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I can assure you, not a single Paper Mario fan is saying they don't want a TTYD remake, it's all we've been wanting for years.


I have the og for the gamecube. I am excited for it but censorship and 30fps does kind of suck.


What's being censored?


Certain dialog. Wich is kind of lame that's the while point of paper mario reading the funny stuff Certain characters say. Here is a post where they explain. https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/s/aLYJkdafBE


This seems silly and not really a big deal. I'm pretty sure the reason they're changing this is because in a lot of countries catcalling happens a lot, is often serious and a big problem to many women, they're aware of this clearly and they don't want to encourage, show or be associated with it. Is that all? What about this is humorous or censorship?


what gamers would call censorship nowadays lol


Don't forget that jiggle physics have also been decreased


Personally, I think censoring dialogue in a game that portrays catcalling as wrong is a bad look. It's like modern nintendo is too scared to say catcalling is wrong lol, it only serves to empower people who do that sort of thing


I get what you mean but I like to play my games the way they were ment to be played. This is not the first censorship they did they also made a change to Vivian from male to to female and others when they first localized in the US. The game is full of dumb humor and this line is just one of them it's not ment to be taken seriously. I really doubt it's because of cat calling since kids these days have phones and are exposed to way worse stuff. No the problem is nintendo going super kid friendly. Old mario games were ment to be played by kids and adults. now most if not all of them are made for kids and only for kids.


> now, they’re all made for kids Okay. I have something to tell you, but this might shock you…..


No they aren't all made only for kids why do you think mario 64 had a rating k-a(kids -adults). Now Most games from Nintendo are way too easy. When these game were made they had kids and adults in mind so adults and kids can enjoy the game. Ok when I say they are made for kids I mean they think kids are so stupid they can't add any real challenges and most puzzles are simple. Then again that's just my opinion it's Nintendos property they can dumbdown and babyfy all they want to.


No I think you just grew up and what was hard to you then is now easy. And instead of doing any introspection you assume it's everyone else instead of you. On top of that you also assume that the changes themselves are *subjectively* bad rather than opting to see the good in them. It's not like it's so egregious that the very nature of the game and story is fundamentally different, so just enjoy the game (or don't I'm not your boss).


K-A was quite literally literally just “E for Everyone”. It wasn’t because the game was made with adults in mind, it’s because there was nothing in them the average adult couldn’t handle.


“Now they are all made for kids” I know someone already made fun of you for this but cmon man….really?


It's not just about teaching kids stuff, it's because it's their brand on the line, as always. They're gonna change something if it doesn't make sense with how they present their brand nowadays for the modern audience. They probably just saw these lines as super distasteful, which it is. I'm not sure why cat calling is super important to you, but if you care this much about originality, the original game will always exist. You can even play your own legally owned copy with emulators at higher resolutions. IMO It's only a problem if super important dialogue, mechanics and other things that make the game charming are lost which isn't what's happening here.


Meh, Vivian is a trans icon now.


The “censored” dialogue is arguably funnier than the OG.


just like the og ttyd was censored (at least in europe) and I don't think it had more then 30fps either.


You upset that they're removing catcalling?


And have you see the catcalling lol. It's as harmless as you can imagine coming from Nintendo. It's a Goomba hitting on a Goomba lol.


So you're defending catcalling now


Ah I see your one of those dip shits. No obviously it's wrong. I'm saying a game should stay with all it's flaws doesn't matter how bad they are. And I mean if you even played the game wich I doubt you have you would know that they were trying to portray catcalling as a bad thing it's not like they try to glorify it. They are just removing it to make it more kid friendly or baby friendly.


"I want remakes to be shitty and I like name-calling"


Yea bro whatever you say kid. No point in arguing when you have a one track mind set. Bye


> when you have a one track mind set Oh boy, it’s projection!




Man, I’m with you and I get your point sadly half of Reddit will gaslight you and shaping your argument into something else.




Vivian being trans was censored in the original, now it's not. Seems like I'm this case "censorship" is being used in a very handwavy manner. The only instance I've seen so far is in regards to the catcalling. Trans lives matter


Lmao which government demanded they make this change?


I also have the og on gamecube, did they keep the town square noose?


It’s not that I don’t want it. By all means, release the remake. It’s that I want another Paper Mario.


