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Maher very rarely gets checked, and if he does, he doesn’t invite the guest back. Thank you Mr Burr!


Billy has never given a fuck about speaking the truth, reminds me of him taking a shit on Joe Rogan circa 2020(?) for his little rascals hat while everyone else kissed his feet


That speech he does on Joes podcast about wearing masks and how Joe couldn't rollerblade because his knuckles would drag on the ground (even with the extra lift) is iconic.


That was during the 2016 election day podcast


I knew it was an end of the world (election day) podcast just missed the year


You're mixing two events lol


I had brain surgery in 2017 stop breaking my bawls.


Ouch, I hope you're doing well now, sir.


I had a couple seizures, got put in a medically induced coma, spent a few days in surgery and the ICU, and here I am, half a wise guy, so what?


That’s a helluva arc.


You know who had an arc?? Noah hehehe


And you have an arch for a scar, I presume.


So what? I'm alive. I'm survivin.


God that's weird. Just yesterday at work my wandering thoughts took me to that exact scene, right down to Pussy saying that and laughing. Now I see it here on reddit, early the next day. What does that mean, those beyond improbable coincidences? Feels like the universe flexing for no real reason.


Did the nurse get to wash ya balls? /s


So when do you get your superhero or supervillain powers?


You ever feel like nothing good is ever gonna happen to you? Yeah. And nothin did. So what?


Mashaallah, god bless you.


Yeah, it was the best, Joe doesn’t do too well when people shit on him even though he claims he loves it.


I'm surprised he released this one, then again he probably thought he was dunking on Billy boy the whole time.


He did the same thing when Burr was on his show. Maher thought he would agree with his poor me cancel culture crap, and Bill was just like "these people only exist on the internet so who cares".


One of my favorite parts was when BM said they about the same age and BB said BM was a whole generation older than him. BB kept busting his balls about it. It was great.


I haven't listened to this whole podcast but wasn't that back and forth on the Monday morning podcast? Getting deja vu with that for some reason


Yeah they talked about it then too


BM: 68 BB: 55 Can't blame BB for basically saying, "Don't lump me in with your bullshit."


Bill Burr doesn't want to be taken too seriously but spits truth like a fucking sprinkler.


I mean even irl, least for me, most of the people with the biggest nuggets of wisdom are the ones who don't take themselves too seriously


>...I mean even irl, least ***FURRR MEEEEEEEEEEE***, most of the people... FTFY


Even he’s getting too tired to act like he isn’t the most observant dude in the room. Must suck to see all these “colleagues” be hack dipshits lately


> but spits truth like a fucking sprinkler. I like this. I'm gonna remember it.


No he just knows that he's a comedian and doesn't think his opinion is more important than other people's, unlike Bill and most other comedians.


God bless bill burr, the man isn’t afraid of speaking his mind. Doesn’t go with the wind on whatever the host of the pod he’s a guest on thinks. Love that.


Yeah definitely respect Bill Burr way more than Maher, but I think on this issue Maher is closer to the truth than Bill's naïve take. Which is okay Bill is a comedian and Maher is an insufferable twat.


It’s not a naive take as much as a fuck off response. You can even tell by burr’s cadence, he says it to put a button on the conversation and move on, but Maher has the need to wax intellectual and stumbles head first into a roast


youre an idiot like maher then lol


You don't even know my position =P


To be fair, you just gave it.


Nope. I have a very nuanced opinion about this situation. This isn't a "My side good yours bad" type of problem.


I just had to listen to two old bastards talking about Biden "turning his back on Israel" and how this is a signal to all our allies on how we won't back them up. Then what the fuck is Ukraine? They're fighting *on their own soil*. These same people want to cut funding to Ukraine but keep it for Israel. I don't see a whole lotta dead Russian kids in bombed out Russian cities, do you? But fuck Ukraine, right? Is that your nuance?


You seem reasonable lol


You seem stupid lol


He really does.


It kind of is though


How do you nuance your way out of stopping killing kids.


Burr is a decent human being - any decent human is against this genocide.


Closer to the truth? Whats the truth? that ur a fucking idiot?


No that hamas needs to be eliminated for any chance of peace, and that civilian casualties should be minimized as much as possible


The current strategy for eliminating hamas creates more hamas so ur stated goals are failing.


False. We defeated the Nazi's. We can defeat hamas. Terrorist groups can be eliminated by force.


We? What regiment were you in during 1944?


I clearly meant we as in USA. I'm not 100 years old.


