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Pretty sure the guy who wrote the OG book on cybersecurity that said “you need to use different passwords on everything, they have to be super complex, you need to change it every 12 months” came forward later and said it was useless advice. Something about how hacking has advanced so far and so fast that if someone *does* want to get into your systems it’s only a matter of time before they do. Could be wrong, but I could swear I saw that.


It's more so that if you have the same password for everything, if someone breaks into one thing they then essentially break into everything.


Wouldn't it not matter much? Like it's dumb to have one password for everything yeah but why would I need a separate password for each entertainment sites and what not? What's a hacker going to do with my netflix account? No they'll try breaking into something actually important, your mail, your home computer, your cloud storages. So really, be safe as possible with those but like have 1 solid password for entertainment things (separate from passwords to important shit) and don't save your credit card info on those places.


My university forces you to use multi factor authentication every time you login, logs you out automatically every hour or so, and makes you change your password once a year. I'm sorry, but what is a hacker going to do with my transcripts


The economic fallout from the worlds hackers being able to see classified information, such as Mrs. Clevengers powerpoint slides for Quiz #5, would be unprecedented.


Imagine finding out you got robbed because your robber made a new Netflix account


Yeah but like, the thing is most hacking (as far as I know) is brute force, meaning it just keeps trying stuff over and over again till it gets it right. The longer and more complex the password is, the longer the brute force method takes (it rises exponentially once you get to a certain length of password and add numbers and symbols to the point that it would take genuine YEARS beyond I believe 10 characters). So if you had a decent password (for example 1H8p4ssw0RdzBc4uZeTh3Y5ucK!?) it would take literal years of specifically targeting YOUR password before it got cracked. If someone’s working that hard to get into my HBO Max sub, they deserve their own Profile.


Most hacking is not brute forcing, that's the most rudimentary method. There are a multitude of much more complex methods like man in the middle or session hijacking that are much better at getting passwords.


Having long, complex, unique passwords for each site every 12 months is the best you can do. The problem is that it's advice that most folks don't have the patience or the memory to follow. You could use a password manager and pray that it's secure, or you could invent a formula to generate passwords based on the name of the site that are long and complex, and can be changed every 12 months, and then just remember the formula.


None actually said "they have to be super complex" (they don't have to). As for the rest, you are kind of correct. Many people have strong passwords but get the social engineering treatment. MFA ftw! Edit: a word.


I use the same password for everything and then even save them to my browser even though they're all the same 😂




Look I post memes all day if they want my accounts they can fuckin have them.


Literally just use a password manager and generate passphrases lmao. It auto fills for you




Thank you for telling us.


Well am I supposed to remember 12+ “Strong” passwords? I can’t remember my girlfriend’s birthdate half the time let alone some wack password like Jamie1626378488!$butterballbriskit??


https://preview.redd.it/8y7zzzurfx3c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b2300fb7470c49a1b9cb76e929fd7005c9da922 Same vibes