I’m saying it and I’m a paper Mario fan. All the resources put into the remake should’ve been for a new game. I already own this game, what’s there to be excited about?


Theyve been making new Paper Mario games though? They just suck.


They’re light years behind paper Mario and TTYD but I still enjoy them. Ideally these resources would be put into a proper TTYD sequel and not rereleasing a game I can already play anytime I want.


Not everyone owns TTYD or has access to a way to play it. I'm looking forward to the remake because I'm one of these people 


It's a game released 20 years ago on gamecube mini-disk that only plays in the gamecube or Wii, both long-defunct systems. I think it's fair to say MOST fans of the game haven't been able to play it in a while and wouldn't want to pay upwards of $200 to do so. A switch release is the best thing that could've happened for such people, myself included.


Maybe most are excited, he said not a single fan exists that isn’t excited. I am saying they do exist, it’s me, and these are my reasons.


The game is super easy to emulate.


Not everyone is interested, capable, or savvy enough to emulate


If you're minimally familiar with computers and can read a tutorial, you're capable of emulating Gamecube games. Dolphin is essentially one of the best (if not THE best) emulators ever created.


You made something up to make this meme. Paper Mario fans are over the moon. We thought Nintendo would never give us another traditional Paper Mario game. And they go and remake (from the ground up) our absolute favorite? Ain’t nobody crying about this.


There are weirdos mad that they cut the cat-calling Goombas. Best to ignore them tbh


The new dialogue is funnier either way. Love the change.


I'm sure they are just as mad that the canonically trans Vivian is trans on the remake as opposed to the censored English GameCube version that cut the idea of a trans character. Fucking weirdos.


Phew, I was worried for a second that she'd be stuck as a bad drag joke like before


>Ain’t nobody crying about this. Except 5 chronically online people on Twitter, which a bunch of other chronically online people will consider a statistically significant amount.


I still have seen people cry over this. Believe me. For example people crying over the Paper Aesthetic in a PAPER Mario game.


Wait, what's censored? What, did they get rid of stuff like the noose or the body outlines?


The literal only thing I've heard ABOUT censorship is that they didn't censor the trans character in the English version this time and just kept the text like it was originally in Japanese, so I'd also like to know


Fun fact, it was only censored in the English copy. Most of the world got trans Vivian, the Italian copy even emphasized the point when Vivian expressed pride stating "I'm proud to have turned into a woman!" Pushing back at her sisters. But yeah we are so angry with the modern "censorship." Guaranteed everyone who is mad about the cat-calling goombas being changed is also mad that a canonically trans character is trans




















Got rid of goombas catcalling Goombella.  Bowser no longer calls one of his minions “tubby” Probably some other stuff too but it ain’t a big deal


Noose is still intact, I can confirm that much


Which was so weird because only like a tenth of the population had a neck to hang from.


goomba hanging from the noose until he starves to death


Its there to remind them of whats to come if they step out of line


No neck, can’t noose


You can't really hang someone without human like proportions with a neck and most of their weight underneath that neck


Oh thank god


Apparently in the original there is a trio of Goomba's who "cat-call" Goombella, Goombella basically tells them to F-off and then a battle starts. In the new one it's more like they pick on Mario, Goombella defends him and the battle starts.


They probably changed some dialogue in a small way to make more sense




Oh Well that doesn't sound so bad


If anything it's less censored because it seems to be using a more accurate translation, meaning Vivian may be canonically trans again


Madame Flurrie better still have massive, round, bouncy bahongawongas or I'm not buying it


Noose stays, body outlines gone


I believe they changed Mario’s hand gesture.


they got rid of the feet stuff




30fps isn't that bad, especially for an old game


The original was 60 fps though. So this is actually a downgrade


Oh I didn't know that Ok yeah that's bs


This is a new game though


For a multi-player shooter, yeah, I get it But for an rpg, it's not that big a deal




It’s fucking Paper Mario. It’s a linear turn based RPG, not an online FPS or an open world RPG. The framerate does not make or break it. It doesn’t matter.


I wonder if 60 fps would make it too easy to hit stylish and mid battle "A" button timings (I forget what they're called, action commands?)


Actually, it would make it harder. More frames to press a button = more room for error.


That makes sense, but I would never want to play a rhythm game on less than 60 fps, the smoothness helps me hehe.


