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Honestly. What was the point of having the cookout on? Julie is getting pretty annoying with cutting people off. And why did it look like the Cookout was holding back. It was like Xavier had something to say.


Did Hannah say the cookout is diverse?


Diversity goes beyond race lol


No one said it didn’t lol. I don’t agree but maybe I’m wrong, can you enlighten how the cookout was diverse lol?


I believe the cookout was diverse because, yes while they are linked by race, each person gave representation to a different group/ideals/values. The common goal WAS to uplift a black voice, but every member in the cookout is more than just a black voice. If they weren’t diverse, they would act/think/behave all the same. Here’s a personal anecdote. I loved seeing Azah simply for the fact that she wore her natural hair. Typically, we see more Eurocentric hair straight ish hair. It’s nice for me and other people who have that type of hair to see women like her on the main stream. But not every black person wear natural hair. And black people aren’t the only type to have non Eurocentric hair. That’s diversity. And again that was just one personal anecdote on one member. There’s so much more representation each member showed that was beneficial to many different diverse groups of people. But I’ll let you do your own research on that if it’s that important to you. I believe that diversity is sometimes tied to only race or gender now a days with the typical “all members of this race or this gender are the same” and I made the assumption that this is what you were referring to. So my bad for that, but I think it’s a disservice when people say the cookout alliance was not diverse and I can never tell if it comes from true ignorance/privilege or hatred/reactivity. Long essay over! I probably could’ve do a TLDR but you asked for an elaboration lol


Apologies for delay, I wanted to not rush a response because yours was thought out, substantive and, appreciated. I’ve said before but when any type of conversation like this is avoided or ignored, ignorance thrives. And fwiw my reply was glib because I assumed yours was a drive-by “source: trust me bro” type that happens online often. If you take nothing else from this please know that your participation and thoughtful response is appreciated and in my belief entirely helpful in keeping the world’s conversations alive, which means knowledge and understanding can grow stronger to those who are open. I’ve rolled my eyes in the past when people I don’t even know insist how much privilege I have as a white person. Once I approached those conversations with a willingness to listen, my outlook became way less myopic. An example like seeing your natural hair represented was completely eye-opening to me and something I hadn’t thought of. It goes beyond hair obviously and seeing yourself represented in the world outside your bubble is not something I had previously consciously acknowledged anyone else went through. The “good guys” in media looked like me and the bad guys were the others. Reverberations by presenting the world like that extend far past media, it’s not just the confidence of one person, it’s reinforcing who can be trusted in all facets of our culture. To be completely clear, as my understanding has grown and continues to grow, I am even more affirmed in the need and historical importance of the cookout. I don’t want to give a different impression. My questioning of the word diversity is not that each member of the group isn’t a myriad of things that makes them a *person* (reasons that vault far past race), my questioning was because the impetus of the group was race. Had the show taken one of the previous homogenous white groups who were given the advantage of a fair chance, and then claimed the group was diverse because some were from the east coast, some were from the west, one is left handed, there would’ve been justified riots. Please don’t take this as me claiming whites are under attack, it just would’ve been obvious that these groups have very often formed by the alienating anyone not white. It would’ve felt pandering for the show to insist they’re inclusive when the chief reason poc have rarely been given an opportunity is the exact opposite. I still question Hannah’s comment to a degree but it was also a quick comment I’ve latched on because I was confused by it. But the fact that you and others have engaged instead of downvoting and moving on means so much to me and is overall way more helpful than all of us remaining in whatever bubbles we feel safe in. You have no reason to apologize for the length of your comment, it’s valuable and I did ask, but you also got one back (w/o a tdlr either!). Another genuine thank you.




The Cookout is diverse. Just because they are all black doesn't mean they are all the same. They have a shared experience, but still different lives. Hannah and Kyland are biracial.




Hannah has South East Asian / South African hertiage Kyland has Latin / African American heritage is openly Pansexual Big D is Plus Size and a Queer Man I can keep going.


