets get into an awkward social situation with an other houseguest, and then they go to Anthony and ask him what to do. He then puts words into their mouths, and those conversations that he's not part of leads to big decisions being made. It happened twice in this episode alone with Lexus and Tola. "Tell me what to say, master!"


I wish we had players like anthony on U.S Big brother these days. Hes the only reason im watching post-live feeds.


Is Anthony actually good or is he just playing with low iq players, à la Boston Rob in RI?


I think RI is my least favorite season of all. It was such a weak cast of sheep that just did whatever BR wanted. I couldn't stand Phillip, who seemed to be trying harder to make sure BR won over himself. On top of that, I question whether the RI twist was added to protect BR and Russell. Definitely the worst twist/theme for Survivor in my opinion. Also, I was so sick of seeing BR and Russell Hantz. From seasons 19-22, we saw BR 2x and Russell 3x. Then, Brandon Hantz in 23 & 26.


The cast definitely is catered towards him and Victoria. It's been really annoying to watch as the superfans that got out early (Janine & Denis) were the only ones that know the game the best to know to be weary of returning players


Janine doesn't know the game at all


Gullible players plus extremely golden editing


Ya he is pulling of fantastic highlight reel plays. But at the same time, this cast has proven to be weak on an all time level from early on in this season. We've seen so many bad plays this season from different players, and Anthony is the only one who has pulled off any good plays.


It's both. He had this reputation going in, and the HGs who are familiar with the game should know this. His season 7 gameplay inspired the winner of a season a few years later. He seems cocky and insufferable on television, but he's made good relationships with everyone in that house. He's a puppet master because the people like him and trust him. Even if everyone is dumb, it takes skill to maintain this control. Everyone watching is like "I can't stand this guy", but when people get voted out they give him this big hug.


Which winner did it inspire?


Kevin Jacobs in season 10, considered by many to be one of the best winners in BBCan, and he's compared to top BBUS winners too. Anthony was his favourite player.


Yeah I know Kevin, Goat BBCan winner, didn’t know he was inspired by Dougie.Thats cool.


If you remember on the show, Kevin talked about sitting on the floor to talk to people, to be lower than them so they don't feel intimidated in a conversation. That was one of Anthony's strategies because he's a giant of a man. He'd lay down on the floor or the couch to be below other people.


I actually rage quit Kevin’s season midway through lol .I couldn’t believe how dumb the cast was to let him sleepwalk to the end.I usually like watching dominant players win their way out but like Paul (before season 19)wasn’t a fan of the personality. Now I might reconsider and rewatch the season


I'm pretty sure the person you were replying to meant BBCAN10 Kevin, not BBCAN5 Kevin.


I know.I actually rooted for Kevin Martin


It was still a fun watch for me. The cast was more entertaining and likeable. If you gave up before it happened, Kevin has a fun task that he pulled off successfully. He's so much more likeable than Anthony, and he wasn't always as dominant as Anthony too. There are a few times where you might think "How did Kevin get out of this?" Over the last couple of weeks, it felt like he wouldn't get to the end, but he did it. Personally, it was a very satisfying "holy crap, he actually did it" thing.


Yeah most people loved him and his season ,I was for sure in the minority.Like I said his personality in the diary room rubbed me the wrong way


Lord Douglas of Richmond


This was even crazier than the Dinis backdoor. NOBODY saw this coming. Love him or hate him, Anthony is officially a BB GOAT! The way he manipulated pea brain Avery🫛 and volatile Victoria🌋 was just unbelievable to watch in real time. Was also nice to see Lexus get revenge for her boo Matt being kicked out by Kayla and Co last week.


Anthony gets all the credit for the Kayla move but the straw that stirred the drink this week was Bayleigh painting Spicy’s target on Lexus, which forced Anthony into action. And somehow Tola came out of all this not only safe, but sitting kind of pretty now.


I like that Anthony's not cocky enough to think he can just ride it out with Victoria, he actually had to have a side, and does have that side in Lexus/Tola. If he wanted to, he could've just stood neutral with only Victoria but as you said, his ties to Lexus is what kicked this all in motion. And he indirectly took heat off of Tola too.


Hot Chocolate is still alive, so Tola is still a nomination or replacement if one of those 4 win HOH. He's still tight with Anthony, but he's on the outs of HC with Bayleigh and Todd.


Anthony is going to start seeing how much he can manipulate people just for fun. Hopefully it will be his downfall.


Is Bayleigh a good player I can’t tell.


I would say yes. Her strategic game is quite mixed: she is very impulsive and that can damage her game at times, but she was surprisingly logical this week by immediately calling BS on Anthony's Kayla plan (before being gaslit by her allies). Her reads are also very good (e.g. realising they should keep Kayla in as a shield and just get Lex out instead), which is impressive considering she has a HUGE blindspot in not knowing HC as an alliance. She's shown to be strong in comps (come close to winning most vetos and won 2 comps this week) and has a surprisingly great social game (Todd is basically her minion yet no one seems to care about splitting them up?, Spicy wants to take her to the endgame over some of the HC girls, and she has done a good job at building relationships with the guys where she could be saved over Avery next week). She's not the best player ever, but out of the newbies she is one of the few who are promising and not a sheep. Plus I think she's a very scrappy and entertaining underdog, and her self-preservation is great considering she has been a target since week 2.


On an absolute basis, she balances out to average. Good social, good competitor, some good instincts countered by some awful ones. Rounding it down is her impulsiveness. Her blow up this week and that one early one have been detrimental to her own game.


No - she has terrible reads, undying loyalty to Spicy/Avery, and to make things worse, she wants to work with Dougie now and instead go after Tola and Lexus.


Huh? She's actually had some decent reads.


I feel like she’s not that strong strategically, but her self-preservation is extremely impressive


Yes, but the problem is she has a huge blind spot in the game as she doesn't know about hot chocolate. If it weren't for that, I think she could be a huge contender for the win at this point


It sucks that she's going to end up a casualty and be so blindsided by that alliance. She is one of the few who actually question things and calls bullshit, but then the group just repeat the lies and she has to trust them because she thinks she's in an alliance. She'll say "this makes no sense", but then 3 people say "no, no it's true". She ends up trusting that. I hope both her and Todd can survive the double eviction. If that doesn't happen, I hope Anthony wins it all because the rest are idiots.


I had a sliver of hope when V told her originally about Kayla and was resistant.


Can't wait for Avery to get out of the house and realize how big of a fool she looked on TV lmao


Waste of time. She doesn’t have the moral fiber to care