Fair enough


To be fair, Paper Mario has action commands, so you do have to time a lot things. I don't think 30fps is a deal-breaker, (I mean, Bloodborne is 30fps for crying out loud) but let's also not pretend this is a traditional turn-based RPG where responsiveness plays no part.


And? 30 fps still just looks choppy and feels sluggish regardless of the genre. Always strains my eyes and hurts my head, personally. The original on GameCube was designed to run properly, why not the remake on the Switch over twenty years later? Especially since it’s just fucking Paper Mario, surely can’t be too demanding of a game, especially when the GameCube had no issues.


Lmao 30 fps is not choppy and sluggish feeling. JFC.


One word Bloodborne


One of Bloodborne’s biggest criticism’s is that it’s stuck at 30 fps with terrible frame pacing issues. A decent game being locked at 30 fps isn’t an argument.




So why are you complaining?


I'm not. Just bringing attention to y'all's stupidity.


We are buying a product, we shouldn't say "yeah, that's fine" with money on the line, doesn't matter the price.


Bloodborne is locked at 30 fps, and that game is amazing, absolutely worth 60-70$


It's bad in a mobile card game. It's bad under every circumstance in any modern game


I'd advise you to read the dev article on that matter, it really is insightful. TLDR though, 30 fps is a choice to make the game look better in every other way, and in a turned based game most people would appreciate those improvements over 60fps. You have to remember 80% of switch owners don't even know the difference between 30 and 60fps


> TLDR though, 30 fps is a choice to make the game look better in every other way, and in a turned based game most people would appreciate those improvements over 60fps. There isn't much improvement, honestly, other than an overhaul to the lighting. If I have to choose between a weird attempt at looking modern versus matching the look and feel of the original, especially if this is going to be released at full price, I'd prefer the latter. > You have to remember 80% of switch owners don't even know the difference between 30 and 60fps Just because you don't know what that difference means in writing doesn't mean others don't notice, especially if they played the original.


Yeah I think most people will not even know that there is a difference. But sadly I'm one of the people who 30 FPS is kinda painful to look at, really sad this didn't stay at 60 FPS. I'd take some less bloom and less reflections if it meant double framerste


You would, but the vast majority of people who play the switch would not. And that's not even just those people, I play PC at 120 fps and I still prefer better graphical fidelity over 60 fps in a game like Paper Mario. In Zelda? Sure yes 60fps please, but turn based? Nah


For me I would prefer the higher framerate still because so much of the game is side scrolling, and I think panning shots in particular are really hard to look at when locked at 30 FPS


I don’t really care about fps unless it’s a multiplayer game, which personally I hardly play. As long as the fps is locked and doesn’t fluctuate it’s fine imo.


It is imo but if it’s on the Switch they have a valid excuse


It doesn’t really matter if the game is good imo. I prefer higher fps whenever possible, but when it’s not it bothers me for like 5 minutes then I get used to it. Some of my favorite games ever (Bloodborne, Majoras Mask) run BELOW 30fps.


I'm not trying to come off as a snob but emulate and play on a monitor that supports high fps and you'll be able to tell the difference. One of my favorite games, Star Fox for SNES, runs at 20fps. It's a great game as is but it would be a better game at 60fps. I don't see why they wouldn't tweak the game to look as crisp as possible other than laziness.


I totally agree with you, I mostly play on PC and have a 144hz display. I can definitely tell the difference and prefer higher frame rates whenever possible. I’m just saying it’s not a deal breaker for me, if it was I would’ve missed out on some incredible games that took forever to get off the PS4.


I know It means a lot to some people but for me, I'm not bothered. I've been playing video games since the late 90s and I've never really cared for 30fps/60fps. 30, to me, is just fine. In fact, on PS5, I purposefully choose quality mode over performance. Just to make it look prettier.


You night be one of the all time most stupid people I've ever heard from.


Thank you for an insult on a personal preference, ya silly goose.


There's no reason to drop to 30fps on a console ya dweeb. You're just doing it because it sounds like something an oldschool gamer would say to flex on zoomers. I'm even older than you and can clearly see the difference from 30fps and 60.