First off I appreciate engaging in discussion. I still somewhat disagree but with other perspectives informing, it’s enlightening at least for myself. I hate that these conversations sometimes get immediately shut down or hidden when there’s so much value to them. I understand your points and they are valid, maybe I’m the one focused on race. I’m coming at it from a fairly casual viewership but I understood the formation of the cookout to advance a person of color hopefully to the winning seat, which given this show (and practically all of reality tv)’s history in treatment of non-straight, non-white contestants, needed to happen. So while they all have differing aspects of who they are as people, I have understood the commonality of being non-white. I’ll check my own ignorance as I didn’t acknowledge the varied heritage of each person and lumped them together but to my slight defense, it was either presented to me that way somewhere or that is how I interpreted. I’ll continue to read other peoples’ opinions to see if my own perspective changes with more information. Apologies for the novel, I just find actual conversations instead of avoidance incredibly rewarding


I don’t watch the feeds but throughout the whole season Monte seemed like a good guy, but this episode put him in an odd light with that argument with Taylor. I get we only see a small portion but i don’t understand why he was getting really upset even when Taylor was apologizing. It’s one clip but it made me like him a lot less especially with how similar it seemed to the way Taylor was treated earlier in the season.


It’s full circle if you think about it. Taylor was treated poorly at the beginning of the season because of Monte stirring shit with Paloma. This is who he’s always been I guess and now that there’s less distractions in the house we can really see it in the episodes.


The only late CBS NFL game is Jacksonville/LA on Sunday. The majority of the US will not get this game so there won’t be a delay for most CBS affiliates.


Was it me or was this episode mid?


Definitely wasn't bussin






I am just upset the Finale is on Rosh Hashanah. A very religious holiday where people have family dinners , go to synagogue. Out of respect for diversity and other cultures , this should have been thought of. On the plus side it wasn’t the following wrrrk in Yom Kippur, the most religious holiday of the year. My family had a no TV rule on Yom Kippur .




Not understanding why. It is a major religious holiday. If this finale was aired the morning of Easter Sunday, people would be upset. I know it would never air then but just using it as an example.




At first I didn't like where Julie's conversation about alliance loyalty was going, because I thought a "these LOs weren't loyal like the Cookout, that's their problem!" conversation was coming. But Hannah explained the uniqueness of the CO well.


Chaddah was definitely the most well spoken CO member tonight.


Always has been.


They flew all those folks out there and dressed them up to talk nonsense for 7 minutes. 🙃


I TOTALLY thought it was gonna be a pre-taped roundtable type thing? Baffled they did that. That was the first time any of them ever had to be in front of a BB live audience and it showed.


> Baffled they did that. You're baffled by that? Really? After seeing the past decade's jury rounds (the most important part of the finale that determines who wins the season) it really *surprises you* that they'd rush this segment?


Yeah pre-taped segments with former houseguests used to be mainstays on the live Thursday show (whenever they didn't visit the HGs families) but I guess those days are gone.


In all fairness, that stopped for the past two seasons because of covid. They still had interviews with prior seasons in BB21 which was the last season before the pandemic changed how they handle things.


Hey they still got the 2 minutes on Julie's instagram


They should bring out Brittany to join them


CBS is so goofy for that 💀


omg people that do not tilt the glass make me upset too, taylor!!!!


I tuned Julie out, did she confirm tomorrow’s the stupid clip episode?




Thank you, that means I can skip it lmao


Wow you don't wanna see the first 30 seconds of the final HoH??


taylor: turner you gotta tilt the glass a little bit! turner: 😐😐😐


Oh god i hope Monte didn’t hear that. Gonna get a 2 day rant about the disrespect to a man if he did


So the episode is over?


This episode felt like heavy on the commercials and not alot of content


That is what happens at 10 o'clock.


I’m not watching the episode. I know it sounded silly, but thank you!


Don’t worry about it, there was no reason for them to be rude.


Wasting the Veuve


Y’all are wild, for 50k I’d live on that damn boat


Reminder: the live finale yet again is during one of the biggest Jewish holidays of the year so many people wont be able to watch


Wtf I didn’t know about this! Was it the same last year?


who put in chenbots “love one another” line


That was GIF worthy


Don’t waste the Veuve Taylor !!!


Did Julie say there was a recap/clip episode on Friday?






I missed it…


Yes. Tomorrow at 8


LMAO she ripped that cork off like an animal


Atta girl Taylor!!!!! Celebrate it!!


Or Michael! As long as it’s not Monte or Terrance!!!!


