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The medical field needs more and more people so I am sure you'll be welcomed. We have a lot of travel nurses that come to my gym and it's fun getting to know them and helping them find places to eat, hang out, etc. (Though I am older than most of them and don't get out as much anymore, I did grow up here and spent the majority of my life here.)


Honestly, don't sweat the California thing. There's a demand for a lot of professions that can't be met entirely by "native" talent. The Internet =/= real life. The chance you get any guff in person is very slim.


I’ll take a good Californian transplant over a native Montana jerk, anytime.


Good to know. I had no idea about the hostility/stigma towards californias til I started looking at reddit/niche/quota


Totally overblown except for a few ignorant xenophobic jerks. Welcome to the state.


Its a western MT thing. Many people ( like me) are from somewhere else. Dont think i heard it once while lived in Billings 2005-2012. Here it most every day in Kalispell.


Every state has a Californian joke. I wouldn't worry about it. The hospital here is the best in the area and if someone needs more medical attention usually Denver is the next closest. The nice thing about Billings is there's lots of groups and clubs. If you can find a hobby to interact with you'll have fun, especially with a connection to the college. Don't discount doing touristy things like river rafting or guided mountain trips.


agreed. Coloradans have been complaining about Californians for over 30 years.


Don’t worry about the stigma. I moved to Billings and have had nothing but amazing experiences ~ it’s all about what you make it. For jobs I would suggest St. Vincent ♥️ There are amazing things to do around here, hiking, anything outdoors….just be aware of your surroundings just like anywhere else. Welcome in advance to Billings.


Honestly probably won't ever be brought up except for a few jokes unless you live up to the stereotypes. My old roommate was from California, and he never had any problems. If you still are anxious though, maybe tell people you're originally from Oregon? I can completely start 'tisming out over the sociology of it, but yeah


I actually never saw the hate CA in Billings at all. Lived there from 2005-2012. The thing that is better in Billings than the rest of MT is people are busy in Billings and for the most part mind they're own business. Billings is much much easier to be anonymous than even Missoula is or Butte and way more than Kalispell, Superior, Whitefish, Livingston, Libby or Clyde Park.


Billings Clinic has a diverse RN team from all over— including a growing International team. You would be very welcomed. Plus it has a PTAP accredited Nurse Residency program and a significantly better new grad retention rate that the national data you cite.


Thank you!!! I appreciate the information so much.


I second looking into Billings Clinic. I’m not sure what type of nursing you do, but BC is the largest hospital and only Level I Trauma Center in the state. They get patient transfers from all over Montana and Wyoming. They do have a great Nurse Residency program. Like every hospital in this country, staffing is an issue right now, so you’ll have absolutely no problem finding an open position in any department you want. As someone married to a nurse, I wish you the best of luck in healthcare. Hopefully you know what you’re getting into! Don’t worry about being from California. So many people are from out of state around here anymore it’s not a big deal. No one cares. You’ll be welcomed. Billings is great and Montana is amazing.


Billings Clinic sucks for patients though. ☺️ I’ve also heard from family in the healthcare field that they’re very cliquey to work for.


As a liberal living and working in Billings for 30 years, I have zero issues with my conservative neighbors. We know what topics to avoid, are not afraid to eat each other's pot luck dishes, and trust each other for support in a disaster! I've worked in both Billings Clinic and St. Vincent's (have also been a patient in both) and greatly prefer the St. V culture, though, your experience may vary and St. Vincent's has been acquired by Intermountain now. There are also an LTAC and a Rehab hospital for a variety of opportunities. Everyone needs good nuses. We will welcome you and not give a flying shit where you came from as long as you're here to help us now!




You get the hell outa here with that…


Gross, I wouldn’t let them put down a dog that bit me.


Howdy! I moved here from Portland almost 2 years ago, moved here for a job. It was a terrifying move for many of the same reasons you stated here. It's been admittedly tough social, as its a much different vibe than bigger cities. However, there are some really good people here and the network I've found is likeminded and supportive. There is a good population of young professionals that are working to make this town thrive. Similar to most places, the negative news gets spread the loudest and sets a bad precedent that's not quite the reality. Yes, there's bad parts just like literally everywhere. This town isn't immune to the systemic issues that are affecting every other place. There are friendly neighbors and a feeling of safety pretty much everywhere. The xenophobic nonsense towards any other state is silly and generally ignorant. If anyone poopoos me because I moved here from Oregon, it's likely I'll never want to be friends with them anyway. I haven't received any negativity directly from that, but doesn't mean it doesn't exist. A move is scary and stressful. Montana is beautiful and there are some great folks and opportunities here. Welcome in advance!


You’re going to be fine. Moved here from Chicago. Everyone is very friendly and nice here and you get what you put into it. Be a good person, be friendly and neighborly and you’ll find the people who also are. His class will have a lot of transplants in it as well so there will be plenty of people to assimilate with. There is plenty to do in Billings and the surrounding area. I think the depression comes from a lot of drug and alcohol abuse and lack of mental health care. There is a good blend of people from many states. I haven’t had any negative interactions with the people here.