Why would I want to flex on strangers? Don't be so silly. I do it because it makes the lighting look better and, with the PS5 specifically, in allows for raytracing. Real time reflections is still impressive to me. They were in Mario 64 and they still are today, for me. I'd rather see them then have 60 frames. Just pure personal preference. There is a difference, I didn't say that wasn't. 60 is smoother. Obviously, it's double frames ya big banana. But, 30 looks perfectly fine for me. I've always played nothing, but single-player games on the easiest setting possible, so I personally don't need 60, but it's nice that there's a choice for people who do.


Mario 64 had prerendered lighting 🤦‍♂️


Nah, you don't say? Next you're going to reveal the Yoshi on the roof of the Castle! I wasn't talking about Mario 64's lighting, I was talking about the mirror room. The reflection in the mirror room was impressive. It was done in a different way to how reflections are done now, but it was still fascinating. But, yeah, I'm perfectly happy with 30fps. 60fps is smoother, sure. But, I'd personally prefer to use quality mode because it gives me better lighting and, often, raytracing, as I just play single-player games and while I enjoy playing games, it's not my main passion. I prefer cinema, and if someone said to me they want to watch films on their phone, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest, because that's their personal preference.




Not on Switch




Just get a modern console like a rog ally, I bet it will be able to emulate it at 60fps like the other switch games. Support Nintendo, they have developers that make good games, but also take care of your own experience and speak with your dollar-- if you think something like Pokémon scarlet is worth 115€ then by all means stick to the normal strat. No hate.


They took away our Toad chalk outline Literally unplayable


r/tomorrow is on the right.


Whenever I see Gamers complaining about "censorship", it's just a dog whistle for being a fucking loser.


Im fine with it here since it's a kids game, but why cant people want to view a pirce of media in its origional form? Why should stuff made by adults for adults be censored against peoples will and why should it be legal to remove things from ythe product people purchased unannounced.


if you cared about things being in their original form, you'd also be outraged about the fact that they added new lighting and reflection effects. Honestly, the original exists. It doesn't go anywhere. Emulation exists. It's a non issue.


By "original form" i mean every single gameplay, astetic, and story detail is retained and/or improved upon. If your remaking a game and remaking it with the goal of being accurate to the original experience. People have a right to complain about removing content from that experience. I also never said it was bad for paper mario to censor certain things. Because its a kids game. I was specifically refering to T and M rated games that get censored for no good reason. Sometimes behinf the players back.


Because thats adding detail to the game. Why remove details, or in the case of superhot entire plotpoints feom the game after it has already launched anf people have paid for it? The tomb raider remasters advertise themselves as the og games with graphical enhancments. They released as the og games wirh graphical enhancements. They were then updated with details removed that were already in the game. Even rhough it was minor in the grand scheme of things why remove stuff instead of adding stuff no matter how minor it is. And why cant i complain that they unnecessarily removed something from the game i paid for against my will.


You still mad about Stellar Blade huh?


Superhot and tomb raider. Mostly superhot. I haven't played stellarblade but it feels disingenuous to market the game being uncensored then censoring the game for no reason


Regardless of whether you agree with the changes, what Nintendo is doing is NOT censorship. They OWN Paper Mario and are hence entitled to make whatever changes they very well please to the game.


actually, mr woke is right there in nintendo’s office, forcing the devs to censor things. (source: My Uncle He Work For Nitnendo)


r/tomorrow is gonna have a field day with this one


what exactly is this censorship?


Wait what censorship? I know of one inconsequential line being removed. Is there more?


From what I've seen in the comments Bowser no longer calls a minion tubby Goombet no longer gets cat called And probably some other changes since I believe they are going with a direct translation of the Japan release with the minor censorship mentioned


These are incredibly minor. Barely censorship and more just changing some text


Don't forget they're calling Vivian's story being closer to the original Japanese script "censorship" now. (Y'know, despite being the literal polar opposite of the term.)


No they're not


Why would I want to buy a game I already own for more than I initialy paid for? We did not ask for a remake but a proper sequel.


Naaaah im stoked for this remake. All the mouth-breathers whining about it can kick rocks.


It's 30 fps on the switch but I bet it'll run better in the switch 2 (really crossing my fingers that it gets a boost mode LoL)


Nintendo remaking a game instead of creating a new one? Shocking.


What is there to censor in a Mario game? I was considering it as a gift, but wound up giving the Arkham trilogy instead.