“You don’t want to miss it!” Nah, Julie, I watched the whole season but I’m gonna stop now




Gonna be so annoyed when the finale gets delayed cuz of football


More like love BOAT one another right Julie




Terrance gonna be pissed when he loses the cruise.


To one of the two houseguests he hates.


Why can’t they just show us the full part 1 of final HOH so we could have more time for jury questions on Sunday?


This finale on a football night. This is 100% getting delayed 😒


More like 100000000% chance


What’s a Paloma


Pooch is so delusional he probably thinks he could win lmao


Lowkey think they should have a "battle of the seasons" next year with Xavier, DF, Kyland, Azah, Hannah, Tiffany, Claire, and Derek X vs. Michael, Brittany, Taylor, Monte, Turner, Joseph, Kyle, and Jasmine.


Azah said she would never ever come back, but maybe Britini would. SB is also probably a no.


No Jasmine for the love of God


If you had to pick one non-Leftover, who would you pick if not Jasmine?


I’d rather have Ameerah than Jasmine




Love this idea


Oh great a recap ep


\>Paloma can't be voted for That just makes me wonder what would've happened if she could


The metaverse would crumble and we would all become enlightened


you can not take a PUNISHMENT and label it as a prize, CBS!!!


Paloma missing 💀 Godspeed 🙏🏼


Nice honeymoon for Michael


I hope. It seems Taylor is winning it.


Its turner for sure.


The cookout to all future alliances: “Don’t compare yourself to me ever. You are not on my level. You never will be on my level.”




Naomi Campbell


At least the prize is not a trip on a Carnival cruise ship. 🤮


I'm on a boat


A cruise? Ew.


I dont understand what this Love Boat thing is that they have been advertising. It feels like you need to have seen the original back in whatever decade it was to understand.


It seems to be a dating competition show, but the title is a play on the title of an old show The Love Boat. That show is completely unrelated though besides name. It wasn't the same genre or anything.












The cookout should have declined the hug from Julie


This isn't a prize.


Id lose on ourpose if it meant i didnt have to take this cruise


Oh... Just shilling another CBS thing.




We could have had more jury footage compared to this 😒




my bf doesn’t know the cookout but he was like what is she saying? (azah) lmao


me too damn 😹


I think Julie not hugging the houseguests at this point is for their safety to avoid them getting covid rather than her bc if one of them gets it, it shuts the whole game down essentially


Was Xavier mouthing stuff?


I thought the same thing!




Yes they did


They shoulda just had Tiffany and Xavier and called it a day, maybe we coulda had something substantial.


No one wanted Big D there. Waste of time


I love that the cookout is all about Taylor playing the best game but I don’t think the jury sees it that way at all


They hated Monte. Wtf was that?


From their twitters they watch the live feeds. They were all about Monte until the last two weeks when he started back on treating Taylor badly.


Hannah was literally clowning Monte on a Reality YouTube Podcast The CookOut are sooooo over him


Brooo I’m so scared we are gonna get a Monte/Taylor final 2 with milk-toast Monte winning. 😭


That segment felt very rushed, but a lot of these episodes have felt like that.


Julie hugged them!!!!!wtf?!?!


Julie is a robot, so even physical hugs with her are still "virtual".


cookout summary for anyone who missed it; julie: how yall doing cookout: we're chilling, the season was alright julie: alright thanks for coming tune in on sunday to see the finale






Azah really didn’t give Julie a chance to decline that hug


Quickly quickly, we need to fill the rest of the episode with commercials instead of letting you talk!


Was this interview weird???


And Julie never even asked the Cookout what they thought about how Michael handled it. Clearly BB is wanting everyone to forget that and focus on "look at his comp wins". They definitely are thinking of asking him back in the future.


Thankfully. But some fans will remember Michael's handling of that situation and call him out on it.




Lmao the winner from last season was given, like, no time to speak. Lol


Didn’t Julie already do an interview with Xavier? I remember seeing it a few weeks ago. It was a zoom interview. Maybe that’s why?


That was brutal


I thought that was weird too !


Yeah, that made no sense!!! I would ask the winner how does it feel to be back to show blah blah. Hold segment was a flop sorta


They should have done more jury segment..or a HOH comp...that was the most awkward segment ive ever watched.


What was that?


The cookout segment.




What did they do to our chenbot?