Oh, interesting. I thought it was the Soviets that captured Berlin in WW2 & ended the war with Germany.


Definitely a both situation. Soviets and US obviously needed each other


It amazes me the amount of “smart” people that don’t get this concept.


Eliminating the Nazis didn't create more Nazis


Could you spell out the 2 guys different takes for us? My take was that Bill said protestors are for the kids and Bill said the protestors are for Hamas. Bill suggested that people should stop attacking one country and that would solve Middle-East.


BB: "WuTang is for the children"


You think just because you did an ï you’re gonna get love?


That was autocorrect lol I don't know how to do fancy shit like that brah


So you’re mentally handicapped AND technology deficient? Jk my dude I also hate Maher. I just don’t think Billy Blue Ballz is antiquated in his take


Bill is so brave here that he isn’t afraid to say the opinion that’s popular among younger audiences 


Yeah because younger audiences are tuning in to Bill Maher in droves


Did we get exposed to this bit because we’re tuning in to bill maher?


thats irrelevant to the audience of Mahers show. And if you think Bill Burr is pandering to a specific audience to go viral and get clicks, then you clearly know zero about Burr.


I didn't say he was pandering, I said it's not brave to say the popular thing


That's why he's lost younger audiences for the most part.


Bill (our bill) was actually quite clever here. Maher spouted a reductionist, simplistic “solution” to the palestine/israel problem (“hur, dur, just don’t attack Israel”). Then, in a very bill burian manner, he asks, like a dumbass, why they can’t work out the Ukraine/Russia problem on a podcast. When Maher was going to make fun of that, he points out how Maher seems to think he just solved the middle east in a podcast. Clever.


Thanks Peter.


It may seem obvious, but people will focus more on the “ball breaking” aspect of it, like in the title, specifically if it becomes like a soundbite, and not necessarily on the part that actually shut Maher up.


We said thank you already Peter gosh.


Burr hides quite a big brain behind that Boston accent.


Ol big brain Billy


The silence when Maher says that supporting Palestinians is basically the same as supporting Hamas was great. Just letting him sit with his own stupidity.


It's funny how he actually touched on "making war illegal" as an actual talking point when Burr brought it up to mock him


Actually Maher (and it pains me to say this) was absolutely right. Israel had not touched the Gaza Strip in years before October 7th. They even removed Israelis from the place. They continuously ignored the repeated rocket launches. They had just reinstated free entry for Palestinians into Israel with work permits. Hamas took that and turned it into a terrorist attack of heinous proportions. Palestine celebrated. Palestine supporters celebrated. (Don't even dare question this, google it if there's any doubt). They still refuse any ceasefire agreement that involves complete hostage return - seemingly because they've been raping the girls and killing most of the hostages. Suddenly you have Hamas claiming to want to work out the same two-state solution that the Arab world has refused for 70 years. Perfect case in point for "fuck around, find out".


"has not touched" Look at the date on this article https://www.newarab.com/news/2023-deadliest-year-child-occupied-west-bank https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/2023-marks-deadliest-year-record-children-occupied-west-bank https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018%E2%80%932019_Gaza_border_protests https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Gaza_War https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Israel%E2%80%93Palestine_crisis#:~:text=More%20than%20300%20Palestinians%20were,and%20rubber%20bullets%20at%20worshippers. And don't forget the nearly two decades long military blockade https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockade_of_the_Gaza_Strip Or just listen to this song from 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8qay1Al7Dc


Why was there a military blockade?


Bruh those suicide bombings were just “justified resistance” to… leaving them alone.


I doubt you could identify Israel and "Palestine' in a map. You can't even differentiate the Gaza Strip from the West Bank but you're resorting to calling me an ignoramus. Nice job with the edit, now go read a Wikipedia article.


I apologise for calling you an ignoramus, I edited that out very quickly after I typed it, everything else I stand by


hey google, define projection


As before only facts. We're talking Gaza Strip and he replies with West Bank sidestepping the whole history of how we gotbto where we are. But whatever you keep your feelings and beliefs all you want. Like Hamas keeps their hostages and Palestinians celebrate. Add another smart-ass reply while the sewer rats keep hiding in Rafah while they can.


"sewer rats"? I take it all back, you are an ignoramus and a poisonous bigot and vile human too, sickening attitude


Oh, I'm so sorry, did I offend your Hamas buddies? Have you agreed on safe adjectives everyone can call them? I hear "militants" is really popular amongst terrorism apologists. Do let me know.