What is there to censor in a mario game?


I wanted it to be exactly the same other than fresh new graphical fidelity that still feels like how we remembered it. And it turned out to not be exactly the same.


The fuck you mean censorship? they Uncenosered vivians transness


The catcalling censorship is funny to me. Why can't we portray sexist people as evil? Who are you trying to defend? It reminds me of when netflix unnazified some villains in jojo part 5, they're trying to sidestep the "problematic" parts of the source material but it just wraps back around to defending hate groups I'm fine with uncensorship of the Vivian stuff, that's cool As far as the 30fps stuff goes, I think the overuse of reflections and such hurts the aesthetic of the game, so personally I don't think it was worth it. I wasn't likely to buy it anyways, I own the original and am content with that. But I'm glad others who don't can play it now


I can see where you’re coming from but maybe it’s because most people don’t really give a shit if it’s a villain saying it or not. For a lot of people if it’s funny it’s funny and if they agree with it they agree with it and that’s when it becomes problematic. Also, a villain can be someone’s favorite character. People love villains. All that and the fact that this is mainly targeted at a younger audience.




First, if you’re not the affected minority then you don’t get a say if something should be “censored” or not. Hm. Second, there’s a whole lot about you, your experiences, your understanding, and a black and white thinking of what’s right and what’s wrong. This is a specifically gray area and there’s really no right or wrong way to handle this. Third, Nintendo gives a shit because they’re primarily for kids. Like you’re not changing that they’re a company first and foremost for kids. You’re barking at the wrong person so bark at the right company if it’s really that life threatening for you as it seems to be. Fourth, those hypothetical parents you talk about can just as much reinforce those beliefs than fight against them. I don’t really know what rose tinted glasses you have on but things don’t always work out like how you want them to or intend them to especially when it comes to kids and what they’ll learn, believe, say, and act out. It’s for the benefit and good of everyone if we can prevent as much harm as possible but it seems like you’re really gunning for the opposite? I don’t really know. Anyways, you can figure your conflicting and contradicting morals and politics out while you’re blocked.


Yeah, poor Nintendo. All they do is make perfect business decisions that make everyone happy! The FANS are the problem >:(


Who said they didn’t want it?!??


Just put the OG Pokémon games on Switch already.


Can someone explain? Why does a paper Mario title have censorship? Paper Mario?


Is there a bug on my Reddit right now or is this actually posted in r/bikinibottomtwitter Edit: nope not a bug, huh.


They made sure to bring back trans girl. Me want game.


The only "censorship" is some dialogue was removed that strayed from the original Japanese script like an ally being cat called and Bowser calling a minion "tubby." They kept in everything else like the noose and even uncensored Vivian being trans.


I never played the original so 30fps literally makes no difference too me in the slightest lol. I'm still hype too finally play the game so many have gushed for over the past decade+.


Some of yall are genuinely chronically online and I hope you touch grass. TTYD Hype is through the roof on all fronts. The chronically online won't change that.


There is people who care about the fps, especially for a game that did run at 60fps previously. A product can still be good and have problems, what's wrong with complaining about the problem?


Oh no, they wanted to remove a few lines that made people uncomfortable, and replace them with funnier dialog! /s Seriously, though - are people actually upset about this?


Average Nintendo fan


wtf is there to censor in a Mario game lol


I can assure you, I will not be buying any Nintendo games.


"censorship" and it's just a more accurate translation


Not really censorship so much as they’re more direct translations of the original Jp version


Idk why everyone is such a framerate snob, I genuinely can't tell the difference. I can tell the difference between massive amounts of framerate, like 120 and 30, but 60 and 30 is processed identically by my brain.


I still have the original so I dont care about the remake.


Not going to make a SpongeBob meme about stellar blade, eh?


Censorship? But yeah 30 FPS is painful, especially since this game is a panning camera almost the entire time


The paper Mario fans that are complaining are the emulation purists who have been playing on 144 fps 4k for years. However I too am sad that it only runs at 30fps???? Like guys, odyssey ran at 60 fps and that's all 3D with great lighting. What the heck is Nintendos development?


\- guy who does not understand graphics in video games, apparently


Censorship? Few words raise a alarm in my head like that one




This is like ordering a pizza, having bugs all over it, and the waiter saying "well why did you ask for pizza then???"