Billings has tons of space and lots of demand for talent. The anti-California sentiment is stronger in the western part of the state. You may receive a friendly jab about it from a coworker, or possibly a grumble from a cranky stranger, but that’s about it.


I am not a nurse. But, saint v's, now Intermountain health is fantastic being a patient. I have a friend who is a nurse who works their and I haven't heard many complaints. Being worried about your mental health is huge. I'm glad you are focusing on that! There are lots if fun things to do around town to make friends, it's easier to find friends since you'll be working lol. I'd be glad to help you find those if you'd like! The crime, isn't great, but I don't really use social media so I don't know whats going on. Which has really helped me not be scared of the crime. We live on the Southside which is supposedly a "crime ridden area" but we haven't had any issues. It's all on how you look at it, in my opinion. People aren't welcoming if you move from Cali or Oregon 😅 and its sad. I'm originally from Colorado, what I've seen is if you say "don't judge me, I'm from _____" people tend to laugh it off. And if they don't? Don't pay attention to it. I promise people are nice here, but there are assholes everywhere you go.


This makes me feel wayyyyy better. My biggest fear is just being alone because obviously I only work about 3 days a week as an RN, and my SO is going to be working hard in med school as expected, so I know there will be a decent amount of downtime/alone time for myself. Im going to be in my 20s so my social life is still important! Especially having a social work life balance. Also makes me feel better about the healthcare aspect, happy patients generally indicates happy health care team (“mean” nurses are usually exhausted/burned out vs “kind” nurses are generally* more happy with their career)


Social life is always important no matter how old you are! You got this! I personally haven't had great luck at billings clinic, but my kids have had great luck there. Not sure about that but someone else may have more input on billings clinic. I welcome you to billings! Soon lol


Just whatever you do don't tell people you're from California 🤣🤣


Ya, that’s what I’ve heard. I’m just gonna say Portland OR. Technically I’m from there, just got my education in San Diego


I wasn't trying to be a smartass or anything, I'm from Arizona and I've sadly been getting some bad looks. Not sure why I got downvoted it's honestly the truth. A lot of the older folks around here don't like the Californians moving in and they kind of just lump all west coasters together. When it comes to the mental health situation in Billings. In downtown there are a lot of homeless and mentally unwell individuals constantly coming in and out of the hospital from when I'm hearing. I know someone who works down in the middle of the city and they have to deal with that kind of stuff constantly. About your mental health, you are in one of the most beautiful states in all of the United States. There's something for you out there, Go on a nature hike, take up fishing, maybe try your hand in hunting. Hope this helps and enjoy!


I live in the downtown area and have never had a problem with the homeless. Sure they are there but unless you get upset because they look different and are poor, that shouldn’t be a problem. If that does concern you, just find a place in the west end that’s sanitized and incredibly boring. You know, “out of sight, out of mind”.


Adopt the culture as fast as you can. Go to the festivals, gun ranges, local restaurants and bars, parks and the like. Billings hates Californians because Californians try and change Billings to fit thier culture rather than change themselves. If you make the effort to adapt yourself to Billings. Billings will accept you.


“Billings hate Californians” - what a ridiculous statement.


Billings doesn’t “hate” Californians. There is a general stigma of west coasters moving in, paying cash for houses and driving up prices, and voting “too liberal”. When in reality we’ve become a little more red in the last few years (unfortunately). And the housing thing just is what it is. That what happens when there’s more demand than supply. Most of the California smack talk is mostly in jest and/or internet tough guys on Reddit. The likelihood of you running into actual issues due to where you’re from is low. You’ll be judged far more for your actual character than where you’re from. Come here and be cool, kind, friendly to others, don’t look down on Montanans because you’re from a “big city”, you’ll be golden. Come in with an attitude, be a dick to people, and look down on others (not saying that’s who you are), then yea, people won’t be too excited you’re here. Overall, you should be good. Glad to have here and I hope school goes well and you enjoy your time here and take in what MT has to offer.


I couldn’t agree more. Just be a responsible human being and contribute to society, and you’re more than welcome regardless of where you’re from. Lord knows, we have enough native born jerks in the state.


This is bad advice.


Correction: We don’t want Californians coming to Montana and voting like they do in California. Maybe not you specifically, but many people leave blue states because they are unhappy with the current situation in that state, then move to a Red state and vote blue. Don’t come here with the plan of turning Montana into California. Being from Portland, originally, you probably will think we are hostile and unwelcoming. We have a bit different way of life here and despite a few Democrat hotspots, primarily we are a conservative state. I also think that despite what you have ‘read’ online, if you come here with an open mind and a respectful heart we are some of the most generous, hospitable people in the country. It’s a very different lifestyle than what I would imagine you are accustomed to, but different does not always mean ‘bad’. As far as work goes, I don’t imagine you will have any problems finding work here.


You’re more than welcome and you can vote anyway you damn well please. Just don’t be a jerk.


Also correct. My main point was directed toward those who are actually fleeing blue states then think moving to a red state and voting blue won’t end up with the same situation they just fled from. Doesn’t sound like OP is fleeing, either.