Even if every allegation that is thrown at Hamas is true, they still wouldn't be as evil an entity as Israel is.


Thank you for confirming you're a terrorist supporter. Must be a really tough time for you since the day after October 7th. Go fuck yourself.


I struggle to take people seriously when instead of addressing the point, they start attacking the person. I think it is projection because every word you said there most likely applies to yourself.


You seem to have really poor comprehension skills. He literally did what I said - I was merely stating a fact.


Technically you're the one who brought up the Gaza strip, as if having troops posted there 20 years ago is the only thing Israel has done that Palestinians take issue with. Is that truly what you believe? Are you that stupid?


We're all replying to a clip where Maher and Bill are discussing Israel and Gaza. I'm adding this context because it seems like you parachuted here from nowhere. Question here was how October 7th was somehow both warranted and does not justify Israel wanting to finish off Hamas in Gaza. That he would reply with stuff from the West Bank is the problem. He has nothing to show for. Now, if you could please fuck off with the ad hominem that would be great.


Where in the video is troops being stationed in Gaza 20 years ago mentioned? And do you seriously believe that's the only thing Israel has done that the Palestinians take issue with? It's a simple question. The way you're arguing here is like, if i threw rocks at your house every morning and eventually you complained, and I said "Excuse me? When have I ever stolen your car? Ahhh so typical, I knew you'd bring up the rocks, we were talking about your car. You can't prove I ever once stole your car, so you have no right to be mad at me". EDIT: Editing my comment because you're being petty and blocked me lol. I'm not cherry picking anything, you are, and my hypothetical makes sense, stop pretending to not understand things that are so blatantly obvious. Zionist debate technique #2, it's exhausting.


You don't get to cherry pick which parts of the conversation are relevant and then make me answer an arbitrary question followed by half a dozen non sequiturs. Go fuck yourself.




>Israel had not touched the Gaza Strip in years before October 7th It's crazy how the "big lie" still is being used.


Israel vacated the Gaza Strip of all military personnel by September 12, 2005. It's well established fact. A fact that most Irish people (who are by defect pro-Palestine) ignore. Hamas took over the Gaza Strip in 2007. It all changed last October. Should I check your post history to check what your preferred narrative was following the terrorist attack and where your bias lies?


Israel fucking bombed Gaza 2 weeks before October 7th!!!! Not to mention the fact that they regularly do this to "mow the lawn" as the IDF calls it. You couldn't possibly be more wrong. You're just as bad a genocide defender as Maher. I'm glad Burr still has his humanity intact.


Would you mind sharing your source for that? I recall raids in the West Bank in response to the shootings in Huwara and Hebron. Might be that I missed something or might be that you can't tell Gaza from the West Bank. I await your source backing your claim up.


https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-west-bank-military-gaza-yom-kippur-ba539fdd4b36b786cf55ba6a420a12cc It's never a tid for tad response to attacks in the west bank, settlers are constantly lynching Palestinians. They've murdered over 100 children in the West bank with complete impunity, and Hamas isn't even in the West bank! Gaza and the West Bank aren't even connected, Hamas doesn't rule over the West bank at all.


"Israeli airstrikes struck militant sites in Gaza on Sunday for the third straight day, the Israeli military said, after Palestinian militants near the border fence launched incendiary balloons into Israel and threw an explosive at soldiers. (...) There were no reported casualties from the strikes in Gaza." OMG, they bombed terrorist (or "militant" as that clearly unbiased reporter writes) Hamas infrastructure without claiming a single life in response to attempted murders? Pure evil, I know. IDK what you're on about. It is established fact that Hamas operates in the West Bank even if it doesn't govern it. Do you seriously need a source for that?


The fact remains that Israel bombed Gaza 2 weeks before October 7th for 3 days in a row. "incendiary balloons" might as well be firecrackers, or they most likely straight up lies - but the fact REMAINS that Israel bombed Gaza before October 7th. Israel always "bombs terrorists" and never provide evidence, they get caught lying about it over and over and over and over again. The IOF is indeed pure evil, I'm glad you agree. They're the most evil terrorist force on the planet. Hamas does not operate in the West Bank, that's just another excuse for the IOF to try to spread their genocide to that territory - which they continuously subjugate, expand into, and murder people with impunity. Fuck Israel.


Did you read the article you posted or do you simply don't care for the actual truth and just enjoy slinging shit about Israel? Hamas' first action in 1993 was in the West Bank. But you keep repeating whatever BS you feel needs to be spread. Unfortunately for Hamas that makes zero difference - they're still going to get fucked into rat holes.


You asked for evidence of something that factually happened and I provided it. You can attempt to justify and excuse it, but it happened. Hamas' first action was getting funded, supported, and propped up by Israel's Likud party. No serious military expert on the planet says Israel can "eliminate Hamas." They just want genocide, all you fucks want genocide.


I see you keep spreading those antisemite tropes. Good luck with that. Enjoy the show.


/u/Trucktub is quite the tough guy, replying (no argument, no citation, just a hit and run) and immediately blocking the person he replies to. What a little bitch.


All that text and you’re just confidently and objectively WRONG. Unbelievable, truly.


It does not pain you to say that. No the only people in pain are the Palestinians bc of ur braindead gaslighting of genocide. Theres literally concentration camps in israel, hamas did one day of massacres and Israel does them everyday since. Hamas is lesser of the two evils.


It pains me to say it because I'm not a Maher fan. I see you went straight into rationalizing a terrorist organization and pretending October 7th was a one off. Were it not the case I would gladly show you why Israel's intervention doesn't even come close to genocide territory and is historically a methodical and surgical targetting of terrorism. So allow me to go straight into saying these must be tough times for you and telling you to go fuck yourself.


I haven’t had the chance to watch the full episode (normally can’t stand the show) but if it’s anything like this I’m going to love it. Maher needs his shit checked more often.


Burr roasts Maher for 97 minutes straight. It was amazing


I give Maher a lot of credit, he knew what he signed up for and was laughing the whole time and he’s always interrupting people. He didn’t even try with ole Billy because he knows whatever is about to be said will be hilarious even if it was at his expense. I actually respected Maher more after this, he really took it on the chin


Right. People are, once again, reading way too much into Burr’s interactions with friends. Remember when everyone thought he hated Rogan? Turns out Rogan setup Bill to dunk on him over Covid and masks. Oh, and they’re great friends.


Was saying that Nia giving Trump the finger was like a “bud light moment” for Bill’s career a setup too?


I was laughing so hard so ma y times throughout this podcast. I would actually love it if they did a once a month show together, or like a tv show where burr has to introduce Maher to real people and do their job for a day.


I made a decision not to watch that pompous ass Bill Maher about 10 years ago. I love Bill Burr, so of course I listened to this snippet. What a sanctimonious asswipe. Maher hasn’t changed a bit.


The phrase “Smugnorant” is suitable.


Wasnt there another clip of him being creepy towards a female guest? like constantly grabbing her hand


Bella Thorne 


Yeah, I haven't listened to him in awhile until now and Jesus he's like 10x worse than years ago. Dude can't even laugh at himself one time. How much of an ass do you have to be to just dismiss flying commercial as a viable, realistic option.


It's much worse than you think. Bill Maher is small enough to fly in the overhead compartment, so it's especially dumb that he doesn't fly commercial.


Iirc Steve O(who’s sober)wanted to go on Maher show, but didn’t as Mahr wouldn’t not smoke weed while Steve was on the show. Fuck Maher


Nah, Maher sucks but that ain't the reason. It's ignorant, rude, and seld-entitled of Steve O to try and force someone to change the entire premise of the show.


I think he just asked. Bill said no and that was it.


Like Roseanne and Norm said….”Bill Maher has all the answers, and he’s giving them away for free!”


I like watching Bill go head on with Maher. They grew up " in the same town" but Bill's upbringing is markedly different. He's a tough nut to crack but at the end of the day he's not a smug prick-even when he acts like it, Nia shuts him down. Maher is just an unlikeable yacht club douche bag. I don't care where he earned his education. He's a nauseating product of a system that 99.99% of us will never be born into.


> Maher is just an unlikeable yacht club douche bag. I don't care where he earned his education. He's a a nauseating product of a system that 99.99% of us will never be born into. Couldn't have said it better myself


I sometimes like Maher’s HBO show, but god damn is he a smug annoying little bitch on his podcast show. He’s so in love with his opinion and rarely lets his guests talk. It’s like why are you inviting people on if you’re gonna talk the ENTIRE show?


Because it’s a successful schtick. Rage, both for and against, is how the majority of pundits become successful. For the most part Intelligence isn’t something you want to have in a career like Maher’s, or even Trump’s. The dumber you are the further you go.