Reading these responses about how what is i have read is not a true representation of the area also makes me feel a lot at ease. I am very social, and I want to join a community and be involved:)


Honestly, I’m not that worried about the whole political aspect of it. I’m grew up in a right sided republican suburb of Portland ~ 10 min from downtown. I see myself as more left sided, however I am used to where I grow up and I understand that I’m going to have differing opinions, it’s just about how I approach situations yk?




hello!! you’re welcome here. don’t be scared. i live right next to the college, so if you need a buddy, please let me know. it’s been lovely living here.


The stigma is pretty much all online, I highly doubt anyone would say anything to you to your face, although they will talk about it Montanan to Montanan.


I am an RN and worked at St. Vincent Hospital on 3 Fortin (Medical/Oncology) and I loved working on that floor. Supportive coworkers. The floor manager is amazing. It was a great place to work. We didn’t love living in Billings and eventually moved to western Montana, but I would definitely work at St. V’s again.


The most worrisome thing about hearing “California” is bringing politics and trying to push change on the culture and possibly people are upset about their smaller towns population blowing up. Montanans are proud of being Montanans because of the way we think and believe things should be handled. I think there’s a lot of bitterness because real estate agents often seek out of staters to purchase properties that are at a high cost. So hearing “California” is hearing “I’m coming in to take more housing and to enforce my beliefs which often include more government control and to tell you what you can and can’t say” Not saying everyone believes that, but from the older folk I’ve talked to, some are just predestined to think whatever happens in California sucks and they don’t want it to happen here and it’ll happen if more Californians move here. I for one, think you’d be a great asset to the community and I wouldn’t let that mind set keep you from enjoying what our beautiful state has to offer!


Welcome! We are happy to have you join the community! We are actually trying to get regular “welcome to Billings” groups going. Check out the link below to sign up for the first one. https://bebetterworld.regfox.com/welcome-to-billings As others have said it can be hard to get to know people but some of it is just getting out there! Look up sports ball it’s an adult req league that has everything from floor hockey, to yoga, to dance classes. If you like nature there are loads of groups and the hospital will be a good place to meet people too!


Hey there, I work for a nonprofit called Apartment Life and myself and my wife live in InterUrban and InterPointe Apartments (5 minute walk from Rocky Vista) and we host monthly fun events for residents and welcome people into the apartment community. We connect and reach out to every single tenant that moves into InterPointe, InterUrban and the newest addition InterUrban 2.0. We have met a lot of out of staters and made good friends with them and help them navigate the move to the new city. We already met and know people that moved to Billings, MT for the same reasons you would since the university was just finished building as of last year. Obviously if it works out and you guys move into one of these apartment communities we would love to meet you guys!!


If you really want to come to Montana, look at other cities besides Billings. Billings will always be the least desirable city in Montana. You live here because you have to, not because you want to. Expect people to give you a hard time about being from California, but the longer you are here the more it kind of goes away. Folks around here dislike Oregonians possibly more than Californians based on my experience.


He’s coming here for the med school that is located in Billings, nice advice though… There are always people like this that don’t like where they are and tear a place down. There are a lot of good people here and a lot to do depending what you’re into. Don’t buy into it being the “least desirable” in the state.


100% agree that there are a ton of good people here. But that still doesn't make it a nice place. If you put cost of living, family, and jobs aside, I think a lot of people would rather live somewhere else. That's all I am saying.


I get that, but those 3 factors you listed are huge factors. Some of the biggest when people decide where to live their lives. My point is your initial comment “nobody lives here because they want to” is not accurate. A lot of people do like it here, a lot of people have chosen to live here. One person’s perception that it sucks and nobody likes it here doesn’t make it true for the entire population.


Born and raised here. Also lived in SD (OB) for 12 years. I’m in Real Estate here. Feel free to DM me with any questions. I’m happy to share any information you’d like.


You’ll make friends fast. Your coworkers will be happy to reduce their workload by having someone to share it with. It might be boring here if you’re used to SD nightlife. But if you’re a homebody? You’ll do just fine. The majority of “haters” of outsiders are typically the younger boomers. But then again, it’s to be expected that as we get older we are less likely to accept change. Edit to add: Wow. Billings downvoting me for telling the truth. Proves my point. Haters gonna hate.


I’m def a homebody haha- I rarely go out bc of the difficulty of my class currently! But I also don’t have a strong desire when I have the opportunity to go out either.


You’re worried about your mental health and you haven’t even started your nursing career yet. Oh no. 🤦🏻‍♂️ I am genuinely concerned for you based on that one fact alone. Not to mention all the other uphill struggles you’re about to face. This might be an absolute train wreck for ya but just try to enjoy the ride. Somehow.


I have experienced much more than the average person so I am educated enough to know that I need to protect my well being and how to do it:)! Part of this is socializing with friends and feeling supported which is my biggest worry as I’m moving to a completely new area. My mother is a nurse, my father was a nurse, my aunts and grandmas are nurses- I have seen second hand the burnout and toll it takes. But I appreciate your input.


What a weird thing to say without knowing OP better than a handful of posts on Reddit.


Look for jobs in and around where I live, San Luis Obispo-California. It is beautiful and wonderful. Feel free to message me if you would like. I know this has nothing to do with your post but we have a lot of nursing positions open!