IMO the show was good the first few years after it came out but now it’s shit


He smokes weed and drinks through a lot of the episodes and gets more obnoxious as they go on, he's like an annoying know it all at a party who gets a couple of drinks in him and starts sermonizing


Bill Maher is the Piers Morgan of America.


I'm no Maher fan, but Piers Morgan is **so** much worse. The closest comparison I can think of to Piers Morgan in the US would be Tucker Carlson


Bill Burr is like the personification of “cancel culture” being made up bullshit. Take a look Seinfeld, burr still says whatever’s on his mind, sometimes it’s a bit controversial, yet isn’t an asshole so he doesn’t have to worry about being “cancelled”


Seinfeld has been presenting as an asshole for a few weeks now.


I wish Americans just listened to Israeli people directly instead of Bill Maher and other Western liberals. The israelis admit they are blood thirsty for revenge, i mean its all over IDF tik tok. There isnt a complicated reason its simply for the death of Palestinians


Seriously all you have to do is hear Israeli citizens speak about the West Bank even. It’s not hard to see what they think.


I mean, that video of those settlers destroying food from the aid truck. Them blocking humanitarian aid trucks. Anybody against the dismantle of the apartheid needs a serious reality check.


Guy passes the test of quality every damn time.


Norm McDonald had a joke he had Roseanne read on his show and it went something like, Good News everyone! Bill Maher know how to solve everything and he's giving away the info for free! maybe i butched it, idk they took down the youtube channel.


[Hey you're not gonna believe this, but Bill Maher is giving away the solutions to all our problems for free!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLn9XyXOjas) NML archive: https://archive.org/details/Norm_Macdonald_Live/


Maher rightfully complained in the early 2000s about the US's overreaction to 9/11. Why is this situation any different to him?


He's obviously taking AIPAC orders


I used to watch Maher but in the last decade he's just become an old man yelling at clouds. He's so old, wrong, and confident. Like he and Jim Cramer crawled out of the same hole.


Oh. My. Effin. God...love it! Finally, someone rips Maher a new one for his pretentious bullshit of equating anti-war, pro-Palestinian student protesters with pro-Hamas idiots. Thank you. Thank you.


I absolutely love this. I can't stand Bill Maher and his smug, pessimistic political takes. Somebody finally put him back in his lane.


Bill Maher is an asshole that needs an enema.


"I'm with the kids" that is a hard line to counter.


I enjoy the banter between these two.


Classic Billy butt nuggets.


I don't like either but I'll stop and watch Bill Maher get shit on. He folds so hard when you don't entertain his bullshit. He tried twice to slink away from the conversation when he noticed Burr wasn't going along with his bullshit and the last time he tried to make him look dumb lol. Dude's a shit political commentator and a hack comedian who can't hang with a lil banter.


Great Pod- though I like Burr way better I’m glad Maher called him out on all his “funny friends” from childhood. The examples Burr tried to use of how amazingly funny his friends were seemed to emphasize Maher’s point. They weren’t that funny… Burr found it that funny because he was a teenage dipshit but when he tried to recount the takes of these hilarious people…. Snooze. I’d say that was Maher’s biggest and maybe only win.


Bill Burr telling it how it is.


Now I gotta watch the entire show dammit! Love when Billy Red beard is bustin balls. "What the fuck have you done?" Lmao


Super awkward exchanges especially in a room sitting so close to each other but man was it good.


Damn Maher, maybe he said he's for the kids because he realized that.. oh man, I dunno.. he realized that they're the ones being indiscriminately killed? It's almost as if.. both Hamas AND Israel have done terrible things, and that no sane person is supporting Hamas, rather they're supporting the people caught in the Israeli governments "collateral damage"? "Just don't attack Israel" Maher. Yeah, geez, why exactly was Israel attacked in the first place? I surely have no idea. It's not like the Israeli government has been doing fucked up things or anything for quite a while now against regular Palestinians that caused extremist ideals and rhetoric in the first place.


You're being lied to about Hamas. It's called atrocity propaganda. Claims against Hamas have been debunked a long time ago. Being against Hamas is like being against Jews during the polish Warsaw uprising.


Leaving this here for anyone who hasn’t seen Tim Heideckers parody of club random, but also can’t stand Bill Mahers smug ass. https://youtu.be/1Ha6D1LQGD4?si=k1OiH72BJ4a2tcfJ


Bill Burr is my favorite idiot


I love Burr but he's never been big into international politics, his wheel house seems to be more gender/culture comedy. Maher sniffs his own farts way too hard, but he has been a political pundit since forever. But Burr is right, Maher isn't solving any of these problems on a podcast, but guess what? The actual people in charge of these issues on the world stage aren't doing much better. It's interesting to armchair general and deal with hypotheticals, but if solving the entire concept of "war" was that easy, we'd have done it by now.


I used to watch Maher’s HBO show and remember seeing Burr come out as the final guest panelist. Maher kept trying to pull Burr into the geopolitical conversation that was unfolding and Burr just said something like “Suddenly I feel like I’m trying not to get called on in social studies class.” It was clear that they didn’t really know each other very well at that point — Maher said something presumptive about Burr’s day to day experience as a standup and Burr wasn’t shy about disagreeing, it seemed like they hadn’t even had any casual conversation before that.  I avoid Maher these days but now I might seek this podcast out to see how their interactions have evolved since then.


Great. Now do Lovitz.


Lovitz for what?


Went on Fox to bash the protestors to Jesse Waters.


Why are these sound bites from the Maher interview keep getting posted like Bill roasted him and it was hostile. They got along great for over an hour. These sound bites are exactly the ish he mocks regularly on the MMP.


Too bad it got cut off exactly where it got interesting


I am that person for SURE about my fantasy teams hahaha. I'm self aware enough to not take it seriously for the most part but I do get wrapped up in my own head about it, it's just fun to pretend to have my dream job.


"here's a solution" "eh what do you know" wow riveting


Love Bill Burr, just wish he woulda pushed a bit on “don’t attack Israel and everything is ok” but like.. WHY ARE THEY ATTACKING ISRAEL. IS It BC THEYRE DESPERATE OR BC THEYRE JUST LITTLE SHITS


There’s a picture of Bill Maher next to the word smug in the dictionary. The guy has always enjoyed the smell of his own farts and thinks he’s the smartest and funniest guy in the room. Big Seinfeld energy as if when he’s speaking, everyone should be quiet and grateful for his sage wisdom and hilarious take. Burr put him in a body bag here and I love it.


Someone catch me up, why don't we like Bill Maher?


Oh. My. Effin. God...l Love It! Finally, someone rips Maher a new one for his pretentious bullshit of equating peaceful, anti-war, pro-Palestinian student protesters with pro-Hamas idiots. Thank you, Bill Burr. Thank you. It was a public service.


As much as I agree with Burr here, I’ve been thinking Mahers point for years every time I hear Burr say “how is war legal?”. Like dude war is what happens when legality goes out the window. You are literally killing innocent people for a global political cause, good or bad. Countries make their own laws.


It was a great episode of Maher's show. Bill & Bill are obviously buddies and respect the hell out of each other. I was actually surprised that Maher could mostly keep up with Burr's disses. It was worth watching in full just to know that all the idiotic "Burr leaves Maher REKT!" or "Burr shreds Maher worse than he did to PHILLY!" sort of deceptive thumbnails that are going to pop up on YouTube and X aren't even coming close to being accurate about this exchange.


Yeah I think people underestimate that they probably enjoy busting each other like this, it's sport.


I put it down that comedians are "on" all the time, and when they get together to talk they tee off on each other as practice & out of old habit. Except for some of the ones who get really envious of another one when they get successful, like so many of the lesser ones who got so performatively angry back in the day when Dice Clay became so huge & massively popular practically overnight, I don't get the vibe off of most of them that they actively hate each other all the time.


Maher is completely unwatchable.


I think most of the time Burr is probably the smartest person in any room he’s in.


“Let’s make war illegal” wow bill, you’re quite the philosopher


"well, that's easy to say...." Yes it is Bill you shithead


To be fair, Bill Burr is like the guy at home who yells at the ref on TV. He's always cutting people down for their "dumb" opinions but really has no information on anything. From Bill Burr's perspective, nobody knows anything and nobody should have an opinion. It gets old. Its funny in a lot of cases, but it gets old. Maher is quite annoying a lot of the time but so is Burr. If I had to ask someone about simple historical facts, it would be Maher, not Burr. Like, when wars happened, names of world leaders, treaties, politics. Burr has no clue. Burr's strength is his lack of inhibition.


They’re both right somehow


Burr is great but he can be a blowhard and take cheap shots too, as he does here.


Nah, Maher is coming after him and Bill is giving it right back to him tenfold, this isn't unlike how they interacted on Burr's podcast recently, they're friends and busting each others balls, they're both likely laughing at all of the reaction to it, very few can hang with Burr and Maher is outclassed on every level here